A Robust Approach For Gender Recognition Using Deep Learning
A Robust Approach For Gender Recognition Using Deep Learning
A Robust Approach For Gender Recognition Using Deep Learning
Abstract— Gender information using facial patterns serves an finally fully connected layers. Thus accuracy is improved to a
important use in various user interaction applications. This large extent , with the use of CNN for facial recognition and
paper proposes an approach based on Convolutional Neural analysis.CNNs are easier to train as compared to traditional
Networks to identify gender from faces. The network is trained classifiers. Also they have fewer parameters than fully
using back-propagation and Adam optimization. Using connected multi layer perceptron networks and are robust to
convolution operations, performance of proposed CNN network shape and transformation variations[2].
is evaluated on publicly available CASIA face recognition
dataset. The proposed network is able to process 640 x 480 pixel In this paper, we propose a robust and effective method to
face images in a very less time. A combination of convolutional classify gender using CNN. The network architecture has
and max pooling layers is used and classification accuracy of lesser number of layers and parameters as compared to
98.5 percent is achieved in just 50 epochs. The results on CASIA existing methods. We conduct experiments on 2500 images of
benchmark prove that a superior classification performance can CASIA face recognition dataset, along with image
be attained by using Convolutional Neural Networks for gender augmentation to provide a good amount of training data to the
recognition. The accuracy attained is more than earlier methods network. It is observed that by using Adam optimization and
used for face recognition. backpropagation, the training accuracy converges in lesser
number of epochs and outperforms various existing methods
Keywords— facial patterns, gender, CNN, deep
used in gender recognition from facial patterns.
learning,computer vision
The remaining paper is classified as follows. Section 2
describes the earlier work done in the field of face recognition
and deep learning. Section 3 explains the architecture of
I. INTRODUCTION convolutional neural networks and the proposed use of this
Facial images help a great deal in terms of information architecture in our gender recognition system. Section 4
needed for various applications involving human interaction. provides the experimental results and Section 5 concludes the
Computer vision researchers have been working on paper.
development of systems that make use of this reliability of
human systems. In this paper, gender classification from facial II. RELATED WORK
images is the main focus.
Authors worked on unconstrained face images for gender
Research shows that the differences between masculinity recognition in LFW dataset, based on prior knowledge of pose
and femininity can help to improve performances of biometric and demographic parameters[3], attaining an accuracy of
systems and computer vision applications. There are various around 90% using PHOG descriptor and SVM. Other
challenges like deciphering facial expressions, removing descriptors like Gabor descriptors were used along with Fuzzy
background noise etc. that have to be dealt with in this LDA classifier which considers facial images to be in more
process. Thus there arises a need of developing robust than one class[4].
algorithms that can achieve gender classification with high Gonzalez-Sosa et al.[5] worked on estimation of gender ,
ethnicity, age and presence of glasses from faces in LFW
Conventional approaches of face recognition involve dataset, to tackle facial recognition in unconstrained
image preprocessing, feature extraction and further environments. The accuracy attained was 98.2%.
classification. Thus performance is highly dependent on the Levi and Tassner developed a convolutional net architecture
type of classifier used and the number of features extracted. which proved appropriate for age and gender recognition on
The advantage of using CNNs is that these multilayer Adience benchmark[6]. Gender estimation using this method
perceptrons achieve feature extraction, dimensionality gave a mean accuracy of 84.6%. Authors have worked on
reduction and classification, all in one network[1]. This is different architectures of CNN, training strategies and their
done by using convolutional layers, max pooling layers and
application on three popular benchmarks to solve the problem In this paper, we have been able to solve the task of gender
of gender classification[9]. recognition by using deep convolutional networks, which help
Shan worked on LFW benchmark using local binary patterns to attain high accuracy, with results being better than many
and SVM classifier to achieve an accuracy of 94.81%[10]. existing approaches. The proposed architecture using deep
Interests in CNNs for facial recognition was revived and convolutional networks has been described in the following
authors continued to work on deeper layers of Convolutional section.
neural networks .
Mirjalili and Ross[11] devised techniques in which facial
images were modified and then soft biometric utilities like III. DEEP CONVOLUTIONAL NETWORKS
gender were mined. While gender classified gives a result
which is perturbed, face matcher retains its utility. A. Convolutional Neural Networks
Many such experiments were conducting by modifying Convolutional neural networks make use of convolution to
existing images to attain information of soft biometric traits extract various features from the input[14]. It makes use of
like age and gender . Another experiment on the FERET filters for the process of convolution, in which various features
database gave a classification rate of 94.7 %, with the help of of the image would be extracted. Given a filter of size k x k,
CNN. The use of FERET benchmark has been used in various an image of size n x n is convolved with each filter to give k
research works in a controlled environment as it was easier to features. Thus, the output image would be of size (n-k+1) x (n-
use them as compared to other datasets with faces in the k +1). The filters start from top right corner and move
wild[12]. Other datasets like ImageNet have been used [13] downward, then left to right to perform convolution.
for the problem of gender recognition using deep
convolutional neural networks.The problem of overfitting has
to be taken care of while using CNNs due to a huge number of
model parameters.
Authors obtained a record accuracy of 97.31% on LFW
dataset by using minimalistic CNN and 10 times lesser
number of training images[14].
The use of local binary patterns was done along with the use
AdaBoost classifier on Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW )
dataset by authors in [15] . This is a challenging dataset and so
a robust system was required to identify faces in unconstrained
environments. Coco et al.[16] worked on use of DNN for Fig.1. Convolution applied to layers
recognition of gender and how using a lower cardinality of
training examples can bias the performance of the system. These layers are followed by pooling layers which reduce the
An approach for gender classification using single neural resolution of features. The most generally used method of
network was given by Titive and Bouzerdoum [20] in which pooling is Max pooling, which subsamples a given image by
an average classification accuracy of 97% was achieved. Afifi picking the maximum values from a matrix[15].
[21] has worked on solving gender recognition task using a
large dataset of hands, as they give important gender related
Biometric identification is playing a major role in ensuring
security and privacy of individuals in many applications these
days.Various traits like face, fingerprint and iris are used to
identify a person. In applications using facial recognition, a
single image can give us valuable information like gender,age,
ethnicity etc. The gender recognition task is very important as
well as challenging .Faces may not be identified due to
differences in pose, illumination and expressions. It is possible
that a biometric system might misidentify an individual in
high risk environments. Making use of soft biometrics ( which
includes attributes like age, gender etc.) can help to obtain Fig.2. Results after Max pooling
valuable information about an individual and solve
identification problems. Besides solving problems like The use of non linear functions helps in distinct identification
shadowing and lighting, use of gender recognition can also be of likely features in each layer. The most commonly used non
used in video surveillance where faces are detected at a linear function is ReLu, or rectified linear unit, which is given
distance, without personal cooperation. Thus, a lot of accuracy by the function[19]:
and therefore, robust algorithms are required in dealing with Y=max(0,x) (1)
such challenging problems.
This function removes any negative values from the output 2. This layer is followed by 2 convolutional layers with filters
and makes sure that input and output layer sizes are the same. of size 5 x 5 which would extract features from the image of
It trains the network faster than other non linear functions like the previous layers. 64 filters are used. Every layer is fused
tangent, sigmoid etc. The fully connected layers of CNN sum with max pooling layers and the activation function used in
weights of the previous layers and decide a final result by ReLu i.e rectified linear unit, as it is better option as compared
involving previous layers to get an output feature. to other activation functions.
3. The output image from the previous layers is fed to the next
two convolutional layers using same size filter, 128 in number.
This is followed by another four layers, 256 convolving filters
of size 5, and 512 convolving filters of size 5.
A fully connected layer is used at the end of this network with
a dropout factor of 0.8. The fully connected layer uses a
softmax layer . The use of dropout helps to reduce the case of
overfitting, which is quite common in case of convolutional
neural networks. The softmax layer helps to find the
Fig.4. Fully connected layer probability with which each image falls in a particular class:
i.e whether the person is a male or female.
● OpenCV
● Python 3.3
● Tensorflow (tflearn)
● Platform : Virtual Machine on Google Cloud with 30 GB
● Visualization: Accuracy and loss of the model have been
visualized using Tensorboard.
F. Adam Optimization
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