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Automated Attendance System With Multi-Faces Using Convolution Neural Network (CNN)

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Automated Attendance

defined as “The action or state of going regularly to or

being present at a place or event". It is said that
system with Multi-faces students with poor attendance have poor academic
achievement(Ahmedi,Nandyaletal.2015). The teacher
using Convolution shall keep a suitable record on a regular basis only for

Neural Network (CNN)

registration that takes a long time and can be hectic
(Krishnan,Renukaetal.2016). After several years of
development, biometric testing is used. One of the
most popular biometric tests is facial verification.
Zunaira Naveed Biometric factors need to recognize acceptance,
uniqueness, durability, measurability and efficiency
Department of Computer Science &IT (Jogiji,Ghateetal.2017).In modern society, biometric
systems have played a huge part in the recognition
Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Pakistan system. These systems can identify individuals from
their physiological or behavioral
mailto:Zunairanaveed85@gmail.com features(YounisandMuhammad2018).
Over the previous few years, biometric face recogniti
on technology has received a lot of attention due to it
Abstract— Today, data provided by internet- s broad spectrum of applicability in law enforcement
connected intelligent machines is growing gradually.
and institutes and organizations. The
To process most of the
data produced by the Internet of Things(IoT), it requi face recognition model can also recognize the individ
res an effective and efficient system. CNN is used to ual's contact without touching the person.
classify images and perform image identification in Furthermore, the face recognition system also helps
scenes. Deep learning is the developing technology to
that is used to process huge amounts of information prevent crime, since the captured image can be stored
efficiently. Authentication is the main problem in this in a repository and can be useful in many ways in ide
exclusive world of data systems.
ntifying a person.
Several methods have been used to solve this issue an
d various techniques have been actually employed to Face recognition applications are introduced on socia
solve this problem. Face recognition is one of the mo l media pages such as Facebook, entrance to airports,
st secure varieties. The only facial recognition system railway stations, bus stop, extremely fortified regions,
offers automatic property. This article praises an advertising, and health care. These applications
algorithm based on convolution neural networks minimize criminal jobs and fake authentication.(Kha
(CNN) for face detection and recognition that beats n, Harous et al. 2019).
ordinary methods.
The main problem with this approach is that due to se
A smart student attendance classroom is provided wit
h face recognition to validate the performance of the parate viewing perspectives, illumination or shadowi
suggested algorithm. The proposed system achieved ng it suffers from
97.9 percent precision on the test information. This an uncontrolled variation of face images. Scientists pr
recommended system for automatic attendance system oposed a range of local feature filtering alternatives t
seeks to be less time-consuming compared to the o address this challenge to obtain solid face recogniti
current system for marking attendance.
Deep learning is focused on a system of face recognit
Keywords— Automated attendance system, ion that delivers outstanding efficiency in comparison
Attendance system, Multi-faces recognition, with current methods. Deep learning methods use ma
CNN, Attendance system in classroom. chine neural network architects to acquire and classif
I. INTRODUCTION y facial vectors from raw facial images(Zhiyao and Di
The popular medium for verification of identity are
The complicated features exclusively recognize the di
pins and passwords, used for security (Bae, Cho et al.
fferent images by using different hurdles such as illu
2015). According to Oxford dictionary attendance is
mination, posture
and aging for face recognition reasons, and large data
sets are required.
Over the previous few years, there has been an
Face recognition techniques use the convolutional
increase in facial recognition systems. With limited f
neural network (CNN) to train face data sets and
aces in the image, most facial recognition systems are provide high accuracy as it takes characteristics from
presently expected to perform well. faces automatically and learns these attributes. In the
Similarly, these methodologies provide suitable facial domain of computer vision, deep learning performs a
poses and images that are not blurred. In making the very significant role as face recognition, segmentation,
optical character recognition, and age assessment.
schools smart, face recognition also has its impacts. Neural network software inventing is capable of
The accuracy of the identification task has describing the picture or video events.
significantly improved for the sake of
deep learning algorithms
due to the availability of high computational energy.
The suggested algorithm uses the Convolution Neural Fig 1: Face recognition building blocks
Network, a deep learning methodology for attaining The following construction blocks are generally
efficiency when image has multi faces. comprised of facial identification schemes:
i. Facedetection: A face detector removes the
II. LITERATURE REVIEW facial characteristics in the picture if it finds
Kohonen presents that a simple neural network the facial place back with bounding box
could perform face recognition aligned and normalized coordinates.
face images. The network is used to calculate a face
classification by calculating the autocorrelation matrix ii. Face alignment: In face alignment face
of the face images, known as "eigenfaces". A feasible images are crop with same size on the basis of
effort was needed for specific alignment and landmarks, created by landmark detector. Fig
normalization(Zhiyao and Di 2019). Since we b and c shows the landmarks on faces.
understand that recognizing multiple faces is a very iii. Facematching: Templates are used to match
challenging job, to resolve this issue shallow training images in picture recognition, and other
and deep learning are well- known methods which rely methods such as HAAR characteristics and
on supervised learning. In order to achieve an estimated Gradient Histogram are used.
outcome, most of the methodologies use the Labeled
Faces in the Wild (LFW) for face recognition. The two-
sided image was intended in parallel with the front
image (Sivic, Everingham et al. 2009). The model is
practiced on a 92.4percent exact LFW dataset (Chen,
Cao et al. 2012).
86 percent accuracy was obtained by using the (a)
dataset and 93.1percent accuracy was achieved by
using LFW dataset. (Parkhi,Simonyanetal.2014). The
Hollywood Movies data collection was accurate to 90.7
percent using the spatial orientation field (Sivic,
Everingham et al. 2005). The convolution neural
network was used to acknowledge the image as it (b) (c)
deleted the features from the convolution neural
network's last inserted. 45 percent accuracy was
managed on LFW dataset(Sun, Wang et al. 2014).
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other multimedia instruments to create intelligent
environments (Pacheco, Flores et al. 2018). To make
classrooms smarter deep learning methods are (a) Bounding boxes found by a face detector.
used(Winer, Cooperstock et al. 2002). The proposed (b) and
architecture used the Convolution Neural Network for
the purpose of detection and recognition. (c) Aligned faces and reference points.
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