Face Recognition Attendance System Based On Real-Time Video
Face Recognition Attendance System Based On Real-Time Video
Face Recognition Attendance System Based On Real-Time Video
1 178
2 authors, including:
Eiti Jain
SAM College of Engineering Bhopal
All content following this page was uploaded by Eiti Jain on 05 December 2022.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 184 – No.6, April 2022
production; face detection and recognition attendance tracking to a know one based on the similarity of recognised attributes.
interface setup using real-time video sorting The experimental Recognition software has a wide range of uses, including
findings show that attendance management system delivers intelligent safety and security systems, biometrics,
the predicted timing & attended outcomes using facial safeguarding, verification, and attendee tracking, Machine
recognition and a computer, demonstrating that the entire vision, for example. Biometric identity methods are being
methodology is feasible. Students who completed the created dynamically because traditional methods of
attending sign-in system accomplished their responsibilities identification, such like keys or passwords, do not give a high
swiftly, got rid of the confusing roll call sign, and rapidly level of dependability. The face has a lot of benefits over
grasped the sign of operations and function. Future other approaches for determining a personality:
technology timing and form of attendance tracking
conversions have made significant advancements, • The individual does not have to be physically approached,
dramatically enhancing the rates of attending and the and it's the most common method for bulk applications.
dependability of face recognition technology. It is worth of • There is no need for intricate or spend at least.
your researchers' further investigation and realisation.
Any organisation that wants to analyze its members' success
Nowadays days, technology attempts to convey a large
in part dependent on attendees must keep track of their
amount of knowledge-based technical advancements. Deep
attendance. Automated tracking that is exact and time and cost
Learning is an intriguing subject that allows a machine to
efficient is thus a pressing demand for today's large
educate itself using data as inputs and then deliver an
companies and enterprises. The process of face recognition
acceptable output throughout testing using various learning
may be characterised as the comparison of a still digital
techniques. Nowadays, attendance is seen as a critical aspect
picture still or frames of a video produced from a video file to
for both students and teachers in educational institutions. With
face images or attributes of existing facial images with the
the progress of deep learning technology, the computer can
aim of verifying or identifying an individual. This is
now automatically recognise the kids' attending performance
accomplished by comparing facial traits from a picture to
and keep records of it. In generally, a student's attendance
faces in a collection. Because of its common use in security
management system can be kept in two different ways,
devices, the method may be likened to other finger print or
eye iris recognizer. It is preferred because it is contactless and
non-invasive, despite the fact that it is less accurate than iris
Manual Attendance System (MAS)
and fingerprints identification. This innovative, yet divisive
technology offers a wide range of applications, including Automated Attendance System (AAS).
improved human-computer interaction, video surveillance,
automated picture indexing, and video databases, among Manual Student Attendance Management is a method in
others. Figure 1 depicts the entire process in a diagram to help which a teacher in charge of a specific topic must manually
visualise the series of events. called the students' names and record their attendance.
Manually attention may be viewed as a time-consuming
process, and it is possible that the instructor will miss
someone, or that pupils will respond to the absences of their
friends many times. As a result, the issue emerges when we
consider the usual method of collecting class attendance. We
use an Automated Attendance System to address all of these
difficulties (AAS).
Nowadays days, technology attempts to convey a large
Fig.1 Systematic flow of generic face recognition
amount of knowledge-based technical advancements. Deep
Monitoring attendance of students in each session is a Learning is an intriguing subject that allows a machine to
moment task for university professors, especially when educate itself using datasets as input and then deliver an
courses are big. Facial recognition is a method of recognising acceptable output during testing using various learning
or verifying a person's identity in photographs, films, or in techniques. Nowadays, attendance is seen as a critical aspect
live time. The attending system can track employee for both students and teachers in educational institutions. With
whereabouts and date of checking in/out, as well as the results the progress of artificial intelligence technology, the computer
will be recorded down. The attendance system will next can now automatically recognise the kids' punctuality record
process the information and provide timesheet records. and keep a record of it. In generally, a student's attendance
Students face a tremendous hardship if punctuality is tracked management system can be kept in one of two ways: Manual
by hand. To solve this issue, a smart and automatic attendance Attendance System (MAS) or Automatic Attendance
system is being built. One of the technologies for detecting Management (AAS).
people and monitoring their attendance is facial images. To
use this technique, the problem of proxy and student been Input is passed through numerous "layer" of neural network
labelled current even if they're not physically there may be models in deep learning models, each of which provides a
readily solved. The gadget would therefore save not just time, reduced version of the data to the next layer.
but also the dedication that professors were supposed to bring
to each lecture.
The majority of algorithms perform effectively on datasets of
Face identification system, which is used to autonomously just few thousand characteristics or columns. Unfortunately,
locate faces on video or identify people, is gaining popularity. an unorganized dataset, including one derived from a picture,
The definition of "recognition" is the attribution of the has so many characteristics that this approach becomes
examined item to one of recognised classes. "Identifying" is inefficient or impossible. Machine learning algorithms can't
the process of determining the identification of a known thing handle 2.4 million parameters in a single 800-by-1000-pixel
RGB colour picture.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 184 – No.6, April 2022
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 184 – No.6, April 2022
Each face image in the database is converted into a vector and Step 6: Obtain the eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
located in a training set S.
𝑢𝑖 = 𝐴𝑣𝑖 , 𝑖 = 1,2,3, … . 𝑛 – 1.............................(7)
S = {Γ1, Γ2, Γ3, … … Γ𝑛 }.............(1)
3.1 HAAR
Haar characteristics are made up of two or three rectangle.
Candidates' faces are scanned and examined for Haar
characteristics relevant to the current stage. The weight are
constants that the learning method generates. As seen in Fig.
4.4, there are many different types of characteristics.
Step 4: Subtract the mean/average face vector.
The original faces are subtracted with the average face vector
and the output result is stored in the variable 𝛷𝑖
𝛷𝑖 = 𝛤𝑖 − 𝜑𝑖 = 1,2, … , 𝑛......................(4)
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 184 – No.6, April 2022
3.2 AdaBoost compares the picture of the recorded face to the photographs
in the face database. Finally, the database was updated with
Face detection is a computer algorithm that detects the the attendance information of identified attendees as well as
location, size, and posture of a person's face in a photo or the time collected during detection. At the exit door, the same
video sequences. Face detection is a hot topic in the computer procedure is followed, with two separate timings being
vision world; finding a human face in an image is critical for recorded for the final computation of engaged time for each
applications including face identification, video surveillance, attendance.
HCI, database administration, and searching picture
databases. Viola and Jones created the most successful face
identification method based on the Adaboost classifiers.
Although their system proved successful in detecting faces, it
has issues with false alarms, which may become more
difficult in the existence of a complex backdrop. False
positives can cause issues in an applications and require
further postprocessing to eliminate. We offer a probabilistic
strategy to adjust the scoring system of the Adaboost
algorithm as our contribution to reducing the amount of false
positives, which involves the extension of important concepts
and supported experimental findings over the previous
Captions The overall real-time human detection and face
recognition framework consist of video input then captured,
face detection, face value detection, face recognition and
attendance record. The system's framework is depicted in
Figure 6. The system begins with a picture obtained from the
entry video camera. Two cameras were employed, one for Fig. 8 Face Recognition
entry records and the other for exit records, one at the This photo of Rashmi is visible in the figure 8 picture and
entrance door and the other at the departure door. Attendees' through that photo we can count the presence of Rashmi and
faces were photographed and sent into the system for face no one can cheat in it because first the camera will recognize
detection. The technology will detect the face once it has been the face, only then the presence of Rashmi will be there. , if
spotted. First, take an image from a camera and detect a face, the face camera does not recognize the face, then at that time
then use a har and deep learning algorithm to categorise the there will be absence of Rashmi.
object of the face and gather face value features, then compare
with the existing data base. The face recognition module
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 184 – No.6, April 2022
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 184 – No.6, April 2022
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