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Automated Attendance System Using Opencv: Abstract-Student Attendance Mainframe Structure Is

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2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO)

Amity University, Noida, India. June 4-5, 2020

Automated Attendance System Using OpenCV

Naman Gupta Purushottam Sharma Vikas Deep Vinod Kumar Shukla
Department of Information Department of Information Department of Information Amity University
Technology, Technology, Technology, Dubai, UAE
ASET, Amity University ASET, Amity University ASET, Amity University vshukla@amityuniversity.ae
tatar Pradesh, India Utatar Pradesh, India Utatar Pradesh, India
namangupta2412@outlook.com psharma5@amity.edu vikasdeep8@gmail.com

Abstract—Student Attendance mainframe structure is which the major unique features of the individual face will
defined to manage the student's class attending files using the be stored in the dataset after the procedure of detecting and
concept of face detection and recognition through open understanding. The conventional standard techniques for
computer vision. The principle reason this system has been put analyzing the student participation in certain addressing are
forward is to improve the traditional attendance system of is to physically sign the attendance sheets in a PC framework
various universities to avoid the misuse of time and assets. The for investigating them. This is dim, annoying and inclined to
pointing-sides of automation world have forced an idea of mistakes as students would sign for their missing classmates,
switching from standard attendance to the digital system by making this strategy ineffective. Utilization of the face
using face detection and recognition methods. This is how the
identification and acknowledgment framework in lieu of the
Student Attendance structure is being developed by
introducing the dataset of an individual. The major reason of
customary strategies will give a faster and compelling
building this system is to improve the adaptability and technique for capturing understudy participation precisely
performance of the attendance system procedure besides while offering a secure, steady and strong restrictions of the
reducing the long term time load, work and disposables used. framework records, where upon approving; one can get to
The main purpose of the Student Attendance markup them for any purpose like organization, guardians or even for
structure is to perform, adding and manipulating attendance the under captive studies themselves.
notes of an individual, automatic calculation on number of
The main challenge faced by the banking industry is that
presentees and absentees based on subject and affability of the
a lot of illegal transactions takes place leading to a lot of
class and then generates the automated document or
spreadsheet. This idea is completely based on general purpose
money loss of the customer. Also big data helps in analyzing
language named as python through which we use the concept the account through which banks are able to know repaying
of open computer vision. For face detection system we used capacity of the borrower. With the help of big data, banks
haarcascade and for face recognition, we used LBPH model; can examine the information to track the customer’s behavior
then the training of individual student happened and finally in real time, which would help the industry with the
the system generates the spreadsheet which provides the no. of requirements needed at any instant of time.
students present in classroom with an image or video capturing

Keywords: LBPH, OpenCV, Facial Analysis, KNN

Upholding attendance is very essential in all the institutes
for keeping check on the reliability in education. In depth of
the institutions, student markup attendances are being
standardly taken by creating the actual use of attendance file
or notes issued by the departmental arch. The teacher takes
the attendance manually by calling out each student’s name Fig. 1. Automated Attendence Using High Defined Camera [2]
to check whether he/she is present in the class or not. This
procedure is boring, time killing and false as students often
gives wrong calls for their absent classmates. This process II. LITERATURE REVIEW
also makes it harder to change the attendance of each and DIGITAL IMAGE PROCEDUREING
every student in a huge classroom. In this program, we Computerized picture methodology manages the supervision
created the design and used a variety of techniques like face of advanced frames through a computed PC and the
exposure and understanding system to automatically detect sublimely of sign and frameworks yet centered especially on
the students in a class and mark their attendance by capturing
the pictures. Plunge centers around building up a PC
his/her frames. Some biotech metric methods of assimilation
can be increased perfectly, students normally had to wait for framework that will perform technique on a picture. After
longer at a time they arrived the room for attendance. Face that picture analyzing proficient calculation and given a
understanding is to choose owned to the non-invasive nature picture as a yield. Digital frame analyzing techniques are
and familiarly as the people primarily recognize the other inspired by three majority applications essentially:
individual based on their facial features. This facial biometric
structure basically consists of the enrolled procedure in 1. Improving the pictorial dataset for human decrement.

978-1-7281-7016-9/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 1226

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2. Image/Frame preparing for self-ruling machine *Colors of the face.
*Width of different pieces of the appeared face like lips,
3. Efficient capacity and transactional. nose, and so on.

Fig. 2. Digital Image Processing [2]

Item identification is rarely one of the PC advancements,

which associated with the picture preparing and PC visionary
and its cooperates with recognizing certain occasions of an
article, for example, human images, building blocks, trees,
vehicles, and so on. The improvement point of face Fig. 3. Facial Analysis [2]
identification calculation can be decided if there will be any
faces in the frame or not. Face capturing is a first and most
basic advancement for face acknowledgment, and it is III. METHODOLOGY
generally utilized to differentiate faces in the frames. It is the
piece of item understanding and can be use in numerous A. General Overview
divisions. As we all know that Python is the general programming
language with limitless advantages and friendly syntax code.
How the Face Detection Works:- Python is the scripting programing language mainly it was
There are numerous systems to recognize faces with the first being used for system administration task and
assistance of these strategies so we can differentiate faces automation. Even also you can write your paper now in
with higher provisioning. These systems have practically variety of notebooks and put then as a resource work. The
same technique for Face understanding. Initially the pictures main reason to opt python is its image processing capabilities
are imported by giving the dimensions of the picture. At that as there are as many frameworks and definitely there is no
point the image is to be changed from RGB to Grayscale shortfall of packages and libraries in it. Our project which is
frame in light, in fact it can be anything, but it makes it based on image processing for attendance system is
difficult to recognize faces in the grayscales. The following especially integrated on open computer vision which
stage is to utilize Haar-Like highlights calculation, which is provides tremendous power to the concept.
propounded by Voila and Jones for face recognition. This Some of the python packages/modules using in the
calculation is utilized for finding the area of the human faces project are:-
in an edge or picture. Every human face shares some general
properties of the human face like the eyes are darker than its 1. Numpy - library that contains scientific computing,
neighbour pixels and nose locale is more brilliant than eye path of multidimensional array object, linear algebra
area. The directions of x, y, w, h which makes a square shape and Fourier transform.
confine the image to demonstrate the area of the face or we 2. Tkinter - python inbuilt library that creates
can say that to demonstrate the district of enthusiasm for the interactive simple GUI apps, text, editors, games,
picture. After this, it can make a square shape enclose the etc.
territory of intrigue where it recognizes the face.
3. OpenCV - library that contains high level
How Face Recognition Works:- understanding, automate task and recognition.
So as to see how the Face Recognition works, let us 4. PIL - library used to manipulate images and python
initially figure a thought of the idea of an element broadly in reflecting codes.
vector. Each Machine education calculation takes a given
database as information and gained from this certain 5. Pandas - library used to analyze data and value over
information collected. In calculation experiences the specific axis.
information and distinguishes designs of the information or
data. There are numerous things in which we can take In our project we are essentially using Pycharm IDE
which is a software environment situation use to write other
humans as an example:
types of programs used tools like editor or a compiler. It
*Height/width of the particular faces. proved to be a highly useful tool when code using various
languages for multiple reasons and requirements which
*Height and width cannot be dependable since he picture makes your life so much easier. There are many advantages
could be rescaled to a smaller faces. Be that as it may, even of using Pycharm as an IDE as it is code insight, better
in the wake of rescaling, what remains unaltered are the readability, debugger, resource management, increased
proportions – the given proportion of structure of the face to efficiency, collaboration and project management as well.
the certain width of the face that won't change.


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which every single pixel has the value out of possession of 0
to 255.

Fig. 4. GUI & Spreadsheet

B. Face Database
In automated attendance system, there are generally 3
methods to create customized dataset so that one can use face
recognition and detection to acquire certain results for
satisfying ones requirements, they are given as:-
Fig. 6. Face Detection Using HAARCASCADE [3]
Use open computer vision and webcam – In this method,
you need a particular person to create and gather the certain For marking the attendance of individual students we use
datasets which is loaded in system using the computer vision some pre-trained xml file names such as
library. haarcascade_frontal_face.xml, haarcascade_eye.xml and
haarcascade_profileface.xml which loads the input in a
Capturing the frames from live video – This method is grayscale mode. After that we find the particular face or
similar to earlier method but the different is that it create a students face on webcam it will return to the positions of
live video of multiple individual from which it extracts disclosed faces using the function Rectangle (x, y, w, h).
certain data frame by frame loop in it. Once we got these locations, we can now detect the multi
Saving the acquire dataset or frames in our database – In scale function of student and can create roi gray or roi color
this phase we don’t need a physical appearance of an faces which is able to create two frames in color as well as in
individual instead we use a public figure of strong online gray scale by applying eye detection on the student face in
presence. We can download face API, programmatically the real time situation.
download the image of faces from various different platform.
D. Face Recognition Using LBPH and KNN
Different approaches applied in project:-
LBPH - For face recognition, one of the best concepts is
LBPH (Local Binary Pattern Histogram) in open computer
vision. LBPH is used to compile the local structure of an
image/frame with its neighbor frames of each pixel.
It takes a certain pixel as a center and threshold against
other. If the quality of the pixels is greater than equal to the
neighbor then it will give ‘1’ else it will give ‘null’. So with
surrounding pixel combinations we get local binary figures
or local codes.

Fig. 5. Capture dataset

C. Face Detection Using HAARCASCADE

Haar-wavelet is the sequence of rescaling square shaped
functions which is very identical to Fourier analysis. It was
first inclined by Alfred Haar in 1909 and they were like From our personal experience LBPH is somewhat better
convolutional neural networks for kernel’s which provides approach for face recognition than Eigen faces and Fisher
the relevant features for face detection. Haar feature contains faces which is used to treat data in terms of vector and
three face as edge features which can detect edges quite provides high dimensional space frames which is either bad
effectively and line features can detect lines quite effectively or non-identical but in LBPH it provides low dimension
and the Four-rectangle feature. So there are white pixels and space which is identical and better for recognition. The
black pixels in real images, it consists of gray scale image in concept of LBPH used in the attendance system is to


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recognize the face of whole classroom with 96% accuracy
rate or to preserve some discriminant data to linear analysis
which occurs in fisher’s face algorithm. So in order to get
good recognition rates we must needed at least 8(+-1) frames
for each individual person and in our project we aim to
obtain 20-30 frames per person to prevent the less
recognition rate.

Fig. 10. Object Detection Bby Tensorflow [9]

MICROSOFT FACE API – Microsoft azure is a cloud

Fig. 8. LBPH RECOGNITION [9] computing service which provides cognitive services with
variety of API’s names as face, vision, smile, emotions,
KNN – K-Nearest Neighbor classifier is specific of the gender, age etc. The company assures that the face API
regression and classified recognition term in machine provides 99% accuracy rate of the program using face
learning. The concept is similar to other face recognition but recognition or dlib type libraries in it. The face API would
it is non-parametric, which means it could not make any build with different functions like to detect and recognize the
assumptions on the basis of generated data other than what is human faces and would return rectangular faces of that
known as the lazy learner or memory based learning. This particular location. The ability and reliability to process
approach is a way of finding similarity with the near vector variety of human faces information is very different in
representation of the objects and after then comparing those technology scenarios. Examples situations like security,
vectors with the apportion distance formula’s like Euclidean environmental user interface, management, application
distance. Majorly we use face recognition library with KNN development, robotics etc.
algorithm, which provides 97.35% of accuracy rate and
applicable in various social media networks like Facebook
which is noticeably in this field, as 2 billion monthly users IV. RESULT
update/upload around 350 million photos which provides Applying this project in the real world we can achieve a
social media with infinite sources of acquiring dataset which lot of things such as getting attendance done by the faculty
was earlier announced by Mark Zuckerberg. with no proxy, which in turn could help in saving time. This
will be beneficial in every university in which there is a
problem with attendance. Through this students would not be
able to mark attendance for their friends and vice versa. This
will be beneficial for faculty as well, as this will definitely
save their time and they will not have to get a head count of
students present just to crosscheck whether proxy attendance
has been marked by any of students or not. This project will
develop the ecosystem of the schools and universities, so the
technology is going to revolve around us. This software
provides some future scope to develop a device in each and
every class and the developer can provide an application for
attendance system for specific university with the specified
subject. This software when exposed to the real world can
Fig. 9. Face Recognition Using Knn [6] make a difference in attendance of students and help in time
management or reliability among the professors to teach with
E. Alternative Ways for Face Recognition no attendance marking problems or to carry registers. This
TENSORFLOW – The substitute way of using face software solves the real world issue with schools and
recognition is tensorflow in which we use the CNN universities.
algorithm which is convolution neural networks. It works on
connecting patterns of neurons activated by biological V. CONCLUSION
processes. After that detection of face takes place using open It tends to be assumed that the strong, secure, quick and a
computer vision in haarcascade with some xml documents. productive stable class participation used to execute
Then it converts the tensorflow model into tensorflow lite for frameworks have been created supplanted the normal and
object detection. In computerized attendance system we erratic framework. This face discovery becomes the
required to use tensorflow but we don't have external devices acknowledgment framework with the free clock, diminished
and high rated camera. Hence, this is the alternative way for the measurement of work that is done by the organization
face recognition for our project. and supplants the stationary substantial at the present being
used for officially existent electronic hardware. There is no
further requirement for the certain equipment for establishing
the groundwork as its just use a personal computer, a digital
camera and for alternate use webcam. The camera assumed
to a critical work in the working of the plan subsequently the


Authorized licensed use limited to: Heriot-Watt University. Downloaded on September 23,2020 at 14:40:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
picture qualitatively and execution of the cameras attendance of the students present in the class. The other
continuously position must be tried particularly if the improvement we made is to connect the project to a server
specific framework is worked from the live camera feeds. and link it with the parent email id thereafter we can give the
monthly attendance report of the student to their parents via
Automated Attendance System has been imagined to email for the student’s progress.
diminish the downsides in the customary manual frameworks
occurring in schools and universities. This participation
framework exhibits the utilization of picture handling REFERENCES
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