Automated Student Attendance Management System Using Face Recognition
Automated Student Attendance Management System Using Face Recognition
Automated Student Attendance Management System Using Face Recognition
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Received: July 17, 2018; Accepted: August 13, 2018; Published: September 13, 2018
Attendance management system is a necessary tool for taking attendance in any environment where attendance is critical.
However, most of the existing approach are time consuming, intrusive and it require manual work from the users. This research
is aimed at developing a less intrusive, cost effective and more efficient automated student attendance management system
using face recognition that leverages on cloud computing (CC) infrastructure called FACECUBE. FACECUBE takes
attendance by using IP camera mounted in front of a classroom, to acquire images of the entire class. It detect the faces in the
image and compares it with the enrolled faces in the database. On identification of a registered face on the acquired image
collections, the attendance register is marked as present otherwise absent. The system is developed on Open Source image
processing library hence, it is not vendor hardware nor software dependent.
Student Attendance, Face Recognition, Face Detection, FACECUBE, Cloud Computing
Instructor role: The instructor can also create a account management, course management etc.
personalised account, setup personal time-table, initiate FACECUBE sends notification to both student and
request for attendance using his/her handheld device when in instructor ahead of a class.
class and can generate attendance list after class anytime and When a request for attendance is initiated by an instructor
anywhere. from the web platform, FACECUBE windows service takes
Administrator role: The administrator is responsible for the request details, get the classroom the request was made
setting up IP cameras in different classrooms on the system from, by using it IP address to locate and start the camera in
as well as other administrative activities including user that class to begin image acquisition.
34 Ofualagba Godswill et al.: Automated Student Attendance Management System Using Face Recognition
The system uses IP Cameras mounted in front of a registered for the course being taught when the images where
classroom irrespective of their location to continuously captured is processed. On correct identification of a student
capture image of the entire class at set interval, throughout face, the attendance register for the course is flagged as
the period of a lecture and sends images over the internet to present for the student, otherwise absent.
the cloud server for processing. The server processes the
images by identifying/detecting the human faces contained, 4.3. System Design
extract the faces and matches them with the enrolled faces of FACECUBE is designed to run part of its components in
the students stored on the database. on-premise local server as well as on a cloud server.
During the process of face matching, only the students that
The users interact with FACECUBE through its web the data into a lower dimensionality space [11].
application interface. Suppose G is an N2x1 vector, corresponding to an NxN
The local server connects all the IP cameras in different face image I.
classroom locations using a router. It also host the windows The idea is to represent G (F=G - mean face) into a low-
service that runs on the background when the server is dimensional space:
powered. The windows service gets or post request to the
cloud server using a web service call. Fˆ - mean = w1u1 + w2u2 +...wKuK(K<<N2)
The cloud server host the web application the windows Computation of the eigenfaces [14]
service and users interact with. The web application Step 1: obtain face images I1, I2,..., IM (training faces)
components are: Step 2: represent every image Ii as a vector Gi
Face Enrolment: The enrolment process involves creating Step 3: compute the average face vector Y:
face templates from set of images taken with a webcam. The
face template are stored in the database for face recognition. 1
Image Storage: All images acquired from the IP camera Ѱ Г
video live feed as well as student enrolled face templates are
converted to binary and stored in the database.
Step 4: subtract the mean face:
Image Enhancement: Most times, acquired images have
darkness probably as a result of poor lightning in the ɸ Г Ѱ
environment. Before these images can be used for enrolment,
detection or recognition purpose, it has to be normalized. Step 5: compute the covariance matrix C:
Normalization enhances the accuracy of face detection and
∑ ɸ ɸ = AAT
recognition. This process begins by converting the RGB
image into a gray scale. Histogram normalization is then
Where A = [F1 F2... FM]
applied for contrast enhancement.
Step 6: compute the eigenvectors ui of AAT
Face Detection: This is the ability to recognise human face
Step 6.1: consider the matrix AT A
in an image. FACECUBE uses Haar Classifier for its face
Step 6.2: compute the eigenvectors vi of AT A
detection. Haar classifier is a face recognition algorithm
trained with thousands of human faces with different face ATAvi = µivi
positions and lighting condition. FACECUBE uses this
algorithm to detect multiple faces in an image and draw a Step 6.3: compute the M best eigenvectors of AAT: ui = Avi
rectangle on each detected face. The face images are Step 7: keep only K eigenvectors (corresponding to the K
extracted and resized to 100x100. largest eigenvalues)
Each face (minus the mean) Fi in the training set can be
represented as a linearcombination of the best K
ɸ ∑ Wjuj, (wj=uTjFi)u j ’s is called
Each normalized training face Fi is represented in this
basis by a vector:
!% , 1,2, … . ,
Further test was carried out by deploying FACECUBE on attendance management system called FACECUBE.
Microsoft Azure cloud environment. Using cloud platform will FACECUBE takes attendance by using IP camera mounted in
make compute intensive task faster. This will also enable front of a classroom to acquire images of the entire class,
scalability from a single machine to clusters of servers on a detect the faces in the image and compare with the enrolled
public or private cloud infrastructure and improved performance. faces in the database. On identification of a registered student
Cloud platform could also help in commercialising FACECUBE face on the acquired image collections, the attendance
as a pay per use software service. register is marked as present otherwise absent.
The system is designed to be cost effective with no
5. Conclusion specific vendor hardware and software required for
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