MP3.0 XS
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice. 2006-2010 Copyright by Siemens Switzerland Ltd We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject thereof. By acceptance of the document the recipient acknowledges these rights and undertakes not to publish the document in full or in part, nor to make it available to any third party without our prior express written authorization, nor to use it for any purpose other than for which it was delivered to him.
Table of contents
1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 About this document .........................................................................................9 Safety.................................................................................................................12 Safety notices.....................................................................................................12 Safety regulations for the method of operation ..................................................14 Standards and directives complied with.............................................................16 Release Notes....................................................................................................16 Installation ........................................................................................................17 System requirements .........................................................................................17 Cerberus Engineering Toolset ...........................................................................17 IP settings for several network cards .................................................................19 Starting program.................................................................................................19 Exiting program ..................................................................................................19 GUI .....................................................................................................................20 Overview of the program window.......................................................................20 Menu bar ............................................................................................................21 Toolbar ...............................................................................................................23 Help and tooltips.................................................................................................23 Pre-settings ........................................................................................................25 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.5.6 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 Quicktext settings................................................................................25 Firmware files settings ........................................................................26 Internet settings ..................................................................................26 Settings for periphery update tool.......................................................27 General program settings ...................................................................27 'Site' settings .......................................................................................28
Task cards..........................................................................................................28 Task card components .......................................................................................29 Roll bars and window separating lines...............................................................30 Expanding and collapsing the elements in the structure tree ............................30 Multiselection......................................................................................................30 Navigating within the program window...............................................................31 Status bar ...........................................................................................................32 Designation of problems and displaying errors..................................................32 Cerberus Remote ...............................................................................................34 Dynamic loading.................................................................................................36
5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 8 8.1
Program administration...................................................................................38 File name and version ........................................................................................38 BDV name and versioning..................................................................................38 BDV import .........................................................................................................39 Firmware name and versioning ..........................................................................39 Firmware import..................................................................................................40 License key L1 and L2 .......................................................................................40 Program operation ...........................................................................................41 Creating a 'Site' ..................................................................................................41 6.1.1 Editing the 'Site' properties .................................................................42 Creating a 'Station' .............................................................................................43 Creating an element ...........................................................................................44 Replacing an element.........................................................................................45 Deleting an element............................................................................................45 Editing an element..............................................................................................46 Copying properties in the table...........................................................................46 Entering predictive text .......................................................................................46 Copying, cutting and pasting an element ...........................................................47 Moving an element .............................................................................................48 Re-addressing elements ....................................................................................48 Linking elements.................................................................................................49 Finding................................................................................................................51 Finding and replacing .........................................................................................52 Creating reports..................................................................................................53 Exporting an XML ...............................................................................................56 Exporting an SIB-X .............................................................................................56 Displaying license key status (L1 or L2).............................................................57 Connectivity and communication with 'Station'............................................58 Connecting the PC to the station........................................................................58 Disconnecting PC from the 'Station' ...................................................................58 Connecting Cerberus Remote............................................................................59 Loading data to the 'Station' ...............................................................................59 Initializing 'Station' ..............................................................................................60 Loading configuration from the PC to the 'Station' .............................................60 Loading configuration from the 'Station' to the PC .............................................62 Loading event memory to PC.............................................................................63 Loading the 'Site' log to the PC ..........................................................................63 Merging two 'Sites'..............................................................................................64 Updating the firmware......................................................................................65 Updating the firmware of the 'Station'.................................................................65 8.1.1 8.1.2 'Site' conversion ..................................................................................65 Conversion log ....................................................................................65
Configuration - Overview.................................................................................67 'Hardware' task card ........................................................................................69 'Station' ...............................................................................................................69 10.1.1 Intervention concept (IC).....................................................................70 Power supply......................................................................................................71 Onboard I/Os......................................................................................................73 Line card (FDnet/C-NET) FCL2001-A1..............................................................76 I/O card (programmable) FCI2008-A1 ...............................................................77 Detector parameter sets.....................................................................................78 External alarm indicator......................................................................................79 'Detection' task card ........................................................................................81 Creating 'Detection tree' .....................................................................................81 'Area'...................................................................................................................82 11.2.1 11.2.2 11.2.3 11.2.4 Alarm verification concept (AVC)........................................................82 Immediate global alarming..................................................................84 Alarm organization mode ....................................................................85 Switching times for 'Unmanned operation'..........................................86 'Automatic zone'..................................................................................86 'Manual zone' ......................................................................................87 Technical zone....................................................................................88 'Sub-system zone'...............................................................................88 'FSE zone' [DE]...................................................................................88 'Flow switch zone' ...............................................................................88 'Sprinkler zone'....................................................................................89 'XC10 zone'.........................................................................................91 Multi-detector dependency .................................................................97 2-zone dependency ............................................................................98
'Zone' ..................................................................................................................86 11.3.1 11.3.2 11.3.3 11.3.4 11.3.5 11.3.6 11.3.7 11.3.8
Linking detection tree with hardware tree ..........................................................99 'Collective line' via input/output module FDCIO223 .........................................100 Redux module [DE] ..........................................................................................102 'Controls' task card ........................................................................................103 Control tree.......................................................................................................103 Alarming control group .....................................................................................104 12.2.1 12.3.1 12.3.2 12.3.3 12.3.4 12.3.5 12.3.6 12.3.7 Automatically isolating remote transmission.....................................106 Cause of element 'Universal evac control'........................................108 Effect of element 'Universal evac control' .........................................110 Properties of element 'Universal evac control'..................................111 Cause of element 'Phased evac control'...........................................113 Effect of element 'Phased evac control'............................................114 Properties of element 'Phased evac control'.....................................115 2-stage evacuation, special case [GB] .............................................115 Evacuation control group..................................................................................107
Fire control group .............................................................................................118 12.4.1 12.4.2 12.4.3 Cause of element 'Fire control' .........................................................118 Effect of element 'Fire control'...........................................................121 Properties of element 'Fire control' ...................................................122
Counter control group.......................................................................................124 Extinguishing standard interface SST [DE] ......................................................125 External alarm indicator....................................................................................130 Loop sounder, loop sounder/beacon, and base sounder.................................131 Base sounder with direct activation..................................................................132 Sounder line via input/output module FDCIO223.............................................133 Control line via input/output module FDCIO223...............................................135 Addressable alarm indicator FDCAI221 ...........................................................136 'Operation' task card ......................................................................................138 Global system configuration .............................................................................138 13.1.1 13.1.2 Master clock ......................................................................................138 'Country settings'...............................................................................138 Basic settings ....................................................................................139 'Visibility' Variants...........................................................................140 'Standard visibility'.............................................................................140 'Standby visibility' ..............................................................................142 'Expanded visibility' ...........................................................................143 LEDs .................................................................................................144 Standard keys Assigning functions ................................................149 Favourite keys...................................................................................154 Changeover function .........................................................................155 FT2010/FT2011 core and configuration groups ...............................158 Visibility .............................................................................................162 LEDs .................................................................................................163 Function keys ....................................................................................164 Element 'LED ind./mimic 24 LED groups' .........................................166 Element 'LED ind./mimic 48 LEDs' ...................................................168 Configuring mimic display driver FT2001 .........................................171
Person Machine Interface (PMI).......................................................................139 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.2.3 13.2.4 13.2.5 13.2.6 13.2.7 13.2.8 13.2.9
Floor repeater terminal FT2010 and floor repeater display FT2011 ................158 13.3.1 13.3.2 13.3.3 13.3.4
LED indicator FTO2002 and mimic display driver FT2001 ..............................165 13.4.1 13.4.2 13.4.3
Event printer .....................................................................................................171 Fire department periphery [DE] ........................................................................174 EVAC panel [NL] ..............................................................................................179 Alarming equipment (UGA) [FR] ......................................................................182
14 14.1
'Network' task card.........................................................................................185 Global network configuration............................................................................185 14.1.1 14.1.2 14.1.3 14.1.4 14.1.5 14.1.6 14.1.7 14.1.8 Creating a standalone 'Station' .........................................................185 Creating networked 'Stations' ...........................................................185 Configuring a 'Station' as a router station .........................................186 Configuring a 'Station' as GAP .........................................................187 Configuring GAP with DHCP server .................................................187 Manual allocation of addresses in the sub-nets ...............................188 Entering routes for external access to extended networks via GAP 189 Setting network speed for SAFEDLINK ............................................191
Establishing connection from PC to FS720 network........................................191 Monitoring Ethernet switch (MM) and safety module (firewall) ........................192 Connecting management stations using BACnet/Ethernet..............................193 14.4.1 14.5.1 14.5.2 14.5.3 14.5.4 14.5.5 14.5.6 Planning BACnet configuration.........................................................194 Configuring global BACnet settings ..................................................194 Disabling switch-off and switch-on messages ..................................195 Delegating multiple alarms for 'Zones'..............................................196 Configuring BACnet client.................................................................196 Monitoring BACnet client ..................................................................197 Configuring 'Standby visibility' for the management station .............199 'BACnet device object' Overview ...................................................199 Global BACnet configuration ............................................................................194
BACnet device configuration............................................................................199 14.6.1 BACnet transaction control ...............................................................200 Configuration of the BACnet communications stack, including BBMD function .............................................................................................200 Configuring a 'Station' as BBMD.......................................................201 Configuring all stations......................................................................202 14.6.2 14.6.3 BBMD entry (BDT entry) ...................................................................202 BACnet Notification Class Element ..................................................203
14.7 14.8
Checklist for network and BACnet configuration..............................................205 MP1XS site configuration status ......................................................................207 14.8.1 Converting configuration in accordance with BDV 32 ......................208 Index ................................................................................................................209
The information in documents A6V10211076 and A6V10210416 is prerequisite for configuration of the fire detection system with the engineering tool kit FX7230. This document is valid for the market package MP3.0 XS.
Target groups
The information in this document is intended for the following target groups:
Target group Commissioning personnel Activity Qualification Has obtained suitable specialist training for the function and for the products. Has attended the training courses for commissioning personnel.
Configures the product at the place of installation according to customer-specific requirements. Checks the product operability and releases the product for use by the operator. Searches for and corrects malfunctions. Carries out all maintenance work. Checks that the products are in perfect working order. Searches for and corrects malfunctions.
Maintenance personnel
Has obtained suitable specialist training for the function and for the products.
The source language of this document is German (de). The reference version of this document is the international version in English. The international version is not localized.
The reference document has the following designation: ID_x_en_-x = modification index, en = English, -- = international
Document identification
Position Title page Information Footers Last page Product type Product designation Document type Document ID ID_ModificationIndex_Language_COUNTRY Edition date Document ID Edition date Manual (product line) Register (table of contents for whole documentation, folder register)
Supplementary information and tips The 'i' symbol identifies supplementary information and tips for an easier way of working, for example.
Technical terms
Term ES C-NET Explanation Product version Addressed detector line
Applicable documents
Document ID A6V10210355 A6V10210362 A6V10210416 A6V10211076 A6V10224853 A6V10244705 A6V10260976 009122 Title FS720, Fire Detection System, Description FS720 Fire Detection System, Planning FS720 Fire Detection System, Commissioning, Maintenance, Repair FC72x/FT724, Fire Control Panel / Fire Terminal, Operation FS20 Fire Detection System, External Printer, Application Note FS720 BDV normal mode vs. BDV expert mode, Description FS720 Fire Detection System, Site Conversion FDCIO223 input/output module, technical documentation
History of changes
The reference document's modification index applies to all languages into which the reference document is translated. The first edition of a language version or a country variant may for example have the modification index "d" instead of "a" if the reference document already has this modification index. The table below shows this document's history of changes:
Modification index d Edition date 06.2010 Brief description Edition for MP3.0 XS: History of changes redefined and standardized, dynamic loading, merging two 'Sites', network configuration, management stations via BACnet/Ethernet, route entries for installation, new FDCAI221, general chapter structure c b a 08.2009 05.2009 08.2008 Chapter 8.2.2 restructured Chapters and recreated Modifications for MP1XS First edition
2 Safety
2.1 Safety notices
The safety notices must be observed in order to protect people and property. The safety notices in this document contain the following elements:
Symbol for danger Signal word Nature and origin of the danger Consequences if the danger occurs Measures or prohibitions for danger avoidance
Additional danger symbols These symbols indicate general dangers, the type of danger or possible consequences, measures and prohibitions, examples of which are shown in the following table: General danger Voltage/electric shock Battery Explosive atmosphere Laser light Heat
Signal word
The signal word classifies the danger as defined in the following table: Signal word DANGER Danger level DANGER identifies a dangerous situation, which will result directly in death or serious injury if you do not avoid this situation. WARNING identifies a dangerous situation, which may result in death or serious injury if you do not avoid this situation. CAUTION identifies a dangerous situation, which could result in slight to moderately serious injury if you do not avoid this situation.
Nature and origin of the danger Consequences if the danger occurs Measures / prohibitions for danger avoidance
Electrical installations
WARNING Electrical voltage Electric shock Work on electrical installations may only be carried out by qualified electricians or by instructed persons working under the guidance and supervision of a qualified electrician, in accordance with the electrotechnical regulations.
Wherever possible disconnect products from the power supply when carrying out commissioning, maintenance or repair work on them. Lock volt-free areas to prevent them being switched back on again by mistake. Label the connection terminals with external external voltage using a 'DANGER External voltage' sign. Route mains connections to products separately and fuse them with their own, clearly marked fuse. Fit an easily accessible disconnecting device in accordance with IEC 60950-1 outside the installation. Produce earthing as stated in local safety regulations.
If you require tools such as a ladder, these must be safe and must be intended for the work in hand. When starting the fire control panel ensure that unstable conditions cannot arise. Ensure that all points listed in the 'Testing the product operability' section below are observed. You may only set controls to normal function when the product operability has been completely tested and the system has been handed over to the customer.
Prevent the remote transmission from triggering erroneously. If testing building installations or activating devices from third-party companies, you must collaborate with the people appointed. The activation of fire control installations for test purposes must not cause injury to anyone or damage to the building installations. The following instructions must be observed: Use the correct potential for activation; this is generally the potential of the building installation. Only check controls up to the interface (relay with blocking option). Make sure that only the controls to be tested are activated.
Inform people before testing the alarm control devices and allow for possible panic responses. Inform people about any noise or mist which may be produced. Before testing the remote transmission, inform the corresponding alarm and fault signal receiving stations.
Components and spare parts must comply with the technical specifications defined by Siemens. Only use products specified or recommended by Siemens. Only use fuses with the specified fuse characteristics. Wrong battery types and improper battery changing lead to a risk of explosion. Only use the same battery type or an equivalent battery type recommended by Siemens. Batteries must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Observe national guidelines and regulations.
Personal injuries or damage to property caused by improper use and incorrect application Personal injuries or damage to property caused by disregarding safety instructions in the documentation or on the product Personal injury or damage to property caused by poor maintenance or lack of maintenance
We have checked that the content of this document matches the hardware and software described. Despite this, we cannot rule out deviations and cannot therefore assume liability for them matching completely. The details in this document are checked regularly and any corrections needed included in subsequent editions. We are grateful for any suggestions for improvement.
Release Notes
Limitations to the configuration or use of devices in a fire detection installation with a particular firmware version are possible. WARNING Limited or non-existent fire detection Personal injury and damage to property in the event of a fire. Read the 'Release Notes' before you plan and/or configure a fire detection installation. Read the 'Release Notes' before you carry out a firmware update to a fire detection installation.
Incorrect planning and/or configuration Important standards and specifications are not satisfied. Fire detection installation is not accepted for commissioning. Additional expense resulting from necessary new planning and/or configuration. Read the 'Release Notes' before you plan and/or configure a fire detection installation. Read the 'Release Notes' before you carry out a firmware update to a fire detection installation.
3 Installation
3.1 System requirements
Component Processor Main memory Hard disk CD drive R/W Network connection Screen resolution Colours Minimum requirements Pentium M1.6 512 MB 400 MB, better still 1 GB of free memory Available Ethernet RJ45 1024 x 768 65535
Operating system Acrobat Reader Browser Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista (32-bit version only) Version 6 or higher Internet Explorer or similar browser
Administrator rights to the OS of the PC are required for the installation of the software.
Firmware package FXS7211 Cerberus Engineering Tool FXS7212 Base data variant (BDV) FXS2004 Set of help documents FXS7216
When the Cerberus-Engineering-Tool is installed, the two routes in the table below are entered in the PC's network settings. Network address Network mask Gateway address Metric 10 10
Persistent routes
Installation paths
During installation, you can change the standard installation paths offered. You can change various paths subsequently within the program, but you must then move the respective folder manually to the new location. We do not recommend that you change the program path after successful installation in the program. You can change the following standard installation paths during installation:
Target directory C:\Program Files\Siemens\FX7230\"VersionID" 1 Common data directory C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Siemens\FX7230\"VersionID"
Log file directory C:\Documents and Settings\"User name"\Application Data\Siemens\F-FX7230\\"VersionID" 1\Logfiles The path for the log files cannot be changed afterwards.
If you install a version of the program with another major or minor version, new standard installation paths are created. The existing installation paths are retained. See also File name and version [ 38]
Once the data has loaded from the PC to a 'Station', the standard gateway for the Intranet/Internet can be overwritten when initializing a 'Station' or disconnecting a connection to a 'Station'. You can specify the IP settings for the connection to the FS720 network manually. For manually specified IP settings for the FS720 network, there is no conflict with a DHCP server in the FS720 network.
If you have manually specified the IP settings for the FS720 network, you must also change the manually specified network settings when changing the connection between a direct connection to the 'Station' and access via FS720 network.
Starting program
You can start the program as follows:
Click the program symbol on the desktop. In the task bar, click on 'Start' > 'Programs' > 'Siemens' > 'FX7230' > XX_xx_Version > 'F-FXS7212'.
Exiting program
You can exit the program as follows:
In the menu bar, click on 'File' > 'Exit'. Click on the 'X' button in the title bar.
If you have made changes in the program and not saved these, a window opens asking 'Do you want to save the changes?'.
The Cerberus Engineering Tool distinguishes between normal BDV mode and expert BDV mode. The detailed explanations of the buttons relate to expert BDV mode. For details of normal BDV mode, please refer to document A6V10244705, Normal BDV mode vs. expert mode.
Program window
Menu bar
The menu structure and menu items are fixed for each task card. Individual menu items may be shaded out depending on the task card selected. Menu items that can not be run are shaded gray. There are the following main menus and submenus:
Submenu New site Open Save Save as ... Site properties Import new BDV Import new FW package Import new help SiB-X export Reports Site export (XML) Compare sites Recently opened 'Sites' Exit
Description Opens the 'Create new site' window Opens the existing configuration of the 'Site' Saves the current configuration of the 'Site' Saves the current configuration of the 'Site' under a new name Opens the 'Site properties' window Imports a new BDV Imports new firmware Imports new Help file Exports configuration data definitions in SIB-X format Opens the 'Reports' window Exports 'Site' data in XML format Compares configurations and BDVs Opens one of the recently opened 'Sites' Exit Cerberus-Engineering-Tool Opens the 'New station' window Opens the 'New station with address' window Opens the 'New element' window Undoes the last action Restores actions that have been undone Copies selected elements/subtrees Cuts selected elements/subtrees Pastes (inserts) copied elements/subtrees Pastes copied elements without children elements Deletes selected element Replaces element template Decreases the address of the selected element as well as all higher elements by one Increases the address of the selected element as well as all higher elements by one Opens the wizard to merge two 'Sites' Converts the configuration of the 'Site' Opens the 'Conversion log' window
New station New station with address New element Undo Redo Copy Cut Paste Paste without children Delete Replace element Change element address: -1 Change element address: +1 Merge sites Convert site &Show conversion log
GUI Menu bar Find Find and replace Find next Show problems Show all problems Opens the 'Find' window Opens the 'Find and replace' window Jumps from one hit to the next Opens the 'Problems' window Opens the 'All problems' window Opens and closes the 'Assign' window Cancels link Interrupts communication with the 'Station' Initializes networked 'Station' Loads the configuration of the 'Site' to the 'Station' Loads the configuration of the 'Site' to the PC Loads the event memory of the 'Site' to the PC Loads log files from selectable 'Stations' to the PC Loads the diagnosis data of the 'Site' to the PC Updates the firmware of the main CPU Updates the firmware of additional CPUs Updates the firmware of peripherals Updates the firmware of the MCL-USB adapter Updates the firmware of the detector exchanger and tester and the intelligent detector tester These devices are not available for Cerberus PRO. FW update FDUL221 line tester FW update serial FDUL221 line tester Updates the firmware of the line tester Updates the firmware of the line tester with serial interface
Assign Unassign Disconnect Initialize station Download site Upload site Upload site event memory Upload site log files Diagnostics report
FW update main CPU FW update additional CPUs FW update standard peripheral device FW update FDUZ221 update box FW update FDUD29x detector tester/exchanger
Reset network configuration Reset subnet network configuration Convert to GAP Convert to SafeDLink host Convert to ethernet host Create GAP configuration
Uses standard values for the IP addresses and network masks of all sub-nets. Overwrites all manual changes to these values. Uses standard values for the IP addresses and network masks of the selected sub-net. Overwrites all manual changes to these values. See chapter 'MP1XS site configuration status [ 207]' for site configuration (BDV <32)
GUI Toolbar Help Help View additional documents About Opens the documentation overview Opens a file selection window for additional documents Opens the window with details of the installed version
The toolbar allows the operator to access functions quickly. The following functions can be run directly via the toolbar:
Symbol Menu Item 'New site 'Open' 'Save' 'Reports' 'Copy' 'Cut' 'Paste' 'Paste without children' 'Delete' 'Undo' 'Redo' 'New station' 'New element' 'Help' 'Find' 'Download site' 'Upload site' 'Assign' Deletes selected element Undoes the last action Restores actions that have been undone Opens and closes the 'New station' window Opens and closes the 'New element' window Opens the documentation overview Opens the 'Find' window Loads the configuration of the 'Site' to the 'Station' Loads the configuration of the 'Site' to the PC Opens and closes the 'Assign' window Description Opens the 'Create new site' window Opens existing 'Site' Saves the current configuration of the 'Site' Opens the 'Reports' window Copies selected elements/subtrees Cuts selected elements/subtrees Pastes (inserts) copied elements/subtrees Pastes copied elements without children elements
Help Tooltips
There are three ways of calling up the Help function:
Press <F1>. Select 'Help' > 'Help' from the menu bar. Click on the symbol in the toolbar.
A PDF document containing an overview of the documentation opens. To open a document, click on its name in the overview.
Tooltips are windows within the program with context-sensitive detail information. Tooltips are shown when the mouse pointer is moved over a panel or name of a register in the detail editor.
GUI Pre-settings
The pre-settings for the program are in the 'Preferences' window. To open the 'Preferences' window, click on 'Options' > 'Preferences'. The 'Preferences' window has the following views:
'Editing preferences' 'Firmware package preferences' 'Internet preferences' 'Periphery update tool preferences' 'Preferences' 'Site preferences' Click on 'Restore Defaults' to restore the standard settings. Click on 'Apply' to adopt the changed settings.
The pre-settings are described in the following chapters. If you change program paths then you must move the respective folder manually to the new location. The name "VersionID" in the following is the wildcard for the name of the currently installed program version, e.g.: EN_en_1-V1. If, during installation of the software, no other path has been entered, then the root directory or the "VersionID" folder is in the following path:
'Additional documents directory:' 'BDV' 'FS720_SW' 'Help' 'Logfiles' 'Sites' 'Technical files' (trace reports)
Quicktext settings
Quicktext settings
GUI Pre-settings
'Quicktext proposals filtration style': To make entering texts in 'CerberusEngineering-Tool' easier, texts that have already been entered are listed as proposed texts. 'first letters': First letters are compared. 'contain string': The letter sequence at any position in the word is compared.
'Maximum proposals count': Number of proposed texts that are saved. 'Reset quicktext proposals': Delete existing proposed texts. 'Edit quicktext proposals': Enter or edit proposed texts.
Path to the folder where program-specific data is stored after the program has been installed. This folder also stores files that are imported using the 'Import new FW package' function.
Internet settings
Internet settings
GUI Pre-settings
The 'Internet preferences' view contains Internet access details. You have three options:
Without proxy: The box for 'Enable proxy' is not checked. Via proxy: The 'Enable proxy' box is checked. The information on 'Proxy host:' and 'Proxy port:' is provided by the IT administrator. Via proxy with authentication: The 'Enable proxy' and 'Enable proxy authentication' are checked.
Please ask you IT administrator about the access method you should use.
In the 'Periphery update tool preferences' view, the ports for the following interfaces can be defined:
'Number of recently opened files:': Number of files that were recently opened and that are displayed in the 'File' menu. 'Automatically open last site at tool startup': If the box is checked, the 'Site' that was opened last is loaded when the program starts. 'Help file:': Path to the folder with the online help files. 'Additional documents directory:': Path to the folder where additional documents can be stored, e.g. country-specific information, application guidelines or product information. 'Tool language:': Selection of the language for the program interface.
'Site' settings
'Site' settings
Path to the folder where the 'Sites' are stored. Path to the 'BDV' folder: This folder contains the BDV that was included when the program was installed or that has been imported using the 'Import new BDV' function. This folder may contain more than one BDV. Preferred BDV language: This selection determines which BDV language is displayed if the BDV contains several languages. If the preferred language is not included in the current BDV, English is used as standard.
Task cards
The task cards show different perspectives of a 'Site' in the program window. The 'Site' is configured in the perspectives. Every task card has a name and its own icon. The particular perspective is shown when a task card is clicked. The program has the following task cards:
'Hardware' Configuration and display of all hardware components of a 'Site' Configuration and display of detection applications Configuration and display of controls, such as fire controls, alarming controls, evacuation controls and extinguishing controls Configuration and display of the visibility of stations and all devices that are visible in the operation Configuration and display of the network A station connected to the PC can be viewed or viewed and operated with 'Cerberus-Remote'. 'Detection' 'Control'
'Network' 'Cerberus-Remote'
Structure tree
The display and function of the structure tree correspond to the structure tree in Windows Explorer. Each element in the structure tree is displayed using an icon and text. The elements contain configuration data. The root element of each structure tree is the 'Site' element. A linked element has a link symbol on the element symbol. Problems and special instructions are shown with red and yellow exclamation marks in the structure tree. More information can be found in the chapter ''Problem identification and error indication'.
The child elements of the highlighted element in the tree is shown in the table. If a highlighted element in the structure tree has no child element, the table remains empty. The table provides a selection of the most important properties of the child elements. Elements that are read-only but can not be edited are shaded gray.
Detail editor
The detail editor shows properties of an element or several highlighted elements within the table or the structure tree. If no element in the table is highlighted, the properties of the element highlighted in the structure are shown. The detail editor includes tabs to select an element's properties category. The number of tabs shown depends on the link status of an element. When a linked element is shown, specific properties of the linked element are shown in a new tab along with the task card designation.
Hyperlinks are shown in the lower part of the detail editor, provided that the selected element is linked to other elements. The view changes to the linked element of the corresponding task card by clicking on a hyperlink.
Click on the buttons '+' or '-' on a tree element. Double-click on an element. Highlight the element and press the right or left arrow key. To expand or collapse all elements of the element highlighted, highlight an element and press the buttons <*> or </> on the numeric keypad.
Multiselection allows, e.g. entry of a customer text for several elements in one procedure. Multiselection is possible in the table and in the tree view. Selecting one or more lines corresponds to the Windows standard. If several elements are selected in the tree view, nothing is indicated in the table. The intersection of selected elements is displayed in the detail editor. If the properties of the selected elements are different then the appropriate panel in shown in the detail editor by quadrates. Following multiselection, the tab name in the detail editor is 'Multiselection'. You can use dynamic loading to select a maximum of eight 'Stations' in the tree and table at the same time.
Task cards
Click on a task card to switch to the corresponding perspective.
You can use hyperlinks to navigate between the task cards. An element that is contained in more than one perspective is shown by a hyperlink. Hyperlinks are displayed in the lower part of the detail editor. The perspective of the corresponding task card changes by clicking on a hyperlink. When navigating between task cards, a selected element remains highlighted.
The table below lists the shortcuts.
Description Changing between task cards Changing between windows of a task card Navigating between Parent/Child nodes Navigating between nodes in the tree Navigating between columns of the table Navigating between lines of the table Tab Left or right arrow keys (apart from in editing mode; then only if the entire field is highlighted) <Enter> or <Shift> + <Enter> Tab in the last column Right arrow key in the last column (apart from in editing mode; then only if the entire field is highlighted) Up or down arrow keys (apart from in editing mode) <Ctrl> + <Page Up> or <Ctrl> + <Page Down> Arrow keys if the tabs are highlighted Up or down arrow keys Left or right arrow keys Shortcut <Ctrl> + <F8> <Ctrl> + <F7>
Navigating between the tabs in the detail editor Navigating between the parameters of a tab in the detail editor
Status bar
The following information is displayed on the status bar:
The error description of a selected element. A symbol for information on the connection status between the station and the PC.
Status bar
You can display more information about a problem as follows: 1. Right-click on an element with a red or yellow exclamation mark. 2. In the shortcut menu, select the 'Show problems' menu item. - OR 1. Highlight the element you want. 2. Select 'View' > 'Show problems' from the menu bar. The 'Problems' window opens.
In the 'Problems' window, an 'Error', 'Warning', or 'Info' entry concerning the problem selected is displayed.
'Problems' window
You can display more information about the configuration of the entire site as follows: Select 'View' > 'Show all problems' from the menu bar. The 'All problems' window opens. The 'All problems' window displays 'Error', 'Warning', and 'Info' entries relating to the configuration of the entire site.
Window 'All problems' with the entries 'Error', 'Warning' and 'Info'
Cerberus Remote
Cerberus-Remote is software for the PC which can be used to display the Person Machine Interface of a 'Station' on the PC. For example it can be used to access the fire detection system for maintenance purposes. Depending on the operating mode, Cerberus-Remote can either be used for display purposes or for display and operation purposes. The link between Cerberus-Remote and a 'Station' can be structured as follows:
Local connection via any 'Station' in the fire detection system Connection via the Global Access Point (GAP) Internally Externally
Cerberus-Remote is an integrated part of Cerberus-Engineering-Tool but may also be installed on a PC as a stand-alone application 'FX7220'. You will need an installed licence key (at least L1) and appropriate approval for the 'Station' in order to use Cerberus-Remote. The licence key need only be installed in the 'Station' whose PMI is to be displayed in Cerberus-Remote. The connection to a 'Station' with a licence key is also possible via a 'Station' without a license key.
Cerberus-Remote has the same visibility as the connected 'Station'. You can use Cerberus-Remote in a fire detection installation with networked 'Stations' to gain global visibility. Just one licence key is needed for this per network if the licence key is installed in a 'Station' with global visibility.
Cerberus-Remote is opened via the 'Cerberus-Remote' task card in the program window.
Example for CerberusRemote in 'View and Operate' operation mode (red frame)
The button with the loudspeaker symbol (bottom right in the figure) is used to switch an activated buzzer off and on. However it is only possible to switch the buzzer on and off on the PC and not on the connected station.
The connection with a 'Station' is shown by the Person Machine Interface (display, LEDs, keys) transmitted. The 'Cerberus-Remote access' operation mode is indicated by a red frame around the Person Machine Interface. An enable granted for Cerberus-Remote is retained when a 'Station' restarted. Cerberus-Remote has the following operation modes:
For both operation modes, SintesoView must be enabled on the 'Station'. In addition, a license key (minimum L1) must be installed.
In this operation mode Cerberus-Remote indicates the same as the 'Station' connected to it, but you cannot operate the linked 'Station'. Cerberus-Remote indicates the display with all indicated texts, all LEDs in their current state and all buttons.
Dynamic loading
To increase the performance of 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool', not all 'Stations' are loaded to the program at the same time for 'Sites' with more than eight 'Stations'. 'Stations' that are not loaded are shown in gray and in italics. The 'Stations' are dynamically loaded and unloaded, depending on the selection. You can load a maximum of eight 'Stations' at the same time. The following sections describe dynamic loading in various program functions.
Structure tree view with stations that are and are not loaded
Search function
Both the 'Stations' that are and are not loaded are included in the 'Find' and 'Find and replace' functions.
'Assign' function
If elements are linked to the 'Assign' function, the 'Stations' that are not loaded are shown in gray. If you would like to link an element to a 'Station' that is not loaded, you must click on the 'Station' to load it.
The buttons below can be used to navigate through the list of elements that can be linked in sequence. Elements that are not loaded are then loaded.
See also Finding [ 51] Finding and replacing [ 52] Designation of problems and displaying errors [ 32] Linking elements [ 49]
5 Program administration
5.1 File name and version
The following information is contained in the file names of the engineering tool kit:
Country Language (and variant if required) or languages Meta data version Sales channel BDV version
The name of the BDV must not be changed by the user. BDVs with names which do not correspond to the following arrangement cannot be used by the software.
BDV import
A BDV can be made available in the program by clicking on the 'File' > 'Import new BDV' menu item. During this import process, the BDV is saved into the standard BDV path from a selectable location. All imported BDVs are kept in a list which indicates the BDVs permitted for producing a new site or changing an existing site. When you import a new BDV, you will be asked if you want to delete the old BDV. Existing 'Sites' have saved the BDV used with the 'Site' data and do not need access to the BDV in the aforementioned standard BDV path.
Country Language (and variant if required) or languages Meta data version Sales channel Firmware version
The name of the firmware must not be changed by the user. Firmware with names which do not correspond to the following arrangement cannot be used by the software.
Firmware import
Clicking on the 'File' > 'Import new FW package' menu item enables the firmware to be provided in the Cerberus-Engineering-Tool. During this import process, the firmware is saved into the standard firmware path from a selectable location.
License key FCA2012-A1 (L1) Cerberus-Remote Cerberus-Remote BACnet Communication with management station via BACnet/Ethernet 'or' links in complex controls License key FCA2013 (L2)
6 Program operation
It is possible that Cerberus-Engineering-Tool will start to run slightly slower over time, e.g. after extensive copying/pasting or when creating/deleting a lot of stations. If this happens, we would recommend reloading the site. CerberusEngineering-Tool will then work normally again.
Creating a 'Site'
You can either configure an existing 'Site' or a new one. To do this, a 'Site' must first be created in the program.
2. Select the 'Upload from station(s)' option. 3. Click on the 'Next' button. Cerberus-Engineering-Tool starts communication with the 'Station'. The whole configuration is loaded into Cerberus-Engineering-Tool. The second 'Create new site' window opens once the upload has successfully completed.
The progress of the upload is shown in the status bar. If communication between the PC and 'Station' is interrupted, a message indicating that the upload has been aborted is displayed.
When a newly created 'Site' is saved, a backup file is produced automatically and given the name of the 'Site' and the supplement '_bac.fsc'
Editing properties
Click on the 'File' > 'Site properties' menu item or use the shortcut <Ctrl> + <I>. The 'Site properties' window opens.
The 'Site' name and assigned BDV are shown in the 'Site properties' window. Additional information can be found or entered in the 'Creator:', 'Customer:', and 'Contact:' text fields. Fields marked with '*' must be completed.
Comments can be entered on the 'Comment' tab. The 'History' tab contains a log file for the 'Site'.
The following characters are not permitted in 'Site name' or in the path: < > / \ | : ? *" If these characters are entered, the following error message appears: 'Error: file:/V:/F-FX7230/XX_xx_Version/Sites/Test>Name.fsc or Test>Name.fsc is not a valid path or file name.'
The following characters are not permitted in 'Site name' or in the path: % # If these characters are entered, Cerberus-Engineering-Tool cannot load the 'Site'.
Creating a 'Station'
When creating the first 'Station', you can choose between 'Standalone station' and networked 'Stations' of types 'SafeDLink station' and 'Ethernet station'. When a 'SafeDLink station' is created, it may already be assigned to a specific SDL sub-net. Other 'Stations' can only be created as networked.
'Creating 'Station'
A 'Site' is created. 1. Open the 'New station' window. This can be done in the following ways: - Select 'Edit' > 'New station' from the menu bar. - Click on the symbol in the toolbar.
- Right-click in the tree view and select 'New station' in the context menu. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The 'New station' window opens above the table. Select a 'Station' from the 'Type:' selection list. Select a template from the 'Template:' selection list. Select the corresponding network for networked 'Stations'. Select the number of new 'Stations' in the 'Amount:' field. Click on the 'Add' button.
You can close the 'New station' window using the 'X' button on the tab in the 'New station' window or by clicking on the symbol.
Networked 'Stations'
For details of how to create and configure networked 'Stations' see [ 185]
Creating an element
Creating an element
A 'Station' is created. An element is selected for which a sub-element can also be displayed. The 'Site' node is not selected. 1. Open the 'New element' window. This can be done in the following ways: - Select 'Edit' > 'New element' from the menu bar. - Click on the symbol in the toolbar. - Right-click in the tree view and select 'New element' in the context menu. 2. 3. 4. 5. The 'New element' window opens above the table. Select an element from the 'Type:' selection list. Select a template from the 'Template:' selection list. Select the number of new elements in the 'Amount:' field. Click on the 'Add' button.
On the Person Machine Interface, close the window using the 'X' on the tab in the 'New element' window, or by clicking on the symbol again.
Replacing an element
Replacing an element means assigning another template of the same type to the element.
Replacing element
1. Highlight the element to be replaced in the tree view. 2. Select 'Edit' > 'Replace element' from the menu bar. The 'Replace element' window opens above the table. 3. Select another template for the type indicated and click on the 'Replace' button. The template is replaced accordingly.
Deleting an element
An element can be deleted in the tree or in the table. The subtree of the element is also deleted when an element is deleted. If the element that is to be deleted is referenced in other elements, for example in a link to 'Causes' in a control, a message appears indicating that the references will be deleted at the same time. If a linked logical channel is deleted, the physical channel is no longer assigned. You can delete an element as follows:
in the toolbar
Editing an element
Elements can be edited in the table or detail editor. Editing cannot take place in the tree. The same parameters of various elements can be edited and changed in one process in the detail editor. To do this, the corresponding lines of the element must be highlighted in the table, or several elements in the tree Changing the parameter in the detail editor then changes these parameters in all highlighted elements.
Editing elements
The details of the highlighted element are indicated in the detail editor. Editable properties can be changed.
Copying property
1. Click the cell with the property that you want to copy. The cell is marked by a frame. 2. Guide the mouse pointer to the bottom right corner of the highlighted cell. The mouse pointer changes to a white cross. 3. With the left mouse button pressed, drag the white cross over the cells in the same column into which you want to copy the property. Highlighted cells have a gray background. 4. Release the pressed left mouse button. The copying process is complete. With the multiselection feature you can also copy properties for several elements in one go.
Elements can only be copied/cut if they can be created separately. Elements that are generated automatically when creating parent elements can not be copied/cut separately. Cross links and reference links are not copied. Copying/cutting is only possible within a 'Site'. When copying/cutting and pasting between two 'Stations', both 'Stations' must be loaded.
Copying element
You can copy an element as follows:
Using 'Edit' > 'Copy' in the menu bar Using the button from the toolbar Using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <C>
Using 'Edit' > 'Paste' in the menu bar Using the button from the toolbar
Using 'Edit' > 'Paste' in the menu bar Using the button from the toolbar
Cutting element
You can cut an element as follows:
Using 'Edit' > 'Cut' in the menu bar Using the button from the toolbar Using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <X>
Using 'Edit' > 'Paste' in the menu bar Using the button from the toolbar
Moving an element
You can move an element using the standard Windows function 'Drag and drop' or with 'Cut' and 'Paste'. When dragging an element, the mouse pointer shows whether the element can be placed at the respective position or on the respective element. An element with child elements cannot be dragged and dropped without its child elements. If a subtree is moved then various attributes of the parent element are automatically updated, such as the address of the element in the zone. If you press the 'Ctrl' key when dragging, the mouse pointer indicates a '+' and copies the element when dropping.
An element can only be moved or copied from one 'Station' to another 'Station' if both 'Stations' are loaded.
The links to the hardware are also moved. The links to the control are also moved. The links to the hardware are deleted. The links to the control and detection elements are also moved.
Re-addressing elements
Elements can be re-addressed in the tree view, e.g. to close gaps in the sequence or to paste elements into particular positions. This application is mainly of use in the 'Detection' task card at 'Zone' level. The addresses are re-addressed within the same level, e.g., 'Zone', over the entire 'Site'.
Gaps are produced in the address sequence when you delete, cut/paste, move or re-address elements throughout stations. An element, e.g. another zone, can be inserted into the address sequence at a particular place.
Inserting element
1. Highlight the element before which you want to insert an element in the tree view. 2. Click on the 'Edit' > 'Change element address: +1' menu item. The address of the element selected and all elements of the same level with higher addresses are increased by one counter across the system to produce a gap in the address sequence. 3. Highlight the parent element and create a new element using the 'New element' function. 4. In the detail editor, change the address to the number corresponding to the gap. The new element is moved to the position of the gap.
The two functions can only be used when the address is editable. When the address of an element in the 'Site' is unambiguous, the elements of the other parent elements are also adapted. A warning message appears and the function can be cancelled.
Linking elements
Elements from the same or different task cards can be linked using the Assign function. A physical channel is linked with a logical channel that is not linked. The 'Assign dialog' window can be opened as follows:
'Commissioning' > 'Assign' menu item Context menu button in the toolbar <Ctrl> + <L>
The opened 'Assign dialog' window can remain open when changing perspectives. The Assign function cannot be called up in the 'Hardware' task card.
6 'Always jump to next assignable element' box: If the box is checked, the next linkable element is highlighted after linking. 7 'Previous assignable element (ALT+W)' button: Navigate to the previous linkable element 8 'Next assignable element (ALT+S)' button: Navigate to the next linkable element
Linking elements
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. In the task card tree view, highlight the element you would like to link. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. Select the category from the list (1). Select the task card in the dropdown list field (2). Search for the element you want using the ID no. (4) or in the tree view (5). Highlight the element. Click on the 'Assign' button.
Instead of using the 'Assign' button, you can use the key combination <Alt> + <A>. If necessary, several elements can be linked with one another in this manner without having to change between the tree view and Assign dialogue with the mouse. To do this, the 'Always jump to next assignable element' box must be checked. See also Dynamic loading [ 36]
This function allows you to perform a differentiated search for the following points:
'Element ID' 'Address' 'Customer text' 'Problem' (labeling: exclamation mark, red = error, yellow = warning) 'Not linked': one possible reason for a yellow exclamation mark or Element ID. The search can be restricted to 'Sensor' and 'Sounder'.
The search criteria available depend on the selected task card. The 'Find' function is limited to the selected task card.
Clicking on the 'View' > 'Find' menu item opens the 'Find' window via the tree view. The window is closed with the button 'X' in the tab. The window can also be opened and closed with the symbol in the toolbar.
Search options
'Entire site': search in the entire 'Site' 'Selected subtree': search in the highlighted sub-tree 'Include': search in all values which include the value entered in the top right field 'Exactly': search for the value that corresponds to the value entered in the top right field 'Category:': limited search within one element category. All element categories are listed regardless of the selected task card. If an element category is highlighted that is not present in the task card selected, the search will be fruitless.
If the 'Find' function is performed throughout the entire 'Site', both Stations that are and are not loaded are included. Also see 'Dynamic loading' chapter.
Performing search
1. Select a search criterion and enter the corresponding search value in the top right field. 2. Select the options and category. 3. Click a button. The 'Find all' button searches for and highlights all elements which correspond to the search criterion. The 'Find next' button jumps from one hit to the next hit. <F3> corresponds to the 'Find next' function. The 'Cancel' button stops the current search and removes the highlighting on elements found following a search. See also Dynamic loading [ 36]
Performing search
1. Select a search criterion and enter the values. The search values are at the top right, and the replacement values are below them. 2. Select the options and category. 3. Click a button.
The 'Find next' button jumps from one hit to the next hit. <F3> corresponds to the 'Find next' function. The 'Replace' button replaces the search value of the 'Find next' hit with the replacement value. The 'Replace all' button replaces the search value of all the hits found with the replacement value. The 'Cancel' button stops the current search and removes the highlighting on elements found following a search.
If the 'Find and replace' function is performed throughout the entire 'Site', both 'Stations' that are and are not loaded are included. See also Finding [ 51] Dynamic loading [ 36]
Creating reports
The 'File' > 'Reports' menu item opens the 'Reports' window. This allows reports to be created. The reports are created depending on the active task card. The following reports are supported:
'Tree report'
Tree report
53 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products A6V10210424_d_en_-25.06.2010
In the 'Tree report', elements from the structure tree of the respective task card are listed in table format: address, symbol, element type and customer text. The highest and lowest levels in the structure tree must be determined for output. The table below shows which properties are output in each task card.
Features Task card Hardware 'Use serial no. ("ID-Nr."):' X 'Customer text' 'S-LINE parameter set 'manned'' 'S-LINE parameter set 'unmanned'' 'C-LINE parameter set' 'Template ID' 'Hyperlink' X X X X X X X X X X Detection X X X X X1 X Control Operation Network
Properties output
In the 'Tree report' of the 'Operation' task card, the 'Customer text' is listed in a separate column. In the 'Tree report' of the other task cards, the 'Customer text' is only listed in the column with the structure tree.
'Node report'
'Node report'
In the 'Node report', the task card element selected in the tree view is listed in table format. The following selection is available:
54 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products A6V10210424_d_en_-25.06.2010
'Full property set': All visible properties of the highlighted element 'Property subset': All individually specified properties
You can also determine whether the highlighted elements are output alone or the subtree is output too.
'Include sub tree' activated: The sub-tree incl. properties is output. You can select the lowest level to be output. 'Include sub tree' deactivated: Only the properties of the highlighted element in the structure tree are output.
'Device report'
'Device report'
Regardless of which task card is selected, the 'Device report' lists the number of elements available in the 'Hardware tree', 'Detection tree' and 'Control tree'. On the one hand, the elements are listed as in the tree view, with the number of elements in the parent element. On the other hand, each element type is listed with the total number of elements. The output elements are:
'Detection tree: Elements 'Area', 'Section', and 'Zone'. 'Control tree': Elements 'Control group', 'Control'. 'Hardware tree': Element 'Site'
'Diagnostics report'
'Diagnostics report'
The 'Diagnostics report' lists the 'Site info properties' and the software and firmware versions of the hardware in the entire 'Site'. Only the properties existing in the elements are listed here, i.e. only some of the following possible properties:
Hardware version Software version Firmware version Firmware revision Product version
Exporting an XML
The Site configuration can be exported into an XML file to create country-specific reports. This file can be edited with any XMl-compatible program, so that reports with different criteria and representation forms can be output.
Exporting an SIB-X
With the SIB-X export the definitions of the configuration data can be exported in SIB-X format (a special XML file). SIB-X is the exchange format for configuration data between various products of Siemens Building Technologies, e.g. to the Management System MM8000.
3. Select the 'Stations' you want. 4. Select the path, enter a file name, and click on the 'Start' button. The configuration data is exported.
The license key status is displayed. See also License key L1 and L2 [ 40]
If you use a number of network cards on the PC, observe the information in the chapter 'IP settings for several network cards' in document A6V10210424. The table below shows which data is overwritten in the station 'Station'.
Command Overwrites the BDV Sets the address of the 'Station' 'Initialize station' Yes
Yes No
'Download site'
1 Command 2
is only performed for the 'Station' that is connected to the PC via LAN.
See also Initializing 'Station' [ 60] Loading configuration from the PC to the 'Station' [ 60]
Initializing 'Station'
Each 'Station' in a fire detection system with several networked 'Stations' must have a unique address. Once a 'Station' has been commissioned for the first time or once the firmware on the main CPU has been updated, a 'Station' has the address '1'. Networked 'Stations' must therefore all be initialized. If two 'Sites' are merged to form one 'Site', the 'Stations' with the same addresses in the added 'Site' must each be given a new address. The 'Initialize station' procedure issues the 'Station' an address within the 'Site' according to the configuration in 'Cerberus-Remote'.
If you use a number of network cards on the PC, observe the information in the chapter 'IP settings for several network cards' in document A6V10210424.
The detailed description for initialization of a 'Station' can be found in document 'A6V10210416'. See also Loading data to the 'Station' [ 59] IP settings for several network cards [ 19]
Different network configuration in 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool' and networked 'Site' When the selection displayed for 'Download site' is manually modified, in special cases1 it may be necessary to reset a 'Station' to the factory setting as well as a 'Initialize station'. Do not modify the selection displayed for 'Download site' in normal cases. Check the sequence when loading different configuration states in special cases1. After any change of the network configuration, make sure that all 'Stations' in the 'Site' for the 'Download site' procedure are selected and can be accessed. Temporarily update non accessible 'Stations' to the latest status of the global network configuration prior to integration in the network.
If you use a number of network cards on the PC, observe the information in the chapter 'IP settings for several network cards' in document A6V10210424.
Connectivity and communication with 'Station' Loading configuration from the PC to the 'Station'
The 'Site' is opened in Cerberus-Engineering-Tool. The PC is connected to the 'Station'. Networked 'Stations' are initialized. 'Station' and Cerberus-Engineering-Tool have the same 'Site' ID. 'Station' and Cerberus-Engineering-Tool are in the same organizational unit. 1. Select 'Commissioning' > 'Download site'. The 'Download site' and 'Connect' windows are opened.
2. Select the connection in the 'Connect' window and click on the 'OK' button. The 'Stations' are listed in the 'Download site' window. 3. Select the 'Stations' whose configuration you would like to load from 'CerberusEngineering-Tool' to the 'Stations' and click on the 'Start' button. The 'Set access level' window may be opened with the 'Set the station to access level 3' prompt. Press <MENU> on the 'Station', enter the PIN and press <ok>.
4. In the 'Set access level' window, click on the 'OK' button. The 'Action confirmation' window opens. 5. Click on the 'Yes' button. The configuration is loaded to the 'Station'. The advancement status is displayed in the 'Download site' window. The 'Station' restarts. After a few minutes, the 'Buzzer' sounds twice.
Connectivity and communication with 'Station' Loading configuration from the 'Station' to the PC
6. Press <Acknowledge> on the Person Machine Interface to switch off the 'Buzzer'. Do not perform any more actions on the 'Station' until the 'Buzzer' has sounded for the second time.
Examples of special cases: A 'Station' will be added to a networked 'Site' and a new network configuration will be loaded upon initialization of this 'Station', different from the global network configuration of the connected 'Site'. During the 'Download site' procedure a 'Station' is temporarily not accessible.
Both examples can result in the 'Station' no longer starting after the 'Download site' procedure and the above actions having to be carried out. See also Loading data to the 'Station' [ 59] IP settings for several network cards [ 19]
2. Select the connection in the 'Connect' window and click on the 'OK' button. The 'Stations' are listed in the 'Upload site' window. 3. Select the 'Stations' whose configuration you would like to load to 'CerberusEngineering-Tool' and click on the 'Start' button. The 'Action confirmation' window opens. 4. Click on the 'Yes' button. The configuration is loaded to the PC. The advancement status is displayed in the 'Upload site' window.
A 'Site' is loaded. All 'Stations' have the same BDV version and the same global configuration so that site-wide communication is supported. 'Station' and Cerberus-Engineering-Tool must be in the same organizational unit. The PC is linked to a 'Station' in the 'Site' via an Ethernet cable. 1. In the 'Commissioning' menu, select the 'Upload site log files' menu item. The 'Connect' window opens. 2. Select the connection setting and confirm with 'OK'. The selection window opens. Establishment of a connection is started and indicated. 3. Select the 'Stations' whose event log files you would like to load to the PC. 4. Determine the memory location and the file name. 5. Click on 'Start'. The data is transferred. The status of the transfer is shown in the status bar. The data is saved in the specified file.
Two neighboring buildings have one fire detection installation each. Both fire detection installations are to be merged to form a shared fire detection installation. A new fire detection system with a redundant network is installed. To speed up commissioning, two service technicians split the 'Site' into two areas, which are commissioned separately. Once both areas have been commissioned, they are merged to form a single 'Site'.
A detailed description of how to merge two 'Sites' can be found in document A6V10210416.
'FW update main CPU' enables the main CPU to be updated. 'FW update additional CPUs' enables additional CPUs, such as the periphery boards, to be updated.
'Site' conversion
The Cerberus Engineering Tool distinguishes between normal BDV mode and expert BDV mode. Conversions from normal BDV mode to expert BDV mode are also possible but not the other way round.
When the firmware is updated, the existing 'Site' is converted on the basis of the new BDV. The 'Site' can be converted automatically or manually. Manual conversion is called up in Cerberus-Engineering-Tool via the 'Edit' > 'Convert site' menu item.
Only the configuration data is converted. The process data of the 'Station' is not converted. The default values of the new firmware are transferred and the 'Station' recalculates the process data. The critical conversions are logged for the entire 'Site'. The logs can be viewed in the 'Conversion log' window or printed from the log file.
Conversion log
The conversion log is displayed in the 'Conversion log' window. The log can be used to detect and correct errors in the converted configuration.
'Converter log' window with the 'Error', 'Warning', and 'Info' entries
The 'Site' is converted when the firmware is updated. More information about this can be found in document A6V10210416.
Floor repeater terminal FT2010 Floor repeater display FT2011 Radio gateway FDCW221 Mimic display driver FT2001-A1 MCL-USB adapter FDUZ221 Line tester FDUL221
To connect a periphery device to the PC, you need the MCL-USB adapter. More information can be found in document A6V10210416.
Configuration - Overview
9 Configuration - Overview
A fire detection installation/'Site' has a physical and a logical structure. The structures are shown and configured in the Cerberus-Engineering-Tool task cards. The table below shows elements and assignment of the appropriate structure.
Structure type Physical structure Logical structure Structure tree Hardware tree Detection tree Control tree Operation tree Network tree Task card 'Hardware' 'Detection' 'Control' 'Operation' 'Network'
The physical structure is read in by the 'Station'. The logical structure can be created either manually during the pre-configuration or automatically on the 'Station' by automatic configuration. Parts of the logical structure are pre-configured in the BDV template for a 'Station'. The list below shows a selection of configurable elements in a 'Site':
Configuring the components of the 'Station' Detector groups Detector parameter sets Multi-detector dependency Alarm organization Controls (alarming, fire, evacuation) Networking control panels and operating panels ('Stations') Visibility for events and functions Service intervention Customer texts Intervention texts With pre-configuration Without pre-configuration
With pre-configuration
In Cerberus-Engineering-Tool, the 'Site' is configured in its logical structure based on the planning documents, the layout plan, etc. It is pre-configured. During commissioning, the pre-configuration is loaded to the 'Station'. Once the pre-configuration is loaded to the 'Station', the 'Station' is restarted. During this process, the components, C-NET devices and periphery devices in the 'Station' are read in. The resulting physical structure is loaded into the Cerberus-Engineering-Tool together with the logical structure. The logical and physical structure are linked in Cerberus-Engineering-Tool and loaded back into the 'Station'.
Configuration - Overview
Without pre-configuration
During commissioning, first the modules and the 'Station' periphery are read in. There are two ways of reading in the periphery:
The C-NET lines are read in individually. The resultant physical structure is loaded in Cerberus-Engineering-Tool. Afterwards, the logical structure is created in Cerberus-Engineering-Tool and linked to the physical structure. The C-NET lines are read in by automatic configuration. This results in the physical structure and the logical structure. The two structures are loaded into Cerberus-Engineering-Tool. Automatic configuration can be performed for the 'Station' or for individual detector lines.
Customer text
Customer text can be entered for each element in the structure tree. The customer text is shown on the display of a 'Station'. The length of the customer text is checked during entry. Customer text is displayed in accordance with the following rules:
Elements except 'Zone' element: If a message associated with an element appears, the corresponding customer text is displayed. If no customer text is assigned to the element, the customer text of the superordinate element is displayed. Example: If a detector has no customer text, the detector line's customer text appears.
'Zone' element: If an alarm message for a 'Zone' appears, the customer text of the detector sensor linked to it is displayed. If the linked detector sensor is not assigned any customer text, the customer text for the 'Zone' is displayed. If no customer text is assigned to the 'Zone' either, the customer text of the next superordinate element appears.
Once the data has been loaded into Cerberus-Engineering-Tool, the components of the 'Station' and the C-NET devices are visible in the 'Hardware tree'. Elements such as the 'LED indicator (FTO2002)' can be removed or added if they were not automatically created.
In the detail editor of the 'Station', the following properties can be set:
'Intervention' tab: 'Immediate intervention type 'manned''/'Immediate intervention type 'unmanned'' 'Service intervention type 'manned''/'Service intervention type 'unmanned'' Stopping the local and global alarming equipment by means of 'Acknowledge', which is activated by 'Immediate intervention type 'manned''/'Immediate intervention type 'unmanned'' or 'Service intervention type 'manned''/'Service intervention type 'unmanned''. Activation of a message so that the customer is reminded to perform the maintenance work. 'Maintenance interval [months]' can be set in months.
'Details' tab:
'Operation' tab: Visibility on the event categories. Visibility is set on all event categories as standard. Visibility can also be selected for individual event categories: 'ALARMS' 'Pre-ALARMS' 'Faults' 'Isolations' 'Test messages' 'Technical messages' 'Activations' 'Information'
'All faults' 'All isolations' 'All test messages' 'All technical messages' 'All activations' 'All information messages'
1. Select the 'Hardware' task card. 2. Highlight a 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Select the 'Intervention' tab in the detail editor and set the properties you want.
Immediate intervention
The following can be set for immediate intervention:
Separately for 'Manned operation' and 'Unmanned operation': 'Disabled' 'Delayed intervention' 'Global intervention only' 'Local intervention only'
Time t1 for (intervention) attendance check: A new event must be acknowledged within this period, otherwise the intervention concept switches to global alarming.
Alarming equipment: 'RT Fire', 'RT Fault', 'RT 1' - 'RT 8', 'Internal sounder'
Service intervention
The following can be set for service intervention:
Separately for 'Manned operation' and 'Unmanned operation': 'Disabled' 'Delayed intervention' 'Direct intervention'
Time for service intervention ts: The cause of an event must be remedied within this time period, otherwise the intervention concept activates the service intervention alarming equipment.
Alarming equipment: 'RT Fire', 'RT Fault', 'RT 1' - 'RT 8', 'Internal sounder'
Power supply
Operation modes
The power supply for the 'Stations' has the following operating modes:
Operation with battery backup The power supply unit feeds the hardware with system voltage, continuously charging the batteries. In the event of mains failure, the batteries take over the power supply of the 'Station' without interruption. The power supply unit feeds the hardware with system voltage. The emergency power supply is ensured via an externally buffered network. The supply comes directly via a 24 V feed line. This is the normal operating mode for the fire terminal FT724.
Operation with redundant supply The fire terminal can be fed with 24 V DC by a fire control panel. In accordance with EN 54, a redundant supply source is required in this case. The fire terminal board is therefore provided with two independent DC supply inputs.
The following properties can be set for the power supply:
Mains supervision: Monitoring for power loss. Battery supervision: Monitoring switched on or off. Converter supervision: Monitoring switched on or off. Emergency power operation: Delay time for fault display in the case of power loss.
Setting properties
Depending on the operating mode, certain forms of monitoring must be switched off. Normally when the station is equipped with a power supply unit and batteries, no monitorings need deactivating. The configuration of the delay time for the fault indication in case of a power failure is independent from the operation mode.
To set the properties, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Hardware' task card. 2. Open a 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Highlight 'Power supply FC' or 'Power supply FT'. 4. Check the boxes as indicated in the table below in the 'Overview' tab of the detail editor.
'Hardware' task card Onboard I/Os Operation mode 'Mains supervision enabled' With battery backup Without battery backup With an external DC power supply unit With redundant supply or 'Battery supervision enabled' 'Converter supervision enabled'
Onboard I/Os
The following inputs and outputs are available on the periphery board:
'I/O': Configurable inputs/outputs (24 V) 'RT fire/NOT monitored': Connection of an RT channel for RT alarm 'RT fire/monitored': Monitored output for RT alarm 'RT fault/NOT monitored': Connection of an RT channel for RT fault 'RT fault/monitored': Monitored output for RT fault 'Sounder/monitored': Monitored sounder output
These inputs and outputs are shown in the 'Hardware tree' under the 'Onboard I/Os' element.
Setting properties
1. 2. 3. 4. Select the 'Hardware' task card. Open a 'Station' > 'Onboard I/Os' in the tree view. Highlight the corresponding input/output. Set the properties you want in the detail editor.
Output mode
The output mode defines the behaviors of the output signal in active or inactive status of the logic. For each output, ten output modes are possible.
Output mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Intermittent, slow Intermittent, fast Intermittent, pulse On Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Intermittent, slow Intermittent, fast Intermittent, pulse On On Inactive Active Always Off
'Inactive: Off / active: On': The output signal is switched off when the logic is in an inactive status and switched on when it is in an active status. 'Inactive: Off / active: Intermittent, fast (0.25s/0.25s)': The output signal is switched off when the logic is in an inactive status. When the logic is in an active status, it is 0.25 s HIGH and 0.25 s LOW (alternating). 'Always Off': The output signal is switched off when the logic is in both an inactive and active status.
Invertible input
Checkmark set: Active when signal is changing from HIGH to LOW Checkmark removed: Active when signal is changing from LOW to HIGH
Monitored outputs
Monitoring can be deactivated if the outputs are monitored. The following outputs are monitored as standard:
'Activation timeout'
When the output is linked to the effect of a control, 'Activation timeout 'manned'' and 'Activation timeout 'unmanned'' can be activated or deactivated separately and the duration selected. This is possible for the following output:
The line card (FDnet/C-NET) FCL2001-A1 is read in automatically. See also Creating 'Detection tree' [ 81] Control tree [ 103]
Setting properties
1. 2. 3. 4. Select the 'Hardware' task card. Open a 'Station' > 'FCI2008' in the tree view. Highlight an input/output. Set the properties you want in the detail editor.
Invertible input
The inputs can be inverted. Settings for 'Input inverted':
Checkmark set: Active when signal is changing from HIGH to LOW Checkmark removed: Active when signal is changing from LOW to HIGH
Output mode
The output mode defines the behaviors of the output signal in active or inactive status of the logic. For each output, ten output modes are possible.
Output mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Intermittent, slow Intermittent, fast Intermittent, pulse On Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Intermittent, slow Intermittent, fast Intermittent, pulse On On Inactive Active Always Off
'Inactive: Off / active: On': The output signal is switched off when the logic is in an inactive status and switched on when it is in an active status. 'Inactive: Off / active: Intermittent, fast (0.25s/0.25s)': The output signal is switched off when the logic is in an inactive status. When the logic is in an active status, it is 0.25 s HIGH and 0.25 s LOW (alternating). 'Always Off': The output signal is switched off when the logic is in both an inactive and active status.
If a fire detector is used in a production hall, a parameter set that is immune to deceptive phenomena must be selected. If the smoke detector is used in a hospital room, a parameter set that ensures the earliest possible alarming must be selected.
1. Select the 'Hardware' task card. 2. Open a 'Station' > 'C-NET line card (onboard/FCL2001)' > 'Line' > 'Detector' in the tree view. 3. Highlight 'Sensor '. 4. Set the parameter set in the detail editor. If the detector sensor is linked to the logical channel of a 'Automatic zone' the parameter set can also be set in the 'Detection' task card. To do this, select the 'Hardware' tab in the detail editor.
A detailed description of the parameter sets can be found in the documentation for the corresponding detector.
Setting properties
1. Open the 'Hardware' task card. 2. Highlight the relevant C-NET device in the tree view. 3. Set the properties you want in the detail editor. The settings are described in the following sections.
'External AI activation'
There are three ways in which to activate the output for the external alarm indicator:
'Activated upon ALARM in the ZONE of the detector' 'Activated in parallel to INTERNAL AI of the DETECTOR' 'Activated by a control (independent output)'
If the 'Activated by a control (independent output)' setting is selected, the output for the external alarm indicator for 'Evac controls' or 'Fire control' can be used.
The following properties can be selected for certain detectors for the output for the external alarm indicator regardless of the product version:
'Output mode' 1. Open the relevant C-NET device in the tree view. 2. Highlight 'Ext. AI '. 3. Set the properties you want in the detail editor.
'Area' The 'Area' element is also created when creating a 'Station'. Other 'Area' can be created for each 'Station'. If included in the BDV, the 'Section' element can be produced manually. The 'Zone'element can be produced manually. The 'Physical channel' element can be produced manually during preconfiguration. But this is not usually necessary because this element is produced when linking with the corresponding hardware element. If a link is deleted, the channel is retained.
If the control panel is configured using the 'Auto-configure line' or 'Auto-configure station' function, the 'Section', 'Zone' and 'Physical channel' elements are created automatically. The physical and logical channels are linked automatically. More information can be found in the 'Explanation of terms' chapter in document A6V10210416.
Task card 'Detection' with the tree view and window 'New element'
To create the 'Detection tree', proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Detection' task card. 2. Highlight a 'Station'. 3. Open the 'New element' window. The 'Detection area' element is displayed in the 'Type:' field. 4. Enter the number of elements required in the 'Amount:' field and click on the 'Add' button. The elements are created. 5. Enter customer texts.
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6. Highlight 'Detection area '. 7. If required, and if provided in the BDV, select the 'Section' element in the 'Type:' field of the 'New element' window. 8. Enter the number of elements required in the 'Amount:' field and click on the 'Add' button. 9. 10. 11. 12. The elements are created. Enter customer texts. Highlight 'Section' in the tree view. Select a 'Zone' and the corresponding 'Template:' in the 'Type:' field of the 'New element' window. Enter the number of elements required in the 'Amount:' field and click on the 'Add' button.
Each control panel contains the following 'Areas':
'Detection area'
'Detection area' is the uppermost element in the 'Detection tree'. Several 'Detection area' are possible per 'Station':
The 'Detection area' has an alarm verification concept (AVC) and can be configured and linked to the controls independently of other areas.
'Station area'
'Station area' occurs just once and unites the alarm verification (AVC) functionality for hardware-related elements which are not in the 'Detection area'. This includes e.g collective line alarms and degraded mode operation. The 'Station area' can be displayed and navigated just like any other 'Detection area'. It has no child elements and is identical to the 'Detection area' in terms of alarm verification.
'All Fire ALARMS' '--All autom. Fire ALARMS' '--Manual Fire ALARM' '--Degraded Fire ALARM' 'All Pre-ALARMS' 'Pre-ALARM, fire'
1. 2. 3. 4.
Select the 'Detection' task card. Highlight 'Detection area' in the tree view. Select the 'Alarm verification' tab in the detail editor. Set the properties you want for the various event categories.
Stopping the local and global alarming equipment by means of 'Acknowledge', which is activated by alarm verification Manned time t1 A new event must be acknowledged within this period (max. 60 s), otherwise the alarm verification concept will switch to global alarming.
Investigation time t2 The cause of an event must be investigated within this period and the system reset, otherwise the alarm verification concept changes to global alarming. According to EN 54-2, the sum of t1+t2 must not exceed ten minutes.
'--All autom. Fire ALARMS', '--Manual Fire ALARM', '--Degraded Fire ALARM' and 'Pre-ALARM, fire' event categories
Type of alarming when the alarm organization is in 'Manned operation' or 'Unmanned operation': 'Local alarming only' 'Delayed alarming' 'Global alarming only'
Selection of local and global alarming equipment when alarm organization is in 'Manned operation' or 'Unmanned operation': 'RT fire' 'RTfault' 'RT 1' - 'RT 8' 'Internal sounder' 'External sounder'
'- (disabled)' 'Upon 2nd alarm within area' 'Upon 2nd alarm within area OR fault within station' 'Upon 2nd alarm within site' 'Upon 2nd alarm OR fault within site' 'Always (upon first alarm)'
If individual devices are not to be activated using 'IC Fault', deactivate the corresponding checkmark.
'Always manned (no messages/no LED/no switching fct.)' 'Always unmanned (no messages/no LED/no switching fct.)' 'Manned/unmanned (with messages/with LED/with switching fct.)'
There are the following types of 'Zone':
'Automatic zone' 'Manual zone' 'Technical zone' 'Sub-system zone' 'FSE zone' 'Flow switch zone' 'Sprinkler zone' 'XC10 zone'
'Automatic zone'
Automatic detectors are combined in 'Automatic zone'. The 'Zone' can however also be configured for other alarm inputs, e.g. the 'Input' and 'Collective' channels. When creating a 'Automatic zone', you can choose between 'Single' and 'Multi'. 'Single' stands for single-detector dependence and 'Multi' is for multi-detector dependency. There are various combinations for both types of template.
The following table shows the respectively required number of detectors with danger level (GS) 2 or 3 in order to meet the criteria for pre-stage/main stage and to trigger an alarm.
Template Required number of detectors with danger level (GS) Pre-stage GS 2 'Single, standard' 'Single, ALARM sub-system' 'Single, Exting. discharged' 'Single, Exting. pre-alarm' 'Single, Gas alarm' 'Single, Gas warning' 'Single, door holders' 'Single, local ALARM' 'Multi, standard' 'Multi, garage' 'Multi, store' 'Multi, 2 det. dependency' 'Multi, ALARM sub-system' 'Multi, 2 det. dependency II' [AT] 'Multi, 2 det. dependency III' [CH] 'Two-zone dependency' 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 GS 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 GS 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 Main stage GS 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2
'Manual zone'
Manual call points are combined in 'Manual zone'. The 'Zone' can however also be configured for other alarm inputs, e.g. the 'Alarm input' and 'Collective' channels. The danger signals are evaluated with an OR link. Each manual call point in the 'Zone' can generate an alarm, but not a pre-alarm.
Template Criteria for main stage Number of detectors with danger level 2 'Standard' 'ALARM sub-system' 'Local ALARM' 'Redundancy ALARM' 0 0 0 0 Number of detectors with danger level 3 1 1 1 1
Technical zone
In the technical zone, inputs for technical messages are evaluated, e.g. fault or danger by extraneous equipment.
Template Criteria for main stage Number of detectors with danger level 2 Standard Fault sub-system Sub-system OFF Fault extinguishing system 0 0 0 0 Number of detectors with danger level 3 1 1 1 1
'Sub-system zone'
Signals from sub-systems can be assigned to the 'Sub-system zone' by means of inputs and outputs. The 'Zone' contains inputs for pre-alarm, alarm, fault and isolation, as well as outputs for acknowledging and resetting.
The flow rate indicator is evaluated with an OR link. Each flow rate indicator in the 'Zone' can generate an alarm.
Template Criteria for alarm Number of detectors with Number of detectors with danger level 2 'Standard' 0 danger level 3 1
'Sprinkler zone'
General setup of the sprinkler system
F Flow rate indicator: special detector zone S Sprinkler station with one or two contacts
H Hydrant network
A sprinkler system is a piping system that is terminated at several locations with sprinkler heads. it is normally fed by the public network of hydrants. The sprinkler station is installed directly after the house feed. It separates the sprinkler network from the hydrant network due to overpressure in the sprinkler network. The sprinkler station signals when the sprinkler network is opened somewhere and water begins to flow. This condition is reported to the fire control panel via a contact (optionally also two). This then triggers an alarm with immediate response from the fire department.
In larger sprinkler systems, the piping system is distributed over several floors and the supply network has an outlet in every floor. Flow rate indicators are built into these outlets. These signal where exactly the water runs to and generate an additional report for reporting to the sprinkler station.
'Assign dialog' window for linking 'Causes' with 'Input 'Sprinkler 1'' and 'Input 'Sprinkler 2''
To link 'Input 'Sprinkler 1'', proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Detection' task card. 2. Open 'Sprinkler zone' in the tree view. 3. Highlight 'Causes '. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 5. Select the corresponding input and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Input 'Sprinkler 1'' is linked to the input. To link 'Input 'Sprinkler 2'', proceed in the same way.
To link 'Referenced flow switch zones', proceed as follows: 1. Highlight 'Referenced flow switch zones '. 2. In the 'Assign dialog' window, select a 'Flow switch zone' and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Referenced flow switch zones' is linked to 'Flow switch zone'. See also 'Flow switch zone' [ 88]
'XC10 zone'
Extinguishing systems are actuated and monitored by the autonomous extinguishing control panel. In the fire detection installation, there is an interface to the extinguishing control panel which makes it possible to send extinguishing control panel events to the fire control panel, and to transmit commands from the fire control panel to the extinguishing control panel. The input/output module FDCIO222 is used as the interface. The inputs and outputs of the FDCIO222 are linked with the corresponding subelements of the element 'XC10 zone'.
'Detection' task card 'Zone' 'Input' at FDCIO222 IN3 The extinguishing control panel detects the activation or resetting of the extinguishing pre-alarm by activating or deactivating 'IN3'. The activation is indicated on the FC720' Person Machine Interface as an alarm and AVC started (processing as for automatic fire alarm). The display 'Exting. pre-alarm' appears on the Person Machine Interface when 'IN3' is activated. It does not disappear automatically when 'IN3' is deactivated, i.e. when a reset is made on the extinguishing control panel. The display has to be acknowledged and reset on the FC720 Person Machine Interface. Description
Input 'Blocked'
The extinguishing control panel detects the simultaneous blocking or releasing of automatic and manual extinguishing by activating or deactivating 'IN4'. The blocking is indicated as isolation on the FC720 Person Machine Interface. The display 'Aut. ext.OFF XC' appears on the PMI when 'IN4' is interrupted while 'OUT B' is inactive. The display 'Aut. ext.OFF FC' appears on the PMI when 'IN4' is interrupted while 'OUT B' is active. This only applies when the 'Autom. exting. release blockable from FS720' function is configured. The display 'Aut+man ext.OFF XC' appears on the PMI when 'IN4' is activated while 'OUT C' is inactive. The display 'Aut+man ext.OFF FC' appears on the PMI when 'IN4' is activated while 'OUT C' is active. This only applies when the 'Autom.+manual exting. release blockable from FS720' function is configured.
'Detection' task card 'Zone' Sub-element of 'XC10 zone' Output 'Block autom.+manual' 'Output' at FDCIO222 OUT C Description
FC720 blocks automatic and manual extinguishing when the user selects one or more extinguishing sectors in the Person Machine Interface display and presses the softkey 'Autom.+man. exting. OFF'. This command activates 'OUT C' for all selected extinguishing sectors. If 'IN4' is not activated by the extinguishing control panel within 10 seconds, 'OUT C' is deactivated again and FC720 displays the text 'XC10 not blockable'. If 'IN 4' is activated by the extinguishing control panel within 10 seconds, 'OUT C' remains active until the blocking on the FC720 Person Machine Interface is released again.
In accordance with standards, the outputs are not permitted or only permitted in exceptional situations. These functions are therefore deactivated by default in the detail editor.
'Assign dialog' window for linking an input or output to a sub-element of the 'Extinguishing system zone'
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Select the 'Detection' task card. Open 'XC10 zone' in the tree view. In 'XC10 zone', highlight an element, e.g., 'Input 'Discharged''. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. Select the corresponding input and click on the 'Assign' button.
In the detail editor of the 'XC10 zone' element, the following properties can be selected:
'Autom. exting. release blockable from FS720' Defines whether the automatic extinguishing release of the extinguishing control can be blocked from the FS720 operating terminal.
'Autom.+manual exting. release blockable from FS720' Defines whether the automatic and manual extinguishing release of the extinguishing control can be blocked from the FS720 operating terminal.
'Show blocking of autom. exting. release on FS720 operating terminal' Defines whether blocking of the automatic extinguishing release of the extinguishing control panel is displayed on the FS720 operating terminal.
'Resettable from FS720' Defines whether the extinguishing control can be reset from the FS720 operating terminal.
'Reset time' 'Resettable from FS720' must be activated in order to allow the reset time to be set. Defines the period for which the system attempts to reset the element before the attempt is considered a failure. Normally, the suitable reset time is set by the control panel. But this is not always possible if sub-systems are activated. In this case, the user can determine the appropriate reset time of between 1 second and 5 minutes.
'Channel activation'
Selection 'In PRE-STAGE' 'In MAIN STAGE' Effect The contributing channels generate an activation message and activate their alarm indicators when the conditions for the pre-stage are met. The contributing channels generate an activation message and activate their alarm indicators when the conditions for the main stage are met.
The device option in the 'Hardware tree' is set such that The output for the external alarm
'OFF allowed'
Option Checkmark activated Checkmark deactivated Effect 'Zone' can be switched off using an operating command. 'Zone' cannot be switched off using an operating command.
Detail editor with criteria for the pre-stage and the main stage
'Reset time'
Option 'Enabled' checkmark deactivated 12.00.01 am to 12.05.00 am Effect Reset time cannot be set. In this case, the suitable reset time is set by the control panel. When the sub-systems are activated, the suitable reset time must be determined. The system attempts to reset the element within this time before the attempt is considered a failure.
'Always resettable'
This property is only available for the 'Manual zone'.
Option Checkmark activated Checkmark deactivated Effect 'Zone' can always be reset (message 'glass broken' from manual call points that are still active). 'Zone' can only be reset if all assigned manual call points are in quiescent condition.
Multi-detector dependency
Multi-detector dependency for collective lines Application does not comply with standards. Multi-detector dependency may not be set up with collective lines. You can choose between the following templates for 'Automatic zone' to configure the multi-detector dependency:
'Multi, 2 det. dependency' 'Multi, 2 det. dependency II' [AT] 'Multi, 2 det. dependency III' [CH]
Depending on the selection, the following properties are set in the 'Details' tab of the detail editor.
Standard settings
The table below shows the standard settings of the 'Automatic zone' in the 'Events' tab of the detail editor.
Template 'Multi, 2 det. dependency' 'Multi, 2 det. dependency II' [AT] Settings Freely selectable 1 detectors with danger level 3: 2 detectors with danger level 3: Automatic first alarm Local alarming only (no delay times, internal sounder only) Automatic fire alarm 'Manned operation': Delayed alarming 'Unmanned operation': Global alarming only
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'Detection' task card Configuring the 'Zone' Settings 1 detectors with danger level 3: 2 detectors with danger level 3: Automatic first alarm 'Manned operation': Delayed alarming 'Unmanned operation': Global alarming only Automatic fire alarm 'Manned operation' and 'Unmanned operation': Global alarming only
Standard settings
2-zone dependency
If the multi-detector dependency extends over two 'Zones', these zones can be linked together. If one of the two 'Zones' reaches the pre-stage, it sends a message. When the second 'Zone' also reaches the pre-stage, both 'Zones' change to the main stage and send a corresponding message. One 'Zone' cannot reach the main stage alone.
1. In the 'Detection' task card, create two 'Automatic zone' elements using the 'Two-zone dependency' template. 2. Link both 'Zones' with the corresponding hardware. 3. Highlight 'Automatic zone '. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window and select 'Two-zone dependency' on the lefthand side. The 'Detection tree' is displayed in the 'Assign dialog' window. The elements that can be linked are highlighted. 5. Highlight 'Automatic zone' and click on the 'Assign' button. The two 'Zones' are linked together.
Standard settings
The standard settings for 'Automatic zone' with 'Two-zone dependency' are as follows:
Automatic first alarm Local alarming only (no delay times, internal sounder only)
To link the Detection tree to the Hardware tree, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Detection' task card. 2. Open 'Detection area' > 'Section' in the tree view. 3. Highlight 'Zone' or 'Physical channel', if pre-configuration has been carried out up to this level. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. The hardware tree is depicted in the 'Assign dialog' window. The elements that can be linked are highlighted. 5. Mark the corresponding sensor. 6. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Zone' is linked to the sensor.
S24218-B102-A1 40
EN54-18:2005 EN54-17:2005 IdNr. SW-Vers. G206054
Swiss Made
Proceed as follows to link a 'Collective line' to the detector zone: 1. Highlight a 'Zone' in the tree view. 2. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 3. Highlight 'Collective' at the left of the window. The input/output module FDCIO223 opens in the 'Hardware tree'. 4. Highlight 'Collective/sounder/output' and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Zone' is linked to 'Collective/sounder/output'.
'Collective line type': Selection of type for the connected 'Collective lines'. 'Coll. line: alarm response / fault delay': Choice of alarm response time (settings of alarm verification inside the device) and the fault delay time of the collective line.
The settings for the 'Collective line' are also visible in the 'Overview' tab of the 'Hardware' task card detail editor.
'Reset time'
The setting for the 'Reset time' has no effect on a 'Collective line'. Detailed information about the input/output module can be found in document 009122.
1. Create a 'Technical zone' using the 'Fault sub-system' template. 2. Highlight 'Technical zone '. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 'Input' is highlighted and the Hardware tree is opened. The elements that can be linked are highlighted. 4. Highlight the relevant 'I/O' and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Technical zone' is linked to 'I/O'.
Alarming control group Controls for internal and external sounders and remote transmission outputs for Fire and Fault.
Evacuation control group Controls for alarm and announcement devices. Fire control group Controls for building equipment. Counter control group Registration of fire alarms and test activities.
Each zone has one or more control elements including one or more inputs (Cause) and one or more outputs (Effect).
Control tree
Task card 'Control' with the tree view and window 'New element'
To create the Control tree, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. Highlight the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Open the 'New element' window. 4. In the 'Type:' field, select a 'Control group'. 5. Enter the number of elements required in the 'Amount:' field. 6. Click on the 'Add' button. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The elements are created. Enter the customer texts. Highlight 'Control group' in the tree view. Select an element in the 'Type:' field of the 'New element' window. Enter the number of elements required in the 'Amount:' field. Click on the 'Add' button.
'Internal sounder control' 'External sounder control' 'RT fire control' 'RT fault control' 'RT 1 control' to 'RT 8 control' 'RT device control'
The causes of the elements are linked to the event verification of the station. The effects of the different 'RT' elements are linked to the corresponding onboard I/Os, the fire department periphery module or the I/O card (programmable). A confirmation input can be assigned to the effects. The effects of the 'Sounder' elements can be linked to the base sounder or loop sounder on the C-NET line or to the corresponding on-board I/Os, the fire department periphery module, or the I/O card (programmable). A fault input and a confirmation input can be assigned to the 'RT device control'.
Linking cause
Task card 'Control' with the tree view and window 'Assign dialog'
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Select the 'Control' task card. Open the 'Station' in the tree view. Highlight 'Causes' in a control element of the 'Alarming control group'. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. In the window click an event category and select the cause from the list.
The appropriate tree is shown in the right side of the window. The elements that can be linked are highlighted. 6. Select the appropriate ID No. or open the tree and select the corresponding element. 7. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Causes' is linked to the element.
Linking effect
Task card 'Control' with the tree view and window 'Assign dialog'
1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. Open the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Highlight the 'Effects' element in a control element of the 'Alarming control group'. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 5. Click an output with or without confirmation on the left in the window. The hardware tree is depicted on the right in the window. The elements that can be linked are highlighted. In the case of an output with confirmation, a second Hardware tree opens for linking the confirmation input. 6. Select the appropriate ID No. (outputs only) or open the tree and select the corresponding element. 7. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Effects' is linked to the element.
'Access level <> default level': Remote transmission is automatically deactivated when the current access level of an assigned Person Machine Interface (PMI) corresponds to at least the configured level. 'All activations': The activated remote transmission function is automatically deactivated when an input for any control (e.g., a door contact) changes status.
Window 'Assign dialog' with the event category 'RT isolation, Access level > 1'
To assign a Person Machine Interface (PMI) to the cause, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. Open the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Highlight the 'Causes' element in an 'RT' element of the 'Alarming control group'. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 5. In the window, click on the 'Cause 'RT isolation'' > 'Access level <> default level' event category and select the 'Operation' task card from the dropdown list field. The corresponding PMI is highlighted in the window on the right. 6. Click on the 'Assign' button. PMI is linked to 'Causes'. 7. Highlight the linked PMI element in the tree view. 8. In the 'Required access level' field of the detail editor, determine the minimum access level that must be reached for remote transmission to be deactivated.
'All activations'
'Assign dialog' window with the 'RT isolation, all activations' event category
To attain automatic isolation by any control, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. Open the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Highlight the 'Causes' element in an 'RT' element of the 'Alarming control group'. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 5. In the window, click on 'Cause 'RT isolation'' > 'All activations' and select the 'Control' task card from the dropdown list field. The corresponding 'Fire control' elements are displayed at the right of the window. 6. Select the corresponding element and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Fire control' is linked to 'Causes'. 7. In the tree view, highlight the 'Fire control' link and use the hyperlink in the detail editor to navigate to the original 'Fire control' element. 8. Link its cause with the corresponding input.
Alert The linking of all conditions, so that the corresponding alarm devices transmit a warning signal.
Evac The linking of all conditions, so that the corresponding alarm devices transmit an evacuation signal.
Events in the Station, the Detector lines, the Section, or the Zone (cause) initiate evacuation control. The evacuation control group unites the following evacuation control elements:
Window 'Assign dialog' with the event category 'All autom. Fire ALARMS'
To link the cause, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. Open 'Station' > 'Evac control group' in the tree view. 3. In 'Universal evac control', highlight the 'Causes' element. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 5. Click on an event category in the left of the window and select an event from the list. 6. In the right of the window, select the tree and mark the corresponding highlighted element in it. 7. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Causes' is linked to the element.
Event category Outputs with confirmation Cause All Fire ALARMS --All autom. Fire ALARMS ----Autom. First ALARM ----General autom. Fire ALARM ----Exting. pre-alarm (Aut. Fire AL.) ----Exting. discharged (Aut. Fire AL.) --Manual Fire ALARM All Pre-ALARMS --Degraded Fire ALARM Events 'Technical message' All technical messages Hardware tree Detection tree Operation tree Link with Hardware tree Detection tree
'Controls' task card Evacuation control group Event category Events 'Fault' Cause All faults --Other fault --All system faults ----System fault: general connection fault ----System fault: module ----Other system fault --Mains failure --Battery failure --Emergency power operation Events 'Isolation' All isolations --Other isolation --Temporary isolation --Alarm evaluation OFF --Sub-system isolation --Automatic extinguishing release OFF --Autom.+man. extinguishing release OFF --Renovation mode '--Not ready --Fire related controls OFF --RT FIRE channels OFF --Sounders OFF Events 'Test' All test modes --Detector test mode --Installation test mode --Control test mode All test activations --Test activation ALERT --Test activation EVAC --Other test activation Events 'Activation' All activations --Activation/ALERT --Activation/EVAC --Other activation --Activation/confirmed --Activation/NOT active --Activation/unexpected Detection tree Control tree Operation tree Detection tree Control tree Detection tree Link with Hardware tree Detection tree Control tree Operation tree Network tree
'Controls' task card Evacuation control group Event category Events 'AVC and IC' Cause AVC, Fire ALARM AVC, Pre-ALARM IC, Technical IC, Fault IC, Isolation IC, Test IC, Activation IC, Information Events 'Information' Manned operation Unmanned operation Service information: Service required Access level <> default level --Access level 1 --Access level 2.1 --Access level 2.2 --Access level 3 Expiry reminder of time lim. isol. Other information Visibility Inputs Input Hardware tree Hardware tree Detection tree Station Link with Detection tree
To link the effect, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. Open 'Station' > 'Evac control group' in the tree view. 3. In 'Universal evac control', highlight the 'Effects' element.
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4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. The 'EVAC sounder' command is highlighted, and the hardware tree is displayed at the right of the window. 5. Mark the corresponding highlighted element in the tree. 6. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Effects' is linked to the element.
The properties shown in the following tables can be set in the detail editor of the 'Universal evac control' element.
Cause Inputs and events Formula Operators for the link: OR = '+' AND = '*' NOT = ''.
START mode
Start mode Undefined (no autom. activation) Formula true Value rising and >= threshold (all causes OR-combined)
STOP mode
Stop mode Undefined (no autom. deactivation) Formula false All causes inactive
Additional functions
Function Activation delay Deactivation delay Activation timeout Deactivation timeout Settings 0 to 30 minutes 0 to 30 minutes 1 second to 30 minutes (default 5 minutes) 1 second to 30 minutes (default 5 minutes)
'Activation delay': Activation of the control is delayed by the set time when the start conditions are met. 'Deactivation delay': Deactivation of the control is delayed by the set time when the stop conditions are met. 'Activation timeout': This is started when the control is activated. After the expiry of the set time the control is deactivated again automatically. 'Deactivation timeout': This is started when the control is deactivated. After the expiry of the set time the control is activated again automatically.
Accept commands 'Sounders ON/OFF'' from FBF: If the checkmark is placed, the effects of the sounder control relating to the corresponding area are switched off or on by the FBF function. OFF allowed: If the checkmark is placed, the control can be switched off by an operating command. OFF/DEACTIVATION allowed in active state: If the checkmark is placed, the control can be switched off or deactivated when the control is in active status. Control test allowed: If the checkmark is placed, the control can be switched to 'Control test' by an operating command.
Window 'Assign dialog' with the event category 'All autom. Fire ALARMS'
To link 'Causes ALERT' or 'Causes EVAC', proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. Open 'Station' > 'Evac control group' in the tree view. 3. In 'Phased evac control', highlight the 'Causes ALERT' or 'Causes EVAC' element. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 5. Click on an event category in the left of the window and select an event from the list. 6. In the right of the window, select the tree and mark the corresponding highlighted element in it. 7. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Causes' is linked to the element.
'Controls' task card Evacuation control group Event category Events 'Alarm and Pre-alarm' Cause Events 'Technical message' Events 'Activation' Inputs All activations Input 'All Fire ALARMS' '--All autom. Fire ALARMS' ----General autom. Fire ALARM ----Exting. discharged (Aut. Fire AL.) ----Exting. pre-alarm (Aut. Fire AL.) --Manual Fire ALARM --Degraded Fire ALARM All Pre-ALARMS All technical messages Detection tree Hardware tree Detection tree Control tree Hardware tree Link with Detection tree Hardware tree Control tree
Overview of events
To link the effect, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. Open 'Station' > 'Evac control group' in the tree view. 3. In 'Phased evac control', highlight the 'Effects' element. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. The 'EVAC sounder' command is highlighted, and the hardware tree is displayed at the right of the window. 5. Mark the corresponding highlighted element in the tree. 6. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Effects' is linked to the element.
Accept commands 'Sounders ON/OFF'' from FBF: If the checkmark is placed, the effects of the sounder control relating to the corresponding area are switched off or on by the FBF function. OFF allowed: If the checkmark is placed, the control can be switched off by an operating command. OFF/DEACTIVATION allowed in active state: If the checkmark is placed, the control can be switched off or deactivated when the control is in active status. Control test allowed: If the checkmark is placed, the control can be switched to 'Control test' by an operating command.
In the first phase the floor on which the fire is located as well as the one above and the two top floors, all basement floors and possibly the ground floor are evacuated. In additional phases, one upper and one lower floor are also evacuated at predefined intervals. If need be, additional floors can be evacuated during the same phase.
'Controls' task card Evacuation control group Stages of evacuation UG EG 1 1 2 3 4 1. Floor 2. Floor 3. Floor 4. Floor 5. Floor 6. Floor 7. Floor 8. Floor 9. Floor 10. Floor 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 2 1 4 3 3 3 2 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
4th floor
5. Floor 6. Floor 7. Floor 8. Floor 9. Floor 10. Floor
1 1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 1
4 4 4 5 5 2
4 4 4 4 5 2
3 3 3 4 4 3
2 3 3 3 4 3
1 2 2 3 3 4
1 1 2 2 3 4
2 1 1 2 2 5
3 2 1 1 2 5
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
Phase 1: 4th floor, 5th floor, 9th floor, 10th floor, and basement Phase 2: 3rd floor, 6th floor Phase 3: 2nd floor, 7th floor Phase 4: 1st floor, 8th floor Phase 5: EG
7. Configure the delay times for evacuation: For the example above, open 'Phased evac control/4th floor' > 'Causes EVAC'. For phase 1, highlight 'Section/4th floor', 'Section/5th floor', 'Section/9th floor', 'Section/10th floor', and 'Section/basement' one after the other, and set the delay time to 5 minutes in each case. For phase 2, highlight 'Section/3rd floor' and 'Section/6th floor' one after the other and set the delay time to 10 minutes in each case. Continue this process up to phase 5. 8. Using this method and referring to the table above, configure the delay times for evacuation for each 'Phased evac control' element.
Task card 'Control', 'Phased evac control' with detail editor 'Section', 'Overview'
Window 'Assign dialog' with the event category 'All autom. Fire ALARMS'
To link a cause, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. Open the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. In 'Fire control', highlight the 'Causes' element. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 5. In the window click event category on the left and select the cause from the list. The appropriate tree is now shown in the right side of the window. The elements that can be linked are highlighted. 6. Open the tree and select the corresponding element. 7. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Causes' is linked to the element.
'Controls' task card Fire control group Event category Outputs with confirmation Cause All Fire ALARMS --All autom. Fire ALARMS ----Autom. First ALARM ----General autom. Fire ALARM ----Exting. pre-alarm (Aut. Fire AL.) ----Exting. discharged (Aut. Fire AL.) --Manual Fire ALARM All Pre-ALARMS --Degraded Fire ALARM Events 'Technical message' Events 'Fault' All faults --Other fault --All system faults ----System fault: general connection fault ----System fault: module ----Other system fault --Mains failure --Battery failure --Emergency power operation Events 'Isolation' All isolations --Other isolation --Temporary isolation --Alarm evaluation OFF --Sub-system isolation --Automatic extinguishing release OFF --Autom.+man. extinguishing release OFF --Renovation mode '--Not ready --Fire related controls OFF --RT FIRE channels OFF --Sounders OFF Events 'Test' All test modes --Detector test mode --Installation test mode --Control test mode All test activations --Test activation ALERT --Test activation EVAC --Other test activation Detection tree Control tree Detection tree All technical messages Hardware tree Detection tree Operation tree Hardware tree Detection tree Control tree Operation tree Network tree Link with Hardware tree Detection tree
'Controls' task card Fire control group Event category Events 'Activation' Cause All activations --Activation/ALERT --Activation/EVAC --Other activation --Activation/confirmed --Activation/NOT active --Activation/unexpected Events 'AVC and IC' AVC, Fire ALARM AVC, Pre-ALARM IC, Technical IC, Fault IC, Isolation IC, Test IC, Activation IC, Information Events 'Information' Manned operation Unmanned operation Service information: Service required Access level <> default level --Access level 1 --Access level 2.1 --Access level 2.2 --Access level 3 Expiry reminder of time lim. isol. Other information Visibility Inputs Input Hardware tree Hardware tree Detection tree Station Detection tree Link with Detection tree Control tree Operation tree
The following properties can be set in the detail editor of the element linked to the cause, in the 'Detection area' example:
'Include sub-tree': If the box contains a checkmark, not only the events from this level but also the events from all lower levels are considered. 'Deactivate cause when event is ACKNOWLEDGED': If the box contains a checkmark, the cause is deactivated as soon as the linked event is acknowledged. If the checkmark is not set then the cause is deactivated as soon as the linked event disappears. 'ACTIVE if no communication to source': If the box contains a checkmark, the status of the cause is active in the event of a communication failure on the station that contains the linked element. If the checkmark is not set then the status of the cause remains silent.
In the example, two trees are shown one below the other. The lower tree view appears only when a confirmation input can be linked. To link the effect, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. Open the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. In 'Fire control', highlight the 'Effects' element. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 5. Click on an output or command on the left in the window. The appropriate tree is now shown in the right side of the window. The elements that can be linked are highlighted. 6. Select the appropriate ID No. (outputs only) or open the tree and select the corresponding element. 7. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Effects' is linked to the element.
The properties shown in the following tables can be set in the detail editor of the 'Fire control' element.
Cause Inputs and events Formula Operators for the link: OR = '+' AND = '*' NOT = ''.
START mode
Start mode Undefined (no autom. activation) Formula true Value rising and >= threshold (all causes OR-combined)
STOP mode
Stop mode Undefined (no autom. deactivation) Formula false All causes inactive
Additional functions
Function Activation delay Deactivation delay Activation timeout Deactivation timeout Settings 0 to 30 minutes 0 to 30 minutes 1 second to 30 minutes (default 5 minutes) 1 second to 30 minutes (default 5 minutes)
'Activation delay': Activation of the control is delayed by the set time when the start conditions are met. 'Deactivation delay': Deactivation of the control is delayed by the set time when the stop conditions are met. 'Activation timeout': This is started when the control is activated. After the expiry of the set time the control is deactivated again automatically. 'Deactivation timeout': This is started when the control is deactivated. After the expiry of the set time the control is activated again automatically.
Accept commands 'Fire controls ON/OFF' from FBF: If the box contains a checkmark, the effects of the control relating to the corresponding area switched off or on by the FBF function. OFF allowed: If the checkmark is placed, the control can be switched off by an operating command. OFF/DEACTIVATION allowed in active state: If the checkmark is placed, the control can be switched off or deactivated when the control is in active status. Control test allowed: If the checkmark is placed, the control can be switched to 'Control test' by an operating command.
Both the counter control group and the 'Alarm counter control' element can be switched off (via the Person Machine Interface, for example).
Task card 'Control' with the tree view and window 'New element'
1. 2. 3. 4.
Select the 'Control' task card. Highlight the 'Station' in the tree view. Open the 'New element' window. In the 'Type:' field, select the 'Counter control group' element and click on the 'Add' button.
The element is created. 5. Highlight 'Counter control group' in the tree view. The 'Alarm counter control' element is displayed in the 'Type:' field. 6. Enter the number of elements required in the 'Amount:' field and click on the 'Add' button. The elements are created. 7. Enter the customer texts.
Task card 'Control' with the tree view and window 'Assign dialog'
1. Highlight the 'Alarm counter control' element in the tree view. 2. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 3. Click the event category in the window. The Hardware tree is depicted at the right of the window. The stations that can be linked are highlighted. 4. Select the relevant station and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Alarm counter control' is linked to the station.
'Assign dialog' window for linking the cause for the extinguishing actuation
'Assign dialog' window for linking the effect for the extinguishing actuation
To link the cause and effect of extinguishing release, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. Highlight the 'Station' in the tree view and create a 'Fire control group' element and a 'Fire control' element below this. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 4. Highlight 'Causes' and, in the 'New cause dialog' window, highlight '--All autom. Fire ALARMS' in the 'Event' list. 5. Select the relevant automatic zone(s) and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Causes' is linked to the zone(s). 6. Highlight 'Fire control' and set the conditions for extinguishing activation in the detail editor, 'Overview' button. 7. Highlight 'Effects' and, in the 'New effect dialog' window, highlight 'Output/NO confirmation'. 8. Select the relevant 'Output' of input/output module FDCIO224 and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Effects' is linked to the 'Output'.
To link 'Input 'Discharged'', proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Detection' task card. 2. Open the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Highlight 'Section' (if available) or 'Detection area' and create an 'XC10 zone' element. 4. Open 'XC10 zone' and highlight 'Input 'Discharged''. 5. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 'Input 'Discharged'' is highlighted and the Hardware tree appears. The elements that can be linked are highlighted. 6. In the 'Assign dialog' window, select the relevant 'Input' of input/output module FDCIO224 and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Input 'Discharged'' is linked to the 'Input'.
'New element' window for creating the technical zone for 'Fault extinguish.'
To create and link the 'Fault extinguish.' input, proceed as follows: 1. Highlight 'Section' (if available) or 'Detection area'. 2. In the 'New element' window, select the 'Technical zone' zone in the 'Type:' field and 'Fault extinguishing system' in the 'Template:' field, and click on the 'Add' button. 3. Highlight the 'Technical zone' zone. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window and highlight 'Input'. The Hardware tree is shown. The elements that can be linked are highlighted. 5. Select the relevant 'Input' of input/output module FDCIO224 and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Technical zone' is linked to the 'Input'.
'Assign dialog' window for linking the visibility on the fire department operating panel (FBF)
To link the visibility on the fire department operating panel (FBF), proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Open 'FBF' in the tree view. 3. Highlight 'Visible Extinguishing controls '. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 'Visible Extinguishing controls' is highlighted and the Detection tree is shown. The 'XC10 zone' element that can be linked is highlighted. 5. Select 'XC10 zone' and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Visible Extinguishing controls' is linked to 'XC10 zone'.
'Activated by a control (independent output)' activation mode for the external alarm indicator output is selected.
1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. In the tree view, open 'Fire control group' > 'Fire control' - OR 'Evac control group' > 'Universal evac control' or 'Phased evac control'. 3. Highlight 'Effects '. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 5. Highlight 'Output/NO confirmation' at the left of the window. 6. Open the corresponding C-NET device in the hardware tree. 7. Highlight 'Ext. AI' and click on the 'Assign' button. The effect of the control is linked with the external alarm indicator output.
'Controls' task card Loop sounder, loop sounder/beacon, and base sounder
In the alarming control group as: Internal 'Sounder' External 'Sounder' Universal evacuation 2-stage evacuation
'Sounder': Linking
'Control' task card, alarming and evac control groups, with 'Assign dialog' window for linking a sounder
1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. Depending on the application in question, open the following in the tree view: 'Alarming control group' > 'Internal sounder control' or 'External sounder control' - OR 'Evac control group' > 'Universal evac control' or 'Phased evac control' 3. Highlight 'Effects '. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 'Assign dialog' is highlighted at the left of the 'Sounder' window. 5. In 'Hardware tree', select the 'Sounder' channel. 6. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Effects' is linked to 'Sounder'.
'Sounder': Configuring
The 'Sounder' configuration is displayed in the detail editor of the 'Control' task card, provided that the following conditions are met:
'Sounder' is linked to the control effect. 'Sounder' is highlighted in the tree view. 'ALERT tone', 'EVAC tone', and 'Sounder volume' can be set using the 'Hardware' button. For the 'Loop sounder beacon', 'Strobe activation' can also be configured using the 'Hardware' button. The 'Overview' button can also be used to set a time limit for 'Manned operation' and 'Unmanned operation' separately.
The settings for 'Sounder' can also be viewed in the detail editor of the 'Hardware' task card, using the 'Overview' and 'Control' buttons.
'Base sounder activation' in the detail editor 'Detector' (with sounder base), 'Overview'
To set direct activation, proceed as follows: 1. Highlight the detector with the sounder base in the tree view. 2. In the detail editor, select the following activation type in the 'Base sounder activation' field: 'Upon ALARM by the DETECTOR in same base' - OR 'Upon ALARM in the ZONE of the detector in same base'
Parallel activation
In parallel to direct activation, an evacuation control can be used to define what is to happen in other cases. To activate the Base sounder, ALERT can be used, for example. It is always the event with the higher priority that is relevant to activation, i.e., when the evacuation control requires ALERT and the Base sounder has been activated directly, EVAC is used.
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S24218-B102-A1 40
EN54-18:2005 EN54-17:2005 IdNr. SW-Vers. G206054
Swiss Made
In the alarming control group as: Internal 'Sounder' External 'Sounder' Universal evacuation 2-stage evacuation
'Control' task card, alarming control groups, with 'Assign dialog' window for linking the sounder line
Proceed as follows to link the 'Sounder' line: 1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. Depending on the application in question, open the following in the tree view: 'Alarming control group' > 'Internal sounder control' or 'External sounder control' - OR 'Evac control group' > 'Universal evac control' or 'Phased evac control' 3. Highlight 'Effects '. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 'Assign dialog' is highlighted at the left of the 'Sounder' window. 5. Open the input/output module FDCIO223 in the 'Hardware tree'. 6. Select 'Collective/sounder/output'. 7. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Effects' is linked to 'Collective/sounder/output'.
The 'Sounder' line is linked to the control effect. The 'Sounder' line is highlighted in the tree view.
The following settings can be made using the 'Hardware' button: 'ALERT mode' 'EVAC/output mode' 'Sounder line/output: fault delay' 'Sounder line/output: load resistor'
The 'Overview' button can also be used to set a time limit for 'Manned operation' and 'Unmanned operation', separately.
The settings for the Sounder lines are also visible in the detail editor of the 'Hardware' task card, under the 'Overview' button. More information about the input/output module can be found in document 009122.
S24218-B102-A1 40
EN54-18:2005 EN54-17:2005 IdNr. SW-Vers. G206054
Swiss Made
'Control' task card, fire control group, with 'Assign dialog' window for linking the control line
To link the control line via the input/output module FDCIO223, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Control' task card. 2. Open 'Fire control group' in the tree view. 3. Highlight 'Effects' under 'Fire control'. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 'Output/NO confirmation' is highlighted at the left of the 'Assign dialog' window. 5. In the hardware tree, open the input/output module FDCIO223. 6. Select 'Collective/sounder/output'. 7. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Effects' is linked to 'Collective/sounder/output'.
The output for the control line is linked to the control effect. The output for the control line is marked in the tree view.
'EVAC/output mode' 'Sounder line/output: fault delay' 'Sounder line/output: load resistor' 'Output fail safe position'
The output settings for the control line are also visible in the 'Overview' tab of the 'Hardware' task card detail editor. More information about the input/output module can be found in document 009122.
'Fire control group': 'Fire control' 'Universal evac control' Phased evac control 'Evac control group':
Linking FDCAI221
To link the master clock, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Open 'Global system configuration' in the tree view. 3. Highlight 'Global system time '. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 'Global system time' is highlighted and the Hardware tree is shown. 5. Select the relevant station and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Global system time' is linked to the station.
'Country settings'
Country-specific settings are defined in the 'Country settings' element. The user cannot change these settings.
Basic settings Visibility of 'Stations' and 'Areas' events LEDs 1 to 6 Standard keys 1 and 2 Favorite keys 1 to 8
Basic settings
The following basic settings can be entered for the Person Machine Interface in the detail editor of the 'PMI' element:
'Logout timeout' Length of time after which the Person Machine Interface of the 'Station' automatically switches back to 'Default access level' is no key is pressed Length of time after which the Person Machine Interface of the 'Station' automatically changes from the menu display to message display if no key is pressed. This time-out is used if ALARM events are present. Length of time after which the Person Machine Interface of the 'Station' automatically changes from the menu display to message display if no key is pressed. This time-out is used if no ALARM events are present. Default access level of the 'Station' with key switch in 'off' position Default access level of the 'Station' with key switch in 'on' position
'Visibility' Variants
The 'Visibility' defines which parts of a 'Site' can be viewed and/or operated on a 'Station' or another device in the 'Site'. 'Visibility' is configured as follows:
'Site': 'Visibility' across the entire 'Site' 'Site without areas': 'Visibility' for all events from the 'Hardware tree' of the 'Site' 'Station': 'Visibility' for a 'Station' within the 'Site', with all areas in this 'Station' 'Station without areas': 'Visibility' for all events from the 'Hardware tree' of the 'Station' 'Area': 'Visibility' for an area within a 'Station'
More restrictions can be applied, e.g. selecting 'Visibility' for the 'ALARM' and 'Fault' control event categories only instead of for all events in an area. The following visibility modes allow you to add additional visibilities depending on the situation:
'Standard visibility' The normal 'Visibility' if no additional conditions are met. This 'Visibility' is also activated if a corresponding 'Station' fails. This 'Visibility' is activated manually, e.g. by a favorites key or a standard key. 'Standby visibility for Operating terminal' 'Expanded visibility'
'Standard visibility'
'Standard visibility' is created when a 'PMI' element is created. 'Standard visibility' is used to determine which events can be seen on the 'Station'.
Proceed as follows to link additional 'Visibility': 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Open 'PMI' in the structure tree and highlight 'Standard visibility'. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. The 'Visibility' and 'Hardware tree' or 'Detection tree' lists are displayed. 4. Select the 'Site', 'Station' or 'Area' and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Visibility' can be linked to several elements. 'Visibility' is linked. Event categories can be selected in the detail editor of the linked elements by deactivating the 'ALL event categories visible' box.
In the detail editor of the 'Standard visibility' element, you can determine whether events that occur as a consequence of another visible event should be visible. For example, you can determine whether confirmation messages for activated controls should also be visible.
'Visible secondary events' 'None' 'All secondary events': Activations for all controls, incl. remote transmission 'Secondary events by RT ch. to Fire Brigade only' This field is used to determine the 'Max. access level' that can be reached in 'Standard visibility'. The pre-setting is 3.
'Standby visibility'
A 'Station' with configured 'Standby visibility for Operating terminal' monitors one or more other Stations in the configured 'Visibility'.
When the 'Site' is in normal operating condition, 'Standby visibility for Operating terminal' is deactivated. The 'Station' configured in this way and the display are then in quiescent condition. If a monitored 'Station' fails or the connection to a monitored 'Station' is interrupted, the configured 'Standby visibility for Operating terminal' becomes active and the 'Site' can be operated in the configured visibility via this 'Station' exactly as was previously the case with the failed 'Station'.
Depending on the 'Station' to be monitored, the following 'Standby visibility for Operating terminal' must be configured:
'Standby visibility for Operating terminal' If the monitored 'Station' is a FC720 or a terminal FT724. If the monitored 'Station' is a management 'Station'. 'Standby visibility for Management station'
Create and link the 'Standby visibility for Operating terminal' as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Highlight 'PMI' in the structure tree. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 4. Select the corresponding element from the 'PMI supervision for standby visibility' list. 5. Select the 'Station' from the tree view and click on the 'Assign' button. Multiple selections are possible. The corresponding 'Standby visibility for Operating terminal' element is created for each 'Station' selected and linked to the 'Station'. 6. Highlight the 'Standby visibility for Operating terminal' element and link the 'Visibility'.
Elements are configured in the detail editor in the same way as with 'Standard visibility'. 'Max. access level' for 'Standby visibility for Operating terminal' is preset to 2.1.
'Expanded visibility'
You can activate a configured 'Expanded visibility' manually, e.g. with a favorites button or a standard button. 'Expanded visibility' is used such that the commissioning or maintenance personnel can temporarily access other parts of the system. The 'Expanded visibility' is used in [AT] in order to give the 'Stations' visibility of the rest of the system in the event of a system collapse due to several network errors, in accordance with TRVB S 123. The 'Expanded visibility' element can be created using the 'New element' or 'Assign' function to configure 'Expanded visibility'.
Create and link the 'Expanded visibility' as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Highlight 'PMI' in the structure tree. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 4. Select the relevant 'Expanded visibility' element from the list. 5. Select the 'Station' in the structure tree and click on the 'Assign' button. Multiple selections are possible. The 'Expanded visibility' element is created for each 'Station' selected and linked to the 'Station'. 6. Highlight the 'Expanded visibility' element and link the 'Visibility'.
Elements are configured in the detail editor in the same way as with 'Standard visibility'. 'Max. access level' for 'Expanded visibility' is pre-set to 2.1.
17 6 13 20 1 16 21 5 12 22
The LEDs on the Person Machine Interface signal events and conditions (causes). In addition, the LEDs support the operator's orientation. There are two ways of assigning a cause to a LED:
Event with defined, local visibility Event with optional, global visibility on particular element from the hardware tree or a logical tree.
To assign the predefined cause to an LED, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. In the tree view, open 'PMI' > 'LEDs' and highlight 'LED'/'Programmable 1' 'Programmable 6'. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. The list of events is displayed. 4. Select 'Pre-defined causes', highlight 'Standard', and click on the 'Assign' button. 'LED'/'Programmable 1' - 'Programmable 6' contains the 'Causes'/'Undefined' sub-element.
An event filter and/or event attribute is now assigned to the sub-element and the LED properties determined.
Event filter Undefined LED 'ALARM' LED 'ALARM': on (buzzer silenced) LED 'ALARM': intermittent, slow (buzzer active) LED 'Pre-ALARM' LED 'Pre-ALARM': on (buzzer silenced) slow (buzzer active) LED 'FAULT' LED 'ISOLATION' LED 'DETECTOR TEST' LED 'TECHNICAL' LED 'Active' LED 'INFORMATION' LED 'System On' LED 'System Fault' LED 'More alarms' LED 'Remote alarm Active' LED 'Remote alarm not activated' LED 'Remote alarm Fault' LED 'Remote alarm Off' LED 'Alarm device Active' LED 'Alarm device Fault' LED 'Control function Active (without confirmation)' LED 'Control function Active (with confirmation)' LED 'Control function Active (with or without confirmation)' LED 'Control function Fault' LED 'Control function Off' LED 'Acknowledge' LED 'Reset' LED 'Alarm delay off' LED 'Premises manned' LED 'Premises manned' AND 'Premises unmanned' LED 'Key depot Sabotage ALARM' LED 'Key depot unlocked' LED 'Power supply fault' LED 'Extinguishing discharged' LED 'Autom. extinguishing release OFF' LED 'Autom.+man. extinguishing release OFF' Event attribute Undefined / none Intervention text available
'Operation' task card Person Machine Interface (PMI) Colour Depends whether LED is available or not. Red Yellow Green High Highest Low Lowest Medium Priority The priority of the cause selected compared with other causes which are defined for the same LED. LED mode Intermittent Intermittent, fast Intermittent, long period Intermittent, short period Off On
LED properties
'Operation' task card Person Machine Interface (PMI) Event category Events 'Isolation' Cause All isolations --Other isolation --Temporary isolation --Alarm evaluation OFF --Sub-system isolation --Automatic extinguishing release OFF --Autom.+man. extinguishing release OFF --Renovation mode '--Not ready --Fire related controls OFF --RT FIRE channels OFF --Sounders OFF Events 'Test' All test modes --Detector test mode --Installation test mode --Control test mode All test activations --Test activation ALERT --Test activation EVAC --Other test activation Events 'Activation' All activations --Activation/ALERT --Activation/EVAC --Other activation --Activation/confirmed --Activation/NOT active --Activation/unexpected Events 'AVC and IC' AVC, Fire ALARM AVC, Pre-ALARM IC, Technical IC, Fault IC, Isolation IC, Test IC, Activation IC, Information Station Detection tree Detection tree Control tree Operation tree Detection tree Control tree Link with Detection tree
'Operation' task card Person Machine Interface (PMI) Event category Events 'Information' Cause Manned operation Unmanned operation Service information: Service required Access level <> default level --Access level 1 --Access level 2.1 --Access level 2.2 --Access level 3 Expiry reminder of time lim. isol. Other information Visibility Link with Hardware tree Detection tree
To assign the cause to an LED, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. In the tree view, open 'PMI' > 'LEDs' and highlight 'LED'/'Programmable 1' 'Programmable 6'. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. The list of events is displayed. 4. Select an event and element from one of the trees and click on the 'Assign' button. 'LED'/'Programmable 1' - 'Programmable 6' is linked to the corresponding cause. 5. Highlight the linked cause and determine the LED properties in the detail editor.
LED properties
1 7 2 3 4 5 6 a b
The standard keys can be assigned frequently used functions, such as those listed below:
Display views Message view, customer text view, fire brigade view. Switch on/switch off, test, configuration ('Set PS MANNED', 'Switch to UNMANNED' Execute commands
Configuring views
In the tree view, create the 'Dialog' element below the 'Standard key' element: In the 'New element' window, in the 'Type:' > 'Dialog' field - OR In the 'Assign dialog' window, from the 'Dialog' > 'Standard' list
In the detail editor of the 'Dialog' element, the following properties can be set:
'Access level': Access level required to execute this command. 'Dialog name': Indicator dialog in which the key is to appear or the dialog which is to be called up using the key. 'Dialog argument': Additional argument for calling up the indicator dialog. The selection depends on which dialog is configured.
The table below contains the views that can be assigned to a standard key. Each standard key can be assigned one view.
'Dialog name' Undefined Dialog 'Message viewer, List view' 'Dialog argument' 'Undefined / none' 'Undefined / none', 'Next category', 'Previous category', 'Jump to beginning', 'Jump to end', 'Switch to 'Fire Brigade message view'', 'Switch to 'Standard message view'', 'Switch to 'Extended message view'', 'Show active detectors', 'Switch all to 'manned'', 'Switch all to 'unmanned'', 'Switch to 'manned/unmanned'' Dialog 'Message viewer, Intervention text' Dialog 'Message viewer, Message summary' Dialog 'Menu viewer, Main menu' Dialog 'Utility, Options' Dialog 'Utility, Detail' Dialog 'Config viewer, Topology' Dialog 'Admin viewer, List' Dialog 'Admin viewer, Add user' Dialog 'Admin viewer, Delete user' Dialog 'Admin viewer, Edit user' Dialog 'Admin viewer, LED test' Dialog 'Admin viewer, Login' 'LED test' 'Main menu' Deactivate', 'Information', 'Configuration', 'Maintenance', 'All functions', 'Search for Categories', 'Address entry', 'Set system time', 'Search for Plan no.' Dialog 'Command viewer, Element view' Dialog 'Command viewer, Address entry' 'Dialog 'Command viewer, Command parameter' Dialog 'Command viewer, Plan no. entry' Dialog 'Event memory viewer, Event view' Dialog 'Event memory viewer, Time range entry' 'Active dialog ' Dialog 'Change language' Dialog 'Admin viewer, Change display contrast' Dialog 'Utility, Messages' 'Undefined / none' 'Toggle message view' 'Change language' 'Change display contrast' 'Undefined / none' 'Undefined / none', 'Jump to beginning', 'Jump to end', 'Jump back', 'Execute command', 'Show messages' 'Undefined / none' 'Favorites' 'Undefined / none' 'Undefined / none', 'Jump back', 'Show messages' 'Undefined / none', 'Upper level', 'Lower level', 'Jump to beginning', 'Jump to end', 'Jump to linked element', 'Detection tree', 'Hardware tree', 'Control tree' 'Undefined / none', 'LED test', 'Set backlight intensity', 'Change language' 'Undefined / none' 'Undefined / none', 'Jump back', 'Show messages' 'Reset selection'
Dialog 'Command viewer, Message display' 'Undefined / none', 'Execute command', 'On / Off', 'Test', 'Activate /
Assigning commands
The table below contains the commands that can be assigned to a standard key. Each standard key can be assigned one command.
Command Commands 'On/Off' Effect 'OFF' 'ON' Link with Hardware tree Detection tree Control tree Operation tree 'Detector line OFF' 'Detector line ON' 'OFF/timer' 'Renovation mode' 'Non-MCP zones OFF' 'Non-MCP zones OFF/timer' 'Non-MCP zones ON' 'MCP zones OFF' 'MCP zones OFF/timer' 'MCP zones ON' 'All zones OFF' 'All zones OFF/timer' 'All zones ON' 'Fire related controls OFF' 'Fire related controls ON' 'Autom. exting. OFF' 'Autom. exting. ON' 'Autom.+man. exting. OFF' 'Autom.+man. exting. ON' 'RT FIRE channels OFF' 'RT FIRE channels ON' Commands 'Test' 'Detector test' 'Detector test END' 'Non-MCP zones det.test' 'Non-MCP zones det.test END' 'MCP zones det.test' 'MCP zones det.test END' 'Installation test' 'Installation test END' 'Control test' 'Control test END' Control tree Detection tree Control tree Detection tree Hardware tree
'Operation' task card Person Machine Interface (PMI) Command Commands 'Activate/Deactivate' 'Deactivate' Effect 'Activate' Link with Detection tree Control tree Hardware tree Detection tree Control tree 'Activate alarm indicator' 'Deactivate alarm indicator' 'Activate sprinkler 1' 'Activate sprinkler 2' 'Activate/ALERT' 'Activate/EVAC' 'Activate/ALERT+EVAC' 'Time limited activation' Commands 'Configuration' 'Switch to MANNED' 'Switch to UNMANNED' 'Set PS MANNED' 'Set PS UNMANNED' 'Set PS' Commands 'Acknowledge and Reset' 'Acknowledge' 'Reset' 'Acknowledge + Reset' Station Detection tree Control tree Detection tree
Assigning functions
1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Open 'Station' > 'PMI' > 'Standard keys' in the tree view and highlight 'Standard key' / 'Function key 1' or 'Function key 2'. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 4. Select 'Commands 'Test'' and then 'Non-MCP zones det.test' in the list, for example. The 'Detection tree' is shown. The elements that can be linked are highlighted. 5. Highlight 'Section' and the 'Assign' button, for example. 'Standard key'/'Function key 1' is linked to 'Section'.
Favourite keys
The favorite keys are in the display menu. There is a maximum of eight favorite keys of which three are preconfigured. Frequently used functions can be assigned to the favorite keys. Functions are:
Views, e.g. message indicator, customer text view, fire department view. Commands, e.g. activate/deactivate, test, configuration ('Set PS MANNED', 'Switch to UNMANNED', etc.).
Task card 'Operation' with the tree view and window 'New Element'
To create the favorite keys, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. In the tree view, open 'Station' > 'PMI' and highlight 'Favorite keys'. 3. Open the 'New element' window. 4. In the 'Amount:' field, enter the number of 'Favorite' required and click on the 'Add' button. 5. Enter the customer text(s). 6. Highlight the 'Favorite' element you have just created.
In the 'Favorite' detail editor, determine the position of the favorites in the display (positions are counted from top left to bottom right). All favorite keys that are redefined must be given position 4 at least, otherwise the favorites will be overwritten by the BDV after conversion.
Changeover function
A command and the associated opposite command can be assigned to a standard key, e.g. switch off/switch on, activate/deactivate. The command that is performed when a standard key configured with the changeover function is pressed depends on the current status of the LED corresponding to the position of this standard key:
LED inactive: the configured command is performed when the key is pressed. LED active: the configured opposite command is performed when the key is pressed. This means the LED must be configured so it is active when the command has been carried out.
Standard key is assigned to 'Automatic zone' 2 Command = 'Detector test' Opposite command = 'Detector test END' The LED is active if 'Automatic zone' 2 is in the 'Detector test' status.
To assign the changeover function to the function keys, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. In the tree view 'Station' > 'PMI' > 'Standard keys', and highlight 'Standard key'/'Function key 1' (or 'Function key 2'). 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 4. In the list, click on a command such as 'Commands 'Test'' > 'Detector test'. 5. From the Detection tree, select a zone and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Standard key'/'Function key 1' is linked to the zone.
In the tree view, select the zone linked to the key and, in the 'Automatic zone' detail editor ('Overview'), check the box for 'Enabled'. The 'Detector test' command appears in the 'Command' field and the 'Detector test END' opposite command appears in the 'Reverse command' field.
To assign the zone to the LED, proceed as follows: 1. In the tree view, open 'Station' > 'PMI' 'LEDs', and highlight 'LED'/'Programmable 5' (or 'LED'/'Programmable 6'). 2. In the list in the 'Assign dialog' window, click on a command such as 'Events 'Test'' > 'Detector test mode'. 3. From the Detection tree, select the same zone and click on the 'Assign' button. 'LED'/'Programmable 5' is linked to the zone.
Highlight the zone linked with the LED in the tree view. In the 'Automatic zone' detail editor ('Overview'), the configured event category and the color, mode, and display priority of the LED appear. With the 'On' mode set, the LED lights up when the zone is in the detector test.
'Operation' task card Floor repeater terminal FT2010 and floor repeater display FT2011
T 1 2 3 4 5 6
Display 'Remote transmission activated' LED Visibility Cause for activating LEDs 1 to 6 Function keys 1 to 6
The following elements can be configured for the floor repeater terminal:
1 LED, configurable
The following elements can be configured for the floor repeater display:
'Operation' task card Floor repeater terminal FT2010 and floor repeater display FT2011
To create the 'FRT/FRD core' elements, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Highlight the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Open the 'New element' window. 4. Select the 'FRT/FRD core' element in the 'Type:' field. 5. Enter the number of elements required in the 'Amount:' field and click on the 'Add' button. The 'FRT/FRD core' elements are created.
Window 'New element' for creating the element 'FRT (FRD) configuration group'
To create the 'FRT configuration group'/'FRD configuration group' elements, proceed as follows: 1. Highlight 'FRT/FRD core' in the tree view. 2. Select the 'FRT configuration group' or 'FRD configuration group' element in the 'Type:' field of the 'New element' window. 3. Enter the number of elements required in the 'Amount:' field and click on the 'Add' button. The configuration groups are created along with the 'Visibility' and 'LEDs' elements.
'Operation' task card Floor repeater terminal FT2010 and floor repeater display FT2011
To create the 'FRT'/'FRD' elements, proceed as follows: 1. Highlight 'FRT configuration group' or 'FRD configuration group' in the tree view. The 'FRT'/'FRD' element can be viewed in the 'Type:' field of the 'New element' window. 2. Enter the number of elements required in the 'Amount:' field and click on the 'Add' button. 'FRT'/'FRD' is created. In a later step, once the hardware has been read in and is loaded in the CerberusEngineering-Tool, the elements still have to be linked to the hardware via the Assign function.
'FRT/FRD core' with 'C-NET line card (onboard/FCL2001)' 'FRT configuration group' with 'FRT channel' or 'FRD configuration group' with 'FRD channel'.
Window 'Assign dialog' for creating and linking the element 'FRT/FRD core'
'Operation' task card Floor repeater terminal FT2010 and floor repeater display FT2011
To create the elements 'FRT/FRD core' and link them to the C-NET line card (onboard/FCL2001), proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Highlight the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. ''FRT/FRD core' is highlighted and in Hardware tree the element 'C-NET line card (onboard/FCL2001)' is highlighted. 4. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'FRT/FRD core' is created and linked to the C-NET line card (onboard/FCL2001).
Window 'New element' for creating the element 'FRT (FRD) configuration group'
To create the 'FRT configuration group'/'FRD configuration group' elements, proceed as follows: 1. Highlight 'FRT/FRD core' in the tree view. 2. Select the 'FRT configuration group' or 'FRD configuration group' element in the 'Type:' field of the 'New element' window. 3. Enter the number of elements required in the 'Amount:' field and click on the 'Add' button. The configuration groups are created along with the 'Visibility' and 'LEDs' elements.
Window 'Assign dialog' for creating and linking the element 'FRT' or 'FRD'
'Operation' task card Floor repeater terminal FT2010 and floor repeater display FT2011
To link the configuration groups with the channel of the FT2010 or FT2011 device, proceed as follows: 1. Highlight 'FRT configuration group' or 'FRD configuration group' in the tree view. In the 'Assign dialog' window, 'FRT' or 'FRD' is highlighted and the Hardware tree is displayed. The 'FRT' or 'FRD' element of the 'FT2010' or 'FT2011' device is highlighted. 2. Select the element and click on the 'Assign' button. The configuration group is linked with the channel of the FT2010 or FT2011 device.
In the detail editor of the configuration group, users can select between the normal 2-line view or the extended 4-line view.
Checkmark removed Checkmark set Normal 2-line view Extended 4-line view
The 'Visibility' element can be used to determine which events can be shown in the display for the floor repeater terminal (FRT) and floor repeater display (FRD). The following selection is available:
'Site': Visibility for the entire Site 'Site without areas': Visibility for all events from the Hardware tree of the Site 'Station': Visibility for a Station within the Site, with all areas in this Station 'Station without areas': Visibility for all events from the Hardware tree of the Station 'Area': Visibility for an Area within a control panel 'Section': Visibility for an Section within a control panel 'Zone': Visibility for a Zone within a control panel
'Operation' task card Floor repeater terminal FT2010 and floor repeater display FT2011
This can be restricted further, so that for example only the alarm and fault event categories are displayed instead of all events of an area.
To link the visibility, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Open 'Station' > 'FRT/FRD core' > 'FRT configuration group' or 'FRD configuration group' in the tree view. 3. Highlight 'Visibility '. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. The event categories of 'Visibility' are displayed. 5. Select the event category and the corresponding 'Station', 'Area', 'Section', or 'Zone' element, and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Visibility' is linked to the element. One or more event categories can be selected in the detail editor of the linked elements (place checkmark).
The LEDs on the Person Machine Interface signal events and conditions. In addition, the LEDs support the operator's orientation.
Criterion that should activate the LED Colour of the LED LED mode when LED is activated
163 A6V10210424_d_en_-25.06.2010
'Operation' task card Floor repeater terminal FT2010 and floor repeater display FT2011
The table below provides an overview of the properties that can be configured, with their characteristics.
List name 'ALARM' 'Alarm delay off' 'FAULT' 'ISOLATION' 'PRE-ALARM' 'TECHNICAL' 'Undefined' Colour LED 1: Red, Yellow LED 2: Red, Yellow LED 3: Yellow LED 4: Green, Yellow LED 5: Green, yellow LED 6: Yellow LED mode 'Intermittent' 'Intermittent, fast' 'Intermittent, short period' 'Off' 'On'
Function keys
Frequently used commands can be assigned to the function keys, e.g.: Activate/Deactivate, Test, Configuration ('Set PS MANNED', 'Switch to UNMANNED', etc.).
To assign a function to the function keys, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. In the tree view, open 'Station' > 'FRT/FRD core' > in the 'FRT configuration group' > 'FRT' > 'Function keys' example. 3. Highlight the corresponding 'Function key'. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 5. In the window, select 'Commands 'Configuration'', for example, followed by a function. The Detection tree is now shown. The elements that can be linked are highlighted. 6. Highlight 'Area', for example, and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Function key' is linked to 'Area'.
'Operation' task card LED indicator FTO2002 and mimic display driver FT2001
Assigning commands
Commands are assigned in the same way as with standard keys. See [ 149] The visibility must also be configured on the corresponding category, so that the function key becomes active.
LED indicator FTO2002: For installation in the control panel. This contains 24 LED groups with one red and one yellow LED each. Mimic display driver FT2001: It controls up to 48 LEDs that are installed on a ground plan panel. Communication is via the C-NET. The mimic display driver has: Two control outputs for local buzzer and 'LED 'System ON'' Two inputs for 'Silence buzzer' and 'START LED test'
There are two elements for creating the mimic display in the 'Operation' task card:
'LED ind./mimic 24 LED groups' The 'LED ind./mimic 24 LED groups' element can be used to configure the visibility of each LED group (red/yellow) for a section or zone.
'LED ind./mimic 48 LEDs' Each LED can assign any event to the 'LED ind./mimic 48 LEDs' element.
To create the mimic display, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Highlight the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Open the 'New element' window. 4. Select, for example, the 'LED ind./mimic 48 LEDs' element in the 'Type:' field. 5. Enter the number of elements required in the 'Amount:' field and click on the 'Add' button. The 'LED ind./mimic 48 LEDs' elements are created. Enter the customer text(s). In a later step once the hardware has been read in and is loaded in CerberusEngineering-Tool, the hardware must still be linked via the Assign function.
'Operation' task card LED indicator FTO2002 and mimic display driver FT2001
Window 'Assign dialog' for creating and linking the mimic display
To create and link the mimic display, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Highlight the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 4. Highlight 'LED ind./mimic 48 LEDs', for example. 5. In the hardware tree, select the corresponding 'LEDs' element (LED indicator FTO2002) or 'LEDs/outputs' (FT2001). 6. Click on the 'Assign' button. The mimic display is created and linked with the hardware.
Window 'Assign dialog' for linking a 'Visibility' of the element 'LED ind./mimic 24 LED groups' with an event
'Operation' task card LED indicator FTO2002 and mimic display driver FT2001
To link the 'LED ind./mimic 24 LED groups' element with an event, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Open 'LED ind./mimic 24 LED groups' in the tree view. 3. Highlight a 'Visibility' element. 4. 'LED ind./mimic 24 LED groups' is highlighted at the left of the window. 5. In the Detection tree, select the Section or the Zone. 6. Click on the 'Assign' button. The 'Visibility' element of LED ind./mimic 24 LED groups' is linked to the section or zone. 7. Repeat these steps for each 'Visibility' element (each 'Visibility' element corresponds to one of the 24 LED groups, from top to bottom).
In the detail editor of the 'LED ind./mimic 24 LED groups' element, the following properties can be set:
'LED mode': Defines which statuses for the referenced element are indicated by the LEDs in an LED group. Alarm and fault: Red LED: alarm (activation in Fire/Evac controls) -> LED permanently on. Yellow LED: fault -> LED intermittent Red LED: alarm (activation in Fire/Evac controls) -> LED permanently on. Yellow LED: fault -> LED intermittent, Off -> LED permanently on.
Note: the criterion is met when at least one event of the corresponding event category occurs in the referenced element or in its sub-tree.
'Supply supervision enabled': Defines whether a local supply that is to be monitored is present.
'Operation' task card LED indicator FTO2002 and mimic display driver FT2001
Window 'Assign dialog' for linking a 'Visibility' of the element 'LED ind./mimic 48 LEDs' with an event
To link the 'LED ind./mimic 48 LEDs' element with an event, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Open 'LED ind./mimic 48 LEDs' in the tree view. 3. Highlight a 'Visibility' element. 4. In the 'Assign dialog' window, highlight an event category, e.g., 'All technical messages'. 5. Select an element from the tree you want, e.g., 'Technical zone' from the Detection tree. 6. Click on the 'Assign' button. The 'Visibility' element of 'LED ind./mimic 48 LEDs' is linked to the event category. 7. Repeat these steps for each 'Visibility' element (each 'Visibility' element corresponds to one of the 48 LEDs, from top to bottom). The table below provides an overview of the events which can be assigned to an LED. An event can be assigned to any LED.
Event category Outputs with confirmation Cause All Fire ALARMS --All autom. Fire ALARMS ----Autom. First ALARM ----General autom. Fire ALARM ----Exting. pre-alarm (Aut. Fire AL.) ----Exting. discharged (Aut. Fire AL.) --Manual Fire ALARM All Pre-ALARMS --Degraded Fire ALARM Events 'Technical message' All technical messages Hardware tree Detection tree Operation tree Link with Hardware tree Detection tree
'Operation' task card LED indicator FTO2002 and mimic display driver FT2001 Event category Events 'Fault' Cause All faults --Other fault --All system faults ----System fault: general connection fault ----System fault: module ----Other system fault --Mains failure --Battery failure --Emergency power operation Events 'Isolation' All isolations --Other isolation --Temporary isolation --Alarm evaluation OFF --Sub-system isolation --Automatic extinguishing release OFF --Autom.+man. extinguishing release OFF --Renovation mode '--Not ready --Fire related controls OFF --RT FIRE channels OFF --Sounders OFF Events 'Test' All test modes --Detector test mode --Installation test mode --Control test mode All test activations --Test activation ALERT --Test activation EVAC --Other test activation Events 'Activation' All activations --Activation/ALERT --Activation/EVAC --Other activation --Activation/confirmed --Activation/NOT active --Activation/unexpected Detection tree Control tree Operation tree Detection tree Control tree Detection tree Link with Hardware tree Detection tree Control tree Operation tree Network tree
'Operation' task card LED indicator FTO2002 and mimic display driver FT2001 Event category Events 'AVC and IC' Cause AVC, Fire ALARM AVC, Pre-ALARM IC, Technical IC, Fault IC, Isolation IC, Test IC, Activation IC, Information Events 'Information' Manned operation Unmanned operation Service information: Service required Access level <> default level --Access level 1 --Access level 2.1 --Access level 2.2 --Access level 3 Expiry reminder of time lim. isol. Other information Visibility Hardware tree Detection tree Station Link with Detection tree
In the detail editor of the 'LED ind./mimic 48 LEDs' element, the following properties can be set:
'Supply supervision enabled': Defines whether a local supply that is to be monitored is present.
In the detail editor of the 'Visibility' element, the following properties can be set:
'LED mode': Defines the mode of the LED in an active or inactive status. 'Threshold': Defines how many events from the defined event category need to be active at the same time in the assigned element or its subtree for the cause to be considered active by the control. 'ACTIVE if no communication to source': Defines the cause's default status (active or quiet) in the event of communication to the station where the referenced element is stored being interrupted.
'Suppress LED test, connector 1', 'Suppress LED test, connector 2' Blocks the triggering of an LED test of the outputs on connection 1 or 2 via the local input (checkmark placed).
'Output mode, connector 1', 'Output mode, connector 2' Active mode of outputs connected to connection 1 or 2: 'LEDs, bright mode' 'LEDs, dimmed mode' 'Relays'
Event printer
An internal or external event printer is connected to a Station via the RS232 and RS845 interfaces. These interfaces are read in when the Station is powered up. The event printer logs all site events in its configured view.
Document A6V10224853 describes how to commission the external printer Fujitsu DL3750+. Depending on the printer used, the following elements must be created in the 'Operation' task card and linked to the hardware:
To create the 'Built-in printer'/'External printer' element, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. In the tree view, highlight the 'Station' with the interface to which the printer is connected. 3. Open the 'New element' window. 4. In the 'Type:' field, select the 'Built-in printer'/'External printer' element and click on the 'Add' button. The element is created. Once the hardware has been read in and is loaded to Cerberus-Engineering-Tool, the element has to be linked to the hardware using the Assign function.
Window 'Assign dialog' for creating and linking the element 'RS232 printer' or 'Ethernet printer'
To create the 'Built-in printer'/'External printer' element and link it to the hardware, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. In the tree view, highlight the 'Station' with the interface to which the printer is connected. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 4. In the 'Assign dialog' window, select 'Built-in printer'/'External printer'. In the Hardware tree, the 'RS232 printer'/'Ethernet printer' element is highlighted under 'RS232 interface (FCA2001)'/'Ethernet interface'. 5. Highlight the element and click on the 'Assign' button. The element is created and linked with the hardware.
Visibility configuration
The visibility that the event printer logs is defined in the 'Visibility' element. The following selection is available:
'Site': Visibility across the entire site 'Site without areas': Visibility for all events from the Hardware tree for the site. 'Station': Visibility for a Station within the site, with all areas in this Station 'Station without areas': Visibility for all events from the Hardware tree of the Station 'Area': Visibility for an area within a control panel
To configure the visibility, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. In the tree view, open 'Built-in printer'/'External printer' and highlight 'Visibility'. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 'Visibility' list and Hardware tree or detection tree are displayed. 4. Select the site, station, or area and click on the 'Assign' button (you can link the visibility to several elements). 'Visibility' is linked to the corresponding element.
FBF: fire department operating panel FSD: fire department key depot FAT: fire department indication panel FAT with FBF: fire department indication panel with fire department operating panel FSE: releasing element (see [ 88]) FSD is assigned to the fire department periphery module FCI2001. FBF can either be connected via the fire department periphery module FCI2001 or an RS485 interface. FAT and FAT with FBF are connected to the Station via an RS485 serial interface.
To configure the devices, the logical element must be created in the 'Operation' task card and linked with the corresponding hardware element.
To create the logical element, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Highlight the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Open the 'New element' window. 4. In the 'Type:' field, select the element (FBF, FSD, FAT, FAT with FBF) and click on the 'Add' button. The element is created. 5. Enter the customer text(s). In a later step, once the hardware has been read in and is loaded in the CerberusEngineering-Tool, the element still has to be linked to the hardware via the Assign function.
'Assign dialog' window for creating and linking the logical element
To create the device logical element and link it to the fire department periphery module, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Highlight the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 4. Select the corresponding element (FBF, FSD, FAT, FAT with FBF) in the list. The Hardware tree is shown. 5. Highlight the relevant element in 'Fire brig. periphery interf. (FCI2001)'. 6. Click on the 'Assign' button. The element is created and linked with the hardware.
'Assign dialog' window for creating and linking with the RS485 interface
To create the logical FBF or FAT element and link it to the RS485 interface (FCA2002), proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Highlight the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 4. Select the corresponding element (FBF or FBF) in the list. The Hardware tree is shown. 5. Highlight a 'UFP' element in 'RS485 interface (FCA2002)'. 6. Click on the 'Assign' button. The element is created and linked to the RS485 interface (FCA2002).
Configuring visibility
The following visibilities can be configured:
Fire department operating panel FBF: Visibility on the remote transmission control FIRE Visibility on the extinguishing controls Visibility: 'Site': Visibility across the entire site 'Area': Visibility for an area within a control panel 'Station': Visibility for a Station within the site, with all areas in this Station
Fire department key depot FSD: Visibility on the remote transmission control FIRE Visibility: 'Site': Visibility across the entire site 'Site without areas': Visibility for all events from the Hardware tree for the site. 'Station': Visibility for a Station within the site, with all areas in this Station 'Station without areas': Visibility for all events from the Hardware tree of the Station 'Area': Visibility for an area within a control panel Fire department indication panel FAT:
Fire department indication panel FAT with fire department operating panel FBF: same visibilities as FAT and/or FBF
The visibilities for 'Site', 'Area', and 'Station' can be restricted further so that, for example, only the alarm and fault event categories are displayed instead of all events for an area.
To configure the visibility, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. In the tree view open the element to be configured, e.g. 'FBF'. 3. Highlight an element, e.g., 'Visible Extinguishing controls'. 4. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 'Visible Extinguishing controls' is highlighted: 5. Select the corresponding element in the control tree and click on the 'Assign' button. 'Visible Extinguishing controls' is linked to the element.
One or more event categories can be selected in the detail editor of the linked elements (remove checkmark from 'ALL event categories visible').
In the detail editor ('Hardware'), there are special settings for the fire department key depot FSD if the box in the 'Operated' field contains a checkmark:
'Release mode': You can select when the fire department key depot is to be unlocked: 'RT active/confirmed' 'Fire alarm and RT active/confirmed' 'RT active/confirmed or RT active/unexpected'
'Released by Sabotage ALARM': If the box contains a checkmark, the fire department key depot is also unlocked by a sabotage alarm. The sabotage alarm is activated by a door contact fitted in the Station. For service purposes, the function can be switched off at the Person Machine Interface before the Station is opened. 'Sabotage contact active upon 'FSD Sabotage'': If the box contains a checkmark, the specific output for notifying an intrusion detection system is activated in the event of an FSD sabotage message.
To create the 'Evac panel' element, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Highlight the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Open the 'New element' window. 4. In the 'Type:' field, select the 'Evac panel' element and click on the 'Add' button. The 'Evac panel' element is created along with the 'Evac master' element.
To link the 'Evac master' element to the hardware, proceed as follows: 1. Highlight the 'Evac master' element in the tree view. 2. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. The hardware tree is depicted. The 'Channel' element that can be linked is highlighted in the 'Evac master unit (FTO2007)' element. 3. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Evac master' is linked to 'Channel'.
In the detail editor of the 'Evac master' element ('Details'), the following properties can be set:
'Buzzer silenced by FS720 operating terminal': Defines whether silencing the buzzer on theFS720 operating terminal also silences the buzzer of the Evac panel. 'Access level of keys 'Start'/'Stop'': Defines the access level required to execute the functions of the 'Start' and 'Stop' keys.
To create the 'Evac slave' element, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Highlight the 'Evac panel' element in the tree view. 3. Open the 'New element' window. 4. The 'Evac slave' element is selected in the 'Type' field. Click on the 'Add' button. The required number of 'Evac slave' elements are created.
To link the 'Evac slave' element to the hardware, proceed as follows: 1. In the tree view, highlight the 'Evac slave' element that you have just created. 2. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. The hardware tree is depicted. The 'Channel' element that can be linked is highlighted in the 'Evac slave unit (FTO2007)' element. 3. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Evac slave' is linked to 'Channel'.
Window 'Assign dialog' for linking EVAC panel with evac control
To link an 'Evac zone' element with the evac control, proceed as follows: 1. In the tree view, highlight an 'Evac zone' element in 'Evac master' or 'Evac slave'. 2. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. The control tree is depicted. The 'Universal evac control'/'Phased evac control' elements that can be linked are highlighted. 3. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Evac zone' is linked to 'Universal evac control' or 'Phased evac control'. 4. Repeat these steps for each 'Evac zone' element (each 'Evac zone' element corresponds to one of the ten evacuation zones, from top to bottom). See also Effect of element 'Universal evac control' [ 110]
Window 'New element' for creating the elements 'UGA alarm zone'
To create the 'UGA' and 'UGA alarm zone' elements, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. Highlight the 'Station' in the tree view. 3. Open the 'New element' window. 4. Select the 'UGA' element in the 'Type:' field. 5. Enter the number of elements required in the 'Amount:' field and click on the 'Add' button. The 'UGA' elements are created. 6. In the tree view, highlight the 'UGA' element you have just created. The 'UGA alarm zone' element is displayed in the 'Type:' field of the 'New element' window. 7. Enter the number of elements required in the 'Amount:' field and click on the 'Add' button. 8. Enter the customer text(s).
To link the 'UGA' elements to the 'UFP' RS485 channel, proceed as follows: 1. Highlight the 'UGA' element in the tree view. 2. Open the 'Assign dialog' window and highlight 'UGA'. The hardware tree is depicted. The elements that can be linked are highlighted. 3. Select the 'UFP' element. 4. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'UGA' is linked to 'UFP'.
Linking the UGA alarm zone with the Area, Section, or Zone
1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. In the tree view, open 'UGA' > 'UGA alarm zone' and highlight 'Visibility'. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 'Visibility UGA' is highlighted: 4. In the Detection tree, select the relevant 'Area', 'Section', or 'Zone' element. 5. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Visibility' is linked to the corresponding element.
Window 'Assign dialog' for linking the UGA slave alarm zone with the UGA master alarm zone
To link the UGA slave alarm zone to the UGA master alarm zone, proceed as follows: 1. Select the 'Operation' task card. 2. In the tree view, open the second Station and highlight '2:UGA'. 3. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 'Other UGA' is highlighted: 4. In the tree, open the first Station and highlight '1:UGA alarm zone'. 5. Click on the 'Assign' button. '2:UGA' is linked to '1: UGA alarm zone'.
Ethernet 'Stations'
The 'Fx72x/Ethernet' references for all Ethernet 'Stations' can be found in the 'Connections' element under 'Ethernet sub-net'.
SAFEDLINK 'Stations'
The 'SAFEDLINK sub-net' element is automatically created under 'Ethernet subnet'. The 'Fx72x/SAFEDLINK references for all SAFEDLINK 'Stations' can be found under the 'Connections' element. If the SAFEDLINK 'Stations' are split into several sub-nets, more 'SAFEDLINK subnet' elements can be created using the 'New element' function.
The 'Fx72x/SAFEDLINK' references can then be moved to the various sub-nets using the 'Drag and drop', 'Cut' and 'Paste' or 'Unassign' and 'Assign' functions.
If a standalone 'Station' is created and 'Stations' are then added to the 'Site', the standalone 'Station' automatically adopts the network settings of the first 'Station' added.
Proceed as follows to define the 'Router' or 'Standby router': 1. Open the 'Global system configuration' > 'Global network configuration'> 'Ethernet sub-net' > 'SAFEDLINK sub-net' elements in the tree view of the 'Network' task card. 2. Highlight 'Functions' and open the 'Assign dialog' window. 3. Select 'Router' or 'Standby router' from the list and the reference for the 'Station' you want from the tree. 4. Click on the 'Assign' button. The 'Station' is configured as a router station or standby router station.
Proceed as follows to configure the 'Station' as 'GAP' or 'Secondary GAP': 'Station' is configured as a router station or Ethernet station. 1. Open the 'Global system configuration' > 'Global network configuration' > 'Ethernet sub-net' elements in the tree view of the 'Network' task card. 2. Highlight 'Functions' and open the 'Assign dialog' window. 3. Select 'GAP' or 'Secondary GAP' from the list and the reference for the 'Station' you want from the tree. 4. Click on the 'Assign' button. The 'Station' is defined as 'GAP' or 'Secondary GAP'.
The 'Station' is configured as GAP. 1. Open the 'Global system configuration' > 'Global network configuration'> 'Ethernet sub-net' > 'Functions' elements in the tree view of the 'Network' task card. 2. Highlight the 'Station'. 3. Activate the 'DHCP server enabled' box in the 'Overview' tab of the detail editor. The 'Station' is configured with DHCP server.
'Ethernet sub-net'
Configure the 'Ethernet sub-net' as follows: 1. Open the 'Global system configuration' > 'Global network configuration' elements in the tree view of the 'Network' task card. 2. Highlight 'Ethernet sub-net '.
3. Enter the network mask (4 groups of digits, separated by dots) in the 'Netmask' field. 4. Open 'Ethernet sub-net' > 'Connections' in the tree view. 5. Highlight all 'Fx72x/Ethernet' one after the other.
'SAFEDLINK sub-net'
1. Open the 'Global system configuration' > 'Global network configuration' > 'Ethernet sub-net' elements in the tree view of the 'Network' task card. 2. Highlight 'SAFEDLINK sub-net '.
3. Enter the network mask (4 groups of digits, separated by dots) in the 'Netmask' field. 4. Open 'SAFEDLINK sub-net' > 'Connections' in the tree view. 5. Highlight all 'Fx72x/SAFEDLINK one after the other.
6. Enter the IP address in the 'Overview' tab of the detail editor. See also Setting network speed for SAFEDLINK [ 191]
'Destination address' of the route is 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool' and/or the management stations 'Gateway' is the FS720 address of the 'Security module (firewall) FN2009-A1' router
'Destination address' of the route is 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool' and/or the management stations 'Gateway' is the Ethernet address of the GAP
GAP must be connected to 'C-WEB/LAN'. 'Security module (firewall) FN2009-A1 must be configured.
Route via 'Security module (firewall) FN2009-A1': 'Destination address' e.g.: 'Netmask': 'Gateway':
Enter the routes in the GAP as follows: 1. Select the 'Network' task card. 2. Open 'Global system configuration' > 'Global network configuration' > 'Ethernet sub-net' > 'Functions' > 'GAP' in the structure tree. 3. Highlight 'Routes '. 4. Enter the network data.
Route via GAP (PC, management station) 'Destination address' e.g.: 'Netmask': 'Gateway':
Enter the routes in the Ethernet sub-net as follows: 1. Select the 'Network' task card. 2. Open 'Global system configuration' > 'Global network configuration' > 'Ethernet sub-net' in the structure tree. 3. Highlight 'Routes '. 4. Enter the network data.
To set the network speed, proceed as follows: 1. Open the 'Global system configuration' > 'Global network configuration' > 'Ethernet sub-net' elements in the tree view of the 'Network' task card. 2. Highlight 'SAFEDLINK sub-net '. 3. In the detail editor ('Details'), select the 'Low' setting from the 'Network speed' list field. The network speed is set for low cable qualities.
Persistent routes
A connection from the PC to the FS720 network can be established with the following three variants:
Local connection The PC automatically receives an IP address The PC automatically receives an IP address The PC is connected to any place in the Ethernet. The IP address must be specified. Connection to GAP Connection to address
'Network' task card Monitoring Ethernet switch (MM) and safety module (firewall)
For Cerberus-Engineering-Tool 'Commissioning' > 'Download site' 'Commissioning' > 'Upload site' 'Commissioning' > 'Upload site event memory' 'Commissioning' > 'Upload site log files' 'Cerberus-Remote ' > 'Connect'
For Cerberus-Remote
'New element' window to create the 'Technical zone' Create the fault message as follows: 1. Select the 'Detection' task card. 2. In the tree view, open 'Detection area' and highlight 'Section'. 3. Open the 'New element' window. 4. Select 'Technical zone' in the 'Type:' field. 5. Select the corresponding entry in the 'Template:' field. 6. Click on the 'Add' button. The element is created.
'Assign dialog' window to link the'Technical zone' 1. Highlight the 'Technical zone' element in the tree view. 2. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. 'Input' is highlighted in the list. 3. Select the corresponding 'I/O' element and click on the 'Assign' button. The link is created. See also Technical zone [ 88]
A BACnet client is connected to the FS720 sub-system via the Ethernet interface of the Global Access Point (GAP). Every single 'Station' that is to communicate with the BACnet log must be enabled with a license key (L2). Cerberus-Engineering-Tool can export the FS720 configuration in SiB-X format such that a BACnet client can import this data.
BACnet is a communication log and requires its own logical IDs (BACnet device ID) for the 'Stations', so that each 'Station' is uniquely recognized as a BACnet participant. The 'BACnet device ID' is made up of two parts, one 'Device' area type and one instance number. In 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool', the entry for a 'BACnet device ID' is always a decimal number for the instance number. The area type is added internally. Device IDs must be configured at the following points:
BACnet client configuration, BACnet device ID Configuration depends on the BACnet client. BACnet device ID is within FS720 BACnet device object
IP addresses for BACnet devices and GAP Unique BACnet device ID for each BACnet device There should be one BBMD (BACnet Broadcast Management Device) each per sub-net, with one entry each for the other BBMDs and their IP addresses
The following values in the detail editor must match the settings of the management station: The BACnet device ID consists of the 'Device' area type and the instance number.
'Address range, lower limit'/'Address range, upper limit': Range for instance number values for identifying the FS720 stations in BACnet. The address range is exported in SiB-X format.
'Plant size': Must be changed: 'Small': up to 5 stations May not be changed: 'Medium': up to 10 stations May not be changed: 'Large': more than 10 stations
BACnet character set': Character set to be used in the BACnet log for text strings. FS720 functions internally with Unicode in UTF-8 format. Selectable character sets: UCS-2 (Unicode 2 bytes) ANSI X3.4 (ASCII 7 bits) ISO Latin 1 (8 bits)
Disable switch-off and switch-on messages as follows: 1. Highlight 'Global BACnet configuration '. 2. Select the 'Details' tab in the detail editor. 3. Activate the 'Suppress OFF/ON messages from channels' box. Switch-off and switch-on messages are disabled.
These messages for BACnet can be delegated to the logical channels and replace the active messages there. Activate the 'Multiple alarms per zone on BACnet' as follows: 1. Highlight 'Global BACnet configuration '. 2. Select the 'Details' tab in the detail editor. 3. Activate the 'Multiple alarms per zone on BACnet' box. 'Multiple alarms per zone on BACnet' is activated.
Window 'New element' for creating the element 'BACnet client configuration'
To create the 'BACnet client configuration' element, proceed as follows: 1. Open the 'Global system configuration' element in the tree view of the 'Network' task card and highlight 'Global BACnet configuration'. 2. Open the 'New element' window. 3. Create the 'BACnet client configuration' element for each BACnet client. 4. Enter the customer text. The corresponding 'BACnet client configuration' element is created.
The 'BACnet device ID' that was assigned to the client must be entered in the 'BACnet client configuration', 'Details' detail editor. It must be aligned with the management station data. The deactivated BACnet entry fields are activated if the BACnet client has a fixed IP address and no DHCP server is used. If required for the management station, more BACnet input fields can be activated as long as the management station has a fixed IP address. If 'BACnet network no.', 'BACnet IP address' and 'BACnet UDP port' are to be used to identify the BACnet client in addition to 'BACnet device ID', these properties can be set aligned with the management station data as follows. Activate the 'Check BACnet client address' box in the 'Details' tab of the 'BACnet client configuration' detail editor. The fields are activated.
Creating the 'BACnet client supervision' element Linking the 'BACnet client supervision' and 'BACnet client configuration' elements 'Determining 'Client supervision timeout'
Window 'New element' for creating the element 'BACnet client supervision'
Linking the 'BACnet client supervision' and 'BACnet client configuration' elements
1. Highlight the 'BACnet client supervision' element in the tree view. 2. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. The 'BACnet client configuration' elements are highlighted in the list. 3. Select the corresponding element and click on the 'Assign' button.
Window 'Assign dialog' for linking the element 'BACnet client supervision'
In the detail editor 'BACnet client supervision' ('Overview'), the time after which a fault message is displayed is defined in 'Client supervision timeout'. The time period must match the BACnet client's query cycle, with which the BACnet client queries the station's system status. Set a value 2.2. times that of the query cycle in the 'Client supervision timeout' field.
Configure the Standby visibility for Management station as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. The selected 'Station' is configured with 'BACnet client supervision'. Select the 'Operation' task card. Highlight 'PMI' in the tree view. Open the 'Assign dialog' window. Select the 'Visibility activation upon failure of Management station..' element from the 'PMI supervision for standby visibility' list.
The 'BACnet client supervision' element is highlighted. 5. Click on the 'Assign' button. The 'Standby visibility for Management station' element is created. 6. Highlight the 'Standby visibility for Management station' element and select the corresponding visibility from the 'Visibility' list in the 'Assign dialog' window. 7. Click on the 'Assign' button. 'Standby visibility for Management station' is configured.
In the 'Overview' tab of the detail editor, the 'BACnet device object' element contains an address and a predefined customer text ('Own device'). The address is used directly as a 'BACnet device ID' and must be in the same address range that has been entered in the global settings for BACnet. The configuration of the BACnet stack, including the BBMD function and the properties of the device object for BACnet transaction control, can be found in the 'Details' tab of the the detail editor.
'APDU timeout' Defines the timeout for the BACnet transaction control. 'APDU segment timeout' Defines the timeout for the requirement of another part of a segmented BACnet message.
'No. of APDU retries' Defines the maximum number of repetitions for a BACnet transaction.
'UDP port no.' Defines the number of the UDP port used for BACnet communication. The default 47808 (0xbac0) corresponds to the standard. All participants, including the BACnet clients, must use the same number.
The BBMD configuration in contrast needs only be made for one station per IP subnet. If using stations on the Ethernet this must be agreed with the BACnet clients if they are in the same IP sub-net.
Configuration includes:
'Enable BBMD' Enables the BBMD (BACnet Broadcast Management Device) functionality. This is a BACnet function for the exchange of broadcast messages between different IP sub-nets. If BBMD is enabled, then there is a 'BDT entry' and/or 'Enable FDT' is set to active.
'Two hops' Selects either 'unicast' as the standard procedure for a partner BBMD (actively set) or 'direct broadcast' if the IP routers are configured such that they pass on broadcasts for other sub-nets (inactively set). The GAP, for example, cannot do this.
'Enable FDT' Enables remote BACnet devices to register in the 'Foreign Device Table' (FDT) of the BBMD. This is required if there is no separate BBMD in their sub-nets.
'No. of FDT entries' Defines the maximum number of FDT entries ('Foreign Device Table').
BBMD is a BACnet function that is required exactly once for each sub-net. One device assumes this function and must recognize its partners in the other subnets (BDT entries). Exception: One single device in a sub-net without this BBMD function can also register as a third-party device with a BBMD in another sub-net (dynamic FDT entry).
The value for 'APDU timeout' should be agreed with the management station integrator. We would recommend 10 seconds with MM8000. The value for 'APDU segment timeout' should also be agreed. We would recommend 5 seconds. The value for 'No. of APDU retries' corresponds to the BACnet standard and does not need to be changed. The 'UDP port no.' setting corresponds to the standard (47808 = 0xbac0). It only needs changing if the entire system expects it to.
To configure 'BDT entry', proceed as follows: 1. Highlight 'BDT entry '. 2. Select 'Details' in the detail editor. 3. Enter the agreed IP address for the BACnet client. 4. Leave the predefined values for 'UDP port no.' and 'Broadcast distribution mask' unchanged. The port number of the client must match its own, and the mask value matches the pre-setting for 'Two hops'.
Notification classes
To configure 'BACnet Notification Class element', proceed as follows: 1. In the 'Network' task card, highlight all the 'Fx72x' stations one after the other. 2. Select 'BACnet Notification Class element' in the detail editor.
3. Set the priorities for each event notification. 4. Check the box for 'Acknowledge required' wherever acknowledgement is required for status changes. The following settings are possible for each notification class:
'Event notification priorities' The priority of an event message per status change and which of these changes can be acknowledged at a management station is determined here. The priorities for the event messages should be selected from the 0 to 63 range that is intended for 'LifeSafety' applications. The highest priority starts at 0 and the lowest ends at 255.
'Acknowledge required' Here, the following status changes are defined (in this order): 'to-offnormal': Entry of an event 'to-fault': Entry of a fault 'to-normal': normal operation re-established
Internally the FS720 fire detection system only processes the acknowledgements for the 'to-offnormal' and 'to-fault' status changes. The 'tonormal' status change can also be supported with acknowledgement for BACnet clients.
There are no predefined entries for the recipients of event messages; these must be entered by the BACnet clients at runtime.
'Network' task card Checklist for network and BACnet configuration Configuration in the detail editor 'Enable BACnet communication' 'Plant size' 'BACnet character set' 'Address range, lower limit' 'Address range, upper limit' 'Suppress OFF/ON messages from channels' 'BACnet client configuration': Creating Several clients possible Required setting/value Activated small UCS-2 0 4194302 Deactivated
'BACnet device ID' 'Check BACnet client address' 'BACnet network no.' 'BACnet IP address' 'BACnet UDP port'
Enter Depending on network configuration 0 Depending on network configuration 47808 47808 00:00:10 3 00:00:05 Activated Deactivated Activated 2 2.2 times value of BACnet client's query cycle Depending on network configuration 47808
'UDP port no.' 'APDU timeout' 'No. of APDU retries' 'APDU segment timeout'
'Client supervision timeout' 'IP address' for partner BBMD 'UDP port no.' 'Broadcast distribution mask'
Transactions are aborted (network analysis, e.g. Wireshark: 'Abort' 'timeout' message)
Up to 32 stations are permitted in a pure SAFEDLINK network. The number of stations in the SAFEDLINK sub-net is limited to 16 in a heterogeneous network. The SAFEDLINK sub-net of an older site version could have included up to 32 stations. This number of stations must again be split into several (at least two) SAFEDLINK sub-nets. Other 'SAFEDLINK sub-net' elements can be created using the 'New element' function. The 'Fx72x/SAFEDLINK' references can then be moved to the various sub-nets using the 'Drag and drop', 'Cut' and 'Paste' or 'Unassign' and 'Assign' functions.
The CAP station no longer exists with its previous function. It is changed into GAP + C-WEB router.
Detailed information about converting can be found in document A6V10260976 and an overview in document A6V10210416.
2-zone dependency, 98 Changeover function, 155 Checklist BACnet, 205 Network configuration, 205 Collapse Element in the structure tree, 30 Collective line, 100 Reset time, 101 Via FDCIO223, 100 Configuration Conversion, 208 Load to station, 59, 60 Loading to PC, 62 Configuring Zone, 94 Connect management stations via BACnet/Ethernet, 193 Connecting PC with C-WEB, 191 Connection between PC and C-WEB, 191 Control group Alarming, 104 Counter, 124 Evacuation, 107 Fire, 118 Control line, 135 Via FDCIO223, 135 Control tree, 103 Conversion Configuration, 208 Protocol, 65 Site, 65 Conversion log, 65 Copy Element, 47 Features, 46 Counter control group, 124 Country settings, 138 Addressable, 136 External, 79, 130 Alarm verification concept, 82 Alarming control group, 104 Alarming equipment (UGA), 182 Area, 82 Automatic zone, 86 AVC, 82
Alarm indicator
BACnet Checklist, 205 BACnet client Configuring, 196 Monitoring, 197 BACnet configuration Global, 194 Project planning, 194 BACnet device configuration, 199 BACnet device object, 199 BACnet Notification Class Element, 203 BACnet settings global, 194 BACnet/Ethernet, 193 Base sounder, 131 Direct activation, 132 BDT entry, 202 BDV Import, 39 Name, 38 Version, 38
Cerberus Engineering Toolset Installation, 17
209 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products A6V10210424_d_en_-25.06.2010
Creating Element, 44 Site, 41 station, 43, 185 Customer text, 68 Cut Element, 47
Ethernet switch (MM), 192 EVAC panel, 179 Evacuation control group, 107 Event printer, 171 Exit Program, 19 Expand Element in the structure tree, 30 Expanded visibility, 143 Export SIB-X, 56 XML, 56 External alarm indicator, 79, 130 Extinguishing standard interface SST, 125 Extinguishing system zone, 91
Deleting Element, 45 Detection tree, 81 Link, 99 Detector Parameter sets, 78 Detector parameter sets, 78 DHCP server, 187 Download, 59, 60 Dynamic loading, 36
FAT, 174 FBF, 174 FCI2008-A1, 77 FCL2001-A1, 76 FDCAI221, 136 FDCIO223, 133, 135 With collective detector line, 100 With control line, 135 With sounder line, 133 Features Copy, 46 station, 69 Finding, 51 Fire control group, 118 Fire department periphery , 174 Firmware Import, 40 Name, 39 Update station, 65 Version, 39 Floor repeater display FT2011, 158 Floor repeater terminal FT2010, 158 Flow rate indicator zone, 88 FN2008-A1, 192 FN2009-A1, 189, 192
Editing Element, 46 System properties, 42 Element Copy, 47 Creating, 44 Cut, 47 Deleting, 45 Editing, 46 Link, 49 Move, 48 Paste, 47 Re-address, 48 Replace, 45 Element in the structure tree Collapse, 30 Expand, 30 Engineering tool kit File name, 38 Version, 38 Error display, 32
210 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products
FSD, 174 FSE zone, 88 FT2001, 165 FT2010, 158 FT2011, 158 FTO2002, 165
Load data to PC Event memory, 63 Protocol, 63 Site, 62 Load data to the station Site, 60 Load event memory to PC, 63 Load log to PC, 63 Loop sounder, 131 Loop sounder/flashlight, 131
GAP, 187, 187, 189 Global system configuration, 185
Hardware tree Link, 99 Help, 23 History, 37 Hyperlinks, 31
Manual allocation of addresses in sub-nets, 188 Manual zone, 87 Master clock, 138 Menu bar, 21 Mimic display, 165 Mimic display driver FT2001, 165 Move Element, 48 Multi-detector dependency, 87 Multiselection, 30
I/O card (programmable), 77 IC, 70 Initialize station, 59, 60 Installation Cerberus Engineering Toolset, 17 Internet settings, 27 Intervention concept (IC), 70
Navigate Hyperlinks, 31 Shortcuts, 31 Task cards, 31 Network configuration Checklist, 205 Network speed, SAFEDLINK, 191
LED indicator FTO2002, 165 Line collective, 100 Line card FDnet/C-NET, 76 Link Detection tree, 99 Element, 49 Hardware tree, 99 Load From PC to station, 59, 60 From station to PC, 62
Onboard I/Os, 73 Overview Program windowFehler! Textmarke nicht definiert., 20
Partner BBMD entry (BDT entry), 202 Paste Element, 47
PC Connect to station, 58 Disconnecting from station, 58 Periphery devices Updating the firmware, 66 PMI, 139, 139 Power supply, 71 Predictive text, 26, 46 Pre-settings, 25 Firmware files, 26 General program settings, 27 Internet settings, 27 Periphery Update Tool, 27 Quicktext settings, 26 'Site' settings, 28 Problem identification, 32 Program Exit, 19 Start, 19 Program window Overview, 20 Proposed texts, 26 Protocol Conversion, 65
Site Conversion, 65 Creating, 41 Load data to PC, 62 Load data to the station, 60 Site properties, 42 Sounder line, 133 Via FDCIO223, 133 Sprinkler control, 89 Sprinkler zone, 89 Standard visibility, 140 Standby visibility, 142 Start Program, 19 station Creating, 43, 185 Features, 69 Initialize, 59, 60 Load data, 59 Router station, 186 Status bar, 32 Sub-system zone, 88 System properties Editing, 42 System requirements, 17
Re-address Element, 48 Redux module, 102 Replace Element, 45 Reports, 53 Reset time Collective line, 101 Roll bars, 30 Router station, 186
Task card, 28 Components, 29 Controls, 103 Detection, 81 Hardware, 69 Network, 185 Operation, 138 Technical zone, 88 Toolbar, 23 Tooltips, 23
Safety module (firewall), 189, 192 Shortcuts, 31 SiB-X export, 56 Single-detector dependency, 87
212 Building Technologies Fire Safety & Security Products
UGA, 182 Updating the firmware Periphery devices, 66 Upload, 62
Visibility, 140 Extended, 143 Standard, 140 Standby, 142
Window separating lines, 30
XML export, 56
Zone Automatic, 86 Configuring, 94 Extinguishing system, 91 Fire alarm, 86 Flow rate indicator, 88 FSE, 88 Manual, 87 Sprinkler, 89 Sub-system, 88 Technical, 88
Issued by Siemens Switzerland Ltd Industry Sector Building Technologies Division International Headquarters Gubelstrasse 22 CH-6301 Zug Tel. +41 41-724 24 24 Fax +41 41-724 35 22 www.siemens.com/buildingtechnologies Document ID Edition A6V10210424_d_en_-25.06.2010
2008-2010 Copyright Siemens Switzerland Ltd Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.