Face Recognition For Attendance Using Transfer Learning
Face Recognition For Attendance Using Transfer Learning
Face Recognition For Attendance Using Transfer Learning
Transfer Learning
The most accurate model to use is "Inception v3,"
however it is also the slowest. Choose a
MobileNet Model if you want something quicker
or smaller. For example, the command
"MobileNet 1.0 224" will choose a model that is
17 MB in size and accepts input images of 224
pixels; in contrast, the command "MobileNet 0.25
128 quantized" will choose a network that is much
less accurate but smaller and faster, is 920 KB in
size, and accepts images of 128x128 pixels.
aid in better preparing the model to handle real- world data.
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To crop an image, a bounding box is randomly placed Kudake, ‘Transfer Learning: Convolutional Neural
anywhere inside the entire image. The size of the box
Network-AlexNet Achieving Face
in relation to the input image is controlled by the
cropping option. If it's 0, the box's size is set to match Recognition’, Oct. 2022, pp. 1–4.
the input, and cropping is not done. The crop box will doi: 10.1109/asiancon55314.2022.9908650.
be half as wide and tall as the input if the value is 50%.
In a diagram, [2] it appears as follows: K. al Hajji, A. Cenadi, and F. Ahmad, ‘Machine
Learning based Human Face Recognition for
< width >
Attendance System’, in HORA 2022 - 4th
International Congress on HumanComputer
| width - crop% | Interaction, Optimization and Robotic
| < > | Applications, Proceedings, 2022. doi:
Deep Transfer Metric Learning built on AlexNet [7] R. Ragsania and S. Vijayalakshmi, ‘An Efficient
Convolutional Neural Network’, in Face Recognition System using Deep Transfer
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Communication, Control and Information on Advance Computing and Innovative
Sciences, Proceedings, Jun. 2021. doi: Technologies in Engineering, ICACITE 2022,
10.1109/ICCISc52257.2021.9484935. 2022, pp. 2199–2203. doi:
Transfer Learning Technique’, in 8th Learning based Human Face Recognition for
International Conference on Smart Structures and Attendance System,” in HORA 2022 - 4th