Pg-Cet-: Information Bulletin
Pg-Cet-: Information Bulletin
Pg-Cet-: Information Bulletin
[For Circulation]
1. Introduction
As per the decision taken vide MCAER Resolution No. 23/75/2008; dtd. 27th March,
2008, the Common Entrance Test (CET) has to be conducted by the Maharashtra Agricultural
Universities Examination Board (MAUEB), Pune towards admission to various Master’s Degree
Programmes in the State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) in Maharashtra.
As per the existing norms, the Masters’ degrees admissions are strictly on the merit
basis i.e. on the marks obtained in the Common Entrance Test (CET) of respective faculty for the
current year to be conducted by Maharashtra Agricultural Universities Examination Board
(MAUEB) and CGPA of the qualifying UG degree examination in the proportion of 70 : 30,
respectively. Accordingly, minimum qualifying limit/cut-off (if any) in total merit and CGPA of
under-graduate degree examination for candidates belonging to Open (Unreserved) and Reserved
categories will be compulsory for the said P.G. admission, which will be duly notified by the
Maharashtra Council of Agricultural Education and Research (MCAER), Pune in its
P.G. Admission Prospectus, 2023-24 or relevant Notification/ Circular as per the prevailing
Government policies/resolutions. The aspirants are advised to keep themselves vigilant for such
updates on the MCAER’s official website:
Thus, the details regarding these are to be referred in the “P.G. Admission Prospectus,
2023-24” to be published by the Maharashtra Council of Agricultural Education and
Research, Pune (MCAER) in due course of time. The eligibility criteria for appearing the PG-
CET examination have been given in the subsequent sections.
Table 2: Eligibility for admission to respective discipline under M.Sc.(Post Harvest Technology)
Eligible UG Degrees for Admission to
SN PG Disciplines under M.Sc.(P.H.T.)
M.Sc.(P.H.T.) Disciplines
B.Sc.(Agri.)/ B.Sc.(Hons.) Agriculture/ B.Sc.(Hort.)/
B.Sc.(Hons.) Horticulture/ B.Sc.(Agril. Biotechnology)@/
B.Tech.(Biotechnology)@/ B.Tech.(Agril. Engg.)@/
1) Fruits, Vegetable and Flower Crops
B.Tech.(Food Tech./ Food Technology)@/ B.Tech.(Food
Science)@ with four years degree duration of agriculture-
related Universities
B.F.Sc./ B.Sc.(Agri.)@/ B.Sc.(Hons.) Agriculture@/
B.Sc.(Hort.)@/ B.Sc.(Hons.) Horticulture@ /
2) Meat, Poultry and Fish B.Tech.(Agril. Engg.)@/ B.Tech.(Food Tech./ Food
Technology)@/ B.Tech.(Food Science)@ with four years
degree duration of agriculture-related Universities
B.Sc.(Agri.)/ B.Sc.(Hons.) Agriculture/ B.Sc.(Hort.)/
B.Sc.(Hons.) Horticulture/ B.Sc.(Forestry)/ B.Sc.(Hons.)
Medicinal, Aromatic, Plantation, Forestry/ B.Sc.(Agril. Biotechnology)@/
3) B.Tech.(Biotechnology)@/ B.Tech.(Agril. Engg.)@/
Spices and Forest Crops B.Tech.(Food Tech./ Food Technology)@/ B.Tech.(Food
Science)@ with four years degree duration of agriculture-
related Universities
4) Post Harvest Engineering B.Tech.(Agril. Engg.)/ B.Tech.(Food Science)/
B.Tech.(Food Tech./ Food Technology)/ B.Sc.(Agri.)@/
B.Sc.(Hons.) Agriculture@/ B.Sc.(Hort.)@/ B.Sc.(Hons.)
5) Food Grain and Seeds Horticulture@ with four years degree duration of
agriculture-related Universities
Note: 1. * B.Tech.(Agri. Engg.) candidates are eligible for admission in “Agril. Meteorology” subject only with CET-
Subject: Agriculture.
2. ** B.Sc.(Hons.) Home Science/ B.Sc.(Hons.) Community Science candidates are eligible for admission in
“Agricultural Extension and Communication” subject only with CET-Subject: Agriculture.
3. B.Sc.(Animal Husbandry) candidates are eligible for admission in “Animal Husbandry” subject only with
CET-Subject: Agriculture.
4. Students possessing these UG degrees will have to complete deficiency courses as suggested by SAC.
5. Other State graduate candidate must have degree from ICAR accredited Agriculture University.
6. It is compulsory that all the degrees mentioned in above eligibility should have only from Agricultural
7. The candidate should have passed the UG degree examination with minimum 5.0 CGPA.
8. All the Masters’ degree programmes have minimum duration of two years (4 semesters).
PG-CET-2023 Information Bulletin_Final Page 4
Thus, only the students possessing the required qualifying degree as per the
eligibility as laid down in the above Tables and those students, who have appeared for the
final year degree examination during the academic year, 2022-23 are eligible to appear
for the PG-CET-2023. The students studying in 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of degree programme
are NOT ELIGIBLE to appear for CET examination and further admission.
A student is eligible to take as many CETs as per his/her eligibility for admission to the
respective Master’s degree programmes with prescribed applicable examination fees. Only one
common payment towards examination fees at fixed rate for each CET and with only one set of
necessary enclosures as mentioned in the “PG-CET-2023 Online Application Form”. In such
cases, the student will have to carefully indicate other/additional options of PG-CET Faculties
(as per given eligibility) in which CET is/are to be attempted.
3. Examination Fees
A candidate will have to pay the examination fees by using Online Payment Gateway
Link through various online options viz., Net Banking, ATM-cum-Debit Card, Debit Card or
Credit Card, which will be availed in the given “PG-CET-2023 Online Application Form”
on Once the online application form filled-up with candidate’s registration,
the facility of paying the Exam. Fees online will be available. If the applicant failed to pay the
fees or logged-out during the session, the applicant can re-login through Student’s Login using
his/her Application No. as a User ID and the same Password set during the application
(registration). The said fees are non-refundable.
The examination fees for each CET to be paid will be as follows:
1. Students belonging to Open category : Rs. 800/- per CET
2. Students belonging to Reserved category* : Rs. 600/- per CET
3. Students belonging to Other States : Rs. 800/- per CET
The CET Examination Fees for the candidates belonging to the Open category and
Other State (OS) shall be Rs.800/-; whereas for candidates belonging to the Reserved
categories of Maharashtra [Schedule Caste (SC), Schedule Tribe (ST), VJ(a), NT(b), NT(c),
NT(d), Other Backward Class (OBC), Special Backward Category (SBC), Economically
Weaker Section (EWS), Persons with Disability (PwD) and Orphan] shall be Rs.600/-.
The extra charges (including MDR/rates and taxes as per the RBI norms) levied on the said
fees as applicable therein are to be borne by the applicant during online payment.
*For claiming concession in examination fees under reserved category, the
candidates must mention his/her category (in case of SC, ST and other reserved category
candidates). In absence of reserved category credentials, the candidate belonging to
reserved category will be treated as “Open category” for the purpose of CET and should
pay the fees of Rs. 800/- per CET.
For example: A student of B.Sc.(Agril. Biotechnology) can appear for multiple CETs viz., M.Sc.
(Agril. Biotechnology), M.Sc.(Agri.) and M.B.A.(Agri.). In such case, candidate will
have to submit only one online application form; but he/she will have to pay the total
applicable Examination Fees for all the three PG-Faculties’ CETs opted (i.e. Rs.800/- x
3 CETs = Rs.2400/- for Open/ OS category or Rs.600/- x 3 CETs = Rs.1800/- for
Reserved category) through common one-time online payment. No separate challan is
required for each CET.
* The above Dates are subject to change under any unavoidable circumstances and will
be notified on the website (if any).
6. Scheme of Examination
1) The Examination will be conducted for total 200 marks. The question booklet will contain 200
multiple-choice questions along with 4 answer-options. There will not be any choice or option for
2) The candidate has to mark the correct answer by blackening the corresponding Circle against the
Serial Number of the question in the OMR sheet with black ink ballpoint pen only. Out of four
circles provided for selection of an answer against a question, the candidate should fill up only one
circle completely. Changing an answer is not allowed. The candidate must fully satisfy himself/
herself about the accuracy of the answer before darkening the appropriate circle. The answer once
marked is final; any change in the option once marked, done by any method, will amount to an
invalid/incorrect response. Each correct answer will be given one mark. There shall be no
negative marking for wrong answers.
a. Scratching, overwriting, tick mark and multiple answers will be considered as wrong answers and
no marks will be allotted to them.
b. Verification of marks obtained is permitted on applying for the same by emailing from the
registered e-mail ID only and mentioning all the application-details of the candidate to: within three days from the date of declaration of result along with the
online payment of Rs.1000/- per CET-Subject via IPG link as provided by this Office in reply
c. The Carbon Copy of OMR sheet will be provided at the time of CET Examination.
The syllabus layout for the CET in each of the faculty is given in ANNEXUREs “II” to
“X”. The syllabus of each CET-Faculty (Subject) comprises the entire theory curriculum of the
concerned degree. However, in case of the CET-Faculties to which students of other eligible
degrees/streams are allowed to appear, 80 per cent questions will be set on the basis of syllabus of
the main degree/stream and 20 per cent from the syllabi of other eligible degrees/streams. The
weightages of other eligible streams have also been given in the CET-Syllabus layout of the
concerned CET-Faculty.
1. Failure of the candidate in making full and correct statements/ details in the application form
and/ or suppression of any information would lead to disqualification of the candidate. Such
candidate will be debarred from the examination/ entire admission process at any stage.
2. The candidate has to scrupulously follow the instructions given by the Supervisors/ Invigilators
at all the stages of examination. Violation of such instructions may lead to cancellation of
3. Calculators, books, notebooks, written notes, pagers, mobile phones and any other electronic
gadgets are not allowed inside the examination hall. Candidate found possessing such material,
whether in use or otherwise will be deemed to have been using unfair means and would be
liable to disciplinary action.
4. Adopting unfair means or engaging in malpractice in the examination shall render a candidate
liable for punishment under “Maharashtra Prevention of Malpractices Act, Universities, Board
and Other Specified Examination Act, 1982” and disqualify him/ her.
5. Any issue not dealt with herein above will be dealt with, when arising, fully and finally by the
competent authority.
Please note that if applicant commits any mistake in filling-up the online Application Form,
it cannot be corrected by this Office. The Board will have no responsibility of any kind for such
forms. The erroneous and incomplete applications will not be considered for CET-examination.
In such cases, the candidate will not have any right to claim the refund of examination fees.
Candidate should keep a photocopy/ print-out of the online application form
(Acknowledgement) applied and examination fees paid details for future correspondence, if
required any.
11. Disclaimer:
The Common Entrance Tests (CET) for various faculties are planned for the students
towards admission to various Masters’ Degree Programmes in the State Agricultural Universities
(SAUs) in Maharashtra. As some changes are likely to occur during every academic year viz.,
curriculum, eligibility criteria for admission, degree nomenclature etc.; students should refer to
the P.G. Admission Prospectus-2023-24. Therefore, the final prescribed eligibility
for admission to various Masters‟ Degree programmes would be as mentioned in the
Admission Prospectus being published by MCAER, Pune.
The applicant cannot claim admission to any faculty without prescribed eligibility to the
respective faculty merely by appearing for the said CET. The admission will be given on
verification of original documents as per the eligibility criteria of respective degree programme(s)
by the MCAER, Pune and admitting University.
Note: Students who wish to appear for PG-CET-2023; but are not graduated from the Four SAUs in
Maharashtra should mention 501 as their College Code (Outside State or Otherwise).
Degree Course Name of College Code No.
PG-CET-2023 Subjects
(as per Vth Deans‟ Committee
B.Tech. (Biotechnology)
B Horticulture 10 80 10 - - - - - -
C Forestry 10 10 80 - - - - - -
D - - - 100 - - - - -
Home/ Community
F - - - - - - - - 100
H 8 3 3 - 80 3 - 3 -
Agri. Business
I 5 5 5 5 5 5 60 5 5
Sr. Weightage
Course No. Course Title Credits
No. (80%)
1 AGRO 111 Fundamentals of Agronomy-I 2(1+1)
2 AGRO 112 Introductory Agro-meteorology and Climate change 2(1+1)
3 AGRO 123 Fundamentals of Agronomy-II 2(1+1)
4 AGRO 234 Crop Production Technology-I (Kharif crops) 2(1+1)
5 AGRO 235 Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management 2(1+1) 12.5%
6 AGRO 246 Crop Production Technology-II (Rabi crops) 2(1+1) (25 Questions)
7 AGRO 247 Farming System and Sustainable Agriculture 1(1+0)
8 AGRO 248 Principles of Organic Farming 2(1+1)
9 AGRO 359 Practical Crop Production-I (Kharif crops) 1(0+1)
11 AGRO 3611 Practical Crop Production-II (Rabi crops) 1(0+1)
12 AGRO 3612 Geo-informatics, Nano-technology and Precision Farming 2(1+1)
13 GPB 121 Fundamentals of Genetics 3(2+1)
14 BOT 121 Fundamentals of Crop Physiology 2(1+1)
15 GPB 232 Fundamentals of Plant Breeding 2(1+1)
16 GPB 243 Principles of Seed Technology 3(1+2) 12%
17 GPB 355 Crop Improvement – I (Kharif Crops) 2(1+1) (24 Questions)
18 BOT 353 Intellectual Property Right 1(1+0)
19 GPB 366 Crop Improvement – II (Rabi Crops ) 2(1+1)
20 ESDM 231 Environmental Studies and Disaster Management 3(2+1)
21 ENTO 121 Fundamentals of Entomology 2(1+1)
22 ENTO 232 Insect Ecology and Integrated pest Management 2(1+1)
23 ENTO 243 Pest of Horticultural Crops and their Management 2(1+1)
(11 Questions)
24 ENTO 354 Pests of Crops and Stored Grain and their Management 2(1+1)
25 ENTO 365 Management of Beneficial Insects 2(1+1)
26 HORT 111 Fundamentals of Horticulture 2(1+1)
27 HORT 232 Production Technology for Vegetables and Spices 2(1+1)
28 HORT 243 Production Technology for Fruit and Plantation Crops 2(1+1) 10.5%
29 HORT 354 Production Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAP and 2(1+1) (21 Questions)
30 HORT 366 Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits 2(1+1)
and Vegetables
31 ECON 121 Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics 2(2+0)
32 ECON 242 Agricultural Finance and Cooperation 3(2+1)
33 ECON 353 Agricultural Marketing Trade and Prices 3(2+1)
(16 Questions)
34 ECON 365 Farm Management, Production and Resource Economics 2(1+1)
35 COMP 231 Agri-Informatics 2(1+1)
36 STAT 231 Statistical Methods 2(1+1)
37 EXTN 111 Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology 2(2+0)
38 EXTN 122 Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education 3(2+1)
39 EXTN 123 Communication Skills and personality Developments 2(1+1)
(13 Questions)
(Common Course)
40 EXTN 355 Entrepreneurship Development and Business 2(1+1)
Communication (Common Course)
41 ENGG 121 Soil and Water Conservation Engineering 2(1+1)
42 ENGG 232 Farm Machinery and Power 2(1+1)
(8 Questions)
43 ENGG 243 Renewable Energy and Green Technology 2(1+1)
44 ENGG 364 Protected Cultivation and secondary Agriculture 2(1+1)
45 MIBO 111 Introductory Microbiology 2(1+1)
46 PATH 121 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology 3(2+1)
47 PATH 232 Principles of Integrated Disease Management 2(1+1) 9%
48 PATH 354 Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their 3(2+1) (18 Questions)
Management – I
49 PATH 365 Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their 3(2+1)
50 SSAC 111 Fundamentals of Soil Science 3(2+1)
51 SSAC 242 Problematic Soils and their Management 2(1+1)
(14 Questions)
52 SSAC 353 Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management 3(2+1)
53 BIOCHM 231 Fundamentals of plant biochemistry and biotechnology 3(2+1)
54 AHDS 111 Livestock Production and Management 2 (1+1)
55 AHDS 242 Livestock Breeding and Nutrition 2(1+1)
(8 Questions)
56 AHDS 353 Technology of Milk and Milk Products 2(1+1)
57 AHDS 364 Sheep, Goat and Poultry Production 2(1+1)
58 FST 362 Principles of Food Science and Nutrition 2(2+0)
(2 Questions)
Section “B”: Syllabus of following courses of B.Sc. (Hons.) Horticulture for 3.5% weightage
Sr. Weightage
Course No. Course Title Credits
No. (3.5%)
1 H/FS 111 Fundamentals of Horticulture 3 (2+1)
2 H/FS 122 Plant Propagation and Nursery Management 2 (1+1)
3 H/FS 233 Tropical and Subtropical Fruits 3 (2+1)
4 H/FS 359 Orchard and Estate Management 2 (1+1)
5 H/FS 358 Plantation Crops 3 (2+1)
(3 Questions)
6 H/FS 234 Temperate Fruit crops 2 (1+1)
7 H/FS 235 Weed Management in Horticultural Crops 2 (1+1)
8 H/FS 246 Breeding of fruit and plantation crops 3 (2+1)
9 H/FS 247 Dryland Horticulture 2 (1+1)
10 H/VS 232 Tropical and Subtropical Vegetable crops 3 (2+1)
11 H/VS 243 Spices and Condiments 3 (2+1)
12 H/VS 356 Breeding of Vegetable Tuber and Spice Crops 3 (2+1)
13 H/VS 367 Seed Production of Vegetable Tuber and Spice Crops 3 (2+1)
(2 Questions)
14 H/VS 245 Temperate Vegetable crops 2 (1+1)
15 H/VS 121 Potato and Tuber Crops 2 (1+1)
16 H/VS 244 Precision Farming and Protected Cultivation 3 (2+1)
17 H/PHT 362 Post-harvest Management of Horticultural Crops 3 (2+1)
18 H/PHT 363 Processing of Horticultural Crops 3 (1+2)
(1 Question)
19 H/PHT231 Fundamentals of Food and Nutrition 2 (1+1)
20 H/FL 242 Ornamental Horticulture 3 (2+1)
21 H/FL 364 Breeding and Seed Production of Ornamental Crops 3 (2+1) 0.5%
22 H/FL 353 Principles of Landscape Architecture 1 (0+1) (1 Question)
23 H/FL 231 Commercial Floriculture 3 (2+1)
Sr. Weightage
Course No. Course Title Credits
No. (3%)
1 BT 111 Cell Biology 2 (2+0)
2 BT 112 Basic Genetics 3(2+1)
3 BT 113 Introduction to Biotechnology 3(2+1)
4 BT 124 Plant Tissue Culture 3(2+1)
5 BT 125 Molecular Biology 3(2+1)
6 BT 236 Recombinant DNA Technology 3(2+1)
7 BT 247 Introductory Bioinformatics 3(2+1)
8 BT248 Plant Genetic Transformation 3(2+1)
9 BT/ECE 241 Electronics and Instrumentation in Biotechnology 2 (1+1)
10 BT 249 Classical and Molecular Cytogenetics 3(2+1) 3%
11 BT 3510 Immunology 3(2+1) (6 Questions)
12 BT 3511 Molecular Genetics 2 (2+0)
13 BT 3512 Nanobiotechnology 2 (2+0)
14 BT 3513 Animal Biotechnology 4 (3+1)
15 BT 3514 Molecular Marker Technology 2 (2+0)
16 BT 3515 Genomics and Proteomics 3 (3+0)
17 BT 3516 IPR, Biosafety and Bioethics 2 (2+0)
18 BT3617 Computational Biology 3 (2+1)
19 BIOCHEM 241 General Biochemistry 4 (3+1)
20 BIOCHEM 352 Enzymology and Enzyme Technologies 3 (2+1)
Sr. Weightage
Course No. Course Title Credits
No. (3%)
1 ECON 111 Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics 3(2+1)
2 ECON 122 Money, Banking and International Trade 3(2+1)
3 ECON 233 Principles of Economic Theory 3(2+1)
4 ECON 244 Agril. Co-operation, Institutions and Management 3(2+1)
(1 Question)
5 ECON355 Structure and Dynamics of Indian Agriculture 3(2+1)
6 ECON 356 Farm Management and Production Economics 3(2+1)
7 ECON367 Financial Management in Agribusiness 3(2+1)
8 ABM 111 Principles of Management and Agribusiness 2 (1+1)
9 ABM 122 Agro-based Industrialization 2 (1+1)
10 ABM 233 Agri. Informatics 2 (1+1)
11 ABM 234 Human Resource Management and development 3 (2+1)
12 ABM 245 Office Procedures for Agribusiness 1 (0+1)
13 ABM 246 Organizational Behaviour for Business Management 2 (2+0)
14 ABM 357 Strategic Business Management 2 (1+1)
(4 Questions)
15 ABM 358 Production Management, Planning and Control 2 (1+1)
16 ABM 359 Inventory and Risk Management 2 (1+1)
17 ABM 3510 Agro-processing Management 2 (1+1)
18 ABM 3611 Managerial Accounting 2 (1+1)
19 ABM 3612 Market Survey and Price Analysis 2 (0+2)
20 ABM 3613 Supply Chain Management 2 (1+1)
21 MKT 121 Introduction to Agricultural marketing 2(1+1)
22 MKT 122 Marketing Institutions and Organizations 2(1+1)
23 MKT 233 Principles of Marketing Management 2(1+1)
24 MKT 234 Market and Trade Acts 2 (2+0)
25 MKT 245 Rural Marketing and Market Infrastructure 3 (2+1) 0.5%
26 MKT 246 Input Marketing Management 2(1+1) (1 Question)
27 MKT 357 Product Promotion Methods 2(1+1)
28 MKT 358 Trading of Agricultural Commodities-I 2(1+1)
29 MKT 369 Trading of Agricultural Commodities-II 2(1+1)
30 MKT 3610 Commodity Markets 2(1+1)
Section “F”: Syllabus of following courses of B.Tech. (Agril. Engg.) for 3% weightage
Sr. Weightage
Course No. Course Title Credits
No. (3%)
1 FMPE 123 Workshop Technology 2(1+1)
2 FMPE 234 Farm Power and Automotive Engines 2(1+1)
3 FMPE 235 Theory of Machines 2(1+1)
4 FMPE 246 Tractor Systems and Controls 2(1+1) 0.5%
5 FMPE 247 Machine Design 2(1+1) (1 Question)
6 FMPE 358 Farm Machinery and Equipment-I 2(1+1)
7 FMPE 3611 Farm Machinery and Equipment-II 2(1+1)
8 FMPE 3612 Tractor & Farm Machinery Design 3 (2+1)
9 SWCE 121 Surveying and Leveling 3 (1+2)
10 SWCE 232 Soil Mechanics 2 (1+1)
11 SWCE 233 Watershed Hydrology 3 (2+1) 0.5%
12 SWCE 244 Soil and Water Conservation Engineering 3 (2+1) (1 Question)
13 SWCE 355 Water Harvesting and Soil Conservation Structures 3 (2+1)
14 SWCE 366 Watershed Planning and Management 2 (1+1)
15 IDE 231 Fluid Mechanics and Open Channel Hydraulics 3(2+1)
16 IDE 242 Irrigation Engineering 3(2+1)
17 IDE 353 Groundwater, Wells and Pumps 3(2+1) 0.5%
18 IDE 354 Drainage Engineering 3(2+1) (1 Question)
19 IDE 365 Canal Irrigation Management 2 (1+1)
20 IDE 366 Sprinkler and Micro Irrigation System 2 (1+1)
21 PFE 111 Thermodynamics 2(1+1)
22 PFE 122 Heat and Mass Transfer 2(1+1)
23 PFE 233 Engineering Properties of Agricultural Produce 2(1+1)
24 PFE 244 Post Harvest Engineering of Cereals, Pulses and Oilseed 3(2+1)
25 PFE 355 Dairy and Food Engineering 3(2+1) (1 Question)
26 PFE 366 Post Harvest Engineering of Horticultural Crops 2 (1+1)
27 PFE 367 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 2 (1+1)
28 REE 111 Engineering Chemistry 2 (1+1)
29 REE 122 Electrical Machines and Power Utilization 3(2+1)
30 REE 243 Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Sources 3(2+1)
31 REE 354 Renewable Power Sources 3(2+1) (1 Question)
32 REE 365 Bio-energy Systems: Design and Applications 3(2+1)
33 FS 111 Engineering Mechanics 3(2+1)
34 FS 122 Strength of Materials 2(1+1)
35 FS 233 Theory of Structures 2(1+1) 0.5%
36 FS 244 Building Construction and Cost Estimation 2(1+1) (1 Question)
Agricultural Structures, Storage Engineering and
37 FS 355 3(2+1)
Environmental Control
Sr. Weightage
Course No. Course Title Credits
No. (3%)
1 FPT 111 Principles of Food Processing 3 (2+1)
2 FPT 112 Postharvest Management of Fruits and Vegetables 3 (2+1)
3 FPT 123 Cereal Processing 3 (2+1)
4 FPT 124 Food Packaging Technology 2 (1+1)
5 FPT 235 Legumes and Oilseeds Technology 3 (2+1)
6 FPT 236 Meat, Poultry and Fish Technology 3 (2+1)
7 FPT 237 Processing Technology of Beverages 2 (1+1) 1%
8 FPT 238 Processing of Milk and Milk Products 3 (2+1) (2 Questions)
9 FPT 249 Wheat Milling and Baking Technology 3 (2+1)
10 FPT 2410 Fruits and Vegetables Processing 3 (2+1)
11 FPT 2411 Processing of Spices and Plantation Crops 3 (2+1)
12 FPT 3512 Confectionary and Snacks Technology 3 (2+1)
13 FPT 3513 Food Extrusion Technology 2 (1+1)
14 FPT3614 Food Quality and Sensory Evaluation 3 (2+1)
15 FE 111 Engineering Drawing and Graphics 3 (1+2)
16 FE 112 Fluid Mechanics 3 (2+1)
17 FE 113 Mathematics 2 (2+0)
18 FE 124 Heat and Mass Transfer 3 (2+1)
19 FE 125 Statistical Methods and Numerical Analysis 2 (1+1)
20 FE 236 Energy Generation and Conservation 3 (2+1)
21 FE 237 Unit Operations in Food Processing – I 3 (2+1) 0.5%
22 FE 248 Unit Operations in Food Processing – II 3 (2+1) (1 Question)
23 FE 249 Post Harvest and Storage Engineering 3 (2+1)
24 FE 3510 Biochemical Engineering 3 (2+1)
25 FE 3511 Food Refrigeration and Cold Storage 3 (2+1)
26 FE 3612 Food Processing Equipment Design 2 (1+1)
27 FE 3613 Food Plant Design and Layout 3 (2+1)
28 FE 3614 Instrumentation and Process Control 3 (2+1)
29 FCN 123 Human Nutrition 3 (2+1)
30 FCN 124 Food Chemistry of Macronutrients 3 (2+1)
31 FCN 235 Food Chemistry and Micronutrients 3 (2+1) 0.5%
32 FCN 246 Food Additives and Preservatives 2 (1+1) (1 Question)
33 FCN 357 Instrumental Techniques in Food Analysis 2 (0+2)
34 FCN 368 Enzymes in Food Industry 2 (1+1)
35 FMS 111 General Microbiology 3 (2+1)
36 FMS 122 Food Microbiology 3 (2+1)
37 FMS 233 Industrial Microbiology 3 (2+1)
38 FMS 244 Food Safety and Microbial Standards 3 (2+1)
39 FMS 355 Food Biotechnology 3 (2+1) (1 Question)
40 FMS 366 Food Plant Sanitation 3 (2+1)
41 FMS 367 Quality Assurance and Certification 3 (2+1)
42 FBM 122 Information and Communication Technology 2 (1+1)
43 FBM 243 ICT Application in Food Industry 3 (1+2)
44 FBM 354 Entrepreneurship Development 3 (2+1)
45 FBM 355 Business Management and Economics 2 (2+0) 0.5%
46 FBM 356 Food Laws and Regulations 3 (2+1) (1 Question)
47 FBM 367 Project Preparation and Management 2 (1+1)
48 FBM 368 Marketing Management and International Trade 2 (2+0)
49 FBM369 Communication Skills and Personality Development 2 (1+1)
Sr. Weightage
Course No. Course Title Credits
No. (1.5%)
1 HDS111 Fundamentals of Human Development 3 (2+1)
2 HDS122 Marriage and Family Dynamics 3 (2+1)
3 HDS233 Life-Span Development 4 (2+2)
4 HDS244 Educational Psychology and Early Childhood Education 4 (2+2)
5 HDS355 Developmental Challenges in Children 3 (2+1)
6 HDS366 Family Counseling and Child Welfare 3 (2+1)
7 HDS367 Education and Counseling for Parents and Community 3 ( 0+3)
8 RMCS111 Fundamentals of Art and Design 3 (1+2)
9 RMCS122 System Dynamics and Management of Resources 3 (2+1)
10 RMCS 233 Financial Management and Consumer Education 3 (2+1)
11 RMCS 244 Housing and Space Management 3 (2+1)
12 RMCS245 Ergonomics and Appropriate Technologies 3 (1+2)
13 RMCS 356 Residential and Commercial Space Design 3 (2+1)
14 RMCS357 Event Management 3 (0+3)
15 RMCS 368 Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management 3 (2+1)
16 FSN 111 Food Science and Processing 3 (2+1)
17 FSN122 Principles of Human Nutrition 3 (2+1)
18 FSN 233 Food Standards and Quality Control 3 (2+1) 1.5%
19 FSN 234 Food Preservation and Storage 2 (0+2) (3 Questions)
20 FSN 245 Normal Nutrition 2 (1+1)
21 FSN 356 Therapeutic Nutrition 3 (2+1)
22 FSN 367 Food Analysis 3 (1+2)
23 FSN 368 Community Nutrition and Education 3 (2+1)
24 TAD 111 Fundamentals of Clothing Construction 3 (1+2)
25 TAD 122 Textile Science and Fabric Care 3 (2+1)
26 TAD 233 Garment and Accessory Designing 3 (0+3)
27 TAD 244 Techniques of Fabric Construction 3 (1+2)
28 TAD 355 Textile Finishes 2 (1+1)
29 TAD 366 Retailing and Merchandizing- Textiles and Apparel 2 (2+0)
30 TAD 367 Traditional Textiles and Costumes of India 3 (2+1)
31 CECM 111 Community Extension and Rural Development 2 (1+1)
32 CECM 122 Communication, Diffusion and Adoption of Homestead 3 (1+2)
33 CECM 233 Programme Development for Rural Families 3 (2+1)
34 CECM 244 Training and Human Resource Development 3 (1+2)
35 CECM 355 Project Management 3 (1+2)
36 CECM 366 Women in Agriculture 3 (1+1)
Sr. Weightage
Course No. Course Title Credits
No. (80%)
1 H/FS111 Fundamentals of Horticulture 3 (2+1)
2 H/FS 122 Plant Propagation and Nursery Management 2 (1+1)
3 H/FS233 Tropical and Subtropical Fruits 3 (2+1)
4 H/FS359 Orchard and Estate Management 2 (1+1)
5 H/FS358 Plantation Crops 3 (2+1)
6 H/FS234 Temperate Fruit crops 2 (1+1)
(31 Questions)
7 H/FS235 Weed Management in Horticultural Crops 2 (1+1)
8 H/BOT123 Principles of Plant Breeding 3 (2+1)
9 H/BOT112 Principles of Genetics and Cytogenetics 3 (2+1)
10 H/FS246 Breeding of Fruit and Plantation Crops 3 (2+1)
11 H/FS247 Dryland Horticulture 2 (1+1)
12 H/VS232 Tropical and Subtropical Vegetable crops 3 (2+1)
13 H/VS243 Spices and Condiments 3 (2+1)
14 H/VS356 Breeding of Vegetable Tuber and Spice Crops 3 (2+1)
15 H/VS367 Seed Production of Vegetable Tuber and Spice Crops 3 (2+1)
(21 Questions)
16 H/VS 245 Temperate Vegetable crops 2 (1+1)
17 H/VS121 Potato and Tuber Crops 2 (1+1)
18 H/VS 244 Precision Farming and Protected Cultivation 3 (2+1)
19 H/PHT362 Post-harvest Management of Horticultural Crops 3 (2+1)
20 H/PHT 363 Processing of Horticultural Crops 3 (1+2)
(10 Questions)
21 H/PHT 231 Fundamentals of Food and Nutrition 2 (1+1)
22 H/FL242 Ornamental Horticulture 3 (2+1)
23 H/FL364 Breeding and Seed Production of Ornamental Crops 3 (2+1) 6%
24 H/FL 353 Principles of Landscape Architecture 1 (0+1) (12 Questions)
25 H/FL 231 Commercial Floriculture 3 (2+1)
26 H/PATH 231 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology 2 (1+1)
27 H/PATH 352 Diseases of Fruit, Plantation and Medicinal and 3 (2+1)
Aromatic Crops
28 H/PATH 363 Diseases of Vegetable, Ornamental and Spice Crops 3 (2+1)
29 H/PATH 364 Mushroom Production Technology 1 (0+1)
30 H/ENTO121 Fundamentals of Entomology 3 (2+1) 13%
31 H/ENTO 365 Nematode Pests of Horticultural Crops and their 2 (1+1) (26 Questions)
32 H/ENTO 243 Insect Pests of Fruit, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic 3 (2+1)
33 H/ENTO354 Apiculture, Sericulture and Lac Culture 2 (1+1)
34 H/ENTO232 Insect Pests of Vegetable, Ornamental and Spice Crops 3 (2+1)
Sr. Weightage
No. Course No. Course Title Credits
1 SA 111 Introduction to Forestry 2 (2+0)
2 SA 122 Principles of Agroforestry 3 (2+1)
3 SA 233 Theory and Practice of Silviculture 3 (2+1)
(20 Questions)
4 SA 354 Agroforestry Systems and Management 3 (2+1)
5 SA 365 Silviculture of Indian Trees 3 (2+1)
6 SA 486 Plantation Forestry 3 (2+1)
7 FB 111 Plant Physiology 3 (2+1)
8 FB 112 Forest Botany 2 (1+1)
9 FB 123 Dendrology 3 (2+1)
(20 Questions)
10 FB 124 Seed Technology & Nursery Management 3 (2+1)
11 FB 235 Tree Improvement 3 (2+1)
12 FB 486 Forest Biotechnology 3 (2+1)
13 NR 121 Recreation & Urban Forestry 3 (2+1)
14 NR 232 Forest Extension and Community Forestry 3 (2+1)
15 NR 243 Forest Mensuration 3 (2+1)
(18 Questions)
16 NR 354 Forest Management 3 (2+1)
17 NR 365 Forest Inventory and Yield Prediction 2 (1+1)
18 NR 486 Forest Laws, Legislation and Policies 2 (2+0)
19 FP 231 Wood Anatomy 3 (2+1)
20 FP 232 Ethnobotany, Medicinal and Aromatic plants 3 (2+1)
21 FP 243 Logging and Ergonomics 2 (2+1) 11%
22 FP 354 Wood Products & Utilization 3 (2+1) (22 Questions)
23 FP 365 Wood Science and Technology 3 (2+1)
24 FP 366 Non-Timber Forest Products 3 (2+1)
25 FP 487 Certification of Forest Products 2 (2+0)
26 WL 121 Wildlife Biology 3 (2+1)
27 WL 122 Forest Ecology & Biodiversity 3 (2+1)
28 WL 243 Wildlife Management 2 (1+1)
(20 Questions)
29 WL 354 Restoration Ecology 3 (2+1)
30 WL 365 Geomatics 3 (1+2)
31 WL 486 Ornithology & Herpetology 3 (2+1)
32 LANG 111 Comprehension & Communication Skills in English 2 (1+1)
33 EXTN 123 Communication Skills and Personality Development 2 (1+1)
34 F/EXTN 244 Forest Tribology & Anthropology 2 (2+0)
35 EXTN 355 Entrepreneurship Dev’t& Business Communication 2 (1+1)
(32 Questions)
36 F/ECON 361 Forest Economics and Marketing 3 (2+1)
37 COMP 231 Agri-Informatics 2 (1+1)
38 EVS 231 Environmental Studies and Disaster Management 3 (2+1)
39 F/STAT 241 Elementary Statistics 3 (2+1)
Sr. Weightage
Course No. Course Title Credits
No. (100%)
1 HDS111 Fundamentals of Human Development 3 (2+1)
2 HDS122 Marriage and Family Dynamics 3 (2+1)
3 HDS233 Life-Span Development 4 (2+2)
4 HDS244 Educational Psychology and Early Childhood 4 (2+2)
(36 Questions)
5 HDS355 Developmental Challenges in Children 3 (2+1)
6 HDS366 Family Counseling and Child Welfare 3 (2+1)
7 HDS 367 Education and Counseling for Parents & Community 3 (0+3)
8 RMCS 111 Fundamentals of Art and Design 3 (1+2)
9 RMCS 122 System Dynamics and Management of Resources 3 (2+1)
10 RMCS 233 Financial Management and Consumer Education 3 (2+1)
11 RMCS 244 Housing and Space Management 3 (2+1) 18%
12 RMCS 245 Ergonomics and Appropriate Technologies 3 (1+2) (36 Questions)
13 RMCS 356 Residential and Commercial Space Design 3 (2+1)
14 RMCS 357 Event Management 3 (0+3)
15 RMCS 368 Entrepreneurship Development and Business 3 (2+1)
16 FSN 111 Food Science and Processing 3 (2+1)
17 FSN 122 Principles of Human Nutrition 3 (2+1)
18 FSN 233 Food Standards and Quality Control 3 (2+1)
19 FSN 234 Food Preservation and Storage 2 (0+2)
(36 Questions)
20 FSN 245 Normal Nutrition 2 (1+1)
21 FSN 356 Therapeutic Nutrition 3 (2+1)
22 FSN 367 Food Analysis 3 (1+2)
23 FSN 368 Community Nutrition and Education 3 (2+1)
24 TAD 111 Fundamentals of Clothing Construction 3 (1+2)
25 TAD 122 Textile Science and Fabric Care 3 (2+1)
26 TAD 233 Garment and Accessory Designing 3 (0+3) 14%
27 TAD 244 Techniques of Fabric Construction 3 (1+2) (28 Questions)
28 TAD 355 Textile Finishes 2 (1+1)
29 TAD 366 Retailing and Merchandizing- Textiles and Apparel 2 (2+0)
30 TAD 367 Traditional Textiles and Costumes of India 3 (2+1)
31 CECM 111 Community Extension and Rural Development 2 (1+1)
32 CECM 122 Communication, Diffusion and adoption of 3 (1+2)
Homestead Technologies 12%
33 CECM 233 Programme Development for Rural Families 3 (2+1) (24 Questions)
34 CECM 244 Training and Human Resource Development 3 (1+2)
35 CECM 355 Project Management 3 (1+2)
36 CECM 366 Women in Agriculture 2 (1+1)
Sr. Weightage
Course No. Course Title Credits
No. (80%)
1 BT-111 Cell Biology 2 (2+0)
2 BT-112 Basic Genetics 3 (2+1)
3 BT-113 Introduction to Biotechnology 3 (2+1)
4 BT-124 Plant Tissue Culture 3 (2+1)
5 BT-125 Molecular Biology 3 (2+1)
6 BT-236 Recombinant DNA Technology 3 (2+1)
7 BT-247 Introductory Bioinformatics 3 (2+1)
8 BT-248 Plant Genetic Transformation 3 (2+1)
9 BT/ECE-241 Electronics and Instrumentation in Biotechnology 2 (1+1)
10 BT-249 Classical and Molecular Cytogenetics 3 (2+1)
11 BT-3510 Immunology 3 (2+1)
12 BT-3511 Molecular Genetics 2 (2+0)
13 BT-3512 Nanobiotechnology 2 (2+0)
14 BT-3513 Animal Biotechnology 4 (3+1)
15 BT-3514 Molecular Marker Technology 2 (2+0) 50%
16 BT-3515 Genomics and Proteomics 3 (3+0) (100 Questions)
17 BT-3516 IPR, Biosafety and Bioethics 2 (2+0)
18 BT-3617 Computational Biology 3 (2+1)
19 BIOCHEM-241 General Biochemistry 4 (3+1)
20 BIOCHEM-352 Enzymology and Enzyme Technologies 3 (2+1)
21 BOT/ZOO-121 Biodiversity and its Conservation 2 (2+0)
22 MICRO-121 Microbiology 3 (2+1)
23 MICRO-242 Microbial Genetics 3 (2+1)
24 PBTEL-361 Plant Tissue Culture and its Applications 3 (2+1)
25 PBTEL-362 Principles and Applications of Plant Genetic 3 (2+1)
26 PBTEL-363 Applications of Genomics and Proteomics 3 (2+1)
27 PBTEL-364 Molecular Breeding in Field Crops 3 (2+1)
28 PBTEL-365 Molecular Breeding of Horticultural Crops and 3 (2+1)
Forest Trees
29 PBTEL-366 Epigenetics and Gene Regulation 3 (2+1)
30 AGRO-111 Crop Production Technology 3 (2+1)
31 HORT-121 Production Technologies for Horticultural 3 (2+1)
Crops 9%
32 PB-121 Basics of Plant Breeding 3 (2+1) (18 Questions)
33 PB-232 Breeding of Field Crops 3 (2+1)
34 ENT.PL.PATH-231 Fundamentals of Crop Production 3 (2+1)
38 BS-MATH 111 Engineering Mathematics-I 3 (2+1)
39 BS-MATH 122 Engineering Mathematics-II 3 (2+1)
40 BS-MATH 233 Engineering Mathematics-III 3 (2+1)
41 BS-PHY 111 Engineering Physics 2 (1+1)
42 BS-PHY 242 Applied Electronics & Instrumentation 2 (1+1)
43 BS-COMP 111 Computer Programming and Data Structures 2 (1+1)
44 BS-COMP 122 Web Designing and Internet Applications 2 (0+2)
45 AS-SS 111 Principles of Soil Science 2 (1+1)
46 AS-EXTN 111 Communication Skills and Personality 2 (1+1)
47 AS-STAT 121 Statistical Methods in Engineering 2 (1+1) 12%
48 AS-AGRO 121 Principles of Agronomy 2 (1+1) (24
49 AS-HORT 121 Principles of Horticultural Crops and Plant 2 (1+1) Questions)
50 AS-ECON 231 Entrepreneurship Development and Business 2 (1+1)
51 AS-ESDM 361 Environmental Science and Disaster Management 3 (2+1)
Sr. Weightage
Course No. Course Title Credit
No. (100%)
1 FPT-111 Principles of Food Processing 3 (2+1)
2 FPT-112 Postharvest Management of Fruits and Vegetables 3 (2+1)
3 FPT-123 Cereal Processing 3 (2+1)
4 FPT-124 Food Packaging Technology 2 (1+1)
5 FPT-235 Legumes and Oilseeds Technology 3 (2+1)
6 FPT-236 Meat, Poultry and Fish Technology 3 (2+1)
7 FPT-237 Processing Technology of Beverages 2 (1+1) 28%
8 FPT-238 Processing of Milk and Milk Products 3 (2+1) (56 Questions)
9 FPT-249 Wheat Milling and Baking Technology 3 (2+1)
10 FPT-2410 Fruits and Vegetables Processing 3 (2+1)
11 FPT-2411 Processing of Spices and Plantation Crops 3 (2+1)
12 FPT-3512 Confectionary and Snacks Technology 3 (2+1)
13 FPT-3513 Food Extrusion Technology 2 (1+1)
14 FPT-3614 Food Quality and Sensory Evaluation 3 (2+1)
15 FE-111 Engineering Drawing and Graphics 3 (1+2)
16 FE-112 Fluid Mechanics 3 (2+1)
17 FE-113 Mathematics 2 (2+0)
18 FE-124 Heat and Mass Transfer 3 (2+1)
19 FE-125 Statistical Methods and Numerical Analysis 2 (1+1)
20 FE-236 Energy Generation and Conservation 3 (2+1)
21 FE-237 Unit Operations in Food Processing – I 3 (2+1)
(56 Questions)
22 FE-248 Unit Operations in Food Processing – II 3 (2+1)
23 FE-249 Post Harvest and Storage Engineering 3 (2+1)
24 FE-3510 Biochemical Engineering 3 (2+1)
25 FE-3511 Food Refrigeration and Cold Storage 3 (2+1)
26 FE-3612 Food Processing Equipment Design 2 (1+1)
27 FE-3613 Food Plant Design and Layout 3 (2+1)
28 FE-3614 Instrumentation and Process Control 3 (2+1)
29 FCN-111 Environmental Science and Disaster Management 2 (1+1)
30 FCN-112 Biochemistry 2 (1+1)
31 FCN-123 Human Nutrition 3 (2+1)
32 FCN-124 Food Chemistry of Macronutrients 3 (2+1)
(27 Questions)
33 FCN-235 Food Chemistry and Micronutrients 3 (2+1)
34 FCN-246 Food Additives and Preservatives 2 (1+1)
35 FCN-357 Instrumental Techniques in Food Analysis 2 (0+2)
36 FCN-368 Enzymes in Food Industry 2 (1+1)
Sr. Weightage
Course No. Course Title Credits
No. (60%)
1 AGRO-111 Agro-Techniques of Principal Field Crops-I (Kharif) 2 (1+1)
2 AGRO-122 Agro-Techniques of Principal Field Crops-II (Rabi) 2 (1+1) 4%
3 AGRO-233 Modern Farming Systems and Sustainable Agriculture 2 (1+1) (8 Questions)
4 AGRO-244 Irrigation Water Management 2 (1+1)
5 HORT- 111 Production Management of Important Fruit Crops 2 (1+1)
Production Management of Vegetable, Floricultural, 3.5%
6 HORT-122 3 (2+1)
Aromatic and Medicinal Crops (7 Questions)
7 HORT-233 Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops 2 (1+1)
8 BOT-121 Principles of Plant Biotechnology 2 (1+ 1) 2.5%
9 BOT-362 Environmental Studies and Disaster Management 3 (2+1) (5 Questions)
10 SSAC-111
Fundamentals of Soil Science 2 (1+1)
11 SSAC-122
Soil, Water and Plant Analysis 2 (1+1)
(6 Questions)
12 SSAC-233
Soil Fertility, Fertilizers and Nutrient Management 2 (1+1)
13 ASDS-111
Livestock Production Management 2 (1+1) 2%
14 ASDS-122
Value Addition in Animal Products 2 (1+1) (4 Questions)
15 ENGG-121
Farm Structures and Green House Technology 2 (1+1)
16 ENGG-232
Post-Harvest Technology of Agricultural Crops 2 (1+1)
(6 Questions)
17 ENGG-243
Farm Power and Machinery 2 (1+1)
18 ENT-121Fundamentals of Entomology 2 (1+1) 2%
19 ENT-352Integrated Pest Management 2 (1+1) (4 Questions)
20 PATH-231
Fundamentals of Plant Pathology 2 (1+1) 2%
21 PATH-362
Integrated Disease Management 2 (1+1) (4 Questions)
22 EXTN-231
Communication Skills & Personality Development 2 (1+1)
23 EXTN-242
Consumers Psychology in Business Management 2 (1+1)
Entrepreneurship Development and Business 5.5%
24 EXTN-363 2 (1+1)
Management (11 Questions)
25 COMP-111 Information and Communication Technology 2 (1+1)
26 STAT-241 Business Statistics 3 (1+2)
27 ECON- 111 Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics 3 (2+1)
28 ECON-122 Money, Banking and International Trade 3 (2+1)
29 ECON-233 Principles of Economic Theory 3 (2+1)
30 ECON-244 Agril. Co-operation, Institutions and Management 3 (2+1)
(20 Questions)
31 ECON-355 Structure and Dynamics of Indian Agriculture 3 (2+1)
32 ECON- 356 Farm Management and Production Economics 3 (2+1)
33 ECON-367 Financial Management in Agribusiness 3 (2+1)
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2) Application No. (+VÉÇ Gò¨ÉÉÆEò)......................................................................................
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2. ¨ÉÒ Blindness/ Locomotor disability-both arm affected-BA/ Cerebral palsy [+ÆvÉi´É,
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Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent
of a Government Healthcare Institution
Date :
My qualification is ...............................................................
the Scribe) will provide the service of Scribe/Reader for the undersigned for taking the
aforesaid examination.
undersigned and is higher than my qualification, I shall forfeit my right to the admission and
Date :