Crash of Thunder Tactics Card Rules
Crash of Thunder Tactics Card Rules
Crash of Thunder Tactics Card Rules
1. Before the start of game, separate the cards into three parts: One part will be Allied favorable cards (with Red print Headline on top of card).
One part will be French favorable cards (with Blue print Headline on top of card). The third part will be the two neutral thematic cards of “Mist” and
2. Each player will secretly select one (1) card from their stack.
3. The Allied player will shuffle the Allied deck, and randomly select three cards (do not reveal any cards, drawn or not, to the French
player). The French player will then shuffle and make his random draw of three cards from the available French favorable cards.
4. Finally take ALL of the cards (including the two neutral cards) that have not been chosen, or randomly drawn by the players, and
shuffle them into one combined deck. Each player randomly draws two (2) cards from this final deck. The remaining cards are put to
the side without revealing them to either player.
5. Each player will now have a hand of six (6) cards. Each card may be played at any appropriate time during the game. Allied player may
only play Allied favorable cards (Red Headlines) and the French player may only play French favorable cards (Blue Headlines). A played
card is discarded after one use (whether it worked or not). Playing of a card does not count as an Action, bur rather reinforces that
action when the card is played before rolling for the Action. Or if played to change a result such as Rallying a unit that otherwise would
be lost.
1. Strong French Defense of Sokolnitz. If Langeron rolls a “Seize the village” result, they must roll the die
Again in order to confirm it. DIE ROLL 1-4 Confirmed, DIE ROLL 5-6 Ignore original result and roll again.
2. Allies use Artillery to bombard Sokolnitz. Before combat roll, the Allied Player rolls one die to see if the cannons are effective. 1-4
die roll is effective. 5-6 it is not effective. If effective add +1 to combat roll.
1. French post skirmishers in vineyards on approach to town. If Doctorov suffers casualties, French Roll one die: Die roll Result of 5-6=
+1 AM. Result of 1-4= no effect.
Sokolnitz or Telnitz
1. Friendly Fire when FRENCH lose control of either village* When Allies capture one of the Goldbach villages, the Allied Player rolls
one die. Roll of Even= +1 FM. Roll of Odd = no effect
2. French bayonet charge to clear either Sokolnitz or Telnitz. If Davout plays Action 1 to counterattack, roll a die. On roll of Even
Davout will roll the combat die twice and choose the roll he wishes.
Pratzen Heights
1. Lingering Mist: If Soult has not yet attacked the Pratzen Heights, the French player can play this card and take a pass action.
2. Counterattack on the Pratzen: Confusion as Saint-Hilaire tries to skirt Pratze village, and is hit with a counterattack from Russian
units holding the village. The Allied player may play this card BEFORE the FRENCH ROLL for an Attack. Allies roll a die: 4-6= The French player
losses his turn. 1-3= no effect.
3. Kemensky Brigade of Langeron’s Column. When Langeron plays Action 1, instead of automatic loss of a Langeron unit. He will roll a die: 1-4 =
Langeron unit survives and is moved to Pratzen to join Allied formation on the Heights. Roll of 5-6 = regular Action 1 Text.
4. Tsar Alexander and Kutuzov are shocked by French initial attack on the Pratzen . When Soult first makes an attack on the Pratzen, before
combat roll, he can roll 1 die to see if he achieves surprise. On a roll of 1-2 he succeeds. Add +1 to the combat roll.
5. Cannons on the Pratzen. When Soult is on his “flipped side” and inflicts casualties on the Allies, roll a die. Roll of Even = add +1 AM
Odd = No Effect
2. Cavalry Charge. In an attack by Bagration against Lannes, Allied player may play this card. The card must be played before the die is
rolled. Add +1 to the combat die roll. (there are 2 cards, with a little variation in text and requirements for use)
3. Infantry form squares. When Murat counterattacks to double Bagration losses, this card is played and a die is rolled. On a roll of 1-4
ignore the doubling result. On a roll of 1-2 ignore both the doubling result and AC/AM results of Murat’s subsequent die roll.
4. Lannes Commands the Guns. Before Lannes attacks, roll a die. Die Roll of 1-3 adds +1 to the attack. Die Roll of 6 subtracts -1. Die
roll of 4-5 has not effect. This card cannot be played during the Morning Turn. It can only be played Midday or after.
1. Allied Council of War. Before the first move of the game, the Allied player may move up to any two units from any Formation or Formations and
attach them to any other Formation or Formations. This card may be used to change the focus of the Allied Offensive, and allow for a slightly
different set-up from the historical game. IMPORTANT: If the Allied player does not want to change the set-up, and rather stay with the historical
one, he may discard this card and randomly draw a different card to replace it. The replacement card, should be drawn from the combined deck.
2. Rally a Defeated Unit. When suffering a casualty (AC) Allied player may play this card and then roll a die. On a 1-4 result ignore
one AC from either an attack or a defense combat result. On a 5-6 roll there is No Effect.
3. Rally a Defeated Unit. When suffering a casualty (FC) French player may play this card and then roll a die. On a 1-4 result, ignore one
FC from either an attack, or a defense, combat result. On a 5-6 roll there is No Effect.
4. Gain Morale. If the French are able to advance onto the Pratzen Heights, or Bagrations position due to an Attack Action, they will
regain 1 morale step on the Morale Track, if they can roll a 1-4 on the a die roll.
5. Gain Morale. If an Allied Formation, or unit, is able to advance into either of the Goldbach villages, Maxdorf, Santon, or if they reclaim
the Pratzen Heights, due to an Attack Action, they will regain 1 morale step on the Morale Track, if they make a 1-4 die roll.
2. Sun of Austerlitz “Napoleon looked now at the Pratzen Heights, now at the sun floating up out of the mist. When the sun entirely
emerged from the fog, and the fields and mist were aglow with dazzling light, he drew the glove from his hand, and ordered the action
to begin.” (Tolstoy War and Peace)
Print the following three pages of tactics cards on heavy cardstock. The
descriptions of the cards as well as the cards themselves are the most
recent version.
A Sea of Mist Sun of Austerlitz
“The fog lay unbroken like a sea “Napoleon looked now at the Pratzen
down below along the Goldbach. Heights, now at the sun floating up
The sun’s vast orb quivered like a out of the mist. When the sun
huge crimson float on the surface of entirely emerged from the fog, and
that milky sea of mist.” the fields and mist were aglow with
dazzling light, he drew the glove from
(Tolstoy, War & Peace) his hand, and ordered the action
to begin.” (Tolstoy, War & Peace)
Langeron brings up a battery of six As French unit is driven from one either Confusion strikes the French as Saint-
Cannon to bombard Sokolnitz Sokolnitz or Telnitz it is subjected to Hilaire tries to skirt Pratzen village
“Friendly Fire”
When Langeron attacks Sokolnitz, When Soult attacks the Pratzen,
before the roll of the combat die, roll When the French lose a unit in either before the French combat roll,
a die to see if Artillery is effective. Goldbach village, Allies play this card Allies roll a die:
Result of 1-4 = +1 to the attack roll. and make a die roll: Result of 1-3 = No Effect
5-6 = No Effect Result of 1-3 = No Effect 4-6 = French lose turn and
4-6 = +1 FM do not make the attack roll.
Langeron rushes Kamensky to the The Austrian Cavalry commanded by Bagration launches a cavalry charge
Pratzen Heights to try to save the day! Prince Liechtenstein makes a dramatic against the over-extended
Charge against Lannes’ French Corps French Infantry
When Langeron takes Action 1,
Instead of the automatic loss, Roll a When Bagration attacks Lannes, the In an attack by Bagration, the Allied
Die: Result 1-4 = Langeron unit Allies (IF Liechtenstein is still active) player Adds +1 to the combat roll
survives and joins the Russians on the Add +1 to the Attack Roll before before the Attack Roll.
the Pratzen. Roll of 5-6 = regular the Attack Roll.
Action 1 Text.
“Enemy cavalry! Form squares!” Kutuzov and the Russian generals “Urah! Uraaah!”
oppose the Austrian battle plan. Make
changes in Weyrother’s plan of attack When suffering a casualty (AC) Allied
If Murat counterattacks to double player may Roll a die:
Bagration casualties, play this card. Before the First move of the game, Result 1-4 = ignore one AC
On a die Roll of 1-2 ignore the the Allied player may move up to two
doubling effect. On a Roll of 3-4 ignore units from any Formation(s) and attach
both the doubling effect and AC/AM them to any other Formation(s).
results of Murat’s subsequent die roll.
French Defend Sokolnitz French Bayonet Charge French Defend Telnitz
The Fog of Austerlitz Tsar and Kutozov Shocked Cannons on the Pratzen
A lingering mist covers the field “Look Sire, coming up the plateau! It’s At a critical moment on the Pratzen,
the French! It’s an attack by a whole the French unmask the 12-pounders
If Soult has not yet attacked the army corps!” loaded with ball and canister.
The Pratzen, the French player may When Soult first makes an attack on When Soult is on his flipped side and
play this card and take a Pass action. the Pratzen, before the combat roll an inflicts casualties on the Allies, roll
he can roll a die to see if he achieves a die: Roll of EVEN = +1 AM
surprise! On a Roll of 1-2 he succeeds. Roll of ODD = No Effect
Add +1 to the Combat Roll.
Marshal Lannes orders a cavalry charge Lannes takes personal charge of the “Vive l’Empereur!”
against Bagration of the cannons—ordering them to fire,
then relocate, and fire again. When suffering a casualty (FC) the
French player may play this card (if Before Lannes attacks roll a die: French player may play this card and
Kellerman is still active). You must Result of 1-3 = +1 to the attack roll. then roll a die: Result of 1-4 means
Decide to use this card before the 4-5 = No Effect you can ignore the FC.
Attack die is rolled. 6 = -1 to the attack roll
Add +1 to the attack Roll