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Identifying International Organizations: The Products & Services That You Use On A Daily Basis

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Identifying International Organizations

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Research each of the International Organizations listed and complete the chart in your own words.

Organization Year Established Member Nations Mission Known for…

North Atlantic 1949 30 in north to safeguard it's the principle of
america & Europe members' freedom collective
Treaty & security by both defense,
Organization political & military committing each
means member to
defend any other
that is attacked

World Trade 1995 164 to manage the the products &

rules of
Organization international services that you
trade & ensure the use on a daily
fair & equitable basis
treatment of all
members through
negotiations &
trade disputes
International 2002 123 to investigate & convincing
try those several men of
Criminal Court charged with war crimes
genocide, war committed in Mali
crimes, crimes & the Democratic
against humanity, republic of Congo
& crimes of

European Union 1993 27 to help member the U.K's

countries withdrawal from
cooperate on the EU
political, &
security matters

Group of 20 1999 20 to convene officials the annual G20

from the world's summit
largest economics,
both advanced &
developing, to
jointly address
global economic
concerns &
economic policies
Read each of the scenarios below. For each one, identify which organization (or organizations) could
potentially help in the scenario, and how that organization could contribute. Fill in this information in
the appropriate boxes.

Scenario Organization How?

Terrorists attacked the United provide for defense
States. The United States has North Atlantic Treaty
identified who attacked them
and needs political and military
support in attacking the
Polio, a childhood disease, could WHO coordinate a response
be eradicated if every country in
the world successfully vaccinates
its population.
A major earthquake in a poor UN deploy humanity aid
country has left thousands of and relief to the
people without homes and country
access to electricity and running
Europe is made up of many small European Union talk about it
countries. It would be easier for
them to trade with each other if
they shared a currency and could
agree to simplify trade
Two countries are having a World Trade coordinate
dispute over how much to tax Organization
imports of certain products.
World leaders, especially from talk about it
large, wealthy countries, are G20
concerned about a worldwide
economic downturn. They would
like to take steps to prevent it.
A minority population is being
investigations and
attacked and their government is
International Criminal trials
turning a blind eye to the Court
situation. There is clear evidence
of a crime, but the courts in the
country won’t investigate.

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