Oscar Rafael Verduzco Cervantes Mikel Cerdeira Casas Julia Brun Gallardo Pascual Noriega Moreno Bryan Alberto Macias Jimenez
Oscar Rafael Verduzco Cervantes Mikel Cerdeira Casas Julia Brun Gallardo Pascual Noriega Moreno Bryan Alberto Macias Jimenez
Oscar Rafael Verduzco Cervantes Mikel Cerdeira Casas Julia Brun Gallardo Pascual Noriega Moreno Bryan Alberto Macias Jimenez
Aspect Nazism Fascism Franquismo Totalitarianism Stalin's Regime
Extreme nationalism, Emperor worship, Marxism-Leninism,
belief in the Authoritarianism,
anti-Semitism, and militarism, and belief in socialism, and belief
Ideology primacy of the nationalism, and
belief in Aryan Japanese racial in the dictatorship of
state, and anti-communism
supremacy superiority the proletariat
One-party dictatorship, One-party One-party
Type of One-party dictatorship,
dictatorship, totalitarianism, dictatorship, dictatorship,
Government totalitarianism
totalitarianism and authoritarianism totalitarianism
Establishment of
a centralized Establishment of a
Expansion of Establishment of
authoritarian Expansion of Japanese socialist state,
German territory, a new order, the
state, territory, establishment of elimination of
establishment of a creation of a
suppression of a Greater East Asia capitalist and
Objectives pure Aryan state, homogenous
regional Co-Prosperity Sphere, bourgeois elements,
elimination of Jews society, and the
autonomy, elimination of Western promotion of
and other pursuit of an
preservation of influence international
"undesirables" empire.
traditional communism
Spanish values
The use of
religion as a tool
Anti-Christian, Mixed attitudes, Anti-religious,
of propaganda Co-opted Shintoism and
Relation to opposed to sometimes opposed to
and the Buddhism for
the Church traditional religious supportive of traditional religious
suppression of nationalistic purposes
values Catholicism values
religious groups.
Cultivation of a
Cultivation of a Cultivation of a
Cultivation of a strong strong leader cult,
strong leader cult, strong leader cult,
emperor cult, promotion promotion of
promotion of The use of mass promotion of
of militarism and socialism and
Propaganda militarism and war, media, rallies, traditional
expansionism, international
demonization of and symbols. Spanish values,
demonization of Western communism,
Jews and other suppression of
powers suppression of
"undesirables" dissent
The glorification
of the leader and
Worship of Worship of Emperor Worship of Joseph
Worship of Adolf the use of
Personality Francisco Franco Hirohito as a divine figure Stalin as a great
Hitler as a savior and propaganda to
Cult as a defender of and symbol of Japanese leader and architect
messianic figure create a myth of
Spanish values nationalism of the socialist state
the leader's
The use of
propaganda, Autarky, state State control of
State control of State control of industry,
censorship, and intervention in the industry, elimination
industry, elimination promotion of military
strict controls on economy, of private property,
Domestic of private property, spending, exploitation of
individual suppression of promotion of
Policies promotion of autarky, occupied territories,
freedoms to labor unions, collectivization,
persecution of persecution of ethnic
maintain power suppression of suppression of
minorities minorities
and create a dissent dissent
new social order.
suppression of
ambitions and
Catalan and Expansionism,
expansionist Expansionism,
Expansionism, Basque aggression towards
agendas, often support for
aggression towards autonomy, neighboring countries,
Foreign resulting in the communist
neighboring support for alliance with Nazi
Policies use of military movements abroad,
countries, alliance anti-communist Germany, promotion of
force to expand suppression of
with Italy and Japan movements the Greater East Asia
their influence dissent
abroad, Co-Prosperity Sphere
and create a
suppression of
new world order