Paper 07
Paper 07
Paper 07
Original Research Article
Department of Physiology, TS Misra Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Pharmacology, TS Misra Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Dr. Ragini Mishra,
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Medicine is a profession with high-stress prevalence. There are many stress markers but cortisol is one
of the commonly used stress marker. Stress begins in the first year of medical carrier and increases with subsequent
years of medical education. There is a decrease in overall academic performance and many health-related adverse
effects due to stress. In this study, yoga was performed in the first year MBBS students of BRD Medical College,
Gorakhpur and the impact of yoga in stress reduction was studied using serum cortisol as stress a marker.
Methods: Study groups, yoga and control contained 26 and 27 subjects including male and female MBBS students.
Yoga group practiced selected yogic asana, pranayama, and yoga nidra for 3 months. The control group as a stress
marker had been kept in touch and allowed to go on their usual activity as before. Morning (8.00 AM to 9.00 AM)
serum cortisol level was used as a stress marker in both group, pre and post-study.
Results: There was a significant reduction in morning serum cortisol level (stress level) in yoga group (p-value =
0.0271) but there was no significant change in morning serum cortisol level of the control group (p-value = 0.8573).
Conclusions: Yoga is an effective stress reduction technique for medical students. Yoga classes should be introduced
in the first year of the medical carrier under the supervision of expert physiologists. This may lead to the implantation
of a healthy lifestyle in our future healthcare providers. Yogic practice by health care providers may have long term
positive impacts on our healthcare system.
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | April 2020 | Vol 8 | Issue 4 Page 1326
Tiwari VK et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2020 Apr;8(4):1326-1330
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | April 2020 | Vol 8 | Issue 4 Page 1327
Tiwari VK et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2020 Apr;8(4):1326-1330
Table 1: Distribution of serum cortisol level (μg/ dl) in yoga group (N = 26).
Yoga group Pre-study (mean±SD) Post-study (mean±SD) Percentage change in cortisol level
Total sample (N=26) 13.76±4.69 12.41±4.10 9.81% decrease
Decreasing pattern (N=18) 15.20±4.70 12.58±4.23 17.24% decrease
Increasing Pattern (N=8) 10.52±4.31 12.01±4.04 14.16% increase
Table 2: Distribution of serum cortisol level (μg/ dl) in control group ((N = 27).
Control group Pre-study (mean±sd) Post-study (mean±sd) Percentage change in cortisol level
Total sample (n = 27) 13.01 ± 2.44 13.22 ± 2.50 1.61% increase
Decreasing pattern (n = 10) 14.80 ± 1.86 12.03 ± 2.16 18.72% decrease
Increasing pattern (n = 17) 11.95 ± 2.14 13.94 ± 2.47 16.65% increase
Table 3: Pre and post study pattern of change in participants (69%) in the yoga group as compared to the
serum cortisol level in yoga and control group. control group (37%) where cortisol levels decreased.
There were only 31% of participants in the yoga group
Yoga group Control group where cortisol levels increased while cortisol level
Sample size 26 participants 27 participants increased in 63% of participants in the control group.
Decreasing 69% participants 31% participants Overall there was a statistically significant decrease in
pattern (n = 18) (n = 10) serum cortisol level (p-value = 0.0271) in the yoga group
Increasing 37% participants 63% participants while the observed difference in the control group was
pattern (n = 8) (n = 17) not statistically significant (p-value = 0.8573).
9.81 % decrease 1.61 % increase DISCUSSION
change in
(p value = 0.0271) (p value = 0.8573)
cortisol level
Potey GG et al, studied the effect of yoga on serum
cortisol level in medical students. They found in their
Table 2, Table 3 summarizes findings of control group in
study that Regular practice of yoga for 3 months
present study. Pre-study serum cortisol level in control
significantly reduced the cortisol level.10 A study
group (N = 27) was 13.01±2.44 μg/dl. Post-study (after 3
conducted by Zivdar Z et al, results of this study
months of their regular life) serum cortisol level in
indicated that yoga training significantly reduced the
control group was 13.22±2.50 μg/dl.
plasma cortisol level.11 In a study conducted by Thirthalli
J. et al they concluded that yoga decreases the cortisol
There was a 0.21 μg/dl (1.61%) increase in mean serum
level in patients of depression and thereby stress. Yoga
cortisol level of control group. Thus there was an overall
may act at the level of the hypothalamus by its 'anti-
increasing pattern in control group. Observed difference
stress' effects and reduces the cortisol.12 Messripour M. et
in control group was not statistically significant (p-value
al, concluded in their one study involving young Iranian
= 0.8573). There were 37% (10) participants in control
women that yoga decreases serum cortisol level.13
group where serum cortisol decreased from 14.80±1.86 to
12.03±2.16 μg/dl (18.72% decrease) and in 63% (17)
Lin SL et al, found that yoga decreases work related
participants of control group serum cortisol increased
stress in mental health professionals in his weekly yoga
from 11.95±2.14 to 13.94±2.47 μg/dl (16.65% increase).
program of 12 weeks.14 Similarly in 2015 Oron G, et al
concluded in his study that yoga decreases stress in
Tables 1, 2, 3 summarize the overall findings of the
women waiting for IVF.15 Multiple studies conducted in
present study. Thus it is clear that there were more
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Tiwari VK et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2020 Apr;8(4):1326-1330
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