Experiment 9
Experiment 9
Experiment 9
CHEM 343
SEMESTER 1 (2021/2022)
Experiment NO.: 9
Experiment Title: Solid-liquid phase diagram for naphthalene and 8-hydroxyquinoline
(two component system)
I.D. NO 20190325
LAB DAY Friday 10-1pm
DATE OF EXPERIMENT 12 November 2021
PARTER`S NAME Lorato Seagelo
This experiment was carried out with the intentions to apply thermal analyses to
naphthalene-8-hydroxyquinoline at atmospheric temperature and with this information a
solid-liquid diagram was drawn with eutectic temperature and composition found to be
46.9ºC and 0.4888 respectively.
The aim of this experiment was to apply thermal analysis to naphthalene and 8
hydroxyquinoline, determine the solid – liquid phase graph and the composition of the
eutectic mixture.
Two solid which are non-reacting may be melted to form a single liquid phase. This
phase will cooled until a solid start to form. This point is the initial freezing point of the
solution which depend on the composition of the solution.
From the schematic Solid-Liquid Phase diagram above, the two boundary lines(a-e) and
(b-e) show conditions on which liquids phase and solid-liquid phase exist respectively.
These lines are called liquidus curves. Eutection points is where they intercept while
temperature value and composition at this point are called eutection temperature and
eutection composition respectively. At eutection point, there are three phases in the
equilibrium which are one liquid and two solids. A mixture that has the eutection
composition has the lowest possible freezing point of any mixture of the two
Seven test tubes were provided and each one of them had a different mixture of
naphthalene and 8-hydoxyquinoline. Each of the test tubes were heat into a water bath,
until the mixture has melted is several degrees above the melting point. After it has
melted the test tube was wiped dry, inserted a thermometer that is calibrated to 1/10 of
a degree and gently stirred. Then the temperature at intervals of 30 seconds was
recorded until the temperature was about 4 degrees below the melting point. And all this
temperature was recorded without removing the thermometer from the test tube until the
last record, and at the end of the experiment the solid mixture was melted before
removing the thermometer. The initial melting point was recorded.
Figure 9.0
1 5.0 0.0
2 4.2 0.8
3 3.3 1.7
4 2.4 2.6
5 1.6 3.4
6 0.8 4.2
7 0.0 5.0
Moles of Naphthalene =
1.6 g
128.1705 gmol−1
= 0.0125 mol
Moles of 8-Hydroxyquinoline =
3.4 g
145.16 gmol−1
= 0.0234 mol
= 0.652
1 0.000 63.3
2 0.144 61.8
3 0.313 46.9
4 0.489 47.3
5 0.652 51.4
6 0.822 66.1
7 1.000 71.0
Initial Freezing Point versus Mole Fraction
Initial Freezing Point (℃)
0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900 1.000
Mole Fraction
The initial freezing points were determined using the 7 plotted graphs and the mole
fractions were also calculated from that information. From the plot of initial freezing point
against mole fraction of 8-hydroxyquinoline, the eutectic temperature and composition
were determined to be 46.90C and 0.4888 respectively. These results are not accurate
as the give something that is more than 5% less than the literature value. The
composition obtained is 1.5723 less than the literature value of 2.0611M. The huge
difference between the two be due to loss of some of the product due to evaporation
during melting as these products were used for more than three groups to carry out the
experiment. Some contaminations may also have occurred since they were uncovered
as well as mixing up thermometers and stirrers during the experiments. This also
affected some of the graphs as for one of them a freezing point could not easily be
obtained from it which led to ending up having to estimate the melting point just looking
at results taking that of temperatures that were very close to each other. Human
reaction time error could also have resulted as one person had to call out time while the
other temperature which kept on changing.
The phase diagrams were constructed and the eutectic composition was found to be
0.4888M at 46.90C.
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