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Edu 538 Team D

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PHINMA COC – College of Education



MULTIPLE CHOICES: Choose the letter of the BEST answer.

1. You are walking in a park and see someone throw a plastic bottle on the ground. What is the most
eco-friendly action to take?
A) Pick up the bottle and throw it away properly
B) Ignore it as it’s not your responsibility
C) Join the person and throw your own waste on the ground
D) Step on the bottle and crush it
2. You are planning to purchase a new electronic device. Which eco-friendly feature should you
A) The device’s ability to play high-quality videos
B) The device’s sustainable packaging
C) The device’s accessory options
D) The device’s luxurious design
3. You are going grocery shopping and want to reduce plastic waste. Which is the best option for
carrying your purchases?
A) Plastic shopping bags provided at the store
B) Single-use paper bags
C) Reusable cloth or canvas bags
D) No bag needed, carry items by hand
4. You want to reduce your water consumption. Which action would be most effective?
A) Taking long showers daily
B) Repairing leaky faucets immediately
C) Leaving the tap running while brushing your teeth
D) Using a hose to clean the driveway
5. You notice that your office prints excessive paper documents. What is the best eco-friendly
A) Ignore it, as it is not your responsibility
B) Encourage colleagues to print more
C) Suggest implementing a paperless policy
D) Print additional documents to make use of the paper
6. You are planning a trip. Which mode of transportation is the most eco-friendly?
A) Taking a train
B) Driving a car alone
C) Flying in a private jet
D) Riding a bike
7. You are hosting a party and want to minimize waste. What is the best option for serving food?
A) Disposable plastic plates and cutlery
PHINMA COC – College of Education

B) Styrofoam containers
C) Reusable plates and cutlery
D) No serving dishes, eat directly from the package
8. You want to conserve energy in your home. Which action is most effective?
A) Leaving lights and appliances on when not in use
B) Using energy-efficient light bulbs
C) Continuously adjusting the thermostat
D) Keeping windows and doors open when using heating or cooling systems
9. You are shopping for clothes. Which choice is the most eco-friendly?
A) Buying clothes made from sustainable materials
B) Buying clothes made from synthetic fabrics
C) Buying clothes made from animal fur
D) Buying clothes made from non-recycled materials
10. You are eating at a restaurant and have leftovers. What is the best way to handle them?
A) Leave the food on the plate and throw it away
B) Ask for a plastic bag to take the leftovers home
C) Use a reusable container brought from home or ask for a biodegradable takeout box
D) Leave the leftovers on the table
11. What does the term “ecology” refer to?
A) The study of the environment and its interactions
B) The management of natural resources
C) The preservation of endangered species
D) The use of renewable energy sources
12. Which of the following is an example of a renewable resource?
A) Fossil fuels
B) Natural gas
C) Solar energy
D) Nuclear power
13. What is the primary cause of climate change?
A) Volcanic eruptions
B) Deforestation
C) Solar radiation
D) Human activities
14. What is the term for the natural process by which organisms adapt to changes in their environment
over time?
A) Evolution
B) Extinction
C) Natural selection
D) Pollution
15. What is the term for the loss of a species from a particular habitat or from the entire planet?
A) Biodiversity
B) Extinction
C) Conservation
PHINMA COC – College of Education

D) Pollution
16. What is the term for the practice of planting trees to restore or create forests?
A) Reforestation
B) Afforestation
C) Deforestation
D) Desertification
17. Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?
A) Coal
B) Oil
C) Wind
D) Natural gas
18. Which of the following is an example of a non-renewable resource?
A) Wind energy
B) Geothermal energy
C) Oil
D) Hydroelectric power
19. What is the term for the variety of life forms on Earth?
A) Sustainability
B) Ecology
C) Biodiversity
D) Climate change
20. What is the term for waste materials that can cause harm to living organisms and the environment?
A) Pollution
B) Conservation
C) Ecosystem
D) Sustainability
21. Which set of social skills has the ability to maintain eye contact, maintain appropriate personal
space, understand gestures, and facial expression?
A) Foundation
B) Interaction
C) Affective
D) Cognitive
22. Which set of social skills needed for understanding oneself and others?
A) Foundation
B) Interaction
C) Affective
D) Cognitive
23. Resolving conflicts, taking turns, learning how to begin and end conversations, determining
appropriate topics for conversation, interacting with authority figures. What set of social skills?
A) Foundation
B) Interaction
C) Affective
D) Cognitive
PHINMA COC – College of Education

24. Social perception, making choices, self-monitoring, understanding community norms, determining
appropriate behavior for different social situations. What set of social skills?
A) Foundation
B) Interaction
C) Affective
D) Cognitive
25. What factors affect social literacy?
A) Environment
B) Language
C) Etiquette
D) Cross-cultural
26. What are social skills in social literacy?
A) The skills we use everyday to interact and communicate with others
B) The skills we use to understand the organization of natural systems and the processes
that maintain the healthy functioning of living systems and sustain life on Earth
C) ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills,
D) The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, communicate and create using all forms of
27. Which of the following is NOT a part of social literacy?
A) Intellectual
B) Social
C) Cooperative
D) Behavior
28. What is the term for a lack of social skills?
A) Sociable
B) A sociality
C) Friendly
D) Extrovert
29. What is cause of being socially illiterate?
A) Collaborating ideas
B) Discussion
C) Learning disabilities
D) Ability to meet new people
30. What social skills should they used when children connect and develop relationship with their
A) Greetings
B) Empathizing
C) Reaching social cues
D) Understanding the listener
31. What refers to more than the ability to read and write and more than mastering literacy skills?
A) Literacy
B) Social Skills
C) Social Literacy
PHINMA COC – College of Education

D) Skills
32. Which is the following had the abilities to share, join activities, ask a permission, and waiting for
one’s turn in every facet of school undertakings?
A) Interpersonal skills
B) Active listening
C) Respect
D) School Activity
33. What refers to the sharing of thoughts, ideas, and questions?
A) Information literacy
B) Media literacy
C) Communication
D) Literacy skills
34. What is social literacy?
A) The ability to read body language
B) The skill to communicate effectively on social media
C) The capacity to understand, connect with, and respect diverse people and cultures
D) art of public speaking
35. How can you develop social literacy?
A) By avoiding people from different cultures
B) Listening actively, seeking to understand others, and being open to new perspectives
C) always insisting on your point of view
D) By never leaving your comfort zone
36. What is the first step in becoming socially literate?
A) Memorizing facts about different cultures
B) a new language
C) Developing self-awareness and recognizing your own biases and assumptions
D) Ignoring diversity
37. Which of the following examples of social skills is NOT included?
A) Active listening
B) Effective communication
C) Sympathy
D) Conflict resolution
38. Two students are having a disagreement during a group discussion. What should you do as a
A) Let the students resolve the conflict without intervening
B) Take sides in the argument, supporting the student you agree with
C) Facilitate a calm and respectful discussion, encouraging active listening and
D) Separate the students and have them work independently
39. Which of the following importance of social cognition is NOT included?
A) for building relationships
B) Facilitates understanding of oneself
C) for success in diverse professional fields
PHINMA COC – College of Education

D) Helps navigate complex social situations

40. What refers to the way we of acknowledge and appreciate others toward attaining self-fulfillment
and building trust?
A) helpful feedback
B) Apologize
C) Praise others
D) Demonstrate empathy
41. A business leader is considering the environmental impact of their company’s operations. What
aspect of ecological literacy is most relevant for them to consider?
A) Understanding economic growth
B) Knowing the history of environmentalism
C) Assessing the environmental consequences of actions
D) Ignoring environmental factors for profitability
42. You are a resident of a coastal community, and you notice that some of your neighbors are
pouring used motor oil down the storm drains that lead directly to the ocean. This action can have
severe consequences for marine life. What should you do in this situation?
A) Ignore it, as it’s not your responsibility
B) Report the activity to your local environmental agency or authorities
C) Confront your neighbors directly and ask them to stop.
D) Start disposing of your motor oil in the same manner to fit in with your neighbors.
43. Maria is passionate about nature and wants to help address environmental issues. Which concept
from the ecological literacy aligns with her aspirations?
A) Economic growth
B) Shifting perspective from economics to balance
C) Pursuing personal happiness
D) Isolating oneself from nature
44. Who characterized an ecologically literate person of the 21st century as “the responsible, lifelong
learner who strives to improve the human condition and the environment within the context of self,
human groups, the biosphere, and the ecosphere.”?
A) Dr. Tum Puk
B) Garret Hardin
C) Garrett Hardin
D) Dr. Tom Puk
45. A person is seeking to lead a life that is both environmentally responsible and socially just. Which
aspect of an ecologically literate person aligns with this goal?
A) Pursuing individual goals at all costs
B) Seeking personal wealth
C) Seeking self-transcendence
D) Ignoring environmental concerns
46. A city is planning its development with a focus on sustainability. How does ecological literacy
contribute to this goal?
A) By promoting rapid industrialization
B) By maximizing individual happiness
PHINMA COC – College of Education

C) By guiding the design of sustainable communities

D) By ignoring the environment in city planning
47. Maria wants to make informed decisions about environmental issues. What does ecological
literacy empower her to do?
A) Pursue personal economic interests
B) Ignore environmental issue
C) Take informed action on environmental problems
D) Disregard the consequences of their actions
48. Olivia is considering her role in the larger context of human groups and the environment. Which
aspect of Dr. Tom Puk’s perspective does this align with?
A) Pursuing personal ego
B) Self-centeredness
C) Self-transcendences
D) Focusing solely on individual success
49. A teacher wants to integrate ecological principles into their classroom. How can they use
ecological literacy in their teaching approach?
A) By ignoring environmental topics
B) By promoting competition among students
C) By fostering an understanding of ecological patterns
D) By focusing solely on economics
50. A group of individuals is discussing the importance of ecological literacy in modern society. What
is the ultimate goal of ecological literacy, as mentioned in the lesson?
A) Ignoring the environment
B) Achieving maximum economic growth
C) Creating sustainable human communities
D) Promoting technological advancement
51. Which of the following benefits of greening initiatives in colleges and universities are NOT
A) Environmental & economic sustainability
B) Reputation as a leader through example
C) Economic benefits
D) Unimproved quality of life in the campus
52. What type of literacy that has the ability to understand the organization of natural systems and the
processes that maintain the healthy functioning of living systems and sustain life on earth?
A) Environmental Literacy
B) Eco Literacy
C) Artistic and Creative Literacy
D) Ecological Literacy
53. What most differentiates ecoliteracy from environmental literacy?
A) Reliability
B) Validity
C) Sustainability
D) Creativity
PHINMA COC – College of Education

54. What is the benefit of being socially literate?

A) Internet use
B) Expand social circles
C) Promote good manners
D) Proper decorum
55. What type of literacy that has the presence of social skills, knowledge, and positive human values?
A) Socio Literacy
B) Social Literacy
C) Media Literacy
D) Information Literacy
56. What skills has the ability to interact with others in a given social context in specific ways that are
socially acceptable or valued and at the same time personally, mutually, and primarily beneficial to
A) Communication Skills
B) Interactive Skills
C) Social Skills
D) Technological Skills
57. Which of the following is NOT included of the following statements below?
A) Teaching students to become socially literate, and how to express themselves correctly
can help you prevent bullying over the internet.
B) It can also aid students in handling their friendships and miscommunications better (on
or off the internet.
C) Communicating through technology also becomes more frequent as students grow and
enter adulthood.
D) Today’s students have grown with the internet and they have become so attached with
the gadgets.
58. Which one affected many young people’s ability to communicate?
A) Text- speak
B) Interaction skills
C) Technology use
D) both a & c
59. Which of the following describes social literacy EXCEPT?
A) Ability to build relationships
B) Mannerisms
C) Maintain relationships in social environment
D) Knowing to express one’s emotions
60. Which one indicates how parents should teach social skills?
A) Practice social skills
B) Individual learning
C) Always silent
D) Playing alone
61. Who was the first person using the term Ecological literacy in order to introduce into educational
practice the value and wellbeing of the earth?
PHINMA COC – College of Education

A) David Orr and Physicist Fritof Capra

B) Calvet, 2016
C) Wahl, 2017
D) Dr. Puk
62. When did Dr. Puk said that the characteristics of an ecoliterate person of the 21st century will be
considered as the responsible, lifelong learners who strives to improve the human condition?
A) 2016
B) 1990
C) 2002
D) 21st century
63. What was the purpose for using the term “ecological literacy” when it was introduced way back in
the 90’s?
A) To facilitate literacy about the environment
B) To introduce into educational practice the value & well-being of the earth & its
C) To mandate a law that covers eco literacy
D) To begin a program for nature & environment
64. What aspects do ecological literacy equip students to address the complex and urgent
environmental issues in an integrated way?
A) Knowledge and competencies
B) Community gardening
C) Environmental awareness
D) The concept of sustainability
65. What can enable humans to shift perspective from one of an economic emphasis to one of balance
amongst economics, ecology and cultures?
A) Understanding ecology
B) Awareness of human actions
C) Ecological foundations
D) Experience in one’s natural environment
66. The following are the foundation of ecological literacy. Which is NOT included?
A) Love for nature
B) Caring
C) Knowing
D) Practical competence
67. Who should be an ecologically literate person, according to Orr?
A) Someone who understands the dynamics of the environmental crisis
B) Someone who applies understanding of human activities to nature
C) Someone who is a steward the fellow human being
D) Someone who is well-knowledgeable about the environment
68. What is the importance of ecological literacy?
A) Children and adults grow to understand nature and their place to nature
B) Understand how nature sustains life
C) Develop empathy for all forms of life
PHINMA COC – College of Education

D) Embrace sustainability as a community practice

69. The following are the ways to develop ecological literacy. Which is NOT included?
A) Make the invisible visible
B) Anticipate unintended consequences
C) Understand how nature sustains life
D) Foster connections with nature
70. Who cited that Orr’s perspective of an ecologically literate person is someone who understands the
dynamics of the environmental crisis?
A) Alata
B) Wahl
C) Dr. Puk
D) Calvet
71. All of the following are the foundation of ecological literacy. Which one is NOT?
A) love of nature
B) caring
C) knowing
D) practical competence
72. What is this characteristic of an Eco literate person engaging in self-appraisal, set new learning
objectives, develop plan to achieve those objectives, carries out those plans and reflects on the
whole process?
A) intelligently self-directed
B) morally responsible
C) an inquirer
D) reflective learner
73. What is this characteristic of an eco-literate person moves beyond the limitations of personal ego
by in identifying with human groups, flora and fauna, ecosphere that surpass the individual life in
scope and time?
A) ecologically responsible
B) Morally responsible
C) seek self-transcendence
D) morally responsible
74. What is this characteristic of an eco-literate person is knowledgeable and skill will empower the
individual to reach her or his own potential and place in human and natural environment?
A) an inquirer
B) Reflective learner
C) Intelligently self-directed
D) morally responsible
75. What is this characteristic of an eco-literate person is responsible for helping others, seeking
justice and equality for all?
A) an inquirer
B) Reflective learner
C) Intelligently self-directed
D) morally responsible
PHINMA COC – College of Education

76. What is this characteristic of eco literate person embodies ecological ideas in daily life?
A) ecologically responsible
B) reflective learner
C) an inquirer
D) morally responsible
77. What can enable humans to shift perspective from one of an economical emphasis to one of
balance amongst economics, ecology and cultures?
A) understanding ecology
B) awareness of human ecology
C) ecological foundation
D) experience in one’s natural environment
78. What aspects do ecological literacy equip students to address the complex and urgent environment
issues in an integrated way?
A) knowledge and competencies
B) community gardening
C) environmental awareness
D) the concept of sustainability
79. What was the purpose for using the term “ecological literacy” when it was introduced way back in
the 90’s?
A) to facilitate literacy about the environment
B) to introduce into educational practice the value and well-being of the earth and its
C) to mandate a law that covers eco literacy
D) to begin a program for nature and environment.
80. Who should be an ecologically literate person according to Orr?
A) Someone who understands the dynamics of the environmental crisis
B) Someone who applies understanding of human activities to nature.
C) Someone who is a steward to fellow human beings
D) Someone who is well- knowledgeable about environment.
81. What does social literacy primarily encompass?
A) Reading and writing skills
B) Positive human values and social skills
C) Mathematical abilities
D) Technological proficiency
82. What is a crucial aspect of social literacy mentioned by Bedford (2019)?
A) Technological expertise
B) Building respectful relationships
C) Academic excellence
D) Financial literacy
83. Why is social literacy important in today’s world, according to Kue (2013)?
A) To become a professional gamer
B) To excel in traditional communication
C) To expand social circles and communicate through technology
PHINMA COC – College of Education

D) To avoid all forms of social interaction

84. What does “situational awareness” in the workplace refer to?
A) Being unaware of your surroundings
B) Knowing when to wear casual clothing
C) Understanding appropriate behavior in different social contexts
D) Ignoring social expectations
85. How has technology affected young people’s ability to communicate, as mentioned in the text?
A) Improved grammar and formality
B) Reduced the need for email
C) Diminished communication skills
D) Enhanced text-speak proficiency
86. What is a traditional mode of communication that many employers still expect?
A) Sending five-word emails
B) Writing cover letters
C) Texting during interviews
D) Using text-speak in business letters
87. What are the three inter-related components of social skills according to Alata et. Al. (2019)?
A) Reading, writing, and arithmetic
B) Social perception, social cognition, and social performance
C) Cooking, painting, and singing
D) Technical skills, artistic skills, and athletic skills
88. Who plays a major role in teaching children’s social skills, according to Alata et. Al.?
A) Teachers
B) Siblings
C) Peers
D) Parents
89. How can parents help children learn social skills?
A) By ignoring their behavior
B) By providing opportunities to rehearse and practice new skills
C) By avoiding social interactions
D) By never praising their efforts
90. What should teachers be alert to when it comes to social skills development?
A) Competitive learning
B) Encouraging teasing and bullying
C) Identifying and addressing issues like teasing and bullying
D) Ignoring children’s social weaknesses
91. What is ecological literacy?
A) Knowledge about electronics
B) Knowledge about ecosystems and environmental issues
C) Knowledge about economic systems
D) Knowledge about electricity
92. Which of the following is a characteristic of an ecologically literate person?
A) Ignorance about environmental issues
PHINMA COC – College of Education

B) A deep understanding of ecosystems and their interconnections

C) A focus solely on personal gain
D) A lack of concern for the environment
93. Which of the following involves the understanding of Ecological literacy?
A) The stock markets
B) Human anatomy
C) The relationships between organisms and their environment
D) Historical events
94. What term is used to describe the ability to empathize with other species and ecosystems?
A) Ecological indifference
B) Biodiversity bias
C) Ecological empathy
D) Species separation
95. Which of the following is the characteristic of an ecologically literate person?
A) Support unsustainable practices
B) Ignore conservation efforts
C) Advocate for sustainable solutions
D) Disregard the importance of biodiversity
96. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an ecologically literate person?
A) Recognizing the importance of biodiversity
B) Understanding the impacts of climate change
C) Focusing solely on personal economic gain
D) Valuing and practicing sustainable living
97. Which of the following promotes Ecological literacy?
A) Environmental ignorance
B) Resource depletion
C) Sustainable living and conservation
D) Increased pollution
98. What is one way an ecologically literate person might contribute to a sustainable future?
A) Wasting resources
B) Advocating for deforestation
C) Promoting renewable energy
D) Ignoring pollution
99. Which of the following is a key aspect of ecological literacy?
A) Disregarding the interconnectedness of nature
B) Valuing short-term economic gains over long-term sustainability
C) Recognizing the importance of biodiversity
D) Promoting harmful environmental practices
100. Which of the is the characteristic of ecologically literate person?
A) Support policies that harm the environment
B) Ignore the consequences of pollution
C) Make informed choices to protect the environment
D) Disregard the importance of clean water

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