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PHINMA COC College of Education Second Sem SY 2022-23

EDU 536 - THE TEACHER AND THE COMMUNITY, D. See to it that every task is clearly understood,
SCHOOL CULTURE AND ORGANIZATIONAL monitored, and accomplished.
6. A teacher who lives this philosophy is the type of
MULTIPLE CHOICE teacher who is meticulous.
Direction: Choose the correct option that answers or A. behaviorism
completes the following questions or statements. B. progressivism
C. constructivism
1. Which of the following best describes a positive D. linguistic philosophy
school culture?
A. a school where everyone is happy all the time 7. They defined school rituals as produces or routines
B. a school where everyone is polite all the time that are infused with deeper significance.
C. a school where everyone performs well in a A. Peterson and Deal (2009)
standardized test B. Ott (1989)
D. a school where everyone feels a sense of belonging C. Sarason (1996)
D. Peterson (1998)
2. Which of the following makes a school unique from
other schools and makes the school active and alive? 8. It involves the amount of emphasis the school places
A. School rituals on the continuous growth and development of faculty
B. School Tradition members as professionals.
C. School Ceremonies A. professional orientation
D. None of the above B. organizational structure
C. quality of the learning environment
3. This demonstrates how the students, staff, and D. student-centered
community look at the institution; how safe the school
makes the stakeholders feel while on campus; and how 9. The following are the DepEd Core Values, except?
high the level of rigor within the classroom. A. Maka-Diyos
A. school culture B. Maka-tao
B. school norm C. Makakalikasan
C. school policy D. Makabayan
D. School rules
10. Chris fosters a culture of responsibility and
4. It is the foundation of school culture elements that accountability within his team by holding regular team
determine the philosophies and standards the meetings, creating a project plan, and rewarding team
individuals will assimilate and incorporate into o their members who take initiative. This creates a sense of
everyday teaching and learning (Rhodes, Stevens, and ownership and motivates them to take more
Hemmings, 2011). responsibility. What principle is being demonstrated by
A. Mission Chris?
B. Vision A. Create an atmosphere of responsibility in your group.
C. Both a and b B. See to it that every task is clearly understood,
D. Neither a and monitored, and accomplished.
C. Commit and train your people to collaborate as a
5. Samantha, a program head in Mabungay Elementary team.
School, noticed that one of her teacher James is visibly D. Decisions must be sound and time bound.
upset and distracted. Rather than ignoring it, she took
him aside and asked how he was doing. She took the 11. Teacher Lai always make sure that her students
time to understand James' situation and offer support, construct meaning to what they experience inside and
helping him cope with his personal crisis and ensure he outside the classroom. What educational philosophy is
didn't burn out at work. What principle is being being practiced by Teacher Lai?
demonstrated by Samantha? A. Behaviorism
A. Be a good example. B. Linguistic Philosophy
B. Knowledge of the people around you and be aware C. Constructivism
of their welfare. d. Progressivism
C. Commit and train your people to collaborate as a 12. Who is the advocate of progressivism philosophy?
PHINMA COC College of Education Second Sem SY 2022-23

A. Jean Piaget 18. The following are examples of school rituals except:
B. John Dewey A. Greeting the Teacher as students encounter them all
C. John Locke along
D. Abraham Maslow B. Conducting flag ceremonies every morning
C. Observing the honoring gesture or “pagmamano”
13. Which of the following refers to the beliefs, gesture
perceptions, attitudes, and written and unwritten rules D. Holding Recollection activities to the graduating
that influence every aspect of a school? batch
A. School Traditions
B. School Culture 19. This is determined by assessing the degree to which
C. School Ritual students are continually engaged in substantive,
D. School Ceremonies cognitively challenging activities.
A. quality of the learning environment
14. This includes the type of leadership that exists at the B. student-centered
school who is involved in leadership activities, C. professional orientation
formulation of goals or action plans, and commitment D. organizational structure
regarding organizational goals.
A. professional orientation 20. It is the unspoken rules for what is regarded as
B. quality of learning customary or acceptable behavior and action within the
C. organizational structure school.
D. student-centered A. Norms
B. Mission
15. It is the understanding of the world around us. They C. Vision
are consciously held, cognitive views about truth and D. Beliefs
reality (Ott, 1989) and how we understand the world and
people around us while assumptions are a set of beliefs, 21. Mr. Lee is the principal of a small private school that
perceptions, and values that guide behavior. prides itself on providing a high-quality education to its
A. Values students. One day, he observes that the school’s
B. Mission maintenance staff is not performing their duties to the
C. Vision expected level of proficiency. To ensure that the
D. Beliefs maintenance staff understands what is expected of
them, he provides them with a detailed list of tasks and
16. Ms. Rodriguez is the principal of a large public high standards.
school with over 2,000 students when she receives A. Commit and train your people to collaborate as a
news that a student has tested positive for COVID-19. team
She immediately calls for a meeting with her B. Knowledge of the people around you and be aware
administrative team to discuss how to handle the of their welfare.
situation. She shares all the information she has about C. Proficiency must be observed in every task.
the students’ diagnosis, including when the student was D. Master yourself and find ways to improve.
last on campus, who they had been in contact with, and
what steps the school needs to take to ensure the 22. It is the teacher’s rule of thumb that any disorder
safety of students and staff. What principle is being and chaos in class must be monitored and be minimized
done by the school head? or totally eradicated in order to produce the best
A. Knowledge of the people around you and be aware learning outcomes. What educational philosophy is
of their welfare. being described?
B. Share information with people of one’s domain. A. progressivism
C. Decisions must be sound and time bound. B. behaviorism
D. Create an atmosphere of responsibility in your group C. constructivism
D. none of the above
17. Which is a teacher-centered philosophy?
A. progressivist 23. Arranging a school camping is an example of?
B. behaviorist A. School Traditions
C. constructivist B. School Culture
D. none of the above C. School Ritual
D. School Ceremonies
PHINMA COC College of Education Second Sem SY 2022-23

30. In the DepEd Mission who facilitates learning and

24. These are effective schools. The people in these constantly nurtures every learner?
schools actively work together to respond to their A. Student
changing context, and to keep developing. B. Teacher
A. strolling schools C. Stakeholders
B. cruising schools D. Parents
C. struggling schools
D. moving schools 31. Mrs. Cruz took responsibility for the decline in
students' academic performance and held a meeting
25. What is the first word in the DepEd Vision? with stakeholders to address the issue. Her leadership
A. Were style fostered a culture of responsibility and
B. Where accountability, leading to improved academic
C. We performance and a stronger sense of teamwork.
D. To A. Create an atmosphere of responsibility in your
26. Ms. Davis is the principal of a middle school that B. Decisions must be sound and time bound.
serves a diverse student population. As a leader, she C. Do not evade responsibilities and be accountable to
believes in the importance of self-improvement and your own actions.
continuous learning. Ms. Davis is always looking for D. Be a good example.
ways to improve her leadership skills and her school’s
academic performance. What principle does she uphold 32. Which of the following philosophy gives emphasis
as a leader? on communicative competence. A teacher who is
A. Commit and train your people to collaborate as a mindful of this philosophy would demand that students
team be taught how to communicate clearly in both oral and
B. Knowledge of the people around you and be aware written.
of their welfare. A. behaviorism
C. Proficiency must be observed in every task. B. Constructivism
D. Master yourself and find ways to improve. C. Progressivism
D. Linguistic Philosophy
27. A teacher who will not settle for sharing of
knowledge, ideas, and concepts alone but is rather 33. These are significant events that have a special
aware that all the learning experiences he/she provides history and meaning and occur year in and year out.
are meaningful in order to be carried over to the outside A. School Traditions
world is upholding the philosophy of? B. School Culture
A. Behaviorism C. School Ritual
B. Constructivism D. School Ceremonies
C. Progressivism
D. Linguistic Philosophy 34. What typology of school is generally being
perceived as effective and efficient by teachers,
28. These are elaborated as culturally sanctioned administrators, and stakeholders which is usually
events that provide a welcome spiritual boost also located in higher socio-economic status areas where
known as periodic communal events. students achieve and score well on standardized
A. School Traditions measures?
B. School Culture A. moving school
C. School Ritual B. cruising school
D. School Ceremonies C. strolling school
D. struggling school
29. These are average schools. These are neither
particularly effective or ineffective. Efforts are made 35. In the DepEd Mission who are actively engaged and
towards improvements but at an inadequate pace. share responsibility for developing life-long learners?
A. strolling schools A. Parents, community, and other stakeholders
B. cruising schools B. Parents, society, and other stockholders
C. struggling schools C. Family, society, and other stockholders
D. moving school D. Family, society, and other stakeholders

PHINMA COC College of Education Second Sem SY 2022-23

36. Mr. Johnson is the principal of a new charter school the BEST theory of leadership describes on this
that is set to open in a few months. He is task-focused scenario?
and sets strict deadlines for each task. He also A. Situational Theory of Leadership
recognizes the importance of building relationships with B. Task Behavior Theory of Leadership
his staff and creating a positive school culture. C. Relationship Behavior Theory of Leadership
However, his task-focused behavior can make him D. Contingency Theory of Leadership
appear anxious and impatient, which can be stressful
for his staff. What is the BEST theory of leadership 42. How can teachers create a positive learning
describing this scenario? environment with classroom space?
A. Situational Theory of Leadership A. create bright, clean, and organized spaces
B. Task Behavior Theory of Leadership B. buy lots of posters with cute kittens
C. Relationship Behavior Theory of Leadership C. make sure students bring materials from home
D. Contingency Theory of Leadership D. only let students use materials that don’t cost too
37. A teacher who model a good communication skill is
a teacher who strongly upholds the philosophy of? 43. According to Peterson and Dean
A. Behaviorism (2009)__________is a procedure or routine that is
B. Progressivism infused with deeper significance.
C. Linguistic Philosophy A. School Traditions
D. Constructivism B. School Culture
C. School Ritual
38. Celebrating Christmas and Christmas Party are all D. School Ceremonies
example of?
A. School Traditions 44. These are ineffective schools often found in lower
B. School Culture SES areas. The staff is, either out of apathy or
C. School Ritual ignorance, making no effort toward change. The
D. School Ceremonies curriculum at these schools is undemanding and the
teachers explain away failure by blaming it on the
39. How do major theories of sociology of education home-life of the students.
view culture? A. sinking schools
A. Culture assumes that a common language and B. cruising schools
values help in the attainment of peace and harmony. C. struggling schools
B. Culture may be used to maintain privilege and D. moving schools
exclude others from the benefits of the society.
C. Culture can be created, maintained, and modified 45. Complete the statement: We dream of Filipinos who
culture based from their activities passionately love their country and whose values and
D. all of the above competencies enable them to realize their full potential
and contribute ____________to building the nation.
40. In the DepEd Mission who ensure an enabling and A. Exceptionally
supportive environment for effective learning to B. Potentially
happen? C. Continuously
A. Administrators and stuff, as stewards of the institution D. Meaningfully
B. Administrators and staff, as stewards of the
institution. 46. Mr. Sanchez is the principal of a small private
C. Administrators and stuff, as rewards of the institution school that values community and relationships. He
D. Administrations and stuff, as rewards of the prioritizes building strong relationships with his staff
institution members and students to create a positive and
supportive learning environment. He values their input
41. Mrs. Villanueva is the principal of a large public high and ideas and actively seeks out their feedback to
school that serves a diverse student population. She is improve the school’s operations. What dimension of
very hands-on one her work and can easily adapt to her leadership is being exhibited in this situation?
surroundings. For example, when working with a new A. Values Behavior
teacher who is struggling to manage classroom B. Task Behavior
behavior, she takes a more directive approach. What is C. Emphatic Behavior
D. Relationship Behavior
PHINMA COC College of Education Second Sem SY 2022-23

C. A social studies teacher uses visual aids and logical

47. Which of the following is an example of a toxic progression of ideas when presenting lectures about
school culture? new or unfamiliar topics.
A. confronting negativity and hostility head-on D. A science teacher models the correct procedures for
B. vigorously celebrate the positive and improving sides performing complex experiments before having students
of the school perform the experiments.
C. reconnect staff to the mission of the school to help
children learn 53. What is the purpose of school rituals?
D. often have actively hostile relations among staff A. a powerful means to both create and perpetuate
school culture.
48. Which of the following reflects the manner in which B. can help distinguish your community from others and
you and the members of the staff share close and imprint students for years to come.
positive relationships? C. not only energize students and faculty but also
A. Symbol reinforce their best selves.
B. Culture D. All of the above
C. Tradition
D. Mission and Vision 54. Refers to the collective efforts of the school staff to
focus on students as individual learners, with unique
49. These are ineffective schools and they know it. They characteristics.
have the will to improve but lack the direction or the A. professional orientation
skill. B. organizational structure
A. sinking schools C. quality of the learning environment
B. cruising schools D. student-centered
C. struggling schools
D. moving schools 55. Which of the following connotes a specific way or
pattern of running the organization, which is evident in
50. How many core values does the DepEd have? the leader's acts or behaviors as an administrator?
A. 2 A. Leader
B. 3 B. Leadership
C. 4 C. Leadership style
D. 5 D. Instructional Leadership

51. Sarah is a newly hired employee. She finds herself 56. What is the key difference between influence and
struggling to adapt to the company`s fast-paced and authority in leadership?
complex work environment. She had a lot of questions, A. Influence is the formalized position of authority.
but felt hesitant to ask her team leader, John, for B. Authority is about collaboration with productive
clarification. Due to this, she tends to commit mistakes teams.
and poorly performed in her 3 months stay. What does C. Influence is about cultivating relationships, while
John failed to implement in this scenario? authority is about occupying a position
A. Leadership Style D. Authority is about teamwork, while influence is about
B. Structural and Process Quality leading a team
C. Mentoring, Coaching, and Empowerment
D. Influence vs. Authority 57. Which of the following is the TOXIC culture of staff?
A. Always share ideas, materials, or solutions to
52. Which of the following is the best example of a classroom problems.
teacher applying a constructivist approach to student B. Supports every activity of the school’
learning? C. View student as the problem rather than as their
A. A math teacher has students use hands-on materials valued clients.
and real-world problems to acquire new concepts and D. All of the above
practice skills.
B. A language arts teacher provides students with a 58. Which of the following does not belong to the
concrete reward each time they turn in a written group?
assignment A. Rise and Shine with Morning Assembly.
B. Flag Retreat
C. Foundation Day
PHINMA COC College of Education Second Sem SY 2022-23

D. Greeting Teachers at the start of the class The given scenario is an example of which school
59. In Mahiwaga National High School, teachers work A. sinking schools
together, share the same educational values, and are B. cruising schools
committed to improving their teaching and the school as C. struggling schools
a whole. Which of the following characteristic is inhibited D. moving schools
by the teachers?
A. Jealousy 65. This is the style of leadership which according to
B. Punctuality Bush (2011) is currently in vogue so it renders closely
C. Collaboration with the present emphasis on vision as the central
D. Patience dimension of leadership.
A. Laissez-Faire Leadership
60. Who said that the leadership style of some leaders B. Transactional Leadership
is based on how they conceptualize service to others as C. Transformational Leadership
based on trust, integrity, empathy, follower D. Bureaucratic Leadership.
development, and empowerment?
A. Bush (2011) 66. Why is it important for leaders to mentor and coach
B. J. Oswald Chamber newly hired personnel?
C. Deal (1985) A. To show off their wisdom and experience
D. Joseph and Winston et al. (2006) B. To facilitate work and minimize problems in the
61. What is the recommended question for leaders to C. To create a sense of threat among the less
reflect on in order to build strong relationships with their experienced employees
followers? D. To make the newly hired personnel feel inferior and
A. How can I establish my position of authority over my incompetent
B. What can I do to make sure my followers respect me 67. What kind of school environment will most
as their leader? effectively encourage the new teacher for active
C. How can I cultivate influence with my followers? participation in the school’s unique educational culture?
D. How can I create productive teams within my A. constructive feedback
authority? B. involvement in planning/designing activities
C. induction/orientation program
62. What is one common characteristic of a positive D. briefing with colleagues
school culture.
A. The classrooms are chaotic and messy. 68. Culture is a learned ________________ system that
B. Academics are prioritized over social and emotional consists of patterns of traditions, beliefs, values, norms,
learning. meanings, and symbols that are passed on from one
C. Children are not involved in decisions about their generation to the next and are shared to varying
learning. degrees by interacting members of a community.
D. Differences are noticed, admired, and taken A. normative
seriously. B. meaning
C. language
63. Culturally shared ________ involve answers to D. group
questions such as human origins, concepts of time,
space, reality, and the existence of a supernatural 69. Derbyshire International School is often in deprived
being. areas, and constantly blames poor parenting or
A. traditions unprepared children when negative scenarios occur at
B. beliefs school.
C. norms The given scenario is an example of which school
D. values culture?
A. sinking schools
64. In Corneila College, Staff relationships are collegial, B. cruising schools
collaborative, and productive, and all staff members are C. strolling schools
held to high professional standards. D. moving schools

PHINMA COC College of Education Second Sem SY 2022-23

70. This leader highly believes that his or her followers 77. Which of the school activities helps to create a
are matured and competent enough to be left alone. positive learning environment?
A. Laissez-Faire Leadership A. Encouraging only the excellent performing personnel
B. Transactional Leadership to apply for promotion.
C. Transformational Leadership B. Encouraging to participate in accomplishing school
D. Bureaucratic Leadership. vision and goals.
C.Giving commendation to faculty/staff
71. What should a leader do when their followers need accomplishments.
clarification on their tasks? D. Providing clear expectations to the academic
A. Deny them enlightenment to maintain a power community.
B. Provide unclear or incomplete answers to keep the 78. The instructor says to Brooke and Bianca, “You look
followers learn on their own. tired.” Although they both understand the words, Brooke
C. Give answers to lead the followers to the standards takes this to mean a comforting message and Bianca
set in the performance of their tasks. believes she has been criticized. These two women
D. Guide the followers for not understanding their tasks. have heard the same words, but they attached differing
___________ to these words.
72. In a supportive learning environment, children’s A. symbols
diverse strengths are ___________. B. settings
A. disregarded C. goals
B. honored D. meanings
C. punished
D. discouraged 79. Amethyst School is neither particularly effective nor
ineffective, it is moving at an inadequate rate to cope
73. These can include myths, legends, ceremonies, and with the pace of change in both delivering instruction
rituals that are passed on from one generation to the and the school environment.
next via an oral or written medium. The given scenario is an example of which school
A. Culturally shared traditions culture?
B. Culturally shared beliefs A. sinking schools
C. Cultural norms B. cruising schools
D. Cultural values C. strolling schools
D. moving schools
74. Which of the following is NOT a positive effect of a
well-organized organizational structure in schools? 80. What leadership styles when the leader consults
A. Reduced production problems the followers’ opinion so that his or her plan of action
B. Provides a way to report and communicate will be done?
C. Inhibits superiority complex A. Commanding
D. Convey the sense of roles and responsibilities B. Involving
C. Persuading
75. This is a leadership style which is based on a D. Empowering
process of exchange (Bush, 2011).
A. Laissez-Faire Leadership 81. What is the consequence of taking away structural
B. Transactional Leadership and process quality in an organization?
C. Transformational Leadership A. The followers' performance will improve.
D. Bureaucratic Leadership B. The organization will become more chaotic.
C. The followers' performance will be unsatisfactory.
76. Why are structural and process quality important in D. The organization will become more flexible.
A. They allow leaders to be more dominant in changing 82. Which of the following statements is an example
the way their subordinates think. positive school culture?
B. They help leaders achieve more positive and A. The school blames students for lack of progress.
welcome results for the organization. B. The school discourages school collaboration.
C. They create chaos and confusion in the organization. C. The school celebrate school success.
D. They make the performance of followers well. D. The school breeds hostility among staff.

PHINMA COC College of Education Second Sem SY 2022-23

83. Mrs. Ferrer keeps on reminding her students to 89. Which of the following is NOT a Learner-Centered
wear the prescribed uniform but the teacher is the one classroom environment?
who violates the said policy. What principle of effective A. Strong emphasis is placed on instruction
organizational leadership was violated? B. Use open-ended questioning techniques
A. Commit and train your people to collaborate as a C. Create individual self-paced assignments
team. D. Encourages group work and collaboration
B. Decisions must be sound, and time-bound.
C. Create an atmosphere of responsibility in your group. 90. The leader is too trusting that he or she delegates
D. Be a good example. the work to his or her followers with so much confidence
that it will be accomplished successfully. What type of
84. The following are characteristics of a good quality leadership style is being describe?
learning environment, EXCEPT; A. Commanding
A. Incorporating technology B. Involving
B. Hazardous play area C. Persuading
C. Learning through play D. Empowering
D. Encouraging collaboration
91. Why do some leaders reserve the making of final
85. What type of leadership style when a leader of this decisions for themselves instead of consulting with their
sort gives instructions to his or her subordinates followers?
specifying what to do, and how they are going to do it A. They do not trust their followers to make important
consciously? decisions.
A. Commanding B. They believe that their leadership style is superior to
B. Involving their followers.
C. Persuading C. They prioritize collaboration in decision-making, but
D. Empowering final decision-making should be done by the leader.
D. They do not see the need to involve their followers in
86. What is the benefit of providing structure in an decision-making.
A. It enables leaders to micromanage their 92. Which of the following statements is an example of
subordinates. TOXIC school culture?
B. It stifles creativity and innovation in the organization. A. Let students participate all the activities during
C. It reduces the autonomy of employees and FOUNDATION DAYS.
discourages independent thinking. B. Give students’ academic break once in a while.
D. It helps leaders achieve order, discipline, and C. Recognized student’s effort by giving certificates and
objectivity. medals.
D. Discourage participation in all activities during
87. Which of the following is the beliefs, perceptions, FOUNDATIONS DAYS and focus on academics and
attitudes, and written and unwritten rules that influence continue class sessions instead.
every aspect of a school?
A. School norms 93. Every leader must be firm with his or her decisions,
B. School culture a leader whose unwavering decision is being held on
C. School traditions despite its unpopularity. Which of the following principle
D. School rituals does this characteristic belongs to?
A. Commit and train your people to collaborate as a
88. A leader is not an “island” who must be alone in his team.
work. Every leader must remember this: “You are not B. Decisions must be sound, and time bound.
the master of the universe.” As such you must work with C. Create an atmosphere of responsibility in your group.
your followers to work as a team. What principle of D. Be a good example.
effective organizational leadership is this?
A. Commit and train your people to collaborate as a 94. In a class brainstorming session, students generate
team. a list of topics they would like to debate. One student
B. Decisions must be sound, and time bound. writes the suggestions on the board and then guides the
C. Create an atmosphere of responsibility in your group. formation of pro and con debate teams.
D. Be a good example. Which of the following is inhibited in the scenario?
A. Student-centered learning
PHINMA COC College of Education Second Sem SY 2022-23

B. Subject-centered learning C. The follower

C. Teacher-centered-learning D. The subordinate
D. None of the above

95. This leadership style is the opposite of a

commanding leader; this approach is based on the
influence of the leader who never threatens but inspires
others to follow him or her.
A. Commanding
B. Involving
C. Persuading
D. Empowering

96. What is the MAIN issue emphasized in leadership

styles that needs to be addressed?
A. The need for delegation of power to subordinates.
B. The importance of maintaining control over all
C. The need for leaders to always make decisions
D. The importance of always following a specific
leadership style.

97. According to Peterson and Deal(199), the following

are attributes of a positive school culture except;
A. A mission focused on student and teacher learning.
B. A rich sense of history and purpose
C. Core values of collegiality, performance, and
improvement that engender quality, achievement, and
learning for everyone.
D. All of the above

98. “through the transforming process, the motives of

the leader in the follower merge.” While shared vision of
the future is evident between the transformational
leader in his or her followers, yet high standards are set
with clear communication disseminated so that
everybody is aware of what to do. Who said that
A. Bush (2011)
B. J. Oswald Chamber
C. Miller and Miller (cited in Bush, 2011),
D. Joseph and Winston et al. (2006)

99. What is the main issue that dissuades teachers from

assuming leadership roles?
A. A lack of expertise and knowledge.
B. The pressure to maintain school culture norms.
C. The absence of support from colleagues.
D. The desire to avoid leadership responsibilities.

100. Who will serve as the conflict-resolution mediator

when disputes develop within the company?
A. The president
B. The leader

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