Wastewater Characterisation Study For Halal Abattoir Wastewater Treatment Plant in Siburan Sarawak
Wastewater Characterisation Study For Halal Abattoir Wastewater Treatment Plant in Siburan Sarawak
Wastewater Characterisation Study For Halal Abattoir Wastewater Treatment Plant in Siburan Sarawak
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This thesis has finally come to fruition with the help and support I have received throughout the
execution of this research project. There are a few individuals that I wanted to thank personally
First of all, I thank God for all the wisdom, strength and good health that have been
Professor Dr. Dayang Salwani bt Awang Adeni for her continuous guidance and insights, my
intellectual debts are to them for their relentless sharing of knowledge and advice.
Next, I am highly indebted to my family: my dad Joseph Anak Liaw, my mum Malini Anak Ebot
and my siblings Elder, Carlson, Aina, Audrey and Christine for their selfless prayers and
financial support. As well as my friends, Joan, Genevie, Jia Yin, Adelina and Joen who have
Abattoir wastewater comprises diluted blood, protein, fat, and suspended particulates, resulting
in varying quantities of organic substances in the effluent. If left untreated, the residues were
partially soluble, posing a considerable danger of contaminating riverbeds and other water
sources. The purpose of this study was to determine the organic pollutant concentrations at the
Halal Abattoir Complex, which is located on Lot 1641, Block 5, Sentah-Segu Land District,
Siburan, Kuching, Sarawak. At the discharge stations, wastewater samples were taken. Using the
procedure described in the APHA (2005) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
measuring pH, total suspended solids (TSS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical
oxygen demand (BOD), ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N), and oil and grease (O&G). The average
value of pH (6.83) of discharged wastewater is within the allowed range, but the samples have
higher chemical oxygen demand and biochemical oxygen demand content of 193 mg/L without
dilution and 156 mg/L with dilution, total suspended solids (TSS) of 252 mg/L without dilution
and 248 mg/L with dilution, Total Coliform count of 92 000 MPN/100 mL without dilution and
16 000 MPN/100 mL with dilution., ammoniacal nitrogen of 50.00 mg/L without dilution and
36.40 mg/L with dilution, and finally of Total Faecal Coliform of 54 000 MPN/100 mL without
Abstract 3
List of Tables 6
List of Abbreviations 7
1.1 Background 8
1.3 Objectives 9
pH potential of hydrogen
TP Total phosphorus
DO Dissolved oxygen
1.1 Background
Over the last century, wastewater treatment has successfully enhanced recipient water
quality, reduced water pathogenicity, and improved human health. Since this quality of water and
sludge prior to disposal is the primary concern, the focus has been on removal techniques and
unit operations. In arid locations, a scarcity of freshwater prompted study and development of
technology for repurposing treated waste water. Energy and nutrient recovery have gradually
become integrated with treatment, and enhanced recovery and energy efficiency have received
more attention in recent decades. Waste water has recently been recognised as a valuable
Although abattoir wastewater comprises diluted blood, protein, fat, and suspended
particulates, it contains a wide range of organic substances. If left untreated, the residues were
partially soluble, posing a considerable danger of contaminating riverbeds and other water
sources. The purpose of this study was to investigate the organic pollutant concentrations at the
PPES Ternak Halal Abattoir and their compliance with the Environment Quality Act of 1974,
amended 2009 ( please refer to the new regulation). There have been no studies carried out on
1.2 Problem Statement
In this study, is to determine the selected physical and chemical characteristics of the wastewater
from halal abattoir. This project is a collaboration between Perunding Najna Sdn Bhd
(Environmental Consultant).
1.3 Objectives
1. To determine the number of cows slaughtered per day and in the holding yard (to
correlate the analysis obtained-for discussion)-statistic of the cows in holding yard, and
2. Carry out the Sludge Volume Index (SVI) measurement at the aeration tank and also
collect the sample at the aeration tank for Total Suspended Solid (TSS) Analysis
An abattoir is a place where animals are slaughtered and dressed for human consumption
that has been approved and registered by the competent authority (Codex, 1993). In general, an
abattoir's operation entails efficient processes and procedures for the storage and preservation of
meat products in accordance with particular human consumption criteria (Alonge, 1991). There
are various halal abattoirs in Malaysia that are used for the killing of cattle (Tamrin et al., 2016).
Water used to clean slain farm animals such as cattle, goats, and sheep, as well as the floor of
wastewater (Coker, 2001). Water has always been an important part of the meat processing
industry's routines, mostly for general processing and cleaning (Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2012).
Due to the two-fold growth in worldwide meat production in recent decades, the number
of slaughterhouses has increased, resulting in a bigger volume of liquid and solid residues from
slaughterhouses being emitted (Bustillo-Lecompte and Mehrvar, 2017). The livestock industry's
expansion in Malaysia has likewise expanded and accelerated year after year (Ngo, 2004). In
wastewater discharge, abattoir solid and liquid leftovers were frequently grouped together as
"flow materials" (Tritt & Schuchardt, 1991). Wastewater effluent is usually categorised into four
Because of the high oxygen demand of its organic composition, slaughterhouse effluent is
classified as non-toxic and polluting, making it less damaging than industrial and industrial
chemical effluents. Still, according to Masse and Masse (2000), slaughterhouse wastewater is
extremely damaging to the ecosystem. Organic waste from blood, manure, fat, meat tissue, and
urine is discharged into the wastewater stream during abattoir processing, contributing to surface
According to Irshad et al., wastewater discharge is commonly divided into four types
(2015). Slaughterhouse effluent is regarded as non-toxic and polluting because of the high
oxygen requirement of its organic makeup, making it less harmful than industrial and industrial
(2000), is particularly harmful to the ecosystem. During abattoir processing, organic waste such
as blood, manure, fat, meat tissue, and urine is discharged into the wastewater stream,
Due to the sheer SWW complex composition of lipids, proteins, fibres, high organic content,
microorganisms, and medications for veterinary purposes, meat processing effluents are deemed
toxic worldwide. Due to the general wide variety of SWW and pollutant loading, slaughterhouse
effluents are often assessed using bulk metrics. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical
oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP),
and total suspended solids (TSS) are all abundant in SWW (TSS).
The commercialisation of animal products for human use results in a considerable amount of
SWW being produced. Although natural degrading processes in the environment can handle a
certain amount of pollutants, when the SWW concentration rises, these mechanisms become
overworked, resulting in contamination concerns. The discharge of raw SWW into water bodies
has an impact on water quality, notably since it reduces dissolved oxygen (DO), which can lead
to aquatic life mortality. Furthermore, macronutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus have the
algae growth and, as a result, deterioration. As a result of the decrease in DO levels caused by
algal mineralization, aquatic life may suffer. Finally, SWW may contain substances that are
Water is a valuable national asset, a major natural resource, and a basic human need
(Harish babu et al., 2004). It is necessary in many aspects of life and health, including food
(Tiwari, 2000). Domestic waste or raw sewage effluent is often brownish brown and odorous.
Total suspended particles, biochemical oxygen demand, nutrient-nitrogen, and phosphorus are
some of the main constituents of residential and raw sewage wastewaters that are targeted for
removal during treatment (Girisha et al., 2006). Eutrophication effects could be exacerbated by
high nitrate levels in waste effluents, especially in freshwater (Fried, 1991; OECD, 1982).
2.4 Physical and chemical parameters of abattoir wastewater samples were determined
A pH metre was used to measure the pH of the abattoir wastewater in real time (Mettler Toledo).
The chemical properties of abattoir wastewater were determined in the laboratory by measuring
the concentrations of TSS, COD, BOD5, NH3-N, and O&G using established procedures for
water and wastewater analysis (APHA, 2005). To boost the accuracy of the reading, each of the
abattoir effluent samples was tested three times. The findings of the laboratory analyses were
2.5 In-Situ Water Quality
Due to its impact on the organisms living in a body of water, dissolved oxygen refers to
the amount of oxygen dissolved in an aqueous solution or in water bodies, as well as key water
quality indices (Shmeis, 2018). Temperature affects the amount of dissolved oxygen in water.
The amount of substance that can be dissolved in pure water is inversely related to the water's
temperature. As a result of the lower amount of dissolved oxygen in water, the water will get
The pH parameter is a measurement of the relative amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl group
ions in the water. Acidic water has a lot of free hydrogen ions, whereas basic water contains a lot
of free hydroxyl ions. pH is a crucial indicator of chemically active water because pH is typically
full of chemicals in the water. For optimal growth and survival, aquatic species prefer the pH of
their water body to be in a specific range (Kelly, 2004). The indication of all salts dissolved in
water is salinity. The salts in surface and groundwater streams are very soluble and may be
changed by water flow. Element per thousand is a unit of measurement for salt (ppt). The
maximum salinity allowed in rivers and lakes is 0.5 ppt (500 mg/l) (Mishra et al, 2021).
Total suspended solids (TSS) are solid materials suspended in water, such as organic and
inorganic compounds. When it reaches a high quantity in water, it can degrade water quality by
absorbing light. It will reduce water's ability to hold oxygen, which is necessary for aquatic life,
and it will make the water warmer than before. Because water plants will also receive less light,
BOD, also known as biological gas demand, is the amount of dissolved oxygen required
(i.e., requested) by aerobic biological organisms to break down organic matter contained in a
given water sample at a particular temperature over a certain time period (Li and Liu, 2019). The
BOD can be used as a rough estimate of how much biochemically degradable organic matter is
present in a sample. The BOD value is generally given in milligrammes of oxygen used per litre
of sample over a 5-day incubation period at 20°C, and it is frequently used as a surrogate for the
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is widely utilised as a proxy for carbon bioavailability
in addition to biological oxygen demand (BOD). Unlike the BOD test, which takes days, the
COD test is designed to produce results in a fraction of the time (within hours). Strong oxidants
are used in the COD test to oxidise organic materials that bacteria may only partially or not at all
Most countries use the Water Quality Index (WQI) technique, which is comparable to the
existing DOE index (DOE, 1994), which combines measurements of selected physical, chemical,
biological, and radiative characteristics to express water quality in a single number (Cude et al.,
1997). WQI is a non-unitless number that ranges from 0 to 100. A higher index number indicates
that the water is of good quality. As a result, in the assessment of water quality, a numerical
WQI is a mathematical instrument that converts a large amount of data on water quality
into a single digit, cumulatively derived numerical expression that indicates the level of water
quality. This is necessary for evaluating the water quality of various sources and observing
variations in the water quality of a given source over time and in the presence of other
influencing variables (Sarkar and Abbasi, 2006). The Water Quality Index (WQI) was created to
evaluate the quality of water for a range of purposes. Water quality in lakes, streams, rivers, and
reservoirs is measured by this index. The Water Quality Index (WQI) is based on a comparison
The water quality index is a composite of various essential water quality metrics that
provides an overall index of water quality for a given application. The formulation of an index
necessitates the inclusion of several contaminants and elements. The most basic WQIs are based
on dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, pH, and maybe some nutrients. Each of these
criteria is measured and compared to a categorization table to determine if the water is excellent,
good, fair, poor, or extremely poor (Davis and McCuen, 2005). Several water quality indexes
have been developed to assist water quality divisions in several United States states, Canada, and
Malaysia. Most of these indices, however, are based on the WQI created by the National
Sanitation Foundation (NSF) in the United States (Said et al., 2004). The current method for
calculating the WQI in Malaysia is based on opinion polls (Khuan et al., 2002).
Although the WQI approach has the potential to simplify complicated scientific
information on water quality for evaluation, communication, and reporting, there are benefits and
● WQIs can be used to highlight both regional and temporal variations in water quality.
● Provide a way for presenting the relevance of routinely generated laboratory data that is
● Assist in the evaluation of water quality for general consumption;
● Based on specified criteria, it is possible to determine water quality trends and problem
● Increase public awareness of water quality via improving communication with the public.
The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) of the United States produced the most widely used
water quality index, and the Malaysian WQI is briefly addressed in the next section. Said et al.,
2004; Rocchini and Swain, 2001; Cude, 2001; Sarkar and Abbasi, 2005; CCME, 2001; and
2.8 Characterisation of Microflora from Halal Abattoir
Abattoirs utilise a lot of water in their processing activities (slaughtering and cleaning) for
sanitary reasons, which results in a lot of effluent. Furthermore, higher water consumption in
slaughterhouse facilities has resulted from the increased use of automated machinery to process
corpses, as well as the incorporation of cleaning at every level. Water from slaughterhouses is a
good substrate for anaerobic digestion because of its high fat and protein content, as well as the
projected high methane production. The anaerobic breakdown of slaughterhouse waste involves
a variety of microbes, each of which may be rate-limiting depending on the waste being treated
as well as the procedure. The hydrolytic bacteria are the first group, which decompose complex
substances (protein, carbs, and fat) into simpler chemicals like organic acids, alcohols, CO2, and
hydrogen. The hydrogen-producing acetogenic bacteria, on the other hand, make acetate and
hydrogen from organic acids and alcohols. Homoacetogenic bacteria, on the other hand, can only
produce acetate from hydrogen, CO2, organic acids, alcohols, and carbohydrates. Methanogens,
the fourth group, produce methane from acetate, CO2, and hydrogen.
Microorganisms that are hydrolytic, acetogenic, and methanogenic all play a part in
anaerobic digestion and methane generation. The interaction of numerous bacteria is required for
Clostridium, Escherichia coli, Fusobacterium, Bacteroides, Leuconostoc, and Klebsiella are all
acetogenic bacteria. 2 Methane-producing organisms belong to the Archaea domain and the
Euryarchaeota phylum.
2.9 Impact of wastewater on the environment
Wastewater is a complicated resource with both benefits and drawbacks to its use.
Wastewater and its nutritional content can be used to grow crops, resulting in enormous
advantages for farming communities and society as a whole. However, wastewater utilisation can
have detrimental consequences for populations and ecosystems. The widespread use of
wastewater containing toxic wastes, as well as a lack of enough funding for treatment, are
degradation of the ecosystem. Although the negative impacts of using contaminated wastewater
effluents can be postponed for several years by using intense and heavy irrigation, it has a
negative impact on groundwater quality as nutrients drain down the soil (Mahmood and
Maqbool, 2006).
surplus of nutrients. It's worth noting that other elements of wastewater effluents play a role in
well as the oxidation of chemicals in it, can deplete dissolved oxygen in receiving water bodies
(Borchardt and Statzner, 1990). As a result of the building of oxygen-consuming particles in the
bottom sediments, these impacts may be immediate and short-term, or they may last months or
Low dissolved oxygen levels have an influence on fish survival by increasing their
eating and migratory, and, in severe cases, quick mortality. Changes in species composition can
occur when dissolved oxygen concentrations are reduced over time (Welch, 1992; Chambers and
Mills, 1996; Environmental Canada, 1997). Physical changes in receiving water bodies can also
be caused by poorly treated wastewater discharge. Temperature preferences and tolerance
limitations are common among aquatic living forms. Any increase in a water body's average
temperature can have ecological consequences. Municipal wastewater effluents are a source of
thermal enhancement since they are warmer than receiving water bodies (Welch, 1992; Horner et
al., 1994).
Furthermore, the release of suspended solids into receiving waters can have a variety of
direct and indirect environmental consequences, such as lower sunlight penetration (reduced
photosynthesis), physical injury to fish, and toxic effects from pollutants linked to suspended
pollutants is another environmental impact of untreated wastewater discharge, which has been
connected to health in some cases. Certain compounds that are found in low concentrations or
scarcely detectable in water can sometimes be found in huge concentrations in the tissues of
plants and animals due to the phenomena of bioaccumulation. These compounds are usually
stable, have a long chemical life, and are difficult to break down by digestive processes
situations due to the process of biomagnification, which occurs when contaminants transit
through a food chain that is prey to predators (Chambers and Mills, 1996). Very low
and biomagnification processes. Organo-chlorine insecticides, mercury, and heavy metals are
examples of such chemicals. Although there are other sources of persistent bioaccumulative
(such as harmful compounds in the environment), such as industrial discharges and pollutant
deposition in the atmosphere, municipal wastewater remains one of the most prominent
Furthermore, harmful compounds released from wastewater into receiving water bodies
have direct deleterious effects on land plants and animals. The harmful effects can be immediate
or build up over time. Large levels of ammonia and chlorine, high loads of oxygen-demanding
compounds, or hazardous quantities of heavy metals and organic pollutants are the most common
causes of acute consequences from wastewater effluents. Cumulative effects result from the
gradual accumulation of pollutants in receiving water, which only become apparent when a
The study area chosen is the Halal Abattoir Complex on Lot 1641, Block 5, Sentah-Segu Land
STP sewage water samples were collected in sterile 250ml conical flasks. In an icebox, they
were transferred to the laboratory. Microbiological, biochemical, and physiological tests were
performed on them.
Secondary data was used for this project from Slaughterhouse water consumption and
wastewater characteristics in the meat processing industry in Serbia, written by Natalija Aleksić,
pH metre APHA
pH (25℃ - off site) 6.83 6.61
4500 H*B
Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L 960 778
APHA 5220 D
Gravimetric APHA
Total Suspended Solids mg/L 252 248
2540 D
Gravimetric APHA
Oil and Grease mg/L N.D (<1) N.D (<1)
5520 B
Total Coliform Count 92 000 16 000 Culture APHA 9221
The majority of studies/research in the meat business (slaughterhouses and meat processing
A great majority of studies and research projects begin by identifying the locations and features
Given the vast range of variables that can be expected when establishing where freshwater is
utilised in slaughterhouses, examining the specific processes in which freshwater is used is more
procedures. After determining where freshwater is used, the characteristics of effluent from
slaughterhouses and meat processing factories must be determined. pH, chemical oxygen
demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), fat, oil, and
greases (FOG), and other characteristics vary greatly in slaughterhouse wastewater (SWW). Due
to the presence of blood, fat, and mucosa, they also contain large levels of organic material,
resulting in high BOD and COD readings. TSS, as well as nitrogen (from blood) and phosphorus,
may be present in meat industry effluent. Due to the presence of blood, fat, and mucosa, they
also contain large levels of organic material, resulting in high BOD and COD readings. TSS, as
well as nitrogen (from blood) and phosphorus, may be present in meat industry effluent. To
recap, slaughterhouses and meat processing factories are part of a broad global sector whose
effluent composition is influenced by various slaughtering procedures. As a result, for a safe and
Table 1: Consumption of fresh water in specific processes in different slaughterhouses
Slaughterhouse [%]
Vehicle wash - - - 7 5 5
Stockyards 25 7 - 24 7 - 22 6 5 3
Scald tank - - - 13 3 7
Rind treatment - - - - 10 - 15 -
Casing - - 9 - 20 - 20 -
Plant cleaning 22 - - 46 15 - 20 33
Chillers 2 2 2 1 5 -
Cooling - - - 12 - 6
Personal hygiene - - - - - 10
Secondary data from: Slaughterhouse water consumption and wastewater characteristics in
4.2 Condition of the water sampling point
Water samples were taken when the treatment plant was not functioning and the water is
stagnant. This is due to the plant not operating during the time and the cleaning process was
being done whilst the samples were taken. The significance of conducting the water quality
analysis at these sampling points, these data could be used as benchmark or future reference to
compare the changes of water quality if the ecotourism activities take place.
The degradation of receiving water bodies, such as lakes, rivers, and streams, is caused by the
quality of wastewater effluents. Polluted wastewater effluents can have a variety of negative
consequences on the quality of receiving water bodies, depending on the volume of discharge
depends on the type of discharge, such as the amount of suspended solids or organic matter, as
well as the properties of the receiving waters, as well as dangerous pollutants such as heavy
metals and organochlorines (Owuli, 2003). Eutrophication of water sources may also favour the
In animals, chronic exposure to these organisms' toxins can cause gastroenteritis, liver
damage, nervous system impairment, skin irritation, and liver cancer (EPA, 2000; Eynard et al.,
2000; WHO, 2006). Recreational water users, as well as anyone else who comes into touch with
the infected water, are at risk (Resource Quality Services, 2004). Pollutants from sewage
effluents can have a variety of negative consequences on the coastal environment receiving water
quality, depending on the volume of discharge, chemical composition, and concentrations in the
effluent (Owili, 2003). The most frequent health risks connected with untreated drinking and
recreational waters are diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. These contain a wide
range of viruses, bacteria, and protozoa that could end up in drinking water supplies or receiving
Eutrophication, which can encourage the growth of algae, increased water purification costs,
interference with the recreational value of water, health concerns to humans and cattle, excessive
oxygen loss, and undesired changes in aquatic species are just a few of these issues. Because
enormous amounts of wastewater effluents run through sewage treatment systems on a daily
basis, there is a need to mitigate and mitigate the overall effects of these effluents in receiving
water bodies. Wastewater must be treated before release in order to comply with wastewater
procedures that will help to reduce threats to public health and the environment. Careful
planning, adequate and appropriate treatment, regular monitoring, and appropriate laws are all
required to achieve unpolluted wastewater discharge into recipient water bodies. This will
improve science-based decision-making and ensure the environment's long-term viability as well
as the health of plants and animals. There is also a requirement to guarantee that regulatory
organisations' effluent criteria and limitations are not violated. Several flaws and inconsistencies
in the available data between slaughterhouses were discovered during the data collection process.
Differences across slaughterhouses stem from the fact that, prior to the establishment of an
integrated permit for environmental effect control, little attention was paid to environmental
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