RWS Project
RWS Project
RWS Project
Prepared for
Marrium Faesal
Prepared by
Date of submission :
05 November 2019
I makes this report by the help of many websites and with the help of
many book reading all those things makes that possible so that I able
to makes a report and express my the real thing about the computer
world in the report that is the main thing in this report is security
safety and its maintenance, and how we saves our systems from
Table of Contents
1.1 Background Information:.............................................................................................................4
1.2 Statement of the Problem/Purpose:...........................................................................................5
1.3 Significance of the Study:.............................................................................................................7
1.4 Scope of the Study:......................................................................................................................7
2) Review of Related Literature.............................................................................................................9
3) Methods of the Study......................................................................................................................10
4) Results and Discussion....................................................................................................................10
5) Conclusion......................................................................................................................................11
6) Recommendations...........................................................................................................................12
7) References.......................................................................................................................................12
8) Appendices......................................................................................................................................13
Executive Summary
purpose The purpose of this report is to understand the cyber security and its
ffects in the hackering, and how cyber security saves us from Hackers.
The other purpose is to awair the people by security
Method Cyber security is the method that is used to saves our computers from
and the other security threads, That can effect our computers and hacked
our data.
Result The results of Cyber security is very effective and is effectively
used in the computers to saves our computers from the hackers
and others security threads. This process is effective in revent
our computers from the hacking.
Conclusion From the above work, the importance of cyber security is
emphasized. It is also concluded that closely monitoring
systems and users provide and insight on the attacks and user
reaction to them. Also monitored systems are less vulnerable to
threats, data theft, phishing, frauds and other cyber-crimes.
RECOMMENDATIONS Use the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to develop an information
security program.Obtain and maintain a reliable understanding of your
network, and ensure that all assets are identified and under active
security management.
Find the weak links in the organization with regard to adherence to
process and policy.Protect and monitor network endpoints.
1) Introduction
Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems, including hardware,
software and data, from cyberattacks. In a computing context, security comprises
cybersecurity and physical security -- both are used by enterprises to protect against
unauthorized access to data centers and other computerized systems. The goal of
cybersecurity is to limit risk and protect IT assets from attackers with malicious
intent. Information security, which is designed to maintain the confidentiality,
integrity and availability of data, is a subset of cybersecurity.
Cybersecurity best practices can, and should, be implemented by large and small
organizations, employees and individuals. One of the most problematic elements of
cybersecurity is the continually evolving nature of security risks and advanced
persistent threats (APTs).
The traditional approach has been to focus resources on crucial system components
and protect against the biggest known threats, which meant leaving components
undefended and not protecting systems against less dangerous risks. To deal with the
current environment, advisory organizations are promoting a more proactive and
adaptive approach.
The history of cyber security began with a research project. A man named Bob
Thomas realized that it was possible for a computer program to move across a
network, leaving a small trail wherever it went. He named the program Creeper,
and designed it to travel between Tenex terminals on the early ARPANET,
printing the message “I’M THE CREEPER: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN.”
In 1971, the creeper virus was found; it is commonly recognized as the first
computer virus.
In the 1990s, the advent of computer viruses led to the infection of millions of
personal computers (PCs), causing cybersecurity to become a household concern
and facilitating the creation of more antivirus software.
In 1993, the first Def Con conference was held; its focus was cybersecurity.
In 2013, the Target breach occurred in which 40 million credit and debit card
records were accessed and stolen.
In 2017, the Equifax security breach occurred, which exposed the personal
information of up to 147 million people.
Also in 2018, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) was implemented. It
supports individuals' right to control their own PII.
records all hold personal information. Security incidents can lead to losses in
terms of reputation, money, theft of data, deletion of data and fraud.
End-user education: Provide directives that describe what actions
employees must take -- or avoid -- in order to protect corporate assets.
Figure 3:Review of related Cyber security
and I use a Time new roman font style with the use of 16pt,14pt and 12pt.My
method of study is random and informative to gets the knowledge about this
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Figure 4: Five year spending review of the government program to improve the
National Cyber Security Strategy
5) Conclusion
From the above work, the importance of cyber security is emphasized. It is also
concluded that closely monitoring systems and users provide and insight on the
attacks and user reaction to them. Also monitored systems are less vulnerable to
threats, data theft, phishing, frauds and other cyber-crimes. Since the validation of
software is necessary, so ISA standardized systems should be developed to validate
them. Also one of the major roles should be played by Government. It should take
hold of every bit of events that occur in cyber space including formulation of new
algorithms and techniques to prevent unauthorized access to any intruder. In future,
work would be done on monitoring techniques, their shortcomings and role play.
Also, further research will include methods of secure authorizations.
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Figure 5: The distribution of cyber-attacks across cultural, social, economic and
political motivations
6) Recommendations
There are the following recommendations;
7) References
1. A Sophos Article 04.12v1.dNA, eight trends changing network security by
James Lyne.
2. Cyber Security: Understanding Cyber Crimes- Sunit Belapure Nina Godbol
3. Computer Security Practices in Non Profit Organisations – A NetAction
Report by Audrie Krause.
4. A Look back on Cyber Security 2012 by Luis corrons – Panda Labs.
5. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue
9, September-2013 Page nos.68 – 71 ISSN 2229-5518, “Study of Cloud
Computing in HealthCare Industry “ by G.Nikhita Reddy, G.J.Ugander Reddy
6. IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine – IEEECS “Safety Critical Systems –
Next Generation “July/ Aug 2013.
7. CIO Asia, September 3rd , H1 2013: Cyber security in malasia by Avanthi
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8) Appendices
My topic is related to cyber security and I explain all the necessary things in
this report and with the help of many websites and books that are related to
it.Cyber security is the security saving process that saves us from the hackers
that can attack in our computers and our security accounts.
Figure 6:
Figure 6:
A Methodology for
Quantifying the Cyber
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