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General Commands Manual


delim $$

mingle - fast edge bundling

mingle [ options ] [ -o outfile ] [ files ]

mingle takes as input a graph in DOT format with node position information
(the pos attribute) and bundles the edges.

The following options are supported:

-m k indicates which method to use for bundling. A value of 0

corresponds to a force-directed bundling. A value of 2 uses a cluster plus ink
saving approach. If available, a value 1
denotes an agglomerative ink saving method. Normally, the last is the

-a k specifies the maximum turning angle, in degrees, as a non-negative

real. The larger the value, the more edges may bend. If the value is 0, there is
no limitation on the turning
angle. The default is 40. The parameter is not used in force-
directed bundling.

-c v specifies which compatability measure to use. The value 0, the

default, uses a distance metric, while a value of 1 relies on full compatability.
This value is only used in force-
directed bundling.

-i k gives the maximum number of iterative divisions of edges allowd in

force-directed bundling. The default is 4.

-k k gives the number of neighbors to be used in forming a nearest

neighbor graph. This parameter is only used in the agglomerative method. The
default is 10.

-K k is a positive real value giving the force constant used in force-

directed bundling. By default, the value is determined automatically.

-o file
puts output in file. Default output is stdout

-p k Except for the force-directed method, bundling minimizes $ink * (k -

cos(turning angle))$. The larger the value of k, the less emphasis is put on
avoiding sharp turning angles and
the faster the bundling. The default value is -1.

-r k is a non-negative integer giving the maximum recursion level used in

the agglomerative method. The default is 100.

-T fmt specifies the output format. At present, the output is always in the
DOT format. If fmt is "simple", the output is a simple, schematic representation of
the drawing. Only the node
positions and edges are retained from the original graph. If fmt is
"gv", the drawing information is attached to the input graph.

-v k determines the verbose level used for tracing the algorithm. The
value k is optional; if not provided, the value 1 is used.

-? Print usage and exit.

At present, mingle does not handle graphs with loops or directed multiedges.
So, a graph with edges a -> b and b -> a is acceptable, but not if it has edges a -
> b and a -> b or a -- b
and a -- b.

Emden R. Gansner <erg@graphviz.org>, Yifan Hu <yifanhu@yahoo.com>

sfdp(1), neato(1), gvpr(1)

Emden R. Gansner, Yifan Hu, Stephen C. North and Carlos Scheidegger,

``Multilevel Agglomerative Edge Bundling for Visualizing Large Graphs'', IEEE
Pacific Visualization Symposium Paci‐
ficVis, pp. 187‐194, 2011.

16 August 2013

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