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Signs of Kalki Avatar & Mohammad - How To Identify Kalki Avatar in The Hindu Scriptures?

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Signs of Kalki Avatar & Mohammad | How to identify Kalki Avatar in the Hindu Scriptures?

Signs of Kalki Avatar & Mohammad | How to

identify Kalki Avatar in the Hindu Scriptures?
esday, 13 July 2021 19:37

Signs of Kalki Avatar & Mohammad | How to identify Kalki

Avatar in the Hindu Scriptures?
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3/24/22, 7:32 PM Signs of Kalki Avatar & Mohammad | How to identify Kalki Avatar in the Hindu Scriptures? - Mohammed In The Bible

he Hindu scripture references to Prophet Muhammad are considered as one of the most discusse
ter-religious topics between Hinduism and Islam. Whereas a large number of references of the
gns of Kalki Avatar fit Prophet Muhammad. Many scholars present textual references supporting
alki being Muhammad. We will here evaluate most of what is written in Hindu scriptures about the
st prophet and see whether they fit Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

ntroduction | Prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad in

ndu scriptures say that there are twenty-four messengers, all of whom appeared except for one. They referred
him by some names such as: “Kalki Avatar” means the one who cleanses from sins; “Narashansa” which
eans the praised one; and other names carrying the meaning of the teacher and the ruler of the worlds. They
so gave many signs of Kalki Avatar:

or more details, see: Did Hindus Wait for the Prophet Muhammad?

Signs of Kalki Avatar matching Muhammad in the Hindu

any scholars are of the view that these prophecies apply to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), lets carefully read th
ndu characteristics of the last prophet and see whether they fit anyone other than Prophet Muhammad or not.

Kalki Avatar’s country, Father and Mother

he Hindu scripture prophecied that the last prophet will be born in Mecca, his father’s name is Abdullah, and his
other’s name is Amina. The Hindu Bhagavad Gita says (translation):

“At that time in the village of "Shambhala", when a man named "Washnuyash" was born in his
house "Kalki". (Bhagavad Purana 2/18)

he word “Shambhala” means the village of security, and its Arabic equivalent is al-Balad al-Ameen. The word
Washnuyash” is derived from “Washnu” meaning God and the word “Yash” meaning slave so that it means the
ave of God and in Arabic “Abdullah”.

another Hindu text, it is added that the name of the wife of "Washnuyash -Abdullah" is "Sumti" (Kalki Purana
/11), which means “the owner of safety,” the equivalent Arabic name is Aminah.

rophet Muhammad’s father is called Abdullah, his mother is Aminah, and his birthplace is al-Balad al-Ameen
he nickname of Mecca); i.e. all conditions are fulfilled.

Kalki Avatar will be born on the 12th of the lunar calendar:

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rophet Muhammad’s birthday was mentioned in Kalki Purana (2/15):

“He is born on the 12th of the mo lunar calendar in a month called “Maduh”.

he word “Madoh” refers to a desirable and loved month, and it may be the month of spring in Arabic. Anyway,
rophet Muhammad was born in the 12th lunar calendar in the month of the spring (Rabi’ al-Awal), which is the
eloved month in the lunar calendar.

The Moral attributes of Kalki Avatar

rophet Muhammad mentioned in Bhagavad Purana (12/2-19) by 8 attributes, I will here mention the unique
atures of them:

1. Saying prophecies about the future: Many books have been written on the topic of Prophet Muhammad’s
future prophecies whose validity appeared later. (See, for example, Al-Bayhaqi, Evidence of Prophethood.)
2. From the noblest tribe: Prophet Muhammad belongs to the tribe Quraysh (the noblest Arabian tribe), and h
clan was Banu Hashim (the noblest Qurayshan clan).
3. Has the ability to control his anger: It was narrated that Prophet Muhammad was the best one to control h
anger, and he was also urging people saying: The strong man is not good at wrestling, but the strong man
controls himself in a fit of rage.” (Bukhari 6114)
4. Body signs of Kalki Avatar: Kalki is a strong man whose enemies fear him. However, it was narrated that
Prophet Muhammad had strong bodybuilding, and he used to inform: “I have been helped by terror (in the
hearts of enemies). (Muslim 523f)
5. Speaks less: it was narrated that Prophet Muhammad’s silence outnumbered his talking times, and he use
to speak concise statements. He said: “I have been given words which are concise but comprehensive in
meaning”. (Muslim 523f)

Kalki Avatar is circumcised and rides horses:

alki Avatar was mentioned in Bhagavad Purana (12/2-20): “He rides on a horse, and the light comes out of him
and he is circumcised and hundreds of thousands of darkness and infidels are executed.”

rophet Muhammad (PBUH) was circumcised and his nation is also circumcised (while Hindus and their leaders
d not know circumcision and did not practice it). Hindu leaders did not use to ride horses, while Arabs
ncluding Prophet Muhammad) considered horses as the main ride.

Kalki Avatar has four strong caliphs and the angels descend to help them:

is mentioned in Kalki Purana (5-7-2):

“[his message spread] with the help of four of his companions, and angels descend on earth to
help him in his wars.”

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is well known that Prophet Muhammad has four rightly-guided caliphs of his companions: Abu Bakr, Omar,
thman, and Ali. They are the most revered figures in Islam who helped to establish the pillars of Islamic 
vilization in the world after and during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad.

was also reported in the Quran that the angels used to descend to help the Prophet in difficult wars such as th
attle of Badr and the Battle of Al-Ahzab:

“Allah will reinforce you with five thousand angels designated ˹for battle˺. (Al Imran: 125)

Kalki Avatar would Devote himself in the mountains, and migrate and then return to his birthplace:

alki Purana describes Prophet Muhammad in a more unique feature: “After his birth, he goes to the mountains
nd learns from "Prash Ram (the Great Teacher) … then he goes to the north, then returns to his birthplace”.

his is a unique reference to Prophet Muhammad; he used to devote himself to the service of God in the Cave of
ra within the mountain, where the great teacher (angel Gabriel) came to him and dictated to him the revelation

ne of the undisputed facts about the life of Prophet Muhammad is that he migrated from his birthplace (Mecca
the north (Madina), he then returned to Mecca (his birthplace) after victory.

Muhammad’s names are mentioned in the Hindu Scriptures

another article about Prophet Muhammad’s name in the Hindu scripture, we presented textual evidence in the
edas (Rigveda, Bhagavad Purana, Samaveda, and others) that urge the reader to be so confident to conclude
at Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is mentioned by his names (Ahmed and Muhammad) in the Hindu Scriptures.

addition, the signs associated with these literal names are perfectly matching Prophet Muhammad, leaving no
om for any other possible.

Narashansa is Prophet Muhammad

the light of the compelling evidence we presented in another article about Narashansa and Muhammad, we
gue – as well as other Hindu scholars – that the literal meaning of the name “Narashansa” refers to the literal
eaning of Prophet Muhammad in Arabic. In addition, when collecting all the unique signs of Narashansain in
e Hindu scriptures, you will find that this sign combination fits none other than Prophet Muhammad.

Prophet Muhammad’s Companions in the Hindu Scriptures

e presented, in another article about the Hindu prophecies of Islam, textual references from the Hindu holy
ooks showing that the last Prophet’s companions’ signs in Hinduism are perfectly matching Prophet
uhammad’s Companions: “They are circumcised; they grew beards;  they avoided eating pork; they fought thos
ho call to falsehood, and they were tough against the infidels and those calling for disbelief”.

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onclusion | Is Prophet Muhammad Kalki Avatar in Hinduism? 

es. According to what we have presented, the signs of Kalki Avatar in Hinduism apply perfectly to Prophet
uhammad as all the conditions uniquely fit him:

e was born in Mecca, his father’s name is Abdullah, and his mother’s name is Aminah; he also devoted his
orship in a mountain cave, and migrated north from Mecca to Median; he was born on the 12th day in the lunar
alendar; he also was circumcised and used to ride horses; he was followed and backed up by strong four
ompanions; angels used to descend helping him in difficult wars, … etc.

e have also proven in other articles that the Prophet Muhammad’s name is mentioned in the Hindu Scriptures,
s well as the signs of Narashansa.

or more evidence, see these articles:

rophet Muhammad’s name in the Hindu Scriptures.

omplete & Comprehensive Guide to Prophet Muhammad in Hindu Scriptures!

Holy Narashansa Prophet Muhammad?

rophet Muhammad’s Companions in the Hindu scriptures

ead 24271 times Last modified on Thursday, 19 August 2021 14:1

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