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Chapter One 1.1 Background of The Study

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1.1 Background of the Study

Drugs are commonly used by everybody whether young or old. Drugs

are not only useful for human beings; they are also useful for animals for
good health. Human beings give drugs to their animals when they
discovered that they are not healthy. Drug is an effective substance in the
life of any living thing to cure sickness and to make life healthy. It is true
that drugs are used for beneficent therapeutic purposes, but hard drugs are
made for special purposes but are often used for the wrong purpose Ballas

These drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, nicotine, heroin, morphine

etc. impact negatively, socially, cognitively or physically, Kuria (2006).
Social effects may be reflected in an individual’s enhanced tendency to
engage in conflicts with friends, teachers, and school authorities. Cognitive
effects relate to the individual’s lack of concentration on academic work and
memory loss Lewinsohn (2007) defines hard drug as any product other than
food or water that affects the way people feel, think, see, and behave. It is a
substance that due to its chemical nature affects physical, mental and
emotional functioning. It can penetrate the body through chewing, inhaling,
smoking, drinking, rubbing on the skin or injection.

Drugs are substance used for medical purpose the students suppose to
benefit medically from drugs but rather exploit both the drug and themselves
for the illegal purpose and health destruction. Students are the health,
wealth, hope, Nation, builders and entire leaders of tomorrow.

Persistently taking of drugs beyond doctors prescription causes

Academic failure in the sense that the student will not be able to meet up
with their academic standard by the manifestation of themselves as constant
lack of sleep absentees, acquisition of new friends, disoriented behavior,
cognitive confusion, arrogant, very aggressive and alcoholism addiction.

Some common drugs that can be commonly abuse are: vacuum, spirit,
cocaine, heroin, other substance include: Alcohol, cigarette, tremor, sniff
and coffee.

Basically, drugs are chemical (substance) that interact with the

function of the body but can also affect behaviors, consciousness, thinking
or emotion among students. The effects has promoted this research, we will
use Kaduna State College of Education, Gidan-Waya (KSCOE) for our

The study centred on “Effect of drugs abuse among students in tertiary

institution”, the purpose is to make a discovery on the effect of the
indiscriminate use of drugs which have a diversity effect on the students
performance in school and even the progress of entire society.

1.2 Statement of the Study

Generally, there have been cases of drugs abuse which is the main
purpose and objective of the study is to investigate and find out the effects of
drug abuse among learners in tertiary institution using Kaduna State College
of Education Gidan Waya as a case study.

The college council and the entire college community are tirelessly
working to reduce the practice of taking harmful substances which causes
the following:

 Brain damage
 Criminal activities such as prostitution, arm robbery among others.
 Cancer of the lungs
 Hypertension
 Loss of memory
 Alcohol addiction
 Damages to liver
 Prone to violent.

They above listed make the researchers to carry out the research, our
hope and joy is that after this period, and new discoveries of the cause,
effects and solution to reduce this problem, the college community should be
able to use them so as to improve the students performance in the campus.

1.3 The Objective of the Study

The major objective of this research is to point-out the effect of drug
abuse among students in tertiary institution. The study intends to:

1. Identify the causes of drugs abuse.

2. To point out the effects of the drug abuse.
1.4 Research Questions
i. What are the causes of drug abuse?
ii. What are the types of drugs commonly abused?
iii. Why do students engage themselves in drug abuse?
iv. What are the effects of drug abuse among students?
1.5 Significance of the Study

This study tends to being out the dangers of drug abuse, it will be of
utmost benefits to students of tertiary institution, Kaduna State College of
Education Gidan Waya, and it serves as a blue print in curtailing the
consumption of drugs in the campus such as:

i. To positively educate the students on its dangers and how to

provide remedies subsequently put an end to drug abuse.
ii. To provide ways of prevention of drugs abuse by teachers,
parents, students and community at large.
iii. The result of this research will give some in sight to the problems
of drugs abuse as it’s observed in the College of Education Gidan-

iv. Finally, the findings will enable the Kaduna State College of
Education Gidan-Waya (K S C O E) to organized seminars and
Health Education courses subjects in school system.
1.6 Hypothesis

Observation and finding made by some prominent researchers on the

topic. “The effects of drugs abuse among students of Kaduna State College
of Education Gidan Waya, that the following reasons might have led to the
poor academic standard of the students in Kaduna State College of
Education Gidan Waya.

Students are good imitators of adults’ behaviours. The imitate the

habit of smoking, drinking from their friends and parents.

The availability and different types of drugs within are easily to get
through various contents.

When too much wealth is flaunt around many students do not think of
hard-working and they spend recklessly.

Students who are unable to control properly are usually norms in the
school setting.

Peer group influences

The researchers hope that after the completion of this study, the above
hypothesis and findings would improve the prospect of the academic
performance of the students in Kaduna State College of Education Gidan

1.7 Limitation of the Study

The major problems we face is inadequate funds to enable us reach

other tertiary institution i.e financial handicap and also receiving of fake
information due to high population in the school.

The result of this study is absolute, despite the challenge we face: as

such we stand to encourage others researchers to double up their effort in
their study and absolute result will be obtain to the effect of drugs abuse.

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

i. Drug:- This is substances use for our personal health
ii. Drug abuse:- This is an act of using drugs without doctor
iii. Hypertension:- This is persist increase in blood pressure in
human being.
iv. Addiction:- This is when the body becomes use to substances
such as: Alcohol, Morphine among others which makes the
body uncomfortable.

v. Disoriented Behaviors: is a process by which an individual
behave abnormal without guide.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter shall focus on the review of literature on the topic under
investigation. The review shall centered on the following sub-themes

Definition of drugs

Types of drugs

Causes of drugs abuse

Signs and symptoms of drugs abuse

Effects of drugs abuse

Prevention of drug abuse

Summary of the chapter

2.2 Definition of Terms

Drug abuse is the taking of drugs or a deliberate use of drugs for

purposes other than its intended purpose without the supervision of a
physician or a medical practitioner. Some of the most commonly abused
drugs are; alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, amphetamines, barbaturates, cocaine,
methaualone, opium alkaloid, synthetic opiods, benzodiazepines, katamine,
flanitrazepan (Rohypnol) medical dictionary 8th edition, (2009).

According to Medical Dictionary for Dental Professions (2012) it
describes drug abuse as the habitual use of drugs not needed for therapeutic
purposes, solely to alter ones mood, affect, or state of consciousness or to
affect a body function unnecessary (e.g. laxative abuse)

According to Carroll (2009) define drug abuse as the deliberate use of

chemical substance for reasons other than intended medical purposes and
which occasioned physical, mental, emotional or social impairment to the

According to Ballas (2001) Define drug abuse as the use of illicit

drugs or of prescription or over the counter drugs, the abuse of legitimate
drugs (prescription over the counter drugs) can happen when people use
drugs in a manner or in quantities more than directed or the purpose that are

According to Melissa and Conrad (2012), define drugs abuse as a

disorder that is characterize be destructive pattern of using a substance that
lead to significance problems or districts. Any substance whose injection is
result to high feeling can be abuse. They state that drugs impair judge in this
aspect the man can mistake the women as a fellow man and it will lead to
abuse of sexual covertures. They may not realize how aggressive behavior

Drug abuse is detrimental to the socio-economic and intellectual

advancement of the nation. The drugs trade with the volume 250 million a

year is the biggest and with the money in their disposal, merchants has
explore men to inherit greed and selfishness and have intend the power to do
virtually what they want.

2.3 Types of Drug Abuse

According to Kure G. (2008) drugs can be categorizes according to

the nature of their physical and physiological effect most psychoactive drugs
fall into one the six “6” general categories:

 Hallucinogen
 Stimulants
 Depressant
 Narcotic and inhalant.

2.3.1 Hallucinogen: It is define as substance such as drug which made

some one to hallucinate, example haloperidol, fluphenazine, chlozapine
many user reported perceived negative distortions like altered perception of
shapes, images time sound and body form the dangerous side effects include
panic pain attacks occasional prolong psychosis

2.3.2 Stimulant: These are drugs on substance that exact their action
through excitation of the nervous system i.e. the exert their action by
increasing or promoting the activities and function of the nervous system
(C.N.S) as well as entire body as well. Examples are caffeine, cocaine,
amphetamine (Narcotic) dry gin, petrol and gutter.

2.3.3 Depressant: They are agents that reduce the normal activity of any
body system or function. Example: bencing with codein, coffin, prometazin,
tutolin, cofta and morphine

2.3.4 Narcotics: A narcotic is derived from the Greek word for benumb
(narko). Medically it refers to a type of drug abuse that induces sleep or has
analgesic, painkilling properties. Today, it is most commonly associated
with drugs that fall into the classification of opiates, such as morphine
heroin and their analogs like hydrocadone (vicodon). However, since the
legal definition of narcotics differs from the medical definition, the side
effect has to do with drowsiness, difficult concentration.

2.3.5 Inhalant: inhalant are class of drugs that include the variety of
volatile compounds that generally produce unpredictable drunk like effect in
users. Inhalants are abused and become addictive over time.

Inhalants include nitrous oxide spray paint or the substance cause

euphoric feelings for a brief period of time, making repeated use very
common. Abusing inhalants is incredibly risky and can lead to sudden death.
Inhalants can also cause permanent brain damage and also lead to sudden

2.4 Causes of Drug Abuse among Students

Before any habit formed circumstances, environment and opportunity

among many others must have contributed to the changes either directly or
indirectly. Drugs abusers have many causes some of these causes are:
2.4.1 Poor Social Condition

Leighton (2001) studies or cultural disintegration indicate that

urbanization is related to mental disorder and the great number of physical
rehabilitation centred and from other institution in Kaduna state metropolis
Melissa( 2012) out lined certain risk of drugs abuse these are:

- Family history of addiction

- Ineffective parenting
- Being the only male or female in the family
- Chaotic home environment
- Inadequate nurturing and parental attachment

2.4.2 Intellectual Curiosity

Flening (2005) said that students especially, get into the habit of
taking drugs to keep themselves awake during their studies, many times
when they should be studying number of them are affected because of the
too little sleep as the attempt to do more than they are physically and
mentally capable and another factor related to this causes youth socialization
within and outside the school:

Pressure of study and work

Poor social copying skill

Improving athletics performance.

Curiosity to belong that is to know how other people feel when they
take drugs.

Abuh and Akus (2009) said that peer group influences depression and
unemployment is attached to the curiosity of the youth associating with hard
drugs that will destroy their well being and future of the younger generation.

Other causes of drug abuse include:

i. Illiteracy
ii. Mental disorder
iii. Availability of drugs and accessibility of drugs
iv. Modernly advertisement

These could be considered as some of the major health problem in

Kaduna State College of Education Gidan Waya.

2.5 Signs and Symptoms of Drugs Abuse

The following are signs and symptom of drugs abuse:

i. Aggressiveness in irritability i.e. almost all the hard drugs users are
very aggressive in nature
ii. Trouble with the securities
iii. Change of friends
iv. Declining grades in class
v. Taking of risk including sexual risk
vi. Use of room deodorizer and incense always

vii. Resistance of drugs
viii. Prone to commit suicide
ix. Dangerous minded people

2.6 Effect of Drugs Abuse

2.6.1 Effect of drugs abuse on the body

According to the view of Akers(1991), Ballas (2006) and Akus (2010)

they said that a person who abuse drugs may not realize that they have
problem until pronounced effect of drugs abuse is seen, often physically,
while drugs abuse affect the body very depending on the drugs used, all
drugs abuse negatively impact ones health. Some common effect of the
drugs abuse on the body include: sleep changes and decreased memory and
cognitive abilities.

Other common physical problems include;

i. It affects the nervous system

ii. It causes the blood vessels to dilate
iii. It causes bad digestion notably of vitamin B especially when taken on
empty stomach impotence’s.
iv. More frequent illness

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, Skin can be cool and sweating or
not and dry.

2.6.2 Psychological Drug Abuse Effect

One of the primary effects of drugs abuse can be found within the
definition of drugs abuse itself, an increasing, intense desire to use the drugs
above all else. Drugs giving can shift a person’s entire mental focus to
attaining the drug. Side effects of drugs abuse then includes pre occupation
with where to get the drugs, how to get the money for the drugs, and where
and when the drug can be used.

Psychological drugs effects commonly include changes in mood. A

person may be anxious thinking about when they can next use the drug, or
depressed due to drugs side effects includes:

Other psychological drug abuse effects include:

i. Aggressiveness or irritability
ii. Selfishness
iii. Hopelessness
iv. Pressuring other into doing drugs
v. Lack of pleasure from previously enjoyed activities.

2.6.3 Drugs Abuse Effects of Life Style

Drug abusers choose drugs over all else, that includes family and
friends. One of the side effects of drugs abuse is lose of friendship and
family due to these choices. Families and friends have to watch as the drug
abuser pulls away and the effects of drugs abuse ravage their body and mind.

Moreover, one of the side effects of drugs may affect the character behavior
that further separates the drug abuser from their loved ones. The effects of
drug abuse can also include decreasing performance in work or school. This
decreased performance may lead to disciplinary action, dismissal, creating
money problems and possibly legal troubles, participating in sports and
giving up hobbies are other effects of drugs abuse.

2.6.4 Health Problem

The impact of drug abuse affects the mental health affecting almost
every organ in the human body

Drug abuse can;

- Weaken the immune system, increasing susceptibility to infection

- Cause cardiovascular conditions ranging from abnormal heart rate to
heart attacks. Injected drugs can also lead to collapsed veins and
infection of the blood vessels and heart values
- Causes nausea, vomiting and abdominal pains
- Causes the liver to work harder, possibly causing significant damages
or liver failure
- Causes seizures, stroke and wide spread brain damage that can affect
all aspects of life by causing damage to the memory. Thereby causing
decision making difficult including sustaining mental confusion and
permanent brain damage

- Produce global body changes, such as breast development in men,
dramatic fluctuation in appetite and increase in body temperature,
which may impact a variety of health conditions.

Although, initial drug use, may be use or done willing, drugs have
been known to be different in the scientific study of the structure of
substance that is how they react where combined or in contact with the
brain, which interferes with an individual ability to make decisions and can
lead to compulsive craving, seeking and use.

This then becomes a substance dependency:

Al drugs of abuse- nicotine, marijuana and other affect the brain “reward”
circuit which is part of the limbic system

- Drugs hijack this “reward system causing unusually large amount of

dopamine is what causes the high or euphoria associated with drug

2.6.5 Behavioral Problem



Impaired judgment


Loss of self control

2.6.6 Injuries

More deaths, illnesses and disabilities from substances abuse than

from any other preventable health condition. People who live with substance
dependence have a higher risk of all bad out come including unintentional
injuries, accidents, risk of domestic violence, medical problem and death.

2.6.7 Birth Defect

Nearly four percent of pregnant women in the united state use illicit
drugs such as marijuana, cocaine ecstasy and other amphetamines and
heroine one these and others illicit drugs may pose various risks for pregnant
women and their babies some babies of these drugs can cause a baby to be
born too small or to be born pre-mature, or to have withdrawal symptom,
birth defects or learning and behavioral problems. Additionally, illicit drugs
may be prepared with impurities that may be harmful to a pregnancy.

Finally, pregnant women who use illicit drugs may engage in other
unhealthy behaviors that place their pregnancy at risk, such as having
extremely poor nutrition or developing sexually transmitted infections.

2.7 Possible Solutions to Drug Abuse (Prevention)

The following are some of the possible solution to drugs abuse.

- Effective guidance and counseling should be provided in schools.

- Enhance public campaigns against drug abuse
- Counselor should try to rehabilitate the drugs abuse

- Educating the youths/ students to abstain from using drugs.
- Encourage the inclusion of drug education programme in our school

2.8 Summary of the Chapter

This is the conclusive part of this chapter in which issues discussed

are as follow: various definitions of terms “drugs” by various authors, types
of drugs mostly abused, effects of drugs abuse, some possible solution to
drugs abuse and summary of the chapter.



3.1 Introduction

This chapter intends to shade more light on the techniques and

methods used in data collection and distribution during the research. It also
explains the research design, the population covered, sampling procedures
used for the study, instrument employed and method of data collection,
procedure for administration of the instrument, validity and reliability of the
instrument and finally the method of statically analysis employed in the

3.2 Research Design

The research design found suitable for this research is the survey
research design. Survey research involves the use of both questionnaire and
interview in order to determine or ascertain the opinions, attitudes,
performance and perception of respondents. The survey type of research
helps the researchers to randomly select their samples from the target
population. The researchers collected relevant data from the students,
parents and social interaction with people in the college community and also
past experience.

3.3 Population and Sampling Procedures

The population of this study comprises of the students of Kaduna

State College of Education Gidan Waya. The respondents will be randomly
selected from the various schools in the college for the research.

A hundred and forty (200) students were selected randomly. This was
done to give every student equal opportunity of being sampled out.

In order to ensure accurate and fair representation of sampling, the

researchers adopted the stratified random sampling techniques. This
technique was adopted in order to ensure equal probability of chance of
being selected and the selection of each case from the pool of each case is
independent of such selection of others.

The population of the college is so large that the research cannot be

carried out on individual basis, to make data collection reliable a total of two
hundred (200) respondents were sampled, from four (4) schools in the
college as given below.

School Population

School of Art and Social Science 50 Respondents

School of Languages 50 Respondents

School of ECCE/PES 50 Respondents

School of Science 50 Respondents

The findings obtained from the population sampled will be
generalized to the whole schools in the college.

3.4 Instrument for Data Collection

The researchers decided to use two basic instruments for data

collection. The instruments are:

 Questionnaire
 Interviews


The researchers used questionnaire as one of the instrument for

collecting data for the research.

A questionnaire is an instrument used in collection of data about

aspect of behaviors. Usually information in form of written statement or
questions is formulated to which the respondent has to answer or respond to.
The researchers opted for the use of closed ended questions for the
respondents to make their choice. This enable the researchers to obtain a
high proportion of information needed, it also saves time and cost.


The questionnaires alone will not have provided the basic information
as required which made the researchers to use oral interview techniques by
going from one department to the other within the college. The researchers

decided to use interview method because it is a face to face contact with the
respondents and there is also privacy in the inter-discussion question which
were not properly treated or answered during the questionnaire

3.5 Procedures for Administrating Instrumental

The researchers received a letter of approval from the college registrar

to carry out the research in the college.

The researchers then went round the schools department, sampled and
assembled all responds from each department. Having assembled them,
copies of questionnaire were issued out to them and the questionnaire was
explained to them making sure all the items are clearly understood. Then the
respondents are allowed to fill in the items of the questionnaire as instructed.
The filled questionnaire were later collected from the respondents for
onwards proceedings.

3.6 Method for Data Analysis

The statically techniques found suitable for the data analysis and
interpretation of data collection using questionnaire was the simple
percentage ranking distribution method. The researchers decided to employ
this method, because it makes the analysis very simple dear and straight
forward. It also saves time and cost.

The formula to be used is:-

F 100
X =%
N 1


F- Represent frequency distribution (No of responses)

N- Total number of respondents

X- Sign of multiplication

%- Sign of percentage

Then the data is been multiplied by hundred (100) since all the
frequency is worked out in percentage.



4.1 Introduction

This chapter deals with the analysis of data collected during the
research process, which is based on the response from the questionnaire. The
presentation of each of the questions was made on tables followed by the
analysis and discussion of the results. Using simple percentage ranking
system, it is true the reliability of the data collected was more precise to
every question based on the situation of the information available as a
statement of generalization.

4.2 Presentation of Result

Table One: Do you take Drugs?
Responses Frequency Percentage
Yes 110 55%
No 90 45%
Total 200 100%

The above table shows that one hundred and ten respondents
representing 55% agreed that they do take drugs, while Ninety respondents
representing 45% responded negatively that they don’t take drugs.

Therefore, the used of drugs among students in tertiary institution of
learning is becoming increasingly alarming as shown in the table above.

Table Two: Do you experience any negative effect in your body whenever
you take drugs?

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 125 62.5%
No 75 37.5%
Total 200 100%

From the above result presented it shows that one hundred and twenty
five respondents representing 62.5% of the total population responded yes
that they do experience negative effect within their body whenever they take
drugs, while 75 respondents representing 37.5%responded negatively to the
question, because they are addicted to the drugs or are too careless to take
notice of some of the effect of these drug on them.

Table Three: Which of these hard drugs do you take?

Responses Frequency Percentage

Goskolo 51 25.5%
Nicotin 39 19.5%
Tutolin 50 25%
Tremor 60 30%
Total 200 100%

The result presented from the above table indicates that students in
tertiary institution of learning are used to taking different types of drugs the
table shows that 51 respondents (25.5%) like taking Goskolo, while Nicotin
is taken by 39 respondents (19.5%), 50 respondents (25%) take tutolin while
60 respondents representing (30%) of the total population take tremor.

With the above result, one can agree that the most common drugs
taken by students is the tremor, which some of them said, they take it for
energy, for removal of stress among other reasons and they should be more
confidence in speaking .

Table Four: Which of these effects do you experience when ever you take

Responses Frequency Percentage

Prone to community suicide 35 17.5%
Feel sleepy and dizzy 59 29.5%
Behaving abnormal 73 36.5%
Feel moody and un composed 33 16.5%
Total 200 100%

The statistical analysis of the above table shows that “behaving

abnormal” is the major effect of an individual experience after taking drugs
with 73, respondents (36.5%) attesting to that while 35 respondents (17.5%)
are prone to committing suicide whenever they take drugs, 59 respondents

29.5% feel sleepy and dizzy as an effect while only 33 respondent (16.5%)
testify that they normally fell moody and uncomposed whenever they take

Table Five: Does the taking of drugs affect your academic performance in

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 140 70%
No 60 30%
Total 200 100%

From the table above, one hundred and forty respondents representing
70% of the total population agreed that taking of drugs is affecting their
academic performance in school, while 60 respondents (30%) responded
negatively to the question item.

From the result above one can deduce that most students who are
found to be addicted to taking hard drugs ended up being failure in academic
achievement, drop outs and in most cases unable to achieve their carrier

Table Six: Is it true that addiction to hard drugs can lead to mental disorder?

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 143 71.5%
No 57 28.5%
Total 200 100%

The table above shows that one hundred and forty three respondents
representing 71.5% agreed that people who are addicted to hard drugs can
encounter mental disorder which normally affects the way they think, talk
and do things, while 57 respondents (28.5%) says it is not likely that hard
drugs can lead to mental disorder

Table Seven: How often do you take drugs?

Responses Frequency Percentage

Always 83 41.5%
Not at all 36 18.%
Once a while 51 25.5%
Whenever I feel like 30 15%
Total 200 100%

The result from the above table shows that quite a good number of
students in our tertiary institution of learning most especially in Kaduna
State College of Education, Gidan Waya take drugs, 83 respondents (42.5%)
affirmed that while 18 do not take drugs at all, (51) respondents (25.5%)

affirmed that they take drugs once in a while, while 30 respondents
representing (15%) of the total population says it is whenever they feel like
to take drugs that they do.

Table Eight: Do you agree that socio-economic background of a student can

lead him to drugs abuse?

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 142 71%
No 58 29%
Total 200 100%

The result displayed form the table above shows that socio-economic
background can influence a student either positively or negatively on drugs
abuse. This is because 142 respondents (71%) agreed that the socio-
economic background of some students leads them to drug abuse. Some
because they have enough money from their parents so they indulges in all
sort of extravagant spending including taking drugs just to show for it while
others from the poor or low income parents resorted to taking drugs due to
frustration and the inability of their parents to cater for their needs.

Yet, 58 respondents representing 29% do not believe that taking hard

drugs can be associated to ones socio- economic background.

Table Nine:

Which of the following influence may lead one to taking drugs?

Responses Frequency Percentage

Friends(peer) influence 70 35%
Hardship 47 23%
To boast confidence 40 20%
To feel ok 43 21%
Total 200 100%

The result obtained from the questionnaire item above reveals that 70
respondents (35%) of the total population take drugs due to peer (friend
influence) while 47 respondents (23%) confirmed that some take drugs due
to hardship or difficulties in life they find themselves. 40 respondents i.e.
(20%) of the population agreed that some drugs takers do so with the aim of
boasting their confidence. They claimed that they always have confidence to
face any situation, task, assignment or crowd whenever they take drugs,
while 43 respondents representing (21.5%) out of the total population said it
is just for them to feel ok and comfortable that is way they take drugs.

Table Ten: What are the most commonly abused drugs?

Response Frequency Percentage

Tremor 69 34.5%
Paracetamol 44 22%
cocaine 30 15%
Squad 5 57 28.5%
Total 200 100%

The above table indicate that tremor is been abuse by 69 respondent

representing 34.5%, while 44 respondents (22%) abused paracetamol, 30
respondents representing (15%) abused cocaine most commonly and 57
respondents representing (28.5%)of the total population agreed that the most
commonly abused drugs is the squad 5.

4.3 Discussion of Major Findings

Looking clearly from the various tables shown in this chapter and the
data analysis that followed each of the table, the following can be considered
as the major findings in this research work:

1. That drug abuse has been discovered to affect the effective academic
performance of students in our tertiary institutions of learning. This is
in line with a study document by the national agency for food and
drugs (NAFDAC) were the opined that persistent drug use affects the
user’s brain for example; adult marijuana users have demonstrated
lower ability than non user on verb tests. Inhalants, methamphetamine

and cocaine lead to cognitive impairment. Again, the report also has it
that drugs user find it difficult to focus, particularly on task that
require mental effort. A lack of focus generally leads to poor
performance on school work. Marijuana limits the brain ability to
retain information.
2. Another major finding discovered in this research work is that, drug
user tend to behave abnormal, senseless, confused and acts foolishly
in most cases. Harmatz’s (2003) discover that such drugs like
marijuana tend to make the user moody, anxious and impulsive
corroborates this finding. Also other finding indicate poor social
adjustment on the part of the user typified by elevated situational
hostility, (Mirin, 2003) and a preference for passive lifestyles and low
“purpose in life” scores (Sheen 2002) .
3. This research work also discovered that a high percentage of mentally
disorder found in our society nowadays is due to addition to hard
drugs. Drug abuse hurts the body and the brain, sometimes forever. It
causes mental health problem `often national agency for food and
4. Another shocking but true finding in this research work is that taking
hard drugs among students in our tertiary institution of learning is at
the increase the findings reveals that 41.5% of the total population i.e
83 respondents confirmed that they take drugs always. This can be
true, looking at the high rate of crimes in our higher institution etc

more so, a larger number of the population sampled responded
positively that they take drugs this is alarming.
5. This research work also discovered that the socio-economic
background of students can lead to taking drugs. Some of the students
who are coming from upper social class where their parents supplies
them with all they need in school, venture into taking drugs because
of having enough or more than enough in school. While there are
some from the lower social class who take drugs out of frustration,
because their parents cannot offer them all they need in school, the
frustration, difficulties and hardships that they encounter lead them to
take drugs as a means of forgetting their hardships or to feel relax



5.1 Summary

This chapter described all that have been done in the proceeding
sections and conclusion is drawn based on the information gathered during
the course of study and recommendation made.

In chapter one the research work, the researcher deals with the
background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study,
significant of the study, research questions or hypothesis, scope and
limitation of the study and operational definition of terms.

In chapter two, it involves or rather deals with the review of related

literature on the topic. Sub-themes treated in the review include: definition
of terms, causes of drugs abuse on health, body, society e.t.c. types of drug
commonly used by student, effect of drugs abuse, remedies to drug abuse
and summary of the chapter.

Chapter three of the research is concerned with research methodology.

Where sub-topic treated under the chapter includes: Research design,
population of the study, sample and sampling techniques, instrument for data
collection, procedure for data collection, validity and reliability of the
instrument of the research and method of data analysis.

This data analysis and interpretation of result comes up in chapter
four. The data analyzed in the chapter revealed the following major findings.

i. That drug abuse has been discovered to affect the academic

performance of student in school.
ii. That drugs users tend to behave abnormal senseless, disjointed and
act foolishly in most cases.
iii. That case of mental disorder is associated to addiction to drugs.
iv. That there is an alarming rate of increase in taking drugs among
students in our tertiary institution of learning.

5.2 Conclusion

In conclusion this research work is important to point out that the

discovering indicates that there is not absolutely good impact on student
who indulged themselves in drugs abuse. Majority of the finding are
negatives and destructive just as shown by table an analysis of the results in
chapter four. Drugs lead to brain damages, cognitive confusion, abnormal
behavior and poor performance. In recognition of these problem, parent,
teachers and the society, government must all put hands on deck in order to
curb the menace of his monster in our tertiary institution especially KSCOE
Gidan Waya and the community at large.

5.3 Recommendations

Following the finding in this research work the research wants to

make the following observation and recommendation as some useful tips to
the problems of drug abuse in our tertiary institution of learning and the
community at large.

i. That religious leader should preach about the dangers of drugs

abuse to worshippers as a form of campaign toward helping the
young once living a better life.
ii. Student should be careful in their choice of friend not to involve
themselves in social vices through the influence of bad friends
iii. Parent should ensure proper home training of their children by
given them proper attention at home.
iv. Government and schools should organize workshop/seminars to
discuss the danger and menace of drug in our society.
v. Government agencies such as national drug law enforcement
Agency “NDLEA, NAFDAC” and police should proactive in
campaigning against drug.
vi. Dealers and producers of these hard drugs should be convicted and
vii. Parent should try and provide the immediate or necessary need of
their children to make them feel at home.

5.4 Suggestion for Further Studies

This research word title “the effect of drug abuse among student in
tertiary institution”. A case study of Kaduna State College of Education

Gidan Waya. Though a lot has been said on the topic only a little has been
done to find out more issues on it. Following our finding, recommendation
are made, it is possible to suggest that the researchers should carry out
research on this topic for further and advance investigation to cover a wider
range or area. If the study covers a wider range, the effect of drugs abuse
causes and remedies would be known to the general public and the
generation yet to come.


Abuh, S. (2009) Drug education for school and colleges Nigeria. Joja Press.

Ballas, G. (2001) Drugs and students in school institute of education,

University of Ile. Lagos: university press.

Carroll, C.R (2009) Drug Abuse in Nigeria facts causes and remedies; A
paper presented at the national seminar on Drug Abuse Enforcement
Lagos, may.

Conrad. Y. (2011) contemporary public issues and Nigeria as a Nation.

Ankpa Romar printing and publishing.

Fleming, M.Z (2005) Drug Abuse and their effects Lagos nation law.

Kure, N. (2008) consequences of illicit drug trafficking and drug abuse, A

paper presented at a workshop for guidance counselors, plateau state.

Kuria R.L (2006) self- control as a general theory of crime journal of

quantitative criminology.

Leighton, A.F.S (2008) Drug education for school and colleges Nigeria.
Joja Press.

Lewinsohn B.A. (2007) the effects of child Abuse and neglect on family
advancement. Journal of women in colleges of education, page. 45.

The new Nigeria newspaper: Drug and our youths in schools page 7 and 10.



The researchers are students of the Kaduna State College of

Education, Gidan Waya undertaking a research on the topic. “Effect of
Drug Abuse Among Students in Kaduna State College of Education
Gidan Waya”.

Please feel free to fill in the questionnaire to the best of your ability
bearing in mind that the information given will be treated with high sense of
confidential for research purpose only.


Age -------------------------------------------



SECTION B (tick appropriately please)

1. Do you take drug?

Yes ( ) No ( )
2. Does drug actually have any effect on your body when you take them?
Yes ( ) No ( )
3. Which of these drugs do you take?
(a) Goskolo

(b) Nicotine
(c) Tutoline
(d) Tremor
4. Which of these effects do you experience whenever you take drugs?
(a) Prone to community suicide.
(b) Feel sleepy and dizzy
(c) Behaving abnormal
(d) Feeling moody and uncomposed.
5. Does the taking of drugs affect you academic performance?
Yes ( ) No ( )
6. Is it true that hard drugs can lead to mental disorder?
Yes ( ) No ( )
7. How often do you take drugs?
(a) Always
(b) Not at all
(c) Once in while
(d) Whenever I feel like.
8. Do you agree that socio-economic background of a student can lead to
drug abuse?
Yes ( ) No ( )
9. Which of these lead you to taking drugs?
(a) Friends (pear)
(b) Hardship
(c) To boast confidence
(d) To feel ok
10. What are the most commonly abuse drugs?
(a) Paracetamol
(b) Squad 5
(c) Tremor
(d) Cocaine


1. What are some causes of drugs abuse?

2. Mention effects of drugs abuse among users.
3. Suggest some possible remedies to the rapid spread of drugs abuse.


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