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Module 5 Drug Education

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Republic of the Philippines


Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga Drug Addiction
It is characterized by a compulsion to use a drug to experience psychological or physical effects
NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM despite any deterioration in health, work, or social activities.
Several Forms of Drug Dependency
▪ Tolerance
I. TITLE: ▪ Habituation

II. OBJECTIVES: Some readily recognizable signs of Drug Abuse

At the end of this module, the students are expected to: 1. Sudden shift in attitudes.
✔ Understand the significant concepts in drug education 2. Mood swings, depressed and morose first, then becoming highly related and euphoric.
✔ Cite ways on how to stay away from influences of drug abuse 3. Highly excitable and displays fit of rage and aggression.
✔ Reflect on the reasons why people resort to drug abuse 4. Unusual effort to conceal needle marks on arms and wearing of shades to conceal reddish eyes.
5. Sudden regression from the usual and normal capabilities such as from work, school, or social
Recognizing the equally important roles played by both male and female members of the society in 6. Neglect of personal grooming, hygiene, and appearances.
nation-building, it is important to always adhere to the essence of gender equality in the delivery of 7. Engaging in petty crimes and other forms of mischiefs to support illicit habits.
the lessons as no gender is seen to be superior or inferior. Discrimination in any form shall be 8. Association with unknown drug abusers and persons with a shady character.
avoided at all times by both the faculty-implementer and the students.
What Drugs are commonly abused?
IV. DURATION: ▪ Sedatives – drugs that may reduce anxiety and excitement, lowered inhibitions, slow pulse,
3 Hours (Week no. 6) and beating, lowered blood pressure, poor concentration, confusion, impaired coordination.
▪ Alcohol
V. INTRODUCTION: ▪ Hallucinogens – drugs that affect sensation, thinking, self-awareness, and emotion.
This topic provides the students with significant concepts on effective drug education. This is Impaired balance and coordination, increased heart rate, panic attack, changes in time and
important because young people are faced with many influences to use both licit and illicit drugs. space perception, delusions.
Education can play a counterbalancing role in shaping a normative culture of safety, moderation, ▪ Marijuana or Cannabis
and informed decision-making. ▪ Narcotics – drugs that relieve pain and often induce sleep.
▪ Opium (Papaver Sompniferum)
VI. CORE CONCEPT: ▪ Stimulants – drugs that increase alertness and physical disposition (increased heart rate,
blood pressure, metabolism, feelings of exhilaration, energy, increased mental
WHAT IS DRUGS? alertness/rapid or irregular heartbeat, reduced appetite, weight loss, heart failure,
A drug is any substance that brings physical, psychological, emotional, and behavioral changes insomnia).
when used. ▪ Shabu (Ephedra Vulgaris Plant)
▪ Ecstasy
WHAT IS DRUG ABUSE? ▪ Cocaine – is a drug from the leaves of the Coca plant, a shrub that originated in South
Drug abuse is the overuse or consumption of drugs other than for medical reasons. America. This drug affects the central nervous system as a stimulant.

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▪ Volatile Substance – chemical substances that cause Central Nervous System 5. Kidney
▪ Inhalants – volatile chemical substances that contain psychoactive (mind/mood-altering) TEN THINGS YOUR FRIENDS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT DRUGS
vapors to produce a state of intoxication. Ex. Glue and Adhesive Cement / Rugby / Super 1. All drugs are essentially poisons.
Glue / Thinner 2. Drugs affect the mind.
3. People take drugs to get rid of unwanted feelings.
4. When a drug wears off, the person wants more.
The ill effects of Drug Abuse 5. Marijuana damages the lungs nerves and brain. It is the most dangerous drug because of its
PERSONAL hallucinogenic effect.
A. Mental Health 6. Speed can hook you even after only one use.
1. Poor perception 7. Ecstasy is one of the most dangerous drugs.
2. Disorientation 8. Drugs ruin creativity.
3. Poor judgment 9. Drugs dull all your senses.
4. Poor memory 10. Drugs stay in the body for years after you take them.
5. Prone to psychiatric illnesses
B. Physical Health What can a person do to prevent drug abuse?
1. Malnutrition ✔ Maintain good physical and mental health
2. AIDS ✔ Use drugs properly. Most drugs are beneficial when used under medical advice.
3. Hepatitis A,B,C ✔ Understand your own self. Accept and respect yourself for what you are.
4. Weakness ✔ Develop your potentials. Engage in wholesome productive and fulfilling activities.
5. Insomnia ✔ Learn to relate effectively with others. Have somebody to whom you can communicate your
6. Poor muscle coordination problems freely.
FAMILY ✔ Learn to cope with your problems and other stresses without the use of drugs.
1. Intense feeling of humiliation and guilt felt by the family. ✔ Seek professional help if you feel you cannot cope up with your problems.
2. Self-esteem are generally low among the family. ✔ Develop strong moral and spiritual foundations.
3. Spirit of unity is broken.
4. Occurrence of domestic violence. FORMULA TO WIN THE FIGHT AGAINST DANGEROUS DRUGS
5. Loss of valuables. N – Nurture your dreams
COMMUNITY O – Obey authorities
1. Increase of petty crimes in the community. D – Don’t even think about it
2. Increase of user and pusher. R – Resist negative pressure
3. Fear of residents to drug dependents especially at night. U – Use healthy alternatives
4. Neighborhood association becomes inactive. G – God is the answer
S – Say NO!!!!
Consequences of Drug Abuse
▪ Everybody could be a victim. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9165 – COMPREHENSIVE DANGEROUS DRUGS ACT OF 2002
▪ Threats for Chronic Diseases. SEC. 8 Manufacture of Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential
1. Heart – Heart enlargement, etc. Chemicals – The penalty of life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from Five hundred
2. Lungs thousand pesos(P500,000.000) to Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00), shall be imposed upon any
3. Brain person, who, unless authorized by law, shall engage in the manufacture of any dangerous drug.
4. Liver

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The penalty of imprisonment ranging from twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years imposed if it will be used to inject, ingest, inhale or otherwise introduce into the human body a
and a fine ranging from One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand dangerous drug in violation of this Act.
pesos (P500,000.00) shall be imposed upon any person, who, unless authorized by law, shall
manufacture any controlled precursor and essential chemical. The maximum penalty provided for under this Section shall be imposed upon any person, who
uses a minor or a mentally incapacitated individual to deliver such equipment, instrument,
The presence of any controlled precursor and essential chemical or laboratory equipment in the apparatus, and other paraphernalia for dangerous drugs.
clandestine laboratory is a prima facie proof of manufacture of any dangerous drug. It shall be
considered an aggravating circumstance if the clandestine laboratory is undertaken or established SEC. 11 Possession of Dangerous Drugs – The penalty of life imprisonment to death and a fine
under the following circumstances: ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00)
(a) Any phase of the manufacturing process was conducted in the presence or with the help of shall be imposed upon any person, who, unless authorized by law, shall possess any dangerous
minor/s; drug in the following quantities, regardless of the degree of purity thereof:
(b) Any phase or manufacturing process was established or undertaken within one hundred (100) (1) 10 grams or more of opium;
meters of a residential, business, church or school premises; (2) 10 grams or more of morphine;
(c) Any clandestine laboratory was secured or protected with booby traps; (3) 10 grams or more of heroin;
(d) Any clandestine laboratory was concealed with legitimate business operations; or (4) 10 grams or more of cocaine or cocaine hydrochloride;
(e) Any employment of a practitioner, chemical engineer, public official or foreigner. (5) 50 grams or more of methamphetamine hydrochloride or “shabu”;
(6) 10 grams or more of marijuana resin or marijuana resin oil;
The maximum penalty provided for under this Section shall be imposed upon any person, who (7) 500 grams or more of marijuana; and
organizes, manages, or acts as a “financier” of any of the illegal activities prescribed in this (8) 10 grams or more of other dangerous drugs such as, but not limited to,
Section. methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or “ecstasy”, paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA),
trimethoxyamphetamine (TMA), lysergic acid diethylamine (LSD), gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB),
The penalty of twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years of imprisonment and a fine and those similarly designed or newly introduced drugs and their derivatives, without having any
ranging from One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos therapeutic value or if the quantity possessed is far beyond therapeutic requirements, as
(P500,000.00) shall be imposed upon any person, who acts as a “protector/coddler” of any violator determined and promulgated by the Board in accordance to Section 93, Article XI of this Act.
of the provisions under this Section.
Otherwise, if the quantity involved is less than the foregoing quantities, the penalties shall be
SEC. 10 Manufacture or Delivery of Equipment, Instrument, Apparatus, and Other graduated as follows:
Paraphernalia for Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals (1) Life imprisonment and a fine ranging from Four hundred thousand pesos (P400,000.00) to Five
– The penalty of imprisonment ranging from twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00), if the quantity of methamphetamine hydrochloride or
and a fine ranging from One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand “shabu” is ten (10) grams or more but less than fifty (50) grams;
pesos (P500,000.00) shall be imposed upon any person who shall deliver, possess with intent to (2) Imprisonment of twenty (20) years and one (1) day to life imprisonment and a fine ranging from
deliver, or manufacture with intent to deliver equipment, instrument, apparatus and other Four hundred thousand pesos (P400,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00), if
paraphernalia for dangerous drugs, knowing, or under circumstances where one reasonably the quantities of dangerous drugs are five (5) grams or more but less than ten (10) grams of opium,
should know, that it will be used to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, morphine, heroin, cocaine or cocaine hydrochloride, marijuana resin or marijuana resin oil,
compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain or methamphetamine hydrochloride or “shabu”, or other dangerous drugs such as, but not limited to,
conceal any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical in violation of this MDMA or “ecstasy”, PMA, TMA, LSD, GHB, and those similarly designed or newly introduced
Act. drugs and their derivatives, without having any therapeutic value or if the quantity possessed is far
beyond therapeutic requirements; or three hundred (300) grams or more but less than five hundred
The penalty of imprisonment ranging from six (6) months and one (1) day to four (4) years and a (500) grams of marijuana; and
fine ranging from Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) to Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) shall be (3) Imprisonment of twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years and a fine ranging from
Three hundred thousand pesos (P300,000.00) to Four hundred thousand pesos (P400,000.00), if

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the quantities of dangerous drugs are less than five (5) grams of opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine the prevention of and deterrence in the use of dangerous drugs, and referral for treatment and
or cocaine hydrochloride, marijuana resin or marijuana resin oil, methamphetamine hydrochloride rehabilitation of students for drug dependence.
or “shabu”, or other dangerous drugs such as, but not limited to, MDMA or “ecstasy”, PMA, TMA,
LSD, GHB, and those similarly designed or newly introduced drugs and their derivatives, without SEC. 43 School Curricula – Instruction on drug abuse prevention and control shall be integrated
having any therapeutic value or if the quantity possessed is far beyond therapeutic requirements; in the elementary, secondary, and tertiary curricula of all public and private schools, whether
or less than three hundred (300) grams of marijuana. general, technical, vocational, or agro-industrial as well as in non-formal, informal, and indigenous
learning systems. Such instructions shall include:
SEC. 12 Possession of Equipment, Instrument, Apparatus & Other Paraphernalia for (1) Adverse effects of the abuse and misuse of dangerous drugs on the person, the family, the
Dangerous Drugs – The penalty of imprisonment ranging from six (6) months and one (1) day to school and the community;
four (4) years and a fine ranging from Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) to Fifty thousand pesos (2) Preventive measures against drug abuse;
(P50,000.00) shall be imposed upon any person, who, unless authorized by law, shall possess or (3) Health, socio-cultural, psychological, legal, and economic dimensions and implications of the
have under his/her control any equipment, instrument, apparatus and other paraphernalia fit or drug problem;
intended for smoking, consuming, administering, injecting, ingesting, or introducing any dangerous (4) Steps to take when intervention on behalf of a drug dependent is needed, as well as the
drug into the body: Provided, That in the case of medical practitioners and various professionals services available for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents; and
who are required to carry such equipment, instrument, apparatus, and other paraphernalia in the (5) Misconceptions about the use of dangerous drugs such as, but not limited to, the importance
practice of their profession, the Board shall prescribe the necessary implementing guidelines and safety of dangerous drugs for medical and therapeutic use as well as the differentiation
thereof. between medical patients and drug dependents in order to avoid confusion and accidental
stigmatization in the consciousness of the students.
The possession of such equipment, instrument, apparatus and other paraphernalia fit or intended
for any of the purposes enumerated in the preceding paragraph shall be prima facie evidence that SEC. 44 Heads, Supervisors and Teachers of Schools – For the purpose of enforcing the
the possessor has smoked, consumed, administered to himself/herself, injected, ingested or used provisions of Article II of this Act, all school heads, supervisors and teachers shall be deemed
a dangerous drug and shall be presumed to have violated Section 15 of this Act. persons in authority and, as such, are hereby empowered to apprehend, arrest or cause the
apprehension or arrest of any person who shall violate any of the said provisions, pursuant to
SEC. 15 Use of Dangerous Drugs – A person apprehended or arrested, who is found to be Section 5, Rule 113 of the Rules of Court. They shall be deemed persons in authority if they are in
positive for use of any dangerous drug, after a confirmatory test, shall be imposed a penalty of a the school or within its immediate vicinity, or even beyond such immediate vicinity if they are in
minimum of six (6) months rehabilitation in a government center for the first offense, subject to the attendance at any school or class function in their official capacity as school heads, supervisors,
provisions of Article VIII of this Act. If apprehended using any dangerous drug for the second time, and teachers.
he/she shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment ranging from six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve
(12) years and a fine ranging from Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) to Two hundred thousand Any teacher or school employee, who discovers or finds that any person in the school or within its
pesos (P200,000.00): Provided, That this Section shall not be applicable where the person tested immediate vicinity is liable for violating any of said provisions, shall have the duty to report the
is also found to have in his/her possession such quantity of any dangerous drug provided for under same to the school head or immediate superior who shall, in turn, report the matter to the proper
Section 11 of this Act, in which case the provisions stated therein shall apply. authorities.

SEC. 41 Involvement of the Family – The family being the basic unit of the Filipino society shall Failure to do so in either case, within a reasonable period from the time of discovery of the violation
be primarily responsible for the education and awareness of the members of the family on the ill shall, after due hearing, constitute sufficient cause for disciplinary action by the school authorities.
effects of dangerous drugs and close monitoring of family members who may be susceptible to
drug abuse.
SEC. 42 Student Councils and Campus Organizations – All elementary, secondary, and tertiary 1. Drugs
schools’ student councils and campus organizations shall include in their activities a program for 2. Drug Abuse
3. Drug Addiction

CWTS 1: Civic Welfare Training Service 1 Page 7 CWTS 1: Civic Welfare Training Service 1 Page 8
4. Commonly abused Drugs
5. Ill effects of Drug Abuse
6. Drug Prevention
7. R.A. 9165


For Type A and B Students (With Strong to Limited Internet Connection)
1. Please watch the following Video Clip:
Drug Abuse, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Visit the following link:

For Type C Students (With No Internet Connection)

1. Please read the following Paper:
Drug abuse among the students
Muhammad Zaman, PhD.
Printed Copy of the Paper.

Make a 3-sentence reflection on: “Why do some people become addicted, while others don’t?”
Rubrics for checking the Reaction/Reflection paper

Criteria %
Depth of Reflection 30%
Use of textual evidence 30%
Language use 30%
Conventions 10%
Total 100%

▪ https://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/teachers/teachingresources/discipline/physed/P
▪ https://archives.drugabuse.gov/blog/post/eight-questions-teens-about-drugs-and-alcohol
▪ https://www.ddb.gov.ph/preventive-education/trainings-and-seminars#:~:text=Objectives
▪ https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/2002/06/07/republic-act-no-9165/

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