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Tender Doc 84

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Mahatma Phule Renewable Energy and Infrastructure Technology Limited

(Subsidiary of MPBCDC, a Government of Maharashtra undertaking)

IN No. U40106MH2021SGC358784

Pre-bid queries clarifications: Dated 06/07/2022

Event No. 5037
e-Tender: MAHAPREIT/21-22/ETAP/H2/1
Manufacturer and suppliers Service Provider/Traders Developer for setting up 1 MW Green Hydrogen Plant integrated
with ecosystem on BOO basis and logistic arrangement within 100 Km.. RFP
Sr. Bid Clause details Clarification Sought by bidders MAHAPREIT Response
A Firm/Organisation name:- Matheson Tri-Gas Inc - Ashis Kar
1 Page No. 10 Clause no.1.4 EMD EMD Value of the project seems to be quite high. Clause amended.
Rs.10,00,000/- As this is a BOO project and Bidder is taking all the
risks for capex & opex, kindly waive off EMD or
decrease the value
2 Page No. 10 Clause no.1.9 Period of Work/ Time of Time of completion is written 3 months. Need Clause amended.
completion - 3 months minimum 12 months to execute a green field
project which includes land acquisition, getting all
the SWC etc
3 Page No. 6 Last date of Bid Submission We require minimum 3 months of time to prepare Tender Conditions Prevail.
17.06.2022 the bid. As we are a foreign company, many of our
signtatories are from outside india and many of the
documents asked required to filled and signed
accordingly. Plus to prepare a complete proposal
and firm pricing, we need to execute several
activities which takes around 12 to 14 weeks of
time for smaller projects and 14 to 16 weeks for
bigger project

4 Page No. 15 & 36 Mahapreit needs green hydrogen which can be Tender Conditions Prevail.
Clause no.3.1.0 & 1.3 produced both from Green electrolysis and bio-
Definition of green hydrogen fuels as per approved MOPNG definition. Please
consider of adding an option for hydrogen from bio-
fuels along with Green electrolyser. Let bidder
choose which one will be more cost effective for

5 Page No. 15 Clause no.3.1.0 Definition of BOO By BOO, it only means Build, Own & Operate. There Tender Conditions Prevail.
should not be any transfer of asset after contract is
over as the bidder will be investing significant
amount in Renewable power which has more life. If
Mahapreit wants to extend the contract, the same
can be extended post completion of contract
period. This is a standard practice across all the
refineries and fertilizer companies.

6 Page No. 15 Clause no.3.1.0 Period of BOO contract The period of such contract must be minimum 15 Clause Amended.
years which is a standard practise. We recommend
to make the contract of 20 Years minimum so that
Mahapreit can get maximum benefits from the

7 Page No. 22 Clause no.2 Eligible bidder Kindly consider the tender as a global tender and Tender Conditions Prevail.
allow foreign bidder to bid and establish a SPV to
operate plant in case of they win the project.
Please confirm.
8 Page No. 36 Clause no.1.2 Location Location needs to be specified or targeted Tender Conditions Prevail.
customers should be identified. The mode of
transportation of hydrogen will matter a lot. If its
onsite based pipeline, the hydrogen logistics cost
will be minimum.
9 Page No. 36 Clause no.1.2 Location Bidder recommends to give any govt land near or Tender Conditions Prevail.
inside premise of any one of the targeted customer
for quick project management.

10 Page No. 36 Clause no.1.1 Contract type There are different types of BOO model i.e. Job Tender Conditions Prevail.
Work basis, Lease & O&M model &
Conventional/Green field BOO model.All models
have different tax implciations and billing
processes. We recommend Mahapreit to clarify on
the method of BOO model and billing process for
tax compliances.
11 Page No. 37 Clause no. 1.5 Pressure of Hydrogen If MAHAPREIT intends to transport hydrogen from Tender Conditions Prevail.
the plant via trucked lorry within 100KM then the
pressure of trucked hydrogen should be 200 BarG
where as the piped hydrogen can be up to 30 barg.
Kindly clarify what is the usage pressure.

12 Page No. 42 Clause no.4 Duty of the plant In Green hydrogen the green power till date not Tender Conditions Prevail.
100% RTC due to state discom ruling. So, the plant
can not be 100% continuous duty. However, we can
store enough hydrogen onsite to make the supply
100% RTC. Please consider this 100% availability
factor should be attributed to "Green Hydrogen"
not the "Plant".

13 Page No. 42 Clause no.4 Part load Please clarfiy what is the maximum turndown/de- Tender Conditions Prevail.
loading (Part load) is expected.

14 Page No. 42 Clause no.4.2 Oxygen Does MAHAPREIT want bidder to vent out the Tender Conditions Prevail.
oxygen to atmosphere or Bidder can arrange to sell
the oxygen in merchant marke to give more cost
benefits to MAHAPREIT?
B HAL Offshore Ltd
1 Page No. 10 Clause no.1.4 EMD EMD 10 lacs very high and unreasonable Clause amended.
Rs.10,00,000/- for BOO. Should be max 1 L only as
bidder is going to invest 100% money
2 Page No. 10 Clause no.1.9 Period of Work/ Time of Period of completion – 3 M too small – Clause amended.
completion-3 Months have to be minimum 1 year provided land /
utilities / and end product generation is
ready by owner
3 Page No. 10 Clause no.1.6 Retention Security Retention is not acceptable as this is BOO where all Tender Conditions Prevail.
Deposite 5% per Value Payable. investment is done by bidder and is being paid per
kg of hydrogen .
4 What about payment in case H2 is not tapped . Tender Conditions Prevail.
How bidder will be compensated. There should be
mechanism to pay minimum amount to bidder in
case hydrogen is not being tapped due to any
reason accountable to owner
5 Page No. 28, Clause no.24, b) Negotiations In BOO – RA / negotiation – not Tender Conditions Prevail.
6 Page No. 32, Clause no.34, Terms and procedures Payment in 60 days too high ( have to be Tender Conditions Prevail.
of payment max 30 days )
7 Page No. 39, Clause no.3, Performance H2 pressure availability to be decided by Tender Conditions Prevail.
Guarantee(PG) 2 Hydrogen pressure- Minimum bidder based on technology chosen and
99.999 Vol%. not by MAHAPREIT
8 Land to be provided by owner as it is not possible Tender Conditions Prevail.
to estimate land price in and around Mumbai
without having any clarity of owner.
9 Page No. 40, Clause no.3.1 Guarantee Test All utilities – CW / DM water / N2 line / air Tender Conditions Prevail.
line to be provided by owner at battery
limits of plant
10 Page No.32 Clause No.35 Pricing Mechanism & 2 year period is too small . We suggest to keep for Clause amended.
Annexure 7 price schedule (price bid) 5 years and this tender should be BOOT . ie after 5
a. Bidder shall quote a firm price in INR. This price years it become property of MAHAPREIT . No
will be firmed for first 2 years. At the end of 2nd negotiation required for H2 prices after 2 years
year, the Hydrogen gas price will be reviewed and then as it will eradicate any ambiguity
decided mutually based on onward purchase
contract done by MAHAPREIT

11 Storage space to be provided by owner during Tender Conditions Prevail.

execution and commissioning

12 Construction power and water to be arranged by Tender Conditions Prevail.

or shall be provided by owner. Pls clarity

13 Power supply clarity to be provided – grid Tender Conditions Prevail.

or renewable – as it impact H2 generation
for a day / year
C ACME Cleantech Solutions Private Limited - Meghna Chandra , Dy. Manager (Regulatory)
1 Page No. 10 Clause no.1.9 Period of Work/ Time of 3 months time period is too short for project Clause amended.
completion - 3 months completion. It is requested to extend the same by
atleast 6 more months along with incentives for
before time completion.
2 Page no.15 & 16 Clause No.3.1.12 A Technical We request tendering authorities to kindly allow to Tender Conditions Prevail.
Criteria of BEC (ii)a &b finalise and submit the Joint undertaking post
a. The bidder should have executed/ developed award of contract and to qualify the technical
industrial project(s) as Engineering, Procurement, criteria, we request tendering authorities to kindly
and Construction (EPC) Contractor/ Engineering, allow the bidders to qualify who qualify under A.(ii)
Procurement, and Construction management (a) clause.
(EPCM) consultant in the area of Process in
Hydrogen Generation Plant / power / Metal / Oil & Finalising and signing the Undertaking at this stage
Gas / Chemical / Petrochemical / Hydrocarbon / with Manufacturers will lead to price disadvantage
Fertilizer during last 7 (Seven) years prior to the bid for bidders and also, most of manufacturers will
due date, with a Cumulative value of such project not be in favour of same and prefer to sign or enter
(s) Rs 10 (Ten) crores or more with individual value into tie up / agreements post award of contract
of such projects under single contract should not be only.
less than Rs. 2 (Two) Crores. The reference
project(s) should be in successful operation for at In view of that, we request tendering authorities to
least 6 (six) months prior to the bid due date. AND kindly accept and confirm.
b. The bidder should have a Joint Undertaking with
a Manufacturer who meets the Technical Criteria as
mentioned above for supply of PEM/AEM/Alkaline
Electrolyzer/Stack. The Bidder and Manufacturer
must sign an undertaking for successful completion
of the Contract. The Undertaking should be
submitted along with the Techno-Commercial bid,
failing which the Bidder shall be disqualified and its
bid shall be rejected.
3 Page no.15 & 16 Clause No.3.1.12 Technical It is suggested to remove this clause as tie-up Tender Conditions Prevail.
Criteria of BEC A(ii)a &b before award of contract makes the bid
a. The bidder should have executed/developed uncompetitive OR allow to provide more than one
industrial project(s) as Engineering, Procurement, tie-ups along with flexibility to finally tie-up with a
and Construction (EPC) Contractor/ Engineering, separate manufacturer with whom there was no tie-
Procurement, and Construction management up during bid submission.
(EPCM) consultant in the area of Process in and
Hydrogen Generation Plant / power / Metal / Oil & Kindly confirm if the Bidder can tie up with more
Gas / Chemical / Petrochemical / Hydrocarbon / than 1 manufacturers at pre-bid stage and firm up
Fertilizer during last 7 (Seven) years prior to the bid the agreement with one of those manufacturers
due date, with a Cumulative value of such project after finalisation?
(s) Rs 10 (Ten) crores or more with individual value
of such projects under single contract should not be Also confirm if a new manufacturer can be tied up
less than Rs. 2 (Two) Crores. The reference with post award of contract as it is possible due to
project(s) should be in successful operation for at fluctuating contract proce offers, competitive
least 6 (six) months prior to the bid due date. pricing, etc.
b. The bidder should have a Joint Undertaking with Please elaborate on what is "tie-up" or what sort of
a Manufacturer who meets the Technical Criteria as document would be required to showcase "tie-up"?
mentioned above for supply of PEM/AEM/Alkaline
Electrolyzer/Stack. The Bidder and Manufacturer Please confirm if the bidder can tie up with more
must sign an undertaking for successful completion than one manufacturer and act as a consortium?
of the Contract. The Undertaking should be
submitted along with the Techno-Commercial bid,
failing which the Bidder shall be disqualified and its
bid shall be rejected.

4 Page no.35 Location, Clause No 1.2 t is suggested to provide land in the vicinity of Tender Conditions Prevail.
Bidder shall declare specific location in the vicinity onward purchaser so as to reduce the
of Fertilizers and Refineries plant in Maharashtra transportation cost.
state. AND
We request tendering authorities to kindly
elaborate more on locaton of plant, as it's unclear
from the said clause regarding where to setup the
We request to firm up specific place/ area before
the closing date of bid as it will heavily impact the
costing structure.
5 Page no.35, Clause No1.1,MAHAPREIT intends to In line with this clause, We understand that per day Tender Conditions Prevail.
set up 1 MW @ 0.4 Ton per day (TPD) Green requirment is 0.4 Ton per day.
Hydrogen production unit, based on electrolysis of
water from Developer/Trader/Manufactures etc. We request to kindly clarify if the requirement of
on BOO basis OPEX Model along with logistic 0.4 Ton per day required in complete 24 hours in a
arrangement within 100 KM. day or Bidder can supply it during day hours as

Kindly confirm.
6 Page no.35, Clause No1.1,MAHAPREIT intends to Kindly confimr the usage of the generated Clause amended.
set up 1 MW @ 0.4 Ton per day (TPD) Green hydrogen and if the same required to be stored in
Hydrogen production unit, based on electrolysis of Storage unit for further use by end user.
water from Developer/Trader/Manufactures etc.
on BOO basis OPEX Model along with logistic Also, kindly confirm if storage unit to be provided
arrangement within 100 KM. or not.
7 Page no.40, Clause No 3.1 3 (iii) We request tendering authority to kindly confirm Tender Conditions Prevail.
Sourcing of power: RE Power (TP 3, Electrical) regarding the sourcing of RE power.

Is bidder allowed to setup the RE plant (Solar) in

vicinity of the Hydrogen plant or Bidder required to
source the power on its own. RFS at one place
mentions about "solar" but at other places
mentions RE power. Please clarify whether other
RE sources are eligible or not?

Request tendering authority to provide further

elaboration regarding same.

Also elaborate on "Battery limit will be mutually

decided." When will this be decided - Post award of
contract? It is suggested that a detailed clarification
be issued on battery storage before the bid
submission date.
8 Page no.Utilisation of Green Hydrogen We request to kindly provide more details Tender Conditions Prevail.
regarding the usage of generated Hydrogen. How
Mahapreit wants to utilise the same.
9 Page no.Material / Equipment of plant We request tendering authorities to kindly clarify if Tender Conditions Prevail.
there is any restriction on sourcing of equipment /
material of Green Hydrogen plant.

10 Page no.32 Clause No.35 Pricing Mechanism We request for further clarification regarding the clause amended.
a. Bidder shall quote a firm price in INR. This price time period for which the agreement duration will
will be firmed for first 2 years. At the end of 2nd be extended.
year, the Hydrogen gas price will be reviewed and
decided mutually based on onward purchase Also, we request to kindly consider to firm up the
contract done by MAHAPREIT for next two years duration and price at once rather than to renew
and so on. every two years.
11 Page no.32 Clause No.35 Pricing Mechanism As per Bidder understanding , bidder required to Clause amended.
a. Bidder shall quote a firm price in INR. This price supply the Hydrogen on per KG basis.
will be firmed for first 2 years. At the end of 2nd
year, the Hydrogen gas price will be reviewed and So, in line with that, kindly clarify regarding
decided mutually based on onward purchase breakup in which bidder required to provide the
contract done by MAHAPREIT for next two years cost breakup or tendering authorities may please
and so on.The new price depends on cost of input provide the specific format for cost breakup.
RE power from distribution and transmission Please also provide a clarification on transportation
companies/Energy exchanges. The bidder shall cost.
provide breakup of cost of hydrogen generation per
Kg. along with price bid submitted. Bidder shall
pass on any incentives and discounts provided by
Govt. policy time to time. In future after first two
years if any price indexation
(National/International) applicable to Green
Hydrogen adopted by MNRE, Govt. companies or
MoP Govt. of India will be applicable for review

12 Page no.Note: In case any unregistered bidder is Kindly clarify regarding meaning of unregistered Tender Conditions Prevail.
submitting their bid, their prices will be loaded with bidder means in this said clause.
applicable GST (CGST & SGST/UTGST or IGST)
during evaluation of bid.

13 Page no.Request for extension of Submission date We request for additional 4 weeks for submission Tender Conditions Prevail.
of tender. As its first of its kind tender, we request
to kindly provide suitable time for finalising the bid.
This will be helpful in achieving competitive prices.
14 Page no.Penalty will be imposed on shortfall in Please clarify and provide copies of forward Tender Conditions Prevail.
supply and as per forward purchase agreement. purchase agreement and onward purchase
Penalty will be imposed on Quality as per Onward agreement/ onward purchaser quality norms.
purchaser quality norms.
Please provide details on penalty.

D Thermax Ltd. -Tushar Patil

1 Request Mahapreit to assure hydrogen off-take Clause amended.
guarantee for at least 10 years since investments
would be made by the winning bidder upfront, this
will help in protecting the IRR for bidders & result
in competitive hydrogen cost.

2 Procuring/leasing land for such a small capacity Tender Conditions Prevail.

would be a challenge, we would suggest that the
land be allotted in the facility of the user
(RCF/BPCL), this will serve following purposes,
a. Land procurement/leasing will be avoided
thereby reducing the cost of hydrogen.
b. Hydrogen handling will be simplified as
requirement for transportation will be eliminated.
c. Utilities required for hydrogen generation like
water, nitrogen etc. can by made available by the
end user.

3 Statutory variations on account of policy Tender Conditions Prevail.

change/tax etc shall be to the procurers account,
bidder shall submit price of hydrogen at the battery
limits of the plant.
4 Hydrogen price shall be agreed on ex-works (point Tender Conditions Prevail.
of generation) basis, transportation cost shall be
extra at actuals.
5 Utilities like DM water, cooling water, nitrogen etc. Tender Conditions Prevail.
shall be made available by Mahapreit.
6 Page No. 10 Clause no.1.9 Period of Work/ Time of Completion time mentioned in the RFS is 3 months, Clause Amended.
completion - 3 months request Mahapreit to consider extending the
execution timeline to 6 months.

7 Page No. 6 Last date of Bid Submission Request you to increase the bid submission Tender Conditions Prevail.
17.06.2022 deadline & extend it at least by another 3 months.

8 Since location is yet to be finalized, request civil to Tender Conditions Prevail.

be kept out of the scope at this stage.
1 Page no.40 Clause No.3.13(i) Authority shall be arrange water supply for Tender Conditions Prevail.
TP1, Water: Bidder shall be arrange hydrogen generation and cooling purpose at
water supply for hydrogen generation battery limit of Hydrogen Generation Plant. Further
and cooling purpose at battery limit of distribution as per the requirement of hydrogen
Hydrogen Generation Plant. Further generation plants shall be in the Authority scope
distribution as per the requirement of
hydrogen generation plants shall be in
the bidder scope
F L&T-Green Energy-Green Energy Development & EPC projects-Ayan Das
1 Page no.5 Clause No .Section 1 Owner is request to clarify whether it is a Express Tender Conditions Prevail.
EoI Document Number : CGM/ETAP/H2/1 of Interest (EoI) and Definite Tender

Online electronic bids for below mentioned work

2 Page no.5 Clause No .Section 1 Bidder requests to inform the year of Operation Tender Conditions Prevail.
Experienced Manufacturer and suppliers Service after building the Green Hydrogen Plant.
Provider/Traders/Developers for Setting up of Also Kindly clarify the OPEX MODEL requirement.
1MW Green Hydrogen based Project on “Build-
Own-Operate” basis (OPEX MODEL) integrated with
3 Page no.6 Clause No. Section 1 Bidder propose to consider the Bid validity from Tender Conditions Prevail.
Validity Period: The offer of the Bidder shall remain Submission of Techno-commercial bid, since date
valid for 120 days from the date of opening of of opening of financial Bid is not yet published.
financial Bid
4 Page no.16 Clause No. 3.1.12 A Owner to confirm that Bidder can be a consortium Tender Conditions Prevail.
Technical Criteria of BEC entity and anyone of consortium members will
(i) Bidder should be a manufacturer or a channel meeting the Bid Qualification requirement will be
partner of manufacturer/Developer of allowed to executed the ordered.

5 Page no.21 Clause No.3.1 Owner to confirm that Bidder can be a consortium Tender Conditions Prevail.
Bidder shall submit only 'one [01] Bid' in the same entity and anyone of consortium members will
Bidding Process either as single entity or as a meeting the Bid Qualification requirement will be
member of any consortium (wherever consortium allowed to executed the ordered.
bid is allowed).
6 Page no.66 Format of DJU Bidder understand that Lead bidder of consortium Tender Conditions Prevail.
THE BIDDER / Kindly confirm bidder's understanding.
7 Page no.66 Format of DJU Bidder request to allow for submission of the bid Tender Conditions Prevail.
The Undertaking should be submitted along with without DJU, since it's BOO Bidder responsibility to
the Techno-Commercial bid, failing which the choose appropriate OEM for electrolyser.
Bidder shall be disqualified and Please confirm.
its bid shall be rejected.
8 Page no.7 Bidder requests to share the Online meeting link, Tender Conditions Prevail.
Date and time of Online Pre Bid which was not available in your website.
Meeting:03.06.2022 at 14.00 hrs
Offline-At our Office address, Notice for the online
meeting - link will be published on mahapreit.in
9 Page no.11 Clause No.B 1.1 Bidder understand that obtaining all statutory Tender Conditions Prevail.
Name of work: The scope of proposal setting up approvals will be Owner's activity. However, Bidder
1MW Hydrogen Generation Plant shall include will assist Owner by arranging documentation i.e.
Design, Engineering, Fabrication, Packaging, Design basis report, survey report.
forwarding, supply, transportation...... mandatory Please confirm
spares obtaining all statutory approvals and
Training for the staff on Build own and operate
basis (BOO) Opex model

10 Page no.11 Clause No.B 1.6Retention Security Bidder understand that Retention Security Deposit Clause is amended.
Deposit @ 5% per Value Payable will be paid during finalization of contract.

Section-IV Clause 28.2The contract performance Kindly clarify the percentage of security, since two
security shall be for an amount equal to 10% clauses contradictory.
Please confirm

11 Page no.11 Clause No.B 1.9 Period of Work 3 Bidder understand that 3 months period is Bidding Clause is amended.
Months activity of the project. Bidder will consider 24
months the completion schedule of project.
Please confirm.

12 Page no.29 Clause No.Section-IV/24.i Evaluation Owner is request to clarify who are the "Channel Channel Partners - participants in expression of
Criteria : Partners (Knowledge/Capex Partner)". intrest EoI published by MAHAPREIT for selection of
The Tender Clause
regarding the “Right of First Refusal” (ROFR) can be
considered to facilitate Channel Partners
(Knowledge/Capex Partner) to secure a new work
of Pilot Project or carry out left over work

13 Page no.33 Clause No.Section-IV/33 Kindly share draft Hydrogen Purchase agreement. Tender Conditions Prevail.
a. Bidder shall quote a firm price in INR. This price
will be firmed for first 2 years. At the end of 2nd
year, the Hydrogen gas price will be reviewed and
decided mutually based on onward purchase
contract done by MAHAPREIT for next two years
and so on.
14 Page no.34 Clause No.Section-IV/33 Kindly share Carbon Credit Mechanism for Carbon Tender Conditions Prevail.
b. MAHAPREIT will assist to establish Carbon Credit credit trading.
Mechanism for Carbon credit trading. Amount
received through such mechanism will be shared in
the ratio of 50:50.
15 Page no.34 Clause No.Section-IV/33 Please inform to who will be the Hydrogen Off Tender Conditions Prevail.
d. MAHAPREIT will decide the Marketing margin taker.
and administrative charges while executing onward Also, share the draft agreement with Off taker to
selling Contract with probable purchasers. understand the Bidder's responsibility.

16 Page no.36 & 37 Clause No.Section-V/01 & 1.4 Bidder would like to inform that some Electrolyser Clause is amended.
MAHAPREIT intends to set up 1 MW @ 0.4 Ton per OEMs have 1 MW stack that will not be able to
day (TPD) Green Hydrogen production unit, produce 20 kg/h (Guaranteed production).

2. Hydrogen -Design Capacity @0.4 TPD ( 20 Kindly review the Hydrogen generation Design
Kg/hr)*Guaranteed Capacity capacity.

17 Page no.36 Clause No.No.Section-V/1.1 & 1.2 Please clarify whether Bidder will identify the Tender Conditions Prevail.
MAHAPREIT intends to set up 1 MW @ 0.4 Ton per project location or client will provide.
day (TPD) Green Hydrogen production unit, based
on electrolysis of water from Kindly clarify the requirement of logistic
Developer/Trader/Manufactures etc. on BOO basis arrangement within 100 KM.
OPEX Model along with logistic arrangement within
100 KM.

Bidder shall declare specific location in the vicinity
of Fertilizers and Refineries plant in Maharashtra
18 Page no.36 Clause No.Section-V/1.4 Kindly clarify Bidder's responsibility for arranging of Tender Conditions Prevail.
Plant input Parameters: Renewable power for this project.
Power Grid Power, 3 Phase, 6.6kV and 415 V

2.3 Facilities Provided by MAHAPREIT

e) MAHAPREIT will assist for connectivity of
Renewable Energy (RE) including Open access
supply on priority and also assist for such
connectivity issues of distribution and transmission
19 Page no.36 & 41 Clause No.Section-V/1.4 & 3.1.2 Kindly clarify Bidder's responsibility for arranging of Tender Conditions Prevail.
Quality of Input Water for Hydrogen Production Water for this project.
(Demineralized Water)
Also, clarify the quality of the water.
TP1, Water: Bidder shall be arrange water supply
for hydrogen generation and cooling purpose at
battery limit of Hydrogen Generation Plant. Further
distribution as per the requirement of hydrogen
generation plants shall be in the bidder scope

20 Page no.41 Clause No. Section-V/3.1.2 Kindly clarify plant capacity, whether it is 0.5 TPD Clause is amended.
TP3, Electrical: Bidder shall arrange RE power 3 and 0.4 TPD.
phase 6.6 kV and 415 V AC power supply of
adequate rating to feed 0.5TPD Hydrogen
Generation Plant. Any other voltage level, if
required for the system, shall be arranged by the
Bidder system from plant switchgear to Hydrogen
Generation Plant HT/LT switchgear shall be under
the bidder’s scope. Battery limit will be mutually
21 Page no.23 Clause No.Section-IV/2.6 Bidder requests Owner to clarify the list of inputs Tender Conditions Prevail.
(II) In case of a Consortium, Power of Attorney shall about consortium to be submitted to client during
be issued both by Leader as well as Consortium Bid submission.
Member(s) of the Consortium as per procedure
defined herein above in favour of employee of
Leader of
22 Page No. 10 Clause no.1.4 EMD Bidder requests Owner to waive off the EMD Clause is amended.
Rs.10,00,000/- amount inline with other government tenders.

23 Page no.7 Bidder requests Owner to provide 3 months time Tender Conditions Prevail.
Last Date and time of Bid Submission:17.06.2021 at extension for submission of Bid form receipt of
17.00 hrs. reply on queries.
1 Section -V/ SOW 1.1 What kind of logistics arrangement would be Tender Conditions Prevail.
MAHAPREIT intends to set up 1 MW @ 0.4 Ton per required within 100 km (Trucks/rail/pipeline?) Probably Truck
day (TPD) Green Hydrogen production unit, based
on electrolysis of water from
Developer/Trader/Manufactures etc. on BOO basis
OPEX Model along with logistic arrangement within
100 KM.
2 4. General Operational Criteria and Conditions: Propose: 100% RE RTC will be very costly. 85-90% Tender Conditions Prevail.
(Guidelines), Clause 1 CUF will be easier to achieve and be of lower tariff.
The Hydrogen Generation plant shall be designed This would only require little oversizing of
for continuous duty with 100% capacity electrolyser

3 Clause 25: Award Total duration of the contract is not mentioned Tender Conditions Prevail.

4 3. Performance Guarantee, Clause1 Hydrogen production of 20kg per hours would at Clause is amended.
Hydrogen Production: Minimum 20 Kg/hr * least require a hydrogen plant of min 1.14 MW
input load (except SOEC, which would required
1.06 MW at least)
5 Storage capacity of hydrogen is not mentioned. Tender Conditions Prevail.
May kindly mention
6 clause 3.1.12(B) It is understood that the requirement of annual Tender Conditions Prevail.
Annual Turnover: turnover is being specified to ensure the working
The minimum annual turnover of the bidder as per capital requirement of the project. Hence it is not
the audited annual clear that why separate clause for working capital is
financial statement in any one of the three being specified. May kindly delete the clause
preceding financial years pertaining to working capital. In addition to this, to
shall be INR 5,00,00,000/-. felicitate the participation of newly formed
companies, may please include the provision for
giving the In-Principle sanction letter from the
lending institutions/banks of the bidder,
committing a line of credit for meeting the annual
turnover criteria. This is in line with the industry
standard practice.

7 clause 3.1.12(B) It is understood that the requirement of annual "Working Capital The minimum working capital of
Working Capital The minimum working capital of turnover is being specified to ensure the working the bidder as per the audited annual financial
the bidder as per the audited annual financial capital requirement of the project. Hence it is not statement of last financial year shall be INR
statement of last financial year shall be INR clear that why separate clause for working capital is 2,00,00,000/-." This clause is removed
2,00,00,000/-. being specified. May kindly delete the clause
pertaining to working capital. In addition to this, to
felicitate the participation of newly formed
companies, may please include the provision for
giving the In-Principle sanction letter from the
lending institutions/banks of the bidder,
committing a line of credit for meeting the annual
turnover criteria. This is in line with the industry
standard practice.

8 clause-1.9 which is very less for execute, may kindly consider Clause is amended.
period of work is 3 months for extension of time.
H 3R Management (P) Ltd
1 Page No. 6 Last date of Bid Submission We request you to extend the bid last dates for 2-3 Tender Conditions Prevail.
17.06.2022 weeks
I Damodhartech International Pvt. Ltd
1 Page No. 6 Last date of Bid Submission As we had extended our interest in participation for Tender Conditions Prevail.
17.06.2022 “ Setting up of 1 MW Green Hydrogen Plant”
through below email, we will require some more
time to bid for this tender.
We request you for the extension of the tender by
another 15-20 days, so that we will be able to bid.


1 we request you to kindly consider our request for Tender Conditions Prevail.
scheduling 2nd Pre-Bid Meeting as per your
convenient schedule to discuss our concerns &
Queries and enable us to submit our Best Techno-
Commercial Offer for the subject Tender.

2 Page No. 6 Last date of Bid Submission we would request you to kindly Extend the Bid Tender Conditions Prevail.
17.06.2022 Submission deadline for minimum 4 weeks against
the actual Bid deadline i.e., 17-June-2022, to
prepare and submit our Bid response accordingly.

K Jakson Group
1 Page No. 60 PRICE SCHEDULE (PRICE BID) What is the project contract period for quoting the Clause is amended.
ANNEXURE 7 unit cost of generation?
2 Page No. 10 Clause no.1.4 EMD Kindly reduce the EMD as INR 10,00,000 is huge Clause is amended.
amount for this type of tender.

Following Clauses are amended.

1 Page No. 10 Clause no.1.4 EMD Rs. Three lacks sixtty thousand Rupees Rs.3,60,000/- + GST
2 Page No. 10 Clause no.1.9 Period of Work/ Time of completion - 6 months
3 Page No. 31 Clause no.28.3 The PS has to cover the 5 % entire contract value including extra works/services also. While remitting such online transaction,
the bidder must indicate “Security Deposit/ Contract Performance Security against Contract no. (contractor to specify Contract No.)” under remarks column
of such transaction of respective bank portal.The contractor/vendor shall be required to submit the successful transaction details to the dealing officer
immediately through email/letter. .
4 Page No.32 Clause No.35 Pricing Mechanism & Annexure 7 price schedule (price bid)
a. Page no.32 Clause No.35 Pricing Mechanism
a. Bidder shall quote a firm price in INR. This price will be firmed for first 5 years. At the end of 5th year, the Hydrogen gas price will be reviewed and decided
mutually based on onward purchase contract done by MAHAPREIT for next five years and so on.The new price depends on cost of input supply RE power
from distribution and transmission companies/Energyexchanges. MAHAPREIT Reserve the right to extend the contract further.The bidder shall provide
breakup of cost of hydrogen generation per Kg. along with price bid submitted. Bidder shall pass on any incentives and discounts provided by Govt. policy
time to time. In future after first five years if any price indexation (National/International) applicable to Green Hydrogen adopted by MNRE, Govt. companies
or MoP Govt. of India will be applicable for review pricing.
Any statuary variation will be applicable as per forward contract with purchaser.

5 Page No.33 Clause No.36 Delivery Schedule

Bidder shall supply gas as per the monthly delivery schedule submitted by MAHAPREIT prior to 25 days from the date supply. this clause Is newly added.

6 Page no.36 & 37 Clause No.Section-V/01 & 1.4

MAHAPREIT intends to set up 1 MW @ 0.2 Ton per day (TPD) Green Hydrogen production unit. Whereever it is applicable in Bid Documents(technical
specifiction 0.2 tpd green hydrogen production ).
7 clause 3.1.12(B)
"Working Capital The minimum working capital of the bidder as per the audited annual financial statement of last financial year shall be INR 2,00,00,000/-."
This clause is removed.
8 Page No. 29 Clause 25.1 Period of supply of Green Hydrogen- Fifteen( 15) yearsMAHAPREIT Reserve the right to extend the contract further.this clause
Is newly added.
9 Page No. 60 PRICE SCHEDULE (PRICE BID) ANNEXURE 7A And 7B is amended.
10 Page No.33 Clause No.37 ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER:
Before acceptance, the successful Bidder will be called for negotiation by appropriate officers of MAHAPREIT. The documents related to such negations along
with modified offer of the successful Bidder if any shall also form the part of contract. After such negotiations the acceptance of offer may be intimated to
the contractor by email. Such intimation shall be deemed to be an intimation of acceptance of offer Bidder whose offer is accepted will have to complete the
contract signing and formalities within15 days from the date of intimation. In the event of failure of the Bidder to sign the agreement within the stipulated
time, the earnest money, paid by Bidder shall be liable to be forfeited. The acceptance of the offer shall also be liable to be considered as withdrawn. In that
event the work will be awarded to next or any other contractor to whom the MAHAPREIT considers suitable. RFP Acceptance Authority reserves the right to
reject any or all offers in full or part without assigning any
reasons. This Clause is Newly Added.
11 Page No.29 Clause No.4.82 4.8.2 MAHAPREIT reserves the right to place order to bidder at the rate of L1 bidder which is decided after final negotiations as
per clause 24(i) a&b and Clause 37 MAHAPREIT reserves the right to accept/reject any bid in part or in full or all the bids without assigning any reasons. This
Clause is amended.
12 Page No. 69 Annexure 13 Technical details is newly added.
Note: All above amendments are integral part of tender document.
(To be submitted online Only)

Name of the project: Selection of bidder developer/Manufacturer for 1 MW Electrolyzer green

Hydrogen Generation Plant proposal includes Design, Engineering, Fabrication, Packaging,
forwarding, supply, transportation and handling, insurance, unloading, construction, erection,
commissioning, Testing, Performance Guaranty Test including mandatory spares obtaining all
statutory approvals and Training for the staff as per the Scope of Work mentioned on Build-own-
Operate Basis Opex Model.

Bid Specification No. -----------------------

Name of Bidder:

S. No. Description Fixed Price in INR

per Kg
1 1 MW Electrolyzer Hydrogen Generation Plant with Hybrid
Green Power (solar+ wind +DISCOM) proposal include
Design, Engineering, Fabrication, Packaging, forwarding,
supply, transportation and handling, insurance, unloading,
construction, erection, commissioning, Testing,
Performance Guaranty Test including mandatory spares
obtaining all statutory approvals and Training for the staff
as per the Scope of Work mentioned. Please submit logistic
arrangement within 100 KM along with cost of logistic in
Rs/KM. The land/Location will be provided by MAHAPREIT.
2 1 MW Electrolyzer Hydrogen Generation Plant with Hybrid
Green Power (solar+ wind + DISCOM) proposal include
Design, Engineering, Fabrication, Packaging, forwarding,
supply, transportation and handling, insurance, unloading,
construction, erection, commissioning, Testing,
Performance Guaranty Test including mandatory spares
obtaining all statutory approvals and Training for the staff
as per the Scope of Work mentioned. Please submit logistic
arrangement within 100 KM along with cost of logistic in
Rs/KM. The land/Location shall be provided by Bidder.
Total Rs.

Total in words: for 1 Rs. …………………………………

2 Rs. …………………………………

We confirm that
1. Bidder shall quote a firm price in INR. This price will be firmed for first 5 years. At
the end of 5th year, the Hydrogen gas price will be reviewed and decided mutually
based on onward purchase contract done by MAHAPREIT for next five years and
so on. The new price depends on cost of input supply RE power from distribution
and transmission companies/Energy exchanges. MAHAPREIT Reserve the right
to extend the contract further. The bidder shall provide breakup of cost of
hydrogen generation per Kg. along with price bid submitted. Bidder shall pass on
any incentives and discounts provided by Govt. policy time to time. In future after
first five years if any price indexation (National/International) applicable to Green
Hydrogen adopted by MNRE, Govt. companies or MoP Govt. of India will be
applicable for review pricing.
2. Any statuary variation will be applicable as per forward contract with the
3. The price quoted by the bidder inclusive of all taxes & duties except GST
4. The evaluation of all techno-commercially acceptable bids, to arrive at the lowest
evaluated bid, shall be carried after considering total quoted lumpsum price for
the complete system excluding Goods & Service Tax (GST).

Note: In case any unregistered bidder is submitting their bid, their prices will be loaded
with applicable GST (CGST & SGST/UTGST or IGST) during evaluation of bid.
1. All Indian Taxes & Duties including Income Tax shall be borne as applicable.
2. The Prices will remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of the price bid.
3. The offer submitted is irrevocable and unconditional without any deviations.
4. I/We agree to all the Terms and conditions and accept Scope of Work & terms & conditions
as mentioned in the Bid Document and undertake to perform the duties to the satisfaction of the


(Signature of the Authorized Representative of Bidder) Name …………………………

…………………… Designation ……………………
(Official Address) Seal of Company……………
(To be submitted online Only)

Name of the project: Selection of bidder developer/Manufacturer for 1 MW Electrolyzer green

Hydrogen Generation Plant proposal include Design, Engineering, Fabrication, Packaging,
forwarding, supply, transportation and handling, insurance, unloading, construction, erection,
commissioning, Testing, Performance Guaranty Test including mandatory spares obtaining all
statutory approvals and Training for the staff as per the Scope of Work mentioned on Build-own-
Operate Basis Opex Model.

Bid Specification No. -----------------------

Name of Bidder:

S. No. Description Fixed Price in INR

per Kg
1 1 MW Electrolyzer Hydrogen Generation Plant with Hybrid
Green Power (solar+ wind +Battery storage) proposal
include Design, Engineering, Fabrication, Packaging,
forwarding, supply, transportation and handling,
insurance, unloading, construction, erection,
commissioning, Testing, Performance Guaranty Test
including mandatory spares obtaining all statutory
approvals and Training for the staff as per the Scope of
Work mentioned. Please submit logistic arrangement
within 100 KM along with the cost of logistic in Rs/KM. The
land/Location will be provided by MAHAPREIT.
2 1 MW Electrolyzer Hydrogen Generation Plant with Hybrid
Green Power (solar+ wind +Battery storage) proposal
include Design, Engineering, Fabrication, Packaging,
forwarding, supply, transportation and handling,
insurance, unloading, construction, erection,
commissioning, Testing, Performance Guaranty Test
including mandatory spares obtaining all statutory
approvals and Training for the staff as per the Scope of
Work mentioned. Please submit logistic arrangement
within 100 KM along with the cost of logistic in Rs/KM.
The land/Location shall be provided by Bidder.
Total Rs.

Total in words: for 1 Rs. …………………………………

2 Rs. …………………………………

We confirm that
1. Bidder shall quote a firm price in INR. This price will be firmed for first 5 years. At
the end of the 5th year, the Hydrogen gas price will be reviewed and decided
mutually based on onward purchase contract done by MAHAPREIT for next five
years and so on. The new price depends on cost of input supply RE power from
distribution and transmission companies/Energy exchanges. MAHAPREIT
Reserve the right to extend the contract further. The bidder shall provide breakup
of cost of hydrogen generation per Kg. along with price bid submitted. Bidder shall
pass on any incentives and discounts provided by Govt. policy time to time. In
future after first five years if any price indexation (National/International)
applicable to Green Hydrogen adopted by MNRE, Govt. companies or MoP Govt.
of India will be applicable for review pricing.
2. Any statuary variation will be applicable as per forward contract with the
3. The price quoted by the bidder inclusive of all taxes & duties except GST
4. The evaluation of all techno-commercially acceptable bids, to arrive at the lowest
evaluated bid, shall be carried after considering total quoted lumpsum price for
complete system excluding Goods & Service Tax (GST).

Note: In case any unregistered bidder is submitting their bid, their prices will be loaded
with applicable GST (CGST & SGST/UTGST or IGST) during evaluation of bid.
1. All Indian Taxes & Duties including Income Tax shall be borne as applicable.
2. The Prices will remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of the price bid.
3. The offer submitted is irrevocable and unconditional without any deviations.
4. I/We agree to all the Terms and conditions and accept Scope of Work & terms & conditions
as mentioned in the Bid Document and undertake to perform the duties to the satisfaction of the


(Signature of the Authorized Representative of Bidder) Name …………………………

…………………… Designation ……………………
(Official Address) Seal of Company……………
Annexure 13
Technical details

1. Plant layout,
2. technology used
3. plant detail schematic
4. any further detail of the plant


(Signature of the Authorized Representative of Bidder) Name …………………………

…………………… Designation ……………………
(Official Address) Seal of Company……………...

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