A Course in Phonology
A Course in Phonology
A Course in Phonology
A Course in Phonology is truly comprehensive covering phonetics,
all areas of linear phonology, lexical phonology, and optimality
theory. It is unique in that it can serve as both a text for a basic
introductory course in phonology and for a more advanced
course. The book is pedagogically solid. Phenomena are first
exemplified for English, then other languages are discussed. The
focus on English builds on what students are familiar with. The
integration of phonetics and phonology in the first part of the
book and the introduction to optimality theory are particularly
valuable. The book stands as a remarkable achievement in presenting
the current state of the field in a pedagogically-friendly way.
(revised to 1993, corrected 1996)
Consonants (Pulmonic)
Bp vortae nO
feat] al wp a apn
faut -D9'eimg [>Ss jomsagriee orlie Hei Cah a ae
ap cai i|y cifinint[aseres Tanee aI Era
frrcatve |p Blt vie dis z/f 3s alei[x v[x «|n_s]n al
oP pa
ammo ef a
Where symbols appear in pairs, the one to the right represents a voiced consonant. Shaded areas denote articulations judged impossible.
feed itishers
Copyright © Iggy Roca and Wyn Johnson 1999
The right of Iggy Roca and Wyn Johnson to be identified as the authors
of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988
All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes
of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
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Except in the United States of America, this book is sold subject to the condition that it shall
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subsequent purchaser.
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Roca, Iggy.
A course in phonology/Iggy Roca and Wyn Johnson.
Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index.
ISBN 0-631-—21345-7 (alk. paper)
ISBN 0-631-21346-5 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Grammar, Comparative and general—Phonology. 2. English
language—Phonology. I. Johnson, Wyn. II. Title.
P217.R58 1999
414—dc21 98-51941
Typeset in 10 on 13 ptPalatino
by Graphicraft Limited, Hong Kong
Printed in Great Britain by T. J. International, Padstow, Cornwall
Preface XV
Acknowledgements xvii
Reading Logistics XViii
Key to Symbols Xx
Key Questions 56
Further Practice De
3 Sonorant Consonants 58
Three-Mora Feet? tt
Violations of the Three-Syllable Window 446
Cyclic and Non-Cyclic Affixes 449
The Interaction between Morphology and Phonology 451
The Scope of Peripherality 455
Word-Internal Cohesion: The Bracket Erasure Convention 457
Non-Cyclic Processes 459
WN Ordered Affixes
DOB 465
Lexical Phonology: Problematic Orderings 469
The Phonological Phrase 472
The Intonational Phrase 476
The Phonological Utterance 480
Properties of Phonological Domains 481
Subphrasal Phonological Domains 483
mRAR Segmental Affiliation to the Phonological Word
WHR 486
16 Small Phonological Words 488
Key Questions 494
Further Practice 495
Contents xiii
References 665
Glossary 683
Index of Languages 705
Index of Names 709
Index of Subjects Lo
The field of phonology finds itself in the heat of a revolution. The 1950s
and 1960s saw the triumph of generative phonology over its taxonomic pre-
decessor, and with it the establishment of a new way of doing phonology,
consolidated through the 1970s and 1980s. The 1990s have witnessed the emer-
gence of Optimality Theory.
Writing a textbook in the midst of revolutionary turmoil would seem like
bad timing: aren’t textbooks distillations of what philosophers of science have
referred to as “normal science”? While accepting the truthfulness of this proposi-
tion, we would like to argue that the present state of phonology resembles
more a ripple in the ocean (perhaps a rather deep ripple) than an earthquake.
In particular, we contend that Optimality Theory is still very much generat-
ive phonology. Indeed, the basic constituent elements of Optimality Theory
are identical to those of classical generative phonology: a collection of para-
digmatic data, a modelling of such data into levels of representation (perhaps
only two in OT), and a procedure to effect the mapping between these levels.
It is here, of course, that the two theories appear most strikingly to part
company: classical generative phonology has rules and Optimality Theory
constraints. However, the forms that these constraints evaluate (the “can-
didates”) evidently need to have been composed in the first place, by pro-
cedures which, more likely than not, resemble rules.
In the pages that follow we guide the beginner step by step through the
wonders of phonology, endeavouring at all times to remain non-doctrinaire:
theories provide the mould, but the dough is obviously theory-independent,
a foundation the learner needs to become fully conversant with before diving
into deep theoretical waters. The presentation of facts in a formal vacuum
is, however, ultimately counterproductive, if not simply impracticable.
Accordingly, we have largely relied on the familiar rule format, always keep-
ing sight of the current appetite for constraints. Our goal has been to write
a text which is sufficiently clear for learning to take place, and sufficiently
complete to be worthy of the title “A Course in Phonology”. In order to achieve
this aim, we survey all the major building blocks of phonology, which, by
their very nature, are shared by classical generative phonology and Optim-
ality Theory, and we also supply a preliminary foundation in articulatory
phonetics. We have striven for clarity of style and have left the text free of
Xvi Preface
the usual reference clutter, providing instead the fabric of the underlying
scholarship in chapter 20. We interact with the reader as we go along and
use constant quizzing in the shape of grey boxes. We have a strong belief
that learning grows best out of the learner’s experience, past and present.
As a consequence, we have shied away from potentially mystifying exot-
icism, and structured the presentation around readily accessible facts of
English, while still catering for the exotic through references to foreign data
where appropriate. We dispense advice on how to approach the text with
maximum efficiency in the “Reading Logistics” section that follows this pre-
face and the acknowledgements.
We have deliberately taken sides with the learner, against the expert phono-
logist, whenever we felt a conflict. The expert’s vista of the field, the result
of many years’ hard work, is unavailable to the beginner, whose needs are
necessarily at variance with the needs of the expert. Indeed, the greatest
challenge to teachers and textbook writers alike involves abandoning our
vantage point and trying to sit inside the mind of the average learner. This
is not an easy undertaking, but we have endeavoured to carry it through
to the best of our ability. The result may at times be slightly irritating to the
expert, from whom we beg forbearance. Hopefully, however, it will genuinely
meet the needs of the learner and induce true understanding.
The book contains three interrelated but clearly distinct parts, of approx-
imately equal length. Part I presents the foundations of both phonology and
articulatory phonetics, and explains the differences between these two dis-
ciplines. It also supplies the basic tools of the phonological trade as we have
known it for almost half a century now: features, rules and derivations, all
couched autosegmentally. Part II deals with the familiar suprasegmental
aspects of phonology: syllables, stress, and tone and intonation. Part I is appro-
priate for a short introductory phonology course, by itself or as part of a
phonetics component. Parts I and II together provide a solid foundation in
phonology at an intermediate level. Part III takes the reader to a substan-
tially more advanced level of both phonological awareness and theoretical
sophistication, dealing with such matters as the cycle, multilevel phonology,
prosodic phonology, markedness, underspecification, feature geometry, and
Optimality Theory. Many of the issues we raise are given practical treat-
ment in the companion volume A Workbook in Phonology, which includes
a large section on Optimality Theory to complement the exercises in the
present book.
Having invested much time and energy in the book, we have high hopes
that readers will not need to look back, metaphorically or literally, but will
be empowered to take the leap into full enjoyment, both passive and active,
of the marvels of phonology. If this aim is achieved, we will feel modestly
proud of having provided the soil in which a true and durable knowledge
of this exciting field of inquiry has taken root.
This book has been written with you, the reader, in mind. Our aim has been
to present phonology in a way that is both comprehensible and memorable,
and to this end we have resorted to a variety of pedagogical devices. We
have endeavoured to use a clear, honest-to-God style from beginning to
end, giving you the gist of the theory rather than the maze of opinions and
counteropinions. Because we are fully aware that even the clearest of expla-
nations is not sufficient to ensure rapid understanding and memorability,
we make use of a panoply of mnemonics, as follows:
In addition, we give all technical terms in full capitals in the place in the text
where they are defined or become central. Many of these terms, and a number
of others, are brought together in a glossary at the end of the book, to facil-
itate matters further. We also include a copy of the latest official version of
the IPA alphabet, and a key to the special symbols we use throughout the
book. A list of references follows chapter 20 to enable you to take your
reading as far afield as your need or your yearning may drive you. Last,
but not least, there is a subject index, a language index, and an author index.
Our advice to the reader is to make use of all these facilities in the man-
ner that best fits personal needs. For instance, if you are a complete begin-
ner, you will probably gain much benefit from reading the matter in the grey
boxes, more or less systematically. If you already know some phonology,
Reading Logistics xix
however, you may find some of these boxes distracting, particularly in the
preliminary chapters, and therefore you will be best advised simply to skip
them. Similarly, you may wish to ignore the grey boxes, or at least some of
them, in subsequent readings of the text. In a nutshell, we provide you with
a range of materials, grey boxes included, for your benefit, not for your
punishment: it is you who must decide how many of these materials you
use and when. The whole idea is that the text should not be approached as
inert matter, but, rather, as a flexible interactive partner. We obviously wish
you success. We also hope that you will genuinely enjoy the task.
The following list includes most of the special symbols used in the book.
You must pay attention to the fact that many of them are used for several
purposes, often unrelated or even contradictory.
indicates a two-way implication between the strings thus enclosed;
marks extrametricality (or, more generally, extraprosodicity) of the mater-
ial thus enclosed
signals that the material on its left ‘rewrites as’ the material on its
used in OT to mean ‘ranked higher than’
signals that the material on its left ‘precedes’ the material on its right
marks the ungrammaticality of the material it is prefixed to;
signals metrical prominence, thus making up metrical grids;
in OT tableaux, it signals constraint violation;
as a superscript, it indicates optional recursion;
signals “accent” in both stress and tones
enclose several subrules to signal their joint participation in a single
rule, as in the English Vowel Shift;
indicate disjunctivity of features, as in the environment “[+sonorant]
or [-continuant]” in the English rule of Spirantization
in OT, it signals lack of ranking
negates the material it is prefixed to;
separates alternants
in OT, it indicates a fatal constraint violation;
Key to Symbols xxi
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This book is about sound in language. The first distinction we must draw
is between sound as sound (“phonetics”) and sound structure (“phonology”).
By sound as sound we mean the sound we make with our vocal organs when
we speak, an activity equivalent to the playing of the instruments by an orches-
tra: it is as if we were all carrying an orchestra in us! These sounds have
their own physical characteristics, which can be described: here we focus
on the description of the movements we make with our organs in order to
produce such sounds (“articulatory phonetics”). The sounds made by an
orchestra are not random, however, but, rather, the materialization of a sym-
phony. Similarly, the sounds we make when we speak any particular lan-
guage implement the particular symphony that constitutes the phonic
structure of that language (“phonology”). Here we differentiate two levels,
which we can illustrate with the two ps of the English word paper: they are
the same “sound”, but still sound different. They are the same sound in as
much as they are not bs, or ts, or ks, etc. They sound different in as much
as you could conceivably blow out a candle with the first p of paper, but not
with the second one. Therefore, the message is that each language possesses
an inventory of distinctive sounds (“phonemes” or “lexical segments”,
depending on the theoretical framework), but that each of these sounds can
have a number of different realizations (“allophones” or “surface sounds”),
contingent on environmental conditions, a bit like the way we dress up warmly
when we climb up a frozen mountain, but undress when we lie in the
sun on a beach: one important source of sound alternation thus concerns
“contamination” by neighbouring sounds, a process globally known as
“assimilation”. In order best to understand assimilation, and other sound
alternations, we decompose sounds into atomic units, or “features”, to
which we grant a certain degree of mutual autonomy: a p, therefore, is not
a p, but a web of interconnected features, just as the hand with which we
write is basically a constellation of molecules. The distinctive features of sounds
are grounded in the gestures involved in their articulation, and thus in phon-
etics. Formally, features connect to each other by means of “autosegmental”
lines. Sound processes mapping lexical sounds onto surface sounds (equi-
valently, but not identically, phonemes onto allophones) involve readjust-
ments of such lines, a bit like a game of musical chairs. The linearization of
2 Phonetics and Phonology
a variety of sounds.
The primary aim of this book is to present the principles and practice of
current phonology in a manner which is both accessible and stimulating
to the uninitiated reader. Phonology is the study of linguistically signific-
Phonology is the
ant sound patterns, that is, of the organization of the sounds of speech. This study of linguistic-
definition will become clearer as we proceed. In order to study the organ- ally significant
ization of speech sounds, we must first be able to identify the sounds them- sound patterns
selves, and we make a start on this task in the present chapter.
Speech Sounds
We can compare the act of speaking with the act of playing a recorder, with
which many of us are familiar from childhood. You may of course substi- The act of speak-
ing can usefully
tute any similar instrument: the analogy will still hold. To start with, when
be compared with
you want the recorder to produce a noise, you have to blow air from your the act of playing
lungs through the mouthpiece. The sounds that we produce when we speak a recorder
also need to be powered by air from the lungs. In fact, the physical act of
speaking can be likened to “playing” our mouths and larynxes with the air
coming out of the lungs through the windpipe linking the lungs to the mouth,
technically known as the “trachea”. The LARYNX is of course the voice box
4 How Are Sounds Made?
at the top of the trachea, which in the throat of males protrudes as the Adam’s
apple. A picture is worth a thousand words, and therefore we will adopt
the practice of illustrating many of our statements with drawings (figures
1.1 and 1.2, above and on the next page, respectively).
At this point, a question arises. We take air into our lungs and let it out
again every time we breathe. How come then that we are not continuously
producing speech sounds? An easy experiment will give the answer. Quite
simply, if you pick up a recorder and place the mouthpiece to your lips while
breathing normally, you will find that the recorder only makes a faint
wheezy sound, and that in order to play the recorder you need to discharge
an extra amount of air. In the same way, if you wish to make a speech sound,
you must breathe out more air than usual, and, of course, in order to
breathe out more air, you must have taken in more air in the first place.
How Are Sounds Made? 5
You have now got the recorder making a noise. In order to play a tune,
however, you need to do more than blow extra air through the recorder.
Specifically, you need to move your fingers over the different holes on the
body of the instrument. Why? Suppose you leave all the holes uncovered.
Air will then come out through all the holes simultaneously, and the
recorder will play a single note. Covering different holes at successive times
will, however, enable you to produce different sounds. By covering (some
of) the holes you are effectively putting up obstacles to the exit of the air
through those holes. Similarly, in order to make the various speech noises,
we have to interfere in various ways with the flow of the air on its way out
through the larynx and, especially, the mouth. We will now look at some
of the ways in which we “play” our vocal organs, starting off with the mouth.
6 How Are Sounds Made?
Suppose that you place your lower lip loosely on the lower edge of your
upper teeth and force air out of the mouth, after having filled your lungs
aplenty. The situation is depicted in figure 1.3 (any new technical terminology
in the drawings will be explained directly).
What will happen? The obstacle you have created by the loose contact of
the lower lip with the upper teeth does not totally block off the air, and there-
fore air will continue to flow out.
Because the teeth and the lip are touching each other, the air rushing past
will cause friction, and therefore a noise will be produced.
The noise made by the air escaping between the lower lip and the upper
teeth will sound exactly like the f at the beginning of fat, simply because
this is how f is made, or “articulated”. The ARTICULATORS of f are thus
How Are Sounds Made?
the lower lip and the upper teeth, hence the label LABIODENTAL given to
this type of sound: labial is a Latin-based adjective meaning ‘of the lips’, and
dental, related to dentist, means ‘of the teeth’. Because the noise made by the
air escaping through the obstacle being described is caused by friction, we
refer to this type of sound as a FRICATIVE. Accordingly, the sound f at the
beginning of fat can be (partially) described as a “labiodental fricative”.
“Labiodental” defines the place where the sound is made, its PLACE OF
ARTICULATION, and “fricative” defines the manner in which the sound is Where a sound
made, its MANNER OF ARTICULATION. is made is its
How a sound
Phonetic Transcription is made is its
The labiodental fricative we have just discussed is the first of a range of fricat-
ive sounds which we are going to explore. Before we do this, however, it
will be useful to introduce a method to write sounds down. An analogy with
numbers will make the issue clearer. We call a certain number, say, “one
thousand five hundred and sixty-five”, but we do not usually write out this
lengthy expression; indeed, calculations would be very difficult if we did.
Instead, we use a shorthand version with the four digits one-five-six-five:
1565. In a similar way, we can and shall use a single symbol as a shorthand
for the phrase “labiodental fricative”.
How are we going to write down speech sounds? At first sight, this looks
like a rather silly question — surely we already have a method of writing
down speech sounds: we call it a “spelling system”, the very one we are
using right now to put our thoughts on paper. So, you may think, of course
we are going to write the first sound of fat as f, the second sound as a, and
the third sound as t — what else is the spelling there for? Well, there is actu-
ally something rather unsound about this line of reasoning. One example
will bring out the problem. If indeed we are going to write the first sound
of fat as f because that’s the way it’s spelled, are we also going to write the
last sound of laugh as gh because that’s the way it is spelled, and the first
and the penultimate sounds of philosophy as ph? The point is that the first
sound of fat and the last sound of laugh are identical, but their spellings are
not. This is a bit like writing the number one sometimes as “1”, and other
times as “4”, “23”, etc.: clearly confusing! In fact, of course, there is no
8 How Are Sounds Made?
reason not to write “one” with the same symbol every time, say, as “1”. The
reasoning carries over to sounds. The best system of representation is thus
one where the same symbol is always and only used for the same sound.
This way there will be a one-to-one correspondence between each sound and
each symbol, and we will be able to work out what sound we are referring
to just by looking at the symbol - always assuming familiarity with the table
of sound-symbol correspondences, which we will be supplying as we go along.
Clearly, ordinary English spelling is very far from being an adequate sys-
Ordinary English tem for transcribing sound. In fact, no conventional spelling of any living
spelling is very far
language is, but English orthography is notoriously further removed from
from being an
adequate system
the ideal than average, as highlighted by Bernard Shaw’s famous witticism
for transcribing that the word fish could equally well have been written ghoti: gh as in laugh,
sound 0 as in women, and ti as in nation.
handful ofE
You should equally not be surprised to hear that [f] also represents the last
sound in laugh, and the first and penultimate sounds in philosophy. Square brackets
are conventionally
used to enclose
phonetic symbols
EY A Hissing Fricative
We now proceed to the description of other fricative sounds. How does the
articulation of the sound at the beginning of sip differ from the articulation
of [f]?
If you blow air through the narrow gap between the blade of the tongue
and the upper tooth ridge, in the manner you did through the gap between
the lower lip and the upper teeth for [f], a hissing noise will be produced,
which we transcribe as [s].
Pronounce the tw
attention to the dit
Note that, strictly speaking, we ought to use the label “linguoalveolar”: both
the alveoli and the tongue, lingua in Latin, contribute to the articulation of
[s]. The prefix linguo- is omitted on the grounds that the tongue is the organ
most commonly involved in sound articulation, its intervention therefore
being taken for granted in the absence of information to the contrary.
How Are Sounds Made? 11
Clearly, the quickest and most comfortable way of creating a velar stricture
will not be with the blade of the tongue, as the feeling exercise just suggested
is likely to have revealed. Instead, it will be more convenient to use the part
of the tongue which normally lies under the soft palate: the back part of the
body of the tongue. The BODY is the section of the tongue behind the blade,
more massive and less mobile than the blade (figure 1.8).
The air rushing through will produce the sound that occurs at the end of
loch as this word is pronounced in Scotland, and also the sound in such
German words as acht (‘eight’) or Bach (the composer).
The phonetic symbol for this sound is [x]. You must of course not con-
fuse this symbol with the letter x, which in English corresponds to two
successive sounds.
On the other hand, [x] is spelled ch in both Scots and German, therefore
with two letters, despite being a simple sound. The spelling of [x] in other
languages confirms the arbitrariness of spelling conventions: as either g or j
in Spanish (depending on the vowel that follows), and as h, as well as ch, in
Polish. In the face of this diversity, the usefulness of a truly international stand-
ard for the representation of language sounds should be becoming obvious.
{4 A Laryngeal Fricative
We shall now present another fricative sound which is pronounced even fur-
ther back than [x]. In fact, it is articulated so far back that it is not articu-
lated in the mouth at all, but rather in the larynx — as we said above, the
The larynx is the larynx, or voice box, is the part of the throat that can stick out as the Adam’s
part of the throat
apple: we give cross-sections of the larynx in figure 1.10 below. The sound
that can stick out
as the Adam's we are now introducing occurs at the beginning of the word high.
Clearly, there is no obstacle to the airflow in the mouth here, and yet one
can distinctly hear friction. What is happening, then?
Side view
When the air comes up the windpipe, it obviously has to pass through the
larynx before reaching the mouth. Anatomically, the larynx is a cylindrical The larynx is a
frame made up of cartilage, across which stretch two folds of muscle, called °Y!indrical frame
the VOCAL FOLDS - also, and perhaps more ?
in a non-linguistic Bee ie ees
age, across which
context, VOCAL CORDS, a somewhat misleading term anatomically. The ctretch two folds
vocal folds are shaped like a pair of small lips and are highly mobile - they of muscle, called
are responsible for the sudden reflex movement that prevents us from _ the VOCAL
choking when a foreign body threatens to make its way into the windpipe FOLDS
(figure 1.11).
f=—Vocal folds
In order to create the necessary friction for [h], the sound under observa-
tion, we position the vocal folds near each other to create turbulence in the
airflow, but not so close together that they vibrate, as they do when we hum
(figure 1.12).
The space surrounded by the vocal folds is known as the GLOTTIS, and there-
fore [h] is said to be a GLOTTAL fricative.
a Voice
We have just mentioned humming, and a sort of humming plays a very import-
ant role in the production of many of the sounds of speech.
If you bring the vocal folds together closer than for the fricative sound
[h], and tighten them somewhat, although not so much as simply to stop
the airflow, the air passing through will cause them to vibrate, giving a hum-
ming effect (figure 1.13).
If you repeat the action by which you produced [f] in fat and super-
impose voicing, the result will be a different sound: instead of fat, you will
get vat. The two articulators, the teeth and the lower lip, are in the same
position for both sounds (see figure 1.3 above), which are only differen-
tiated with regard to voicing. The phonetic symbol for this new sound is,
unexcitingly, [v].
The two other oral fricative sounds we described above also have voiced
analogues. If you add vocal fold vibration to the [s] in sip, you will hear zip.
Therefore, the only difference between [s] (as in sip) and [z] (as in zip) is
again voicing: [s] is voiceless, and [z] voiced.
Adding voicing to the sound at the end of loch does not give us a common
sound of English. This is not terribly surprising, since [x] itself is not a sound
of modern English either — loch is originally a Gaelic word, and most non-
Scottish speakers of English pronounce it like lock. The voiced velar fricat-
ive [y] (a phonetic symbol resembling the Greek letter gamma) is found in
Greek and Arabic, among other languages.
nore familiar
We have now presented four voiceless fricatives ([f], [s], [x] and [h]), and
three voiced ones ([v], [z] and [y]). Voicing of [h] may appear impossible,
since the organ responsible for the friction of [h], the vocal folds, is also
the organ responsible for voice: it would seem out of the question to have
one and the same instrument execute two apparently incompatible actions
simultaneously. Surprising though it may seem, we can indeed perform this
feat, given a bit of vocal fold gymnastics: the vocal folds must be placed
18 How Are Sounds Made?
close together at one end whilst heldalittle further apart at the other end.
The closed end vibrates, while at the more open end there is air friction
(figure 1.14).
In order to identify the new sound, you can compare the h of head with the
h of ahead. In head, there is no vocal fold vibration on the h, whereas in ahead
voice runs through the entire word.
Place of articulation
Voiceless f Ss x h
Voiced Vv Z v fh
How Are Sounds Made? 19
If you vibrate the vocal folds during the closure phase of the lips, you will
hear the sound [b] of the word obey.
The sounds [p] and [b] share both manner of articulation and place: they
are stops and BILABIAL, since they are articulated with both lips. There-
fore, [p] and [b] only differ with regard to voice.
We shall now describe the stop correlates of the rest of our by now fam-
iliar fricatives. If you place the blade of the tongue roughly in the same
position as for [s], but this time interrupt the airflow by tightening up the
contact, you will get the [t] of the word sty (figure 1.16).
If you increment [t] with voicing, the result will be the [d] of adorn. What
will happen if you stop the air by placing the back of the tongue against the
soft palate, in approximately the same position as for the fricatives [x] and
[y]? The respective stop sounds will now be [k], without voicing, as in sky,
and [g], with voicing, as in again (figure 1.17).
ComparelochwithTock ndnotice
We now have all the information we need in order to give the promised
phonetic interpretation to the English letter x: the x of box corresponds to
the sound sequence [ks] (notice that box rhymes with socks), and the x of
exam to [gz] (compare eggs).
The remaining fricatives in the inventory in table 1.1 are [h] and its
voiced counterpart [h]. They are both glottal, as their production involves
air friction in the glottis - remember: the space surrounded by the vocal folds.
Does either of these fricatives have a stop counterpart? If you say ah (as when
asked to do so by the doctor), then close the vocal folds, and then open them
again with another ah, the result will be the sound that is thought of as a
“dropped t”, heard in words like butter or bottle in many British accents
(in bottle also in some American accents).
22 How Are Sounds Made?
In order to pronounce a glottal stop, the vocal folds come together to close
the glottis, causing a momentary break in the airstream. This closure is then
released suddenly, exactly as with the remainder of the stops. The gesture
involved in making the glottal stop is in fact similar to the gesture involved
in coughing. Glottal stops do have to be voiceless, since it is not possible
for the vocal folds to vibrate if no air is passing through, just as it is imposs-
ible for a flag to flap in the absence of wind. The phonetic symbol for the
glottal stop looks like a question mark without the dot: [2].
The addition of [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g] and [?] notably enlarges our invent-
ory of speech sounds, as we now encapsulate in table 1.2, which obviously
supersedes table 1.1 above.
Place of articulation
Mouth Larynx
M Voiceless p t k 2
a Stops
n Voiced b d | g
n Voiceless f Ss x h
e Fricatives
r Voiced Vv Z Yy A
How Are Sounds Made? 23
Fricative and stop sounds with the obstruction to the airstream in the
mouth are known as OBSTRUENTS: the glottal sounds [hl], [A] and [?] are _ Fricatives and
therefore not considered obstruents. In stops, the obstruction takes the Se ee
form of a total blocking of the air, while in fricatives the air forces its. GgcrpyENTs
way through the obstruction. You may well think that the list in table 1.2
exhausts the inventory of obstruents. In fact, there are quite a few more in
store, even if we don’t look beyond English.
The sounds we will now examine also come in voiced—voiceless pairs.
If you place the blade of the tongue on either the inside or the edge of
the upper teeth, allowing the appropriate narrow gap for friction, you
will get the sound at the beginning of thigh if you don’t voice, and the
sound at the beginning of thy if you superimpose vocal fold vibration
(figure 1.19).
Notice that our spelling system cannot distinguish between these two
sounds, but the phonetic alphabet of course must. The respective IPA
symbols are [9] (the Greek letter “theta”), for the voiceless sound in thigh,
and [0] (the Old English letter “eth”), for the voiced sound in thy.
24 How Are Sounds Made?
Note that it is also possible to make stop sounds on the inside of the upper
teeth. Indeed, this is the place where speakers of Spanish pronounce their
ts and ds (as also do some speakers of English). This is also the usual ren-
dering by Southern Irish speakers of the common English sounds [6] and
[0], which thus still remain distinct from the alveolar stops [t] and [d].
Another fricative we have not yet discussed is the first sound in ship, also
used extralinguistically to call for silence (shhh!). The phonetic symbol for
this sound is [f]. English spelling has some difficulty in representing [J] -
normally sh; but also, if followed by a vowel, ti, as in ration, or si, as in man-
sion; and even, if followed by u, as a simple s, as in sure. The articulation
of the sound [f] involves drawing the blade of the tongue to the area where
the tooth ridge joins the hard palate — the part of the roof of the mouth which
feels hard, as we mentioned above.
Because their place of articulation straddles the palate and the alveoli,
sounds like [{] are known as PALATOALVEOLARS (figure 1.20 below).
How Are Sounds Made? 25
If you add vocal cord vibration to [f], you get a sound which, although also
used in English, has no specific representation in the English spelling sys-
tem. This sound is found in the ordinary word measure and in the loanword
rouge, and its phonetic symbol is [3]. This is also the sound which appears
in French at the beginning of genre ‘class, kind’ or Jean, the French equival-
ent of John.
Some authors, particularly in North America, use the symbol [8] for IPA [f],
and [Z] for IPA [3].
Stage 1 Stage 2
The phonetic symbols for these affricate sounds reflect their compositional
nature. The symbols [t] and [f] are combined into [ff] to represent the voice-
less obstruent in church — equivalently, [tf], with a TIE BAR linking both sym-
bols to indicate the unitary nature of the affricate. In turn, [d] and [3] are
combined into [d3] (or [d3]) to represent the voiced obstruent in judge. Note
that the transcription [t] and [d] is strictly speaking inaccurate in this con-
text, since the stop element of these affricates is palatoalveolar, as are [J]
and [3], rather than alveolar, like [t] and [d]. An alternative, non-IPA sym-
bol for [ff], particularly popular in North America, is [é]. Its equivalent for
[dg] is [J].
Summing Up
We will now bring the chapter to a close. You need, of course, to famil-
iarize yourself with all the aspects of the sounds we are describing until
you feel totally comfortable in handling them. Before ending the chapter,
we recapitulate our findings in table 1.3.
a9eL¢“T ‘sdoig saayeory
pue sayeonyye
pry) (Aroyuaaut
fo uolynoiyav
joiqviig ]vJuapolquy jojuaq Apjoaajy AUjOaQvoJvIVgAvan 121401
A, SS3TSOIO d } } x Z
W sdoyg Pesion q Pp PB
e . 8
u i A, SSITBOIO J Q Ss i x
, SAATILOML oes : : A y
£ R
pacto,, &p
28 How Are Sounds Made?
Two final brief notes about this table. First, as we have hinted, [6] and
[0] can be pronounced interdentally (that is, between the teeth) instead of
dentally — the choice of place of articulation seems to be a matter of indi-
vidual preference here (figure 1.22).
Second, the dental and alveolar symbols for ¢ and d in the table are ident-
ical except for the extra mark, or DIACRITIC, “.” under the dentals.
Diacritics serve the purpose of increasing the descriptive power of the
Diacritics serve phonetic alphabet without unduly cluttering up the system with new sym-
the purpose of bols. Following on from this, we should transcribe the interdental fricatives
increasing the
with a special interdental diacritic. However, no such diacritic is available
descriptive power
of the phonetic in the regular IPA alphabet, and therefore we resort to the general diacritic
alphabet without “ ”, which simply signals an articulation slightly forward of the point rep-
unduly cluttering read by the symbol: [9], [9].
up the system
with new symbols
Bey titers,
Fi oon,
1. What is the larynx and what is its should we never talk about letters
role in the production of speech? when we are doing phonetics (or
2 How is speaking similar to or dif- phonology)?
ferent from playing the recorder? 7 What do the terms “active” and
3 Discuss the manner of the release of “passive” articulator mean?
air in the production of the three dif- 8 The set of obstruent sounds avail-
ferent types of obstruent. able to a language can be doubled
4 When we talk about “place of ar- by the addition of “voice”. What is
ticulation”, what are we referring to? voice?
Enumerate the distinctive places of 9 What is the purpose of a diacritic in
articulation we have discussed in phonetic transcription? _ Illustrate
the text. your answer.
5 What does a phonetic symbol rep- 10 Define the term “articulation”.
resent? What are the advantages of 11 Enumerate the sounds for which
the IPA alphabet? the soft palate is an articulator.
6 What is the difference between a Which other articulator would you
phonetic symbol and a letter? Why expect to be involved?
Further Practice
Sound to Spelling
a Write down the IPA symbols representing the following descriptions, and
illustrate each of the sounds with two English words:
c Arrange the sounds below into groups according to the following criteria:
(i) Voicing
Gi) Place of articulation
Gii) Manner of articulation
[x] [k] fb] [f] [3] [2] Id] [p] [fl] [gl
Spelling to Sound
rough Thomas think pen phail fact stuff seed cede rise gnome
agnostic Stephen sheep cage jaw gold fission station chocolate
chaos dough kilt knowledge acknowledge question freeze bus
there castle muscle spaghetti fussy busy fuzzy casual causal
sugar Russia rushes cutlass table sign flight bomb vanity
bombard duke of off ascension escape succeed division
the discussion on the three distinct series of oral stops that result from place
of articulation differences in English.
You will recall that English has a voiceless—voiced pair of stops for each of
the bilabial, alveolar and velar places of articulation.
Thus, for instance, we explained at the time that both [p] and [b] are bilab-
ial sounds, involving the closure of both lips. In our presentation of these
sounds we made use of such words as spy, obey, etc. But now consider other
forms where the sounds corresponding to the p or b spellings immediately
precede the labiodentals [f] or [v], as in the single words cupful and subvert
or in the compounds cup-final or cab-fare. The question is, are p and Bstill
bilabial in this context?
Chances are that you don’t pronounce the sounds corresponding to the
spellings p, b in cup-final or cab-fare as bilabial, as you do when you say the
words cup, cab, etc. in isolation. Instead, in cup-final or cab-fare p and b are
pronounced labiodentally. In the absence of an official IPA candidate, we
will adopt the ad hoc symbols [9], for the labiodental voiceless stop, and
[%], for its voiced counterpart.
The discovery that p is [P] in cup-final, and b [%] in cab-fare, may have
come as a mild surprise. Taking our search one step further, we shall ask
why the situation should be precisely the way it is. Crucially, cup is the same
Introducing Phonology 33
word whether we say it by itself (cup), as an integral part of the longer word
cupful, or as a component of the compound cup-final. In particular, the
meaning of cup is the same in all three cases, and the difference in articu-
lation we are now focusing our attention on is beyond the threshold of
untrained consciousness. Words which clearly have the same meaning but
sound different, like friend, mate, pal, chum and buddy, are technically known
as SYNONYMS: most obviously, though, the cup of cup and the cup of
cupful or cup-final are not synonyms, but simply the same word. Indeed, in
cupful, cup-final, etc. we do not set out deliberately to change the way we
pronunce the p: if we did, we would have been aware of the phenomenon
all along. So, why are we making our lives complicated by pronouncing the
word cup (and, even worse, any other word ending in the same consonant!)
in two different ways, rather than sticking to the single pronunciation [p]?
One possible reason for the two pronunciations could be that bilabial stops
do not sit comfortably in the middle of (simple or complex) words. If this
were indeed so, the p and bin lip-service, laptop, lapdog, sob-story, adoptive,
etc. ought also to be pronounced labiodentally.
In lip-service, etc., p,b are, however, not pronounced labiodentally, but bilab-
ially, in exactly the same way as when they are word-final in lip, etc. This
result inevitably leads to the abandonment of our current hypothesis and
the search for an alternative. The slightly grand term HYPOTHESIS is used
to refer to an idea that explains some body of data. We will gain familiar- The term
cents is
ity with this important concept as we go along.
an idea that
explains some
body of data
In the present case it is not too difficult to come up with an alternative hypo-
thesis. We shall follow our usual strategy and arrive at this alternative
34 Introducing Phonology
First, you will probably feel rather awkward, as if the articulatory move-
ments you are making were somewhat unusual, and unduly complex.
Second, if you listen to yourself you will notice a stilted and unnatural dic-
tion. The reason for these two related results is, obviously, that the conscious
pronunciation you have adopted for the sake of the experiment is not the
pronunciation you use in ordinary speech. So, why should it be more
difficult here to maintain the usual bilabial pronunciation of p, b than to
shift it to labiodental? The answer is obvious: the simplest pronunciation
involves only one articulatory gesture for both consonants. However, if you
don’t make the preceding stop labiodental, you will need two sequential ges-
tures, first the closure of both lips, and then the motion of the lower lip towards
the upper teeth. This is thus the answer to our question: in order to sim-
plify the articulation, we allow the usually bilabial articulation of p, b to be
“contaminated” by the labiodentality of its neighbour. Such “contamination”
“Contamination” by (usually adjacent) sounds is a common occurrence in language, and is
of a sound by
technically known as ASSIMILATION. As we shall see directly, assimila-
other (usually
adjacent) sounds
tion abounds, in English and in other languages. Note, however, that assim-
is commonplace in ilation clearly cannot have a free rein, or else we would end up with just
language, and is one sound in every utterance!
technically known
Let us pay close attention to the pronunciation of the sounds spelled t and
d in these phrases. In particular, let us find out whether they can still rightly
be transcribed [t] and [d], respectively.
The answer is that the ts and the ds are indeed [t] and [d] if you pronounce
the phrases in (1) rather slowly, paying special attention to what you are
saying. However, when you utter them casually, as you do in the course of
normal conversation, you are liable to pronounce them as bilabial: tha[p] pen,
thalp] box, re[b] pen, re[b] box.
- What is now the place of articulation of the sounds behind the spellings
t, d?
36 Introducing Phonology
A small amount of attention will reveal that the sounds are now pro-
nounced as velar (tha[k] can, tha[k] gate, re[g] can, relg] gate), rather than
bilabial, as they were in the set in (1) (tha[p] pen), or alveolar (thaltl, re[d]),
as they are pronounced otherwise.
Let us add the final set in (3) to our pool of data:
You will observe that t, d have now reverted to their original alveolar articu-
lation: tha[t] table, tha[t] door, re[d] table, re[d] door.
Facts like the ones we have gleaned stimulate the researcher to act. The
next step is of course to look for an explanation for why things are precisely
the way they are. And the first stage in this process of explanation is the
formation of a hypothesis, in much the same way as a detective comes up
with a hypothesis about the identity of the criminal. Clearly, in order to get
to a hypothesis, we must pay very close attention to the facts. For the detect-
ive this involves examining all kinds of material evidence, and for the phono-
logist it involves examining the exact shape of sounds. Indeed, we may have
to look at the facts several times over before we reach a conclusion. At some
point along the way, however, we will hopefully come up with “an idea”.
This idea, which often seems to spring up suddenly, is what we are calling
a “hypothesis”.
What is the most reasonable hypothesis to handle the data we are
If you look at the data closely you will realize that the place of articulation
of the stop ending the words that and red is consistently the same as the
Introducing Phonology 37
place of articulation of the stop which begins the following word. Now, why
should this be so?
The answer should be obvious after the discussion in the previous section.
Simply, what under normal circumstances is an alveolar stop (indeed as
reflected in the spelling) systematically assimilates to the place of articu-
lation of the stop that immediately follows it. This is another instance of
REGRESSIVE ASSIMILATION, that is, assimilation to the following seg-
ment — in the opposite type of assimilation, PROGRESSIVE ASSIMILATION,
there is assimilation to the preceding segment, as happens in cubs and cups.
The reason there is no change in the set in (3) is that there the second stop
is also alveolar, and therefore the assimilatory process is vacuous — it has
no material consequences. In front of a bilabial or a velar consonant, how-
ever, the alveolar articulation is replaced by a bilabial or velar articulation.
We summarize the processes in (4):
Notice that, in all the cases of assimilation we have discussed, we are assum-
ing that one of the alternative articulations is more “basic” than the others. amen the cases of
In all
Thus, we have proposed that the labiodental realization of p in cupful is just See
a “deflection” of a basic [p], caused by “contamination” from the adjacent —o14 o¢ the alter-
labiodental [f]. Similarly, the basic articulation of the last sounds in that pative articulations
and red is alveolar, and their alternative bilabial and velar realizations are __ is more “basic”
brought about by assimilation.
38 Introducing Phonology
After all, if [t] and [d] were not basic, why should these sounds turn up when
no consonant follows, namely, when the words are pronounced in isolation
or when the next word starts with a vowel, as in that apple?
What we are finding, thus, is that sounds can be replaced by other sounds,
Sounds can be under the appropriate contextual circumstances: the changes in question are
replaced by other = Wot random, but occur in particular, well-defined phonetic contexts. Notice
sounds, uncer
Ree pupiae that you also change clothes, makeup or hairstyle ac ording to circumst
at you also change clothes, makeup or airstyle accor ingtocircumstances
contextual — crucially, you remain the same person, although sometimes it may be hard
circumstances to tell just by looking at you.
Voice Assimilation
Oy fr
[s] [z]
[f] [ds]
The sounds in the top two pairs in (5) are fricatives, and those in the bot-
tom pair affricates. The words in (6) illustrate the voiceless—voiced contrasts
in word-final position:
Introducing Phonology 39
The first word in each of these phrases comes from the set in (6b), where
we saw that it ends in a voiced fricative or affricate. From a seriously experi-
mental perspective, however, the assumption that in (7) these sounds are
also voiced needs to be tested.
Here the words also appear in a phrasal context, and, therefore, HYPO-
THESIS A predicts that the sounds we are investigating ought also to be
voiceless. The empirical question of course is, are they?
40 Introducing Phonology
Again, a small amount of observation will reveal that the sounds in ques-
tion are voiced in (8), and therefore HYPOTHESIS Afails. Suppose next that
we modify HYPOTHESIS A minimally into HYPOTHESIS B, by attributing
the voicelessness of v, s and dg in (7) above to the presence of a following
consonant — the mind is reluctant to abandon existing hypotheses, and
therefore it is only human to modify hypotheses as little as possible.
In (9), the sounds we are discussing are followed by a consonant and there-
fore, according to HYPOTHESIS B, they also ought to be voiceless there. The
question is, are they really?
The answer is that in (9) the sounds we are investigating are in fact voiced.
This means that HYPOTHESIS Balso fails.
Having reached this point, you may be tempted to ask yourself whether
there is any way of accounting for the voicelessness of the sounds in the
original set in (7): there is of course no a priori reason why natural phenomena,
whether in the physical world or in the world of language, should be
amenable to explanation. The assumption of the linguist and of fellow
researchers in other branches of science is that there usually is an explana-
tion, for otherwise there would be no more to say, and hence no linguistics
or science in general. Fortunately, in the present case an explanation is read-
ily available.
Introducing Phonology 41
The answer is that in the set in (7), but crucially not in those in (8) and (9),
the sounds under observation are followed by a voiceless obstruent. Why
should the voicelessness of the following obstruent matter? Because, as in
the cases of assimilation we examined in the previous sections, the voice-
lessness of this obstruent can (and does) “contaminate” the (usual) voiceful-
ness of the preceding fricative or affricate. Therefore, the devoicing of such
sounds in (7) is simply a consequence of assimilation. Note that the para-
meter involved in the present assimilation process is not place of articu-
lation, as was the case in the preceding sections, but, rather, voice. Indeed,
assimilation can involve any of our familiar phonetic parameters, although
assimilation of manner of articulation is considerably rarer. Assirnllabion car
We will wind up this section with an additional set of data which bring Te
ae ae —e : familiar phonetic
out minimally and strikingly the devoicing process we have examined: parameters
The answer to the question of why words mean what they mean is tauto-
logical: words mean what they mean because they do. There is no other
reason. In particular, the sound shape associated with the meaning of each
The sound shape
associated with the
word is arbitrary, and simply has to be taken on board and memorized. So,
meaning of each the first thing we need to carry in our minds in order to have a language is
word is arbitrary a pretty gigantic list of words, each word essentially consisting of a certain
sound shape and a meaning glued together.
The famous Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913), usually
considered the founder of modern linguistics (linguistics has existed for
millennia in a variety of guises), called the basic elements of language LIN-
GUISTIC SIGNS. Each linguistic sign is thus made up of two integral and
complementary parts, rather as the two sides of a coin make up the coin:
a characteristic meaning, which Saussure called the sign’s SIGNIFIED, and
a characteristic sound, which he called the sign’s SIGNIFIER. Following
Saussure, the linguistic sign for cup can be represented graphically as in fig-
ure 2.1, where, in line with tradition, we represent the signified by means
of a drawing, and the signifier with the italicized conventional spelling.
op Signified
cup Signifier
Saussure went on to point out that the association between the signifier and
the signified that make up any one linguistic sign is arbitrary: he referred
to this fact as “l’arbitraire du signe”, ‘the sign’s arbitrariness’. From this arbi-
trariness follows the need for the brute-force memorization we alluded to
It is reasonable to assume that each sign only has one signifier and one
signified. In fact, there is a strong logic to this assumption, namely, that it Fach sign has only
is precisely the conjunction of one signifier (that is, a certain sound shape) °"° Benilier are
and one signified (that is, a certain meaning) that makes up a linguistic sign sae iit
(a word, for our present purposes). If two meanings occur with a single form,
as with the English bank, either a financial institution or the side of a river,
we will assume two linguistic signs, rather than one sign with a double
signified. We now display these two alternative construals in figure 2.2. Cups
are of course easier to draw than sides of rivers or financial institutions, and
therefore, following convention, we represent complex signifieds by means
of ordinary language expressions enclosed in single quotation marks.
‘river side’
‘type of ‘type of
financial institution’ ‘river side’ financial institution’
Following the same logic, the signifier of each linguistic sign will also be
unique. For instance, we will assume two linguistic signs for the synonyms
pal and mate, rather than just one sign with a double signifier. We display
these two alternatives in figure 2.3, where we arbitrarily adopt ‘friend’ as a
representation of the meaning shared by the two words:
Be (es ee
There are at least two reasons why we want to prevent the proliferation of
We want to pre- linguistic signs. First, there is a general principle of economy acting as a back-
vent the prolifera-
drop to the whole enterprise of linguistics, a manifestation of an old philo-
tion of linguistic
sophical dictum known as “Occam’s razor”, after its fourteenth-century
formulator William of Occam: “entities must not be multiplied beyond
necessity”. This of course just means that we must keep things simple
unless there are good reasons not to do so. The second reason to avoid the
proliferation of linguistic signs is more psychological: as speakers of the
language we have a feeling or intuition that cup is the same word in all its
contexts, and similarly for the other forms discussed. Such feelings must be
taken seriously in linguistics (even if not necessarily accepted at face value),
since the very nature of language is psychological, not for example geo-
logical or artistic.
What exacth do )
If we accept that cup, that, five, etc., correspond toa single sign each, what-
ever varied realizations the last consonant of each such form may have, we
must inevitably select one of the competing candidates as the “official” signifier
We select one of of the sign.
the competing
candidates as the
“official” signifier
of the sign
are these competing
The question is, will there be any criterion for the selection of one candid-
ate as the “official” form, or will it be random?
Introducing Phonology 45
The answer is in fact implicit in our previous discussion, and should be pretty
obvious by now. As you will recall, we have systematically construed one
of the alternatives as basic, because this alternative is more frequent and gen-
eral (for instance, it turns up when the word is said in isolation), because it
is the alternative we constantly think we are pronouncing or hearing (even
when objectively we are not!), because it corresponds to the conventional
spelling of the sound (this is of course a secondary criterion, given the prob-
lems associated with spelling, but still worth bearing in mind as a possible
reflection of the way we “think” about the sound), and so on.
Clearly, this basic alternative will be the one included in the linguistic sign.
All the other variants will be “derived” from their basic counterpart in the
appropriate contexts, in the way we shall explain next.
Let us introduce some simple standard terminology. The set of all linguis-
tic signs making up the vocabulary of a language is known as the LEX- The set of all
linguistic signs
ICON of that language. In fact, the label “linguistic sign” is not much used
making up the
in current linguistics — it is usually associated with the type of linguistics vocabulary of a
propounded by Saussure, many details of which have been superseded by language is known
subsequent developments. The expression “linguistic sign” therefore tends as the LEXICON
to be replaced by the expression LEXICAL ITEM or LEXICAL ENTRY, which
simply suggests a unit in the lexicon. Like linguistic signs, lexical items con-
tain all the information relevant to sound and meaning that must be mem-
orized as part and parcel of the process of mastering a language, whether
a second language, the words of which we may memorize consciously, or
46 Introducing Phonology
We refer to the
information con-
tained in a lexical
item as its LEXICAL It should be quite clear by now that the lexical representation of a word is
REPRESENTATION not always identical to its PHONETIC REPRESENTATION, that is, to the
way the word is heard or said. Thus, for cup in cupful, you will not hear (or
pronounce) the [p] that we have just suggested is present in its lexical rep-
resentation. Similarly, in the phrases that pen or that can, you will usually
not be hearing (or pronouncing) the [t] we assume for that in its lexical rep-
resentation. Likewise, in five tons the lexical [v] of five will not occur in the
normal pronunciation of this phrase. You know by now what the motiva-
tion for these divergences is. What we obviously need next is a formalism
that accommodates unity in the face of diversity, or, equivalently, diversity
in spite of essential unity.
this is indeed the reason we postulate /p/, /t/ and /v/ as the respective
lexical sounds in the first place. Under some restricted set of circumstances,
however, we know that the phonetic sounds of the forms in question are
different from their lexical sounds. What are these circumstances?
The circumstances under which the /p/ of cup becomes [P] can be stated
as follows:
(12) /t/ is realized in the same place of articulation as the stop that imme-
diately follows it, namely, as [p], [t] or [k]
Similarly, the change from /v/ to [f] in five tons can be accounted for by the
statement in (13):
Clearly, the three statements we have just given are sufficient to generate
all and only the correct phonetic forms of these and other similar words.
Thus, suppose we intend to say the word cup by itself. In this case, we retrieve
the lexical representation, with /p/ in final position, and simply pronounce
it: [p].
not realize this /p/ as [p], because the statement in (11) above will “deflect”
/p/ into [P].
At one level, statements such as those in (11) to (13) are simple observa-
tions of reality. In particular, it is indeed the case that /p/ is realized as [P]
when it immediately precedes /f/, and this is what the statement in (11)
says. At another level, however, such statements can be construed as regu-
lators of our phonetic behaviour, which they appear to monitor and guide.
From this perspective, such statements are therefore RULES, and we will
henceforth refer to them as such: rather as a road diversion sign directs traffic
onto a certain route, phonological rules divert the realization of lexical
Phonological rules sounds in certain directions. The state of affairs we are describing can be
divert the realiza- represented schematically as in (14):
tion of lexical
sounds in certain
directions (14) Lexical representations
Phonetic representations
extracted these rules from the speech around us, in some rather mysterious
way. Such are the wonders of first language learning, which have led lin-
guists, notably Noam Chomsky (the man who has most influenced our ideas
about language since Saussure), to suggest that the human brain is innately
in possession of a LANGUAGE ACQUISITION DEVICE that allows it to
acquire language spontaneously in childhood.
In the preceding section we stated several rules in prose, and we shall now
trim them down to a leaner format. A number of ways of formalizing rules
suggest themselves. By way of illustration, let us examine the rule chang-
ing /p/ to [P]. Here is one reasonably obvious possibility:
50 Introducing Phonology
The first line is flanked by slashes, to indicate lexical status, and the second
line by square brackets, to indicate phonetic status. All we have done is write
the sequence “pf” in the first line, preceded and followed by dots to indic-
ate the irrelevance of additional material on either side, and the sequence
“Sf” also with dots, in the second line. The obvious implication of this form-
alism is, therefore, that a lexical /p/ becomes a phonetic [P] in the given
environment: immediately before /f/.
One reasonable way of bringing out the idea of change graphically is by
means of an arrow between the lines, as follows:
(lo)? (apr y
fake Pic
The arrow suggests the idea “goes to” or “becomes”, and therefore we will
consider this representation an improvement over its predecessor in (15).
Suppose now that we want to save space — we did say earlier, after all,
that formalization amounted to a shorthand notation. One simple way of
achieving this is to merge the lines:
(19) pf > Pf
We have almost reached the end of our trimming exercise. Indeed, you may
well feel that we can go no further, since all the material that is now
included in the rule would seem to be substantial. Notice, however, that
“f” appears on both the left- and the right-hand side of the arrow, to the
right of “p” and “SP”, respectively. Moreover, there is a significant differ-
ence between the role of “f” and the role of “p” or “®” in the rule — and,
Introducing Phonology 51
(21) Focus: Pi Ff
Environment: _f
In fact, in this formalism the focus is represented twice: once explicitly, with
the actual input and output separated by the arrow (p — ®), and once implic-
itly as a horizontal line adjacent to the environment (__f). Probably a more
perspicuous formalization of the rule being scrutinized would therefore be
as follows:
Indeed, this format can be nicely integrated into our graphic model of the
organization of linguistic sound in (14) above, as follows:
ot (&------------------- Rules
2 Phonetic representations
52 Introducing Phonology
We shall now examine how these three aspects of sound structure — lexical
representation, phonetic realization and rules — are formally related.
In fact, we have already given the nub of this relationship: quite simply,
the rules change lexical representations into phonetic representations.
Equivalently, the rules can be thought of as a formal device bridging the
gap between lexical and phonetic representations. This relationship can
be visualized with the help of the diagram in (14) above, which we now
Phonetic representations
Let us see how this schema is implemented in the case of the [p] ~ [P] alterna-
tion in cup. Crucially, whichever sound is chosen it does not affect the
identity of the word, contrary to what happens if we replace [p] with [b] or
Introducing Phonology 53
[f], as in cub and cuff, respectively. The reason for the difference in outcome
is that in English [p], [b] and [f] are minimal units of sound contrast, or
“phonemes”, but [9] is not. The word PHONEME therefore refers to a unit
of explicit sound contrast: the existence of a MINIMAL PAIR, like the ones
made up by cu[p] and cu[b], or cup] and cu[f], automatically grants phon-
emic status to the sounds /p/, /b/, /f/ responsible for the contrasts: notice
that the symbols of phonemes are enclosed in slashes, just like the symbols
for lexical sounds, an ambiguous use that should not cause confusion, given
the quite different theoretical contexts associated with the two constructs.
Each contextual variant of a phoneme is an ALLOPHONE of that phoneme:
in the case we are discussing, /p/ can be realized as either [p] or [P?], which Fach contextual
are correspondingly allophones of /p/. The words “allophone” and “allo- — Ya"iant of a
phony”, derived from the Greek words allos “other” and phonos “sound”, Pe ae
are, however, connotative of an approach to phonology closely associated that phoneme
with Saussure’s style of linguistics, now superseded. From a more contem-
porary perspective, we refer to the phenomenon as ALTERNATION, and
to the elements partaking in it, such as cu[p] and cu[2] in the case at hand,
as ALTERNANTS. Variant realizations
We know what the lexical representation and the phonetic representations °F lexical form
of cup (or rather, of the part of this form we are focusing on: we ignore the “* Ceci
remainder for the sake of simplicity) are supposed to be: cu/p/, and cu[p]
or cu[P], respectively. These representations thus make up the LEXICAL
spectively, as we illustrate in (25). Notice that the use of slashes and brackets
is unnecessary in these representations, since we are defining the two levels
At the lexical level we have entered the hypothesized /p/, and at the phon-
etic level the actual phonetic alternants [p] ~ [9].
jing that
the/p/ ishypothesized?
“Labiodentalization” NA P
What we are now doing is feeding lexical forms (in context, where neces-
sary) through a given set of rules (here only “Labiodentalization”), writing
in each line the accumulated results of the application of the rules. Finally,
in the last line we enter the result of the operation of all the rules (again,
only one rule is relevant in the present case). Such an output obviously cor-
responds to the phonetic realization, and will consequently constitute the
phonetic transcription of the form in question. Constructs like the one in (26)
are known as DERIVATIONS, because they embody the derivation of the
DERIVATIONS phonetic sounds from the lexical sounds through the mediation of the rules.
embody the
derivation of the
phonetic sounds
from the lexical El Phonetics and Phonology
sounds through
the mediation of
the rules
We are now in a position where we can begin to understand the substance
of phonology, and how it differs from phonetics.
As you now know, phonetics describes sounds: articulatorily (positions
and movements of the speech organs), acoustically (patterns in the air,
detectable with the appropriate technology) and perceptually (impact of the
sound on the ear and subsequent transmission of the signal to the brain).
For instance, in the cases we examined above, phonetic analysis will yield a
description of the bilabial stop in cup as labiodental before [f], of the alveolar
t in that as bilabial before bilabials and as velar before velars, and of the last
fricative in five as voiceless before voiceless obstruents. Moreover, phonetics
will help us to understand the articulatory motivation of these phenomena
in terms of “coarticulation”, the term by which phoneticians express essen-
tially what phonologists refer to as “assimilation”.
Introducing Phonology 55
In terms of the display in (26) above, the concern of phonetics is, there-
fore, what we have been calling the phonetic (or surface) level: the level The concern of
reflecting the real world of articulatory, acoustic and perceptual events. This PHONETICS is
what we have
limitation in the scope of phonetics obviously leaves both the lexical (or under-
been calling the
lying) level and the rules uncatered for. Consequently we need another dis- phonetic (or sur-
cipline to look after these aspects of the model. This discipline is, of course, face) level.
Now, simplicity is not a bad companion, in science as in other aspects of concerned with
life (once again, Occam’s razor can be called forth in this connection), and the lexical (or
underlying) level
we can legitimately ask ourselves what the point is of complicating things and with the rules
by introducing “phonology” alongside “phonetics”. The answer is that in
science, again as in life, division of labour often yields rich rewards. Thus,
by splitting the remit of sound investigation between phonetics and phono-
logy, we can allow the former to focus on the description of physical speech
sound, while the latter will be aimed at its more abstract aspects. Specific-
ally, the object of inquiry of phonetics (physical sound) is amenable to experi-
mental investigation, while the object of study of phonology is by its very
nature of a more hypothetical kind.
Thus, it is not difficult to verify that the p of cup in cupful is [P], rather than
[p] — an experiment to this effect was indeed suggested above. By contrast,
our postulation of /p/ as the underlying (or lexical) form of [P] is purely
idealistic — it is contingent on our hypothetical interpretation of the system,
rather than on directly material data, which would indeed be very hard to
come by in this connection: even if we could peep directly into somebody’s
grey matter, it is most unlikely that we would see anything of relevance
to the issue. A similar remark is apposite with regard to our analysis of
the [%] alternant as the product of a rule, clearly only one of many pos-
sible ways of formalizing the situation, if a particularly apt one in the
context of the overall model we are presenting: an alternative to rules
and derivations will be discussed in chapter 19. All in all, therefore, both
the type of work and the tools needed for the investigation of what we
are calling phonetic events differ considerably from the type of work and
the tools needed for the investigation of what we are dubbing phonolo-
gical phenomena. This difference will undoubtedly have practical repercus-
sions, and, more likely than not, different individuals will be drawn to focus
their work on either area, further cementing the conventional separation of
the two fields.
56 Introducing Phonology
By examining such
before adjacent voiceless seg
one linguistic sign may have
Key Questions
Catalan Obstruents
Masc. Fem.
No[p] llo[b]a ‘wolf’
mul[t] mu|[dla ‘dumb’
celk] celgla ‘blind’
francé[s] france[z]a ‘French’
tilp] tilp]a ‘satiated’
petit] petilt]a ‘small’
se[k] se[k]a ‘dry’
gro[s] gro[sla ‘fat’
The following words are all regular past tense forms of English verbs:
In line with our policy of alternating the presentation of phonetics and phono-
logy in these preliminary chapters, we now turn our attention to the phon-
etics of sonorant consonants. We will make some further remarks pertinent
to phonology as we go along, but will of course reserve the bulk of the phono-
logical discussion on sonorants for chapter 4.
Sonorant Consonants 59
ur memory by pr
ing each of the catego
At this point you may be tempted to think that the production of speech
sound necessarily involves some such obstruction — how else could sound be
made?, you may wonder. As we shall see in this and successive chapters,
however, this is in fact far from being the case. Indeed, in all the sounds to
be introduced from now on, the air comes out through a channel wide enough
to avoid friction. Such unobstructed sounds are known as SONORANTS,
because, as follows from the greater openness of the channel, they carry a Unobstructed
sounds are known
greater amount of sound than their obstruent counterparts — cf. Latin sonus
‘sound’, sonor ‘resonance’, sonorus ‘sonorous’.
Actually, sonorancy can be construed as a specific setting for manner
of articulation. It should be obvious by now that the articulatory channel
exhibits increasing openness progressively along the scale stops—affricates—
fricatives—sonorants. This means that sonorants are the most open of con-
sonants. In table 3.1 we summarize the settings we have now available for Sonorants are the
most open of
manner of articulation. You will see that the degree of channel opening is
relative for all categories but stops — “f > a”, for instance, indicates that the
channel for fricatives is more open than the channel for affricates, without
specifying the precise size of the opening:
The degree of
Table 3.1 Manner of articulation settings
channel opening is
relative for all cat-
Category Degree of channel opening egories but stops
Stops O
Affricates a (a>)
Fricatives £ ‘(f>'a)
Sonorants Ss (s> f)
60 Sonorant Consonants
Now, what will happen if the soft palate is not raised during the produc-
tion of speech? See figure 3.2.
Sonorant Consonants 61
The resulting sound will obviously be different from [b]: if you utter
stabber while lowering the velum for the sound represented as bb, you will
hear stammer. This can only mean that [m] (the phonetic symbol for the sound
spelled mm in stammer) is identical to [b] in all respects but one: the posi-
tion of the soft palate.
The difference between the two sounds, therefore, involves nasality. On the
one hand, [b] is an ORAL SOUND, since during its production no air comes
out through the nose due to the raised soft palate. By contrast, [m] is a NASAL
SOUND, since the lowered velum allows air to come out through the nose.
62 Sonorant Consonants
Nasality aside, [b] and [m] are identical: bilabial stops (figure 3:0).
C ¢
[m] [b]
Figure 3.3. Articulation of [m] and [b]
They are bilabial because they are articulated with the two lips. They are
stops because they involve total blockage of air in the mouth, even though
in the case of [m] air keeps coming out through the nose.
At first sight, the continuous stream of nasal air makes the classification of
[m] as a stop appear contradictory: in chapter 1 we said that sounds with
no air blockage, such as fricatives, are not stops by definition.
The answer is that, of the two articulatory actions you now know partake
in the production of [m] and other nasals (the stricture in the mouth and
the lowering of the velum), the stricture in the mouth is more important.
Because sounds are characterized by their PRIMARY ARTICULATOR, [m]
“hanttersed by Will be defined as a (bilabial) stop.
their PRIMARY Turning now to vocal fold activity, you know that both [b] and [m] are
ARTICULATOR voiced, and that [b] without voice is in fact [p]. What will a voiceless [m]
amount to?
Sonorant Consonants 63
In fact, no voiceless [m] exists in English at the level at which the basic
sound contrasts between the words of the language are catalogued, the
lexical level. Thus, while English could have a word stapper forming a min-
imal pair with stabber, it could not have a word sta[mler minimally contrasting
with stammer — the IPA underscripted diacritic “.” indicates voicelessness,
and consequently [m] is the symbol for a voiceless [m].
Indeed, we have already mentioned that sonorants (of which nasals, and there-
fore [ml], are instantiations) are typically voiced in all languages, for reasons
of physics which need not concern us here. The upshot of this is that Eng-
lish lacks a phoneme /m/, and voiceless sonorant phonemes in general.
Some languages of South East Asia do have voiceless nasal phonemes,
however: for example, the words [ma] and [ma] form a minimal pair in
Burmese, the former signifying ‘hard’ and the latter ‘notice’.
The sound [m] does not exhaust the inventory of nasal sounds.
One obvious additional nasal sound in English, and probably in all of the
world’s languages, is present in such words as knit or tin, initially and finally,
respectively (notice the purely orthographic value of k in knit). Having estab-
lished the close correspondence of [m] with [b], you will not be surprised
to hear that the sound symbolized as [n] also has an oral counterpart.
64 Sonorant Consonants
In order to discover which this is, you have to work out the place of articu-
lation of [n], and then identify the English voiced oral stop articulated at
the same place.
your-memory, if i
The articulation of [n] takes place on the alveolar ridge, and consequently
[n] is an alveolar stop. It is also voiced, as we know all nasals (and other
sonorants) are in English and most other languages. On the basis of these
settings, the identification of the oral partner of [n] will offer no special
difficulty: it must be a voiced alveolar oral stop. Familiarity with the informa-
tion presented in the preceding two chapters will enable you to identify this
sound as [d] (figure 3.4).
In] [d]
Figure 3.4 Articulation of [n] and [d]
In particular, you will recall that, in addition to the oral source, the articu-
lation of obstruents can involve a glottal source contributing voice. It fol-
lows that the pronunciation of nasals involves three (rather than just two)
sound sources: the oral source (also present in obstruents), the nasal source
(defining nasals), and the glottal source — remember that nasals are usually
voiced. We can construe these various sound sources as sound-defining para-
meters, alongside manner of articulation. A PARAMETER is therefore a
criterion for classification, akin to one type of building block. Within the A PARAMETER is
a criterion for
musical universe we have been drawing analogies from, a parameter can
be likened to an instrument in the orchestra: the tune played by this instru-
ment is obviously one of the components that make up the symphony.
The nasal in question never occurs at the start of a word. In fact, we will
see that there are reasons to believe that this nasal is not a lexical segment
of English, that is, that it is not present in the lexical level, from which alterna-
tion is excluded, as you know.
This third English nasal does, however, occur at the phonetic level in non-
word-initial position. It is exemplified in such words as wing, sung or gong,
which contrast minimally with win, sun and gone in most accents. Wing and
win, for instance, make up a minimal pair in these accents. Even if the the
66 Sonorant Consonants
The place of articulation of this new sound, [p], standard in French, Spanish
or Italian, among others, is similar, although not identical, to the place
of articulation of the [dg] of judge (figure 3.6 below). In particular, as we
68 Sonorant Consonants
So far in this chapter we have been seeing that nasal consonants are char-
acterized by a second resonating chamber, the nasal cavity. Nasalization thus
functions in a similar way to voice: it provides an additional source of sound Nasalization func-
which supplements the oral source to give rise to a complex sound. An import- tions in a similar
way to voice: it
ant difference between nasalization and voicing is the manner in which the
provides an addi-
two sound sources are connected, sequentially for voice, but in parallel for tional source of
nasality, as we represent in the following diagrams: sound which sup-
plements the oral
Air — Voice —> Oral articulation ——> Sound source to give rise
to a complex
Sequential coupling of voice sound
Airceig : j thc Sound
Oral articulation
Parallel coupling of nasalization
You also know from the preceding discussion that the primary articulation
Sonorants have a
of nasals, located in the mouth, is of a stop kind, whereas their secondary
simultaneous con-
articulation, responsible for their nasality, is of a continuant kind: the sound tinuant and non-
continues for as long as air is available in the lungs. In nasals, therefore, a continuant
CONTINUANT and a NON-CONTINUANT mode of articulation are effect- articulation
ively superimposed onto one another.
70 Sonorant Consonants
fa Laterals
Let us compare the middle consonant in mellow (the doubling of the letter
in the spelling is of course immaterial) with its counterpart in meadow.
The articulation of both these sounds is alveolar, that is, it involves placing
the blade of the tongue on the upper alveolar ridge. Both sounds are also
voiced. Last, they both involve a complete closure at the upper front alve-
olar area. Given these striking similarities, what is it that makes these two
sounds different?
If you pay close attention to the articulation of the two sounds in question,
you will notice that, in the case of [d], the tongue presses firmly against the
upper teeth all around, not just at the front, but also on the sides, to pre-
vent any air from escaping.
By contrast, for the sound found in the middle of mellow, represented
by the phonetic symbol [I], the sides of the tongue (only one side in some
speakers) do not touch the complete set of upper teeth, and air comes out
continuously through the resulting gap. Because the air flows over sides of
the tongue, these sounds are known as LATERALS: Latin lateralis means ‘of
the side(s)’, from latus ‘side’ (compare such English expressions as lateral
thinking, collateral, etc.).
As regards place of articulation, [I] is defined as an alveolar sound,
exactly like [d] (figure 3.7).
Sonorant Consonants 71
The definition of [1] and [d] as alveolar obviously suggests that the gesture
made by the blade of the tongue is regarded as primary, and the gesture
made by the sides of the tongue (closing for [d] and opening for [l]) as sub-
sidiary. Indeed, primary articulation is commonly related to the median line
of the tube through which the air flows out: to the mouth’s median plane, Primary articula-
tion is commonly
in more technical parlance. In addition, [Il] is voiced, also like [d], unsur-
related to the
prisingly so, since we stated above that sonorants (of which class liquids, central area of
and thus [I], are members) are characteristically voiced across languages. the mouth
Finally, [1] is also oral, since the velum remains raised during the whole of
its production, just as it does with [d]. The difference between [I] and [d],
therefore, lies exclusively in the respective status of these two sounds with
regard to LATERALITY, the term referring to the lowering of the sides of
the tongue during articulation: [I] is lateral, while [d] is not.
In the opening paragraph of the section we said that [I], like [d], involves
air stoppage at the front. We now know that during the articulation of [I]
air continues to flow out of the mouth through the gap formed by the sides
of the tongue and the upper teeth on the sides of the mouth. We came across
a similar situation earlier for nasals, characterized by air stoppage in the mouth
but continuous airflow through the nose, and we attributed their conven-
tional description as stops to the fact that the articulation in the mouth is
regarded as primary.
72 Sonorant Consonants
In the Mid-Waghi language of New Guinea, for instance, the word [aLate]
‘dizzy’, with the velar lateral [L], contrasts (although not minimally) with
the word [alala] ‘speak incorrectly’, with the ordinary alveolar [1]. The sound
[L] is also reported to occur in some English accents in some contexts (for
instance, before labial or velar consonants), but it is otherwise rare. The
velar lateral [L] must not be confused with the velarized alveolar lateral [1).
The sound [#] occurs allophonically in English in word-final position, and
syllable-finally generally (syllables are dealt with in chapters 9 and 10), as
in pill, mole or cool, although some accents only have plain, or “clear”, Is (gen-
eral Irish), or velarized, or “dark”, Is (general Scottish).
in the so
In languages like Russian, [1] functions phonemically: mot ‘pier’ and potka
‘polka’, with [4], contrast with mol ‘moth’ and polka ‘shelf’, without. The
articulatory difference between the velarized I, [1], and its plain counterpart
[1] lies in the additional bunching of the body of the tongue at the back that
characterizes [t] (figure 3.8).
Repeat the last exercise ifyou had difficulties infinding this out.
In some accents (London Cockney, for instance) the velar lateral [1] loses its
alveolar contact and takes on lip rounding, effectively becoming the sound
represented by w in bow.
We have seen that both laterals and nasals can be realized at a range of
articulatory places. However, all laterals must by our definition involve the
All laterals involve tongue in their articulation; labial nasals, by contrast, are realized exclusively
the tongue in their
with the lips.
“Rho” is the Greek name for the letter r, and the label RHOTICS therefore
The label RHOTICS refers to a class of sounds that are “r-like”. It will soon become apparent,
refers to a class
however, that the members of this class do not necessarily have much in
of sounds that
are “r-like". The
common with each other phonetically: their common grouping as “rhotics”
members of this is grounded on similarity of phonological behaviour, rather than on shared
class do not phonetic substance.
necessarily have
much in common
with each other
In the previous section we explained that for [1] we blocked the air in the
central part of the mouth by pressing the blade of the tongue firmly against
the alveolar ridge, while letting it flow freely down the sides. By contrast,
for [1] the sides of the tongue touch the back teeth, while a fairly wide gap
is created in the centre of the mouth for the air to pass through without caus-
ing friction (figure 3.9).
Sonorant Consonants 75
There are two ways in which the blade of the tongue may be positioned
for [1]. The chances are that speakers from Britain will keep the blade flat,
leaving a channel open at the front for the air to escape (figure 3.10).
American speakers, on the other hand, are more likely to curl back the blade
towards the roof of the mouth (without of course touching it or drawing
the tongue too close to it). See figure 3.11.
76 Sonorant Consonants
i Ae
4 Try pronounc
Not only rs can be retroflected, but also all other sounds that involve the
tip of the tongue in their articulation. For instance, the d at the end of the
Swedish word smérgdsbord is retroflex. In IPA phonetic transcription,
retroflection is indicated by the addition of a tail to the symbol of the cor-
responding non-retroflex, hence [q] for the English retroflex r, [d] for the
Swedish retroflex d, and so on. In an alternative notation, in common use
for typographical convenience, retroflection is represented diacritically by
means of an underscripted dot: [4], [d], etc. Retroflex sounds are particu-
larly frequent in languages of the Indian subcontinent. For instance, in
Malayalam, the main language of the state of Karala, in Southern India, ku[t]i
‘child’, with a retroflex [t], makes up minimal pairs with ku[t]i ‘stabbed’, with
a dental [t], and ku[t]i ‘peg’, with an alveolar [t].
As was tke case with the production of voice (humming), the production of
a bilabial trill requires the lungs to be well filled with air, in order to
increase the air pressure inside, and concomitantly the force with which the
air comes out. The lips must also be positioned next to each other, without
undue tightening up or slackening. When pressurized air is let out, the lips
vibrate automatically.
Suppose now that, instead of bringing the lips together, you place the tip
of the tongue just above the upper tooth ridge, again neither too tightly nor
too loosely, taking care that the sides of the tongue press against the set of
lateral upper teeth tightly enough to prevent air from escaping through the
sides. If you now let through a substantial amount of high-pressure air, this
air will automatically set the tip of the tongue vibrating, exactly as it sets
the two lips vibrating in the cold gesture. An apposite musical analogy is
the reed of a wind instrument, which obviously the player does not manip-
ulate directly, but rather through the intermediary of the current of air.
The phonetic symbol for the alveolar trill is [r]. This symbol is obviously
identical to the letter r, and it is sometimes used loosely (for typographical
convenience, particularly when there is no likelihood of misinterpretation)
for other phonetic varieties of r also. This includes the English r, which we
saw above is a very different sound, and must strictly speaking be transcribed
as [1]. Such liberal use of phonetic symbols is for better or worse a fact of
transcription life, and must be accepted by the budding phonologist philo-
sophically, if perhaps not always joyfully.
The reader familiar with Spanish will be aware that there is another r in
this language besides the alveolar trill just described, as demonstrated by
the phonetic contrast between such words as pero ‘but’ and perro ‘dog’, with
the digraph rr representing the alveolar trill. This softer r is also found in
other languages, whether or not in contrast with [r]. Indeed, it is nowadays
Sonorant Consonants 79
more typical of Scottish English than the alveolar trill, contrary to popular
We will ease our way into describing the soft r by thinking of the typical
American pronunciation of t in such words as waiting (similarly in many
Irish varieties). Such a t does not of course sound anything like the [t] we
described in chapter 1: it is indeed a different sound, which substitutes for
[t] in various contexts in American English (see chapter 11 for details).
It clearly involves a single flap or tap of the tongue tip, which is essentially
thrown against the alveolar ridge. This means that we are dealing with yet
another alveolar sound.
The sound in question is also oral, since the velum is raised during its pro-
duction, and, being a sonorant, it is voiced.
carries over to the interruptions that make up the trill, also commonly con-
sidered a sonorant.
The American t in waiting we have just described is usually referred to as
a FLAP. The Spanish rin pero ‘but’, or the typical Scottish r, is similar, but
perhaps not absolutely identical, and is usually dubbed a TAP. The differ-
ence between a tap and aflap is subtle, but has been argued in the special-
ized literature. It is not in our interest to go into this level of detail here,
and we will accordingly leave the matter as it stands. The phonetic symbol
for the tap (as in Spanish pero ‘but’) is [r]. This symbol is also proposed for
the flap of the American waiting in the latest version of the IPA symbol chart.
American authors, however, have tended to use a capital d to represent the
flap, hence [D].
We shall now wind up our survey of rhotics — there are still more across
languages, but the present inventory is quite sufficient for our purposes. As
we pointed out at the outset, while they are spelled r in most languages,
rhotics can differ considerably from each other in their articulation. To add
Rhotics can differ to the confusion, the letter r is also used to represent sounds that are not
considerably from
even sonorants. For instance, the standard French and German 1s are uvu-
each other in their
articulation lar fricatives, rather than rhotics as such: [k] (voiced) or [x] (voiceless). The
UVULA is the appendix found at the end of the soft palate, and therefore
the place of articulation of these sounds lies between the place of articu-
lation of such velars as [x] or [y] and the place of articulation of the glottal
[h] (figure 3.12).
rs tend to function
as sonorants, even
What is interesting, indeed puzzling, is that all the phonetically quite differ-
when they are not ent rs function similarly in the respective phonological systems. In particular,
so phonetically they tend to function as sonorants, even when they are not so phonetically,
undoubtedly the reason they are generally construed as rhotics.
Sonorant Consonants 81
E] Summing Up
Nasals |. m n n 0
Laterals ] A
Rhotics v c I
(in “defective” (flap or tap) (in standard
English) English)
We have also described the lateral fricative alveolar [#] (as in the Welsh place
name Llandaf). While not a sonorant, this sound is of course closely related
to the lateral sonorant [1]. Also obstruents, rather than sonorants, are the
uvular fricatives [«] and [x], which we have just mentioned are used for r
in several languages. On the other hand, there exists a uvular trill [Rr], which,
as a trill, must be considered a phonetic sonorant. This uvular trill is some-
what reminiscent of gargling to the ear of the English speaker. It occurs in
some older dialects of French, and can be heard in recordings of the singer
82 Sonorant Consonants
Edith Piaf (cf. her classic “Je ne regrette rien”). It is also found in Lisbon
Portuguese, while the usual sound for r in Brazilian varieties of this language
is [x] or [h]. We gather all these heterogeneous sounds in table 3.3, to facil-
itate comparison.
Plain x x, h
Laterals ¢
Sonorant Consonants 83
Key Questions
Further Practice
Sound to Spelling
- Find the odd one out in the following sets and state reasons.
A labiodental approximant
A retroflex nasal stop
A voiceless uvular fricative
A velar nasal stop
An alveolar lateral stop
A voiced lateral fricative
Provide full phonetic descriptions for the sounds represented by the sym-
bols below:
[t] [q) [ct] [mp] [8] [Nn] [A] [py]
Thus, for instance, [p] was described as a voiceless bilabial stop obstruent,
[z] as a voiced alveolar fricative obstruent, [n] as a voiced velar nasal stop
sonorant, and so on.
Distinct segments must by definition differ in the setting of at least one such
Distinct segments parameter. Segments kept separate by only one parameter are minimally con-
must by definition
trastive. For instance, the pair sip ~ zip, mentioned in chapter 1, is kept sep-
differ in the set-
ting of at least
arate by the fricative obstruents [s] and [z], which differ only in their value
one parameter. for voice: [z] has voice, since it is pronounced with vocal fold vibration, but
[s] does not, since it is pronounced with the vocal folds inactive.
In most cases, however, the contrast between two segments involves more
than one parameter. For instance, in our present terms, [n] is defined as a
voiced alveolar nasal stop sonorant, while [f] is defined as a voiceless labio-
dental oral fricative obstruent: [n] and [f] therefore differ in the setting of
all the parameters mentioned, although of course they still overlap in being
non-lateral consonants.
Natural Classes of Sounds 87
Distinctive Features
The obvious solution to this problem involves the adoption of one of the two
complementary labels as the only “official” label, its counterpart being entirely
disposed of, or at least relegated to informal prose. The terminological gap
left behind will of course be filled with the negated term of the surviving
label: the dichotomy “sonorant” vs. “obstruent” now becomes “sonorant” vs.
“non-sonorant”, and so on. You must, however, be aware of the fact that the
selection of labels has sadly not been carried out uniformly by all practitioners.
For instance, the opposition “sonorant” vs. “non-sonorant” is expressed as
“non-obstruent” vs. “obstruent” by some, and likewise for other oppositions,
a minor inconvenience we will have no choice but to tolerate. This is one
reason you still need to gain familiarity with the less common labels. Another
reason is that many such labels are in current use in the phonetic literature,
to which the phonologist must of course have ready access.
As a further small, but still important, step in the process of formal rational-
ization we are engaged in, we shall express the negation “non-” by the neg-
ative algebraic symbol “—”, so that, for instance, we will write “non-sonorant”
as [-sonorant]. For reasons of symmetry, we will write “sonorant” with the
opposite algebraic symbol, “+”: [+sonorant].
Natural Classes of Sounds 89
The system we are proposing — with a fixed list of distinctive features, each
assigned one of two values (+ or —) — is ideal to implement classification,
which is after all what we have been doing so far with the sounds of speech,
the set of consonants, to be more precise. It is rather like classifying people
into [+female] or [—female] (equivalently, [-male] or [+male]), bicycles into
[+racing] or [—racing], or animals into [+pet] or [-pet]: the obvious advant-
age of such a system is that it immediately brings out both the criteria for
classification and the exact position of any given element in the system. Notice
that the system is maximally simple (it should only contain the features neces-
sary to implement classification), clear (each value is immediately transparent:
[-sonorant], for instance, refers to non-sonorants, that is, obstruents), and
unambiguous: there is no chance of missing the complementarity between
[+sonorant] and [-sonorant], as there would be if we used the labels “sonor-
ant” and “obstruent”. A further, even more important advantage will be
discussed in the following sections.
In the preceding chapters we saw that phonetic symbols are very useful when
Phonetic symbols we want a written record of language sounds. In this chapter, however, we
are very useful
are seeing that such symbols are not at all helpful when we want to find or
when we want a
written record of explain sound patterns.
language sounds. Consider for instance the assimilation of /p/ to [P] examined in chapter
However, such 2 ([p] is of course bilabial, while [P] is our ad hoc symbol for a voiceless
symbols are not at labiodental stop). We saw then that the context for such assimilation is the
all helpful when presence of a labiodental sound, such as [f], in the following position.
we want to find
or explain sound
The rule we proposed for the description of the change from /p/ to [?] reads
as follows:
Natural Classes of Sounds 91
Now, you already know that /b/ changes to [%] (remember, our ad hoc sym-
bol for a labiodental voiced stop, in the absence of an official IPA proposal)
in the same context, which also triggers a change of /m/ into [m] (the IPA
symbol for the labiodental nasal), as in the phrase come for tea.
The addition of [%] and [m] to [Pf] means that we need two new rules in
our rule repertoire: /b/ > [RB] and /m/ => [mn].
In actual fact, we will need to double our present set of three rules, since
the assimilation process also occurs in front of /v/, not only before /f/, as
in rule (1) above: home video, top value, subvert, etc. So, we will need six indi-
vidual rules in total, not a very economical outcome. Moreover, both com-
mon sense and linguistic intuition are telling us that underlying the six rules
is one single phonological process, by which lexically bilabial sounds are
pronounced as labiodental before a labiodental sound.
All these forms start with the negative prefix in- — a PREFIX is an ante-
posed affix; an AFFIX is a morpheme that needs to be attached to a base; a
MORPHEME is a minimal unit of grammatical function.
Compare now the forms in (2) with the ones in (3):
The examples in (3) contain the prefix im-, also negative. Is im- simply a
different prefix from in-? If we are really confronted with two negative pre-
fixes, what are the principles governing their distribution? Why don’t we get
imtolerant and inpossible, for instance? Linguistic intuition tells us that in- and
im- are in fact one and the same prefix. In particular, both forms convey the
same meaning, and are remarkably similar in phonetic composition, even
in the diverging segments [n] and [ml], only differentiated by their place of
articulation: they are both [+sonorant], [—continuant], [+voice] and [+nasal].
It does not require a great deal of observation and thinking to realize that the
alternation between [m] and [n] in the prefix in question can also be attributed
to assimilation: the labial [m] shows up before alabial ([p] in impossible), and
the alveolar [n] shows up before an alveolar ([t] in intolerant). In order to
formulate the rule responsible for this alternation, we will have to decide
between /m/ and /n/ as the lexical consonant.
sonant ha’
Natural Classes of Sounds 93
How are we going to select the lexical consonant? The general idea is that
the sound that has the wider distribution (that is, turns up in most contexts) The sound that
has the wider dis-
is lexical, whereas the sound or sounds with a more limited distribution is
tribution is basic,
or are created by contextually restricted rule(s). Particularly important is the that is, lexical,
form that occurs in as neutral a context as we can find, where by “neutral” whereas the
we mean unable or unlikely to induce assimilation. One such neutral context sound or sounds
in the present case would be the word end: when a word is said in isolation with the more
limited distribution
there is no following consonant to trigger assimilation. Unfortunately, pre-
is or are created
fixes by definition cannot be word-final, and so this particular test is not avail- by contextually
able for the set of data we are discussing. restricted rule(s)
At this point we have two choices: we can look for the next best envir-
onment in the same set of forms, or we can extend the data set. We will
now see that in the present case both strategies lead to the adoption of /n/
as the lexical segment.
Let us first look for the next best environment to the word’s end. Clearly,
the context we are seeking involves a vowel-initial base, because there is
little reason to believe that the prefix-final nasal will assimilate to a follow-
ing vowel:
(4) inability
rying to fir
nat can you say about immature, for example? —
The facts instantiated in (4) therefore point to /n/ as the lexical form of the
94 Natural Classes of Sounds
The normal pronunciation of these sequences is, in fact, te[m] pens, te[m]
boxes, te[n] tables and te[n] doors. These data therefore parallel the data with
the prefix im- ~ in- in (3) and (2) above. Crucially, however, we can extricate
ten from any possible assimilation context by pronouncing it in isolation.
When we do so, we of course get te[n], confirming /n/, rather than /m/,
as the lexical representation. Indeed, forms that must be assumed to have
lexical /m/, like some, manifestly fail to undergo assimilation under the
The data in (6) suggest that a putative lexical prefix im- would never become
in-, as it would need to have done in intolerable, etc., at least other things
being equal:
By contrast, we have encountered abundant evidence supporting the
assimilation of /n/ into [m]. Therefore, we postulate /1n/ as the lexical form
of the prefix we have been discussing, although of course this is a hypo-
thesis, not a factual conclusion.
Natural Classes of Sounds 95
Notice that we are now replacing phonetic symbols with distinctive features.
The feature [+nasal] is self-explanatory, while [labial] implies involvement
of the lips in the articulation, as in labials and labiodentals. As for [coronal],
all we need to say for now is that it formalizes alveolar articulation: in the
next section we discuss this feature and give the rationale for the particu-
lar terminology.
As formulated, rule (7) simply states that a coronal nasal immediately pre-
ceding alabial itself becomes labial. Notice that we are writing the features
[labial] and [coronal] without the “+” sign: we give the reason for this prac-
tice in section 6 below.
Once more, this four-rule outcome would come up against Occam’s razor.
Moreover, postulating four rules misses the generalization that their four con-
texts constitute one single natural class: the class of [labial] consonants.
Notice that we have not included [+sonorant] and several other feature
specifications in rule (7). Indeed, features are omitted from rules when they
are irrelevant to the process described in the rule (for instance, [—voice] is
irrelevant to the operation of (7)) or when they are predictable from the fea-
tures that are present (for example, we know from chapter 3 that [+sonorant]
is predictable from [+nasal]). We will return to this important matter in
chapter 17, simply bearing in mind for the moment that rules should be
Rules should be formulated in as economical a manner as possible.
formulated in
as economical
a manner as
possible The Feature “Coronal”. Active and Passive Articulators
We must now explain and justify the feature [coronal] that we included in
the nasal assimilation rule in (7).
We said at the time that [coronal] encodes alveolar place of articulation.
The feature This is true, but not the whole truth: it is more accurate to say that [coronal]
[coronal] refers
refers to a movement of the blade of the tongue. You will recall that the blade
to activity of the
blade of tongue
is the flexible portion at the front of the tongue that can be curled back or
stuck out unproblematically. The blade enjoys considerable mobility, and
therefore it can articulate in an area larger than just the tooth ridge.
Thus, for instance, the blade can go forward beyond the alveoli to produce
such a dental or interdental sound as [8] in thigh or thistle. It can also posi-
tion itself further back than the alveoli, as it does for the sounds [Jf] or [#]
of sherry and cherry, respectively. Now, as will become apparent later in the
chapter, all these sounds, while different, behave in a similar way with respect
to a number of phenomena. The assumption behind the distinctive feature
model is, of course, that similarity of behaviour follows directly from mem-
bership of a common class: each feature defines a class. The feature relevant
in the present case is “coronal”. The sounds [t], [d], [s], [z], [6], [5], [f1, (31,
[f{] and [dg], among others, are defined as [coronal], since they all involve a
gesture of the tongue blade.
Turning briefly to the terminology, the expression “coronal” is defined
as ‘pertaining to the blade of the tongue’. A more transparent label would
obviously have been “bladal”, except that this word does not exist in
Natural Classes of Sounds Dh
[4 Single-Value Features
We pointed out above that the features [labial] and [coronal] appear without
an algebraic operator: they are not given as [+labial], [+coronal], respectively.
What is the reason for this?
There is a crucial difference between features like [labial] or [coronal], on
the one hand, and [+voice] or [tnasal], on the other. Thus, as we said above,
a binary formalization +, — is ideal to capture a situation of complementar-
A binary formal-
ity: when one value is present, the other value must of necessity be absent.
isation +, — is
From this perspective, [voice] or [nasal] indeed are binary features, since ideal to capture
any particular sound will be voiced (= [+voice]) or voiceless (= [—voice]), a situation of
but not both or neither. The same remarks apply to [tnasal] and many other complementarity
The obvious consequence of binarism is, of course, that the negation of
one value implies its opposite.
98 Natural Classes of Sounds
More spectacularly perhaps for most of us, many West African languages have
stops that are not simply labial or simply dorsal, but rather a combination
of the two, that is, labiodorsal: [kp] and [gb], where the tie bar indicates this
unity. In Yoruba, a language of Nigeria, for instance, [akpa] ‘bridge’ con-
trasts with both [aka] ‘wheel’ and [apa] ‘lizard’, and [agbal] ‘jaw’ contrasts
with both [aga] ‘axe’ and [aba] ‘palm nut’
Have a g
-[gblah, e
All the facts we have considered confirm that at least [labial], [coronal] and
[dorsal] are unary, that is, features with only one value, in this way differing
from their binary counterparts like [+voice]. Note that the unary approach to
Natural Classes of Sounds 99
The assimilation rule in (7) above obviously yields the desired result: it replaces
the nasal coronal with a nasal labial before a labial consonant. There is a
very serious shortcoming in this formalism, however. In order to understand
this shortcoming, you must bear in mind that a rule like (7) is found not
only in English, but also in many of the world’s languages: there is clearly
something very natural about this type of process, which speakers are
extremely reluctant to suppress. Consider now the following formally pos-
sible rules:
The difference between these rules and the rule in (7) lies in the relation-
ship between the output and the context: in rule (7) the output feature is
identical to the contextual feature, but in (8) and (9) it is not. In (8) the nasal
becomes labial immediately before a coronal, and in (9) immediately before
a dorsal, and the sequences [mt], [md], and [mk], [mg], respectively, are
thereby created. The fact that rules of this kind do not exist, in English or
(almost for certain) in any other language, clearly cannot be coincidental.
Rather, the process expressed by the attested rule in (7) must be more nat-
ural than its logically possible but unattested counterparts in (8) and (9), which
are so unnatural as to fail to occur.
100 Natural Classes of Sounds
The reason is, of course, that the rule in (7) is a genuine assimilation rule, but
the rules in (8) and (9) are not. In particular, the rule in (7) brings the sub-
stance of the input segment (the coronal nasal) closer to the substance of the
contextual segment (the labial); indeed it makes it identical to it in place of
articulation. Clearly, nothing of the kind happens in rules (8) and (9).
The bottom line is that the natural relationship between the output of assim-
ilation rules and their context is not easily expressible in the rule formalism
we have been using up to now. This formalism is essentially that of the early
generative phonology literature, as compiled in The Sound Pattern of English,
“SPE”, to which we have already referred. Accordingly, we will now intro-
duce a more restricted and up-to-date formalism.
We shall proceed in small steps, to ensure that we leave no room for
uncertainty. First, you know that the segment that is input to the rule must
contain the features [coronal] and [+nasal], since only coronal nasals are
affected by this assimilation. In the type of theory propounded in SPE, this
information would be represented in a unified feature matrix, as in (10):
(10) et
e.g. [n]
We now have astring of two feature matrices, which define the sound
sequences [np] and [nb], among others.
Upon application of the rule, [labial] replaces [coronal] in the first matrix,
as follows:
Natural Classes of Sounds 101
In the formalization in (7) above, the input and output feature matrices are
related by means of an arrow, indicating the transition. The equivalent form-
alization for (11) and (12) is as in (13) (rule (7) was of course further stream-
lined by factoring out the environment):
What we are now seeing is that this type of formalism is also consistent with
other, non-occurring processes, illustrated in rules (8) and (9) above.
[+nasal] [+nasal]
e.g. [n pl SP [iat pl
All we have done, in effect, is break up the unified multifeature matrix and
grant functional (and, correspondingly, graphic) autonomy to each of its com-
ponent features, [coronal] and [+nasal] here. The association line linking these
two features indicates that they occur simultaneously in the input. In the
output, the association line has been transferred from [coronal] to [labial],
to encapsulate the assimilation process.
102 Natural Classes of Sounds
The crucial difference between this autosegmental formalism and its pre-
decessor is that in the autosegmental formalism the assimilation process is
The assimilation interpreted as a simple change in the association of one feature: [+nasal]
process is is connected to [+coronal] in the input, and to the adjacent autosegment
[labial] in the output. The result we were seeking is thus achieved in a
interpreted as a
simple change in way which expresses the assimilation process directly. By contrast, the two
the association of pseudoassimilation rules in (8) and (9) above simply cannot be formulated
one feature autosegmentally — or, if they could be formulated in such a way, their
unnaturalness would immediately be evident.
These words contain our familiar in- prefix, spelled precisely in this Way.
Spelling is of course no sure guide to pronunciation, and therefore you should
not be unduly surprised to hear that in these forms the final nasal in the
prefix is not [n].
Assimilation to a velar is, however, not predicted by the rule in (14), which
is specifically contextualized to labials. Therefore, in order to account for the
data in (15), we need an additional assimilation rule. We formulate this new
rule autosegmentally in (16), where we have collapsed the input and the out-
put into one single schema - specifically, the crossing out of the relevant
association line indicates dis(as)sociation, and the dotted line association:
Rule (16) says that a coronal nasal immediately followed by a dorsal conson-
ant loses its coronality and becomes dorsal (the feature [dorsal], as you know,
expresses velarity).
While the rule of nasal labialization and the rule of nasal dorsalization are
not identical, they are functionally similar, as they both implement assimila-
tion of nasals. Therefore, economy as well as intuition call for the reduction
of the two rules to one.
The reason that the assimilation process affects the unary features [labial]
and [dorsal] in the same way is, of course, that both these features express
place of articulation, the object of the assimilation in question. One simple way
of formalizing this type of functional unity involves adding a common mark
to all the features thus related, say, a subscript “p”, for “place of articulation”,
A subscript “,”, in the case we are discussing: [labial]p, [dorsal]p. This formalism allows us
for “place of
to refer to all places of articulation simultaneously simply by replacing the
allows us to specific feature labels with a variable ranging over them: [X]p, or, perhaps
refer to all places more perspicuously, [ . . . ]p. A more complex, but essentially equivalent,
of articulation formalism will be presented in chapter 17.
simultaneously The common process of place assimilation in nasals can now be ex-
by the simple pressed straightforwardly, as in (17):
strategy of repla-
cing the specific
feature labels by (17) Place assimilation in nasals:
a variable ranging [coronal], [.. lp
over them, thus
[X]p, or, perhaps
more perspicu- [+nasal]
ously, [... ]>
a lainhow (17) acco
A question that arises at this point is whether, in its present more general
formalization, rule (17) is not too unrestricted.
Natural Classes of Sounds 105
Even if it isn’t outright wrong, such an extension of the rule’s scope may
seem otiose and wasteful. Note importantly, however, that the application
of the rule in this context will at worst be vacuous: while it will have no
positive effects, it will do no harm either, since we saw in (2) above that — Vacuous applica-
lexical coronal nasals are indeed pronounced as coronal in front of coronals. tion ofa rule has
This means that we can leave things as they are at no cost: the rule in (17) oe PS
but does no harm
es aca "
is in any event needed in its present general formulation. either
Indeed, it would be more costly to attempt to exclude coronals from the con-
text of rule (17), in the same way as it takes a greater effort to prevent the
alarm clock from going off at the daily preset time on the occasion the sun
or a noise happen to awaken us earlier.
Actually, we will see in the next section that, contrary to initial appearances,
the rule in (18) has specific empirical consequences.
[J Feature Dependencies
Consider the forms in (19):
The nasal in the a. forms is alveolar, as would be expected from the fact that
the following segment is alveolar: /t/. The question is, are the ns in the forms
in the other two columns also alveolar?
Pronounce these fo
— alveol
It should be obvious that they are not alveolar. In the b. forms (tenth, etc.)
the passive articulator is the inside of the upper teeth, or the tooth edges,
depending on whether [6] is pronounced as a dental or as an interdental.
In turn, for the forms in c. (trench, etc.) the blade of the tongue is retracted
relative to the tooth edge, onto the palatoalveolar area where [Jf] and [tf] are
pronounced. All the consonants in question are, however, still [coronal],
because they all have the blade of the tongue as their active articulator.
Therefore, the differences between these various segments must hinge on
features other than [coronal].
One such feature is [/_DISTRIBUTED], which refers to the “distribution”
The feature of the tongue over the passive articulator. “Distribution” is perhaps not the
most transparent of terms to refer to the length of tongue area involved in
refers to the
the articulation, but once more we will have to make do with standard usage.
of the tongue The substantive point is that the noted versatility of the tongue blade makes
over the passive it possible for a substantial portion of it to be engaged in the articulation:
articulator [+distributed]. Alternatively, the portion of the blade carrying out the con-
striction may be minimal, essentially the tip: [—distributed]. With regard to the
precise part of the tongue involved, the contrast corresponds to a LAMINAL
vs. an APICAL gesture, that is, a gesture with the full blade of the tongue vs.
a gesture with just the tip. The binary contrast [+distributed] vs. [-distributed]
thus captures the difference in place of articulation between dental [6] or
[t], on the one hand, and alveolar [t], on the other.
comes by The crucial point in the present context is that the feature [+distributed]
definition autoseg-
comes by definition autosegmentally attached to [coronal]: only coronal sounds
mentally attached
to [coronal], of can be [+distributed], and therefore the feature is only relevant to coro-
which it consti- nals, at least on our current conception of distinctive features — in older
tutes a subdivision models, SPE for instance, the scope of [tdistributed] included other places
of articulation.
Natural Classes of Sounds 107
(20) Yes No No
a. [+nasal] b. [coronal], c. [+nasal]
[coronal], [coronal],
[distributed] [+distributed]
Although the rule has no visible effect at the [coronal], level (NB both the
input and the output segments are coronal), it does have consequences at the
level of the dependent [+distributed], which is automatically dragged along
by [coronal]. This result matches the facts in (19b) above, thus providing
strong backup for our approach, which includes the general assimilation rule
(17) and the built-in dependency of [tdistributed] on [coronallp.
The argument carries over to the set of data in (19c) above (trench, etc.).
Here the relevant feature is [tanterior]. This feature divides the hard palate
into two regions, the forward or anterior region, with the alveolar and dental
areas, and the posterior region, which includes the palatoalveolar and palatal
areas (figure 4.1).
The feature [+anterior] is the only distinctive feature that refers to the pass-
ive articulator — indirectly, however, it still refers to the active articulator,
which must retract or otherwise to meet the passive articulator.
The feature [tanterior] was first proposed in SPE. Like [+distributed], its §=—-————
scope used to extend over all places of articulation, but it is now also gener- _ [anterior] is re-
ally restricted to coronal sounds. Formally, therefore, [tanterior] is a further __‘tricted to coronal
dependent of [coronal]:
aS ae
further dependent
(22) [coronal], of [coronal]
[coronal], [coronal],
[+anterior] [-anterior]
As is the case with [+distributed] in (21) above, linking to the second [cor-
onal], has a side effect on the dependent, here the replacement of [+anterior]
with [—anterior]. Therefore, the process is not vacuous.
We finish the chapter with the tabulation of all the distinctive features we
have introduced, specifying their values in the segments we are familiar with
(we have simply ticked unary features where present). We have arranged
the segments by place of articulation from labial to velar, indenting depen-
dent features under their superordinate (table 4.1).
110 Natural Classes of Sounds
po to dk. ee UO Gea ee en
Palatals and velars are undifferentiated in this table: compare the values
of [pn] and [n]. The features which distinguish palatal from velar sounds
will be introduced in chapter 6, with additional discussion in chapter 17.
Notice also that we have purposely left the glottal stop [?] and the glottal
fricatives [h] and [h] out of the place of articulation count: in phonology,
“place of articulation” specifically refers to place of articulation in the oral
Natural Classes of Sounds 111
ina ace.
nn a c
complementary pair of labels (such a
112 Natural Classes of Sounds
Key Questions
Further Practice
Natural Classes
a. In each of the groups (i-vi) below there is one odd member, the rest
belonging to a natural class which can be identified by means of one or more
common feature(s). Identify the odd one out and say which feature(s) is
or are common to the remainder. (There may be more than one possible
answer in some cases.)
[v, n, m, v, B]
ll. [9,f7t, s/¢]
ili. [y, 3 0) -v 7B]
IV. [n, 1,4, d,.n]
ides 2) £0)
vi. x, y, 0,k,pl
a /lyn/ {l, nJ
vii. /b,d,d,}4,8/ [m,n, n,n, 9]
viii. /g,x,k, y/ LtLitddt
[b, ®, Pp, B]
Selayarese Reduplication
(i) Is the reduplicated form identical to the base form in all these data?
(ii) Why?
(ii) | Write a rule accounting for the facts.
(iii) Give the reduplicated forms for the following:
[dodon] ‘sick’
[nungayn] ‘hit’
[bamban] ‘hot’
[soron] ‘push’
If you think carefully about the anatomy of the mouth, you will realize that
not all of it is rigid. For instance, the mouth can be opened and closed. More
to the point here, we can and do form a tube inside the mouth, with the
roof of the mouth, the position of which, of course, we cannot alter, and the
tongue, which we can move. By drawing the tongue closer or less close to
By drawing the the roof of the mouth, we can vary the size of this tube. As you just learnt
tongue closer or from our discussion on recorders, each such tube size will produce a dif-
less close to the
roof of the
ferent sound quality, hence a different vowel.
mouth, we can You can verify this prediction on yourself. Suppose you utter the sound
vary the size of ah, as when asked to do so by the doctor.
the tube. Each
such tube size will
produce a differ- fe
ent sound quality,
hence a different
is, in many ways, its polar opposite. In particular, push the body of your
tongue as high and forward as you possibly can without making contact or
creating a constriction with the roof of the mouth — if you do block the pas-
sage or create a constriction, the sound will of course not be a vowel, but a
When you feel that you have got the tongue to the desired position, let out
the air: the sound that will come out of your mouth will be similar to the
vowel in the English words bee or sea. This sound thus constitutes a second
vowel, which we can add to our list. Again, it is important to notice that
the air flows out of the mouth unimpeded, precisely as is characteristic of
vowels. The reason this second vowel sounds different from the first one is,
of course, that the size of the tube in which it is produced is different. In
fact, it is considerably different: the doctor would have quite a job examin-
ing your throat while you pronounce the vowel ee.
The number of vowels in the world’s languages can vary dramatically, from
one or two to ten or twenty. We said above that our awareness of exactly
how each vowel is pronounced is less than with consonants. You now know
why this is so. In consonants we can find out easily where we are making
the constriction or blockage. The pronunciation of vowels, however, involves
creating a makeshift tube with the tongue and the roof of the mouth, and The pronunci-
ation of vowels
our awareness of such a tube and its properties is usually very poor, un-
involves creating
fortunately for the student of phonetics. In addition, the tube is well inside a makeshift tube
the mouth, and therefore we cannot observe it directly, even if we enlist with the tongue
the aid of a mirror. We could of course take still X-rays, or even motion and the roof of
pictures, as we articulate the vowels, and indeed these and other such tech- the mouth
niques have led to important advances in our understanding of how vowels
are produced. Clearly, though, this technology is well beyond the reach of
the average reader — and must anyway, for medical reasons, be used with
great care, under proper supervision only.
118 Vowel Sounds
Naturally, phoneticians have been aware of the problem for a long time.
In the early 1900s, the English phonetician Daniel Jones developed a chart
on which to plot vowels in a way reminiscent of the cardinal points in nature.
For the cardinal points we look for the point in the horizon where the sun
rises, and we define such apoint as the east. If we now face east (which we
have just established), we automatically define west, south and north, as the
points behind our back, to our right and to our left, respectively. Once we
have these four cardinal points, we can define any intermediate points
(south-west, north-east, etc.) simply by dividing the space accordingly.
We will now do something similar with vowels. We already have two
CARDINAL VOWELS: ah and ee. As we have explained, ee, roughly as in
bee or sea, is articulated with the body of the tongue as high and forward as
is compatible with a vowel sound — in particular, there must be no blockage
or constriction of the airstream. If you observe yourself in a mirror as you
do this, you will notice that your lips spread automatically. The articulatory
instructions for the ah of father or spa, or at the doctor’s surgery, are the oppos-
ite: the tongue is pulled back and lowered, with the concomitant lowering
of the jaw (unless the speaker happens to be chewing a pipe!).
If you observe yourself in a mirror as you articulate ah, you will notice
that the lips are in a neutral position: neither spread nor rounded. At the
moment, such lip movements are quite automatic: our articulatory instruc-
tions concern exclusively the tongue. However, it will become clear later that
lip position also plays an important role in the articulation of vowels.
The interest of the two vowels we have just considered is that they can
be produced simply by following the given articulatory instructions, in a
manner similar to what we saw in previous chapters is the case with con-
sonants. In this respect, these two vowels are exceptional, as we will see.
Their usefulness lies in the fact that they provide us with the two basic car-
dinal points to use as a reference to define the rest of the vowels.
The IPA symbols for our two current cardinal vowels are [a], for ah, and
[i], for ee. We have been saying all along that these vowels are similar to the
Cardinal vowels vowels in the English words father or spa, and bee or sea, respectively.
are by definition
However, although they are similar, they are not identical, for two reasons.
artificial, made by
following a set of First, the cardinal vowels are by definition artificial, made by following a
articulatory set of articulatory instructions, and there is no guarantee that the resulting
instructions articulatory gesture will be picked up literally by any natural language. Second,
we will see below and in successive chapters that vowels have a tendency to
Vowel Sounds 119
move about in the articulatory space much more than consonants. There-
fore, vowels are likely to acquire their own nuances and idiosyncrasies in each
language, or even in each dialect or idiolect (the word IDIOLECT refers to
the specific manner of speaking of one speaker). By contrast, the cardinal
vowels are idealized reference points, analogous to the metre standard kept
in the Pavillon de Breteuil in Paris: the metre standard is stored under ideal
conditions of temperature, humidity, etc., quite unlike the circumstances found
in the outside world, and therefore no other metre stick will have exactly
the same length as the standard, although it will of course be equivalent to
it for all practical purposes. So, when we talk about the cardinal vowels [a]
and [i] henceforth, you must bear in mind that, although they are similar to When we talk
the vowels in father and bee, they are bound not to be absolutely identical, about specific car-
dinal vowels, you
and likewise for the other cardinal vowels we will introduce.
must bear in mind
that they are
bound not to be
absolutely identical
to the vowels of
any language
help most readers grasp without much trouble the points we are end-
eavouring to make. We will also appeal to more localized accents when
required by the facts being discussed — we will indeed find Scottish English
particularly useful to identify some of the primary cardinal vowels. In the
final analysis, however, readers need to refer our descriptions to their own
specific accents if true understanding is to emerge.
We saw above that, once we have the four cardinal points, we can define
an infinite number of intermediate points in the intervening space. We will
now show that something similar happens with cardinal vowels.
The cardinal points are of course plotted in an open space. The space avail-
able to vowels is, however, confined to the volume delimited by the roof
of the mouth and the (moving) tongue. Geometrically, the vertical section
of this space can be construed as a trapezoid, as we represent schematic-
ally in figure 5.1. Note that, by convention, the vowel space systematically
faces left.
The two blobs in figure 5.3 stand for the two points where our first two car-
dinal vowels are plotted. Clearly, given the convention that the vowel space
faces left, the blob in the top left-hand corner identifies the position where
[i] is articulated, and the blob in the low corner on the right of the figure
the position for [a] (figure 5.4).
122 Vowel Sounds
Having plotted these two vowels in the top left and the bottom right
angles, respectively, two other vowels naturally suggest themselves in the
two remaining corners. The IPA symbols for these vowels are [a] and [ul]
(we will, however, propose another symbol for [a] in section 6 below). See
figure 5.5.
a a
Figure 5.5 The four corner cardinal vowels
You can obtain these two vowels articulatorily from the two more basic
vowels by sliding the tongue forwards, for [a], or backwards, for [u], while
maintaining its height constant in each case.
The vowel [u] is instantiated (again, approximately) in the words shoe and
clue. Its articulation thus involves simultaneous retraction and raising of the
tongue. Additionally, the lips purse out rather heavily: the technical term
for this lip gesture is “rounding”.
Vowel Sounds 123
For [a], by contrast, the tongue needs to go down (as it does for [a]) and
come forward (in contrast to [a]). A sound similar to cardinal vowel [a] is
found in such words as heart in eastern New England, and also in hat and
tap in some accents of Northern England, in Yorkshire for instance. For [a] oe
as for [i] and [a], there is no lip rounding.
A glance at figure 5.5 above will reveal that the two basic parameters for
vowels are height, on the vertical axis, and backness-frontness, on the The two basic
horizontal axis. According to these parameters, [i] and [u] are both high parameters
defining vowels
vowels, whereas [a] and [a] are low vowels. Simultaneously, [i] and [a] are
are height, on
front vowels, and [u] and [a] back vowels. We summarize this distribution the vertical axis,
in the table in (1): and backness—
frontness, on the
horizontal axis
Figure 5.6 The front cardinal vowels
In order to pronounce both [e] and [e], we must position our tongue some-
where in between [i] and [a]. The size of the tube must therefore increase
along the scale [i], [el, [e], [a] - exactly how this is achieved is too complex
a matter to go into here: what is relevant to us is that [e] sounds half-way
between [i] and [e], and [e] sounds half-way between [e] and [a].
The cardinal vowels [e] and [e] approximate to the Scottish English vowels
in words like late or raid, and let or red, respectively. In more common English,
the vowel in late is diphthongal, as we shall explain in chapter 7, while the
vowel in let is higher than [e]. The cardinal vowels [e] and [e] also occur in
more or less their pure form in French (bébé [bebe] ‘baby’; béte [bet] ‘beast’)
and in German (See [ze] ‘lake’; Bett [bet] ‘bed’).
The situation we have described carries over to the back vowels [u], [a]. In
The perceptual particular, the perceptual space between these vowels can be filled in at equal
space between the intervals with the vowels [o], one-third close to [u], and [5], one-third close
back vowels [ul], :
[al can be filled in © Lal (figure 5.7).
at equal intervals
with the vowels u
[o], one-third
close to [u], and
[9], one-third close
to [a]
Figure 5.7 The back cardinal vowels
Vowel Sounds 125
Lip rounding is restricted to the primary cardinal vowels of the back set,
and increases with height. We already know that [a] is unround, whereas
[u] is round. The intermediate vowels [o] and [5] are also round, [o] more
heavily so than [5], and less so than the high vowel [u]. Lip rounding makes
up for the shallowness of the back area of the mouth, as compared with the
area at the front. Thus, you know by now that vowel quality is a function
of the size of the tube through which the airstream exits the mouth. The lips
are pursed to varying degrees to compensate for the reduced volume at the
back of the mouth, so as to achieve differences in tube size equivalent to
those in the front vowels.
Our two new vowels [o] and [5] again occur in Scottish English, respect-
ively in coat or road, and cot or rod. They also occur in French (beau [bo]
‘beautiful’; botte [bot] ‘boot’) and in German (Sohn [zon] ‘son’; sonst [zonst]
ie u 8
ore a6
4a Cao
Figure 5.8 Set of primary cardinal vowels (numbered)
As we have already explained, the two main vowel parameters are height
and frontness—backness. The vowels [i], [e], [e] and [a] are front, while [ul],
[ol, [>] and [a] are back. With regard to height, [i] and [u] are high, while [a] A ROUNDNESS
and [a] are low. The intermediate vowels [el], [o], [e] and [5] are considered mid: parameter has
[e] and [o] mid-high, and [e] and [5] mid-low. An additional ROUNDNESS been implicit in
parameter has been implicit in the discussion. With regard to this third para- the discussion
meter, [ul], [o] and [9] are round, and all the other vowels unround.
126 Vowel Sounds
We have been pointing out that the cardinal vowels are idealized vowel sounds
The cardinal evenly distributed around the vowel space. The cardinal vowels do not there-
vowels are ideal-
fore necessarily correspond to the real vowels of any natural language.
ized vowels
We have, of course, offered some approximate illustrations to help readers
understand the sound quality of each such vowel, but none of these strictly
corresponds to the pristine cardinal vowels — recordings of these vowels by
Daniel Jones, and others after him, are available commercially.
This said, some vowels in some languages approximate more to the car-
dinal vowels than some vowels in other languages. Unfortunately for most
of us, the common English vowels are far from being good representatives
of the cardinal vowels, even in cases where there is a reasonable corre-
spondence: we shall see this in detail when we carry out a survey of English
vowels in chapter 7. For instance, we have provided words like sea and shoe
to illustrate the high cardinal vowels [i] and [u], respectively. Two similar-
sounding words exist in French, although their meanings are quite differ-
ent: si ‘yes’ and chou ‘cabbage’. In IPA symbols, both English sea and French
si will be transcribed [si], and both English shoe and French chou will be
transcribed [fu]. In spite of this, there is a perceptible shade of difference
between the pronunciation of the two English words and the pronunciation
of their French correlates, which a speaker of one language will readily
attribute to the presence of a “foreign” accent in the speaker of the other
language. One of the reasons the two high vowels sound slightly different
in the two languages is precisely that the French vowels are closer to the
corresponding cardinal vowels than are the English vowels, which deviate
from the cardinal specimens in several ways we will examine in chapter 7.
Of course, similar considerations apply to the differences between English
accents the world over. These differences are in fact far from trivial, in
particular with respect to vowels, again as we will see in some detail in
chapter 7.
The cardinal vowels are therefore equivalent to the straight lines we
draw in real life, which can never be absolutely straight — the gap between
conceptual objects and real-world objects is well known to philosophers, and
is quite beyond dispute. Naturally, this caveat also applies to the other sounds
represented in the IPA alphabet, except that for consonants no claim has
ever been made of absolute uniformity across languages: [s], for instance, is
defined as a voiceless alveolar fricative, and so any voiceless alveolar fricat-
Vowel Sounds 127
(2) .& 29
While use of diacritics enhances the precision of the IPA alphabet, it also
quite clearly encumbers the transcription. Consequently, phoneticians tend
to be sparing in the use of such symbols, reserving them for cases where
confusion may arise between two otherwise similar sounds: in all other
cases the IPA symbol is used with no accessories. For instance, the English
vowels in sea and shoe will normally appear transcribed as [i], [ul], exactly
as the vowels in the French words si and chou, despite the fact that there
is a perceptible difference between them - as we said, the French vowels
are reasonably close to the cardinal specimens 1 and 8; the common English
vowels are, among other things, slightly lower.
We have seen that the set of primary cardinal vowels is made up of eight
vowels. Four of these are basic, two of which are fundamental to the pro-
cedure, as they can be defined on an articulatory basis quite precisely.
128 Vowel Sounds
Not surprisingly, not all eight primary cardinal vowels show up in all the
world’s languages, whether in their pure form or even approximately. A vowel
system with one or two members is obviously not very functional. Some
North Caucasian languages are claimed to have only two vowels, although
these possess numerous allophones (we have talked about allophones and
phonemes in chapter 2). The vowel system commonly considered basic to
language in fact contains three vowels, the two high vowels [i], [u] and a
central low vowel articulated between [a] and [a], that is, between cardinal
vowels nos. 4 and 5, in fact the common Scottish pronunciation of the vowel
in hat. Quite unexpectedly and most inconveniently, there is no special IPA
symbol for this vowel, which is usually transcribed with the same symbol
as cardinal vowel no. 4, that is, [a]. This practice can only induce confusion
in the reader, who will need extensive textual support to be sure whether
the vowel referred to at any particular point is the front vowel or the
central vowel. This vagueness runs against the very heart of the philosophy
of the IPA. In order to keep to the standard of formal precision we are pur-
posely adopting for this book, we shall reluctantly take the bold step of depart-
We shall reluc- ing from IPA doctrine and substitute [ze] (a symbol known as “the ash”) for
tantly take the [a] to designate cardinal vowel no. 4, the vowel of Yorkshire hat or eastern
bold step of
departing from
New England heart. This obviously frees the symbol [a] for the central low
IPA doctrine and vowel, the vowel of Scottish hat. We wish to emphasize that we are not mak-
substitute [ze] for ing this move light-heartedly, but on balance it seems to us that grasping
[a] to designate this particular nettle will in the long run be more beneficial than trying to
cardinal vowel bury our heads in the sand. We return to this matter in chapter 7 in con-
no. 4
nection with the pronunciation of the English vowels.
The three basic vowels [i], [ul], [a] pattern in the manner displayed in (3):
(Besa u
Notice that these three vowels are as far apart in the space as any vowels
The most common can be. With regard to the vowel parameters, [i] and [u] are high, and [al]
vowel sys-
low; [i] is.front, [u] back and [a] central; and [i] has spread lips, [u] rounded
tem world-wide is
the five-member lips and [a] neutral lips.
vowel triangle Systems with more than three vowels simply tend to add other vowels
i, €, a, O, U to this basic three-vowel system. Indeed, the most common vowel system
world-wide is the five-member vowel triangle schematized in (4):
Vowel Sounds 129
(4) i u
This system obviously results from the enrichment of the basic vowel tri-
angle with the intermediate vowels [e] and [o]. Note that in these systems
[e] and [o] are genuinely half-way between [i]-[a] and [u]-[a], respectively,
and therefore the symbols [e] and [o] are strictly speaking misleading.
The reason for this lax use of phonetic symbols has to do with typograph-
ical economy, always an important consideration in transcription practice,
sometimes perhaps excessively so. The practical motivation that inspired the
IPA alphabet historically also often lends transcription practice a phonemic
orientation that is not always consistent with the goal of phonetic faithful-
ness. Phonetically oriented transcription is known as NARROW TRANSCRIP-
TION, and phonemically oriented transcription as BROAD TRANSCRIPTION. —Phonetically
oriented transcrip-
tion is known
and phonemically
oriented transcrip-
tion as BROAD
Note that the adoption of [e] and [o], rather than [e] and [5], as representat-
ives of the intermediate sounds is also down to typographical considera-
tions: the characters “e” and “o”, but not their counterparts, are part of the
Roman alphabet, and thus included in all standard typing and printing sets.
Quantum Vowels
An interesting question arises at this point concerning the basic three- and
five-member vowel sets given in the previous section. In particular, it is per-
haps not obvious why precisely the vowels [a], [i] and [u] are included in
those sets, rather than, for instance, [a], [o] and [5].
130 Vowel Sounds
One plausible reason for the prevalence of the three basic vowels [al, [i],
[u] could be that they are easier to articulate. If we interpret ease of articu-
lation as minimal movement, however, [a], [i], [u] don’t seem easier to
articulate, since they require extreme positions of the tongue and lips, with
concomitant greater articulatory effort. On the other hand, minimizing
articulatory effort cannot be the only consideration for the selection of
sounds in language, since, if it was, only one sound (the sound easiest to
pronounce) would be in existence universally.
What is special about the vowels [a], [i] and [u] is that each can be articu-
The vowels [a], [i], lated over a reasonably broad space with minimal effect on perception. For
[u] are called
instance, while we said that cardinal vowel no. 1 [i] corresponds to an extreme
VOWELS because
forward and upward movement of the tongue, the essential sound quality
each of them can of the vowel will still be obtained with a more relaxed movement: the dif-
be articulated over ference in articulation may of course be perceptible, as we saw above in
a reasonably connection with English sea and French si, but the vowels in question will
broad space with still be identified as, broadly, [i]. For this reason, [a], [i] and [u] are given
minimal effect on
the label QUANTUM VOWELS, suggesting a perceptual quantum leap
between them. By contrast, variation within each such vowel will at best be
perceived as a matter of nuance, or “accent”. This state of affairs arises from
the fact that the relationship between the size of the tubes and the sound
they produce is not a direct one — this matter falls within the domain of acous-
tic physics, and therefore its details do not concern us here.
We have seen that the eight primary cardinal vowels [il, [el], [e], el, [al,
[5], [o], [u] are basically definable by means of the parameters of height and
frontness—backness. In particular, the first four such vowels ([i] down to
[z]) are front, while the second four ([a] up to [u]) are back. Concomitantly,
[i] and [u] are high, [ez] and [a] low, and [e] and [o] mid. All these descript-
ive expressions refer of course to the positioning of the tongue in the mouth
cavity, which creates differences of size and shape in the tube it forms with
the roof of the mouth.
We have also seen that the space is somewhat more limited at the back
of the mouth, the lips accordingly undergoing rounding in all back vowels
but [a], to compensate. Rounding of the lips for the primary cardinal vowels
nos. 6, 7 and 8 comes therefore quite naturally.
Suppose now that we reverse the normal setting and round the lips for
all the primary cardinal vowels but precisely these three. What will hap-
pen? Clearly the sizes and shapes of the resulting eight new tubes (one tube
for each cardinal vowel) will be different from the sizes and shapes of the
Vowel Sounds 131
tubes that correspond to the original eight primary cardinal vowels. If the
tubes are different (considerably different, in fact, since the contribution of
the lips is not negligible), the sound they will produce will obviously be dif-
ferent. So, in effect, we will have doubled our vowel inventory, from eight
to sixteen members.
The vowels produced by deliberately reversing the normal action of
the lips are known as SECONDARY CARDINAL VOWELS. We will now The vowels pro-
duced by deliber-
review these vowels, bearing in mind that they are not well represented in
ately inverting the
the most common accents of English, and therefore we will be forced to refer normal action of
to other languages for description and exemplification more often than we the lips are known
would have wished. as SECONDARY
Fortunately, most of the front secondary cardinal vowels exist in languages CARDINAL
with which readers are likely to be reasonably familiar, French or German,
for instance. The round vowel in the front high position corresponding to
[i] is transcribed as [y] ([ti] in an alternative transcription not uncommon in
America), and is present in the French word rue [by] ‘street’ and in the German
word friih [fy] ‘early’.
—e <
The next secondary cardinal vowel down the chart is [@] ([6] sometimes
in America), the round counterpart of [e]. Again, this vowel does not occur
in English, but it does in French and in German: feu [fo] ‘fire’ and schon [fon]
‘beautiful’, respectively. Monolingual English speakers are likely to have dif-
ficulties with this sound, and simply replace it with an unround central vowel
which we shall discuss in chapter 7. In particular, there is no sequence [eo]
or [oe] in English to fall back on, the way that there is [iu] for [y].
The next round front vowel is [ce] (also [5] in America), corresponding to
the primary vowel [e]. As with the other front round vowels, this vowel does
not exist in English, although again it does in French and German: coeur [koex]
‘heart’ and zwilf [tsvcelf] ‘twelve’, respectively.
The last front round vowel is the low vowel [CE], corresponding to the
primary cardinal vowel [z]. This sound is truly rare among the world’s lan-
guages. It is, however, reported to exist in a Bavarian dialect of Austria. The
extreme rarity of this sound is evidence of its unnaturalness, easily traced
back to the physiological difficulties in lip rounding inherent to low vowels,
and to the weak perceptual salience of the sound that follows from the
tenuousness of the rounding. All this makes the practice of [GE] unneces-
sary, although we will still add it to our chart for completeness, as an addi-
tional reference point (figure 5.12).
& CE
Figure 5.12 The front cardinal vowels (primary and secondary)
134 Vowel Sounds
You are well aware by now of the tendency of back vowels to be spontane-
ously round, and of the fact that this tendency does not extend to the low
back primary cardinal vowel [a].
The vowel [p] completes the inventory of round secondary cardinal vowels,
which we now display in the familiar vowel chart (figure 5.13).
we CE D a
Figure 5.13 The set of round secondary cardinal vowels
Vowel Sounds 135
The remainder of the back secondary cardinal vowels are unround, a re-
versal of their primary condition. The unround counterpart of the primary
cardinal vowel no. 6, [95], is [A]. This vowel (or something quite similar to this
vowel) existed in pre-Second World War RP English in such words as up
or cuff, but its position has now shifted forward. In spite of this change, this
vowel sound is still usually transcribed with the IPA symbol [a], confus-
ingly for RP English and similar accents: in some North American and south-
ern Irish accents the vowel of up or cuff does approximate to the cardinal
vowel [a] (the accents of northern England typically have a much higher
vowel in these words).
S ce A a)
a CE D a
The next secondary cardinal back vowel on our way up the chart is [¥],
the unround version of [o]. This vowel also does not exist in common vari-
eties of English. It can, however, be heard in words like up and cuff in the
speech of (normally south-dwelling) speakers of northern English origin in
their attempt to approximate RP - as mentioned above, the vowel of these
words in genuine northern English accents is higher, and also round: we
will describe this vowel in detail in chapter 7. We now add [x] to the vowel
136 Vowel Sounds
chart (figure 5.15) — if you wish to practise this vowel you simply have to
unround your pronunciation of [o], as expected.
wy yi
c Oo ¥ O
o ce A Oo
re CE D a
The last secondary cardinal vowel is [w]. This is a high back unround vowel,
the unround counterpart of [u]. This vowel occurs in Vietnamese, where [ku]
‘continue’ contrasts with [ku] ‘owl’ and with [ki] ‘note’. A bit closer to home,
it also turns up in Turkish: [dw] ‘exterior’.
11 y9 16W U8
ze 15 ¥| O07
14A] 96
Figure 5.16
Complete set of cardinal vowels
Vowel Sounds 137
As you can see, there are sixteen cardinal vowels in all, of which eight (nos.
1 to 8) are primary, and the rest secondary (from 9 to 16). As one would There are in all
expect, secondary cardinal vowels, being less natural than their primary coun- sixteen cardinal
vowels, of which
terparts, are less widespread, but they are all still found in some languages
eight (nos. 1 to 8)
— some of them in quite a few languages. We have mentioned an alternat- are primary, and
ive, but less common, transcription system for the front rounded vowels: the rest secondary
placing a dieresis on the symbol of the corresponding round back primary (from 9 to 16)
vowels ([ii], [6], [5]). This system, particularly associated with North
America, is potentially confusing, since the dieresis indicates centralization
(not fronting) in the more widely used IPA system.
Central Vowels
Moving up the central vowel space we come across the most neutral of
all vowels: the vowel that, so to speak, comes out of the mouth without any
138 Vowel Sounds
tongue or lip movement. In English, many stressless vowels are realized thus.
The IPA symbol for this central mid vowel is an inverted “e”: [a]. This vowel
is endowed with its own label, in recognition of its importance: schwa (pro-
nounced [fwa]), the old Hebrew term for a diacritic indicating a missing
vowel (Hebrew writing usually only includes consonants). Schwa is a very
common sound in the world’s languages, although it is important to real-
ize that not all the sounds thus labelled (or indeed transcribed) are in fact
phonetic schwas. For instance, schwa is supposed to occur abundantly in
French (in correspondence with non-silent orthographic es), but it has been
argued that such alleged schwas are phonetically [ce], rather than [a].
Similar situations obtain in other languages, mutatis mutandis.
We shall now examine briefly the two central high vowels [i] and [zl],
unround and round, respectively. The vowel [3] occurs in northern Welsh:
un ‘one’. A similar vowel can be heard in words like bit or wish in some
accents of English, notably Scottish and Northern Irish, as well as in New
Zealand. Scottish and Northern Irish English (but not New Zealand
English) often have [] in words like choose or foot. This sound occurs more
generally in other languages, such as Norwegian or Swedish: Swedish [hws]
‘house’, [ful] ‘ugly’, [nw] ‘now’.
We now enter in the chart the position of the central vowels we have dis-
cussed (figure 5.17).
We wind up the chapter with a chart of all the vowels we have presented,
and with a tabulation of these vowels in terms of the basic parameters
“front” /“back”, “high”/“low”, and “round” (figure 5.18 and table 5.1).
TRY, + U uw u
e\. O
ee So
ee a
Figure 5.18 Complete vowel chart
me, i y i a w u
Mid High e @ 3 ¥ oO
Mid Low € ce A 3
Low ee G& a a D
Key Questions
1 What distinguishes a vowel from 7 What are the minimal and the most
a consonant? common vowel systems in the lan-
2 How do we modulate vowel quality? guages of the world?
3 What are “cardinal vowels”? How 8 Define the term “quantum vowels”.
are they identified? List the primary What are the particular attributes
set. of these vowels?
4 What do the initials RP and GA 9 Which of the settings for primary
stand for? cardinal vowels is reversed in the
5 How-do cardinal vowels differ from secondary set?
real-world vowels? What is their 10 List the parameters used for the
use for descriptive purposes? characterization of vowels.
6 Define the terms “broad” and “nar-
row” phonetic transcription.
Vowel Sounds 141
Vowel Sets
a. ly ce o &]) d. [faean]
b. liiwy uw) e In30v ul
caf [ur x a al f. «le ve el
Vowel Systems
Study the following vowel systems. Explain how each of the sets can be
described as either symmetrical or asymmetrical. What would be required
to make the asymmetrical sets symmetrical?
In chapter 4 we saw that the primitive units of phonological sound are the
distinctive features, and we presented and discussed a substantial number
of them. In this chapter we will augment the universal list with a handful
of additional features specifically relevant to vowels.
t eend of chapter§
ight berelevanti
Table 5.1 at the end of chapter 5, classifying vowels phonetically by the para-
meters height, frontness—backness and roundness, can be reinterpreted
almost verbatim in terms of distinctive features.
We must first formally differentiate between consonants and vowels, by
means of the feature [tconsonantal], which we define as follows:
of formalizing the hi
_ of distinctive featu
The major difference between [i], [e], on the one hand, and [ul], [o], on the
other, is one of backness. We captured this difference by means of a feature
[+back] bearing on body of the tongue retraction, as we now illustrate for a The difference
six-vowel system: in backness is
captured by
means of the
(2) li] [fe] fe] [a] [ol] [ul feature [+back]
[high] + - - - - +
[low] - - + + - =
[back] - - - + + +
In systems with an odd number of vowels the unpaired central low vowel
[a] is usually considered [+back] phonologically.
The four features proposed distinguish all the segments reviewed but the
two mid vowels in each of the front and back sets. We obviously need a
further feature to differentiate the vowels in these pairs. Before we go into
this matter, it will be useful to notice the existence of dependencies between
There are depend- the features we have just presented and some of the features we introduced
encies between
in chapter 4.
Feature Dependencies
(5) [labial]
Notice that the only reason to specify a sound as [-round] is that it could
conceivably have been [+round]. If so, the sound in question must of neces-
sity be [labial]. For instance, the consonants [p], [f], [b], etc., are all [labial]
and [-round]. By contrast, consonants like [t], [d], etc., are articulated with
the blade of the tongue, as we know, and therefore [tround] is simply irrel-
evant to them.
Phonological Processes Involving Vowel Features 147
Let us now examine [thigh], [+low] and [+back]. We already know that
these features capture movements of the body of the tongue upwards, down-
wards and backwards — notice that the blade can simultaneously be tucked
in behind the lower teeth.
It follows from this that [thigh], [tlow] and [+back] are dependents of
[thigh], [tlow]
[dorsal] (see, however, chapter 17 for a different opinion):
and [+back] are
dependents of
(6) [dorsal]
The vowel [o] with advanced The vowel [9] with retracted
tongue root ([+ATR]) tongue root ([-ATR])
The tongue root has both phonetic and phonological relevance. In particular,
if the tongue root is brought forward during the articulation of vowels, the
pharyngeal cavity gets enlarged. Concomitantly, the size of our familiar tube
responsible for vowel quality is modified: vowels with such a pharyngeal
enlargement will automatically sound somewhat different from vowels which
are identical apart from the enlargement. The forward movement of the root
of the tongue is captured by the distinctive feature [- ATR] (ADVANCED
TONGUE ROOT), a dependent of the unary feature [radical], a word meaning
‘of the root’:
(7) [radical]
The incorporation of the feature [+ATR] into our feature inventory allows
[+ATR] accounts
us to specify mid-high vowels positively as [+ATR], and mid-low vowels
for the difference
as [-ATR]:
between the two
shades of mid
vowels (8) [e] fo] [e] [od]
[ATR] + + = =
Phonological Processes Involving Vowel Features 149
We have now defined the sixteen cardinal vowels (eight primary cardinal
vowels and eight secondary cardinal vowels) in terms of a set of only five
phonological distinctive features.
H / manifestations
can you isolate in (9)? —
At a purely descriptive level, we can say that the Turkish genitive singular is
formed by the addition of either [in] or [um] to the nominative singular, the
nominative plural by the addition of either [ler] or [lar] to the nominative
singular, and the genitive plural by the addition of either [in] or [wm] to the
nominative plural. We could streamline these statements by construing the
nominative singular as the common base (or ROOT), to which the suffix
[er]/[lar] is added to signify plural, and the suffix [in]/[vum] added on to
signify genitive. A SUFFIX is, of course, a morpheme concatenated to the right
of some base; we assume that the concept of PLURAL needs no explanation;
GENITIVE refers to the form of the word, or CASE, used to indicate posses-
sion, a function expressed in English by the preposition of or the possessive
‘s, as in John’s.
The description we have just offered is quite satisfactory from the per-
spective of MORPHOLOGY, the branch of linguistics that studies the struc-
ture of words.
(10) 1 ie
Pricey Oe sty eee
[back] — + —- +
The two features [thigh] and [tback] are sufficient to differentiate the four
Turkish vowels, and the remaining features are therefore redundant — the
system only has two degrees of height, for instance, and [+low] plays no
If you examine the table in (10), you will notice that the difference
between the two vowels that alternate in each suffix concerns the feature
[+back]. The obvious question is why in these suffixes the feature [+back]
takes on the value “+” in some words, and the value “—” in others.
Pursuing our assumption that the reason for the alternation is phonological,
not morphological, we shall look at the feature composition of the vowel in
the root. Notice that the suffix consonants are identical in both alternants,
and therefore cannot be responsible for the alternation.
152 Phonological Processes Involving Vowel Features
You will notice that the values of the feature [thigh] need not be uniform
across the root and the suffix. The values of the feature [tback], however,
always are: [tback] harmonizes throughout the Turkish word, and con-
[+back] harmon- sequently we say that Turkish has [tback] harmony for vowels. We should
izes throughout
of course check some more data before making such a general statement,
the Turkish word
but we will once more save ourselves the time and the energy.
Lexical Underspecification
Having discovered the essence of the Turkish alternation, we will now propose
a formalization for it. The vowels in [ipin] and [sapwm] will be represented
as in (12) — to facilitate identification, we provide full IPA transcriptions at
the top:
Phonological Processes Involving Vowel Features 153
You will notice that in the genitive the suffix vowel is consistently [thigh],
but its value for [tback] varies according to the value of this feature in the
root vowel: this is of course simply a restatement of the [+back] vowel har-
mony of Turkish. The most straightforward formalization of this situation
involves leaving the feature [+back] lexically unspecified in the genitive and
plural suffixes: the lexical representations of these suffixes will therefore be
left blank for [+back], but the genitive suffix will of course be lexically [+high],
and the plural suffix [—high].
[—back] [+back]
Notice that, while the root vowels contain the appropriate specifications for
[+back] (compare *[urp], *[sep], respectively: by convention, incorrect forms
are starred), this feature is missing from the suffix vowels. We know, how-
ever, that in the phonetic representation of these words the suffix vowels are
[-back] and [+back], respectively, through agreement with the root vowel,
as represented in (12) above. How can this target be attained?
154 Phonological Processes Involving Vowel Features
back] feck)
This analysis thus provides a principled explanation for the fact that the suf-
fix vowel always shows up with the same value for [tback] as the root vowel.
Clearly, the process also takes place in forms with a chain of suffixes, as we
now illustrate for the pair [iplerin], [kuizlarunn]:
[-back] Lebeeel
The prediction of the approach is that the number of vowels following the
root will be irrelevant to the operation of the process of back harmony. This
prediction is obviously correct for the data examined. It is also correct for
comparable data not discussed, but that once more we could and ought to
test: you know from chapter 2 that the accounts phonologists come up with
only have the status of hypotheses.
[Vowel Disharmony
The analysis as it now stands predicts that vowels will always have the same
value for [+back] in the suffix(es) and in the stem. Consider, however,
forms like the following:
Phonological Processes Involving Vowel Features
The forms in (16b) are obviously made up by suffixation of the stems in (16a)
with the suffix -gen. The form gen of this suffix is predicted when the stem
contains front vowels: quite simply, the [—back] specification of these vowels
will trigger the [—back] specification of the vowel [e] in gen. When the base
contains back vowels, as it does in altu, we would of course expect a back
vowel in the suffix also: *altugan. This is, however, not the case, since this
suffix invariably turns up with the front vowel [e], regardless of the specifica-
tion of the vowel(s) of the stem for [tback]: altwigen. The form altwegen there-
fore exhibits vowel disharmony, since the value of [tback] is not identical
in all its vowels:
[+back] [—back]
In ermenistan, the first vowel of the suffix, [i], harmonizes with the vowels
of the stem: all the vowels are [—back]. However, in arabistan this same vowel
shows up disharmonic: [i], instead of the expected [wu]. Worse still, the second
suffix vowel, [a], clearly does not harmonize with its predecessor [i] in the
same morpheme. If it did harmonize, the morpheme would systematically
be -isten, but it obviously is not.
Vowel disharmony is also observable in stems. So far, we have provided
stems which are either monosyllabic, and therefore vacuous for harmony,
or polysyllabic with harmony. Indeed, polysyllabic harmonic stems are the
norm, as we further exemplify in (19):
You can easily verify that in the forms in (19) all the vowels have the same
specification for [+back]: they are all either [+back] or [-back]. However, dis-
harmonic roots also exist — indeed, their number is not inconsiderable. We
offer a small sample in (20):
The stems in (20) exhibit a mixture of back and front vowels, and therefore
contradict vowel harmony.
Forms like altwgenler ‘hexagonals’, with the familiar plural suffix -ler added
to the base altugen ‘hexagonal’, raise an interesting question. In particular,
we know from our discussion in section 4 above that the Turkish plural suf-
fix has two alternants, -ler and -lar, as a result of vowel harmony. This being
so, we might expect vowel harmony to be triggered from the root, the strongest
morpheme both morphosyntactically and semantically. Therefore, we might
expect the form “altwgenlar, erroneously.
The fact that we get altwegenler instead shows that the harmony cannot have
been induced by the root. This situation is indeed systematic for all harmonic
158 Phonological Processes Involving Vowel Features
If you examine the forms in (22) carefully, you will notice that in all cases
each prespecified vowel (an OPAQUE VOWEL) starts off a new harmony
Each prespecified domain. To make your task easier, we make this explicit in (23):
vowel (an
VOWEL) starts off
(23) altugenler ermenistanlar
a new harmony adetler elmalar
domain takvimler fijatlar
vazijetler jemexhaneler
PPouiRsi gorIoas
In (24), the [+back] of the first vowel of the root has spread to the second
vowel, as predicted. Its spread to the third vowel has been blocked by the
Phonological Processes Involving Vowel Features 159
prespecified value [—back] associated with this vowel in the lexicon, in line
with our previous discussion. The question now is why [+back] cannot in
fact associate to the last vowel, in -lar: we might expect that it could, given
the fact that this vowel does not carry any [+back] prespecification. If it did,
we would of course get the illegitimate form “altwgenlar.
The reason the structure in (24) is not possible is that it contains a crossing of
lines on the [tback] plane. In particular, the line linking [+back] to the suffix
vowel crosses the line linking this vowel to the prespecified value [—back].
This configuration infringes a general, inviolable principle of autosegmental
Consider (24) again. This representation in fact contains the implicit claim
that the specified feature [+back] both precedes and follows the specified
feature [—back]. The reason for this may not be obvious, since it would appear
that in this representation [+back] only precedes [—back]. In its line indeed
it does. However, once the multidimensional nature of autosegmental rep-
resentations is taken into account, the contradictory claim we referred to comes
through. In particular, [+back] is associated both with a vowel that precedes
the vowel associated with [—back] (precisely as it should) and with a vowel
that follows the vowel associated with [—back]. This contradiction accounts
for the illegitimacy of this type of representation, encapsulated in the No-
Crossing Constraint.
Because the No-Crossing Constraint rules out the representation in (24),
the correct derivation will be as in (26):
160 Phonological Processes Involving Vowel Features
bledSeo CI
ea iidgyeall [dorsal] adage
[dorsal] [dorsal]
Se Oe ie at
You can see that all we have to assume is that the feature [—back] of the
plural suffix -[i] spread leftward, and dislodged the adjacent [+back] value
associated lexically to the root vowel. There are two obvious differences
between the German vowel umlaut and the vowel harmony of Turkish. First,
the direction of association in German umlaut is the reverse of the direction
of association in Turkish harmony: right-to-left in German vs. left-to-right in
Turkish. Second, the German umlaut involves the substitution of a lexical
feature: Turkish disharmony is of course incompatible with this procedure.
what wayTurki
on of a lexi
The German plural marker -[i] eventually evolved into schwa, completing
the change to the modern form [zona], where the motivation for the umlaut
has obviously been obscured.
A similar situation arose with such derivational suffixes as the adjective-
forming suffix -lich or the adverbial -ig:
Here the trigger of the umlaut survives into contemporary German: /i/. How-
ever, the umlaut process is no longer automatic, since other suffixes similar
on the surface fail to trigger it:
Notice that German has two phonetically identical suffixes -ig, reminiscent of
English -ly: the umlaut-triggering adverbial in (31) (vollig), and the adjectival
formative in (32), which does not trigger umlaut (dortig). We can encode this
difference in the contemporary grammar by including an additional [—back]
feature in the lexical representation of umlauting suffixes, as follows:
a? aech
You can see in (33) that this [-back] autosegment is not linked to any of the
In German sounds that make up the suffix -lich. Instead, it is an extra feature that FLOATS
umlaut, a [—back]
in the lexical representation of the suffix, to the left of the [-back] associ-
FLOATS in ated to the vowel. Consider in this light the derivation of tédlich:
the lexical
representation (34) [+back] __Ebackl [-back]
Geir ee [dorsal]
[—cons] [—cons]
The crucial aspect of the derivation in (34) is that the feature [—back] re-
sponsible for the umlaut in the root is unassociated in lexical representation.
Therefore, in modern German only lexically floating features undergo asso-
ciation in the course of the derivation, in contrast to Old High German, where
we saw in (30) that lexically associated features were liable to further associa-
tion derivationally. Suffixes that do not trigger umlaut despite containing
a high front vowel simply do not include such a floating feature in their
lexical representation:
oe ae
[-cons] [-cons]
in” ed i'Sch
In the purely umlauting plural forms in (27) above, we assume that the
floating autosegment [—back] constitutes a lexical entry by itself. This makes
perfect sense, in as much as the umlaut effected by this autosegment con-
stitutes the only mark of the plural in nouns like Bruder (pl. Briider) or Tochter
(pl. Téchter) (NB the e preceding the final r in the spelling corresponds to
phonetic schwa, which can be considered a phonetic artifact, and therefore
we omit it from the representation):
Peal ae
Be ibe wdt
164 Phonological Processes Involving Vowel Features
[J English Plurals
What happened next is easy to guess. Specifically, the [-back] feature of the
suffix spread to the root vowel, thus fronting it:
Phonological Processes Involving Vowel Features 165
fdoreall [dorsal]
[—cons] [—cons]
s Oo s i
Zz u Ss
We must of course assume that the front round vowel of the output [gys]
is subject to an unrounding procedure, a synchronic reflex of the historical
event, to yield the surface [gis].
The processes of umlaut and vowel fronting in modern German and English,
respectively, are undoubtedly less well behaved than vowel harmony in
Turkish: their lexical incidence is basically unpredictable, and therefore the
synchronic analysis demands a considerable amount of abstractness. The three
phenomena are, however, essentially identical in kind, and thus reducible
to basically the same analysis.
166 Phonological Processes Involving Vowel Features
LS |
Phonological Processes Involving Vowel Features
Key Questions
Further Practice
More Turkish
i wy oo
= tao. 8
(i) Which further feature(s) will allow for the additional four sounds?
(ai) Show the complete feature matrix of Turkish vowels.
Nom.sg. Gen.sg.
‘face’ jyz jyzyn
‘stamp’ pul pulun
‘village’ koj kojyn
‘end’ son sonun
Nom.pl. Gen.pl.
‘face’ jyzler _—jyzierin
‘stamp’ pullar pullarwn ©
‘village’ kojler keojlerin
‘end’ sonlar sonlarum
teaeY. u
e @ O
ze a
(ii) What are the alternating forms of the suffixes meaning (a) ‘in’, (b)
interrogative and (c) ‘from’?
(iii) | Which feature undergoes harmony?
(iv) What causes the harmony?
(v) | Which vowels are transparent to the process?
(vi) The data can best be explained if we assume one of the values of the
harmonizing feature to be filled in by a default rule. Which is the
default value?
(vii) Write the default rule.
(viii) Write a rule to provide the non-default value.
(ix) In what order must these two rules apply?
Variation in English
The vowels of Eng-
lish are subject to
We have already cautioned in chapter 5 that the vowels of English are sub- remarkable vari-
ject to remarkable variation world-wide. This means that there is no single ation world-wide
English vowel system or inventory, but, rather, very many. This situation
170 The Vowels of English
obviously does not make easy the presentation of the English vowels in a
unified chapter.
The strategy we shall adopt is as follows. We will build our discussion
on the set of cardinal vowels we presented in chapter 5 — indeed, we shall
follow a similar order of presentation. For each IPA vowel relevant to
English we shall list a number of English specimens, ranked from closest to
most distant, each with the appropriate geographical or social identifica-
tion. Our goal is, of course, not to survey the wealth of pronunciations of
English vowels, but to enable readers to home in on those they are most
familiar with, in particular their own, and in this way identify the vowels
experientially — vowels, a bit like wines, can only be properly understood
when they are tasted.
Some accents of English are of course more “standard” than others, and
Some accents of accordingly they are better known. Two of these accents actually stand out
English are of as being widely recognizable: North American GA and British RP.
course more
“standard” than
we intro
These two accents will therefore play a central role in our discussion, but
we will make incursions into other varieties when useful. It goes without
saying that these other varieties are in all as worthy as their better-known
counterparts: in language, as in biology, what we each have is by definition
best, prestige and social recognition aside.
As a preliminary to our descriptions, we will give an overview of the main
accents of English across the world, and of the principal characteristics of
each. English, of course, originated in Britain, and consequently it is here
that we find the most fragmentation in accent and in dialect. The main accents
in the British Isles, with their respective chief distinctive traits at present,
are as follows:
Of the accents just listed, the Scottish vowel system clearly stands apart:
in fact, it lies closest to the cardinal vowels. Consequently, we will make The Scottish vowel
system lies closest
special use of it in our description, even though numerically it is a minor-
to the cardinal
ity accent. The accent of northern England (itself varied, like most others, vowels
but we cannot go into many details here) is in some respects half-way between
Scottish and southern English, and we will also find it of use at times, with
special reference to the accent of (West) Yorkshire. The main accent of
Britain is, of course, RP, the prestige of which indeed spreads beyond the
172 The Vowels of English
white cliffs of Dover. RP is probably the most studied and best described
of all English accents, and therefore we will make ample reference to it
throughout the chapter. While related to RP, the London accent diverges
in a number of important traits, most particularly its traditional Cockney
variey. Finally, the English south-west converges with North American Eng-
lish in many of its features, not least in its rhoticity and its dislike of low
rounded vowels. These traits are shared with Irish English, itself divided
into the accents of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic, the former
related to Scottish.
North American English of course has the largest number of speakers
of any variety of English. Its accent is far less diversified than that of the
English is far less old metropolis, for obvious reasons of more recent history. Indeed, it is only
diversified in
in the east, where the colonists first settled, that anything resembling the
North America
than in the
heterogeneity of England can be observed, and only to a limited extent at
British Isles that. While some regional and individual variation is inevitable in a coun-
try of the size and demographic weight of the USA, only four of its accents
are worth differentiating for our present purposes:
The r of the There are of course other accents in the area, but they are not very dis-
spelling corres- tinct, and we will ignore them to keep things simple. The most notable dif-
ponded to an ference between GA and its three counterparts concerns its rhoticity. This
r-sound in all
is a by-product of history. In particular, the r of the spelling corresponded
positions in all
varieties of English to an r-sound in all varieties of English until the eighteenth century, when
until the eigh- non-rhoticity began to hold sway in the London area, from where it gradu-
teenth century ally spread to other neighbouring zones (the process is still ongoing), and
across the Atlantic. There, it took hold on the eastern seaboard: New York
The Vowels of English 173
City, Boston and eastern New England in general, and also the southern states,
through such main centres of population as Richmond or Charleston. How-
ever, since the Second World War a process of uniformization in the direc-
tion of GA has been under way, and some of the old local accentual traits
are on the retreat, to different degrees in different areas and social classes,
although they are still by no means extinct. Further north in North America,
the accent of Canada can be safely subsumed under the label GA, at least
for our present purposes, with the notable exception of one specifically
Canadian phenomenon to which we will refer in due course.
Elsewhere in the world, English is spoken as a first language in three large
countries of the southern hemisphere, each of them endowed with its own
Although the three countries are reasonably far apart geographically, their
accents share important traits, to the extent that it is often possible to refer
to them together under the label “southern hemisphere English”.
There are of course many other parts of the world where English is
spoken, many Caribbean islands among them. However, we obviously have
to draw the line somewhere, and we will ignore these further varieties in
order to keep the chapter within manageable limits.
et u8
4e a5
Figure 7.1 The four corner vowels
We will now review each English vowel in detail, starting with the corres-
pondents of cardinal vowel no. 1, [i], as in heat, seed or key. The correspond-
ents of this vowel in English are as follows: ?
We have just made reference to short and long variants. Indeed, in GA,
in RP and in many other accents of English (but not in all), vowels auto- In many accents
matically vary in length according to the nature of the following consonant: of English, vowels
automatically vary
they are longest if there is no such consonant (key), and shortest if the fol-
in length accord-
lowing consonant is a voiceless obstruent (heat), with intermediate degrees ing to the nature
of length otherwise (seem, seed). This length variation takes place irrespect- of the following
ive of the identity of the vowel. The IPA transcription system includes a spe- consonant
cial length diacritic “:” for long vowels, hence k[i:]. In turn, half-long vowels
are assigned the diacritic “'”: s[i']m. To keep the representations simple,
however, we will only make use of these diacritics where length is directly
relevant to the discussion. The IPA transcrip-
Going now over to cardinal vowel no. 4, [ze], we already know that is low tion system in-
and front. The most common accents of English, among them traditional RP, cludes the special
length diacritic “:"
southern English and GA, do not have this precise vowel. In accents that
for phonologically
do, or almost, the spelling can be disconcerting: long vowels, and
a half-length dia-
e the vowel of hat in typical Yorkshire and Southern Irish accents: [het] critic for vowels of
e the vowel of heart in Yorkshire, Australia, New Zealand and the tradi- intermediate length
tional (non-rhotic) Boston accent: [heet]
e the vowel of hot in the North Central area of the US: [het].
Figure 7.3 The vowel of hat in Yorkshire and Southern Ireland
You can see that the spelling needs to be interpreted in the context of each
The spelling needs
particular accent. For instance, the vowel in both Yorkshire and Boston heart
to be interpreted
can sound like the vowel in Yorkshire hat, although the RP and GA pro- in the context of
nunciation of these two words would be quite distinct. The point of the each particular
present exercise is, of course, not so much to untangle the relationship be- accent
tween spelling and sound as to provide reasonable illustrations of the basic
sounds of English, and of their relationship with the cardinal vowels.
176 The Vowels of English
The more standard vowel sounds in heart and scotch will be presented below.
In some accents of English, among them traditional RP and varieties of GA,
the vowel in hat, while close to cardinal vowel 4, is a raised [ez], in effect a
half-way vowel between cardinals 4 and 3: [el].
The occurrence of this vowel in RP at the time of the formation of the IPA
alphabet led its promoters to assign the special “ash” symbol [z] to it, quite
exceptionally, since variants of cardinal vowels are usually indicated by
diacritics. As you know from chapter 5, though, we have decided to adopt
the ash [z] for cardinal vowel 4, and the plain “a” [a] for the central low
vowel, to avoid ambiguity. In addition to the arguments we offered in chap-
ter 5, we must point out that the intermediate pronunciation that originally
warranted [ze] is now probably a minority pronunciation throughout Eng-
lish. In particular, over the past few decades, the traditional RP [z] of hat
has been lowering back to [z], and in the pronunciation of many RP speakers
this vowel is now probably as good a representative of cardinal vowel no.
4 as is the Yorkshire [ze]. Moreover, the vowel of hat is raised to cardinal
vowel [e] in much of the southern hemisphere and, possibly diphthongized,
in Cockney. The raising can go further in North America, also usually
accompanied by diphthongization. Indeed, in New York City, for instance,
the vowel in bad can overlap with the vowel in beard, discussed in section
8 below. We now list the English correspondents of cardinal vowel 4:
as we have already cautioned and will be seeing all along, lack of identity
between English vowels and cardinal vowels is the common situation.
Turning now to the back vowels, in chapter 5 we used the words father
[fada] and hoot [hut] to exemplify cardinal vowels nos. 5 and 8, respectively.
As usual, the English vowels tend not to coincide exactly with their car-
dinal counterparts, which have a somewhat more extreme articulation. In
particular, English [a] tends to be slightly advanced with respect to car-
dinal vowel no. 5, and English [u] slightly lowered relative to cardinal vowel
no. 8. Moreover, English [u] is advancing towards the centre in a number
of accents.
The range of correspondents of cardinal vowel no. 5 in English words like
father is as follows:
Cardinal vowel no. 3, [e], is fairly closely related to the vowel in let or red
in many accents, but not in all:
For the back primary cardinal vowels, cardinal vowel no. 4, [o], partly paral-
lels its front counterpart [el]:
Figure 7.10 The vowel of caught
The Vowels of English 181
Ze 07 e O
3€ 26 € A)
4e a5
Related GA vowels Related RP vowels
i Urirad u
e O
e € >
7 3
& a x
a a
a +
no. 6 here, similar to the French vowel of cotte ‘overalls’. In Yorkshire accents
this vowel is remarkably like secondary cardinal vowel no. 13, [p]. You will
recall that secondary cardinal vowels are produced by reversing the lip posi-
tion of their primary counterparts. This means that secondary cardinal
Secondary cardinal vowel no. 13 will be identical to primary cardinal vowel no. 5 in all but lip
vowels are pro-
rounding — secondary [bp] is rounded, whereas primary [a] is not. The set
duced by revers-
ing the lip position
of correspondents of this vowel across English accents is as follows:
of their primary
counterparts e literally [bp] in Yorkshire English: [kot]
e also usually [p] in GA before r in such words as horrid, orange, forest, and
after w (w[pv]ter, w[p]sp, w[v]tch): the latter also in midwestern and west-
ern areas
e [p] generally in eastern New England and parts of the coastal US south
e slightly raised in RP and similar accents: [p] to [9]
e unrounded to [a] in the English south-west and in southern Irish English
e also unrounded to [a], and then often advanced to [q] or even [a], in
most words in GA and in most of the US south
¢ further centralized to [a] in New York City (and possibly diphthongized)
and in the north central area of the USA.
The next two vowels we will consider are not cardinal vowels, primary
English has two or secondary. Instead, they can be construed as particularly lax pronuncia-
vowels that can
be construed as
tions of [i] and [ul], as we shall explain.
particularly lax The front lax vowel occurs in such words as hit or lick. If you compare
pronunciations of these words with their close phonetic correlates heat and leek, you will
[i] and [u] notice that the vowel in heat involves considerable tensing of the vocal appar-
atus, in a way that the vowel in hit or lick obviously does not. This tensing
The Vowels of English 183
e [1] in GA and RP
e raised in Australian English: [1]
¢ considerably lower and/or more retracted in popular Scottish accents
¢ centralized to [z] in New Zealand
184 The Vowels of English
The back counterpart of [1] occurs in such words as hood, put or look. We
will analyse it as a lax, [-ATR] version of [u], matching the relationship
between [1] and [i]. The vowel in hood and its companions is usually tran-
scribed as [vu], although the symbol [@] is also countenanced by the IPA. As
in the contrast between [1] and [i], [u] is lower and more central than its tense
counterpart [ul].
The vowel [u] is missing from Scottish and Northern Irish English.
Scottish English substitutes [u]/[u]. In many other accents, [u] is under-
going centralization, and unrounding, a pronunciation [y] being far from
uncommon nowadays (the underscripted diacritic “” stands for loss of round-
¢ traditionally [uv] in RP, GA and most other accents (but not in Scottish
and Northern Irish English)
¢ progressive tendency to centralize and unround in many accents
* some tendency to diphthongize in North America.
The last vowel we shall examine in this section occurs in words like hut,
up or cuff in GA and in Scottish English. It resembles [a], the secondary vowel
that corresponds to the primary vowel [5]: [a] is [5] without the rounding.
The English vowel is, however, slightly advanced vis-a-vis its cardinal coun-
terpart, hence [al]:
Central Vowels
In present-day RP, and in RP-like accents, the vowel in hut, up or cuff cor-
responds to a raised central low vowel, for which we said in chapter 5
that the IPA official table provides the symbol [e] (= an inverted “a”).
e raised to schwa [a] in Wales
and Scottish
counterpart e further raised to [9] in much of the American south.
Figure 7.19
The vowel of hut across accents
The Vowels of English 187
Moving up within the central region, we enter the area of schwa, [a]. We
mentioned in chapter 5 that schwa is extremely frequent in English, repres- Schwa is
enting as it does the stressless, “reduced” pronunciation of most vowels, °*tremely frequent
although some stressless vowels reduce to [1] or [u], rather than to schwa. —" S"slish
We now offer a small sample of English words containing schwas, with the
letters that represent the phonetic schwa underlined:
Next, we incorporate schwa into our chart of English central vowels, delib-
erately keeping its spatial range somewhat fuzzy.
latest version of the chart the symbol [3] is allocated a well-defined posi-
tion, as a mid-low unround central vowel, with the mid-high central vowel
space assigned to [9].
The implication that [3] is a mid-low vowel seems appropriate for RP, but
not necessarily for other accents. The range of correspondents of [3] is in
fact as follows:
It is worth noting that the lexical incidence of this vowel is severely restricted
in Scottish English, many varieties of which allow practically all lax vowels
to precede a final r, in striking contrast with most other accents of English.
We have now completed the inventory of the simple vowels of English.
We have seen that many of these vowels have a tendency to diphthongize
— we examine diphthongs in the next section. Despite this diphthongizing
tendency, it is useful to consider some of the vowels as primarily pure, and
others, still to be reviewed, as primarily diphthongal. Paradoxically, we will
see that some diphthongs actually tend to be pronounced monophthongally
in some accents, and some pure vowels tend to diphthongize.
At this point it will be helpful to chart all the basically pure vowels, of
which there are twelve in RP and eleven in GA (also twelve if we count in
the r-coloured schwa). We will display these systems in parallel with the
cardinal vowels to make cross-comparison easier (remember that RP [ev] is
usually (mis)transcribed as [a], the IPA symbol for the unround mid-low
back vowel).
11 y9 16W Us
i u
¢ 9
E ;
exe |,
41 1c
Figure 7.23C GA pure vowels
Finally in the section, we tabulate all the RP and GA vowels we have exam-
ined, against the classificatory criteria we have used (table 7.1).
Round Unround
High i I u U
Mid Ge ae a, & 22 A
Low ze e D qa
[4 Homogeneous Diphthongs
Thus, in the majority accents the vowel in lay or raid is not a pure vowel,
with a constant quality throughout, but rather a diphthongal vowel, with
the sound quality changing half-way through. The phonetic tools we have
at our disposal allow us to transcribe this vowel as [e1]. This is a vowel of
non-steady realization: its first phase corresponds more or less to cardinal
vowel no. 2, [e] (usually a little more open: [e]), and its second phase to the
now familiar vowel [1]. The articulation of this complex vowel, or DIPH-
THONG, in fact glides from [e] to [1]. The standard transcription [e1] obvi-
ously suggests two independent vowels and, to this extent, it is misleading. The transcription
[el] obviously sug-
One way around this problem involves the addition of a tie bar, thus [er].
gests two vowels
However, we already know that phoneticians favour simple representations and, therefore, it is
and often ignore phonemically irrelevant phonetic detail. Indeed, in the specific slightly misleading
case of English diphthongs, the inclusion of the tie bar is the exception rather
than the rule in the literature.
One obvious characteristic of the vowel [et], besides the non-steady
nature of its sound quality, is its relative length, as you will find out if you
compare the pronunciation of the vowels in such pairs as late ~ let, raid ~
red, sale ~ sell, tames ~ Thames, etc.
You may be inclined to think that the difference in length between [er] and
[e] inevitably follows from their difference in complexity: according to this
construal, a composite vowel would inherently take longer to pronounce than
a simple one. As it happens, however, English has simple vowels that are
RP English has
as long as complex vowels like [et]. One such long vowel is the low back
simple vowels that
vowel [al] of father, which is pronounced long with a pure, steady sound in are as long as
most accents: f[la:]ther. complex vowels
¢ [ou] or [0°] in GA, particularly in long variants: dome, low (shorter vari-
ants as in coat can be monophthongal)
¢ lowered to [pu] before a final / in London and the southern hemisphere:
dole [dput] (or even [dp:4] in South Africa)
¢ central start in the middle Atlantic and western Pennsylvania areas of
the US: [eu]
e¢ unround central start in RP: [su]
¢ further lowered start in London and the southern hemisphere, [eu],
undergoing fronting in younger speakers.
The Vowels of English 193
The high front vowel in heat, seem or see is also intrinsically long in most
accents — in Scottish English vowels do not carry any intrinsic length dif-
ferences, however.
We have already said that the quality of this vowel varies from pure [i:]
through [ti] to [31]. The geographical distribution of the diphthongal real-
izations is as follows:
The long high back vowel [u:] undergoes diphthongization under the same
circumstances as its front counterpart [i:]: [vu], [ou] or [su], hence [fuud],
[foud] or [fsud] for food. The distribution of the diphthongal realizations of
this sound is as follows:
Figure 7.27
The diphthongized vowel of food
The “breaking” of long vowels into diphthongs is not unusual across lan-
Diphthongization, guages, as if the articulators got tired or bored of maintaining the same sound
or “breaking”, of
throughout and opted for change. Indeed, this is the origin of [er] and other
long vowels is not
unusual across
English diphthongs — English [et] was a monophthong [e:] at some previ-
languages ous stage.
Of the diphthongs we have discussed in this section, we are considering
both [fi] and its variants, and [vu] and its variants, as realizations of the pure
vowels [i:], [uz]. By contrast, we are considering [et] and [ou] as primarily
diphthongal. The reason for this different treatment lies in the respective fate
of these vowels in the more prestigious accents, contemporarily and histor-
ically: we have in fact seen that the four vowels can be realized as diph-
thongs or monophthongs, depending on the accent.
The Vowels of English 195
~ The diphthongs [e1] and [ou] are homogeneous inas much asboth phases
ofthe diphthong are close in articulatory position and share the lip gesture. The diphthongs
In the next section we examine three other primary diphthongs of English, [ex] and [ou] are
homogeneous in
which are heterogeneous. Insection 8 we will examine a final set of English as much as both
diphthongs, which mainly arise as a result of contact with [i]. phases-of the
diphthong are
dose in articula-
Heterogeneous Diphthongs tory position and
share the lip
The set of heterogeneous English diphthongs has three members, instanti-
ated in the words buy, bough and boy.
A common realization of the diphthong in buy has a central low vowel
[a], in its first phase, and a high front lax vowel [1], in its closing phase, hence The set of hetero-
(ai). Forms with this diphthong include buy, eye, sigh and ice. The hetero- geneous English
geneous nature of [a1] hinges on the fact that itcombines a low central vowel diphthongs has
articulation ({a]) with a high front vowel articulation ([i]). The obvious three members
question that arises is how such a divergent combination could ever have
arisen. The answer has already been hinted at: vowel sounds, including vowel
sounds that make up diphthongs, can and do move around the vowel space
as time goes by. Thus, unlikely as it may seem, the historical source of the Vowel sounds can
and do move
diphthong [ai] is a long vowel [i:] similar to the [i:] of heat in contemporary
around the vowel
English. This vowel is attested to have lowered to [es] (perhaps after a stage space as time
as [is]), eventually yielding [a1] after centring and further lowering: all this goes by
is discussed in more detail in chapter 8 below. To make these matters clear,
we now represent the evolution of [i:] into [ar] in the vowel chart (the num-
bers correspond to the stages).
South Carolina. A similar realization [31] (or a lower [er]) in all positions is
typical of rural accents in southern England and in eastern New England.
Curiously, the diphthong [s1] (or something very much like it) substitutes
in traditional New York City speech for the more commonly pure vowel
[31] of bird before a consonant.
We now list the correspondents of [at] throughout the English-speaking world:
e [at] in RP and GA
e [at] in Cockney and much southern English urban speech, in the south-
ern hemisphere, and in New York City
e [a1], sometimes monophthongized to [z] (or even [¢]) in the north of
e [a] generally in the American south
e [er] before a voiceless consonant in coastal South Carolina
e [s1] in rural southern England and eastern New England, and before a
voiceless consonant in Canada and Virginia
e [st] before a voiceless consonant or a voiced stop in Scotland.
e [au] in RP and GA
¢ [gu] in the US south and in popular speech in southern England, par-
ticularly in Cockney, where it can monophthongize to [zx]
¢ [au] in South African English
¢ [vu] in Scotland, in coastal South Carolina before a voiceless consonant,
and in rural speech in general
e [su] before a voiceless consonant in Canada and Virginia: doubt [dsut].
and longer. Indeed, the [5] vowel in [51] approximates to cardinal vowel
no. 6, [9], to a degree substantially greater than the vowel in caught in many
accents. While unusually uniform throughout the English-speaking world,
the diphthong [91] still exhibits some variation:
You can see that most variants of the diphthong [o1] straddle the vowel
space from back to front, uniquely so among the five standard English diph-
thongs — all the other diphthongs are localized exclusively in either the front
or the back area ([et] vs. [ou], respectively) or involve a rising move-
ment from the centre ([ai], [au], [su] /[eu]), at least in the standard accents.
The diphthong [51] is also the only diphthong of contemporary English whose
historical origin is exclusively diphthongal: boy, for instance, was already
[bor] in Middle English, in contrast with the diphthongs in time, town, hate
and boat, which at some point were all simple vowels: [i], [ur], [ar] and [o:],
El Centring Diphthongs
We shall now examine a final set of English diphthongs, in which the move-
ment is towards the centre of the vowel space.
Consider the following words:
pier poor
dare door
In RP there is
a maximum of
four centring
We now exhibit the four centring diphthongs exemplified at the start of — diphthongs
the section.
200 The Vowels of English
Figure 7.34 Centring diphthongs
We have already commented on the [1a] of pier. The back counterpart of [1a]
is [va], as in poor. In RP, forms like door also had a centring diphthong [5a]
until the post-Second World War period, but are now more commonly pro-
nounced with the long tense steady vowel of caught, hence [d9]. However,
in other non-rhotic accents (eastern New England, New York City, US
south) [da] persists. In RP, the vowel of poor, traditionally [va], as we just
said, is also merging with [9] in many speakers, hence [p9:]. The RP tend-
ency to monophthongize centring diphthongs extends to the front mid
vowel: dare is more and more pronounced monophthongally as [de:]. By
contrast, some other non-rhotic accents exhibit a greater number of cent-
ring diphthongs. For instance, in the traditional accent of New York City
the vowel in star is [aa], and in that of eastern New England the vowel
in square is [ga]. In US southern states, the front lax vowels [i], [e], [el]
break into [1a], [ea], [zea] in such entirely r-less words as bid, bed or bad,
with the result that bid and beard may become homophonous. On the other
hand, the RP tendency to monophthongize centring diphthongs is also
present to varying degrees in other accents: for example, in New York City
all centring diphthongs can become long monophthongs: [11], [e:], [az], [5:]
and [ur].
Breaking and laxing before [1] also took place after the set of non-centring
diphthongs [a1], [av], [er], [ov] and [51]. This resulted in the development of
the centring TRIPHTHONGS [ars], [aval], [eta], [ova] and [dra], as in fire, hour,
layer, lower and coyer, respectively. Of these, the first two ([ata] and [aua])
are considered triphthongal more often than the rest, perhaps more for
reasons of morphological makeup than of phonetic realization as such. This
said, it is not unusual for triphthongs to simplify in many accents, either
by breaking up into a diphthong followed by a simple vowel ({at-a], etc.)
The Vowels of English 201
The present maximal list of een vowels ene sipady state <
diphthongs) is augmented by the so-called centring diphthongs, the
of which we explored. Breaking and laxing after non-centring diphthongs
gave rise to centring triphthongs.
Further Practice
pier dear read bead fair red reed pear peer bread breed
pair rite lead fare led choir right bough = quire rough row
bow dough grown pare sore doe saw sow so groan blew
aught blow blue court ought caught gone lone done loan dun
soar write ruff seize _ fleas fleece seas kernel dew berry: )f key
colonel quay bury due cow cough shower flower _ beer bear
The Vowels of English 203
Phonetic Transcription
Sound to Spelling
[at] [er] [a:] [e] [ix] [av] [ov] [jul [5:] [al
may not start with two obstruents, setting aside the sequence s + obstru-
ent, which we discuss in chapters 10 and 16. Indeed, when native speakers
of English encounter such words as tsar, psychology or pterodactyl, with an
initial cluster in the spelling, they normally simplify the cluster: [s]ar or [z]ar,
[slychology, [t]erodactyl. The clusters [ts], [dz], [ps], [pt], etc., are, however,
perfectly acceptable in many other languages: in French, for instance, there
is [ps]ychologie ‘psychology’, [ps]eudonyme ‘pseudonym’, [ps]aume ‘psalm’,
[ptlérodactyle ‘pterodactyl’, [ptlolémaique ‘ptolemaic’, [dz]ar ‘tsar’, [dzligane
‘gypsy’, [ts]é-[ts]é ‘tse-tse’, etc.
The simplification of these clusters in English leads us to expect that the
pronunciation of word-initial [ff] and [dj] would also be problematic for
English speakers.
The fact that it is not problematic provides obvious support for a mono-
segmental analysis of these sounds. Indeed, in The Sound Pattern of English
Chomsky and Halle analysed affricates as [-continuant] (= stop) sounds with
the added feature [+delayed release]. The specification [+delayed release]
206 The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift
defines the second, fricative, phase of [ff], [d3], thereby keeping these sounds
distinct from the corresponding plain stops [tl], [d].
There are other facts that suggest that [t{] and [ds] are bisegmental, how-
ever. We just mentioned that word-initial sC- clusters are allowed in Eng-
lish. However, s + affricate clusters are not: *[sif], *[sdg]. Similarly, English
words can begin with a single obstruent followed by the liquids [1] and [r],
with certain restrictions which we will discuss in chapter 10: think, for instance,
of pride, plate, trip, crate, clear, with stops, and fry, fly, thrive, slit, shrink, with
fricatives. Affricate + liquid clusters are, however, never found: *chroke, for
instance, is not possible. These two gaps in the distribution of segments would
obviously follow from an analysis of affricates as two segments.
Following this logic, the members of the pair [z], [z:] would not stand in
any closer relationship than the members of pairs like [z] and [np], or [a]
and [y]. This conclusion is, however, patently wrong, because [z], [p] and
Ly] are vowel sounds of different quality, whereas the pair [ez], [ze:] contains
one and the same vowel sound, albeit with two different lengths.
In order to achieve the correct result, we shall enlist the help of the autoseg-
mental formalism. You will recall that this formalism allows us to separate
out (conceptually, functionally and graphically) the various elements that
make up a sound we perceive as a unit: our description of English nasal
assimilation in chapter 4, and of Turkish vowel harmony and English and
German vowel fronting in chapter 6, showed how individual features can
(and do) change association loyalties without affecting other features with
which they are also associated at some level. We shall now extend the auto-
segmental approach to the formal expression of segmental length.
; Se hae . : We create a spe-
Segmental length is a matter of timing: when we say that [ze] is twice a
as long as [ze], we are simply saying that [ae:] takes twice the time to say aS nit of inne
[ze]. Suppose then that we create a special autosegmental unit of timing, — which we write
which we shall write as “X”, in line with standard practice. The difference as "Xx"
between [ze:] and [z] will now be represented as in (1):
208 The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift
(ipiiras De ax bialX
[eer] [ee]
i I u U
beat bit boot put
by the symbols “i”, “uw” in the melody tier - MELODY isa generic label
referring to quality, that is, phonetic substance, as against quantity, that is, The label
length. The second member of (2a) and (2b), on the other hand, is short (it MELODY refers
to quality, that
only carries one X) and lax (cf. “1”, “u’”). The independence of these two aspects
is, phonetic sub-
of a single sound is confirmed when we consider the pronunciation of pairs stance, as against
of words like cart and cat in Yorkshire accents where there is no [ze] ~ [a] quantity, that is,
contrast: length
(3), 2X7 X xX
ze ce
cart cat
We can now return to affricates. The introduction of the timing tier pre-
dicts the possibility of the mirror-image relationship between timing elements
and melody elements, as represented in (4):
(4) X
/\ Z
The schema in (4) implies a timing of a single segment, but an internal com-
position of two melodies — precisely the configuration we will give to the
affricates [if] and [ds]:
(on Xx X
fish d 3
The configurations in (5) capture the fact that affricates are simultaneously CONSTRAINTS
monosegmental, with a single X slot, and bisegmental, since they involve a are the restrictions
on the distribu-
dual sequential articulation. Each of the two melodies of this sequence will
tion of sound
of course obey its own “phonotactic constraints’: PHONOTACTIC CON- sequences in the
STRAINTS are the restrictions on the distribution of sound sequences in the words of any
words of any given language (we return to this matter in chapters 9 and 10 given language
210 The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift
hink carefully ab
s. Jot
Each of the pairs in (6) consists of an adjective and a noun derived from the
adjective by the addition of the suffix -ity. Both members of each pair have
stress on the same orthographic vowel, emboldened in (6) (stress will be dis-
cussed in chapters 11 to 13). Despite the constant spelling, these vowels altern-
ate phonetically according to the following patterns:
Two things are noteworthy here. First, the length of the vowels in each
column is uniform: in the first column the vowels are long, and in the second
column short (English diphthongal vowels are, of course, intrinsically long;
the extra length of [i:] is represented by the appropriate diacritic). An alterna-
An alternation
tion based. purely on length is very natural:
based purely on
length is very
natural (8) Sibir 22]
[ex] ~ [el]
[ex] ~ [ex]
The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift 211
Clearly, though, the English alternations in (7) do not only involve length.
Another example of a natural melodic alternation is the above-mentioned
vowel fronting of German, repeated in (9), where the symbol [y] represents
the [-ATR] counterpart of [y]:
(9) [ul] r a
lu] ~ [I
lo] ~ [ol]
By contrast, the English alternations in (7) are bizarre in the extreme. This
bizarreness may lead us to expect such alternations to be relegated to a _Alternations
marginal and restricted set of words, along the lines of the goose ~ geese set. Bi as “
However, the pairs in question, further illustrated in (10), run well into their A
hundreds: extreme
One puzzling aspect of the divine ~ divinity, serene ~ serenity and sane ~ sanity
pairs in (6) is the constant spelling of the phonetically alternating vowels:
i, e and a, respectively.
We know from previous chapters that the relationship between sound and
spelling in English is often fairly remote, for historical reasons. In particular,
English spelling was reasonably close to the pronunciation until the fifteenth
English spelling century, but many English sounds have undergone considerable evolution since.
was reasonably
However, the spelling has typically remained unchanged, especially after
close to the
the invention of printing towards the end of that century, for the obvious
until the fifteenth complementary reasons of printers’ inertia and readers’ habit. This means
century that some current spellings reflect more the pronunciation of English before
that time than in our time. We will now see that this historical dimension
sheds crucial light on why the phonetically alternating vowels in (6) have
the invariant spellings i, e and a.
At the time we are talking about, the alternations in question exclusively
In the fifteenth involved length, as we illustrate in (11). The sound originally correspond-
century the alter-
ing to the final e in the spelling had already been lost then, and so we paren-
nation between
divine and divin-
thesize it to avoid confusion:
ity exclusively
involved vowel (11) divli:]n(e) divlilnity
length serle:]n(e) ser[e]nity
s[ee:]n(e) — slae]nity
All the relevant vowels in (11) have the structural representation in (12), where
[-cons] abbreviates [—-consonantal], which of course formalizes vowelhood.
Notice, importantly, that the contrast between the two columns is carried
by the timing tier, since the melody is constant:
C2) fax CX X
[—cons] [—cons]
Now, the natural assumption is that divine and divinity share the morpheme
divin, serene and serenity share the morpheme seren, sane and sanity share the
morpheme san, and so on. Therefore, we must decide which of the two
configurations in (12) is included in the lexical entry of the respective forms:
The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift 213
the non-basic configuration will be derived from the basic one by rule. The
two alternatives we have available are as follows:
tothe ee Be Xe Xl ee eX
In a., a short vowel becomes long, while in b. the opposite process takes place.
The scope of the rule in (13a) will need to be restricted to word-final posi-
tion: we want the rule to lengthen the /i/ in divin(e), but not in divinity, where
it is followed by the suffix -ity. This approach produces the desired results
in the alternating vowels:
Once this procedure is in place, however, the last vowel in forms like trim,
pin, acid (cf. acidity) and very many others will also lengthen, in defiance of
the facts:
This new procedure works as well as the procedure in (13a) in cases where
there is an alternation. In addition, it circumvents the undesirable effects of
(13a) on trim, pin and similar non-alternating forms, which simply fail to meet
the environment of (13b), and therefore will remain unchanged. It is of course
possible in principle that this positive result may be offset by some negat-
ive development elsewhere, but this does not seem to be the case here.
Our account of the alternation between long and short vowels affecting a
Our account of sizeable set of English forms crucially relies on the availability of the timing
the alternation
tier. We illustrate the alternation again in (17):
between long and
short vowels
affecting a size- Cee tN. |
able set of English
forms crucially
relies on the avail- [—cons] [—cons]
ability of the tim-
divine divinity
ing tier
serene serenity
sane sanity
The qualities of the related vowels in Modern English are of course sig-
nificantly different from their counterparts in Middle English, that is, in the
English that resulted from the mixture of the purely germanic Old English
with the Norman French of the conquerors, and which towards the end of
the fifteenth century became Modern English. Indeed, we deliberately chose
to go back to a time when the alternation only involved length in order to
shed some light on the apparently capricious state of affairs found in Modern
English, repeated in (18) as a reminder:
The problem with the modern English situation is that the long vowels
[at], [ix], [er] do not correlate phonetically with their predecessors [ix], [ex],
[zx], respectively, in any obvious way — by contrast, the short vowels have
only undergone laxing, a minimal and highly natural change: [1], [e], [el,
The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift 215
respectively. The solution to the puzzle posed by the quality of the long
vowels can again be found in the history of the language. In particular, the
Middle English long vowels [i:], [ex], [ex] and [eer] (and correspondingly for
the back vowels, although the situation is more complex with the back If the change from
set) underwent a series of changes which ultimately led to their modern the Middle English
long vowels [iz],
incarnations [at], [i], [er]. If such processes are followed step by step, the
[ex], [ex] and [az]
motivation for each individual change becomes apparent. to their modern
The reconstruction that we are about to present is based on history, but incarnations [ai],
we have divided up historical stages where we deemed it necessary for main- [ix], [el] is exam-
taining the clarity of the exposition. We shall start the discussion with a dis- ined step by step,
the motivation for
play of the relevant set of the long vowels in Middle English:
each individual
change becomes
(19) [ir] divine apparent
[er] serene
[ex] meat
[z:] sane
The series of changes which eventually yielded [ai], [ix] and [e1] are known
collectively as the GREAT VOWEL SHIFT. The first stage of the Great Vowel
Shift involved the diphthongization of [ix] into [e1]. This process took place
in two steps. In the first step, the second timing slot of [i:] dissimilated in
tenseness from the the first element [i]:
Ci tx. Xx xX xX
This formalization makes it obvious that the process involves melodic break-
ing, or diphthongization, a tendency which is still active in various contexts
in Modern English, as we saw in chapter 7.
216 The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift
The second step in the process of diphthongization of [i:] into [er] involved
the lowering by one degree of the melody associated with the first timing
slot of [it]:
The result of this process in the set of English vowels at the time is as follows:
Notice that the system no longer has a high vowel [i:]. On the other hand,
there is considerable phonetic proximity between the relevant vowels of divine
and serene, [et] and [e:], respectively. The distance between these two vowels
was increased as [e:] raised to [i:]:
There is of course no [e:] in this system. This gap was filled as [e:] raised
to [ez]:
The sum total of the changes we have considered led to the system in (29):
The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift 217
Notice that the process involves a one-degree raising of all the vowels that
remained long. In turn, the first member of the diphthong [ii], not being able
to rise any higher, lowered instead, also by one degree. The chain of raisings
i < et < ex: was apparently triggered by the lowering of [i()] to [e(1)] - it
is as if the vacuum thus left in the [i] slot had had a suction effect, dragging
up all the remaining vowels by one degree. Appropriately, this type of chain
reaction is referred to as a “drag chain” (also “pull chain”).
The system in (29) is still not quite that of Modern English, and we must
now examine the remaining changes.
The diphthong [er] (remember, originally from Middle English [i:]) first
centralized to [ar] (thus transcribed with a schwa in the historical literature),
and eventually lowered to its Modern English position [az]:
In turn, [e:] raised to [i], with the concomitant merging of the meat and serene
The slot left vacant by [e:] was occupied by [e:] (from Middle English [z:])
through raising:
In (35) we display all the stages of the Great Vowel Shift, with the changes
at each stage emboldened and boxed in:
218 The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift
The slightly idealized historical account of the Great Vowel Shift we pres-
ented in the previous section attempts to make sense of the outcome of
the shift, which permeates the contemporary phonology of English: cf. the
samples in (6) and (10) above. We must now come up with a formalism
to capture these contemporary alternations. We will operate on the crucial
We operate on assumption that the lexical representations have not changed from Middle
the assumption to Modern English. This assumption is argued for in SPE and is accepted
that the lexical
by many.
relevant to the The three rules in (36) account for the three changes in height that underlie
Great Vowel Shift the three alternations, provided that the rules apply simultaneously:
have not changed
from Middle to
Modern English
(Ge), 4. [-high} >“ tehigh!/ ei serene
b. LHow] - [4low]/ ae sane
c. [thigh] — [+low] ia divine
The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift 219
The problem with these rules is that they state the changes in a piecemeal
fashion, despite their obvious structural unity. An autosegmental version of
these rules will not improve matters.
en aePRGEY ea HOcu
tai SS cos tS a Sec S:
<> ele
The representations in (37) bring out the two essential components of the
approach: (i) all vowels are built out of the three quantum vowels, whether
by themselves or in combination with each other; (ii) such combinations
220 The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift
Let us now analyse the vowel changes which make up the Great Vowel
Shift in this framework. The structure of the vowel melodies that are input
to the Great Vowel Shift will be as in (38):
After the shift, the respective composition of these vowels will be as in (39):
This alternative formalism does not in fact make the process any clearer.
Consider first the raising of the mid vowel [e] to [i]. The formalization of
this process as the loss of <a> from the representation of [e] is appealing, and
arguably does shed light on the event. It will therefore not be unreasonable
to expect an equivalent operation in the raising of [a] to [e]. Here, however,
the formalism forces us to insert the element <i> into the bare input repres-
entation <a>, at the same time demoting this original <a> in the dominance
ranking to prevent the formation of the mid-low vowel [e]. Finally, the muta-
tion of [i] to [a] requires the brute force substitution of <a> for <i>. In the
end, thus, no unified pattern emerges, and the approach is not particularly
well supported by these data. We will consider a related proposal for the
analysis of vowels in chapter 17.
The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift 221
Let us dissect rule (40) to ensure full understanding. The restriction of the
scope of the rule to non-low vowels is appropriately formalized by the inclu-
sion in the environment of the specifications [—-consonantal] (= vowels) and
[low] ([-consonantal, low] = non-low vowels, namely, [i] and [e]). The pro-
cess these vowels undergo involves the inversion of the value for [thigh]:
an input [ahigh] becomes [—ahigh] in the output. By convention, the value
of each GREEK LETTER VARIABLE (@, 8, y, etc.) is arbitrarily set as + or The value of each
—, independently for each variable. Accordingly, if we interpret the a in the Se
; cae cs VARIABLE (a, B,
input of rule (40) as + (thus defining the vowel [i] in our present context),
: y, etc.) is arbitrar-
we must also interpret 0 as + in the output. Consequently, the rule will express ily set as + or
the change from [+high] [i] to [-high] [e]: -o =—, ifa=+.Onthe other hand, — -, independently
if we interpret as —, rule (40) will change [-high] [e] to [+high] [i]: -a=+, for each variable
if « =—. All this is of course in accordance with the ordinary rules of algebra
and logic.
The overall effect of rule (40) will be an interchanging of /i/ and /e/, pre-
cisely as desired:
The second part of Chomsky and Halle’s Vowel Shift rule inverts the value
for [tlow] in non-high vowels:
),inter reti we did in rule
Now work through ru
Dee | Bee
The mechanics of rule (42) parallel those of rule (40), with the appropriate
substitutions of the affected and contextual features. Notice the crucial use
of a different Greek letter variable, [ahigh] in rule (40) and [Blow] in rule
(42), to encode the independence of the respective values. The effect of rule
(42) will be the exchange of /e/ and /x/:
At the moment, we have two rules formalizing the vowel shift process:
(40) and (42). However, these two rules can be reduced to a single rule by
factoring out [-consonantal] as the common input, as in (44):
(45) i
| Branch a. (cf. rule (40) )
| Branch b. (cf. rule (42) )
~ Check how th
fined in sectior
tion are The availability of
the timing tier
allows us to for-
The Vowel Shift rule in (44) is of course to be understood to apply only malize length as
to long vowels. The availability of the timing tier allows us to formalize such two timing slots,
without interfering
length as two timing slots, without interfering with the melody.
with the melody
The alternations in (46) involve the weak element of the diphthong, and are
therefore strange from a phonetic perspective. When the historical evolu-
tion of the alternations is investigated, however, they are seen to be essen-
tially reducible to the same analysis as goose ~ geese, etc.
The historical antecedent of [a1] was [i], and the historical antecedent of
[au], [us]. This means that in Old English the first stage of the plural process
in (46) must have involved the fronting of the singular vowels by the plural
suffix -i, the very process that we saw in chapter 6 affecting goose ~ geese, etc.:
We now have the contrasting forms m[u:]s (singular) and mli:]s (plural). These
forms then underwent vowel shift, hence their respective modern counter-
parts m[au]s and m[ai]s, all in the expected manner.
The interest of this group lies in the apparent reversal of the direction of the
backness shift: compare mouse > mice with find — found.
The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift 225
Historically, the alternation in (49) also arose from the spreading of vowel
features from the suffix to the stem. The past tense suffix was -on at the time.
The specified features [+back] and [+round] spread from the suffix -on to
the stem, via association of the [... Je nodes of the suffix vowel to the
[-consonantal] node of the stem vowel. The process is formalized in (50):
Re bn
(50) TL na
[-cons] [-cons]
ae ak
[-cons] : [—cons]
Bo st [labial],
f i nd oO n
The vowels [i] (in the present) and [u] (in the past) subsequently underwent
vowel shift. By then, the suffix -on had disappeared, and the backing of the
root vowel remained as the only mark of past tense.
Synchronically, we may consider relating the process to the familiar one
of plural formation: mouse > mice = found — find.
This solution obviously involves the derivation of the present from the
past. From Saussure’s perspective that the signifier is independent of the
226 The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift
signified, there is, of course, no reason to assume that the form of the pre-
sent is basic. However, work by another great linguist, Roman Jakobson, sug-
gests that morphological and semantic “markedness” usually go hand in hand
—~ MARKEDNESS is the nominalization of MARKED, a label which suggests
The label ‘less expected’, ‘more complex’, ‘less natural’, and the like (see chapters 17
MARKED suggests
and 19 for further discussion). If morphological and semantic markedness
‘less expected’,
‘more complex’, go hand in hand, we would expect the semantic unmarkedness of the pres-
‘less natural’, and ent, revealed in its more general scope, to correspond to a morphologically
the like underived form. This naturally leads to an analysis of the strong preterites
with a floating feature [+back] as a past marker.
a tTeef
V a
The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift 227
[How] [coronal]
[+back] [-anterior]
You can see that phonological structures resemble the mobiles that hang down
Phonological struc- from the ceiling over the cots of babies, or, perhaps more accurately, the pull-
tures resemble the
outs that come out of some pages in some books. These figures are easier
mobiles that hang
down from the
to see and comprehend in the real three-dimensional space than on the two-
ceiling over dimensional drawings of the pages of a book, and we must ask you to make
babies’ cots a special effort with your imagination really to understand their structure.
Notice that the timing tier makes up the baseline of the structure. Con-
comitantly, the timing tier is often given the label SKELETON, suggestive
of its basic function in sound structure: the rest would simply be the flesh.
The timing tier, or Correspondingly, the timing units can be referred to as SKELETAL SLOTS.
SKELETON, consti-
tutes the baseline
of the edifice of
sound in language
Reery. Cr ues
tet UOnr s
1 Rehearse the arguments for a mono- 7 Which two types of process are
segmental and a bisegmental ana- involved in the alternations of the
lysis of the affricate. Great Vowel Shift?
2 How can an autosegmental analysis 8 On which tier does vowel shorten-
solve the affricate problem? ing take place?
3 What are the “timing tier" and the 9 How are these alternations good
“melody”? evidence for the two-tier approach?
4 Define the term “phonotactic con- 10 What is the basis of the analysis of
straints”. vowels involving vowel primitives?
5 What is odd about the pervasive 11 What is the purpose of Greek letter
vowel alternations of English as ex- variables? What is the purpose of
emplified in such pairs as divine~ braces?
divinity, etc.? 12 What do you understand by the
6 How and why does English spell- term “marked"?
ing disguise the oddity of these
Further Practice
The following alternations are found in Turkish between formal speech and
casual speech:
Formal Casual
kahja kaxja ‘steward’
fihrist __fizrist ‘index’
tahsil tarsil ‘education’
kahve ka:ve ‘coffee’
mahsus matisus ‘special to’
230 The Timing Tier and the Great Vowel Shift
Vowel Shifts
[la] < /au/
Give an account of the feature changes which occurred in the course of these
Compare the New Zealand English pronunciation of the vowels in the fol-
lowing words with those in standard northern hemisphere varieties.
bit [bit]
bet [bt]
bat [bet]
London English
RP li el al or
\ \ \ \
Estuary li i OT he fF
\ \ \
Cockney al al DI Ol
Describe the relationship between the three accents as involving a vowel shift.
ras moat nn 7
oq’ wy é- -
a i aa
Sit. he
bet (ee;
hal [Bee
= ae
q id) rte yf De chin vay. a nee wiih '
ae stamina ARALJe.
= The interaction be
atures in LL _
236 The Syllable
In this and subsequent chapters we will see that many phenomena relevant
to the phonology of languages cannot be properly understood unless we enrich
the representation with certain structures which are abstract to the extent
that they are not, and by definition cannot be, pronounced directly in the
way that segments are. These structures express relations between (concrete)
elements. We assume that these structures are real because they can reason-
ably be thought to be behind many of the phonological phenomena observ-
able in languages.
For instance, adult ball is reproduced as [p"a] by the child, not as [ap"], adult
duck is reproduced as [ga:], not as [aig], and so on. It is as if all the child is
bothered about is the sequence consonant + vowel.
At this point we could conclude that the speech of this child is simply
peculiar. Indeed, there are some children (not many) with speech problems
which require the services of the speech therapist. However, a child’s
speech is only deemed problematic when the “defect” persists beyond a
certain, reasonably mature, age — were this not to be the case, we would all
have needed the therapist in our early years: the distortion of adult speech
by children is common and typical. What is relevant for us here is that such Children's distor-
tion of adult
distortion obeys certain unwritten and unconscious laws, of which the sample
speech obeys
in (1) above isa fairly representative output. certain unwritten
and unconscious
- laws
OU onesomee real chil li to
ee the opportunity
speech with your ow!
they do not pronounce them in quite the way English speakers do, as we
illustrate in (2):
the child’s typical syllable in (3) with the help of a tree. A TREE is just a visual
representation of a network of hierarchical relations. The informal symbol A TREE is a visual
“C” stands for a consonant, that is, a segment defined as [+consonantal], and representation of
the symbol “V” for a vowel, that is, a [-consonantal] segment. You can see in a network of hier-
archical relations
(3) that such C and V are gathered under the umbrella of o, the Greek letter
“sigma” equivalent to the Roman s, here a shorthand for the word “syllable”:
The component parts of the syllable are given special names, to make it Syllables contain a
easier to identify them and to refer to them. Let us assume at this point that vowel, the core or
NUCLEUS of the
syllables always contain a vowel, the centre or NUCLEUS of the syllable —
syllable, preceded
reality is a little more complex, but this assumption will do for the time being. by a consonant,
In the forms in (1) and (2) above, this vowel is preceded by a consonant, which acts as the
which acts as the ONSET of the syllable. The core syllable, conveniently ONSET
illustrated by the child’s utterances in (1) and the Japanese renderings of
240 The Syllable
(5) Oo
O(nset) N(ucleus)
We now apply this schema to our database in (1) and (2) above:
el eee aioe
Pane k a os m «&
biti Ss Oo o Oo
ered sere
ar Or “N GN
se: Ce Ni
in ladop
i ee
cd a i dl Sip a ee
The label “O” on [p], [k], [n] and [m] in a. and on [t], [k], [s] and [t] in b.
simply indicates that these consonants fill the role of onset in their syllable.
In turn, the label “N” indicates that the vowels it dominates fill the role of
The CV syllable is legitimately considered the CORE SYLLABLE. Some
The CV syllable languages only have CV syllables. More commonly, languages allow for syl-
is the CORE
lables of greater complexity: this is obviously the case in adult English, and
Japanese also allows for other types of syllables besides the ones we have
mentioned, as illustrated by abusutorakuto ‘abstract’, sutoraiki ‘(labour)
strike’, aisukuriimu ‘ice cream’, burakku ‘black’ and doragon ‘dragon’.
The core syllable is, however, found in every language, whether or not the
language also allows more complex syllables.
The Syllable 241
Notice also that if we shout out for help it is the vowel we will lengthen for
emphasis: heeeelp, not hhhhelp, hellllp or helpppp. The reason for all this is that
vowel sounds carry at a greater distance than consonants, precisely because
vowels are more sonorous than consonants. Segments are
arranged within
We know by new that the segmental structure of the core syllable is
the syllable in
CV, rather than, say, CC, VV or VC. The arrangement of segments within such a way that
the syllable is therefore such that sonority goes up from the onset to the sonority goes first
nucleus, and then down to the next onset, like the ground in hilly terrain. up and then down
We represent this situation in (7):
242 The Syllable
Given the greater intrinsic sonority of vowels, it is not surprising that vowels,
rather than consonants, should occupy the syllable nucleus, and consonants,
rather than vowels, the onset.
The sonority profile outlined in (7) replicates the reality of human speech,
Human speech
essentially a succession of vowels punctuated by consonants, or, from a more
consists in essence
of a succession of reductionist perspective, a long modulated vowel sound regularly interrupted
vowels punctuated by consonants, rather as the meat is regularly constricted by knots ina string
by consonants of sausages. The alternation of opening and closing that constitutes speech
thus underpins the core status of the ON (or CV) syllable.
E¥ The Coda
We will now see that syllable structure can be considerably richer than we
have been allowing.
Consider the following words of adult English:
(9) o Oo
ON Onan
Kee iP (2 ey)
You can see that [p] and [n] remain outside our current syllable structure.
We have already said that segments that are not affiliated to a syllable fail
The Syllable 243
to be pronounced. However, the prediction that [p] and [n] are not pronounced
in captain is obviously false for adult English (child English may well real-
ize captain as [katt], precisely because in such child language only the core
CV structure is available). In technical parlance, syllables act as “licensers”
of phonetic material. We can draw a useful analogy with the “licensing” of Syllables act as
humans by the issue of a birth certificate. Without a birth certificate, a per- “licensers” of
son does not officially exist, and in the case of the segments the unlicensed ees
segment will simply not be pronounced. The fact that captain is [keeptin] in
English therefore means that the /p/ and the /n/ are both licensed, and
consequently they must be part of a syllable.
The inclusion of the /p/ and /n/ of captain in a syllable implies that English
syllable structure admits more segmental material than the core syllable in
(4). In particular, English syllable structure allows for a consonant after the
nucleus. This new constituent is known as the CODA, a label we will abbre- 4 consonant after
viate to “Cd” (reserving “C” for “consonant”, as we have been doing so far): ~ ete oe
stitutes the syl-
lable CODA
(10) o
The addition of the coda to syllable structure allows for the representation
of captain as in (11):
(11) Oo rhe
O N Cd OniINviGd
Kae Pp feet
You can see that the orphan consonants of (9) are now affiliated to the syl-
lable coda. This correctly predicts that these consonants will have a phonetic
The Rime
These words clearly rhyme with each other (we assume you are familiar with
the device of rhyming in English verse). Compare these forms with those
in (13):
The words in the two sets in (13) do not rhyme with each other, even though
they exhibit the same amount of phonetic overlap as those in (12): [at] in
(12), [pee] in (13a), and [p... t] in (13b). Clearly, thus, rhyming is not just a
matter of amount of overlap. Rather, the overlap must affect a certain posi-
tion within the syllable, namely, the sequence N + Cd: the onset simply does
not enter into the computation of rhyme.
The joint participation of the nucleus and the coda in poetic rhyming is
not coincidental: the same pairing plays a crucial role in many phonological
The nucleus and
processes, ‘as we shall see in due course. This leads to the replacement of
the coda group
together in a con-
the flat structure of the syllable in (10) with a structure where the nucleus
stituent called and the coda group together in a constituent RIME, with the spelling dif-
RIME ference conveniently highlighting the phonological relevance of the construct.
The enriched structure of the syllable is displayed in (14):
The Syllable 245
(14) o
/\ RGme)
In (15) we match this new syllabic template to the segmental sequence [pzt]
of pat:
(15) o
/\ RGme)
Ls ] d
Pp ee +*~—O
The structure in (15) includes all the standard syllabic subconstituents: O,
R, N and Cd, organized as shown. As we know from our brief discussion
of child phonology, simpler syllables also exist. In the next section, we review
the four most basic structures of syllables found in the world’s languages.
We now have two types of syllable in our repertoire, namely, ON and ONCd,
which we are still assuming correspond to CV and CVC segmentally. The
nucleus is, of course, essential to the syllable, in the way that the heart or
the brain is essential to the human body: without a nucleus there is simply
no syllable. By contrast, syllables without an onset do exist, whether or not
with a coda. The four most basic types of syllable are, therefore, as follows:
The effect of these two rules on the core syllable CV is shown in (20):
The degree of complexity of each of the four basic syllable types can be read
directly from this formalism. In particular, the core syllable CV is simplest,
The core syllable because it is not subject to any particular operation. The VC syllable is the
CV is simplest, the
most complex because it requires the application of both rules. Finally, the
VC syllable is the
most complex, the
two other syllables (V and CVC) have intermediate complexity, each being
two other syllables derived by means of one rule.
(V and CVC) have We now provide RP English examples of each of the four syllable types
intermediate we have described:
)srlesnced ual
(21) o
O N © N-Cd N
a (
of these syllable types?
& :
O27) Vea > CV
(24) Oo Oo oO
voivirdye oxxdof
we ony /\
fallste abel een
(C) BV (G) (C) V © () V ©
The pivotal role of the sonority peak in the syllable becomes more obvious
if we formalize the whole syllable as a projection of its nucleus, as in (25a) /
otherwise equivalent to (25b):
(25) a. N” b. o
N’ R
CN. ec CG M.S
5 the
The Syllable 249
If you are familiar with Chomskyan syntax, you will recognize in (25a) the
so-called “X-bar” template, adapted to syllables. If you are not, you simply
need to notice that in (25a) the syllable margins (that is, onsets and codas)
are in effect formal excrescences of the nucleus N. In particular, the “trunk”
of the tree in (25a) is made up of layered copies, or PROJECTIONS, of the
nucleus node N. The highest projection, N”, constitutes the syllable node,
which branches off to its left as the onset. The intermediate projection, N’,
constitutes the rime node, branching off to its right as the coda. As we said,
these higher nodes are supported by the nucleus node, N, which is in turn
projected from the vowel, the head of the syllable — the HEAD of a constituent
is the core element of the constituent, that is, the element without which there The HEAD of a
would simply be no constituent. conse Werte -Ue
For our immediate purposes, it will not really matter whether we formalize eee io
syllables with the schema in (25a) or with the perhaps more familiar one in
(25b), since we have introduced the “X-bar” formalism only to help you grasp
the nature of the syllable.
What does matter is that you should have reached a reasonable level of under-
standing of both the nature and the basic structure of the syllable, in pre-
paration for the further intricacies we will be examining in the remainder
of this chapter and in chapter 10.
E} Complex Nuclei
The vowels in the words in (26a) are long, and the vowels in the words in
(26b) short. The remainder of the sounds are identical in each pair, and there-
fore each contrast is minimal. Of course, the long vowels are also tense, and
250‘ The Syllable
the short vowels lax, but this additional difference is not contrastive by itself,
since contrasts like [pik] vs. [pr:k], etc., are not possible in English.
Long vowels are by definition associated to two timing slots. Strictly speak-
ing, syllable structure is built on the timing tier, not on the segments them-
selves as we have been doing so far, to keep the representations simple: as
we said at the end of the previous chapter, the skeleton constitutes the base-
line of the edifice of sound in language. Now, long vowels cause a mismatch
between our present syllable structure and the timing tier. In (27) we dis-
play two alternative interpretations of this mismatch:
(2a eawas Oo
In (27a), the timing slots associate to the syllable terminals one to one from
left to right, irrespective of the feature content of the segments. The con-
sequence is that the second part of the long vowel links to the coda, and no
syllable terminal remains for the slot of the final /t/ to link to. In (27b), the
feature content is taken account of, strictly keeping vowels for the nucleus.
The consequence is that only one of the two slots of /i:/ can be incorpor-
ated into the structure. Given the function of syllable structure as a segmental
|| The Syllable 251
licenser, (27a) predicts that the /t/ will not be pronounced, while accord-
ing to (27b) the vowel will be pronounced short.
Neither prediction is, of course, correct: if /t/ were not realized phonetic-
ally, beat would sound like bee, and if the vowel were short it would sound
like bit, after the concomitant laxing, or as impossible D[iJt, if there was no
The obvious course of action to achieve an exact match with the timing
units involves augmenting the number of syllable terminals. The question
is whether such an increase ought to affect the coda or the nucleus. If we
assign one part of the /i/ to the coda (as we did in (27a)), we will conflict
_ with the typical pattern of association of [-consonantal] segments with the
nucleus. While we will see in the next chapter that this pattern does some-
times break down, it is all the same quite robust. Accordingly, we fit the
long vowel into the syllable by augmenting the nucleus to two units: We fit long vowels
into the syllable
(28) by augmenting
S the nucleus to
PK two timing units
_ The representation in (28) nicely captures the sameness of beat and bit with
_ regard to both syllable structure and melody identity (abstracting away vowel
tenseness, which in English we assume follows from vowel length, in line
with our findings in chapter 8): the two words only contrast with regard to
the number of skeletal slots in their respective nuclei. On the other hand,
bee and bit also differ with regard to syllable structure, since bit has a coda,
_ but bee does not.
252 =‘The Syllable
xX x
a —»
4 t
We hope that the need in English for nuclei with two timing slots, along-
side nuclei with only one slot, is by now quite clear.
In particular, the first two segments in the forms in (30) are consonants,
and our current syllable template only accommodates one consonant in the
We formalize the proposed augmented onset in (31), in each of the two altern-
ative modes of representation we have at our disposal:
631}e yea. o b. N”
R N’
| N
Cpe Cee
We have now enriched the structure of the syllable with two-member nuclei
and two-member onsets. In the next chapter we will encounter an apparent
need for two-member codas also.
Why do consonant combinations other than those in (32) not turn up in the
onset, including, for instance, combinations which simply reverse the order
of the two actually co-occurring consonants, such as [Ip], [4p], etc.?
If you examine the clusters in (32), you will notice that the second timing
slot is always filled with a liquid, namely, [I] or [4]. In turn, the first slot
accommodates all the obstruents of English but the affricates ([tf], [d3]) and
the voiced fricatives ([v], [5], [z], [3]).
Gah a: 0 b. N”’
R N’
aN N
Ob Lq Ob Lq
The problem with these syllable templates is that, while they do indeed do
their job, they only do it by brute force.
The Syllable 255
Thus, why should the two slots of complex onsets need to associate precisely
with an obstruent and a liquid, and in this order? The answer to this and
many other questions concerning the constraints on the distribution of seg-
ments within the syllable is found by reference to the SONORITY SCALE,
also known as the “Sonority Hierarchy”, a universal ranking of segment classes
on the basis of sonority. We will build up the sonority scale in stages, to
ensure that each step is motivated by explicit argument. At this point in the
exposition, we shall propose the embryonic scale in (34):
R N’
N Cd N
a SE
aa ee Sonority profile
The sonority pro-
The sonority profile of the syllable is regulated by a universal principle file of the syllable
known as SONORITY SEQUENCING: must rise until it
peaks, and then
The sonority profile of the syllable must rise until it peaks, and then fall.
256 The Syllable
As we show in (37), an onset such as lp, the converse of existing pl, would
violate sonority sequencing:
¢ 2,
aCc Z,
<3—O ] —O
Sonority profile
Sonority Distance
In (32) above you may notice that [ps] (stop + fricative), [pn] (stop + nasal)
and suchlike do not occur in English onsets, even though these sequences
are consistent with sonority sequencing.
We will not go further into specifics here, for the issue is truly complex
across languages. However, we will emphasize that, while the sonority hier-
archy is essentially uniform across languages, the requirements of minimal
sonority distance between “sibling” elements in a given constituent need to
be specified language by language, and constituent by constituent (we are
using the term SIBLING to refer to nodes that are immediately dependent
on the same PARENT node; the terms “sister” and “mother” are also in use
in this connection). In our present context, it will suffice to know that the
architecture of the syllable in any given language is the joint product of invari-
able universal principles, such as sonority sequencing in (36), and parameters
with a fixed range of values, one selected by each language, as Minimal Sonor-
ity Distance in (38) has exemplified in our discussion.
258 The Syllable
Key Questions
4 Provide evidence for the rime as a 8 What is the “sonority scale"? List it.
constituent. 9 What is the role of sonority sequen-
5 What is sonority? What is its role in cing in the determination of syllable
syllable structure? structure?
6 How does the second timing slot of 10 How does minimal sonority dis-
a long vowel or diphthong fit into tance constrain onset formation?
syllable structure?
7 How does sonority determine the
structure of the complex onset?
Fodtstetee te Por ac th ce
Draw the sonority profiles of the following words. Identify the nuclei and
the syllable boundaries:
Describe the distribution of the two segments taking into consideration all
the possible factors, including adjacent segments, word position and syl-
lable position.
260 ‘The Syllable
Yawelmani Vowels
(i) Describe the alternations between the long and short vowels in the data.
(ii) Formalize the alternation on the basis of syllable structure.
Complex Codas
In chapter 9 we motivated the existence of onsets and nuclei with two ele-
ments, respectively in sections 9 and 8. The data we will now present sug-
gest that we may need to extend this (minimal) constituent complexity to
Consider the following set of nonsense words in phonetic transcription:
We hope you will agree that none of these forms is possible in English. Clearly,
the reason is not simply that the forms are (deliberately) nonsense: another
nonsense word, blick, has repeatedly been proposed in the literature as a pos-
sible word of English — blick could, for instance, be the brand name of a newly
launched product, say, a new washing powder or a new soft drink. Indeed,
we must drawatripartite distinction in all languages between existing words,
non-existent but possible words, and non-existent and impossible words.
_ ible words?
You may think that a more plausible explanation for the impossibility of
the forms in (1) in English concerns the fact that they all have the structure
CVCC, since our present maximal syllable template only allows one C after
the nucleus, in the coda. Consider, however, the following set of also non-
sense forms:
Syllable Complexity 263
These facts are similar to those we came across in the previous chapter with
regard to the onset and the nucleus. Therefore, if we take these facts at face
value, we will need to accommodate a complex coda in our syllable tem-
We provisionally
plate, along the lines of (4):
accommodate a
complex coda
(4) 6 N” in our syllable
| |
N= N
aC G.=€
| For the moment we will indeed adopt such complex codas, although at the
end of the chapter we shall see that there are reasons to favour a different
Incorporating complex codas into the English syllable still does not account
for the contrast in grammatical status between the nonsense sets in (1) and
(2) above, instantiating impossible and possible English forms, respectively.
264 Syllable Complexity
Now, if you compare the two sets in question, the following facts about the
putative complex coda will come to your attention:
1 the liquid [1] only occurs as a left sibling, and similarly for [41] in rhotic
accents: [prlk], [helf], [karm];
2 when nasals occur as left siblings they assimilate in place of articulation
to their right sibling: [kimp], [pit], [tink];
3 when both siblings are non-sonorant stops, the right one is coronal: [kipt],
_ in question lat
The requirement of a sonority gap of at least two degrees between the two
elements of onsets is, obviously, relaxed in codas. In camp, pink, kiln or film,
for instance, the two coda consonants differ by only one degree in the sonor-
ity scale in (34) of chapter 9, which we now repeat as (5):
Non-Vocalic Nuclei
At this point you may feel tempted to take a leap and interpret the laxer
sonority distance requirement in codas as a hint that there are in fact no
sonority restrictions on English complex codas. Notice, however, that sonor-
ity does not rise in such putative complex codas in any of the forms we have
provided. Consider now the forms in (6), crucially bearing in mind that in
these words only the first vowel in the spelling has phonetic reality:
(6) prism
brother (in rhotic accents)
colour (in rhotic accents)
| Aword like prism does not strike the eye of the English speaker as odd in any
| way. Indeed, prism appears to comply with all the requirements built into our
syllable: the structure C(C)VCC of this and the other words in (6) is at first
sight syllabifiable as onset (simple or complex) + simple nucleus + complex
coda, thus apparently replicating the words in (3) above. However, closer
inspection reveals that, while the forms in (3) are monosyllabic, those in (6) are
bisyllabic. We make this difference explicit in (7) (the underscripted diacritic
“” indicates nucleus status, and “.” a syllable boundary, in IPA notation):
} (7) [pa.zm]
| [st.K]]
[b1a.03] (in rhotic accents)
[ka.l4] (in rhotic accents)
(8) a. Oo b.
R Rivetankls
| XX
Se2 Ea) ei
GorSts eae kk Ose i.
ok a.
The second question is why (and how) we are assigning the word-final sonor-
ant consonant in (6) to the nucleus, in contradiction to the prerequisite we
have been operating with so far that nuclei are vowels.
The reason for the divergent syllabification of the forms in (3) and (6) is
that in the coda cluster [lk] of silk the first element, [I], is more sonorous
than the second element, [k] (3 vs. 1), whereas in the last two consonants of
sickle this relationship is reversed (1 vs. 3). This is relevant with respect to
the sonority profile of the syllable, which you know rises on its way to the
peak (= the most sonorous element in the nucleus), and then falls. We dis-
play this profile once more in (9):
The principle responsible for this state of affairs is, of course, SONORITY
SEQUENCING, which we stated in (36) of chapter 9, and repeat here as (10):
(AE O-N-Eed
4 oO
3 oO
2 i
| | 1 y
Go TSat
A putative coda [kl] in the word sickle would, however, contravene Sonority
Sequencing, since the second element, [I], has more sonority than the first
one, [k]:
The sonority trough on [k] prevents [kl] from being a valid coda. Faced with
this situation, English (and other languages, but not all) relaxes the require-
ment that nuclei must be vowels, and allows sonorant consonants in the
nucleus under the circumstances, as already represented in (8b):
(13): eOpcJINeeOueN.
4 oO
3 oO
Zz i
| 1 yi
268 Syllable Complexity
So, while it is true that English nuclei normally aim for a sonority minimum
English nuclei can of 4 and therefore normally contain vowels, they can lower this minimum
accept a sonorant
to 2 and accept a sonorant consonant under pressure from the sonority profile
consonant under
pressure from the
of the segmental sequence, precisely as happens in the cases we have just
sonority profile examined.
of the segmental
Vowels in Disguise
You will most probably recognize a CVC syllable here, analysing the first
segment of these words (spelled w and y, respectively) as a consonant.
At this point we need to pause and ask ourselves what kind of consonant
these might be. Remember that consonants are divided into obstruents, with
a radical constriction to the airflow in the central passage in the mouth, and
sonorants, with the airflow also constricted in the central passage, but still
flowing out unimpeded through some other channel: the nose for nasals, or
the sides of the tongue for laterals, for instance.
Syllable Complexity 269
Now, if the sounds spelled w and y in (14) were consonants, they would
most certainly not be obstruents.
What can they be, then? There is, of course, a further class of sonorants, rhotics,
but in these sounds the air is interrupted (albeit most fleetingly) at the front
of the mouth, and this is clearly not the case with w and y.
So, what kind of consonant can w and y be? If you turn to the literature, you
will find a variety of labellings: “glides”, “semivowels” and “semiconsonants”,
as well as “yod” for y in a diachronic context. Sometimes, w and y are also
included in the more general class of “approximants”, indeed a feature in
a system we will examine in chapter 17. Now, what exactly lies behind these
If you (artificially, and most unnaturally) lengthen the initial segment of
well, you will come up with the form [urel], and if you do likewise with yes
you will find yourself pronouncing [izes].
This simple experiment therefore reveals that w and y are really vowels, even
if particularly short ones — the diacritic “” is actually available to indicate Articulatorily, w
extra shortness, hence [ii], [i]. They are also pronounced witha higher tongue @"4¥ #"@ vowels
|° than in the words hoot and heat, in fact more or less literally as IPA [i] and
[u]. If w and y are phonetic vowels (despite the ambivalence of much of the
| literature on this matter), you may think that the forms in (14) above have,
| after all, no onset — only a complex nucleus made up of a high vowel ([ul,
| [i], regardless of the spelling) followed by a second vowel, as represented
| in (15):
270 Syllable Complexity
(15) a. o baer’
| R
fades |
Veo 2€ VV
/\ AG
words in (16) 1
In these forms the initial high vowel is followed by a long vowel, and there-
fore, following the logic of the argument, we would have to assume a three-
member nucleus:
(i/)tuai b. ING
As it happens, however, other facts take us away from the structures in (17),
and, concomitantly, from those in (15). These facts concern poetic rhyme and
the ban on [w] after labial consonants.
Syllable Complexity 271
Let us compare the forms in (18) with their counterparts in (19), which replic-
ates (30) of chapter 9 minus slum and shrill, since these are best analysed
separately, as we will see in section 7 below:
We know from the previous chapter that the forms in (19) have a complex
onset. Those in (18), by contrast, would have a complex nucleus according
to the analysis sketched in the previous section (cf. (17) above). If so, the
nucleus of forms like twine or queen would have three members.
if the left-most high vowel in the words in (18) were part of the rime, twin
would simply not rhyme with tin, and so on. The fact that twin does rhyme
with tin therefore suggests that the high vowel represented byw in the spelling
is assigned to the onset.
The possibility of assigning high vowels to the onset receives specifically
High vowels can phonological support from the absence from the English native vocabulary
be included in the
of forms with the structure labial consonant + labial high vowel + another
vowel. This sequence does occur in words of Spanish or French origin:
pueblo, bueno, poids, foie, etc., with a labial consonant followed by [we] or
[wa] respectively, as in the expressions “Pueblo Indians”, “Buenos Aires”,
“avoirdupois”, “foie gras”. In native English words, however, sequences
consonant + labial high vowel + another vowel are limited to the environ-
ments we listed in (18a). We transcribe these phonetically in (20), where we
are representing onset /u/ as [w] to highlight its non-nuclear status (a less
common alternative transcription is [uy], with the non-nucleus status signalled
by the underscripted diacritic “_”):
Notorious absentees from this list are, of course, the clusters [pw], [bw], [mw],
[fw] and [vw].
Can you a y
t be
— should no
In order to understand the bearing these gaps have on the role of [w] in
the syllable, we need to take note of the fact that [tl], [dl], [61] and [dl] are
also absent from English onsets. There are simply no words beginning with
such clusters in English ([0] and the other voiced fricatives do not occur
in branching onsets of any kind). Moreover, in a word like atlas, where one
of the clusters occurs word-medially, the [t] and the [l] do not join as a
complex onset. Instead, the [t] makes up the coda of the first syllable: at.las
(remember that “.” represents a syllable boundary). We return to this matter
in section 7 below, simply trusting for the moment that the syllabification
at.las does not conflict with your intuition.
Syllable Complexity 273
The reason [tl], [dl], [61], [01] are banned from the onset, while [pl], [bl],
[fl], [kl] and [gl] are not, has to do with the fact that [1] shares the specifica-
tion [coronal] with [t], [d] and [6]: all these sounds are alveolar or dental,
that is, [coronal] in distinctive feature theory. Like many other languages,
English dislikes segments with an identical place of articulation in the same
subsyllabic constituent, a situation akin to phonological incest! The reason
for the non-occurrence of the onset clusters [pw], [bw], [mw], [fw] and [vw]
is of course similar, since both the sounds in these clusters have the feature
The tendency of constituent siblings not to have similar places of The tendency for
articulation is stated formally in the picturesquely named OBLIGATORY constituent siblings
CONTOUR PRINCIPLE (OCP). The principle, and its label, originated in the not to have similar
context of tonal phonology (tone will be discussed in chapter 14). While places of articula-
tion is formalized
all-pervasive in various ways in all components of phonology, with the
as the OBLIGAT-
principled exception of the timing tier for obvious reasons, the OCP is sub- ORY CONTOUR
ject to a considerable number of exceptions, and its precise status therefore PRINCIPLE
remains uncertain.
The OCP is in fact more a tendency than a principle as such. We offer a pro-
visional and deliberately somewhat loose definition in (21):
If high vowels can, after all, occur in the English onset, we need to weaken
our current conception of the distribution of segment categories among the
Syllable margins
constituents of the syllable. In particular, we will now have to say that syl- are mainly (NB
lable margins are mainly (NB crucially, not only) occupied by consonants. In crucially, not only)
order to provide a formal basis for this situation, we need to introduce an occupied by
additional level in our sonority scale, as we do in (22). This version obviously consonants
supersedes its predecessor in (5) above:
274 Syllable Complexity
We can now answer the question from the previous chapter as to why
we formulate the sonority distance restriction on English onset siblings as
a minimum of 2, rather than giving it a fixed value. The answer is that such
legitimate onsets as [tw] or [kw] have a sonority distance of 3 (NB not 2)
on the scale in (22): [t] and [k] are obstruents, and [w] (= [u]) a high vowel,
thus 4 — 1 = 3.
The conclusion that high vowels may be included in the English onset leads
to a new statement of English onset phonotactics, as in (23), where refer-
ence to the new sonority scale in (22) replaces the brute-force onset template
of (33) in chapter 9:
(23) a; Oo Db . IN
R N’
ao Goy
Notice that (23) is more accurate than its predecessor, but this accuracy is
achieved at the cost of greater formal complexity, in the form of conditions.
Syllable Complexity 275
Syllabification of [iu]
In the previous section we split the sequence [w] + vowel in words like twin
or quack between the onset and the nucleus. This analysis is compatible with
a formalization of the [w] and the following vowel as independent lexical
segments: in the same way that we assume that the [1] and the [ee] in crack
are lexically independent, the [w] and the [ze] in quack can be /u/ and /x/,
respectively, in the lexicon. At first blush, the situation with the sequence
[iu] in fume is analogous.
The sound [iu] occurs in the words in (18b, c) above, repeated now as (24)
(remember that in some accents, General American for instance, the forms
in (24b) do not have [iu:], but simply [u:]):
One set of exceptions to this generalization, irrelevant for our immediate pur-
poses, will be accounted for in chapter 18.
The dislike of English for [i] in sequence with vowels other than [u] is
forcefully brought out by the English pronunciation of such Spanish words
as fiesta, siesta, (San) Diego, Santiago, etc. In Spanish, the vowel sequence is
diphthongal: [ie], [ia], etc. (we mentioned above that the underscripted dia-
critic “_” signals lack of syllabic independence). In English, however, such
vowel sequences are systematically pronounced with a hiatus ([i.e], [i.a], etc.),
except possibly in fast speech, where many of the restrictions we are dis-
cussing (although by no means all) appear to be flouted.
The apportioning of all post-consonantal [i]V sequences but [iu] to two dif-
ferent nuclei shows that English generally rejects the integration of the /i/
English generally of /iV/ into a complex onset. The question that obviously arises is why such
rejects the integra-
integration is not rejected in [iu]. One reasonable answer would be that [iu]
tion of the /i/ of
/iV/ into a com-
is a diphthong, since it seems sensible to assume that the very nature of diph-
plex onset. Such thongs prevents them from being split between two syllables: all uncontro-
integration is not versial diphthongs of English ([a1], [o1], [ou], etc.) are indeed tautosyllabic.
rejected in [iu] Now, if [iu] is a diphthong, we might expect it to be allotted whole to the
There is, however, specific evidence that the [i] of [fu] is assigned to the onset.
In the early seventeenth century, there was a diphthong [yl], with the syl-
lable peak’ on [1], and the second element [uy] as an offglide, in much the
same way as in the current primary diphthongs [au], [ou], etc.: indeed, there
seems to be a requirement for the first nucleus element to be the syllable
peak. By the end of the seventeenth century, however, the peak of [ru] had
been transferred to the second element, [u], and [i] raised to [i]: [fu]. All these
Syllable Complexity 277
Assuming that onsets cannot have more than two elements, in English and
perhaps in other languages, an already binary onset such as [bl] will simply
leave no room for [j] — thus failing to be licensed, [j] will not surface. This
analysis crucially presupposes that the /i/ of /iu/ is assigned to the onset:
if it were assigned to the nucleus, it would have been licensed there, in some
way, and it would have been pronounced in all cases.
Further evidence for the assignment of [i] of [fu] to the onset comes from
the selection of the “weak” article allomorphs th[a] and a before [j] (a ewe,
th[a] ewe), as they always are before an onset (a/th[a] bow, a/th[a] blow), but
not otherwise (an/th[i] owl).
Finally, and most revealingly, a handful of receding accents do have [bliy],
and [ry] in general for [iu], with the first element of the sequence as the peak.
n be possible.
The behaviour of the [i] of /iu/ confirms that high vowels can partake in {igh vowels can
the English onset. In section 4 we showed that sonorant consonants can be partake in the
assigned to the nucleus. These two complementary facts obviously force the _English onset
relaxation of our early identification of ONCd with CVC.
278 Syllable Complexity
[4 Onset Fulfilment
(25) N } 1
East ce k n a p k I n DeAnm pk n
5 5 Qe——
BH it 2 5 Lea 4 2 dl ——Z
u> Rs — 2
Segments to the left of the nucleus are parsed in the onset, to a maximum
of two, and segments to the right of the nucleus in the coda, at the moment
also to a maximum of two:
hs N Cd
eee di
NCd | NCd N Cd N Cd
The syllabification ... V.CV.CV . . . of course tallies in with our finding in chap-
ter 9 that CV is the universal core syllable: a parsing ... V.CV.CV ... creates
two such core syllables, whereas a parsing... VC.VC.V ... creates none.
Specific evidence for the principle of Minimal Onset Satisfaction is also
available. Consider such words as carriage, car and cart. In non-rhotic accents,
there is no phonetic [4] in car and cart, since these accents by definition do not
admit [1] in codas. In words like these there is of course no other possible
parsing for the r. In carriage, however, the /1/ can also be parsed as an onset,
since it is followed by a vowel — the question is, will it indeed be parsed
as the onset of [1], or will it still be parsed as the coda of [a]? The fact that
non-rhotic speakers pronounce such an /1/ answers our question: the /1/
is parsed in the onset, for otherwise it would have no phonetic realization
in these accents. This result obviously supports the principle of Minimal Onset
Satisfaction in (27).
Intuitively, the relevant syllable divisions in the words in (28) are as in (29):
The formal procedures we have in place also allow for the parsings in (30),
still assuming complex codas:
Notice that the parsings in (30) do not incur any violation of Sonority
Sequencing, since the resulting syllables do not contain sonority troughs.
The parsings in (30) are obviously also compatible with the principle of
Minimal Onset Satisfaction in (27) above.
Syllable Complexity 281
Empirical evidence for the parsings in (29) does indeed exist. This evidence
concerns some stop allophony, and it confirms the principle of Minimal Onset
Satisfaction (27).
In chapter 1 we illustrated the difference between English voiced and
voiceless stops with word-medial, rather than word-initial, instantiations.
The reason is that in word-initial position the contrast is not implemented
by means of simultaneous vocal fold vibration or its absence, respectively.
Rather, it is a function of the length of the time lag between the release of
the closure and the start of vocal fold vibration for the following vowel:
in “voiceless” stops the time lag is considerable, and in “voiced” stops very
short, or possibly null. Word-initially, therefore, English “voiced” stops are
actually voiceless! Word-initially,
English “voiced”
stops are actually
The period between the release of the closure and the start of vocal fold activ-
ity for the vowel is clearly longer in (31a), where it can be felt physically as
282 Syllable Complexity
Now, the parsings in (29) above are confirmed by the aspiration test.
‘ . . Se
Thus, in words like surprise or recline the obstruent stop is aspirated, to the
extent of rendering the following sonorant voiceless (recall that there are no
lexical voiceless sonorants in English and in most other languages).
On the surface, the consonantal clusters [tl] and [61] are similar to their coun-
terparts in (32). However, if you observe your own pronunciation of [tl] and
[61] you will notice that [1] is now fully voiced, even though it also follows
a voiceless obstruent. This situation follows from the syllabifications in (34):
Syllable Complexity 283
There is in fact a good reason for the contrast in syllabification between the
forms in (32) and the forms in (33): as we mentioned in section 4 above, the
OCP in (21) prevents the occurrence in the same constituent of clusters with
a similar place of articulation, such as [pw], [bw], [tl], [dl], [61], [Ol].
Restate tt
The facts of aspiration therefore show that the consonant clusters in (28) above
(recline, comply, etc.), in all respects similar to those in (33), are parsed as
complex onsets.
Likewise, most speakers may pronounce t glottally in atlas, but not in petrol,
for instance: the reason is, again, that in petrol /t/ would be parsed, not in the
coda, but in the onset.
The conclusion to draw is that intervocalic consonant clusters are allotted
to the onset unless prevented by the familiar conditions on syllabifica- In English, two
intervocalic con-
tion. We formulate this bias towards the onset as the principle of ONSET
sonants are parsed
MAXIMIZATION: in the onset unless
prevented by the
(35) Onset Maximization: syllabification
Maximal formation of onsets takes priority over formation of codas conditions
It would seem at this point that Onset Maximization subsumes our previ-
ous Minimal Onset Satisfaction principle in (27) above. This is, however, not
so, since the two principles can show a different strength of application. For
instance, in French the voiceless alveolar stop f is usually not pronounced
at the end of words (pet[i] ‘small’), although it can be pronounced when the
_ following word beings with a vowel (pet[it] enfant ‘small child’). One simple
way of formalizing this contrast involves a prohibition against parsing /t/
in the coda, similar to the prohibition against parsing /1/ in the coda in English
non-rhotic accents. Now, the fact that the final /t/ of petit is pronounced in
the phrase petit enfant indicates that Minimal Onset Satisfaction has impelled
the parsing of this /t/ as the onset of the next vowel: pe.ti.ten.fant. What is
interesting, and directly relevant to our present concerns, is that such parsing
284 Syllable Complexity
does not take place in a phrase like petit roi ‘little king’, which is invariably
petlixloi (not *petlits]oi), even though the sequence [ts] is otherwise quite
legitimate in French onsets: [ts]ois ‘three’ (cf. pet[il [tJois ‘little three’!). The
reason for the opposing behaviour of the word-final /t/ in petit enfant and
petit roi is that, in French, Minimal Onset Satisfaction is operative across
words, hence pe.ti.ten.fant, but Onset Maximization is not, hence pe.tit.rot
(= .pe.tit. + roi.): Minimal Onset Satisfaction is therefore stronger than Onset
_ under: iple favouring a maxi
The effective restriction of complex codas to the right edge of the word
is obviously puzzling. One way out of the conundrum involves abandoning
the complex coda analysis for the consonant clusters in question. This move
receives support from forms like those in (37):
This analysis has the advantage of allowing us to preserve the statement that
English codas are simple throughout the word: the coda is the consonant
Syllable Complexity 287
licensed by R, and so the word-final consonant in (38) does not partake in the
coda. At the same time, such a final consonant remains inside the syllable,
and therefore the compliance of such clusters with Sonority Sequencing is
correctly predicted (cf. (8a) vs. (8b) above): the exception inevitably involves
final coronals (act, apt, and so on), and will be seen to directly (remember
that we said in section 1 that when both siblings in an apparent coda are
non-sonorant stops, the right one needs to be coronal).
As we have just hinted, coronal obstruents can follow any type of segment
word-finally, irrespective of sonority, to complicate the English syllable still
further. We show this in (39):
Coronals appear
Indeed, coronal obstruents appear to occur unrestrictedly on the right edge
to occur unre-
of the English word. A rather spectacular instantiation of extra word-final strictedly on the
coronal obstruents is offered by the forms sixths and contexts, with no fewer right edge of the
than three coronal obstruents after /k/, at least in careful diction: [stks@s], English word
The limitation of the English coda to one consonant that we have just pro-
posed appears to be contradicted by /s/, which can follow any coda con-
sonant word-internally: institute, transfer, abstain, instruct, conscript, obstacle,
Faced with these facts, we could think of accepting complex codas with /s/
as their second element. However, this solution would be problematic for
Sonority Sequencing as it stands at the moment, as we illustrate in (40) —
remember that stops and fricatives are level in sonority in the scale in (22)
You can see that, as a possible first element of the new complex coda, /s/
patterns with sonorants, even though /s/ is level with stops in the sonor-
ity scale in (5). One answer would be to split fricatives and plosives in the
sonority ranking, in a more precise sonority scale — objectively, fricatives
are indeed more sonorous than stops:
The /s/ + stop coda now obviously complies with Sonority Sequencing.
However, /s/ is the only fricative licensed in the English coda before non-
coronals, as attested by the impossibility of forms like *lefp, *lefk, etc. (in con-
trast to left, which ends in a coronal). Therefore, the scale in (41) still falls
short of solving the problem, and therefore we shall not adopt it.
Syllable Complexity 289
The idiosyncrasies of /s/ extend to the onset. Consider the words in (42):
(42) a. ‘slum
b. small snow
€. spy sty sky
These forms apparently have a complex onset. However, the parsing of the
initial sC cluster in the onset would put some of our current generalizations If the initial sC
in jeopardy. cluster were
analysed as an
onset, some of
the standing gen-
eralizations would
be put in jeopardy
These consonant clusters can only be parsed in the onset if we admit three-
member onsets:
290 Syllable Complexity
You are well aware that an increase in the size of syllabic subconstituents
is undesirable, on grounds of grammatical stringency. Moreover, the fact that
the first segment in such putative three-member onsets is always [s] would
be a coincidence.
The changes in onset sonority distance that took place in the historical
development of English also militate against the inclusion of /s/ in the onset.
In Old and Middle English, forms like knave and gnat were pronounced as
spelled, on a par with the contemporary German knabe [knaba] ‘boy’ or
gnadig [gnedic] ‘gracious’. In Early Modern English, the initial stop was lost
(although it survived in the spelling). By contrast, initial [s] was retained,
not only prenasally but, more generally, preconsonantally.
The behaviour of
inclusion in the onset.
/s/ is idiosyncratic
across the board,
in English and
in many other All the facts we have considered provide strong motivation for granting word-
languages initial [s] special status, in English and in other languages. We formulate a
specific proposal along these lines in chapter 16.
What are the basic constraints on Which two principles can be com-
apparent complex codas in English? bined to make up the Onset First
Under what conditions may con- Principle? What is the difference
sonants form nuclei in English? in the provisions of these two
Under what conditions may vowels principles?
occur in an onset? Which vowels? How does the possible word-
What evidence is there for high internal coda differ from its appar-
vowels being analysed as part of an ent word-final counterpart?
onset, when followed by another Some words end in clusters of
vowel, rather than forming part of three or four consonants. What is
a complex nucleus? special about these consonants?
What is the Obligatory Contour Can the extra consonants be con-
Principle (OCP)? What influence sidered part of a complex coda?
does it have on onset formation in 10 List the problems inherent in a
English? claim that sC clusters may form
What is unusual about the complex onsets.
sequence /iu/ in English? How is it
292 Syllable Complexity
French high vowels can be syllabified in two different ways ([y] is the sym-
bol used for [y] in non-nuclear position, in parallel with [w] for [u] and [j]
for [i]):
(i) Can you see any reason for the different syllabifications?
(ii) What do these new facts suggest about the structure of syllabic sub-
constituents in French?
Monophthongal Southern Welsh vowels, except for schwa, fall into groups,
long and short. The list is as follows:
Oro UL Oo,
Syllable Complexity 293
In some circumstances the long and short vowels can be shown to be con-
trastive but in other situations only one or other group may occur. Consider
the following representative examples of monosyllabic words:
a. /di:n/ 4
man ,
/gwin/ ‘white’
/hemn/ ‘old’ /pren/ ree
/ta:n/ ‘fire’ /man/ ‘place’
/somn/ ‘speak’ /bron/ ‘breast’
/suin/ ‘noise’ /grun/ ‘ridge of ploughland’
/bitd/ ‘world’ /jet/ ‘gate’
/te:d/ ‘width’ “to!
/bo:d/ ‘to be’ /tok/ ‘sheepfold’
/ta:d/ ‘father’ /krut/ ‘boy’
/knu:d/ ‘crop’
/pri:d/ ‘earth’ /ritx/ ‘furrow’
/be:0/ ‘grave’ /hwe:x/ “S1x’
/ta:0/ ‘to kill’ ‘pigs’
/mo:0/ /hurx/ ‘sow’
/ki:t/ ‘hazel’ /gweit/ ‘better’
/tart/ ‘other’ /ho:t/ ‘hole’
/ki:/ /te:/ ‘place’
/da:/ ‘good’ /to:/ ‘roof’
/tu:/ ‘oath’
/pint/ ‘pound’ /gwer8/ ‘value’
/plant/ ‘children’ /golx/ ‘children’
/kusk/ ‘sleep’
m Syllable prominence interpret
The difference in stress loc
Syllable Prominence
In line with the hands-on methodology we are adopting, let us try to gain
first-hand experience of the phenomenon of stress by pronouncing the
words in (1):
Pronounce the
The task of pronouncing the words in (1) ought to be child’s play for any
fluent speaker of English, but it turns out to be tricky, for the simple rea-
son that each of the words in question can be pronounced in one of two
ways, which we represent impressionistically in (2):
Each of these pairs of words is basically made up of the same string of seg-
ments — indeed, the spelling is constant. The words in the first column of
(2) have, however, more prominence on the first syllable, while in those in
the second column the second syllable is more prominent. We hope that this
contrast will be obvious to any fluent English speaker, but we contextualize
it in (3) to remove any possible doubts:
The words we are examining are of course being used as nouns in col-
umn a. and as verbs in column b. We are now seeing that this grammatical
296 The Phenomenon of Stress
difference goes hand in hand with a difference in the location of the word’s
highest prominence: the first syllable in (3a) and the last syllable in (3b). The
prominence in question is what we call STRESS. The data we have considered
thus show that one of the syllables of each English word is singled out as
Each English word the word’s stress carrier. .
has one of its
syllables singled
out as the word's
stress carrier Word Prominence
Let us take our awareness of stress one step further by considering the two-
word string in (4):
We just saw that in each word one syllable has more prominence, that is to
say, carries more stress. The question now is whether one of the two words
in the sequence in (4) is also more prominent than the other, and, if so, which.
In a sequence
of words one of
the words carries
more stress than
the others
The answer will again come readily to any fluent speaker of English: the
second word, flies, is more prominent:
We are, of course, assuming a “neutral” context, that is, a context that does
not involve a contrast with another word, as would be the case, for instance,
in space doesn't fly: TIME flies, with the emphasis on time for contrast.
The string in (6) looks very much like its predecessor in (4):
(6) time-flies
(7) mayflies
white flies
black flies
Time-flies is, therefore, the plural of time-fly, the potential name of a fly species.
Of course, no such object exists, but it could have existed and may well exist
in the future. This again shows that a language is much more than the words
in the dictionary, since time-fly, albeit a well-formed word in English, is not
likely to be found in any English dictionary.
Puzzlingly, although the segments of the two phrases are identical, there
will be no confusion between time-flies and time flies when we say them.
298 The Phenomenon of Stress
At first sight, the statement that time-flies and time flies are pronounced dif-
ferently conflicts with their identical phonetic representation in (8). The conflict,
however, is resolved when we look for a difference beyond the makeup of
the segments.
While, as you now know explicitly, time flies has the main prominence on
flies (time FLIES), in time-flies time is more salient, assuming again a neutral
(9) TIME-flies
Emphasis or no emphasis, the data in (4) and (6) reveal that in a sequence
of words one of the words has greater prominence than the others. We already
know that in each word one of the syllables is more prominent than the rest.
We shall give a common formal expression to these two facts by super-
imposing a specific hierarchical prosodic structure on syllables and on words.
We superimpose a This prosodic structure is functionally analogous to the prosodic structure
hierarchical struc-
that gathers segments into syllables and that we discussed in chapters 9 and
ture on syllables
and on words,
10, in as much as it also gathers elements into prosodic constituents.
functionally ana-
logous to the pro-
sodic structure
that gathers
segments into
The configurations of the two structures are, however, significantly differ-
ent, as we shall see. We present the prosodic structure associated with stress
in the next section.
The Phenomenon of Stress 299
Metrical Grids
Quite simply, we know that the syllable head constitutes the true core of
the syllable: it is its sonority peak. As a consequence, only syllable heads
qualify to bear stress, and it is this potential for stress that the baseline is
meant to formalize. In contrast to the stress potential formalized by the base-
line, the stress line signals the actual presence of stress on the element it Stress can be con-
singles out: a in (10a) and i in (10b), for instance. From this perspective, we silica as Wie Pro-
ae : : jection of a certain
can construe stress as the projection of certain syllable heads onto a higher aylablesheadonts
structural level (we came across the notion of “projection” in the context of a higher structural
syllable nuclei in chapter 9): formally, the baseline asterisk dominating the _ level
privileged syllable head is projected onto the stress line.
300 The Phenomenon of Stress
Diagrams (10) and (11) are made out of a series of rows intersecting with
a series of columns, in the style of a grid (more obviously so when the
number of rows and columns of asterisks is increased), hence the official
label METRICAL GRID. The exact import of the key word “metrical” will
be clarified as we go along. From now on, we will use metrical grids to for-
We will use malize the stress patterns of words and word collocations.
metrical grids
to formalize the
stress patterns of
words and word 3 Motivating Stress Constrasts
Note, however, that time flies has at least two different readings. The meaning
most likely to spring to mind is that time moves at great speed. The colloca-
tion has, however, a second possible meaning, just as real and legitimate, if
perhaps alittle less obvious.
A more productive line of inquiry into the stress difference between time
flies and time-flies involves grammatical structure. In particular, you will notice __ The stress differ-
that time flies (in either of its senses) is a sentence, with a subject, time,and ‘°" between
a predicate, flies, or alternatively a predicate, time, and a direct object, flies, ee che
depending on the sense (do not worry excessively if you are not fully con- grammatical
versant with this syntactic terminology). By contrast, time-flies is a (compound) structure
noun — we could, for instance, order someone to time time-flies. We provide
further illustration of the stress contrast between phrasal and compound con-
structions in (12):
nature infinite. For a similar reason, most compounds we use in real life are
not in the dictionary.
Summarizing the discussion so far, we have seen that in words with more
than one syllable one of the syllables has more stress than the others, and that
in phrases or compounds one of the words also exhibits more prominence.
Moreover, we have seen that, in the data we have considered, the location
of prominence is not dependent on meaning, but, rather, on the category of
the word (noun vs. verb) or the word collocation (phrase vs. compound).
In all the collocations in (14) the second name is more prominent (Sue ANN,
etc.), indicating that these constructions are stressed like phrases, rather than
like compounds. It is indeed a fact of English that some compounds receive
The Phenomenon of Stress 303
stress in the manner of phrases (and it is actually not clear how complex
names should be analysed syntactically).
First names can, of course, be followed by surnames:
In these constructions, the main stress still falls on the right-most item, that
is, on the surname (Sue Ann COOK, etc.). Two further, related facts are directly
of interest here. First, the remaining two words (making up the double first
name) are not pronounced with equal prominence but, instead, one of them
bears more prominence than the other. We would expect this greater pro-
minence to be carried by the second word (Ann, Jane, etc.), on the basis of
the data in (14) above (Sue ANN, etc.). As it happens, however, it is the first
word (Sue, etc.) that bears this subsidiary prominence. This second fact is
intriguing in the light of the present discussion.
ee et
Notice that we have now increased the number of stress lines in the grid,
to take account of the intermediate degree of stress carried by Sue. Indeed,
we will see as we proceed that the number of lines in the grids of word col- The number of
locations is in principle open-ended —it is simply a function of the number Cee
of words in the construction: the more words, the more grid lines. finckeelomie
Formally, the problem is why in the grid in (16) the line 1 stress should pumber of words
be located on Sue, since this stress is located on Ann when the double name __ in the construction
Sue Ann is said in isolation:
304 The Phenomenon of Stress
You will now see that our grid formalism provides an elegant resolution to
our paradox. Consider what the structure of the grid corresponding to the
string Sue Ann Cook would look like if Ann, rather than Sue, had a line 1
The structure boxed in includes two adjacent asterisks in line 1, without any
asterisk separating the corresponding asterisks in the line immediately
below, the baseline.
The clash between Ann and Cook is resolved by movement of the sub-
ordinate stress from Ann to Sue. From now on, we informally signal the
original location of the moved asterisk with an arrow. We also embolden
clashing asterisks, to make them more salient to the eye:
You will notice that the left-most of the two clashing asterisks moves back
by one position: as a result of this movement, the output is free of clash.
The Rhythm Rule gives English much of its characteristic metrical fla-
vour, as even a modest survey of the phenomenon reveals.
In the shorter construction South American, the main stress falls on the sec-
ond word, American. As before, we would have expected this pattern to sur-
vive when the word music is added to form the longer phrase. Specifically,
the metrical structure of South American music ought to be a composite of
the metrical structure of South American and music. As we show in (23), how-
ever, this is not the case:
306 The Phenomenon of Stress
In South American music the second highest stress column rests, not on
American, but on South. This structure parallels that of Sue Ann Cook in (15).
Indeed, the reasons are the same, namely, avoidance of stress clash, in com-
pliance with the Rhythm Rule in (21) above:
By contrast, in South American modern music, American does retain its sub-
sidiary stress, simply because in this collocation American does not incur a
stress clash:
In all the cases we have examined, stress has ended up in a word to the left
of the word that originally bore it. Now consider the words in (26a) and
the collocations in (26b), made up of each of the words in (26a) followed by
another word:
All the simple words in (26a) have main stress on the final syllable (some
of the words admit idiolectal variation, but the patterns we are citing are
When the words in (26a) appear in the larger collocations in (26b), however,
the subsidiary stress of the phrase invariably falls on their initial syllable:
The high frequency of this stress retraction in real life can lead to perman-
ent stress shift. For instance, the pronunciation HEATHrow, with unetymo- The high ;fre-
logical stress on the first syllable, may nowadays be heard even when the "ry © eee
Rees ; : retraction in real
word is said in isolation or in non-clash contexts. fe Cxaiicad bs
Clash-triggered retraction is, of course, not restricted to proper nouns. For _ permanent stress
instance, the words in (29a) have a different stress contour in isolation and shift
in the collocations in (29b):
308 The Phenomenon of Stress
Formally, the process falls within the scope of the Rhythm Rule in (21), clearly
The Rhythm Rule a fundamental principle for the organization of English stress.
i Meaeaa tes Interestingly, stress movement can cause the merger of the verb and
a pivotal principle : ; ;
P P : P noun patterns we mentioned in section 1:
for the organiza-
tion of stress in
Remind yo
patterns are.
In the phrases in (31a), however, the verb pattern merges with the noun
pattern in avoidance of stress clash, as we display in (33):
The Phenomenon of Stress 309
Phrases like antique chair, with stress retraction, strikingly contrast with com-
pounds like antique dealer, with no retraction in spite of the clash.
This structure contains a stress clash. However, the grid of antique dealer dif-
fers crucially from the grid of antique chair in (30) above with regard to the
position of the main stress.
The asterisk column on ti has now been broken. This situation is formally
unacceptable, since columns obviously need to be continuous if they are to
Metrical grid
have any real substance. We formulate this common-sense requirement in
columns must be
continuous, that
is, they cannot
have gaps (38) Continuous Column Constraint:
Metrical grid columns must be continuous, without skipping lines
The Phenomenon of Stress 3441
If you re-examine the antique chair grid in (30) above you will notice that
the metrical configuration of this construction after retraction does comply
with the constraint in (38), in contrast to the antique dealer grid in (37). Con-
sequently, antique chair will indeed undergo stress movement, but antique
dealer will not.
Stress clash also persists in constructions like sports contest, cash register or
house hunting:
The reason for the difference between the two languages lies in their respect-
ive formulations of the Rhythm Rule. In English, the Rhythm Rule only imple-
In English the ments leftward movement, as we made explicit in (21) above. In German,
Rhythm Rule only however, no such limitation exists, as we illustrate further in (42) with word-
implements left-
internal contrasts: ’
ward movement
The fact that the English Rhythm Rule only sanctions retraction explains
the asymmetry of our familiar noun—-verb pairs with regard to stress merger
— the shift to word-initial position caused by clash in verbs is not matched
by a mirror-image shift in nouns:
The clash in (43) could only be resolved by moving stress to the right: TAX
*inCREASe. However, the English Rhythm Rule does not provide for this
result, which we have just seen would be fine in German.
So far in the chapter we have been examining the mechanics of stress move-
ment. In the next section we offer a motivation for the phenomenon.
EJ] Rhythm
The label “Rhythm Rule” we have given to the rule responsible for stress
movement in (21) appropriately suggests a connection with rhythm.
Music, of course, has rhythm, and so usually does poetry. Consider the
following children’s poem by Spike Milligan, where we have marked the
strong beats with capitals:
The strong liking English has for binary rhythm has interesting (and
perhaps unexpected) consequences for more mundane activities than the
writing or reciting of poems. For instance, English speakers usually count
objects emphasizing the odd numbers and de-emphasizing the even num-
bers, as follows:
(45) ONE two THREE four FIVE six SEVEN eight NINE ten
You may think that this is the only possible way of counting (or at least the
only natural way), but a comparison with French reveals that this is not the
You will notice that French speakers emphasize all the numbers. The dif-
ference between the two patterns is nicely captured by our metrical grid
(47) awk * * % *
+ * + + * + + + * +
ONE two THREE four FIVE six SEVEN eight NINE ten
b * *+ + + * + + + + +
You can see that each numeral carries a stress of its own in both languages.
Moreover, a higher metrical layer is erected in English to provide the first
word of each pair with greater emphasis. This additional metrical layer is
missing from French altogether.
314 The Phenomenon of Stress
This difference can again be accounted for on the assumption that English
speakers build an additional level of metrical structure.
So far, we have been trying to gain familiarity with the reality of stress by
accessing what are sometimes subtle intuitions about the different degrees
of prominence exhibited by different syllables in words, or by different words
in word constructions. In this section, we complement this evidence with
some more easily accessible segmental data.
Consider the forms in (49):
Crucially for our purposes here, the two sets of forms also differ in their
stress patterns. In particular, the lone syllable of the forms in (49a) is
stressed. This is to be expected, since under normal conditions fully mean-
ingful words include a stressed syllable, in English and in most other lan-
guages. This particular syllable is, however, stressless in the polysyllabic forms
in (49b), which are stressed elsewhere (PaTRIcia, etc.).
The reduction of stressless vowels to schwa (or to [1] or [vu] in specific
contexts) is one of the most characteristic traits of English. The reduction of
stressless vowels is
one of the most
characteristic traits
of English
In chapter 7 we saw that the articulation of schwa is less precise than the
articulation of other vowels. Schwa is also intrinsically weak, at least in Eng-
lish, in as much as it is less salient than other vowels and can even delete
under the appropriate circumstances: plaJ]tato, for instance, can become
p'tato, and so on. The use of schwa in stressless positions is therefore not
surprising, given the intrinsic association of stress with prominence, and
Stop Allophony
(51) ten
316 The Phenomenon of Stress
The central role of stress in the weakening process is expressed by the con-
dition on rule (53). As a consequence, the presence of a flap ora glottal stop
provides indirect evidence about the distribution of stress, and a fortiori about
its existence.
y and ho\ ex |
els were all stres
It should not be difficult to verify that aspiration is weaker in (54c), and alto-
gether missing in (54d), after /s/. Saying that aspiration only occurs word-
initially will obviously not do, because (54b) has as much aspiration as (54a).
The relevant criterion is again stress: there is strong aspiration when the vowel
after the stop is stressed (and the preceding segment is not /s/). Once more,
therefore, segmental allophony provides a strong clue about the position of
stress, and consequently about its existence.
The overall message of this chapter has been that there is a hierarchy of
prominence among syllables in words, and among words in compounds and
phrases. This prominence hierarchy is grounded in rhythm, and we can appro-
priately represent it in a metrical grid. We have seen that the drive to pre-
serve rhythm can induce stress movement. We have accounted for the
differences in the location of stress between nouns and verbs, or between
compounds and phrases, by appeal to differences in grammatical category.
In the next chapter we shall investigate the actual mechanics of stress assign-
ment in simple words, first in English, and then in other languages.
rmal way. An asterisk is placed
nuclei te being recorded
318 The Phenomenon of Stress
Key Questions
1 What is a metrical grid? What is its 8 Why does the Continuous Column
function? Constraint prevent some cases of
How is the stress pattern instru- retraction even though an apparent
mental in differentiating between clash occurs? State the terms of the
nouns and verbs, and between com- Continuous Column Constraint.
pounds and phrases? 9 What is the directional setting for
Is there any connection between the Rhythm Rule for English? How
word stress and meaning? does the Rhythm Rule operate in
Does the stress pattern of double German?
proper names comply with that of 10 What is the basic rhythm of Eng-
compounds or with that of phrases? lish? How does it differ from that of
What is the cause of stress French?
retraction? 11 What segmental evidence can be
What is a stress clash? adduced for stress in English?
7 Show how the Rhythm Rule works.
ae 4 u Dever u
e oO 3
€ 3
With this information in mind, work out where the stress falls in the fol-
lowing words (orthographic accents have been suppressed):
The Phenomenon of Stress 319
On the basis of these data, can you suggest which reduced form corresponds
to each of the full vowels?
English Rhythm
Compare the words in column a. and the phrases in column b. below. Draw
the relevant grids for each of the words and phrases showing where retrac-
tion has occurred and why:
Poetic Rhythm
Consider the following snatches of English poetry. Work out their pat-
terns and say how they relate to the rhythms of speech we have been
Stress on the edge of some domain is a very frequent occurrence across lan-
Stress on the edge guages. This situation is straightforwardly formalized in (1):
of some domain is
a very frequent (1) END STRESS:
occurrence across Project the right-most/left-most asterisk
It should be quite obvious by now that the expression “project the right-
The expression most/left-most asterisk” simply means that the last/first asterisk in a met-
“project the right-
rical line is copied onto the line immediately above, created for the purpose
asterisk" simply
if necessary.
means that the Consider, for instance, the sentence time flies from the previous chapter.
last/first asterisk in To keep the presentation simple, let us assume that there is only one base-
a metrical line is line asterisk for each component word — this simplification is of course made
copied onto the more plausible because the words involved are both monosyllabic. Phrasal
line immediately
stress can now be assigned to the collocation simply by applying End Stress
(1) in its “right-most” setting:
You can see that the last baseline asterisk, directly above flies, has projected
onto the newly created line 1. The resulting grid appropriately expresses the
fact that flies has greater prominence than time.
Were we to apply the same procedure to the compound time-flies, we
would of course obtain an identical output. This result would be incorrect,
since we know that in this and many other compounds the first word is more
=xplain what
Metrical Principles and Parameters 323
One possible way to get the correct stress in compounds would simply be
to switch the setting of End Stress in (1), that is, to select “left” for com-
pounds, rather than “right”:
In (4), the left-most asterisk in the baseline (directly above time) is projected
onto line 1, which the projection procedure in fact creates.
This procedure can, however, be objected to on the grounds that it
requires multiple settings for the same parameter in a single language.
The restriction in question is made explicit in (6), under the label PERI-
Cy = = <*> Baseline
time-flies — time-flies
lyhow we.
The procedure we are adopting obviously yields the right results. Import-
antly, it also allows us to retain the setting “right” for End Stress through-
out the language in domains above the simple word. In fact, we will see
below that this setting also encompasses the domain of the simple word.
This is clearly an advantageous outcome, both formally and from the point
of view of learnability, as we will explain in section 9 below.
The result is very dubious from a formal point of view. First, can a domin-
ated asterisk be the target of extrametricality? Second, doesn’t the resulting
grid violate the Continuous Column Constraint in (38) of chapter 11? Third,
how is the grid in (9) to be interpreted anyway? In particular, which of the
two words is predicted to bear greater prominence, and why? All these diffi-
culties are avoided if Extrametricality applies before End Stress, precisely
326 Metrical Principles and Parameters
as it does in (7) and (8) above. We could, of course, simply stipulate this
EXTRINSIC ordering. However, EXTRINSIC ORDERING of this kind is widely dis-
favoured, and only accepted as a last resort when there is no viable alter-
widely disfav-
oured, and only
native (we deal with ordering in detail in chapter 18). We will now see that
accepted as alast in the case we are discussing a viable alternative does indeed exist.
resort The answer is contained in the formal relationship between End Stress
[Right] in (1) and Extrametricality in (5) in English compounds. We spell
out the two procedures in (10), to facilitate comparison:
Two rules can only conflict when they share the input, as (10a) and (10b)
do: the right-most asterisk. The two aspects relevant to the interaction
between these or any competing rules are:
1 the effect of the rule — here: “project” for end stress in (10a), and “make
extrametrical” for the Compound Rule in (10b);
2 the environment or context in which the rule applies — here: no context
for End Stress in (10a), and “in compounds” for the Compound Rule
in (10b).
Now, the effects of the two rules in (10) are obviously incompatible, since
they involve, respectively, the projection of the right-most baseline asterisk
and the assignment of extrametricality to this very same asterisk.
Over two thousand years ago, the Indian linguist Panini noticed a very
special relation between two rules when they produce incompatible results When two rules
produce incom-
and the environment of one rule is included in the environment of the other
patible results and
rule: in such cases, the more specific rule (with the more qualifications, the environment
and thus with the more detailed environment) applies first. In its modern of one rule is
incarnation, Panini’s principle is commonly referred to as the ELSEWHERE included in the
CONDITION, because the more general rule (with the fewer qualifications, environment of
and thus with the less detailed environment) applies in all the contexts where the other rule, the
more specific rule
the more restricted rule cannot, that is, “elsewhere”.
applies first
You can now see that our rule of Compound Extrametricality in (10b) will
apply before End Stress in (10a) simply as a consequence of the Elsewhere
Condition — there is no need to stipulate this order. applies before End
Stress as a con-
sequence of the
The stress pattern of French words is remarkably simple and provides a use-
ful entry into our discussion of word stress. The procedure responsible for
328 Maetrical Principles and Parameters
You can see that stress invariably falls on the right-most syllable, unless this
syllable contains a “schwa”, which is ignored for stress purposes. French
word stress can therefore be formalized as in (13):
All French words obey these simple principles, and therefore no more
needs saying about the matter in the present context.
English word stress is considerably more complex. You can geta taste of
this complexity from the small sample in (14), which replicates the French
one in (12) above:
In extreme stress falls on the final syllable, or, equivalently, on the second
syllable; in allocation it falls on the third syllable, which is also penultimate;
Metrical Principles and Parameters 329
in extra and candidate it falls on the initial syllable, but if we count from the
end, stress will be penultimate in extra and antepenultimate in candidate; finally,
in opinion stress is located on the second or the antepenultimate syllable -
you can take your pick!
Faced with this situation, it is small wonder that until fairly recently each
English word was thought to have its own idiosyncratic stress. For instance, Until fairly
Daniel Jones, the one-time influential English phonetician to whom we recently, each
English word was
referred in chapter 5 in connection with the cardinal vowels, wrote that “gen-
thought to have
erally speaking there are no rules determining which syllable or syllables its own idiosyn-
of polysyllabic English words bear the main stress” (An Outline of English cratic stress
Phonetics, 1967: 248). In the context of this belief, and of the type of data
that supported it (cf. (14) above), the position of Chomsky and Halle that
“both the placement of main stress and the stress contours within the word
and the phrase are largely predictable from the syntactic and the non-
prosodic phonological structure of an utterance” (Ihe Sound Pattern of
English, 1968: 59-60) was obviously daring and provocative.
Indeed, Chomsky and Halle initiated the trend for in-depth research into
the regular stress patterns of languages. Such research has gone a long way Chomsky and
Halle initiated the
since then, and in what follows, as in the preceding chapter, we will base
trend for in-depth
our exposition on the metrical theory that developed subsequently. We are research into the
seeing that in metrical theory stress is conceived of as a network of promin- regular stress pat-
ence relations, formally represented as a metrical grid. terns of languages
We shall start our empirical investigation of English word stress with the
set of nouns in (15). From now on, we shall mark stress by means of an acute
accent on the vowel that carries it:
330 Metrical Principles and Parameters
All the words in (15) have three syllables, the first of which is stressed, as
signalled by the mark on the corresponding vowel. This mark is, of course,
not included in ordinary English spelling, but is provided in standard dic-
tionaries, usually in the form of a preceding apostrophe, as part of the
phonetic information of each lexical item. Must we conclude from (15) that
English nouns are simply assigned stress word-initially? The data in (14) above
already gave a hint that this cannot be the case. Consider further the forms
in (16):
(16) asparagus
aluminium (British)
aluminum (American)
You can see that stress is not word-initial in these (longer) words.
Comparison of the sets in (15) and (16) reveals that in both cases stress
English noun is in fact antepenultimate: it is located on the third syllable from the right
stress is ante- edge of the word. Can we achieve this result from the metrical procedures
penultimate, that
we have .available at present? The answer is a clear “no”. In particular,
is, it is located on
the third syllable
the only metrical devices currently at our disposal are Extrametricality,
from the right which in English effectively nullifies the right-most grid element, and End
edge of the word Stress, which, also in English, enhances the right-most element in the met-
EE rical grid.
Metrical Principles and Parameters 331
Application of Extrametricality and End Stress yields the wrong result for
the data we are considering. Let us first try the familiar “right-most” set-
ting for both rules:
The output, *hippopotdmus, does not match the correct pattern hippopétamus.
Let us experiment with a setting “left-most” also for both rules:
In the previous chapter we referred to the fact that English favours stress
in alternate syllables, as revealed in the typical pronunciation of a sequence
of the nonsense syllable Ja by an English speaker:
(19) lalalalalala...
(20) lalalalalala...
You can see that the extension of the foot is indicated by means of ordinary
parentheses in the baseline, and the location of the foot head by means of The extension of
an asterisk in line 1. a foot is indicated
by means of ordin-
ary parentheses in
the grid’s baseline,
and the location
of the foot head
by means of an
asterisk in line 1
In the next section we will make use of binary feet to account for the basic
stress pattern of English words.
The procedure in (24) assigns the correct main stress to the English nouns
listed in (15) and (16) above. We will be refining this procedure as we go
along, and therefore we number each successive version to allow you to keep
track; the word ALGORITHM is in common use to designate a self-contained
In the first step in (25), the final element of the baseline becomes extramet-
rical (cf. the angled brackets), paralleling hippopotamus in (17) above. In the
334 Metrical Principles and Parameters
second step, a left-headed foot is constructed at the right edge, with the extra-
metrical element naturally outside the computation altogether. As a result
of these two steps, main stress is correctly assigned to the syllable pa. A sim-
ilar outcome obtains for the remainder of the nouns we are investigating.
The algorithm in (24) does not include all the steps you already know are
necessary to assign primary stress to English nouns. We list the complete
procedure in (26), again with the form asparagus as an illustration:
The algorithm in (26) works well for the bulk of both nouns (médicine,
magnanimity, etc.) and suffixed adjectives (medicin-al, magndnim-ous, etc.). It
does not, however, yield the correct stress pattern for verbs and unsuffixed
adjectives. We present a sample of these in (27):
The output is incorrect: *#mplicit. This problematic result should not be sur-
prising, given that in the previous chapter we learnt that there is a stress
contrast between nouns and verbs (and, as we are now seeing, also between
suffixed and unsuffixed adjectives).
Fortunately, the correct result is not hard to get - quite simply, we sup-
press the extrametricality clause in verbs and unsuffixed adjectives: We suppress the
5 d clause in English
(29) his ppb ave ti Stress line 1 verbs and un-
(* *) Baseline suffixed adjectives
implicit — implicit
In (29) you can also see a left-headed foot at the right edge. In contrast to
what happens with nouns, however, the last syllable is not excluded from
the computation. The difference between verb and noun stress in English,
therefore, is the product of the restriction of extrametricality to nouns.
Our present procedure yields one (left-headed) foot at the right edge of the
word. Now, in words like aluminium or metamorphosis, the vowels in the first
syllables are unreduced: [ze] and [e], respectively. We know from the pre-
vious chapter that stressless short vowels in English undergo reduction. The
fact that /e/ and /e/ surface unreduced in aluminium and metamorphosis
suggests, therefore, that these vowels are stressed. Yet, the most prominent
syllables in these two words are mi and mor, respectively.
The situation is further illustrated in (30), where we have highlighted un-
reduced vowels by underlining. Some of the words are admittedly, but irrel-
evantly, rather uncommon.
336 Metrical Principles and Parameters
(30) hamamelidanthemum
You may have noticed that the unreduced vowels are located at equal inter-
vals to the left of the vowel stressed by the algorithm. This pattern provides
a clue as to what’s going on. You will recall that the basic rhythm of English
The basic rhythm involves an alternation of strong and weak elements throughout the word,
of English involves
not just at the right edge. If this is so, foot construction must sweep across
an alternation of
strong and weak the whole word, contrary to what we have been doing so far:
elements through-
out the word: Gil) 3 Stress line 1
* * +e * <*> *+ * * + © *"Na*> Baseline
English foot
construction hamamelidanthemum — hamamelidanthemum —->
thus takes place Footing
a a * saaiels Stress line 1
+ + @ ) (je 2) <*> € ) @ )) @ A) <*> Baseline
You can see that in (31) foot construction takes place iteratively from right
to left, where ITERATIVE means ‘repeated’ or ‘recurring’.
Metrical Principles and Parameters 337
We shall have more to say about End Stress further on, but for now we can
be satisfied with the result we have obtained: a grid for hamamelidanthemum
that signals greatest prominence on dan, and subsidiary prominence on ha
and me.
ther words
338 Metrical Principles and Parameters
The emboldenings in (35) specify the English settings for these parameters:
The settings required for English nouns yield the regular stress pattern of
all types of words in (literary) Macedonian, and the settings for English verbs
the regular pattern of all types of words in Polish (Macedonian is spoken
in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Polish, of course, in
Poland). In (36) we provide a sample of words for each of these two lan-
guages (NB Polish y = [i]):
ai marmoladowy
* * *<*> Extrametricality
vodeni éar
+ + * + +
* *
You can see that the present procedures assign main stress in the correct
place in both languages.
We can obtain other stress patterns by varying the settings of the para-
meters. Suppose first that we give the head location parameter the opposite We can obtain
setting from English, to produce right-headed feet: different stress
patterns by vary-
ing the settings of
(38) Location of foot head: Left/right the parameters
If we keep the settings of all other parameters as in (35) above, with extra-
metricality as for English nouns, we will once more derive the pattern of
Polish: word-penultimate main stress.
from the literature, may not conform exactly to standard IPA practice,
although, fortunately, this has no effect on the points we make:
We shall illustrate the consequences of this resetting with data from two
Australian aboriginal languages, Maranungku, with left-headed feet, and
Yidin’, with right-headed feet (n” represents the palatal nasal [pn]; d’ =
palatalized /d/). Notice that neither language has extrametricality, and that
Yidin’ does not allow monosyllabic feet, perhaps in avoidance of clash — the
fate of monosyllabic feet is therefore best approached as parametric:
The data we have been reviewing back up our claim that small changes
in the setting of the given parameters can have a considerable effect on the
output. To the extent that this formal result matches the stress patterns of
the world’s languages, the parametric model of stress we are proposing
receives empirical confirmation. The model is also superior from the point
of view of learnability. In particular, it provides a very reasonable answer
to the thorny question of how humans (specifically, children) manage to work
out and learn the stress patterns of natural languages (some of them pretty
diabolical on the surface!) simply from exposure to data, and to do so ina
reasonably short space of time.
The approach
Thus, the approach based on Universal Grammar and parameter setting car- based on Uni-
ries the implication that the child learner intuitively knows what to look for: versal Grammar
left vs. right foot-headedness, and so on. In this way, the child can home in and parameter
setting carries the
on the data to achieve these modest goals without expending too much time
implication that
and energy, and the learning task becomes manageable. The Universal the child learner
Grammar cum parameter-setting model is of course also applicable to other intuitively knows
branches of linguistics, syntax in particular, although, naturally, the iden- what to look for
tity of the parameters varies from branch to branch.
342 Metrical Principles and Parameters
In section 8 we saw that the selection of the right-most foot as the carrier of
The selection of the main word stress in English is achieved through asetting “right” for
the right-most
End Stress: hamamelidanthemum, not hamamelidanthemum. An analogous situ-
foot as the carrier
of the main word
ation obtains in Macedonian, Polish, Aklan and Yidin’, among the languages
stress in English is we have mentioned. We illustrate with Polish in (45):
achieved through
a setting “right” (45) _ Stress line 2
for End Stress iamelapstbes ee ad Stress line 1
CRG Cae) CC A) Baseline
marmola dowy — marmola dowy
End Stress [Right]
Two strategies are available to resolve this problem. One strategy involves
enriching the model with an ITERATIVENESS parameter to control the
repetition of footing: the setting for this parameter would be positive for
Marunungku, so that feet be constructed over the whole domain, and neg-
ative for Macedonian, so that only one foot be constructed: (ydngar)(mdata)
and vodeni(Ccari)<te>, respectively. The alternative strategy, LINE CON-
FLATION, allows iteration across the board in the first instance, and then
deletes line 1 from the grid to dispose of all the feet but the one bearing the
main stress. We illustrate this procedure in (47) with Macedonian:
You can see that conflation does away with the line 1 of the input, and that
line 2 of the input becomes line 1 in the output as a result. Notice also that, Conflation does
away with line 1
as feet are beheaded, the parentheses enclosing the relevant asterisks in the of the input
baseline are deleted: decapitated constituents automatically cease to exist. The
reason for this lies in the indissoluble connection between a foot and its head:
a constituent is nothing but the domain of a head, and therefore it cannot
exist without its head. Conversely, of course, a head defines a constituent.
This mutual implication between heads and constituents is formulated in
the FAITHFULNESS CONDITION on grid structure in (48) — the word “faith-
fulness” naturally refers to the inseparability of the head and its domain:
344 Metrical Principles and Parameters
However, in the next chapter we will see that matters are a bit more com-
plex than they may have appeared so far, and that Line Conflation is in fact
supported by specific evidence.
At this point the question arises of whether the effect of End Stress is the
simple provision of a line-2 asterisk, as we have been assuming, or whether
it results in the creation of a full line-1 constituent.
Key Questions
Further Practice
The stress pattern of the Penutian language Araucanian, spoken in Chile and
Argentina, is illustrated below (assume orthographic w and y to represent
non-nucleic [u] and [i], respectively): .
wulé ‘tomorrow’
tipante ‘year’
kimubaluwulay ‘he pretended not to know us’
elumuytt ‘give us’
eluaénew ‘he will give us’
(i) What are the parameter settings required to account for this pattern?
(ii) Show the processes through which stress is assigned, in the form of a
As in the cases of Araucanian and Warao, account for the stress pattern of
the New Guinean language Weri:
Now show the settings for Hungarian, in the same way as you have done
for the three languages above:
bdldog ‘happy’
bdldogsa:g ‘happiness’
bdldogtalan ‘unhappy’
bdldogtalansa:g ‘unhappiness’
légeslegmegengesztelhetétlenébbeknék ‘to the very most irreconcilable
Western Aranda
In the Australian language Western Aranda, primary stress falls on the first
or second syllable in trisyllabic or longer words and on the first syllable
if the word has fewer than three syllables. Examples of the patterns are shown
c. Bisyllabic words
kama ‘to cut’
ilba ‘ear’
wuma ‘to hear’
Allowing for an extrametricality clause in the algorithm, work out the set-
tings for Western Aranda.
The account of English stress in the previous chapter only works for a
subset of nouns/suffixed adjectives and verbs/unsuffixed adjectives. This
shortfall should not come as a surprise, in view of our earlier warning on
the complexity of the English stress system. In this chapter we continue to
investigate stress, adding to the theory as we need to along the way. The
specific focus will be on the effect of syllable structure on stress assignment,
and its implications for syllable theory. In the final sections we extend the
metrical model to cases that fall outside the scope of the machinery as it stands
at present.
Consider the two samples in (1), nouns in a. and verbs and unsuffixed adject-
ives in b.:
350 Syllable Weight
In both sets stress falls one syllable further to the right than is predicted
by the procedures we gave in chapter 12, now summarized in (2) as a
As we explained at the time, the steps in (2) follow from the settings of the
relevant parameters, which we repeat in (3). Remember that we are crucially
assuming that lexical forms are bare of metrical structure:
Lexical forms are
Obviously, the outputs *dgenda and *recémmend do not match up to the real
data agénda and recommend.
There are several things we can do next.
We could, for instance, treat the noun agenda as an exception to the extra-
metricality clause (2b). This move would not be too outrageous in prin-
ciple, since phonological rules can be subject to idiosyncratic exceptions, as
we will see in some detail in the last section of the chapter. However, the
exception-based solution cannot solve the problem posed by the wrong con-
tour *recémmend.
352 = Syllable Weight
The reason recommend remains problematic is that verbs are not marked for
extrametricality in the first place, and therefore making them exceptions to
extrametricality will by definition be inconsequential.
An alternative explanation for the stress patterns of the forms in (1) could
be that these forms are assigned right-headed feet, instead of the normal left-
headed feet:
omission needs to be corrected. The syllable structure of the forms in (1) above
is as follows:
Notice that in these words the stressed syllables are all HEAVY, in that their
rimes contain either a long nucleus ([i:] in increase, [at] in reply, etc.) or a
coda ([n] in agenda, [n] in recommend, etc.).
By contrast, in all the words we considered in the previous chapter, the stressed
syllable (antepenultimate for nouns and penultimate for verbs) was followed
by a LIGHT syllable, with neither a long nucleus nor a coda:
Penultimate light J
Penultimate heavy J
Final light v
Final heavy v
The connection between the location of stress and the structure of the rime
The connection obviously needs to be encoded in the grid. In order to achieve this, we pro-
between the
ject the baseline asterisks of heavy rimes onto line 1. The word ACCENT is
location of stress
and the structure commonly used to refer to this projection, perhaps not very helpfully, given
of the rime is the other functions of the word, among them the designation of the graphic
encoded in the mark signalling stress.
grid through the
device ACCENT
In (9) all the syllable heads (including the /e/ of gen) supply an asterisk to
the baseline, as usual. In addition, the baseline asterisk dominating the /e/
of gen, a heavy syllable, projects onto line 1 before footing (2c) is activated.
This line-1 asterisk on gen defines the head of a foot. Now, we know from
the previous chapter that heads imply constituents, and constituents heads,
Syllable Weight B55
It follows from the Faithfulness Condition that the output grid in (9) effect-
ively contains one foot, with its head already explicit on gen:
(11) * *
+ *+ <a + (2) <a
agenda — a.gen.da
Notice that, instead of making accent make the head explicit in line 1, we
could make accent supply the corresponding parenthesis in the baseline,
the line-1 asterisk then being automatically provided by the Faithfulness
Condition in (10):
You will observe that the ultimate effect of the two procedures is identical.
Consequently, we will have nothing further to say on the matter here.
In order to avoid this result, we enrich the theory with a FREE ELEMENT
A FREE ELEMENT CONDITION limiting the action of metrical algorithms to the building of
the action of met-
rical algorithms to
the building of (14) Free Element Condition: |
structure Only metrically free elements may undergo metrical construction
Notice that the ensuing foot is DEGENERATE (it has its growth stunted!),
with only one syllable. This result shows that falling short of foot binarity
is preferable to contravening the Free Element Condition or the English set-
ting of the headedness parameter.
e Stress line 2
> * * Stress line 1
Srp woe *+n*isaed(®) 1ieBaseline
— re.co.mmend — re.co.mmend
End Stress Conflation
Stress systems that require accenting of heavy syllables, as English does, are
said to be QUANTITY-SENSITIVE, and stress systems that do not require __ Stress systems
accenting of heavy syllables are said to be QUANTITY-INSENSITIVE. oe oe ey
syllables are
stress systems that
do not accent
heavy syllables
We wind up the section with an update of the English stress algorithm, INSENSITIVE
The algorithm in (17) appears to run into difficulties when the data set of
verbs and unsuffixed adjectives is extended.
Consider the forms in (27) of chapter 12, which we now repeat in (18) syl-
The words in (18) end in a consonant ([nJ, [f], etc.), and therefore their
final syllable is heavy according to the definition of heavy syllable we
gave in the previous section. Therefore, following our present reasoning,
such a syllable ought to receive accent and carry stress, but it manifestly
does not.
In particular, we saw then that the regular coda consonant can be followed
by one extra consonant word-finally, in a manner only restricted by sonor-
ity sequencing (leaving aside some cases with two obstruents):
You can see in (21) that the final syllable of recommend remains heavy even
after the exclusion of the word-final consonant from the rime. In imagine in
(20), on the other hand, this exclusion makes the final syllable light: gi. As
a consequence, this syllable is parsed as the weak element of a left-headed
foot, just as we showed in (20).
Unexpectedly from this perspective, the nouns in (23) have final stress:
Crucially, all the forms in (23) have a long vowel in their final syllable: English
English extramet- extrametricality is therefore blocked by a long vowel, although obviously
ricality is blocked
not by a coda consonant.
by a long vowel
Puzzlingly, there are nouns with a long open final syllable which do not
There are nouns exhibit the expected final stress:
which end in a
long open syllable
and do not exhibit
the expected final
(26) buffal/o/
<o> Extrametricality
The existence of rule (27) obviously makes the surface length of word-final
vowels predictable, and therefore their underlying representation as short
becomes plausible, indeed desirable on our familiar economy tenets.
Implicit in the discussion throughout has been the irrelevance of onsets to
syllable weight. Consider in this connection the contrast between the two
sets of words in (28):
In (28a) the penultimate syllables have a complex onset, but a light rime. In
(28b), they have a heavy rime, but the onset is simple, or even null, as in viola.
362 Syllable Weight
Now, while all the penultimate syllables in (28a) involve some form of internal
complexity, only the forms in (28b), with a complex rime, bear penultimate
stress. This confirms that it is only the rime that is relevant to the determina-
Only the rime is tion of syllable weight.
relevant to syllable
“How doe
weight follow?
The conclusion that only rimes determine syllable weight does not follow
from our present formalism. Compare, for instance, the syllable structures
of gre in aggregate and gen in agenda:
(29) o o
| N
| | x Xe
aie’ —WaAballet
giob we ea
There are as many skeletal slots in gre as in gen (three), and yet only gen
behaves as a heavy syllable.
Suppose then that we suppress the skeletal slots that correspond to the onset:
(30) a. b.
gq 4 9
Syllable Weight 363
(31) 0 0
| R
| N
| 1X = light o
| 2X = heavyo
e r
¢ g
The syllable gre now contains only one skeletal slot, and therefore it is
reckoned as light. By contrast, gen includes one additional slot, and there-
fore it is reckoned as heavy.
(S20 ae 0 Oo
| R
| N
u ul
gS Yr
e S e n
re in
in chapters 9 and 10, all segments need to be part of prosodic structu
order to be licensed.
(33) rat o b. oO
|bow |Ul
Pease ce Tl
Either way, of course, the onset consonant will have no mora of its own,
and therefore it will not contribute to syllable weight.
The replacement of skeletal slots with moras is generally assumed to make
the intermediate R and N nodes superfluous:
(34) a. Oo ib: Oo
IN Wow
i Wow
oamec n
cane n
The structure in (34a) keeps moras (attached to o) formally distinct from seg-
ments (all attached to w). In the alternative structure in (34b), by contrast,
onset segments are attached directly to 6, with no p intervening.
One final question that needs addressing concerns the source of the
moras themselves. One reasonable answer involves lexical projection from
vowels, and structural projection from consonants that are preceded by a
vowel and followed by a consonant, as is /n/ in agenda — this procedure is
often referred to as WEIGHT BY POSITION:
Syllable Weight 365
a re na
mice a gen?
ane otf
da = —>
a gen da
The final consonant in words like imagine will of course not project a mora,
since it is not followed by another consonant:
i ma gi n(e)
left-headed Right-headed
Quantity-sensitive ( L) (Lo)
(s) (s)
366 Syllable Weight
Quantity-sensitive CL) (L o)
(H) (H)
The point of these constraints is that syllable sequences that do not comply
with them will fail to be footed. There is, however, some evidence that the
degenerate (L) foot may be allowed parametrically: we saw in chapter 12
that such feet seemingly exist in Aklan and Maranungku, for instance (cf.
(ma)(tind)(marun) ‘being lazy’ and (mére)(pét) ‘beard’, respectively).
In quantity-insensitive systems, the moraic makeup of the syllables plays
no role in foot structure — indeed, it is reasonable to assume that in these
systems all syllables are monomoraic by definition.
Syllable Weight 367
You can see in (38) above that, in the model we are discussing, foot type is
severely restricted in quantity-insensitive systems. In particular, only left-
headed binary feet are allowed for in these systems.
The lopsided foot system in (38) is grounded in limitations of rhythm per-
ception by humans. Specifically, when humans heara string of elements of The lopsided foot
system in (38) Is
even duration but uneven intensity, they perceive a succession of units made
grounded in limi-
up of a strong element followed by a weak element, that is, a succession of tations of rhythm
left-headed feet. By contrast, when they hear a string of elements of even perception by
intensity but uneven duration, they perceive a succession of units made up humans
of a short element followed by a long element, that is, a succession of right-
headed feet.
b. Right-headed foot: ] A
These structures correspond to the maximal feet in the inventory in+ (38) above.
The justification for their non-degenerate minimal versions ((6) in both
+ Mow
types of feet, but (66) in right-headed feet only) is less clear.
368 Syllable Weight
The noted differences in frequency of foot types in the stress systems of the
world obviously support the asymmetric foot inventory in (38) above. Note,
however, that this is not the only possible interpretation for the rarity of some
foot types. In particular, this rarity could also be attributed to performance
factors related to the realities of human perception encapsulated in the
The rarity of some Iambic-Trochaic Law. From this perspective, the Iambic—Trochaic Law
foot types could
would be irrelevant to the competence grammar that we must assume
also be attributed
to performance
underpins metrical systems, and the parametric system in (37) above could
factors be maintained as a model of metrical competence level in spite of the typo-
logical facts reported.
Non-Rhythmic Stress
(42) * * %
Stress line 1
( ey) CG 2) é =) <*s
Without left-headed binary feet, dan or me could not be stressed, since End
Stress can only stress one syllable on the word edge, as you know.
Syllable Weight 369
Some languages do have asingle surface stress located on the edge, with
or without extrametricality. One such language is Bengali, spoken in Bengal
(Bangladesh and Indian West Bengal):
This type of pattern poses an obvious challenge to our metrical model, and
we now attend to it.
The distribution of stress in (44) suggests that in languages like
In languages like Mongolian stress is not a direct consequence of rhythm. Therefore, it can-
Mongolian stress
not be formalized through binary footing. Consider, for instance, xétabara,
is not a direct
consequence of
where there are no fewer than three stressless syllables after the stressed
rhythm. Therefore, syllable: rhythmic stress would of course favour *xétabara. Similarly, xoyar-
it cannot be for- dugd:r ought to have been *xoydrduga:r.
malized through
binary footing
o anyofthe otherwords in (4
We then apply End Stress [Left] to enhance the first of these accents:
In the final stage, End Stress [Left] will simply enhance the word’s initial
syllable, as we show in (48):
This apparently more complex pattern can be illustrated with the Uralic lan-
guage Selkup:
The Selkup pattern is in one respect the mirror image of the Mongolian pat-
tern: Selkup stress falls on the last (rather than the first) of a sequence of
long vowels. However, in words with no long vowels, stress falls on the ini-
tial syllable, just as in Mongolian.
The Selkup pattern can be derived straighforwardly by constructing
unbounded left-headed feet — notice that, crucially, we did not construct feet
in Mongolian: more on this below. As is implied by the name, the number
The number of baseline elements in an UNBOUNDED FOOT is undefined:
of baseline
elements in an (GO) rae w lon ee Stress line 1
Ce) ai) (* * *)
urtsormit amirna
The left-headed unbounded feet in (50) are anchored on the heads supplied
by the accenting procedure, or, in the absence of such heads, on the base-
line. At word level, Selkup End Stress has the opposite setting to Mongolian
— “right” in Selkup and “left” in Mongolian:
Once more, we have achieved the desired result through the familiar
parameters, simply enriched with unbounded feet.
We saw above that in Mongolian there is no foot construction.
The short vowel in the last syllable of the forms in (53b) ought also to have
been extrametrical, and therefore stressless.
The facts just mentioned reveal that the patterns in (53) contravene the rules
of English stress. The question is whether this contravention is wild (as
*Kdlevala would have been) or still constrained by the general principles.
Irregular stress can in fact be reconciled with the regular stress procedures,
which remain in force in all cases. In particular, we shall assume that the
vowels stressed in the forms in (53) idiosyncratically carry an accent in lex-
ical representation:
(54) ¢ (*
Kentucky Berlin
Vowels with a lexical accent are effective foot heads before the derivation
Vowels with a lex- even starts. We illustrate in (55) for Kentucky. Notice that when nuclei are
ical accent are
projected onto the baseline, the preassigned asterisk is raised to the next line
effective foot heads
before the deriva-
up, to preserve differentials:
tion even starts
y Stress line 2
mois CG 2*) * Stress line 1
CE <i (*) *) <*> - * (*)<*> Baseline
— Kentucky — Vacuous + Kentucky > Kentucky
Faithfulness Footing End Stress [R] Conflation
You can see that the desired result follows automatically. Berlin and violin
in (53b) above obviously suggest that extrametricality is blocked by lexical
Given this approach, a form like *Kdlevala is underivable. Let us see what
happens if we hypothetically provide its first vowel with a lexical accent: “form like
*Kdlevala is
underivable in
(56) 4 e English
Kalev/ze/la or Kalev/a:/la
* Stress line 2
Sask oo * Stress line 1
EYEE =. Set cee ae eae, ee *(* *) <*> Baseline
— Ka lev/x/ la > Ka lev/x/ la > Kalev/x/ la
Footing End Stress Conflation
b. % = = Stress line 1
( (eRe ere (Parr? Fs” paseline
Kalev/a:/la > Kalev/a:/la > Kalev/a:/la >
Baseline Extrametricality
3 = 2 = Stress line 1
Gt Bera (*\o@Qi<ts # 1%1 *). <*> Baseline
— Ka lev/a:/la > Kalev/a:/la — Kalev/a:/la
Accent Footing End Stress, etc.
376 Syllable Weight
You can see that the lexical accent on Ka has no effect on the final output.
If so, forms like *Kdlevala simply cannot exist in English. This outcome confirms
the suitability of lexical accent for the formalization of stress exceptions. It
also vindicates line conflation, which is obviously needed to dispose of stresses
Line conflation is that are unwanted in the surface: Kalevala, for instance, can surface as Kalévala,
needed to dispose
but not as *Kalévala, with the lexical accent surfacing as a secondary stress.
of stresses that are
unwanted in the
This situation parallels the Kalevala case in (57) above, and can be
approached in a similar manner.
The final case we shall discuss concerns Vedic Sanskrit, the language of the
Veda, the ancient sacred texts of the Hindus. This case is related to the English
and Macedonian cases we just described, but has an interest of its own.
Syllable Weight 377
The data in (60) illustrate the stress system of Vedic Sanskrit (hyphens
signal morphological divisions, and § represents a voiceless alveopalatal
You may think that these patterns are truly beyond the powers of our familiar
procedures. However, we have come up against similar situations before (the
stress patterns of English are not famous for their simplicity), and have con-
sistently been able to bring them to heel after a bit of hard thinking.
(61) + + + + + * * + +
Of the morphemes in (60), the root asv ‘horse’ and the suffixes -a and -nam
are therefore accented, and the rest accentless. Once we take this simple step,
we can account for the Sanskrit system by means of procedures we are already
familiar with.
ety Que
6S.Wl O.n Ss
What is the explanation for the 8 Under what conditions is noun
regular penultimate stress in some extrametricality suppressed?
nouns and final stress in some 9 Define the “mora". Which syllable
verbs? constituents are moraic?
2 What is meant by “syllable weight”? 10 What is “weight by position”?
Define a “heavy syllable”. 11 What statement about stress sys-
3 What is a degenerate foot? tems is encapsulated by the lambic—
4 What do we mean by “accenting” Trochaic Law?
in the context of stress assignment? 12 How do unbounded feet differ
5 How does the Free Element Con- from bounded ones?
dition prevent normal foot con- 13. What is the “three-syllable win-
struction overriding the effects of dow"?
accenting? 14 How can some apparently intract-
6 What are quantity-sensitive and able stress assignments be explained
quantity-insensitive languages? by lexical accent?
7 Why do final syllables with simple
codas not count as heavy?
Further Practice
Latin Stress
The dialect of Arabic spoken in Cairo has the following syllable types: light
CV, heavy CVV and CVC, and superheavy CVCC and CVVC. Stress may
fall on the final (as in a. below), penultimate (as in b.) or antepenultimate
(as in c.) syllables (conflation is also operative here):
a. katabt ‘T wrote’
jadgdgaat ‘pilgrimages’
sakakiin ‘knives’
b. Samialti ‘you (fem.sg.) did’
hadaani ‘these (fem.du.)’
katabta ‘you (masc.sg.) wrote’
mudarris ‘teacher’
martaba ‘mattress’
katabitu ‘they wrote’
fJadgaratun ‘tree’
?adwijatuhu ‘his drugs’
c. buxala ‘misers’
kataba ‘he wrote’
fadgaratuhu ‘his tree’
?adwijatihumaa ‘their drugs’
Making use of the machinery you have available, show the relevant para-
meter settings for the assignment of stress in Cairene. (Hint: all rime ele-
ments are stress bearers.)
Guajiro Stress
The way we will utter “yes”, “no” or any other words will be very differ-
ent from the flat, monotonous delivery typical of Daleks, robots or computers.
ho ho
384 Tonal Phonology
In (1a), the falling line represents the falling pitch of the tune characteristic
of statements, a mode of delivery expressing agreement with the proposi-
tion (“yes, I’m coming”) or disagreement (“no, I’m not coming”).
In (1b), by contrast, the line (and thus the tune it represents) rises, to signal
incompleteness — (1b) can therefore be paraphrased as “yes/no, but I’m sur-
prised you asked”, or “yes/no, and so?”. Finally, in (1c) the tune first falls
and then rises, approximately conveying the meaning “yes/no, but...”.
Our data also provide us with a first approximation to the physical substance
of intonation, namely, singing-like movements with our voice which man-
ifest as TUNES: melodies made up of a certain pitch pattern. Finally, we have
TUNES are seen that each of the tunes conveys a certain meaning, or meanings, which
melodies made up
are often difficult to express in ordinary words: this difficulty provides an
of a certain pitch
pattern. Each tune
obvious functional motivation for intonation.
conveys a certain
meaning, or
meanings, which
are often difficult
to express in ordi-
nary words
from chapter 1 that “voice” is the technical term used in phonetics to refer
to the vibration of the vocal folds. We said at the time that vocal fold vibra-
tion is induced indirectly, by the action of the air coming out of the lungs,
much as a flag is caused to flap by the wind. Remember, in particular, that
we cannot make the vocal folds vibrate directly: vibration happens by itself
as a result of the physical dynamics caused by the air flowing through.
You already know that phonetic symbols are merely a convenient shorthand,
and that the real substance of segments is their distinctive features. In the
case of intonation, we will assume that the pitch movements impressionis-
tically evoked by the lines do not constitute its real phonological substance
either. Instead, we will propose that the underlying components of the intona-
tional melodies, equivalent to the distinctive features in segments, are pitch
The underlying levels, essentially H and L, representing “high” and “low” pitch, respectively.
components of
This is a bit like a simplified musical scale: instead of the seven musical notes,
the intonational
melodies are pitch from C to B, intonation would only have two, H and L. Also, the phonetic
levels, essentially substance of H and Lis less precisely defined than the substance of their
H(igh) and L(ow) musical correlates: the only general requirement is that H be realized at a
higher pitch than L.
There is of course much more than this to the way we use our pitch when
we talk. For one thing, different languages (different varieties of languages
even), as well as different individuals, have their own characteristic pitch
ranges. In addition, pitch has an important “paralinguistic’” function -
PARALINGUISTIC means interacting with language without being part of
it. For instance, when we are excited we expand our pitch range (and speed
up our speech rate, etc.), whereas when we are bored or depressed we reduce
the phonetic difference between our Hs and Ls; indeed, we bring down the
pitch of the Hs noticeably. All this is undoubtedly important for human expres-
sion and interaction, but it falls outside language as such, and therefore it
is beyond the scope of intonation: it is paralinguistic, rather than linguistic.
For strictly linguistic purposes, we will operate for the moment with the
assumption that the component elements of intonation are H and L. Not sur-
prisingly, matters are reallya little more complex, but we will abstract away
these complexities for the time being in order to keep the exposition clear.
Tonal Phonology 387
E¥ Autosegmental Intonation
If the basic components of intonational melodies are not the slant lines, but
the primitive elements H and L, then our original figures in (1) must be re-
written as in (2), where the lines are meant as association lines, rather than
as impressionistic representations of pitch movement:
ho no ho
We will refer to the tier housing H and L as the TONE TIER, and to the ele-
ments H and L as TONES - the word “tone” is of course included in the word _ We refer to the
“intonation”: in-ton-at-ion. You can see in (2) that the tone tier contains lin- "*" owe Hand
ear sequences of the tones H and L, in a manner that parallels the lineariza- ree Pee fa
tion of the segmental distinctive features in their corresponding tiers: [+back] _glements H and L
[—back], [+round] [—round], etc., for features; HL in (2a), LH in (2b), and HLH as TONES
in (2c), for tones. Also as is the case with features, H and L integrate into
the structure by means of association lines. In particular, H and L associate
to segments specifically licensed to carry this association, usually syllable
388 Tonal Phonology
To keep the representation simple, however, we will ignore this formal detail
and continue using the abbreviated graphics of (2).
Weare now ready to interpret the structures in (2) (or (3)). (2a), for instance,
is telling us that the vowel [e] of yes is pronounced with a high pitch fol-
lowed by a low pitch, and similarly for the vowel [ou] of no. Naturally, the
time interval between the start and the end of these or any other vowels is
very short. Consequently, it would be impractical to raise the pitch for H,
sustain it there for a while, stop vocal fold vibration, and then go through
the same routine for L.
(4) a H L H | ie
b. -L H L H \/
sais We —e saan
390 Tonal Phonology
If you scrutinize the patterns more closely, you will indeed find a com-
mon thread: in all cases, the second tone associates to the word’s last syl-
lable, while the first tone links to the syllable that carries the main stress.
The privileged status of the main stressed syllable with regard to tone asso-
ciation is confirmed by the data in (5):
ng ewhere inate ste aaa
derisory juvenile lampoon presidency residential
sa 0¢freon lle alah
derisory juvenile lampoon presidency residential
yo ene on
The systematic choice of the stressed syllable as the anchor for the associ-
The systematic ation of the tonal melody, irrespective of that syllable’s linear position, pro-
choice of the
vides particularly strong evidence for the reality of stress: if nothing else,
stressed syllable as
the anchor for the
pitch is measurable, and therefore we can now test syllables for stress
association of the instrumentally.
tonal melody pro-
vides particularly
strong evidence [4 Non-Lexical Tones
for the reality of
stress One obvious question outstanding concerns the syllables we have been rep-
resenting as toneless to the left of the stressed syllable.
Some of the structures in (4) and (5) above have toneless syllables sand-
wiched between two toned syllables, and we must now describe how these
syllables are intonated. One logically possible answer would be that one of
the available tones spreads to such syllables — we have already observed left-
to-right spreading in the vowel harmony of Turkish, and right-to-left spread-
ing in the plural umlaut of German and English. However, the mechanics
of intonation are not quite like the mechanics of vowel assimilation. In par-
ticular, intonational tones do not appear to spread or, if they do, they do so
to a very limited extent: we have just seen that initial toneless syllables have
their tone assigned by default, rather than by spreading. In the case of medial
syllables sandwiched between two toned syllables, no default tone is pro-
vided either. Instead, the pitch of the left tone changes gradually into the
pitch of the right tone over the tonally empty space, a phenomenon tech-
nically known as INTERPOLATION, which we now illustrate in (6) (notice The gradual
the affinity with the lines of our initial impressionistic notation): change of pitch
over a tonally
empty space
(6) between two
Pitch contour toned syllables
sient? | is known as
for.tu.nate.ly for.tu.nate.ly INTERPOLATION
| | Phonological representation
So far we have slightly simplified the tonal melody, for presentational con-
venience. As it happens, however, there are three types of tone included in
each tune. We will refer to these three types of tone by the reasonably trans-
parent labels “word tone”, “phrase tone” and “boundary tone”, corres- Tones come Li
ponding to the “pitch accent”, “phrase accent” and “boundary tone” of much eee
of the literature. We illustrate the distribution of these three tone types in iphiace Coa
(7), again with the statement tune, previously simplified to H*L, but now “boundary tone”
given its full representation H*L'L”:
Cy. @: re |i
b. ie shale
/ tions
392 Tonal Phonology
The richer, and more rigorous, representation in (7) includes the three tone
types we are now introducing: the word tone (H*), the phrase tone (L), and
the boundary tone (L”). The phrase tone bears the graphic mark “” and the
boundary tone “””, while the asterisk singles out the word tone, or, more
rigorously, the dominant component of the word tone — English word tones
can in fact be made up of two tones, graphically linked with a plus sign: all
six of H*, L*, H*+L, H+L*, L*+H and L+H can therefore be word tones in
English, in different tunes, of course. In each complex tone one of the tones
is the dominant tone (graphically, it bears the asterisk), and as such it will
associate to the stressed syllable (dominant tones are commonly referred to
as “accented” tones in the literature).
EE Sentence Intonation
ees aa
the dark clouds in the sky threaten imminent rain
Let us carefully dissect this structure. First, you will recognize our familiar
statement tune H* L'L” on the right edge: its three tones are associated to
the vowel of the right-most word rain, a monosyllable. If the right-most posi-
tion were occupied by a polysyllable, the three tones would of course dis-
tribute themselves over the whole word:
Notice that the word tones associate to the main-stressed syllable of each
word (the small stressless function words are known as CLITICS), and the
boundary tone associates to the material on the edge of the domain. In turn,
the phrase tone associates to material lying between the last word tone and
the right boundary tone, here the syllable mi in imminence. The sequence last
word tone + phrase tone + boundary tone obviously carries the main load The privileged
status of the tone
of the tune, and is often given the label NUCLEAR TONE.
complex at the
In (9) we have H*s as prenuclear word tones, but we could of course sub-
end of the utter-
stitute another tone, to get a slightly different tune, naturally with a slightly ance warrants
different meaning. We exemplify in (10) with L*: the special label
often given to it
(10) Eee a Le poole
Li oe Vibe
the dark clouds in the sky threaten imminent rain
Other variations are possible in the prenuclear tone sequence, to express vari-
ous nuances of meaning. However, combinations of prenuclear tones are
limited in comparison with the variety possible in the nuclear tone itself, or
in the combinations of prenuclear and nuclear tones. Stress corresponds
to rhythmic prom-
inence, formally
E} Tone Languages represented as
greater column
height in the
We have now reached a point at which we can fully understand the pre- grid, and also
cise nature and mechanics of stress, the question with which we opened the manifested in a
chapter. Quite simply, stress corresponds to rhythmic prominence, formally number of areas
represented as greater column height in the grid. This metrical prominence
394 Tonal Phonology
What is striking to the Western eye here is that the words in each line are
kept apart not by their segments, which they all share, but by their tonal
structure, which in turn is uniform in each column. It is rather as if the
English yes or no (or shoe, which is segmentally reminiscent of the Chinese
words in the first line of (11)) were different words when we pronounce
them with the different tunes, not just different ways of pronouncing the
same word.
In Mandarin
Chinese and other
GUAGES tones
In Mandarin Chinese and other TONE LANGUAGES, tones differentiate
encode lexical lexical entries. By contrast, in STRESS-AND-INTONATION LANGUAGES
distinctions like English, tones provide the functional or emotional meaning of the
utterance (NB not even of each individual word in the utterance).
Tonal Phonology 395
English inyou
Do a count ° F the
in the text.
The point about these words is that they always turn up with the same
tonal melodies. This makes the Japanese system distinct from a stress-and-
intonation system like that of English: in a stress-and-intonation system hdshi
would simply be the statement realization of both ‘chopsticks’ and ‘bridge’,
while hashi would be its question counterpart.
Explainwhy Japanese
s — _
The three sets of words in (13) provide further evidence on the system
(-ga is an enclitic particle marking the nominative: an ENCLITIC isa clitic
that follows its “host”, that is, the word that supports it):
(13) a HLL
hashi-ga_ ‘chopsticks’
mochi-ga_ ‘birdlime’
hashi-ga_ ‘bridge’
mochi-ga ‘durability’
erat EL
hashi-ga ‘edge’
mochi-ga_ ‘rice cake’
There are three surface melodies here: HLL, LHL, LHH; HLH does not occur,
and cannot in fact occur. In order to account for these facts, we shall make
the following assumptions about the Japanese pitch accent system:
Following from the assumptions in (14), the derivations of the forms in (13)
will be as in (15). Notice that the form for ‘rice cake’ has no accent. This is
another key difference between pitch-accent languages, like Japanese, and
stress-and-intonation languages, like English, where all non-clitic words need
to carry stress:
* *
* *
L” H* Sows a
+ *
Tone spread mochi-ga mochi-ga mochi-ga
L” iz L” H*
+ +
L default mochi-ga mochi-ga * mochi-ga
L*H* LL L* H*L L” H*
* *
on ere L” Ht
You can now see that the Japanese system cannot be analysed as a tonal
system along the lines of Chinese. In particular, given the two tones H and
L and four syllables, a Chinese-type system allows for sixteen tonal con-
Of the sixteen combinations just listed, only HLLL, LHLL, LHHL and
LHHH show up in Japanese: indti-ga ‘life’, kokérd-ga ‘heart’, atamd-ga ‘head’
and néziimi-gd ‘mouse’. This limitation would be entirely arbitrary in a tone
system, but is principled in the pitch accent system we are describing: a word
made up of four syllables can have the accent on the first syllable (inoti-ga),
on the second syllable (kékéré-ga) or on the third syllable (atdmd-ga), or be
accentless (néztimi-ga).
(16) H b
kS ‘war’ kpa ‘debt’
pélé ‘house’ bélé ‘trousers’
hawama_ ‘waistline’ kpakali ‘tripod chair’
Ht tH
mbt ‘owl’ mba ariCe
ngila ‘dog’ fandé ‘cotton’
félama ‘junction’ ndavula ‘sling’
mba ‘companion’
nyaha ‘woman’
nikili ‘groundnut’
Data such as those in (16) provide strong support for the autosegmental
approach to tone. Notice, in particular, that all the tones of each tune are
realized regardless of the number of syllables in the word: if syllables out-
number tones, then the last tone spreads onto the as yet tonally vacant syl-
lables, and if tones outnumber syllables, then the excess tones are dumped
onto the final syllable.
Not all these principles have endured subsequent testing. Principles 1 and
3 have proved to be quite resilient, apart from a few cases of right-to-left
tone association. Principle 2, however, has subsequently been abandoned:
the total association effects illustrated by data like those in (16) above are
now interpreted as the result of language-specific rules, rather than of a uni-
versal Well-Formedness Condition inducing automatic spreading of tones
The Well- onto vacant syllables (cf. Mende hawdmd ‘waistline’) and automatic dump-
ing of excess tones on already toned syllables (cf. Mende mba ‘companionr’).
Condition induces
automatic spread- Shona, a language of Zimbabwe, also shows the three association prin-
ing of tones onto ciples in action. In Shona, the suffixes -es, -er and -a show up either with a
vacant syllables high tone, as in (18a), or with a low tone, as in (18b) (the dots on the left-
and automatic hand side of the forms indicate that the stems concerned must be preceded
dumping of excess
by a prefix, a detail irrelevant to the present discussion):
tones on already
toned syllables
(18) a. ...téng-és-4 ‘sell’
. téng-és-ér-4 ‘sell to’
b. ...é@réng-és-A = ‘make read’
.eréng-er-a ‘read to’
We could set up one lexical entry for each tonal variant of each suffix, but
this duplication would obviously be uneconomical. Worse still, it would
obscure the fact that the suffixes have no fixed tone.
All we need to do in Shona is omit the tonal information from the single
lexical entry of the suffixes:
Tonal Phonology 401
a9, TH iE
ten. es a
Notice that, while the stems -teng- and -ereng- carry their own tone (H and
L, respectively), the suffixes are lexically toneless. Upon concatenation, the
Well-Formedness Condition (17.2) will cause their association to the adja-
cent tone, here the only one available:
(20) H L
tengtest+terta ereng+test+a
(21) Fk.
lenge +s +a
The solution to this puzzle lies in the Obligatory Contour Principle, formu-
lated in (21) of chapter 10 in connection with syllabification as “Similar
melodies are disfavoured as constituent siblings.” As we hinted then, the
impact of the OCP extends throughout the phonology. We offer a suitably
general reformulation of the OCP in (22):
We said at the time that the OCP is not a principle as such, but rather a "he OCPisa _
latent force motivating some of the rules and principles of languages, some- nee oie
what as the shifting of the earth’s inner matter motivates volcanoes to jijiee and
erupt: the shifting is not the eruption. In the Shona case we are discussing, principles of
the OCP motivates “Meeussen’s law” to dissimilate adjacent H tones, as in _ languages
many other African languages.
402 Tonal Phonology
Quite simply, Meeussen’s law resolves the OCP violation through the dele-
tion of the second H. The effect on the string ngdténgésd is as follows:
(24) HH = |
nga-tenge sa nga-tengesa
You can see that the deletion of just one H in the autosegmental tonal tier
deprives no fewer than three syllables of tone. These syllables do not of course
reassociate to the remaining H — if they did, Meeussen’s law would be vacu-
ous. Rather, these syllables are eventually supplied with L, the default tone
in bitonal languages. The notion of default has already cropped up in pre-
vious chapters: it is an important concept, and we will return to it in earnest
in chapter 17. Notice, importantly, that the observed effect of Meeussen’s
law on no fewer than three syllables would be very awkward to account for
in a non-autosegmental model of phonology.
Floating Tones
We mentioned above that some lexemes are purely tonal. We will now intro-
Some lexemes are duce two such tonal lexemes and show that their behaviour can contravene
purely tonal the Well-Formedness Condition in (17.2) above. It follows from this that this
condition cannot be upheld as a universal principle of tonal association.
Consider first the following forms from the recent past tense of Tiv, a lan-
guage of Nigeria, as we have already indicated:
Tonal Phonology 403
If you look closely at these forms, you will notice that the first tone differs
across the two sets: it is H in a., but L in b. By contrast, the second tone is
H throughout. Finally, if there is a third syllable, it invariably has L.
The tone in the second syllable is now L throughout, while the other tones
are the same as in the recent past. In addition, the forms in (30a) exhibit an
initial “!”, which we will disregard for the time being.
_ Again, ens
ure at you seethese p tte
The tonal contrast between the two tenses in the second syllable suggests
that H is the (purely tonal) marker of the recent past, as follows:
vende —+ vende
If there is a third syllable, it obviously does not receive its tone through spread-
ing of this right-most H, as the Well-Formedness Condition in (17.2) above
would predict, but rather by default assignment of L, similarly to what hap-
pens with the output of Meeussen’s law in Shona (cf. (24) above):
(23) oH HH HHL
At this point, we shall return to the general past forms in (26). The third
tone in /yévésé obviously also corresponds to the default L. The second tone,
invariably L, could also be interpreted as default, or, alternatively, as the mor-
pheme of the general past: after all, in (25) we identified second-position
H with the recent past morpheme. However, the “!” at the beginning of
the forms in (26a) prompts a different solution. The symbol “!” stands for
a DOWNSTEP, a term that refers to the realization of a following H or
The term DOWN- sequence of Hs at a lower pitch than the previous Hs — this lowering is not
STEP refers to a
so extreme as to turn Hs into Ls, however: tone differentials are maintained.
lowering in pitch
of the following Downstepping is commonly thought to be triggered by a preceding
H tone(s). FLOATING L, that is, an L which is not associated with any melody.
Downstepping is Unlinked as it is, for reasons to do with the specific configuration and con-
commonly thought straints of the language, this L still influences the tonal realization by down-
to be triggered by
stepping the following H — the symbol “!” is just a diacritic commonly used
that is, by an L
to represent this situation (the IPA symbol is 1).
which is not asso- The presence of downstep in (26a) provides the key to the analysis of the
ciated to any general past. All we need to do is to assume that the morpheme of the gen-
melody eral past is a floating L prefix — not a suffix, which we saw the evidence in
(26) above looks equally consistent with:
yevese vende
This floating L prefix downsteps the lexical H of yevese, the Ls in the addi-
tional syllables being eventually supplied by default. In vende there can be
Tonal Phonology 405
no downstep, since the stem tone that follows the prefix L is also L. The L
on the final syllable of the surface form vénde is provided by default, in line
with the general procedure.
The obvious question to ask at this point is why the initial L does not asso-
ciate to the first syllable ye, in line with the association convention in (17.1)
above, to create an LH contour. This association would of course pre-empt
the downstep, since downstep is only induced byafloating L.
Key Questions
Further P T-ac¢e
-€ Beve
Margi Tones
Consider the following forms from the Chadic language Margi, spoken in
sal 4
man te +ari (def.) 3 salari
kim ‘meat’ +ari — kutmaéri
Tonal Phonology 407
(i) Explain how the tonal melody of the suffixed forms is obtained from
the simple ones.
(ii) Formalize the process using autosegmental machinery.
a. Unmarked
inf. stem final vowel
oku gura [okt gur a] ‘to buy’
oku sakir a [Okt sakir a] ‘to help’
oku sorotor a [Okt sorotor a] ‘to pull out’
b. H
(ii) Bearing in mind the provisions of Meeussen’s law in (23), show how
the patterns in b. emerge.
In the previous two parts we have laid the foundations of the edifice of phono-
logy, essentially providing the autosegmental organization (together with the
phonetic backup) in part I and the prosodic structure (stress and syllables)
in part II, where we completed the autosegmental picture with the tonal tier.
Now, in part III, we shall elaborate the model further, addressing three issues
in particular. The first issue concerns the effect of grammatical structure on
phonology. The specific question is whether grammatical structure (mor-
phological structure in particular) provides domains for the application of
phonological rules. One answer is that it does for some such rules (the “cyclic”
rules), while other rules simply apply in the maximal domain (the word).
It has also been argued in the literature that word construction can be sen-
sitive to the previous action of phonology, and therefore that phonological
rules need to be interleaved with word-formation rules: the model of “lex-
ical phonology” provides a theoretical framework for the expression of this
and other related aspects of word building. The model works less well in
phrasal domains, where phonological domains were soon found to be
at variance with syntactic structure. As a consequence, a theory of specific
phonological domains, related, but not identical, to syntactic domains, was
developed: it is commonly known as “prosodic phonology”, somewhat
confusingly. It is a moot point whether this theory must be extended to phono-
logical domains below the word to resolve some mismatches with morpho-
logical structure, the so-called “bracketing paradoxes”. A second issue we
deal with in part III concerns the structure of the lexical forms, in particu-
lar their composition in terms of distinctive features. The combination of
features is limited in two ways: intrinsically and extrinsically. Intrinsically,
the features themselves are organized into a “feature geometry”, by which
they make up a web of dependencies, expressive of their autosegmental
behaviour. Extrinsically, some combinations of features are disfavoured by
the “markedness” conventions, designed to capture the degree of natural-
ness of phonological systems. While the markedness conventions (like the
feature geometry) are universal, they interact with the systems of specific
languages through the device of “underspecification”, by which predictable
feature values are left out of lexical representations. Unspecified features are
of course predicted to be transparent to autosegmental spreading, and we shall
410 Advanced Theory
see that in some cases such transparency is only achievable if we assume that
certain (terminal) features are monovalent. The third issue we will address in
this part is whether the best way of formalizing phonological relationships
between forms is by means of rules and derivations (as has been typical of
generative phonology) or by means of surface constraints, as proposed in
Optimality Theory. Rules are crucially ordered, and OT constraints are like-
wise ranked. The innovation brought in by OT is the claim that constraints
are universal (the rankings, not the constraints themselves, are responsible
for the language-specific grammars) and that they are violable, satisfaction
of higher-ranked constraints taking precedence. Cyclic application and level
ordering of rules is replicated in OT through “correspondence” constraints
that relate surface forms to one another.
We ended the previous chapter with a question about the lack of association
of the first L to the first syllable in the Tiv general past form /yévésé. This
form is derived by prefixing the general past tonal morpheme L to the stem
yevese, lexically marked for H (the Ls in the last two syllables are both default).
The question arises because of the general autosegmental principle that tones
associate to vowels one-to-one from left to right, as formulated in the asso-
ciation convention in (17.1) of chapter 14. This convention leads us to expect
that the prefixal L- tone will associate to the initial syllable of the stem, ye,
and the lexical tone of the stem, H, with the second syllable, ve. However,
the output *yévésé is incorrect. Instead, the prefixal L- remains unassoci-
ated (= floating) and downsteps the H associated to the initial syllable ye:
!yévésé. The question is how this result is achieved in the face of the said
universal convention.
412 Modes of Application
We said at the time that the answer involves the cycle, or, more precisely,
the cyclic mode of application of (some) phonological rules. In this chapter,
we motivate this formal device and spell out its mechanics, with the appro-
priate exemplification. Following our usual strategy of building on the
familiar and intuitively obvious, we shall first motivate the cycle with a
set of the English data involving stress retraction which we discussed in
chapter 11. After providing the analysis of Tiv downstep, we will show that
the rules of English word stress also apply cyclically, as does a rule that
accounts for the shortening of English vowels in certain contexts. Some loose
ends of English stress will be tied up as we go along.
You will remember that the reason for the mismatch is that in the longer
phrases the stress on the left undergoes leftward movement in order to avoid
clash — Suzdnne Morris — Stizanne Morris, etc.:
Now, in the case of Sarah Jane Brown, we did not concatenate the three
We did not con- words that make up the construction simultaneously. Indeed, had we done
catenate the three
so, the stress clash would have been unresolvable:
words that make
up Sarah Jane
Brown simultane- (2) 2 Line 3 phrase head
ously . - . Line 2. word heads
‘g * = Line 1 foot heads
er na 3 Line 0 baseline
Sarah Jane Brown
Modes of Application 413
Notice that the line-2 clashing asterisk on Jane in (2) has no landing site in
line 1 to go onto, and therefore it cannot move. However, if we first form the
metrical grid of the double first name Sarah Jane, and then add the grid of
the surname Brown to this grid, the desired result becomes attainable. This
is precisely what we did in chapter 11, where we simplified grid structure
slightly so as to not to complicate the presentation unnecessarily. We replic-
ate the procedure in (3), where we are assuming a line-3 asterisk in Brown
at the stage it is added to Sarah Jane, on the reasonable assumption that only
phrases can concatenate to phrases:
The clash between Jane and Brown in (3b) can now be resolved by leftward
movement, in the familiar way:
The relevance of the stress movement in Sarah Jane Brown to the subject
We build the of this chapter is that we have built the metrical grid in stages, first on the
metrical grid in shorter phrase Sarah Jane (naturally with prior grid construction on the indi-
stages, as if the
vidual words Sarah and Jane), and then on the longer construction Sarah Jane
word sequence
were organized in
Brown. It is as if the word sequence were organized in layers of Chinese boxes
layers of Chinese (equivalent to Russian dolls, an object perhaps more familiar to many), with
boxes the grid being constructed box by box outwards from the core, rather than
all at once across the board.
The square brackets in (6) are the Chinese boxes of the analogy, and reflect
the morphosyntactic makeup of the construction. In particular, the bracket-
ing in (6) captures the following facts: (i) the basic elements in the longer
phrase are Sarah, Jane and Brown; (ii) Sarah and Jane make up a unit, or CON-
STITUENT;; (iii) this constituent makes up a larger constituent together with
Brown, namely, the longer phrase Sarah Jane Brown. Notice that the structure
we are proposing appropriately matches our intuition that the surname Brown
combines with the whole of the double first name Sarah Jane, rather than
just with Jane.
Modes of Application 415
Once the multilayered structure in (6) is in place, the ground is clear for the
application of phonological rules (in the case just discussed, grid construc-
tion) in the manner we described. This mode of rule application is referred
to as CYCLIC, and the procedure that drives it as the CYCLE — words like This mode of rule
“cyclic” and “cycle” appropriately carry an implication of repetition. English SEpesHOes
grid construction, therefore, 2 takes place cyclically, t first in the smallest Bi pee
CYCLIC, and the
inner constituents, and then in successive layers of constituent structure, until procedure that
the outer, largest constituent is reached: the thought of a Lilliputian Samson drives it as the
trapped in the innermost box and making his way out by pushing down the CYCLE
walls of the embedded boxes one by one after the appropriate phonological
processes have taken place in that box may be helpful in this connection.
We shall now show that our Tiv !yévésé problem has a ready solution in the
context of rule cyclicity. You will recall that the problem is that, were tones
to associate to vowels one-to-one from left to right, as the Association
Convention (17.1) of chapter 14 says they must, the prefixal L- tone would
finish up associated to the initial syllable ye, and the tone H of the root would
finish up associated to the middle syllable ve:
gybiive A LH
> : : etc.
yevese yevese
You know, however, that this is not what happens. Instead, the L- remains
unassociated (= floating) and downsteps the H associated to the initial syl-
lable: !yévésé (you must recall that downstep involves relative pitch lower-
ing of high tones). The correct configuration is therefore that in (8):
(8) LH
416 Modes of Application
(Oye |ThEF
In (9) there are two layers of structure, namely, the inner layer of the stem
and the outer layer of the tonal prefix: we are therefore defining word-
internal cyclic domains on a morphological basis, just as in the preceding
section we defined word-external cyclic domains on a syntactic basis. We
will introduce some important refinements on this in chapter 16, but for the
time being this approach will do.
Let us next examine the mechanics of tone association in the two domains
of /yévésé, on the assumption that Tiv tone association is cyclic. Tone asso-
Tiv tone associa- ciation will first take place in the stem yevese, the form’s innermost constituent
tion is cyclic ~ we are emboldening the brackets enclosing the currently active domain to
make the procedure clearer:
(10) |L] H
Modes of Application 417
In (10) you can see H associating to ye, the left-most syllable of the stem,
in compliance with the Association Convention in (17.1) of chapter 14. This
completes the first cycle: you will recall that Tiv does not allow multiple
association of tones, and therefore the remaining stem syllables, ve and se,
must remain toneless for the time being. The second cycle is defined by the
outer pair of brackets in (10) (the outer box, in our Chinese box analogy),
housing the prefix L-. The structure input to this second cycle is as in (11):
ir Toy et
The free tone L looks around for a vowel to associate with. However, this turns
out to be a futile endeavour. First, L cannot associate to the first syllable ye,
because this syllable is already associated to a tone, and we know that Tiv
does not allow multiple tone association. Second, L cannot associate to the
syllables ve or se either, because any such association would infringe the
prohibition against the crossing of lines which governs the association of
autosegmental elements universally:
While floating
status obviously
prevents a direct
If L- cannot associate to any syllable in (11), it has to remain floating. While Phonetic realiza-
floating status obviously prevents a direct phonetic realization, it is still ihe
compatible with an indirect manifestation as downstep, and this 1sprecisely ire ER gram
what happens in /yévésé. What is relevant for us here is that this output is _festation as
achieved through the cyclic association of the tone, providing further sup- _downstep
port for the cycle in phonology.
418 Modes of Application
Non-Cyclic Refooting
land ee,
The cyclic or non-cyclic status of any one rule is therefore idiosyncratic, and
The cyclic or needs to be specified in the rule itself.
non-cyclic status
In this and the following sections we lay the foundations for the analysis
of any one rule
is idiosyncratic of some of the rules of English word stress as cyclic. The first step involves
the analysis of the patterns of secondary stress in English words. Consider
the stress pattern of the forms in (13), which include some US place names:
(13) Winnipesdaukee
The forms in (13) are, crucially, monomorphemic, and therefore they cannot
involve any word-internal cycle. The issue that interests us at present con-
cerns the presence of two stressless syllables between the initial secondary
stress and the primary stress. In particular, our present footing procedure
predicts *Winnipesdukee, etc., with two secondary stresses (we assume that the
final vowel ee is short underlyingly, and thus subject to extrametricality):
(14) a. x Line 1
* + + * * Hie ee Ne <*> + + + (Gs <*> Line 0
b. ‘ Line 2
* * * + * @ * ) Line ‘ls
(15) MF Line 2
(eae =) Line 1
(cS) G =)(>) a * * * (e) <*> Line 0
Winnipesaukee — Winnipesaukee
At this point we are in the outer box of our Chinese box analogy, in which
all non-cyclic rules apply. The first non-cyclic rule we will propose is foot
construction: remember that it is possible for one and the same rule to apply
cyclically and non-cyclically. A literal non-cyclic application of footing to
Winnipesaukee would obviously reverse the effects of conflation:
(17) ; Line 2
Tie Brig? Line 1
Tee Bel ant Min@ACisstey bhined
Winnipesaukee — Winnipesaukee
As before, we have generated one stress too many on the second syllable.
Of course, this stress clashes with the stress on the first syllable, and there-
fore it will not be unreasonable for one of these two stresses to go. The
obvious candidate for deletion is, however, the degenerate foot on the first
syllable, inconveniently so.
Modes of Application 421
(18) = * Line 2
* aa Line 1
+ + *+ (*) <*> ce =) (4) (®) <a Line 0
In (18) you can see that the degenerate foot is now on the third syllable,
rather than on the first. You will also notice that refooting has not destroyed
the word foot previously constructed on sau. This is in line with the Free
Element Condition in (14) of chapter 13, which we now repeat in (19):
(20) Destressing:
*»QO/ * Linel
eG, warie0
Destressing deletes
a monomoraic
Examine this rule carefully and state its precise effects. degenerate foot
when this foot
immediately pre-
Destressing deletes a monomoraic degenerate foot, that is, a foot with only cedes the head of
a light syllable, when this foot immediately precedes the head of another another foot
foot. The effect of Destressing in Winnepesaukee is as in (21):
422 Modes of Application
(21) . ; Line 2
G pon) (* 2) Line 1
ie) Oi > (8°34) * Ora eine
Winni pe saukee — Winnipesaukee
In the forms in b. and d., the binary feet created by left-to-right refooting
exhaust the domain. In the forms in a. and c., by contrast, a degenerate foot
is created next to the primary stress, and then disposed of by Destressing
The procedure we have just adopted helps us to account for the surface
violation of the three-syllable window in forms like péregrinate, with the main
stress four syllables from the end of the word. Like many other English
Many English words, verbs ending in the suffix -ate reject main stress in the final syllable
words reject and undergo asterisk retraction by a mechanism akin to our familiar Rhythm
main stress in the
final syllable, and
undergo asterisk
Think of a few -ate-final verbs and see i they
from the final syllable. Find a few other word
Héathrow is not. Maureen has consolidated the shift in many accents: in Eng-
land at least, most people don’t say Mauréen, although quite a few still say
Whatever the reason for the noted dislike of word-final stress, the line-2
asterisk also undergoes leftward movement in words like peregrinate. To keep
the presentation simple, at this point we shall derive the retracted pattern by
means of the Rhythm Rule, which we formalized in (21) in chapter 11. The
triggering environment of the rule must of course be extended accordingly,
but we postpone the introduction of this technical detail until the next
(23) cs ‘5 ohine 2
. *) ‘¢ See Lane
re ae Je). bine
peregrinate — peregrinate
Rhythm Rule
In these forms retraction stops on the second syllable to the left of the final
syllable. Our present procedure is unable to yield this outcome:
(25) e s ° . Line 2
+ * + + Line 1
+ + >
(26) ? 3! a Line 2
a lle we Line 1
<*> * *(*) <*> (* *) (*) <5 (* *) (*) Line 0
Vowel Shortening
Note that in all cases the long vowel in the shorter form corresponds to a short
vowel in the longer form. Suppose now that we add a moraic dimension to
foot binarity, such that each foot is not allowed to contain more than two We add a moraic
dimension to foot
moras. The feet in both (alge)bra and di(v/it/ni)ty obviously violate this con-
binarity, such that
straint on foot structure, since they each contain three moras, which we have
each foot is not
emboldened to make their recognition easier. The violation in di(v/i:/ni)ty allowed to contain
is repaired by the rule of Vowel Shortening, to which we give a moraic more than two
formulation in (28) (2 = foot): moras
he St epee eee
The effect of the rule in (28) is the shortening of the vowel /i:/ in the stressed
syllable vi, which subsequently laxes to yield di(v[1]ni)ty, with a bimoraic
foot. In words like algebra, by contrast, the violation of foot bimoraicity is
maintained, as it must be if the input melodic material is to be preserved.
Indeed, preservation of melodic material is apparently a powerful force in
Preservation of
English phonology, as we will have the occasion to see again below.
melodic material
is a powerful
Morphologically, both these forms derive from tone. The root vowel shortens
in tonic, however, although not in tonal. This contrast falls in with certain
independently motivated facts of extrametricality. In particular, in chapter 12
we saw that suffixes trigger extrametricality in English adjectives. However,
-ic is clearly an exception to this generalization:
tress pattern
The forms in (30a) are all stressed in the same way as nouns, with the final
syllable extrametrical, but those of (30b), with -ic, are stressed in the same
way as verbs, with no extrametricality.
The extrametricality difference between tonic and tonal and the bimoraic-
ity of feet conspire to explain the contrast in the root vowel of the two forms:
zs | V |
to nic (wor? Tay ig wl
aaa) (3) <*>
es *
* *
In both words the foot only contains two moras. If tonic kept the long vowel
of tone, however, its foot would be trimoraic.
Modes of Application 427
On the other hand, there is no need to shorten /2:/ in tonal, where it instead
undergoes vowel shift and diphthongization into [ou], exactly as in the base
tone. This rather spectacular result provides obvious support for our approach.
fa Strict Cyclicity
Some of the forms in (32b) also violate accenting: compare, for instance, vdcancy
with the expected *vacdncy.
428 Modes of Application
The forms in (32b) are systematically spelled with a final -y, apparently the
The suffix /-i/ orthographic encoding of a suffix /-i/ which, most idiosyncratically, does
spelled -y does
not project a stress bearer. If so, the whole string cancy in vacancy will cor-
not project a
stress bearer
respond to one extrametrical line-0 element, and the va foot will only be
bimoraic, with no need for shortening.
Having thus regularized set b., only sets a. and c. remain as genuine excep-
tions to vowel shortening. Set c. is considerably more sizeable than set a. The
property common to the forms in c. is that they are all underived. The fact
that the majority of the exceptions to vowel shortening involve forms with
no internal morphological structure clearly cannot be coincidental.
Indeed, it has been observed in case after case in language after language
that some rules systematically apply in newly created environments, while
failing to apply in pre-existing ones. A case in point is the rule of vowel short-
ening (28), which we are seeing applies in divinity, derived from divine, but
not in nightingale, which is underived. An important hypothesis standardly
made in this connection is that the rules that behave in this way are pre-
cisely the rules that change structure and apply in a cyclic mode.
On the other hand, the deviant behaviour of the forms in (32a) needs to be
formalized by brute-force individual exception marking: we have already
pointed out more than once that the existence of idiosyncratic exceptions is
a fact of life in phonology.
Non-Cyclic Accenting
(34) Monongahéla
In these forms the secondary stress falls not on the initial syllable, but on
the second syllable, the initial syllable remaining stressless.
The obvious difference between these forms and those in (13) above concerns
the weight of the second syllable, which is heavy in (34) (Monongahela) but
430 Modes of Application
by cyclic
The obvious way forward involves adopting the same strategy as for
foot construction, and allow accenting to apply in a non-cyclic mode also.
Following from this, the non-cyclic derivation of Monongahela will be as
in (35):
(35) “4 ‘ Line 2
* * (* * *) Line 1
- Line 2
G 4) Line 1
BC aCe Line 0
— Mononga hela
Crucially, Destressing now affects the degenerate foot in the initial syllable.
In Winnepesaukee, by contrast, the first syllable is the non-clashing head of
a binary foot, as we saw.
At this point you may feel a little suspicious that our decision to reapply
There is independ-
ent evidence for
accenting non-cyclically, while convenient for the set we are examining, may
non-cyclic be ad hoc and have adverse consequences elsewhere. There is, however, inde-
accenting pendent evidence for non-cyclic accenting. Consider in particular the also
a monomorphemic forms in (36):
Modes of Application 431
(36) Halicarndssus
These words also have a secondary stress, and thus no vowel reduction, on
vowels that need an input accent if they are to end up as foot heads.
(37) Line 2
* + * + * + Line 1
x * Line 2
en tase) Line 1
2) Cy (sy er> ae (an Line 0
— Halicarnassus — Halicarnassus
End Stress [R] Conflation
As a consequence of line conflation, the syllable car will come out of the deriva-
tion with no prominence at all unless we reapply accenting in the non-cyclic
(38) * # * Line 2
ane (Pag Caan) Line 1
ake Foplte (G).<ts (* *)(*) (*)<*> Line 0
Halicarnassus — Halicarnassus — Hali carnassus
Accenting Refooting
432 Modes of Application
The bimoraicity of car prevents the operation of Destressing, and the vowel
will surface with a secondary stress.
The data we have considered provide reasonable evidence for the applica-
tion of accenting in both a cyclic and a non-cyclic mode. Cyclically, accent-
Accenting applies ing applies across the board without failure.
in both a cyclic
and a non-cyclic
mode in English
The stress patterns of the two columns of (40) parallel those in (13) and (34)
above, respectively: (40a) and (13) have initial secondary stress, while in (40b)
and (34) secondary stress falls in the second syllable. We attributed the con-
trast between (13) (Winnepesaukee) and (34) (Monongahela) to the presence
of a heavy syllable in second position in (34), but not in (13). In (40), how-
ever, the second syllable is light in both columns.
The contrast in secondary stress between the two columns in (40) could of
course have been accidental.
Close observation reveals that the bases of the forms in (40b) have their
primary stress on the second syllable: original, and so on. This is not the case
for the forms in (40a). Therefore, it will be reasonable to attribute the dif- The formal
ference between the two columns to the word-internal stress cycle. mechanics of the
The formal mechanics of the word-internal stress cycle differs in certain word-internal
stress cycle differs
respects from the more general mechanics of the cycle, which we presented
in certain respects
above in connection. with phrasal grid construction and tone association. In from the more
particular, no word-internal stress metrical structure is carried over to sub- general mechanics
sequent cycles, as we demonstrate in (41) with original, obviously derived of the cycle
from origin (we simplify the derivations innocuously):
434 Modes of Application
(41) z
* (*) *
* + + * + +
The preservation of the foot on (ori) in the second cycle incorrectly leads to
a degenerate foot on (gi): the resulting stress contour will be “original, as in
(41), or, even worse, *6riginal if footing were to maintain stress differentials.
(42) 2
* (3) *
* *
+ er oes
(43) . ‘ Line 2
* eb * * Line 1
Second, we will interpret all the syllables that support line-2 asterisks on any
such planes as heavy, and will therefore subject them to non-cyclic accenting:
(45) : Line 2
Line 1 original plane (only cyclic)
cai Galea Line 0
origi nali ty
* (* * (* Hots Line 0
originality plane (cyclic
* * Line 1 and, here, non-cyclic)
* Line 2
436 Modes of Application
* * + * *+ * Line il:
y z s Line 2
You can see that we have now attained the same stress pattern in originality
as in Monongahela, even though the relevant syllable of originality is not heavy.
In originality the cyclic application of the stress rules is of course a neces-
sary prerequisite.
In section 5 above we accounted for the length alternations in pairs like divine
~ divinity by means of the rule of Vowel Shortening in (28), which we repeat
here as (47):
Ie Wire ee ee yeaaa
(* ey
We will now show that this rule also accounts for the vowel length contrast
in (48), where both alternants have the same number of syllables.
Modes of Application 437
(49) 9
Vi P
The incorporation of the structure in (49) into the syllabic repertoire of English
raises the question of why it is not permitted word-internally.
(50) *O
Vi <p>
Once this simple framework is in place, the account of the vowel length
alternation in (48) becomes straightforward. In particular, the forms in (48b)
have a (suffixal) extra obstruent. If the vowel did not shorten (dli:p]th, etc.),
these forms would, illegitimately, contain either three-mora rimes or a non-
peripheral extraprosodic consonant, as we illustrate in (52):
(62) ai nO b. iG @ 26
In a., the rime contains three moras. In b., the extraprosodic element is not
peripheral. In c., extraprosodicity extends over two segments, the left-most
of which is not peripheral. In the face of these licensing failures, Vowel
Shortening (47) is called upon as a repair strategy. Shortening the vowel allows
us to have our cake and eat it — all the segmental material of the input can Shortening the
now be parsed, at the small cost of dropping one of the moras originally — V°Wé! allows all
: : the segmental
associated with the vowel: cnt ape
input to be
(53) o parsed, at the
small cost of
dropping one
a of the moras
d Sii-P <0>
In the structure in (53) the p and its mora are licensed, despite the presence
of the suffix -th in depth. Crucially, the addition of this suffix creates the envir-
onment for the application of Vowel Shortening (47), thus making the appli-
cation of the rule compatible with the Principle of Strict Cyclicity.
The structure in (53) presents us with a new challenge.
In particular, the sequence [p86] does not comply with Sonority Sequencing.
We pointed out in chapter 9 that the sonority profile of the syllable must first
rise, and then fall. In the cluster [p0], however, there is obviously no fall
in sonority — indeed, there will be a rise if fricatives are assigned a higher
sonority ranking than stops, as we briefly explored in (41) in chapter 10
above. As a consequence of this infringement of Sonority Sequencing, the
incorporation of [6] (NB not [p]) into prosodic structure in depth becomes
Key Questions
1. What is meant by a “cyclic” mode 6 How can Strict Cyclicity be called upon
of rule application? to show that Vowel Shortening is a
2 How does cyclic rule application cyclic rule?
explain stress retraction in English 7 List the cyclic and non-cyclic clauses
phrases and tone association in Tiv? of the English word stress algorithm.
3 Can the cyclic or non-cyclic status 8 How does word-internal stress assign-
of rules be predicted from the way ment work?
the rules are formulated? Name a 9 How does Extraprosodicity, governed
non-cyclic rule. by the Peripherality Condition, prevent
4 How do we know that the word- the application of Vowel Shortening
bound application of the Rhythm in words such as deep (cf. depth)?
Rule is non-cyclic?
5 What is the Principle of Strict
Further Pr arerri ce
Finnish has a rule of “assibilation” which converts [t] into [s] before a suf-
fixal [i], as we show in a.:
(i) | What is the status of the assibilation rule with regard to cyclicity?
442 Modes of Application
The language also has arule raising [e] to [i] in word-final position:
Slovak contrasts long and short vowels at the lexical and phonetic levels,
but in addition the language has morphologically conditioned vowel
a. Nom.sg. Gen.pl.
blatt = bla:rt = ‘mud’
pivto piv ‘beer’
putto put ‘chain’
b. tfelto tfiel ‘forehead’
kol+9 kuol ‘wheel’
mest) mies ‘meat’
c. legernda ‘legend’
afe:ra ‘affair’
meto:ida ‘method’
betorn ‘concrete’
In the previous chapter we showed that some phonological rules apply cyclic-
ally, that is, in every domain defined by morphological structure, and other
rules apply non-cyclically, that is, just once in the domain of the whole word.
We pointed out that the selection of mode of application (namely, cyclic vs.
non-cyclic) needs to be stipulated individually for each rule. For instance,
of the rules assigning stress to English words, Destressing and the Rhythm
Rule are specified as non-cyclic, and the remainder as cyclic, with the accent-
ing and footing subprocedures as non-cyclic also. In this chapter we present
and discuss some cases where morphological domains are ignored by cyclic
rules, and develop the model further to meet this challenge.
Three-Mora Feet?
In the previous chapter we aimed at limiting the English foot, and a fortiori
the rime, to two moras. As we showed then, this limitation accounts for the
shortening. of long nuclei, with the attendant vowel shift-related effects, in
pairs like dli:]p ~ dle]pth, div[ai]ne ~ div[i]nity, and so on.
Domains of Application 445
The data in (1) and (2) plainly contradict the state of affairs we have been
The forms in (3a) have long vowels or diphthongs before the word-final con-
sonant. In the forms in b., however, before a consonant-initial suffix, the
corresponding vowels are short. Why, then, do long vowels persist under
similar circumstances in the forms in (1) and (2)?
In the forms in (4a), which are embedded in those in (4b) and (4c), primary
stress has been assigned by means of last-syllable extrametricality and right-
to-left left-headed binary footing, the usual English procedure:
Domains of Application 447
. Line 2
Guay) a Line 1
(ees) e> SHES) Spine O
— impetu ous — impetu ous
End Stress [R] Conflation
You will notice that stress ends up three syllables (NB not, say, four) from
the right edge of the word, as a fallout of the basic English stress algorithm
as it stands at the moment. The restriction of the stress locus to one of the
three peripheral syllables is in fact quite common cross-linguistically, and
we have been referring to this state of affairs as “the three-syllable window”.
In chapter 15 we appealed to asterisk retraction to account for some surface
violations of the three-syllable window in English, as in péregrinate, for instance,
where metrical structure does comply with the window prior to retraction.
The suffixation of -ity in the forms in (4b) gives rise to an additional cycle
(on a new plane, as we know from chapter 15):
a Line 2
Rey oe Oe . bine?
a) <*> ‘ene Hck palainen))
— impetu osi ty — impetu osi ty
End Stress [R] Conflation
The main stress lies further to the right in impetudsity than in impétuous, and
thus complies with the three-syllable window — *impétuosity would not
comply with it.
“Check that you see how the
ferently in the two version
The forms in (4c) are also derived from their counterparts in (4a) by
suffixation, and we would expect the stress contours in (7):
If you look carefully at the data, you will see that impétuousness and the
other forms in (4c), with stress outside the three-syllable window, retain
primary stress on the same syllable as their bases in (4a): impétuous, etc. What
seems to be happening, then, is that the basic English stress algorithm
The basic English simply does not reapply after the suffixation of -ness. This failure of the
stress algorithm
algorithm to reapply accounts both for the stresslessness of the heavy
does not reapply
after the suffixa- penults that precede -ness and for the violations of the three-syllable
tion of -ness, window.
and some other
neck that this is the case in
The obvious question now is: why does the basic English stress algorithm
not reapply after the suffixation of -ness?
Domains of Application 449
Up until now, we have seen all the cyclic rules applying morphological layer
by morphological layer, from smallest to largest. By contrast, the non-cyclic
rules take no account of internal morphological structure and apply only
once, to the fully formed word right at the end of the procedure. What
we are now seeing is that this model oversimplifies reality, since cyclic
rules (for instance, the English primary stress algorithm) can systematically Cyclic rules sys-
tematically fail to
fail to apply in some affixal domains (for instance, in the domain defined
apply in domains
by -ness). This suggests that compatibility or non-compatibility between specified as
rules and domains with regard to cyclicity works in both directions: rules non-cyclic
have to be specified as to whether they apply cyclically or non-cyclically,
and domains (as defined by affixation) have to be specified as to whether
or not they trigger cyclic rules.
All rules and
all domains (as
defined by affixes)
are marked as to
whether they are
by me andsimilarforms.in
n (e) cyclic or non-cyclic
The list of suffixes incompatible with cyclic rules in our present data includes
-ness, -ly, -ful, -some, -hood, -less, -ment. We shall refer to these and similar
affixes as NON-CYCLIC AFFIXES. You must of course realize that in the
context of affixes the expression “non-cyclic’” means ‘only compatible with
non-cyclic rules’— rules can “cycle” (= apply in cycles), but affixes obviously
cannot: indeed, affixes cannot “apply” at all.
End stress,
Rhythm rule,. —
b. Domains: Stem, (by general convention)
-ity,, -al,, -ation,, -ify,, etc.
“NESS ne, LYnc, ~fUlnc, -SOME,,, ~hood,,, -less,,, -ment,,, etc.
With this background, let us look at the derivation of the forms impetus
(cyclic, as a base), impetuous (with cyclic -(u)ous), impetuosity (with cyclic
-ity) and impetuousness (with non-cyclic -ness):
es impetus
impétuous impétuous
impetuos-ity, impétuous-ness,,.
Son tg ware ae ae Primary stress c
impetudsity impétuousness
Domains of Application 451
The crucial difference in the derivational history of the forms impetudsity and
impétuousness is that only the former undergoes the primary stress proced-
ure in the domain defined by its outermost suffix. The contrast follows from
the fact that the rules of the English primary stress procedure are cyclic, and
the domain defined by -ity is also cyclic, while the domain defined by -ness
is non-cyclic: the mismatch between the cyclicity of the English primary stress
procedure and the non-cyclicity of the domain defined by -ness prevents the
application of this procedure in this domain.
We have just seen that our previous practice of strictly identifying cyclic
domains with morphological layers was an oversimplification, since some
morphological layers are non-cyclic, that is, do not define a domain of applica-
tion for cyclic rules.
In (9) we presented the derivation of impetuosity and impetuousness as
cumulative, in that we first entered impetus, then formed impetuous, and then
impetuosity and impetuousness (in the first and the second column, respect-
ively). The obvious advantage of this style of presentation is that the reader
can follow step by step how the word is being built. In itself, however, the
procedure is also compatible with a preformed word, inside which the cyclic
rules simply work their way through the appropriate cyclic domains. Indeed,
this is the practice we adopted for the cyclic derivation of !yévésé when we
presented the cycle in the previous chapter. There is an obvious, and crucial,
difference between the two approaches. If we build the word in stages, the
morphology and the phonology can apply in tandem, and each step in the
construction of the word be immediately followed by the application of
the relevant phonological rules.
452 Domains of Application
By contrast, if the word is fully formed first, the phonological rules cannot
interact with word formation.
In (10b) we have listed a number of nouns formed from the verbs in (10a)
by the addition of the suffix -al. Such a derivational relationship is imposs-
ible for the forms in (11).
The contrast between (10) and (11) with regard to the acceptance of the suffix
-al can be attributed to one simple fact: all the base forms in (10) have final
stress, but none of those in (11) does. If final stress is a precondition on
The morpho-
-al suffixation (necessary but not sufficient, though: depart > *departal, etc.),
logy and the
phonology are
then arrive needs to have stress assigned before -al suffixation takes place.
interleaved, not This means that the morphology and the phonology are interleaved, not
segregated segregated. In particular, if they were segregated, with all the derivational
aa processes preceding the phonology, phonological information would not
Domains of Application 453
1 Ts sanhi Pllon ae
| -al,
arrival -
Derivational affixes of the -al type are of course heavily lexicalized, in that
they cannot be added freely to stems to form new words.
Instead, affixes of this type belong in constructions that are, so to speak, fos-
silized, and thus most likely learnt as a block: notice that no English speaker
will ever dream of saying *departal or *arrivure, even though the exchange of
the two suffixes does not seem to be ruled out by any principle. This state of
454 Domains of Application
affairs is to be expected if words like arrival and departure are indeed learnt
as one unit, rather than being composed by actively combining arrive and -al,
and depart and -ure, respectively. This being so, the argument from -al we
have just advanced for interleaving the phonology with the morphology could
be objected to on the grounds that the distribution of -al has been fixed his-
torically, and therefore falls outside the remit of the synchronic grammar.
(13) *uBLOODYniversity
You will notice that there are no fewer than four possible insertion sites, but
only the second one listed (between uni and versity) is viable. At first sight,
this restriction may appear totally mystifying.
(14) *ABLOODYpalachicola
Domains of Application 455
Apalachicola contains three feet: (Apa)(lachi)(co)<la>. What the set in (14) shows
is that the best position for the infix -bloody- is immediately before the strongest The best position
foot, the rightmost one: (co). for the infix
-bloody- is imme-
diately before the
strongest foot
The relevance of all this to our present discussion is that -bloody- infixation,
a morphological process, requires information about metrical structure, a
phonological process. This means that metrical structure needs to be assigned
to the base (university and Apalachicola in our examples) before infixation takes
place. Consequently, a phonological operation (namely, footing) needs to
precede a morphological operation (namely, -bloody- infixation), exactly as
predicted by the interleaving model of morphology—phonology interaction
we are presenting.
Following on from the discussion in the previous sections, you may next
think of relating the vowel contrast in depth and deepness to the by now fam-
iliar cyclic vs. non-cyclic dichotomy. Indeed, we have accounted for the
stress contrast between -ity and -ness formations by declaring -ity cyclic and
-ness non-cyclic. Could we use the same strategy now, assuming that -th is
also cyclic (we have of course already established that -ness is non-cyclic)?
The key aspect of the formalization in (15), which otherwise simply restates
the definition of the condition in chapter 12, is the “]” context. In particu-
lar, (15) makes it explicit that the extraprosodic element must immediately
precede a morphological right bracket. With this in mind, let us consider An extraprosodic
the morphological representations of depth and deepness: element must
(16) precede a
a. [[dep]6] b. [[dizp]nas] morphological
right bracket
You will notice that [p] indeed immediately precedes a right bracket in both
configurations. Consequently, according to (15), it should qualify for extra-
prosodicity in both cases, but it obviously does not in a.: some other factor
must therefore be at work to prevent this result.
Why are we ae 0g
We suggest that the factor in question is the degree of integration of the vari-
ous morphemes in the word, as we shall now explain.
In section 4 we mentioned the fact that such cyclic suffixes as -al in arrival
occur with a fixed set of bases, rather than being productively attached to
any base at the will of the speaker. This is also the case with -th. By con-
trast, suffixes like -ness are highly productive.
The dichotomy
productive vs.
affix correlates
well with the
Importantly, the dichotomy productive vs. non-productive affix (correspond- non-cyclic vs.
cyclic affix:
ing to the opposition between non-lexicalized and lexicalized constructions,
cyclic suffixes
respectively) correlates well with the dichotomy non-cyclic vs. cyclic affix: LEXICALLY
the unproductive -al and -th define a cyclic domain, whereas the productive SELECT their
-ness defines a non-cyclic domain. Technically, we say that cyclic suffixes bases
LEXICALLY SELECT their bases: the information as to what bases they attach
458 Domains of Application
The obvious implication of the restrictedness of -al, -th, etc., vis-a-vis -ness,
-less, etc., is that the degree of internal integration is greater in words with
the former (cyclic) affixes than in words with the latter (non-cyclic) affixes.
Indeed, the internal unity that characterizes cyclic domains manifests itself
The internal unity in several spheres. For instance, semantically, non-cyclic suffixes tend to be
that characterizes
compositional, with their meaning simply added to the meaning of the base:
cyclic domains
manifests itself in
neighbourhoodlessness means exactly what neighbour + hood + less + ness mean.
several spheres This is far less so the case with cyclic suffixes, which are often semantically
integrated with the base. For example, a word like transmission (clearly derived
from transmit morphologically) can refer to a specific part of an automobile,
as well, of course, as to the act of transmitting. Expectedly, transmissionful or
transmissionless, with the non-cyclic suffixes -ful or -less added to transmission,
mean ‘full of transmission’ and ‘without transmission’, respectively, what-
ever the meaning of transmission may be: words with non-cyclic affixes are
less prone to develop idiosyncratic meanings.
exceptions to phonological rules than for words with non-cyclic affixes. For
instance, we have already seen in chapter 15 that obesity, with the cyclic suffix
-ity, fails to undergo vowel shortening: obli:]sity, not *ob[e|sity.
The particularly close unity characterizing cyclic domains in all areas
is given formal interpretation in the following BRACKET ERASURE
(18) Bracket Erasure Convention:
disposes of all
Internal morphological brackets are erased (= become invisible domain-internal
= become inaccessible) at the end of each level. brackets at the
end of each level
The implication of the Bracket Erasure Convention in (18) is that, after the
cyclic derivation is completed, a word like depth will keep no trace of its
original internal morphological structure:
Let us now turn to deepness, with the non-cyclic suffix -ness, and no vowel
shortening. At the point where Stray Erasure applies, the word deepness still
has its internal morphological structure: [[dee<p>]ness]. Given this, p remains
licensed by the morphological right bracket that immediately follows it, and
consequently the conditions for Stray Erasure in (20) will not be met. This
explains the difference between depth and deepness, and similarly for the
parallel data we provided in section 1 above.
Non-Cyclic Processes
The proposal we are advancing accounts fora rich array of data that go beyond
vowel shortening, as we shall now briefly review.
460 Domains of Application
In chapter 10 we came across the possibility of sonorant consonants occupy
ing the syllable nucleus. We illustrate this again in (21):
(21) cycle
centre (in rhotic accents)
(22) cyclic
(23) cycling
centring (in rhotic accents)
A considerable
number of pro-
; : ;
cesses in English
ee Scaniwenton In (23), the sonorant may still be parsed in the nucleus, despite the fact that
Hae preseneaer the obstruent + sonorant cluster is followed by a vowel, as in (22) above,
a right morpho- and therefore the cluster is parsable in the onset. The paradox is resolved if
logical bracket we make the process of sonorant nucleus formation contingent on the pres-
ence of a right morphological bracket:
Domains of Application 461
[+sonorant] — [+sonorant]/__]
o Syllabification, ,,.
o Oo Syllabification, ,,
oO Ke Bracket Erasure Convention
\ Ih
Non-cyclic phase
NA Sonorant Nucleus Formation,,,
NA Bracket Erasure Convention
462 Domains of Application
Sonorant Nucleus Formation as in (24) will, however, apply in both
where the m is word-final, and therefore necessarily adjacent to the
the word-
bracket, and rhythmish, where the suffix -ish is non-cyclic, and
internal bracket is therefore preserved:
[rhythm] [rhythm]
NA NA Bracket Erasure Convention
Non-cyclic phase
oO Oo
[rhythm] [[rhythmlish],,
Oo Oo Sonorant Nucleus Formation,
[rhythm] [[rhythmlish],,.
jj jI Syllabification, ,,.
[rhythm] [[rhythmlish],,.
[rhythm] [rhythmish],,,
The deletion of these stops word-finally after the nasal is probably motivated
by a requirement of minimal sonority distance.
The lexical presence of the n is justified by the forms in b. In their base coun-
terparts in a., however, this n disappears. Puzzlingly, n also disappears in
the forms in (33), despite the fact that it is parsable as the onset of the next
syllable, just as in (32b):
(33) hymying
Once more, we shall assume that the relevant rule deleting the n is non-cyclic
and includes a morphological right bracket in its environment (the deleting
n must obviously be preceded by m: cf. hen, kiln, barn in rhotic accents, etc.,
with no deletion):
In a., the sequence g + nasal is indeed word-final. In this context, the syl-
labification of g would violate Sonority Sequencing, and consequently the g
deletes (NB there is no rule to parse the nasal as a nucleus here).
Domains of Application 465
In (35b), g + nasal is not word-final: therefore, the nasal can be onset to the
following vowel, and the g does not delete. In this case also, there is an appar-
ent paradox, illustrated by the data in (36):
(36) signer
In (36) g deletes despite the fact that in these forms the sequence g + nasal
is not word-final, and the nasal could in principle be syllabified in the fol-
lowing onset. By this stage, the solution is completely obvious: the non-cyclic
rule deleting g includes a right morphological bracket in its environment:
The model we are proposing also provides an explanation for the retrac-
tion of stress in forms like péregrinating, where the retracted stress is not word-
final in the source structure, peregrindting. All we have to do, in fact, is make
such non-cyclic retraction sensitive to the presence of a right bracket, rather
than to the word end as such:
Clearly, this rule will enact retraction in both [peregrindtle and [[pere-
grindt]ing], since the retractable asterisk is adjacent to a right bracket in both
Eq Ordered Affixes
iit LUN
8kad Hips Cyclic rule,
Intermediate representation,
Intermediate representation,
Cyclic rule,
Domains of Application 467
od kt Non-cyclic rule,
ag eee Non-cyclic rule,
Output representation
468 Domains of Application
The model in (39) implies that cyclic affixes are concatenated first, and non-
Cyclic affixes are cyclic affixes subsequently. The obvious implication is that no cyclic affix
concatenated will ever occupy a more outward position than a non-cyclic affix: non-cyclic
first, and non-
cyclic affixes
suffixes will occur to the right of cyclic suffixes, and non-cyclic prefixes to
subsequently the left of cyclic prefixes.
There is a considerable amount of evidence for this hypothesis. We give
a sample in (40):
The forms in (40a), containing at least two affixes, are all legitimate. How-
ever, their counterparts in (40b) are not, even though they contain exactly
the same affixes. The reason is, of course, that in (40b) the order of the affixes
has been inverted, in violation of the strict order cyclic affix > non-cyclic
affix we are referring to (the arrow head “>” indicates the obvious linear
The discovery that both affixes and phonological rules are allotted to classes
which interact in the manner we have been describing, and that the order
of affixes is fixed as between classes (the order of affixes in the same class
is supposed in principle to be free, regulated only by syntactico-semantic
considerations), is one of the most important contributions of the decade strad-
dling the 1970s and the 1980s.
Domains of Application 469
We have already seen that each class is defined both by order (stacking
order for affixes, application order for rules) and by a set of contrastive pro-
perties (cyclic vs. non-cyclic application, early versus late internal bracket
erasure, and other dichotomies listed in (52) below). This state of affairs was
encapsulated in a model where both the morphology (that is, affixation) and
the phonology are organized in autonomous interacting blocks, as schemat-
ized in (41):
Block 1
Surface representation
The blocks of our flow chart in (41) are often referred to as CLASSES,
Blocks of rules
LEVELS or STRATA, and the model that incorporates them as LEXICAL
and affixal
PHONOLOGY or STRATAL PHONOLOGY. There have been several ver- domains are
sions of Lexical Phonology through the years, varying in a number of tech- referred to as
nical details not sufficiently central to our present concerns to warrant CLASSES, LEVELS
discussion here. In essence, (41) merely compresses our more detailed dia- or STRATA, and
gram (39) above, and must be interpreted in a similar manner. the model that
incorporates them
470 Domains of Application
Both figures (39) and (41) are of course adapted to the requirements of English,
and the exact mechanics of the blocks may differ in other languages. The
number of blocks also differs from language to language, and even from pro-
posal to proposal.
For completeness, we now summarize the properties characterizing the
rules of each of the two blocks we have been proposing for English:
The other side of the coin is a subset of combinations which are predicted
to be illegitimate but do occur. These have received considerable attention
in the literature under the label ORDERING PARADOXES, and can appro-
priately be illustrated by the comparative formation unhappier. In Modern
English, comparatives in -er are restricted to adjectives with at most two syl-
lables, the second of which must moreover be light, as, for instance, inha.ppy.
Therefore, the morphological constituency of unhappier must be [un[happier]l,
since a base unhappy (un.ha.ppy) would simply not qualify for -er suffixation.
Bracketing para-
This and other similar cases are bracketing paradoxes precisely because of
doxes are so
the assumption we have been operating with that the domains available because of the
to phonological rules word-internally are provided by their morphological assumption that
constituency. For the data we have been presenting, this assumption has the domains
indeed served us well, but we are now seeing that it runs aground when available to
phonological rules
the data set is extended in certain directions. A proposal to circumvent this
word-internally are
problem involves the abandonment of the assumption that morphological provided by their
and phonological constituents are identical, and we will present it in section morphological
16 below. First, however, we must turn our attention to domains bigger than constituency
the word, where by definition morphology is irrelevant.
472 Domains of Application
In chapter 11 above and at various points since we have referred to the very
common English phenomenon of stress retraction under clash: Sue Ann vs.
Sue Ann Céok, antiques vs. antique chdir, and so on.
The data in (43), however, do not exhibit retraction, in spite of the fact
that they contain stress clashes:
We will now show that the answer to this problem involves assigning
phonological rules to specifically phonological domains.
In principle, it might be reasonable to identify phrase-size domains of phono-
logical rule application with syntactic constituents, in the same way as we
have been identifying word-internal application domains with morpho-
logical constituents, quite successfully up to the end of the previous section.
Indeed, this is what we assumed when we discussed stress retraction in
Domains of Application 473
In order to resolve this apparent paradox we have to accept that the exten-
sion of the syntactic phrase is not the same as the extension of the phono-
logical phrase, and that the domain of application of the Rhythm Rule is the The extension
of the syntactic
phonological phrase, rather than the syntactic phrase. The syntactic phrase
phrase is not
and the phonological phrase are related, but they are still distinct, in ways the same as the
that we shall now explain. extension of the
The construction of the phonological phrase is parasitic on the structure phonological
of the syntactic phrase. A typical syntactic phrase (a noun phrase, a verb phrase
phrase, an adjective phrase) has a head (a noun, a verb or an adjective, respect-
ively) and (optionally) additional material on either side of the head:
ed ec
= adjective
For any one language, one of the two sides of the phrase is “recursive” — in
principle it admits of an unlimited number of “complements”:
The other side of the phrase, by contrast, is non-recursive, in that the ele-
ments it can take (“specifiers”) are limited:
(47) fond of phonology > very fond of phonology — not very fond of
phonology — ??
The syntactic configuration exemplified in (45) provides the criteria for the
The construction construction of the PHONOLOGICAL PHRASE, which includes (obligat-
of the PHONO-
orily) the syntactic head and the elements in the non-recursive side which
is parasitic on the
are not themselves syntactic heads — if they are syntactic heads, they will
structure of the constitute nuclei of independent phonological phrases.
syntactic phrase:
it includes (obliga-
torily) the syntac- What will the phonological phrases be in.
tic head and the
elements in the
non-recursive Optionally, phonological phrases include a single word on the complement
side which are side of the head, as we show in (48) (PP = phonological phrase; NB do not
not themselves
confuse it with PP = prepositional phrase above!):
syntactic heads
Crucially, if the complement side contains more than one word, it cannot
be incorporated into the PP, as we illustrate in (49):
Domains of Application 475
We formalize the criteria for the formation of the phonological phrase in (50):
Given the definition in (50), we can account for the occurrence of retraction
in (44), but not in (43), simply by declaring the phonological phrase the domain
of the English Rhythm Rule:
You can see that there is no formal stress clash in (51b) (and correspond-
- ingly in the other phrases in (43)): the clash occurs across the boundaries of
the phonological phrase and, therefore, formally it is only apparent.
476 Domains of Application
(ii) “Parenthetic’” PPs (technically, PPs unattached to the highest
sentence node) make up independent IPs:
(iii). Each of the remaining PP sequences attached to the highest sent-
ence node makes up an IP:
[las you know]pp]p
[[was a great]pp [painter] ppl»
[[as you know]pp]p
[la great]pp [painter] pplip
or, optionally:
(iv) IPs can be split up into smaller IPs
usually after a noun phrase:
Semantic criteria:
(v) Contrastive prominence induces the breakup of an IP:
(vi) IPs are not usually broken up between the verb and its follow-
ing obligatory argument (an “obligatory argument” is a type of
word the meaning of which is integrated in the meaning of the
verb in a particularly close manner):
[UT always] pel give]pplmoney|pplto the buskers]pplthat cheer me up]pp]p
Phonological criteria:
(vii) The greater the length, the more likely the break-up of the IP:
[[my brother] pphip
[[only recently]pp [realized] pp]p
[[that his girlfriend]pp lof twenty years] pp]yp
[[had been relentlessly pursued] pplip
[[by a crowd]pp lofwealthy] pplsuitorslpp |p
[[ for the past]pp [ten years]pp lor more! |pplip
Performance-based criteria:
(viii) Rate and style of speech affect IP breakup: the slower and the
more formal the style, the more IPs.
You can see that the criteria for the delimitation of intonational phrases
are quite flexible, although some strict guidelines, included in (52), do exist.
(53b) (conventionally written with a comma between going and John) must
contain two IPs (one on each side of the comma) according to criterion (52ii).
Yet its pattern of association of the intonational melody is identical to the
pattern in (53a).
Among the non-intonational processes that occur in the domain of the into-
national phrase is optional nasal assimilation, a rule of English we introduced
and discussed in chapter 4:
One phonological domain even larger than the intonational phrase is the
Phonological Utterance (PU). The phonological utterance constitutes the
domain of application of such phonological rules as r-insertion (in RP, east-
ern New England and many other accents of English) and flapping (in General
American, and also in some non-rhotic accents). A useful pair illustrating
the role of this domain in r-insertion is given in (56):
In the phrase in (56a), pronounced with an intrusive [1] (... sofa[ajit ...), we
give the reason for not sitting on the sofa: it is broken. By contrast, in (56b) the
two phrases are semantically unrelated: it’s Mary refers, for example, to the
knock on the door we hear as I say don’t sit on that sofa. Most curiously, there
is no [1] intrusion here, even if the two phrases are said in absolute succes-
sion, with no break between fa and it.
Domains of Application 481
however, that the term “prosodic” has through the years been applied to a
variety of phenomena, and is therefore potentially ambiguous. Remember,
for instance, that in part II we referred to such suprasegmental constituents
as the syllable and the foot as prosodic. Here as elsewhere in this book, we
are endeavouring to select terminology which is transparent and cannot lead
to misunderstanding, hence our use of the expression PHONOLOGICAL
DOMAINS in preference to “prosodic domains”.
The three phonological domains in question stand in a relationship of
inclusiveness, such that the Intonational Phrase is made up of (one or more)
The requirement Phonological Phrases, with no material left over, and the Phonological Utter-
that a phonologi-
ance is made up of one or more Intonational Phrases, again, with no material
cal domain must
properly include left over. As we mentioned above, this requirement of proper inclusiveness
the immediately is known as the STRICT LAYER HYPOTHESIS, which we now formulate
smaller domain, in (58):
with no leftover,
is encapsulated in
the STRICT LAYER (58) Strict Layer Hypothesis:
HYPOTHESIS Each phonological domain contains precisely one or more phonolog-
ical domains of the rank immediately below
The Strict Layer Hypothesis fares reasonably well across domains and
across languages, although some problematic cases are known to exist. We
will be proposing a general solution to the problem of exceptional behavi-
our in phonology in chapter 19.
In the Lexical Phonology model of morphology-phonology interaction we
introduced in section 8 above, phrasal phonological domains are directly
identified with syntactic constituency, misguidedly, as we are now seeing.
In Lexical Phonology, phonological rules that apply in phrasal domains are
Phonological rules labelled POSTLEXICAL RULES, and are assumed to apply under conditions
that apply in
even more liberal than those on the rules in the lexical non-cyclic block.
phrasal domains
are labelled
We shall now turn our attention to the phonological domains below the phrase,
namely, the domains of word-size or shorter.
In the first part of this chapter we used words and (some of) their con-
stituent morphemes as domains for phonological rules, in the general con-
text of Lexical Phonology. In a parallel tradition, however, it is the foot,
the syllable and, on occasions, the mora that are viewed as word-internal
phonological domains, structured hierarchically in accordance with the Strict
Layer Hypothesis.
(60) uniVERsity
the provision [of uniVERsity education]pp
[the provision of uniVERsity education];p is one of the government's
fundamental duties
[the provision of uniVERsity education is one of the government's fun-
damental duties]py
You can see that the syllable ver, the head of the foot versi, is prominent in
university irrespective of the size of the phonological domain: it is not the
case that in the phonological utterance, for instance, uniVERsity becomes uni-
versity, with no prominence.
The common
situation is for
The common situation is for phonological words to have the same exten- words to have the
sion as lexical words. A revealing instantiation is provided by English com- same extension as
pounds, where the prominence contours of the component (lexical) words lexical words
are preserved:
486 Domains of Application
These data suggest that the phonological word status of each of the com-
pound’s component words is maintained in English.
You can see that the stress patterns of the individual words are not pre-
served in Greek compounds, each of which has its own individual stress
pattern, idiosyncratically. The obvious inference is that Modern Greek
compounds constitute phonological words, in contrast with their English
that the sequence /p8/ does not comply with Sonority Sequencing, a pre-
requisite for syllabic membership. As we have already mentioned, though,
coronal obstruents can appear at the end of English words with no obvious
limit: depths, ropes, raked, text, texts, and so on. Coronal obstru-
ents can appear at
the end of English
words with no
obvious limit
From this perspective, therefore, the phonological word has a dual identity:
it is a member of both the phonological domain hierarchy and the phono-
logical constituent hierarchy.
This conclusion does not seem unreasonable, given the similar dual status
of the lexical word, of which the phonological word is the phonological cor-
relate: the lexical word is both the largest morphological unit and the small-
We affiliate
est syntactic unit.
English word-
final extra coronal
obstruents and
s- directly to the
If we thus accept the phonological word as the highest phonological consti- phonological word
tuent, we can affiliate English word-final extra coronal obstruents directly node
to the phonological word node:
488 Domains of Application
(64) PW
Prefix A Suffix
un- we
PW PW Phonological structure
490 Domains of Application
Another prediction of the approach is that the 1 of un- will not syllabify
with a following vowel in the stem, and this also seems correct, at least in
slow speech: un.able seems a possible spontaneous pronunciation, whereas
in.active does not.
Many of the
paradoxes” of
English and other
languages can be
resolved by the
assumption that While many of the “bracketing paradoxes” of English and other languages
phonological may be resolved by the assumption that phonological domains are distinct
domains are from morphosemantic domains, some problems remain. For instance, in forms
distinct from
like developmental, patentability, standardization, and so on, a level-1 suffix
domains, but
(-al in developmental) is preceded bya level-2 suffix (-ment), contradicting the
some problems prediction of the affix ordering hypothesis, a keystone of Lexical Phono-
remain logy. Notice in particular that -ment is non-cyclic, and -al is cyclic, as we know
from the effects they have on the position of stress, among other things:
Domains of Application 491
As in the case of unhappier above, this phonological phrasing will not inter-
fere with morphological constituency:
Vv N A
NouPW Phonological structure
492 Domains of Application
Key Questions
The choice between the two denominal adjectival suffixes -isch and -ief
in Dutch is not arbitrary. Examine the two sets of data in a. and b. and
advance a hypothesis about what determines the choice of denominal suffix:
Maltese Arabic
Other morphemes, including object suffixes -na ‘us’, -ik ‘you’ (sg.), -kum ‘you’
_ (pl) and -f negative, can be added to the verb after the affixation of subject
agreement, yielding examples such as:
(ii) Assuming that there are two lexical levels involved, trace the deriva-
tions of the forms in b.
French Liaison
il est petit [ilepati] ‘he is small’, petit mec [patimek] ‘small guy’ vs. petit enfant
[patitafa] ‘small child’
Greek s-Voicing
The forms in (1a) and (1b) are obviously related, but they exhibit several
phonological differences.
You will notice that, in order to voice, the s has to be preceded by a long
vowel or a diphthong and followed by a vowel. We formulate the rule of
s-Voicing in line with these facts in (3) (we omit the technical details of the
definition of s to keep matters simple):
‘You 8
(3) s-Voicing:
Wow (UW)
The forms in (4) look like straightforward exceptions to s-Voicing (the
spelling difference between s and c is irrelevant in the present context):
If you examine the forms in (4) more closely, you will notice an important
point of difference with their predecessors in (1b): in the forms in (1b), the
s occurs at the end of a morpheme, and the requisite following vowel in the
The fact that there next morpheme (the suffix); by contrast, in the forms in (4) the s occurs in
are many more the middle of a morpheme.
internally than
between mor-
phemes arouses
our suspicion that
there is something We could of course dismiss this difference as irrelevant. On the other
in this distribu- hand, the fact that there are many more exceptions to s-Voicing morpheme-
tional difference internally than between morphemes arouses our suspicion that there is
something in this distributional difference. The rule can also fail to apply across
Aspects of Lexical Representation 501
ntroduced in
As we showed in chapter 16, cyclic rules may not apply in domains defined
by non-cyclic affixes. Therefore, if s-Voicing is cyclic, its failure to apply in
the forms in (6) will be entirely predictable.
502 Aspects of Lexical Representation
Lexical Underspecification
We will now extend and generalize this approach in the context of a fully
fledged THEORY OF UNDERSPECIFICATION, which we shall introduce.
Aspects of Lexical Representation 50:
Suppose that in forms like raisin in (7) the s contains no lexical informa-
tion about [+voice], whereas in forms like basin in (4) it is marked [—voice].
What follows from this? Quite simply, our cyclic s-Voicing rule in (3) will
be prevented from applying in basin and the like, as we already explained:
if it did apply, it would infringe the Principle of Strict Cyclicity in (5), by
changing structure in an environment which has not been derived in that
cycle, indeed has not been derived at all.
By contrast, the application of s-Voicing in raisin and the like will not incur
any such infringement of Strict Cyclicity, because, in the absence of lexical
information for [+voice], s-Voicing will be creating structure rather than chang-
ing it. Creating structure is, of course, quite compatible with the Principle
of Strict Cyclicity (PSC). Creating structure
is quite compatible
with the Principle
of Strict Cyclicity
We illustrate the difference between basin and raisin in (9), where we ital-
icize the lexical representation of s as an informal graphic reminder that its
feature [tvoice] is autosegmentalized:
You can see that the value of [+voice] is missing from the lexical repres-
entation of raisin. This value is not supplied by spreading a neighbouring
504 Aspects of Lexical Representation
feature, as was the case in Turkish and Shona. Instead, it is supplied by the
independently motivated rule of s-Voicing in (3) above. This approach thus
achieves maximal simplicity: a single rule (naturally encapsulating a single
process) accounts both for such alternations as in Cauca[s]us ~ Cauca[z]ian
in (1), and for the phonotactic skewness of the two segments in the given
environment, manifested in the numerical imbalance between forms like ba[s]in
in (4), incompatible with s-Voicing, and forms like rai[z]in in (7), compatible
with it.
Clearly, the simplest situation is the one where the same rule is active both
to change structure in derived environments and to supply structure in forms
lexically empty for the relevant feature(s). Exceptions to rule application are
Exceptions to rule possible, as we know, although by their very nature we expect them to be few.
application are
On the other hand, it is not unnatural for lexical items to be fully specified.
possible, although
by their very
Therefore, we shall not be unduly surprised at the existence of a substantial
nature we expect number of lexical forms contradicting a rule or process morpheme-internally,
them to be few. even though the forms compatible with it are of course still preferred, as they
On the other are formally simpler.
hand, it is not
unnatural for
lexical items to be
fully specified
The case from Russian we will present next does require lexical under-
In Russian, adjacent obstruents have the same value for voice, whether
the cluster is word-internal or straddles two words. The occurrence of the
alternations on the edge of morphemes leads to a construal of the phenomenon
as right-to-left assimilation, as we illustrate in (10) and (11):
The data in (12) show that sonorant consonants neither trigger (cf. (12a)),
undergo (cf. (12b)) nor block (cf. (12c)) voice assimilation:
The data considered lead to the formulation of the Voice Assimilation rule
in (13):
[avoi] [Bvoil]
Condition: ”.. .” does not include a syllable peak
In order for lines not to cross and the fricative in iz ‘out of’ still to devoice,
we would obviously have to devoice the sonorant first, and only then spread
[-voice] to the preceding obstruent:
iV eV -v _ ifs] *[m]tsenska
Aspects of Lexical Representation 507
The problem with the output of (15) is that it contains a voiceless sonorant,
contrary to the universal tendency of sonorants to be voiced. The solution
we shall now propose involves lexical underspecification.
All we have to do in order to get both the facts and the representation right
is to assume that sonorants do not have a value for voice specified in the The transparency
lexicon. The TRANSPARENCY of Russian sonorants with respect to assimila- of Russian sonor-
ants with respect
tion (that is, the fact that they behave as if they were not there) now follows
to voice assimila-
automatically — they are indeed not there as far as [+voice] is concerned: tion is explained
if we assume that
(16) PerEsSe=s i/z/ Mtsenska sonorants do not
have a value for
voice specified in
+V ~y ils] Mtsenska the lexicon
The representation in (16) makes clear why Russian sonorants cannot play
any role in voicing assimilation: they are lexically unspecified for [+voicel,
and remain so throughout the derivation.
(17) does capture the essence of the process of sonorant voicing, but the form-
alization is ambiguous as between a REDUNDANCY RULE, which can only
fill in a gap in the input representation, and an ordinary rule, which changes
something in the input representation. The alternative formalism in (18) con-
veniently keeps redundancy rules visually separate from rules that change
The empty input matrix in (18) appropriately points to the lack of specifica-
tion for [+voice], and therefore to the structure-building nature of the rule.
The observation
that the sounds
of language
are ranked on
grounds of
The observation that the sounds of language are ranked on grounds of
naturalness has
given rise to the
naturalness has given rise to the THEORY OF MARKEDNESS. The term
THEORY OF “markedness” means that some feature combinations, whether paradigmatic
MARKEDNESS (that is, within the same segment) or syntagmatic (that is, across segments),
are less natural than others, and therefore less likely to crop up in the world’s
Aspects of Lexical Representation 509
II Consonants:
g. *[dorsal]p (= Consonants cannot be dorsal)
h. *[labial], (= Consonants cannot be labial)
i. *[-anterior] (= Consonants cannot be non-anterior)
j. *L+distributed] (= Consonants cannot be distributed)
k. *[+lateral] (= Consonants cannot be lateral)
l. *[+round] (= Consonants cannot be round)
m. *[+continuant] (= Consonants cannot be continuant)
n. *[acontinuant, —astrident] (= Consonants cannot have opposite
values for continuancy and stridency)
Most of the prohibitions in (19) are, however, relative: they only express a
preferred tendency which individual languages respect to a greater or lesser
extent, depending on their degree of markedness. Indeed, only the prohibi-
tions in (19a) and (19r) are assumed to be inviolable, as a matter of sheer
Aspects of Lexical Representation 511
Indeed, each of the constraints in (19) automatically gives rise to one or more
implicational statements, in accordance with the laws of logic. In particular, Each markedness
constraint auto-
the logical expression ~[A & B] (“not ‘A and B’”) can readily be developed
matically gives rise
into A > ~B (“if A, then not B”) and B > ~A (“if B, then not A”).
to one or more
implicational state-
ments, in accord-
ance with the
laws of logic
To paraphrase from ordinary life, if we say that it cannot be day and night
(simultaneously), we are effectively saying that if it is day, then it is not night,
and if it is night, then it is not day. The same relations exist in the more
abstract realm of distinctive features, as we have already seen in connection
with sonorant voicing default, and as we will have the occasion to explore
further in the next section.
While the idea of underspecification and the motivation behind it are fairly
straightforward, its actual formal implementation has been an object of debate
in the literature, and to a large extent the matter remains unsettled. Here
we shall limit ourselves to a brief survey of the two main positions.
Suppose we take seriously the idea that economy is paramount in the
evaluation of alternative phonological descriptions. This will mean that the
512 Aspects of Lexical Representation
simpler the description (that is, the fewer elements it contains), the more
highly valued it will be. This perspective, therefore, validates our early pro-
posal to leave English [z] lexically underspecified for voice in environments
that match the s-Voicing rule: this saves on [+voice] entries, even allow-
ing for “exceptions”, which will be lexically encoded as [-voice], as we
If we take the idea of economy to its limit, we will want to save as many
lexical features as is compatible with the differentiation of lexical entries.
Obviously, we will have to draw the economy line at a point before the dif-
ferences between lexemes are lost: in the extreme case, a lexical inventory
with no feature specifications at all will fail to do the very job for which it
is intended, namely, the differentiation of lexical entries.
(21) PREM Ao TH
High + - Op
Low - + -
Back - = + +
The reason the simplifications in (21) are possible is that the empty cells can
eventually be filled in by the effect of the implicational statements in (22),
which are directly derived from the corresponding constraints in (19):
Radical Underspecification does not stop here in its endeavour to rid lex-
ical representations of unnecessary clutter. In order to meet this goal fully,
an imaginative step is taken next. Suppose that we take all feature values
out of one of the vowels, say, /i/, for the sake of argument. The new, fur-
ther simplified table will be as in (23):
(23) L260 a) EO a
High ee eat
Low - + -
Back — + +
Following the logic of the strategy, we will have to admit that table (23) still
contains too much information. Specifically, if the values [+high], [-low],
[-back], [round], and [-ATR] have been completely eliminated from the
/i/ column on grounds of redundancy, logic dictates that they are also redund-
ant everywhere else. We give the totally redundancy-free representation in
(24), where, crucially, all the segments are still kept apart, since each pair is
differentiated by the value of at least one of the features:
The application of the complement rules in (25) and the default rules in
(22) will ensure that all the feature values are represented in the surface:
the surface values will in fact be identical to the values in the table in (20)
Two questions remain outstanding. One concerns the timing of the applica-
tion of redundancy rules, and we will provide the answer in the next section.
The second question concerns the criterion for the selection of one segment
as fully underspecified in the lexicon. In our present example, we simply
chose /i/ at random, but clearly a principled criterion is required.
The solution provided by Radical Underspecification is grounded in one
specific empirical fact: in many (perhaps all) languages, one of the segments
in each major class behaves asymmetrically, in that it alone systematically In many (perhaps
appears in contexts of epenthesis, or in that it alone triggers, fails to trigger, all) languages, one
of the segments in
or is pervasive in, certain rules. For example, in a vowel system like the
each major class
one we have been discussing (similar in fact to the system of Japanese), [i] behaves asymmet-
will systematically turn up as the epenthetic vowel, will be transparent to rically: its selection
harmony, and so on. as maximally
underspecified fol-
lows automatically
Once one segment in the relevant class singles itself out by such skewed
behaviour, its selection as maximally underspecified follows automatically,
both as a matter of theory-internal congruence and on account of the accur-
acy of the empirical predictions made by the model, in particular with regard
to transparency or invisibility.
Explain in your ow
segment as undersp
the theory ofRadical UI
(26b) shows that such free variation is suspended when the word-initial cor-
onal is followed by another coronal in the same word — this second coronal
transmits its value for [+anterior] to the word-initial coronal by assimilation:
Aspects of Lexical Representation SAL,
[-ant] [tant]
In (27) you can see that word-initial coronals are indeed lexically unspeci-
fied for [+anterior]. In the absence of a [anterior] segment medially in the
same word, such lack of specification gives rise to the phonetic fluctuation
illustrated in (26a) — this obviously means that the markedness statement
(19i) does not apply in Gooniyandi, and therefore that Gooniyandi lacks a
default rule supplying a value for the feature [+anterior].
in this case.
There are other problems with Radical Underspecification. The default rule
in (18), repeated now as (29), was pivotal in the analysis of the Russian voice
assimilation process in section 3:
We saw then that the existence of this rule allows sonorants to be lexically
unspecified for [+voice], thereby failing to playa role in the process of regres-
sive voice assimilation that affects obstruents. Crucially, however, in order
for this to be so, we need to stipulate that the Russian rule of Voice Assim-
ilation applies before the default rule in (29).
Remind yourself v
+v -v i*[z] Mtsenska
As shown in (31), the value [+voice] of /m/ now intervenes between the
source and the putative target of Voice Assimilation, and consequently the
process gets blocked (cf. also (15) above).
Note that the motivation for the Redundancy Rule Ordering Constraint is
overall very strong in the general context of Radical Underspecification Theory.
In particular, the Redundancy Rule Ordering Constraint is needed to pre-
serve feature binarity at the point where structure-changing rules apply: in —_The Redundancy
the absence of the Redundancy Rule Ordering Constraint, feature binarity Rule Ordering
would be jeopardized by the use of underspecification, which effectively makes Siege te
available a third value for features, [OF], beyond the two binary values [+F] ceive feature Bina.
and [-F] (the full demonstration of this point is rather technical, and best tity at the point
side-stepped in the present context). where structure-
changing rules
Explain ttfhedifference be
Finally, in some languages one and the same surface segment can origin-
ate as lexically specified or as lexically underspecified, as attested by the
behaviour of the segment. This is the case, for instance, with the Basque e:
the e in gisonek is epenthetic, as we have just seen, but the e of the genitive
plural definite -en is lexical. In particular, the e of -en triggers raising in a
Aspects of Lexical Representation 521
Contrast-Restricted Underspecification
In the face of all the difficulties we have just mentioned, it is obviously well
worth exploring an alternative formalization of underspecification. One such
alternative is based on the tenet that only features that implement lexical
contrasts have both their values lexically specified in the relevant environ- CONTRAST-
ment. For instance, in the Gooniyandi case discussed above, [tanterior] is
lexically contrastive word-medially, and consequently it would need to TION is based
be fully specified in this position. This prediction agrees with the facts, as on the tenet that
we saw. only features that
implement lexical
contrasts have
both their values
lexically specified
in the relevant
Similarly, [+voice] is lexically contrastive in Russian obstruents, but not
in sonorants. Therefore, Russian sonorants can be left underspecified in the
lexicon, but not so obstruents, again in agreement with the facts.
The specification of both values of the same feature in the same environ-
ment undermines the basic tenet of Radical Underspecification that attain-
ment of lexical economy is paramount.
522 Aspects of Lexical Representation
Similarly, the feature [tround] is restricted to [labial] sounds, and does not
occur with sounds which are exclusively [coronal] or [dorsal]. Finally,
[thigh], [4low] and [+back] are restricted to [dorsal] segments, and will not
turn up with sounds which are exclusively [labial] or [coronal].
As we have been hinting, all these restrictions derive from the fact that
the binary features in question introduce finer divisions in the class defined
by the feature to which they are circumscribed: they define subsets within
a set. Dependent
features define
subsets within
a set
The linking lines in (33) are genuine autosegmental lines, denoting the
simultaneous timing of the individual distinctive features.
As we pointed out in chapter 4 and more than once since, this autosegmental
formalism allows a very simple formalization of assimilation and dissimila-
tion processes.
524 Aspects of Lexical Representation
[Feature Geometry
There are other dependencies among features beyond the ones we have men-
tioned. Indeed, the full set of features makes up a web of dependencies, which
we formalize in (34). This web of feature dependencies is conventionally
The full set of referred to as FEATURE GEOMETRY:
features makes
up a web of
dependencies (34) [+cont]
referred to [+strid]
[tant] SS [coronal],
[thigh] +tson
[+low] > [dorsal],
be OR acca
You can see in (34) that the root of the feature tree (rotated by 90 degrees
from the more usual display to make it more manageable graphically) is
made up of the conjunction of the features [+cons] and [+son]. These are the
most fundamental of all features.
The substantive claim behind the inclusion of [+cons] and [+son] in the tree
root is thatthese two features do not exhibit autosegmental behaviour inde-
pendently of the other features: when [+cons] and [+son] spread, for example,
they drag along the remainder of the features (= total assimilation). This hap-
pens, for instance, with the English prefix in- before sonorants: in-legal >
illegal, in-regular > irregular, but in-ability, in-capable, im-pertinent, and so on:
Aspects of Lexical Representation 525
+cons] [+cons
+son} | +son
[+nas] [cor]
For convenience and for historical reasons, the root of the feature tree is some-
times simply referred to as the ROOT, often abbreviated to R.
Among the features dependent on the root, some are direct dependents,
and others indirect dependents, in that further dependents intervene between
them and the root.
Once more you must bear in mind that the only motivating factor for the
specific geometry in (34) is the autosegmental behaviour of each feature. The motivating
factor for the spe-
cific geometry is
the autosegmental
behaviour of each
So, the claim behind the direct dependency of [+cont], [+strid], [+nasal] and
[tat] on the root is literally that the root features [+cons, tson] are the only
features that are superordinate to [tcont], [tstrid], [nasal] and [+lat], which
are otherwise independent.
526 Aspects of Lexical Representation
The situation is similar for [tvoice] (in fact a shorthand for a set of other
features, to be introduced in the next section), and for the place features [labial],
[coronal], [dorsal] and [radical], each of them with its respective dependents,
already commented on.
Notice the subscripts L (on [tvoice]) and P (on the place features), which
allow us to refer to the whole class thus designated: [ .. . ]p for the class of
place features, and [... ], for the class of laryngeal features, at the moment
only with one member. The label LARYNGEAL obviously means ‘of the
larynx’, the space where the corresponding sound(s) are articulated.
Class Nodes
For historical reasons, our subscripting practice is not common in the liter-
ature, which instead gives autosegmental representation to our subscripts
in the form of CLASS NODES, as in (36), where we have emboldened the
two class nodes to make them stand out visually:
Aspects of Lexical Representation 527
(36) [+cont]
[+round] [labial]
[tant] = [coronal]
Place +son
[+low] => [dorsal]
You will notice that we have not enclosed “Laryngeal” and “Place” in
square brackets. This omission is quite deliberate, to signal that these labels
do not correspond to distinctive features.
Be that as it may, the class node notation entails no loss of expressive power:
nasal assimilation in (37a), for instance, is in all equivalent to our rule with
subscript notation of chapter 4 above, repeated in (37b) to make comparison
You can see that both notations capture the generalization that coronal nasals
assimilate in place of articulation to the following obstruent irrespective of
the place of articulation of this obstruent.
Throughout the book so far, we have been using the feature [tvoice] to
formalize the voiced or voiceless nature of segments, and indeed this is the
only feature we included in the laryngeal class in (34) and (36) above. Besides
voice, however, the larynx is responsible for the production of aspiration and
glottalization. We give the features responsible for these various activities
in (38), with their respective values:
The phonetic content of each of the four laryngeal features is expressed with
reasonable transparency by the respective labels — for instance, SPREAD
GLOTTIS means that the glottis is spread open, and so on. The full tech-
nicalities associated with these features are rather complex, and best left out
of the present discussion. Just as a for instance, the exact implementation of
Aspects of Lexical Representation 529
+sonorant +sonorant
tapproximant +approximant
—vocoid ee
C-place a
[labial] ee
-pl papa
[dorsal] [labial]
[coronal] [dorsal]
teantl [coronal]
[+distr] [+ant]
The key difference between the feature geometry in (40) and its predecessor
in (34)/(36) lies in the fact that in (40) vowels and consonants share most of
their features, assumed to receive a slightly different phonetic interpretation
depending on whether they are dominated by the C-place or the V-place
class node.
Notice the similarities between this proposal and the one based on the three
quantum vowels that we discussed in chapter 8 in the context of the English
Vowel Shift. In particular, [+open] in (41) could be claimed to correspond
to <a> in the quantum vowel proposal, and [—-open] to <i>.
in diripindi ‘he entered’. We know that the two types of segment are dis-
tinguished by their opposed specification for [+anterior]: retroflexes are
[—-anterior] and non-retroflexes [+anterior]. These values need therefore to
be specified in the lexicon for each of the respective segments. The question
is, do we have to specify the rest of the feature geometry?
The answer is contained in the feature geometry itself. You know, in par-
ticular, that the geometry contains lines linking some features, but not all
of them. For instance, in the case of [d] and [d] there is no need to specify
[coronal] in the lexicon, for the simple reason that if a segment has a value
for [+anterior] then it must of necessity be [coronal]. On the other hand, the
presence of a value for [tanterior] says nothing about the possible value of,
say, [tvoice] or [tcontinuant].
The implications in (42) are of course simple reformulations of the tree in (36).
Notice, in particular, that the set of implications in (42) includes class nodes
(Laryngeal, Place) as well as features. From a more substantive perspective,
however, class nodes are not implied, but, rather, contained in the relevant
features, in a manner best expressed by our earlier subscript notation.
The removal of class nodes from (42) would obviously reduce the implica-
tional set to cases involving place features and to the across-the-board
implication of the root features.
The implications in (42) (with or without the class nodes) are clearly dif-
ferent from the implications of the markedness relations discussed earlier.
Privative Features
Empirically, the strongest case against binarity would come from the demon-
Empirically, the stration that one of the values of a feature plays no role in the phonological
strongest case
system. This seems to be the case to different degrees of likelihood for the
against binarity
would come from
settings [—nasal], [-round], and others.
the demonstration Evidence against the existence of [—round] in the context of Contrast-
that one of the restricted underspecification is available from the round harmony system
values of a feature of Khalkha Mongolian, a language already cited in connection with stress
plays no role in
in chapter 13 above. Khalkha Mongolian reputedly possesses the relatively
the phonological
simple vowel system in (43) (there is some dispute as to the real phonetic
substance of [y] and [g] in Khalkha Mongolian, notwithstanding the phon-
etic symbols, which we will have to take at face value here):
Intervening high round vowels prevent the spread of [labial, +round] past
them - more technically, high round vowels act as harmony BLOCKERS:
U6) ib we ed sur Pa x
[-high] [+high] [-high]
[dorsal] [dorsal] [dorsal]
Place Place
[labial] [labial]
The presence of the [thigh] /u:/ between the source /o:/ and the possible
target /a/ blocks the rightward spread of [labial, tround].
This outcome only makes sense if /i/ is unspecified for [labial], and hence
for [-round], since otherwise [labial, -round] would interfere in the propaga-
tion of [labial, tround] in precisely the same way as [labial, tround] did
in (46):
536 Aspects of Lexical Representation
(48) ojsicrmill
ii eels Of fx
thd anclhy
Place Place
ically specified?
(49) O it i ] oOwex«
A ae
[dorsal] [dorsal] [dorsal]
Place Place Place
[labial] [labial]
[t+round] [-round]
However, if /i/ is [labial, -round], [labial, +round] will not be able to spread
from the o of the root to the underspecified o of the suffix, again for the
simple reason that such spreading will violate the no-crossing constraint:
Aspects of Lexical Representation 537
(50) aa ET 3h 5X
[-high] [+high] —_[-high]
[dorsal] [dorsal] ao
Place __ Place
[+round] _[-round]
(51) oO r i 1 OEE
Prd.Place o-anh
Place. Place
V o
Arguments are
being put forward
in the literature
for the mono-
valency of other
Similar arguments are being put forward in the literature for the mono-
distinctive fea-
valency of other distinctive features, although more work is necessary to tures, although
dispel all doubts and allow wider acceptance across the field. For the time more work is nec-
being, the question of how many features (if any) are monovalent must be essary to dispel all
added to the not inconsiderable list of issues in the area of distinctive fea- doubts
tures that still await a definitive solution.
538 Aspects of Lexical Representation
Key Questions
Further Practice
(i) | State the formal mechanics of the spread of the nasal feature.
(ii) Where and why does this spreading stop?
(iii) Provide the nasalization patterns for the following forms:
Each of the sets of sounds below would be an “unnatural” system for lan-
guage. State which of the markedness statements are contravened in each
The oral vowel system of standard Yoruba is as listed below (the language
also has three nasal vowels which we shall ignore for the purposes of this
Aspects of Lexical Representation 541
(ii) Can you suggest any reason why assimilation does not occur in the
cases in b.? What is there in the forms in b. that prevents them from
undergoing assimilation?
(iii) How can a theory of underspecification help to account for the data
In the model we have been presenting throughout the book, alternants are
related by means of rules which act on the lexical form, or on a repres-
entation ultimately derived from the lexical form. In particular, lexical forms
are mapped onto surface forms ina series of steps, each defined bya rule:
the sequence of representations thus obtained constitutes a “derivation”. The
action of a rule on a representation can have decisive effects on the applic-
ability of some other rule, either by creating the input required for this rule
or by destroying it. Rules can therefore interact with each other, and we need
to monitor such interaction by ordering the rules precisely in the manner
that will yield the desired output. In this chapter we study the mechanics
of rule interaction and rule ordering making use of a substantial portion of
the segmental rules of English, which accordingly we also survey. We pay
close attention to the evidence that bears on the cyclic or non-cyclic status
of the rules, and to the ensuing organization of the rules into blocks.
Wo (UW)
We commented at the time that the long vowel that triggers s-Voicing in
the set in (1b) cannot be lexical, for, if it were, the stress pattern of some of
the forms in (la) would have been different.
In (4) we formulate the rule responsible for the lengthening of the (crucially,
non-high) vowel in (1b) and (3a). We shall refer to this rule as “CiV-
Lengthening”, for the simple reason that the lengthening in question takes
Rules and Derivations 545
(4) CiV-Lengthening:
Oo Oo
Da seetpaceaies macro
UW ee aL 1 [+cons] [—cons] [—cons]
Before we proceed, we must say a word about the way we formalize dis-
tinctive features in this and other rules throughout this chapter. Features
are of course organized autosegmentally, as we reiterated in chapter 17. To
keep the representations free from unnecessary clutter, however, we do not
include the feature geometry in our rules, except in cases where such geo-
metry is directly relevant to the operation of the rule. Whenever possible,
therefore, we adopt the practice of simply stacking up the features, with no
indication of their position in the geometry.
Quite simply, CiV-Lengthening does not take place in front of the suffix
Returning at this point to the data in (1), you will notice that s-Voicing
requires the prior application of CiV-Lengthening in the relevant forms.
546 Rules and Derivations
The type of ordering illustrated in (8), where the first rule creates the input
The type of order- required by the second rule, is known as FEEDING ORDER, and the first
ing where the first
rule is said to FEED the second.
of two rules cre-
ates the input
required by the
second rule is
known as FEED-
first rule FEEDS Clearly, the opposite ordering between the two rules we are discussing would
the second) not give the desired result:
We will come across many instances of RULE ORDERING in the re- (the first rule
mainder of the chapter. Rule ordering is indeed one of the formal tools that
the second)
characterize the model of phonology associated with SPE. The device of
stipulating the order in which phonological rules apply is not, however, to
the taste of all phonologists, and there have been through the years a num-
ber of attempts to remove it from the theory. Many rule orderings can indeed
be removed from individual grammars, because they are either INTRINSIC Many rule order-
ings are either
ORDERINGS, that is, orderings that obtain even if the rules are allowed
to apply unfettered, or UNIVERSAL ORDERINGS, that is, orderings that ORDERINGS
follow from some universal principle of rule interaction, such as the Else- or UNIVERSAL
where Condition. ORDERINGS, but
a core of recalcit-
rant cases seems
to require stipulat-
r 8 above,
carried out by the rules of Vowel Shift, which we discussed in chapte
and Diphthongization, which we also mentioned then but did not formu-
late, in order to keep the presentation simple.
(10) Diphthongization:
oO Oo
MW ow U Wu
A RO, a eh
[—cons] [—cons] [—cons]
[aback] [aback] [aback]
The general effects of Diphthongization for the front vowels are specified
in (11):
(11) it srt
At this point, we must elucidate the ordering of the two additional rules we
have just introduced, both with respect to each other and with respect to
CiV-lengthening and s-Voicing.
Consider first the mutual ordering of Vowel Shift and Diphthongization.
The order must be Vowel Shift > Diphthongization (the symbol “>” separ-
ates rules that are ordered; unordered rules are separated by a comma).
The reason is that the application of Vowel Shift is restricted to (stressed)
long vowels, as we specify in (12), which updates the formulation in (38) of
chapter 8 above (notice that we have split the environment, to make the pre-
sentation clearer):
Now, as you can see in (10) above, Diphthongization destroys the bimoraicity
of the input vowel, by robbing it of its second mora, which it associates with
a (newly created) high vowel.
(13) Cauc/ee:/sian
el Diphthongization
NA Vowel Shift
The situation where a rule removes material that would be necessary for
The situation the application of a subsequently ordered rule is referred to as BLEEDING
where a rule ORDER, and the first rule is said to BLEED the second rule. Therefore,
removes material
that would be
Diphthongization bleeds Vowel Shift in (13).
necessary for the
application of a
subsequently Whaatexactly is the difference betwe
ordered rule is
referred to as
(the first rule The correct order of application between Diphthongization and Vowel Shift
BLEEDS the is obviously the opposite of the one in (13): by giving the rules the oppos-
second) ite order, we prevent the unwanted bleeding from taking place.
(14) Cauc/ez:/sian
e! Vowel Shift
el Diphthongization
Rules and Derivations 551
It may be worth pointing out at this juncture that all the four possible rule
ordering relations we have introduced (feeding, counterfeeding, bleeding, All four possible
counterbleeding) are attested in the languages of the world, most often within rule ordering rela-
tions (feeding,
the rule system of one and the same language. counterfeeding,
bleeding, coun-
terbleeding) are
attested in the
languages of the
In fact, s-Voicing and Vowel Shift are NON-INTERACTING, since the envir-
onments of both rules are met whatever the order of application:
You can see that we obtain the correct output irrespective of the order in
which the two rules are applied.
552 Rules and Derivations
In (16a), [k] alternates with [s], and in (16b) [g] alternates with [ds]. Phon-
etically, each of these alternations is somewhat idiosyncratic: there is not much
in common between [k] and [s], or between [g] and [ds].
On the face of it, Velar Softening has overapplied in (18a) (cf. the low vowel
[ze] in critic[eet]se), while in the forms in (18b) it has underapplied ([e] in
mediclet]te is not low).
Having established that Velar Softening precedes Vowel Shift, we shall now
make a case for ordering Velar Softening after s-Voicing. If so, s-Voicing will
precede Vowel Shift by transitivity.
The fact that the forms in (19b) have undergone s-Voicing (re-[z]ist vs. con-
[s]ist) suggests that the e of the prefix must be long, at least underlyingly.
The obvious problem with the analysis as it stands concerns the forms in
(19a), which still fail to undergo s-Voicing, and will therefore have to be treated
as exceptions.
with an initial c (re-cede), whereas the stem of the forms in (19b) is spelled
with s (re-sist). While spelling is, most emphatically, irrelevant to phono-
logy, as we have been repeating ad nauseam throughout the book, in the
present case the difference in spelling contains a useful clue: indeed, most
of the literature assumes that forms like recede have an underlying /k/
(re/k/ede), and forms like resist an underlying /s/ (re/s/ist).
> s-Voicing gi ses the
s-Voicing (2)
Diphthongization (10)
You can see that we have now established that Vowel Shift must follow s-
Voicing, even though there is no direct interaction between the two rules.
E¥ Palatalization
We mentioned at the beginning of the chapter (and in chapter 17) that the
[z] that is the output of s-Voicing is subject to palatalization in many words
(in most accents). We illustrate such data again in (23):
Rules and Derivations 557
Observation of the spelling of the alternants with the palatal reveals the
sequence i + vowel after the segment that undergoes the palatalization.
This orthographic i does not, however, have any correlate in the pronunci-
ation (imprelfa]n, not *imprelfialn, etc.).
558 ‘Rules and Derivations
We could conclude from this fact that the i is purely a spelling matter, and
therefore that there is no/1/ present in the respective lexical representations.
However, it is obvious that the suffix in the forms in (24a) does include /1/
in non-palatalizing environments. Note that we are postulating /1/, rather
than /i/, on the grounds that the segment in question is short (although not
necessarily lax in the cases where it does go through to the surface: this mat-
ter will be clarified below):
Also, the palatalization of coronals before /1/ is very natural, because both
Palatalization of coronals and /1/ are pronounced at the front of the mouth: indeed, /1/ (like
coronals before /1/
the other front vowels) is treated as [coronal] in the model of feature geo-
is very natural
metry we discussed in section 11 of the previous chapter.
Pause and
_ coronal cons
Let us thus assume that there is indeed an /1/ in the lexical representation
of the suffixes in question, acting as the trigger of the palatalization process,
which we formalize in (26) (we provide a choice between [—back] and [—ante-
rior], a dependent of [coronal], with regard to the specification of /1/, in line with
the two alternative models of feature geometry we presented in chapter 17):
(26) Palatalization:
(27) [j]-Deletion:
[+high] — @/ [-anterior] ___ [-cons]
[—back OR —anterior]
(28) logi/k/ian
S Velar Softening
Hf Palatalization
Clearly, the opposite, counterfeeding ordering would not deliver the desired
Diphthongization inte
The state of affairs we have established is set out in the augmented list of
rule orderings in (29):
s-Voicing (2)
As you can see, the ordering branches after Velar Softening, one branch con-
taining Vowel Shift > Diphthongization, and the other Palatalization > [j]-
Further Twists
You will notice that /j/ has been deleted in the b. set in accordance with
the rule of [j]-Deletion in (27). However, /j/ survives as [i] in the closely
related a. set, which contains an additional cycle. The failure of [j]-Deletion
to apply in the a. set is in fact systematic, and is caused by the presence of
stress on the vowel that follows it. Accordingly, we formulate the corres-
ponding rule of [j]-Morification in (31), where we use arrow heads to indic-
ate prosodic projection:
(31) [j]-Morification:
oO Oo
[—anterior] [+high] [—cons]
[-back OR —anterior] (*
In particular, Palatalization turns the underlying /t/ (cf. Christ, etc.) into [ff]
— Canadian, comedian and the like obviously have /i/, rather than /j/.
562 Rules and Derivations
Here, the palatal becomes fricative, rather than affricate, as it should on the
basis of Egypt, decide, etc.
Sy exactlywhy:we need:his fu
intoAG es
The rule that turns coronal stops into fricatives is known as Spirantization,
and we formulate it in (34):
(34) Spirantization:
[-son] [+cont] [+son] [-cons]
[+cor] — [+strid] / ah thigh]
[-cont] [—back]
Condition: [+high] does not support a stress bearer
Rules and Derivations 563
The condition on (34) limits the scope of the rule to cases where the high
front vowel is directly attached to the syllable node (Egyptian), or where it
is idiosyncratically outside metrical structure, in the suffix -y we discussed
in chapter 15 (presidency).
These and similar forms exhibit an affricate ({f] or [dg]), even though the
environment of Spirantization appears to be met, since the stop is followed
by /i/ and is not preceded byafricative.
The solution to this puzzle is found in the idiosyncrasy of the cluster [iu],
to which we have already referred in chapter 10 above.
The [i] of [iu] is
either not present
in underlying rep-
resentation or not
incorporated into
syllable structure
until well into the
What seems to be happening is that, at the point where Spirantization derivation
becomes operative, the [i] of [iu] is still not available, either because it is not
564 Rules and Derivations
Either way, forms like those in (35) only have /u/ visible at the point when
Spirantization applies, and therefore the environment of the rule is not met.
Subsequently, [i] becomes available as [j] and triggers Palatalization. The order
of these three rules is, therefore, Spirantization > [iu]-Formation (in some
format we will not decide on) > Palatalization.
We now incorporate these rules, and their orderings, into the overall rule
s-Voicing (2)
Diphthongization (10) Palatalization (26)
[j]-Morification (31)
[j]-Deletion (27)
Rules and Derivations 565
You can see that Spirantization does not interact with Velar Softening. It must,
however, follow s-Voicing, which counterfeeds it: the product of Spir-
antization is not subject to s-Voicing (cf. promotion). In turn, Palataliza-
tion is fed by [iu]-Formation (and indirectly by Spirantization) and by Velar
Li etl ee aa
These forms meet the conditions for both CiV-Lengthening (cf. /aente/
in Jordanian) and Vowel Shortening (cf. the trimoraic foot (deI.nI) also in
Jordanian). The fact that CiV-Lengthening wins suggests the order Vowel
566 Rules and Derivations
Shortening > CiV-Lengthening, with Vowel Shortening counterfeeding
(39) Jord/ent/ an
(Fa) <> Stress
NA Vowel Shortening
ei Vowel Lengthening
In the forms in column a., the i of the suffix must be underlyingly short,
because it does not attract stress (vdrious, not *various, etc.), thus justifying
our decision to represent this vowel as /1/. In b., however, the same under-
lying vowel turns up as long and shifted (and, of course, stressed).
The feature
LEATRI is lexically In order to explain these facts, we must consider the role of the feature
unspecified in [+ATR] in the English vowel system. Briefly, all lexical long non-low vowels
English vowels end up as [+ATR], that is to say, they are all pronounced tense. The redund-
ancy rule in (41) encapsulates this state of affairs:
Rules and Derivations 567
(41) []>[+ATR]/_
By contrast, lexical short vowels are in principle [-ATR]. This suggests the
redundancy rule in (42), which complements (41):
(42) []—[-ATR]/_
(41) applies across the board: there simply are no lax (= [-ATR]) phonolog-
ically long vowels in standard English.
By contrast, (42) is violated in the surface in several contexts. One such con-
text is prevocalic position, since in most accents of English short vowels sys-
tematically surface as tense when they immediately precede another vowel: — English short vow-
els systematically
s ‘ ae surface as tense
(43) menial various’ affiliate toreador when they tne:
manual graduate tortuous sensual diately precede
another vowel
As the result of this rule, the /1/ of both various and variety will be tensed
into [i]. We now want the [i] of variety (but not the [i] of various) to undergo
568 Rules and Derivations
Vowel Shift and Diphthongization. How can this happen? The answer is in
fact quite simple. First, Prevocalic Tensing must precede Vowel Shift, so as
to feed it. Notice, however, that our formulation of Vowel Shift in (12) above
requires length in the input vowel, not tenseness. This means that the feed-
ing of Vowel Shift by Prevocalic Tensing is indirect: the vowel tensed by
Prevocalic Tensing must first lengthen in variety, but, crucially, not in vari-
ous (cf. *var[at]ous).
Saywhy th
[—cons} [—cons]
[+ATR] [+ATR]
The rule of Stressed Tense Vowel Lengthening in (45) feeds Vowel Shift, fol-
lowed by Diphthongization, and the desired output var[aility is obtained:
(46) var/t/i ty
Sone a> Stress
i Prevocalic tensing
it Stressed Tense Vowel Lengthening
Rules and Derivations 569
et Vowel Shift
ei Diphthongization
Of these, the front high vowel [i] remains short in many (albeit not all) accents,
while its counterparts lengthen and/or undergo Diphthongization (but not
Vowel Shift, because the vowel remains stressless):
The desired results can be obtained either by subjecting non-low final vowels
to a tensing rule and then lengthening them all but 7, or by lengthening them
all but i in the first place, and then tensing them. We leave it to the reader
to work out the details of these alternative analyses, and to evaluate their
respective merit.
We wind up the section with an update of our overall list of rule orderings:
570 Rules and Derivations
CiV-Lengthening (4)
s-Voicing (2)
Stressed Tense
Vowel Lengthening (45)
[j]-Morification (1)
[j]-Deletion (27)
Cyclic Rules
In turn, cyclic rules obey the Principle of Strict Cyclicity, which you know
blocks their application to any input that has not undergone some previous The Principle of
change in the same cycle. Sn Sate
restricts the appli-
cation of cyclic
; “i So | rules to derived
Remind yourself of the function and the mech. environments
We will now set about establishing the cyclic or non-cyclic status of each of
the rules in (49) above. We will conclude that the dividing line between the
two blocks falls just after s-Voicing.
We shall first establish that s-Voicing is cyclic. In chapter 17 we argued
that s-Voicing obeys the Principle of Strict Cyclicity.
As you know, there are also some forms where s-Voicing fails to apply across
morphemes (facial and a few others), but their number is much smaller.
Explain how
imbalance. |
On the other hand, the Principle of Strict Cyclicity does not block the rule
across morphemes. As expected, the output [z] is present in all forms with
cyclic suffixes but a handful of exceptions.
The solution to this conundrum involves leaving the relevant s in all such
stems unspecified for [voice] in the lexicon: the rule of s-Voicing will now
apply without violating strict cyclicity.
On the grounds discussed, we will assume the cyclic status of s-Voicing, with
most of the literature.
and Derivations 573
We have now established that s-Voicing and the two rules that precede
it (Vowel Shortening > CiV-Lengthening) are cyclic. The next question is
whether the two rules that follow s-Voicing in the ordering (Velar Softening
and Spirantization, in the respective branches) are also cyclic.
at are ther a
i the elev.
We are not aware of the existence of a clear argument either way. On the
one hand, a number of forms, both derived and underived, fail to undergo
On the other hand, we could and shall assume that such forms as those in
(50) simply fail to meet the environment of Spirantization, on account of the
i of the environment being moraic, at least at the point where Spirantization
Having established that the dividing line between the cyclic and the
non-cyclic blocks falls immediately after s-Voicing, we make the identity of
the cyclic rules and their ordering explicit in (52):
CiV-Lengthening (4)
s-Voicing (2)
All the rules still to be discussed follow either Velar Softening (17) or
Spirantization (34), and therefore they must be non-cyclic, given the organ-
ization of the rules into coherent blocks.
El Non-Cyclic Rules
Vowel Shift can be fed by the pair Prevocalic Tensing > Stressed Tense Vowel
Lengthening, which must consequently precede it.
Notice that Palatalization must also be part of the postlexical block, because
it is applicable across words: dildglou?, goltf{Jou!, I milflyou, do I plea[3lou?,
etc. We have already encountered rules assigned to both the cyclic and the
non-cyclic blocks, and we must now extend the possibility of multiple block
membership to the postlexical block. Multiple block membership is standardly
constrained by the Stratum Contiguity Hypothesis of (53):
We have now checked the status of all the rules in our list in (49) above
with regard to cyclicity. In (53) we provide the full list of non-cyclic rules
with their orderings, to complement the list of cyclic rules in (51):
Stressed Tense
Vowel Lengthening (45)
[j]-Morification (31)
[j]-Deletion (27)
Rules and Derivations 579
Key Questions
Further Po r-atert’pPcze
(vi) What do the forms in d. tell us about the interaction of the rules you
have proposed?
(iv) What are the underlying forms of the nouns listed in b.?
(v) What further rule operates on the noun paradigm shown in b.?
(vi) How does this rule interact with those you proposed for a.?
Western Finnish
II Consonants:
g. *[dorsall]p (= Consonants cannot be dorsal)
h. *[labial], (= Consonants cannot be labial)
i. *[-anterior] (= Consonants cannot be non-anterior)
j. *[+distributed] (= Consonants cannot be distributed)
k. *[+lateral] (= Consonants cannot be lateral)
1. *[+round] (= Consonants cannot be round)
m. *[+continuant] (= Consonants cannot be continuant)
n. *[acontinuant, (= Consonants cannot have opposite values
—astrident] for continuancy and stridency)
Taken literally, the constraints in (1) prohibit the occurrence of segments that
contain any of the features or feature combinations they mention.
(2) I Vowels:
Empty set
*e, *o
*Oe, +7, ty, “WH, + A
mo AT Tepe at sO
Ele *o
Sp; tb; *f
Efe [OF ty tf *h
See *9
*b, ty *) +7 a hy *a
my ih, *n, wee O)
Empty set
This is not much material with which to build the tens of thousands of words
usually present in any language.
Constraints 587
As we pointed out in chapter 17, the constraints in (1a) and (Ir) are taken
to embody physical contradictions. All the other constraints in (1), however,
rule out segments which do exist in at least some natural languages (some
of them in many), at the underlying or surface levels. This means that these
constraints are not to be interpreted literally, as absolute prohibitions on the
segments they define.
At this point we must ask why languages have segments which are
unnatural, or, in less strong and more formal terms, marked. The answer is
that there is an obvious correlation between segment markedness and the
There is an size of the system: the more marked the system, the more segments it will
obvious correlation
contain, assuming of course that the presence of a marked segment pre-
between segment
markedness and
supposes the presence of its unmarked counterpart(s). In turn, there is an
the size of the obvious correlation between the size of the system and its encoding power:
system the more segments the system contains, the more lexical contrasts we can
build without unduly lengthening the words.
Suppose that we adopt the constraints in (1) above, and other similar
ones, as the only formal devices responsible for the shape of surface repres-
entations. In particular, suppose that we do away with rules and derivations
altogether. This is the essence of OPTIMALITY THEORY (OT), a novel Optimality
Theory does away
development in generative phonology which we will be presenting in the
with rules and
remainder of the chapter. In the model we have sketched, the least marked derivations
vowel system /a, i, u/ will simply follow from the presence in the corres-
ponding grammar of the constraints in (1b) to (1f) above, which we repeat
here for your convenience:
Quite simply, any vowel that is not one of /i, a, u/ will violate one of
the constraints in (3), and therefore it will be ruled out by the system.
Specifically, as we indicated in (2), /e, o/ violate (3b), /z/ violates (3c),
/v/ violates (3d), /y,.../ as well as /w,.../ violate Ge), andi f.G.8a,
violate (3f).
So, as we said then, the system as it stands will only allow /i, a, u/ through.
Notice, crucially, that we are achieving this result exclusively through
590 ~=Constraints
The question that springs to mind immediately is: given this framework,
how come languages do include (some of) the marked segments in their
inventories? For instance, how can a language have /e, 0/, in violation of
(3b), /ze/, in violation of (3c), and so on? Obviously, unless the constraints
are neutralized somehow, they will simply block the realization of any under-
lying form which is not compatible with them. If so, the surface representa-
tion will be as impoverished as it was at the child’s initial stage.
The way Optimality Theory deals with this situation is as follows. Besides
the markedness constraints in (1)/(3) above, the phonology is assumed to
include the requirement, also formalized as a set of “constraints”, that sur-
Surface forms
face forms must be FAITHFUL to the corresponding lexical forms, that is,
must be
that surface forms must simply reproduce their lexical counterparts, with
the corresponding no change. Given this drive for faithfulness, a pronunciation of an under-
lexical forms lying form /pen/ as [pin] (or [pan]), induced by the markedness constraint
(1b)/(3b), will obviously be disallowed.
Or will it? Why isn’t the conflict between the faithfulness constraint and
the markedness constraint resolved in favour of the markedness constraint?
This question constitutes in fact the nub of Optimality Theory. What we are
witnessing is a tug of war between two constraints: if one wins, the other
will automatically lose. This outcome contradicts our natural expectation that
both constraints will be obeyed, the way rules are when their turn comes.
Constraints 591
The answer provided by Optimality Theory is, realistically, that the world
is not totally harmonious: more often than not, in order to obey one con-
straint, another constraint needs to be disobeyed. Formally, the constraints
are given a RANKING, the OT equivalent of the ordering of rules that we
explored in depth in the preceding chapter. The consequence of mutually
ranking two constraints is, of course, that the higher-ranked constraint will A higher-ranked
be complied with in preference to the lower-ranked constraint: constraint is
complied with
in preference to
(4) Ranking metaprinciple: a lower-ranked
A higher-ranked constraint is complied with in preference to a lower- constraint
ranked constraint
The difference
between gram-
mars is a function
of differences in
At this time the markedness constraints (1b)/(3b) (and, undoubtedly, others)
constraint rankings
are still undominated, hence MARKEDNESS (1b)/(3b) » IO-IDENT,,,,.. What
follows from this simple model is far-reaching: the difference between
grammars, whether between child and adult grammar or between grammars
of different languages, will be a function of differences in constraint rank- Constraints are
ings, the constraints themselves being universal. This is Optimality Theory universal
in a nutshell.
| ay diffe
erences in the
Constraint summary:
MarKeDNeEss: Surface forms must be phonetically natural
IO-IDENT,«;: Surface features must be faithful to their underlying correspondents
ea SS
592 Constraints
Let us now add to the edifice of Optimality Theory we are building. By now,
we have encountered constraints of two kinds: faithfulness constraints, such
as IO-IDENT,,,,, and markedness constraints, inventoried in (1)/(3) above.
Constraints therefore come in families (we will come across other faithful-
Constraints come ness constraints besides IO-IDENT,,,,; as we go along), each constraint family
in families, each
corresponding to one simple basic concept. For instance, each faithfulness
constraint family
corresponding to
constraint expresses one aspect of the requirement that surface forms must
one simple basic be faithful to the underlying form, all markedness constraints are embodi-
concept ments of the tendency of language towards phonetic naturalness, and so on.
Some of the constraints in (5) are stated positively, that is, as requirements,
rather than as prohibitions. It is clear that the constraints in (5) will license
precisely the structure we are aiming for: a simple onset followed by a simple
nucleus. The table in (6) spells out how this is achieved, on the reasonable
assumption that consonants go in the syllable margin, and vowels in the syl-
lable nucleus, an assumption we formalize directly below. In (6) a tick (V)
indicates compliance with the corresponding constraint, and an asterisk (*)
indicates a violation:
Constraints 593
It is clear from (6) that, given the proposed set of unranked constraints, the
structure CV, made up of a simple onset and a simple nucleus, will emerge
Before testing out this model on the actual syllable structure of English,
we must make formally explicit the reason why consonants go in the syl-
lable margins, and vowels in the nucleus. You are already aware that this
distribution is motivated by sonority, in particular by the fact that syllable
peaks aim for maximum sonority: vowels of course have more sonority than
consonants. In Optimality Theory, this situation is formalized by means of
the two constraints in (7):
594 Constraints
Out of the three possibilities, only CV does not incur a violation of *M/V
or *N/C, and therefore CV is the best syllable.
Constraint summary: :
ONSET = All syllables must have an onset
Nucteus = All syllables must have a nucleus
No-copa = Syllables must not have codas
*COMPLEX = Constituents must not be complex
*M/V = Vowels must not occupy the syllable margin
*N/C = Consonants must not occupy the syllable nucleus
(9) Oo Oo o Oo G6 Oo
aa R R R R
ie peg
linFees ep AL hve p 1
Constraints 595
The job of the constraints, specifically ranked for each grammar, is the
EVALUATION of these candidates, that is, the selection of one candidate The job of
as the most HARMONIC with respect to the grammar in question. eee Si
candidates, one of
which is selected
as the most
You will notice in (10) that constraint violations are signalled with an asterisk
in the appropriate box, while constraint compliances are simply left blank.
You can also see that a tableau is simply a plotting of a set of candidates
A tableau is a (usually listed in the left column) against the set of constraints (usually listed
plotting of a set in the top row), with boxes in every intersection, in the style of a bar of choc-
of candidates
olate. Unranked constraints are separated by a dotted line, the tableau equi-
against the set of
constraints valent of a comma in the text. The superiority of candidate (10a) (marked with
a pointing hand as the winner) is clear at a glance: it is the only candidate
which does not incur any violation of any constraint.
The visual advantages of tableaux are obvious. We could of course have
included other candidates in (10) (and, correspondingly, in (9)), since, as we
mentioned earlier, GEN knows few limits, if any, on the number of candidates
it can produce. However, the common practice is, sensibly, to limit the selec-
tion of candidates to plausible forms. Similarly, only the constraints that are con-
ceivably relevant to the phenomenon being examined are usually considered.
“relevant constral
Consider first a simple and ordinary word like egg. This form violates ONSET
and No-Copa.
The prevalence of the pronunciation [eg] means that, in the case we are
discussing, faithfulness to the lexical form takes priority over filling the
onset. The (faithfulness) constraint that blocks epenthesis is known as
Dep[ENDENCY] (FILL in early versions of Optimality Theory). DEP requires
every surface segment to have a lexical correspondent, on which it there-
fore “depends”.
Clearly, in order to get [eg] rather than *[?eg] we need to rank Dep higher
than ONSET, as in (12). Higher ranking is represented in tableaux by means
of a solid vertical line between the columns of the two relevant constraints:
You can see that the consequence of ranking Dep higher than ONsET is the
selection of [eg] over *[?eg] as the surface form: [eg] obviously fares better
than *[?eg] with regard to the higher-ranked constraint DEP. Notice in par-
ticular that [?eg] incurs a violation of Dep, while [eg] does not. The violation
598 Constraints
Next, let us examine the violation of No-Copa by [eg]. There are two obvi-
ous ways of circumventing this violation. First, we can epenthetize a final
vowel, say, [a], to create an additional syllable of which /g/ will be the onset:
[e.ga]. This result obviously does not match the data, and therefore we con-
clude that No-Copa is also ranked lower than Dep (ONsET and No-Copa
are of course equally ranked, as indicated by the dotted line separating their
respective columns):
Number of viola-
tions is irrelevant
In (13) it becomes clear that number of violations is irrelevant to the evalu-
to the evaluation ation procedure: the two candidates in (13) tie in number of violations, but
procedure [eg] still wins. The decisive criterion is, obviously, compliance with the higher-
ranked constraints, in line with the Ranking Metaprinciple in (4) above.
An alternative strategy to circumvent the violation of No-Copa by /eg/
involves deleting /g/, to obtain the output form [e]. This form may violate
other constraints of English (in particular, it violates the constraint that words
must contain at least one binary foot), but it manifestly does not violate
No-Copa. However, faithfulness prevails over structural perfection here too:
you will recall from chapters 9, 10 and 16 that English does allow for codas.
Formally, therefore, No-Copa needs to be ranked lower than Max{[IMALITy]
(PaRsE in early Optimality Theory), the constraint responsible for the maxi-
mal mapping of underlying segments onto the surface:
Constraints 599
OnsET : No-Copa
You will notice that in (14) Dep and Max are fatally violated by the losing
candidates ([ega] and [e], respectively). Note that, because these two con-
straints are mutually unranked, the Max box is not shaded, even though
the preceding box contains a fatal violation.
Tableaux (12) to (14) obviously leave out many constraints.
Indeed, tableaux are routinely simplified in order to keep them within man-
ageable spatial limits: the total number of constraints is very high, probably _Tableaux are rou-
running into the hundreds, and the number of candidates is also very high, "ely simplified in
order keep them
indeed infinite if epenthesis is given a free rein.
within manage-
able spatial limits
Granted all this, we now combine in (15) the tableaux in (12) and (14)
(which subsumes (13)), for a more complete evaluation of [eg] and its
Tableau (15) makes clear why [eg] is selected over all its competitors: it fares
best with regard to the highest-ranked constraints, Dep and Max.
600 Constraints
Constraint summary:
Dep (formerly Fit) = Every surface segment must have a lexical correspondent
Max (formerly Parse) = Underlying segments must be mapped onto the surface
[4 Syllable Complexities
We have now analysed egg successfully. You know, however, that English
syllables may include complex onsets and complex nuclei. We capture this
legitimate complexity of English onsets and nuclei by ranking the structural
constraint *COMPLEX lower than the faithfulness constraints DEP and Max,
as we illustrate with clay in (16):
Now, while clay is a legitimate English word, */kay obviously is not, even
though it contains exactly the same segments.
Constraints 601
The reason for the difference between clay and *Ikay lies, of course, in the
fact that *Ikay violates Sonority Sequencing, which we incorporate into our
repertoire of constraints under the label Son[ority].
Notice that the table in (17) does not constitute a tableau as such, because
it carries out no evaluation. We have included it here simply to illustrate
the high ranking of Son.
A real-life example of a Son violation is provided by the word sky. We
obviously also want Son to prevent /sk/ from making up a complex onset.
In chapter 16 we suggested that such a word-initial /s/ is salvaged from
phonetic obliteration by direct affiliation to the Phonological Word (PW),
skipping the o node.
Sonority Sequen-
cing and the Strict
Layer Hypothesis
are encapsulated
in the constraints
The affiliation of the word-initial /s/ to PW violates the Strict Layer son and SLH,
Hypothesis in (58) of chapter 16, which we now incorporate into the OT model __ respectively
as the constraint SLH.
602 Constraints
PW - a
At present, the final p of lamp would be parsable in the coda, together with
m, since we have ranked *CoMPLEx lower than Dep and Max, to allow for
complex onsets. However, given the arguments in chapters 10 and 16, this
parsing is undesirable.
Constraints 603
We shall resolve the tension between the need for a low ranking of *Com-
PLEX for onsets, and the need for a high ranking for codas by the inclusion
of a specific constraint “COMPLEX”, over and above the general constraint
*COMPLEX. *COMPLEX®”* must obviously be ranked higher than Dep and
Max. By transitivity, it will also be ranked higher than *ComPLex, indeed
as follows independently from the Elsewhere Condition, renamed PANINI’S
THEOREM in Optimality Theory to honour its original discoverer: In OT the Else-
where Condition is
renamed PANINI'S
honour its original
One last issue needs addressing before we close the discussion on syl-
lables. In particular, the low ranking of *ComPLex is consistent with the selec-
tion of both onsets and rimes with more than two elements, as in *[blju:]
and [lerm], respectively (complex codas are of course totally ruled out by
604 Constraints
/\ eleey
ae Complex
Constraint summary:
* COMPLEX" = No complex codas
*COMPLEX&COMPLEX = No joint complexity
SLH = Strict Layer Hypothesis
SON = Sonority Sequencing
Constraints 605
(W pL)
606 Constraints
You can see that candidates b. and c. are rejected, on account of their viola-
tion of FrBIN and FT-TyPE,,,<, respectively. By contrast, both candidate a. and
candidate d. emerge unscathed. We know, however, that only candidate a. is
legitimate. The necessary further selection is carried out by the constraint ALIGN-
RIGHT, a member of the ALIGN family. As suggested by the label, ALIGN con-
ALIGN constraints straints regulate the spatial relation between two elements. In particular, ALIGN
implement either implements either strict linearization, by requiring that two elements be
strict linearization
sequentially abutting, or structural alignment, by requiring that the edges of
(by requiring that
two elements
two constituents in different structural levels be superimposed. In the case
be sequentially we are discussing, we want the right edge of the prosodic word to be super-
abutting) or struc- imposed on the right edge of a foot. We illustrate the situation in (22):
tural alignment
(by requiring
that the edges of V/u FrBIN 7Fr-TyPE TROC
two constituents
in different struc-
tural levels be
(W Wu
The desired result, devélop, has now been attained, as you can see.
Constraint summary:
ALIGN-RIGHT = The right edge of the prosodic word must be superimposed on the right edge of
a foot
FTBIN = Feet must be strictly binary
FT-TYPE.y, = Feet must be right-headed (“iambs”)
FT-TYPE;eo¢ = Feet must be left-headed (“trochees”)
V/u = Rime vowels must be moraic
Constraints 607
El Extrametricality
You will recall that the stress pattern of English nouns is like the stress
Right extrametri-
pattern of English verbs, with right extrametricality added. In Optimality
cality is encoded
Theory, right extrametricality is encoded in the constraint NoN-FIN[ALITY], in the constraint
which keeps metrical structure away from the final edge of the phonological NON-FINALITY
a +
Americ a
The foot of candidate b. includes the mora on the right edge of the phono-
logical word, and therefore it incurs a violation of NoN-FIN. Candidate a. of
course incurs a violation of ALIGN-RIGHT, which you know requires that the
right edge of the phonological word be superimposed on the right edge of
a foot. Indeed, the requirements of ALIGN-RicHT and Non-FIN are mutu-
ally at odds, since the satisfaction of one of these constraints inevitably results
in the violation of its counterpart.
The existence of a conflict between the two constraints obviously means that
for the set of English nouns and derived adjectives NON-FIN must outrank
608 Constraints
L(t HL)
The tableau in (26) incorporates the full set of constraints directly relev-
ant to stress in nouns:
Constraints 609
a. es
ma America
b. *
ML iyWW)
Amer ica
(4 WHE
Me (WpBW)
We (Wp WL
Americ a
You can see that the most harmonic candidate is, inevitably, a., which only
incurs one violation of ALIGN-RicuT. Notice in particular that candidate c.
incurs two such violations, and, consequently, it is discarded.
Constraint summary:
NON-FIN = No metrical structure on the final edge of the phonological word
EJ Quantity-Sensitivity
In chapter 13 we saw that a heavy syllable in the vicinity of the right edge
attracts the stress: compare agénda with América, and collapse with devélop.
610 Constraints
(WW Wy)
d. ‘i
deve lop
e. He
WTS|WBP|Non- *p
/collapse/ |V/ FrBin |Fr-Tyrr,
a. .
(HW Wp
colla pse
c +
(Wu Hy)
(u MW)
e +
The evaluation of agenda runs along similar lines to that of collapse, even
though the consonant cluster is now word-internal. The ranking of ALIGN-
Ricut and Non-FIn is, of course, reversed, as we know is the case with all
612 Constraints
/agenda/ | V/ W.FrBrn |
Fr-TyPe 'TROC _Non-/
Constraint summary:
WBP = Weight by Position
WTS = Heavy syllables must carry stress
*u = No mora
*StTRUCTURE = No structure
Secondary Footing
(MB) M(H)
prosopopei a
(WW) WC)
prosopopei a
wu W)(up)
prosopopei a
Constraint summary:
ALIGN-LEFT = Feet must be aligned with the word's left edge
ALIGN-RiGHT"“°"" = The head foot must be aligned with the word's right edge
NON-INITIAL = The word-initial syllable must not be metrified
(23) teary LA DL Ae
class. cla.ssy
mass. ma.ssable
pass. pa.ssing
The other constraints directly involved in the evaluation are *TENSE,,,, Which
prohibits tense low vowels, and IO-IDENT,,,,,, Which requires the surface
realization of the underlying value for tense. We illustrate with class [kl4s]
in (34):
You can see that the candidate with [A] is selected irrespective of whether
we postulate /Ai/ or /z/ underlyingly. For classic, with an open first sy]l-
lable, the result will be the opposite one, correctly so:
(35). a:
616 Constraints
The branch of
Optimality Theory
that encompasses
constraints is
referred to as
Level 2:
ze-Tensing oe NA A
-Isuffixation = ---------__--------- kKlAs.1.
Resyllabification NA NA KIA. sI.
Constraint summary:
*[ec.] = No lax [e] in closed syllables
BD-IDENT,.;. = Base-derivative faithfulness for tenseness
IO-IDENTyeyse. = Input—output faithfulness for tenseness
*TENSE,., = No tense low vowels
Cyclic Effects
You will notice once more that the secondary stress of the derivatives in b.
falls on the syllable that bears the primary stress in their bases in a., rather
than on the initial syllable predicted by the secondary stress procedure: com-
pare prodsopopéia in section 10 above. We have of course come across other
instances of secondary stress in the second syllable (cf. Epaminondas), but,
clearly, none of them is derivative the way those in (38) are.
* *
napo le onic
napo le onic
Constraint summary:
BD-IDENT. +s; = The stress of the base must be preserved in the derivative
Constraints 619
Janice Jan
cafeteria caf
Massachusetts Mass
The relevant question is whether the vowel [z] of the truncates will
undergo tensing to [A] in New York and Philadelphia.
Piaee oneal
You can see that the predominance of *TENSE,,w enforces a non-tense [a] even
when we hypothesize an underlying tense /A:/. In turn, the [z] of the base
Pamela is transmitted to the truncate Pam by the ranking of the correspond-
ence constraint BD-IDENT,,,,, above the phonological constraint *[zec.].
Constraint summary:
* TENSE,ow
Clearly, the reason for the ill-formedness of the pseudoplurals in (43c) is not
phonological. Rather, it is a function of the suffixal status of the regular
plural morpheme, orthographically -(e)s. Indeed, not only is -(e)s a suffix,
but also it must be the right-most one:
Constraints 621
Our formal arsenal already includes the resources we need to obtain the
correct result, namely, the ALIGN family of constraints. In particular, the
ALIGN family makes available the constraint in (45), among many others:
isan infor
ill the sibila
[+cons] [+cons]
[- son] Stem [- son] Plural
Laryngeal Laryngeal
[—voice] [+voice]
b. Plural epenthesis:
ents aan
[coronal] [coronal]
Constraints 623
Constraint summary:
ALIGN LEFT—RIGHTpiyeat-srem= Left edge of plural morpheme aligns with right edge of stem
ANCHOR-LEFTo: yea: = Surface left edge of plural morpheme corresponds to its lexical left
OCP ON SIBILANTS = No adjacent sibilants
Voice HARMONY = Uniform voice in consonant clusters
The crucial aspect of this constraint is that, like its counterpart for the plural,
it enforces alignment of the possessive morpheme with the stem.
626 Constraints
The obvious consequence of this formulation is that both the plural and the
It is unusual for possessive morphemes will be competing for the same position. What is un-
two morphemes
usual about this case is that they both get their way. Indeed, the machinery
competing for the
same position of Correspondence Theory is remarkably well suited to the attainment of
both to get their this goal, as we now showfor the form cats’. Note that the identity of each
way segment is made explicit in the representation as a subscript:
The machinery of
Theory is remark-
ably well suited to
the attainment of
this goal
You can see that in the winning candidate the noun’s stem is aligned with
both the plural morpheme (z,) and the possessive morpheme (z;). Therefore,
the requirements of the two respective ALIGN-RIGHT constraints are com-
plied with in this form.
Constraint summary:
ALIGN LEFT-RIGHTyossessvesrem = The left edge of the possessive morpheme -s must be aligned with
the right edge of the stem
ANCHOR-LEFT, POSSESSIVE = Surface left edge of possessive morpheme corresponds to its lex-
ical left edge
Alternative candidates have been provided in the following data set from
Urban Hijazi Arabic, spoken in Saudi Arabia:
(i) | Work out the correct rankings for the following constraints, in order
to produce the correct forms:
Stress in Latin
We repeat below the data from Latin which we provided earlier. Basing your
analysis on the set of constraints outlined in the text, work out the constraint
ranking which will yield the correct metrical structure for Latin:
Constraints 629
a. Nom.sg. Acc.sg.
dagur dag ‘day’
beer bee ‘farmhouse’
leknir lekni ‘physician’
Nom.sg. Dat.sg.
lifur lifri ‘liver’
akur agri ‘field’
hestur hesti ‘horse’
Deverbal action nouns in Icelandic are exceptions to the final cluster con-
straints, as we show in c::
So far in the text of the book, we have endeavoured not to burden the reader
with contradictory or disparate information, and therefore we have tried to
present a homogeneous picture of phonology as clear and free from debate
as possible: quite obviously, it is more productive to direct all efforts to the
acquisition of the basic tools of the phonological trade, not an easy task in
itself, than to waste energy on internal disputes, arguably sterile at this pre-
liminary stage. In aiming for this mode of presentation, we have deliber-
ately modelled ourselves on the standard textbooks of the natural sciences,
where concepts and formal apparatus have priority over the historic details
of their elaboration. Of necessity, however, this approach involves a degree
of oversimplification: behind the smooth, shiny surface lies the chaos of stag-
gered discovery and intellectual debate, or even straight disagreement. The
forceful arrival of Optimality Theory on the scene provides a pointed ex-
ample of this internal strife. The dust will have to settle before we know with
certainty the outcome of this particular contest, and in the meantime we have
opted for the cautious strategy of presenting the body of phonology in as
neutral, non-doctrinaire a manner as possible, with the aim of providing keen
learners with the tool kit they need to achieve full participation in the sub-
ject. In this closing chapter, however, we turn the stone over and reveal some
Looking Back and Moving On 631
of the life teeming underneath. We also offer pointers to enable the reader
to proceed beyond the necessarily limited confines of this book. For addi-
tional practice of the points raised throughout we recommend the exercises
in the companion volume A Workbook in Phonology.
Foundations of Phonology
In the even-numbered chapters of part I (chapters 2, 4, 6 and 8) we presented
the foundations of phonological theory, which the rest of the book elabor-
ates on.
In Chapter 2 we introduced phonology, making use of some assimilation
processes of English which are beyond the threshold of consciousness in most
speakers. Processes like these are referred to in varying degree of detail
in Wells (1982), Nespor and Vogel (1986), Kreidler (1989), chapter 8 of
Giegerich (1992), Hawkins (1992), Ladefoged (1993) and Gimson (1994), and
are conveniently brought together in chapter 6 of Spencer (1996). The exist-
ence of these assimilation processes led us to draw a distinction between
the phonetic level of actual sound, and the phonological level of sound struc-
ture. The phonological level is rooted in Saussure’s conception of language
as a system of oppositions, and is kept in check by a principle of economy
that we related to Occam's razor. Useful summaries of Saussure’s doctrine
from the perspective of phonology can be found in chapter 5 of Jakobson
(1990) and in chapter 2 of S. Anderson (1985), the latter an excellent source
of historical information on phonology. A recent edited and annotated
English translation of Saussure’s Course is R. Harris (1987). You will find a
summary of Occam’s philosophy, including his famous razor, in chapter 14
of B. Russell (1996).
In classical generative phonology the phonological and phonetic levels
(relabelled lexical or underlying level and surface level, respectively) are
related by means of phonological rules. For an early discussion of the role
of rules in phonology, you can go to Halle (1962), although you should
be warned that some of the features are now obsolete. Phonological rules
include a focus, made up of the input sound to be changed and of its changed
output, and a context or environment, made up of the constant surround-
ing sounds that condition the change. Each phonological rule effects one
change in an input representation: a set of rules therefore carries out a sequence
of changes, collectively known as a derivation. A particularly clear account
of the mechanics and properties of rules and derivations appears in S.
Anderson (1974). You can find an inventory of the formal machinery of
early generative phonology in a ten-page appendix to chapter 8 of SPE.
Looking Back and Moving On 635
In chapter 4 we broke down the phoneme into its primitive building blocks,
the distinctive features. The concept of the phoneme is discussed in chap-
ter 15 of Jakobson (1990), and its history is traced in S. Anderson (1985), chap-
ters 3 and 4 in particular. For general discussion of distinctive features, you
can consult chapter 5 of S. Anderson (1985), Clements (1992a), Halle (1983)
and chapter 16 of Jakobson (1990) (also chapter 17, but this is more tech-
nical, and many of the features discussed in it have now been superseded).
Halle and Clements (1983) and Halle (1991) are reader-friendly sources for
a more or less contemporary inventory of features — references to more tech-
nical, up-to-date accounts framed in the theory of feature geometry are pro-
vided in section 7 below. Each distinctive feature captures one key aspect
of the articulation of sound. It is normally related to the articulator actively
involved in its production, and is usually given one of two values: positive
if the aspect in question is activated, and negative if it isn’t. This binarism
permeates Jakobson’s work (see the entry binarism in the index of Jakobson
1990), and is succintly defended in Halle (1957). In the SPE system all fea-
tures are binary: features are discussed in chapter 7 of SPE. Subsequently,
however, binarism came under attack from various directions. First, sev-
eral alternative theories adopt feature unarism as one of their tenets:
Dependency Phonology (J. Anderson and Ewen 1987, den Dicken and van
der Hulst 1988, van der Hulst 1988, 1995), Government Phonology (Kaye et
al. 1985, J. Harris and Lindsey 1995), Particle Phonology (Schane 1984). Second,
major place of articulation features are now generally considered unary,
on the grounds that the range of places of articulation is defined by the
set of these features, rather than each individual place feature defining two
existing opposites (Sagey 1986a, McCarthy 1988, Yip 1989a, Halle 1991,
1995). Last, a number of mainstream individual features are being argued
by some to be “privative”, that is, to have only the positive value, with
particular reference to underspecification (Steriade 1995 offers a convenient
summary). For the standard position on the matter of feature valency you
can check Pulleyblank (1995). Place of articulation features are cumulative
as a consequence of their monovalency, which originated in Sagey (1986a)
(see also Halle 1991), and is forcefully argued for in McCarthy (1988).
Trubetzkoy’s distinction between binary and multiple oppositions is an
obvious antecedent. Trubetzkoy’s (1939) classic has been translated into
English (1969), and is usefully discussed in Fischer-Jorgensen (1975). For
specific arguments for binarity both in place features and in other features,
see Lombardi (1996).
Distinctive features provide a formal characterization of the notion “nat-
ural class”, that is, of the fact that phonological processes universally tend
to affect specific families of segments, rather than random sets: formally, the
segments in question share one or more distinctive features. The mutual
interaction of features in rules is constrained by the autosegmental mode of
636 Looking Back and Moving On
short or long, and consonants simple, geminate or affricate. The timing tier,
or CV-tier, was introduced in Clements and Keyser (1983), and streamlined
to an X-tier in Levin (1983), an unpublished but influential paper. The
timing tier, or “skeleton”, has been applied in the areas of compensatory
lengthening and template-based morphology, the latter typical of, but
not exclusive to, Semitic languages (see McCarthy 1981, 1984, McCarthy and
Prince 1990, 1995). For premoraic treatments of compensatory lengthening,
you can go to Ingria (1980) and Wetzels and Sezer (1986). Hayward (1988)
puts up a defence of the timing tier in the context of four Ethiopian lan-
guages. We saw that the timing tier also allows a satisfactory analysis
of affricates and of complex segments in general. The issue of the auto-
segmental representation of complex segments is examined in Sagey (1986b).
For the specific case of affricates, see Hualde (1988) and Lombardi (1990).
Yip (1989b) purposely relates contour tones to affricates.
EZ Stress
retraction failures are accountable for by the ban imposed by the Con-
tinuous Column Constraint on gaps in metrical columns (Hayes 1995). In
German, asterisks can move forward, as well as retract, to avoid clash: see
the summary in Wiese (1996a). Besides asterisk movement, rhythm can also
induce asterisk insertion (Selkirk 1984b). Nespor and Vogel (1989) review
the phenomenon in a number of languages, including English. General dis-
cussion of English linguistic rhythm appears in Abercrombie (1967) and in
Liberman and Prince (1977). Nespor (1990a, 1990b) provides useful discus-
sion of the dichotomy stress rhythm vs. syllable rhythm. The repercussions
of metrical structure on such segmental phenomena as vowel reduction
and consonant allophony contribute additional evidence for stress and its
distribution: see Sainz (1992) for vowel reduction, and Gimson (1994), Kahn
(1976) and Gussenhoven (1986) for English stop allophony.
Metrical structure can be minimally reduced by systematically disre-
garding the metrical element on the edge, a device known as “extramet-
ricality” (Liberman and Prince 1977, Hayes 1979, 1980, 1982, 1995, Halle and
Vergnaud 1987a, Archangeli 1988a, Roca 1988, 1992). The edge requirement
is encapsulated in the Peripherality Condition. Prince and Smolensky (1993)
provide a very useful critical overview of the properties of extrametricality.
The interaction of overlapping rules is subject to the Elsewhere Condition:
Kiparsky (1973), Koutsoudas et al. (1974) and Iverson and Wheeler (1988).
For a brief discussion of French stress, see Tranel (1987). The metrical pat-
terns of English are developed in Hayes (1980, 1982), Prince (1983) and Halle
and Vergnaud (1987a, 1987b), among other sources. Kager (1989) provides
a valuable critical evaluation. The metrical foot as the basic unit of rhythm
is elaborated in Liberman and Prince (1977), Selkirk (1980), Hayes (1980, 1995)
and Halle and Vergnaud (1987a). For iteration in English stress, see Prince
(1983) and Selkirk (1980, 1984b). Metrical parameters are examined in Hayes
(1980), Prince (1983), Halle and Vergnaud (1987a) and Dresher and Kaye (1990).
For the stress patterns of Polish and Macedonian, see Franks (1985 and 1987,
respectively), and also Dogil (1998) for Polish. Aklan, Maranungku and YidinY
are discussed in Hayes (1980), and Winnebago in K. Hale and White Eagle
(1980) and Halle and Idsardi (1995). Line conflation is specifically justified
in Halle (1990), while the opposing iterativeness parameter is defended in
Blevins (1990). Hayes (1995) formulates the Faithfulness Condition, build-
ing on Halle and Vergnaud (1987a). For the so-called “Duke of York
Gambit”, see Pullum (1976).
The effects of syllable weight on stress are taken account of in SPE, but
their distinct formalization in terms of moras begins with Hyman (1985). The
Free Element Condition, formulated in Prince (1985), captures the idea that
stress rules are structure-building, in the sense of Kiparsky (1982, 1985).
Degenerate feet are paid special attention in Hayes (1995). The effects of final
consonants on English stress are carefully reviewed in Ross (1972) in an SPE
Looking Back and Moving On 641
construction (Prince 1983, Selkirk 1984b, Halle and Vergnaud 1987a, Hayes
1984, 1995). Cyclicity also governs tone association in many languages, and
we illustrated the particular case of Tiv (Pulleyblank 1986a). More recently,
however, there has been a turn away from the cycle: see Cole and Coleman
(1992), for instance, in a Declarative Phonology framework. Hyman (1994)
presents data supportive of the cycle from the Bantu language Cibemba.
For an overall discussion of these and other issues related to the cycle, you
can go to Cole (1995).
In chapter 15 we completed the picture of English word stress that we
started putting together in chapter 12, and investigated the mechanics
of English secondary stress in some detail. First, we showed the need to
reapply the footing procedure in a non-cyclic mode, that is to say, in the
maximal word domain (Halle and Vergnaud 1987a, 1987b). We suggested
that this non-cyclic reapplication of footing builds feet from left to right,
the opposite direction of its cyclic counterpart (Halle and Kenstowicz 1991),
hence our dubbing non-cyclic footing “refooting”. Refooting is followed by
destressing, a specifically non-cyclic procedure which deletes a mono-
moraic degenerate foot that immediately precedes a foot head: cf. Halle
and Vergnaud’s (1987a) construct “stress well”. Next comes a non-cyclic
reapplication of accenting, rendered necessary by the destructive action
of conflation at the end of each cycle: heavy syllables tend to have some
degree of surface stress, whether or not they carry the word’s main stress
(Halle and Kenstowicz 1991). Non-cyclic accenting is subject to a fair bit
of lexical exceptionality, in direct contrast to cyclic accenting, which is prac-
tically exceptionless — this skewedness runs in the wrong direction (it is
non-cyclic rules that tend to be exceptionless), possibly revealing a weak-
ness in the analysis. One further rule retracts primary stress from the
word’s last syllable. We provisionally assimilated this rule to the Rhythm
Rule that effects retraction under clash (Halle and Vergnaud 1987a), and
ordered it last in the sequence of non-cyclic stress rules. We went on to demon-
strate the cyclicity of the rules responsible for the assignment of word-
primary stress: the primary stress of words embedded in larger words tends
to surface (as secondary) irrespective of rhythm (SPE, Halle and Vergnaud
1987a, Hammond 1989, Halle and Kenstowicz 1991). In order to account
for this situation, we preserved internal primary stresses on independent
planes, eventually copying them onto the plane of the largest domain to
provide accentual sites for secondary stresses, over and above the rhythmic
secondary stresses assigned by the non-cyclic stress algorithm. This pro-
cedure is justified and explained in Halle and Vergnaud (1987a), and sum-
marized in Kager (1995). An early discussion of the stress cycle in languages
other than English is to be found in Brame (1974). Sainz (1992) is an attempt
to dispense with the English stress cycle altogether, while both Hargus
(1993) and Inkelas (1993) argue for maintainting the relationship between
phonological rule application and morphological formation.
Looking Back and Moving On 645
evolution of Lexical Phonology and maps out its present and its possible
future. Inkelas and Zec (1990), a sister collection, investigates the relation-
ship between phonology and syntax. It contains, among others, papers by
Hayes on precompiled phonology, by Kaisse on the properties of post-
lexical rules, by Nespor on the separation of prosody and rhythm, by Rice on
the prediction of rule domains in the phrasal phonology, by Vogel and Kenesei
on the influence of syntax and semantics on phonology, and by Zec and Inkelas
on prosodically constrained syntax. Szpyra (1992) is a critical evaluation of
the theory of cyclic and lexical phonology in the context of Polish and English,
and Mohanan (1995) takes a fresh look at the overall organization of the gram-
mar. Pulleyblank (1986a) uses Lexical Phonology to analyse tone associ-
ation in several African languages. The most complete treatment of English
phonology in a Lexical Phonology framework is probably Borowsky (1986),
akin to Rubach (1984a) for Polish. Rubach (1985) focuses on the distinction
between lexical and postlexical rules, and Rubach (1990) applies the theory
to a set of puzzling data concerning the voice value of word-final obstru-
ents in German. For a recent evaluation of the theoretical apparatus of Lexical
Phonology, you can go to Odden (1993), and for a state-of-the-art overview
to Booij (1994).
Phonological Domains
Cyclicity. The answer is that the lexical forms in question do not have a
lexical value for [+voice], and therefore s-Voicing can fill in the gap with-
out contravening Strict Cyclicity. Monomorphemic forms where the s does
not voice include the lexical specification [—voice], which blocks s-Voicing
by Strict Cyclicity (Kiparsky 1982, 1985). This model automatically accounts
for the transparency of some segments to some assimilation processes: these
segments are in effect not there when the assimilation takes place, since the
relevant feature is unspecified. A case in point is the regressive assimilation
of voice in Russian obstruents, in which sonorants play no role (Halle and
Vergnaud 1981, Hayes 1984, Kiparsky 1985).
Underspecification interprets natural values as literally “unmarked” in the
lexicon: they are simply left out of lexical representation. Jakobson (1941)
is the obvious precursor of this view. The natural values of the distinctive
features are inventoried in a set of universal markedness statements, which
give rise to a set of implicational relationships deriving some feature values
from others (SPE, Kean 1975, Calabrese 1995). Stampe’s (1969) Natural Phono-
logy addresses the acquisition of phonology from a markedness perspective:
see Donegan and Stampe (1979) for a convenient summary.
The formal implementation of underspecification has given rise to several
theories, of which in chapter 17 we presented Radical Underspecification and
Contrast-restricted Underspecification. Radical Underspecification aims for
maximal (“radical”) economy of lexical inventory (Archangeli 1984b, 1988).
To achieve this aim, one of the segments in each class (for instance, one
of the vowels) is assumed not to have feature values in the lexicon: such a
segment is maximally underspecified. The identity of the maximally under-
specified segment must be determined language by language: it is based on
such language-specific facts as the asymmetric behaviour of the segment
with respect to some phonological rules, its status as the epenthetic vowel
of the language, and so on. The feature values omitted from the maximally
underspecified segment are also omitted from all the other segments in the
class. This language-specific underspecification adds to the general under-
specification derivable from markedness, and obviously results in a drastic
simplification of lexical entries, the overt goal of Radical Underspecification.
Each feature value missing from the maximally underspecified segment gives
rise to a “complement rule” that eventually supplies the value in question.
Whether supplied by a complement rule or by a markedness statement,
underspecified values must be filled in before they are appealed to in a
feature-changing rule, an ordering convention known as the “Redundancy
Rule Ordering Constraint”. However, ongoing research on actual phonetic
implementation is casting doubt on the adequacy of feature filling by
phonological redundancy rule, since the phonetic value of underspecified
segments often seems to originate in interpolation: see Keating (1984, 1988,
1990) and Pierrehumbert and Beckman (1988), for instance.
650 Looking Back and Moving On
invert the order of the two rules, the relation becomes one of counterfeed-
ing, the reverse of feeding: X would feed Y if it were ordered prior to it, as
we have just seen. The establishment of counterfeeding orderings obviously
requires outside intervention: if the rules were left to their own devices, X
would apply to A (because it can), but not to Y (because it can’t); in turn,
after X has produced B from A, Y will apply to B (again, simply because it
can); and so on. Actual examples of these ordering relations in chapter 18
are the English rules of CiV-Lengthening and s-Voicing for feeding (CiV-
Lengthening > s-Voicing), and Spirantization and [iu]-Formation for coun-
terfeeding (Spirantization > [iu]-Formation). Defenders of free ordering
face the challenge of reinterpreting counterfeeding orderings, to achieve
the same result without extrinsic ordering. One obvious strategy involves
enriching the environment of the rule we want to prevent from applying to
the initial input (Koutsoudas et al. 1974): if we enrich the environment of
rule Y in our abstract example, so that it is no longer met in A, there will
be no need to order Y after X.
Counterfeeding must not be confused with bleeding - all the concepts
we are discussing, and their labelling, originate in Kiparsky (1968): see S.
Anderson (1974) and chapter 5 of Hooper (1976) for particular, clear illus-
trations. In counterfeeding, an ordering Y > X prevents X from feeding Y,
that is, it blocks the creation of forms to which Y would be applicable: at
the time Y is called up (crucially, before X) such forms are simply not
available. They will of course become available after the application of X,
but by this time Y will no longer be applicable, because of the ordering: the
turn of Y has gone, so to speak. Bleeding is different. In bleeding, the applica-
tion of a rule X to an input A actually removes some material required
for the application of another rule Y, ordered after X. In this case, we
say that X bleeds Y. Clearly, if we invert the ordering (Y > X, rather than
X > Y), bleeding will no longer take place, and Y will be able to apply to
A (whatever X does next is immaterial). In cases like these we talk about
a counterbleeding order, and say that Y counterbleeds X. Counterbleeding,
therefore, simply means ‘the opposite of bleeding’, in the way that coun-
terfeeding means ‘the opposite of feeding’. You can now see that bleeding
is not the same as counterfeeding: counterfeeding does not remove any-
thing from the input (the input simply fails to meet the environment of the
next rule), but bleeding does, by definition. If bleeding is not the same as
counterfeeding, then counterbleeding cannot be the same as feeding, and
indeed it isn’t — feeding creates the environment required by the next rule,
but counterbleeding does not create anything: it simply prevents destruc-
tion. The rules in chapter 18 also provide examples of these additional rela-
tionships: [j]-Morification > [j]-Deletion for bleeding, and Palatalization >
[j]-Morification for counterbleeding. As with counterfeeding, a bleeding
relation can only be established on the basis of extrinsic ordering. Without
Looking Back and Moving On 653
Optimality Theory
most constraints will be violated. The reason constraints can be (and often
are) violated is that, as in real everyday life, obedience to superiors is more
important than obedience to inferiors: indeed, obedience to inferiors is
rather a contradiction in terms! This means that the guiding principle of the
procedure evaluating the adequacy of candidates will be the maximization
of obedience to the higher constraints: first the constraints ranked highest,
then the constraints ranked next highest, and so on in ordered steps. The
evaluation procedure (EVAL) is made visually explicit in tableaux where
the ranked constraints are plotted against a list of plausible candidates: con-
straint violations are marked with an asterisk in the corresponding box of
the tableau. The optimal candidate will be the candidate which best com-
plies with the constraints, in the manner just explained. Notice, importantly,
that the optimal candidate (which must obviously correspond to the surface
form) need not be the ideal candidate in the sense of complying with all the
constraints: in evaluating candidates, again as in real life, best does not
necessarily mean perfect. This point is forcefully made in McCarthy and Prince
(1994), who label this misconception “the fallacy of perfection”. McCarthy
and Prince (1994) also demonstrate that the effect of lower-ranked constraints
is not necessarily lost for ever: lower constraints become relevant whenever
their higher-ranked counterparts are inactive, a phenomenon McCarthy
and Prince refer to as “the emergence of the unmarked”.
Constraints come in families, and in chapter 19 we examined a number
of these, illustrating their operation with data usually drawn from English.
We have already mentioned two such families: the family of markedness
constraints and the family of faithfulness constraints. In essence, marked-
ness constraints derive the most natural phonetic forms, if left unimpeded:
Golston (1996) indeed identifies (non-natural) lexical representations with
markedness violations. Faithfulness constraints account for the fact that the
phonologies of natural languages need not coincide with the most natural
phonology: less natural forms can make their way into the language, and
then be respected as a result of pressure from the faithfulness constraints.
We mentioned Max and Der as the two central faithfulness constraints, for-
bidding the alteration of lexical forms by deletion and insertion, respectively
(McCarthy and Prince 1996). Identity of segmental material between the
two levels of representation is captured by a set of IDENT constraints, in the
obvious way (McCarthy and Prince 1996: McCarthy and Prince (in press) is
a more accessible version of this paper). Another constraint family contains
the constraints responsible for the prosodic structures we discussed in part
Il of the book: syllabic and metrical structure in particular (Kenstowicz 1994b,
1995, are reasonable introductions to the application of OT in the respective
areas). The syllable constraints are geared to the selection of the optimal
syllable, CV, by imposing a nucleus (Nuc) and an onset (ONsET), ruling out
a coda (No-Copa) and any type of complex constituent (*CoMPLEx), allotting
Looking Back and Moving On 657
vowels to the nucleus (*M/V) and consonants to the margins (*N/C), and
enforcing the correct sonority profile (Son). Prince and Smolensky (1993) give
a good rundown of the OT syllabification procedure. Many of the constraints
(but not all) are of course violated in the phonologies of real languages,
among them English, as we would expect they would be. Clements (1997)
applies the procedure to Berber, a language notorious for its liberality with
regard to the sonority threshold of the nucleus, and Rubach (1997) to Polish,
famous for its consonant clusters. The constraints responsible for metrical
structure include FTBIN (to enforce foot binarity), Ft-TyPE (to select between
trochees and iambs), and Non-FIn (to implement extrametricality). Quantity-
sensitivity results from the action of the constraints WTS (Weight-to-Stress
Principle) and WBP (Weight by Position). For surveys of metrical constraints,
you can consult Hammond (1997a) and Roca and Al-Ageli (in press), the
latter cross-comparing OT constraints with the parameters of classical met-
rical theory.
Particularly active in OT analyses is the ALIGN family of constraints,
developed in McCarthy and Prince (1993a) (see also McCarthy and Prince
1993b). As we explained in chapter 19, ALIGN is brought in to enforce either
abuttedness between two constituents in the same level or superimposition
of the edges of two constituents, possibly of different grammatical types, in
different levels. Among the effects derived from ALIGN are the enhancement
of the first or the last of the word’s feet (similarly to Prince and Smolensky’s
1993 EpcEmost), the directionality of iteration (Mester and Padgett 1994; cf.
It6 1986, 1989), and the formal reduction of some of the syllabification con-
straints (Its and Mester 1994). Functionally related to ALIGN are CONTIGUITY
and ANcHoR. ConTIicuITy (Kenstowicz 1994b) requires abuttedness of elements
(segments, syllables, feet), thus blocking epenthesis and/or deletion, to this
extent replicating the effect of Dep and Max string-internally. ANCHOR
establishes correspondences between peripheral elements, and effectively sub-
sumes ALIGN (McCarthy and Prince 1996). At a more general level, the Strict
Layer Hypothesis translates into the constraint SLH (Rubach 1997), decom-
posed in Selkirk (1996) into four more specific constraints, each dealing with
a specific aspect of the SLH, as we have already mentioned. The Elsewhere
Condition is recast under the label “Panini’s Theorem”, interpreted as a prin-
ciple governing constraint ranking (Prince and Smolensky 1993).
The version of Optimality Theory currently predominant, “Correspond-
ence Theory” (McCarthy and Prince 1996), increases the scope and number
of correspondence constraints. Paramount among these are surface-to-
surface corresponding constraints, that simply relate surface forms, in a man-
ner unacceptable to standard generative phonology (the via rules in Hooper
1976 can perhaps be considered a precedent). In chapter 19 we showed how
these correspondence constraints can replicate the effects of both the cycle
and level ordering in traditional theory: see Kenstowicz (1995), McCarthy
658 Looking Back and Moving On
(1995), Benua (1996, 1997) and Burzio (1997b). While level ordering also implies
constraint reranking, this not an outrageous outcome, given the very nature
of the strata. More worrying is perhaps the use of constraint reranking in
cases like English noun and verb stress. Constraint reranking is problem-
atic because of learnability. In particular, a model where the substance of
constraints is universal and the ranking between constraints is learnt once
and for all for each language meets a reasonable level of plausibility (Tesar
and Smolensky 1993, 1998; Pulleyblank and Turkel 1997). However, if we
allow the ranking of the constraints to be specific to word classes within a
language (Cohn and McCarthy 1994), perhaps even to individual words them-
selves (Hammond 1997b), the learnability of the system obviously becomes
At the end of chapter 19 we examined the applicability of OT to mor-
phology (cf. McCarthy and Prince 1993b, 1996): to the processes of regular
plural formation and possessive suffixation in English, to be more precise.
We saw that the model is indeed successful in predicting both the correct
order of concatenation of the morpheme and the selection of its correct
allophonic shape (see K. Russell 1997 for specific discussion). Particularly
interesting is the interaction between the plural -s and the possessive -’s, which
Correspondence Theory allows us to construe as simple allophone overlap.
Some puzzling facts of the phonology of English truncates (the apparent
overapplication of the rule of [z]-Tensing, in particular) are also resolved
satisfactorily when correspondence constraints are brought into the picture,
provided that we also allow for constraint reranking (Benua 1996).
Two areas are clearly problematic to Optimality Theory. The first such
area concerns the possible need for rules of a traditional kind outside GEN
(McCarthy 1993). Halle and Idsardi (1997) view this development as a
direct indictment of OT, but Blevins (1997) argues that rules can be integrated
into OT without damaging it. The second problematic area concerns the treat-
ment of opaque surface forms. Idsardi (1997), Noyer (1997) and Paradis (1997)
interpret the existence of such forms as support for traditional derivations.
Booij (1997) and Rubach (1997) accommodate such data into OT theory
by appealing to level ordering and by augmenting Optimality Theory into
Derivational Optimality Theory, respectively. McCarthy’s (1998) “Sympathy
Theory” proposes to solve this problem by designating a (possibly) domin-
ated constraint as the “selector”. The selector selects a specific candidate
as the “object of sympathy”: it is the best of the candidates that comply with
the selector. The overall winner (which must of course match the surface
form) is then the candidate that best corresponds with the object of sym-
pathy. For further discussion of Sympathy Theory, you can go to It6é and
Mester (1996b).
In addition to the regular publication outlets, there are several collec-
tions where you can find out more about Optimality Theory, chiefly among
them J. Beckman et al. (1996) and Roca (1997), the latter deliberately aimed
Looking Back and Moving On 659
http: //ruccs.rutgers.edu/roa.html
We have now reached the end of this book. Assuming you have read the
text carefully and thoughtfully, and worked through the various exercises
we have proposed, you are now in a position to tackle the primary literat-
ure of generative phonology. However, some of this literature is not imme-
diately transparent, even to the connoisseur, and you may wish to ease your
way in by first looking into such advanced distillations of the subject as Roca
(1994) and Kenstowicz (1994a), most profitably in this order (Kenstowicz 1994a
is reviewed in Lingua 96, 1995, 189-95 [J. Szpyra] and Phonology 12, 1995,
131-4 [D.A. Dinnsen] and Roca 1994 in Journal of Linguistics 32, 1996, 534-6
[J. Durand] and Phonology 13, 1996, 433-8 [T.A. Hall]).
Key Questions
Be Ghats
ty ee iP Liraacc deere
(i) The two data sets above show examples of two types of application we
referred to above: which are they?
(ii) Provide a suitable set of candidates for evaluation for each of the cases
illustrated, and show how different rankings of the same constraints
can yield the two types of application in a. and b. (For convenience,
the nasal coalescence process can be covered by a general constraint
labelled PHoN-Cons [phonotactic constraints].)
Absolute root final /r/ is deleted and the preceding vowel is lengthened
(/kotor/ — [koto:] ‘dirty’)
Where the root is followed by a vowel initial suffix, /r/ geminates
(/kotortan/ — [kotorran])
Where an /r/-final prefix precedes a vowel initial root, /r/ is deleted
(/bartkerdga/ — [bakardga] ‘work’).
In order to account for these facts we need to add some additional constraints
to our pair above:
Show the appropriate rankings for niwa-geta, niwa-yeta and doku-yufi, bear-
ing in mind that optionality of surface forms must be the result of free con-
straint rankings.
664 Looking Back and Moving On
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682 References
The purpose of this glossary is to provide the reader with a quick look-up facil-
ity. As might be expected, it must be interpreted in conjunction with the text. (For
a more general list of phonological and phonetic terms, we recommend R.L. Trask,
A Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology, London: Routledge, 1996.)
BASE: (1) The core, irreducible form of a word, to which affixes are added. (2) In
reduplication, the word which is reproduced (wholly or partly) in the reduplicant.
BBC ENGLISH: The standard form of English traditionally used in the British
media, in particular the BBC, and characterized by an RP-type accent.
BILABIAL: A sound articulated with both lips.
BILABIAL TRILL: A trill made by the vibration of both lips, used more or less uncon-
sciously by English speakers to indicate cold.
BINARISM: A type of formalism which involves the characterization of a feature as
+ or —, corresponding respectively to the presence or the absence of the property
encapsulated in the feature.
BINARY FOOT: A foot with only two elements. Cf. Unbounded Foot.
BLADE: The most mobile and versatile part of the tongue, that sticks out most eas-
ily, located behind the tip. Cf. Body, Root, Tip.
BLEEDING ORDER: Asituation in which a rule removes material that would be
necessary for the application of a subsequently ordered rule.
BLOCKER: In harmony systems, an element which stands in the way of the propa-
gation of the harmonizing feature.
BODY: The section of the tongue behind the blade, more massive and less mobile
than the blade. Cf. Blade, Root, Tip.
BOUNDARY TONE: In an intonational melody, the tones associated to elements on
the edge of the intonational domain. Cf. Phrase Tone, Word Tone.
BRACKET ERASURE CONVENTION: A convention of Lexical Phonology accord-
ing to which domain-internal morphological brackets are erased (= become invis-
ible = become inaccessible) at the end of each block or level.
BREAKING: A label which is sometimes used to indicate the unfolding of a vowel
into a diphthong.
BROAD TRANSCRIPTION: A phonetic transcription which is phonemically oriented.
Cf. Narrow Transcription.
BRUTE FORCE: An expression which suggests forcing an analysis to fit the data.
Similar to ad hoc.
C: A symbol that informally stands for a consonant, that is, a segment defined as
[+consonantal]. Cf. V.
C-PLACE: A class node for consonants in a theory of feature geometry favouring a
uniform set of place features for consonants and vowels. Cf. V-Place.
CANDIDATE: In OT, each of the forms competing for victory in the evaluation by
the ranked constraints.
CARDINAL VOWELS: A set of vowels proposed by Daniel Jones as reference
points for the description of the vowels of the world’s languages.
CASE: The form of a word expressing a specific syntactic or semantic function.
CATEGORY: The lexical class in which a word belongs according to morphological,
syntactic or semantic criteria.
CENTRALIZATION: The articulation of a usually front or back vowel sound in the
centre of the vowel space, or near it.
CENTRING DIPHTHONG: A diphthong the second phase of which is articulated
in the central area of the vowel space, usually in the area of the schwa.
686 Glossary
DEFAULT RULE: A redundancy rule that supplies the missing value of a feature in
a given language, usually thought of as selected by UG.
688 Glossary
“DEFECTIVE” r: A sound produced by drawing the inside of the lower lip, onto the
edge of the upper teeth further back than for [f] or [v], and not quite close enough
to cause friction.
DEGEMINATION: The simplification of a geminate.
DEGENERATE FOOT: A foot that ‘has its growth stunted, and therefore only has
one syllable.
DENTAL: A consonant that involves an articulation on the teeth.
DEP[ENDENCY]: In OT, the (faithfulness) constraint that blocks epenthesis by
requiring every surface segment to have a lexical correspondent, on which it there-
fore “depends”. See also Fill.
DERIVATION: The mapping of a lexical form onto its correspondent surface form
in a series of steps, each defined byarule.
DERIVATIVE: A composite form which has been derived from a base, usually by
DIACRITIC: A mark added to a phonetic symbol to implement a slight modification
in the reference of the symbol.
DIALECT: A variant of a language used by a geographical or social section of its
DIPHTHONG: A complex vowel of non-steady quality, made up of two phases.
DIPHTHONGIZATION: The act of a vowel becoming a diphthong, a very common
tendency of many vowels in many accents of English.
DISHARMONY: The failure of some segment to harmonize in a harmony system.
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: A standard set of parameters which together define the
segments of languages, each distinctive feature encapsulating a particular aspect
of language sound. Most distinctive features tend to be considered binary, with
the positive value indicating that the property named by the label is present, and
the negative value indicating that it is not.
DISTRIBUTED: A binary distinctive feature which is dependent on [coronal] and refers
to the length of the blade area involved in the articulation: [+distributed] indicates
a long area, and [-distributed] a short area.
DISTRIBUTION: The pattern of occurrence of sounds in the forms of any given lan-
guage, determined by the environment.
DOMAIN: An array of elements under a common scope.
DOMINANT TONE: The tone of a tonal melody that associates to the stressed syl-
lable. It is commonly known as “accented tone”.
DORSAL: A unary distinctive feature that refers to activity of the body of the tongue.
DOWNSTEP: A term that refers to a resetting of the tone register to a lower level.
Downstep is usually thought of as triggered by a preceding floating L.
DOWNSTEPPED TONE: A tone that is pronounced at a lower pitch level than it
otherwise would, as a result of downstep.
DRAG CHAIN: A type of serial sound change, particularly common in vowel
systems, which involves the shifting of sounds into positions vacated by other sounds
which have previously shifted. It is also known as a “pull chain’.
EDGEMOST: In early OT, a constraint that controlled the positition of stress on the
edge of a domain. It was superseded by ALIGN.
Glossary 689
FEEDING ORDER: An ordering relation between two rules such that the first rule
creates the input required by the second.
FILL: In OT, the predecessor of DEP to prevent epenthesis. The label appears to be
a misnomer, meaning as it does an injunction not to fill.
FILTER: Another name for constraint in rule-and-derivation theory (NB not used
in OT).
FLAP: A type of consonant characterized by the brevity of the contact between the
articulators: the active articulator simply taps the passive articulator on its way to
its rest position, as in the typical American t in waiting. See also Tap.
FLOATING: Said of an autosegment which is unassociated.
FLOATING TONE: A tone which is not associated to any melody or skeletal slot.
FOCUS: In a rule, the element that undergoes the change. Cf. Environment.
FOOT: A metrical constituent typically made up of two moras or syllables (binary
foot), in quantity-sensitive systems, or of several syllables (unbounded foot), in
quantity-insensitive systems. The head is placed on either the left or the right edge
of the foot.
FOOTING: The construction of feet in a given domain.
FORMALISM: A system of notation which is as concise as is compatible with full
explicitness, and which usually makes use of symbols.
FREE ELEMENT CONDITION: In metrical theory, the requirement that only met-
rically free elements may undergo metrical construction.
FRICATIVE: A consonant sound that involves friction noise made by the air escap-
ing through a narrow obstacle. Cf. Stop.
FRONTING: The articulation in the front of the mouth of a sound which is typically
pronounced further back.
FUNCTION WORD: A word which is defined by its grammatical function, such as
the in English. Cf. Lexical Word.
GLOTTAL STOP: A sound made by the vocal folds coming together to close the
glottis, thus causing a momentary interruption to the airstream; the glottal closure
is then released suddenly, exactly as happens with the remainder of the stops.
Cf. Slack Vocal Folds, Spread Glottis, Stiff Vocal Folds.
GLOTTALIZATION: The addition of a glottal gesture to another sound.
GLOTTALLING: The substitution of a glottal sound for a sound of another type, as
in the Cockney pronunciation of cutting as cu[?]ing.
GLOTTIS: The space surrounded by the vocal folds.
GRAMMATICAL WORD: See Function Word.
GREAT VOWEL SHIFT: A far-reaching chain of changes in the vowel system of English
which eventually yielded [ar], [it] and [ei], at the front, and [au], [u:] and [ou], at
the back.
GREEK LETTER VARIABLES: A set of variables available in the standard formal-
ism of generative phonology, such that the value of each variable (a, 8, y, etc.)
can be arbitrarily set as + or —, independently of the value assigned to the other
INFIX: An affix that neither precedes nor follows the stem, in the way that prefixes
or suffixes do, but is inserted in the middle of the stem. Cf. Prefix, Suffix.
INTERDENTAL: A consonant articulated (with the tip of the tongue) between the
INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ASSOCIATION (IPA): An association founded in 1886
to foster the phonetic transcription of languages.
INTERPOLATION: The phenomenon by which a particular phonetic gesture bridges
over a segment or stretch of segments lacking it, as when the pitch of the left tone
changes gradually into the pitch of the right tone over a tonally empty space.
INTONATION: A phenomenon that involves the modulation of pitch over phrasal
domains for functional or attitudinal purposes.
INTONATIONAL PHRASE: A phonological domain traditionally identified with the
domain of association of the intonational melodies to the segmental material.
INTRINSIC ORDERING: The ordering between two rules that obtains when the rules
are allowed to apply freely.
INTRUSIVE r: An expression referring to pronouncing an r between a non-high vowel
and a following vowel in the next word or morpheme even though the r does not
appear in the spelling. Cf. Linking r.
IPA: Acronym of International Phonetic Association.
IPA ALPHABET: The alphabet of phonetic symbols promoted by the IPA.
ITERATIVE: A word used in linguistics to indicate repetitive application within the
same domain. Cf. Cyclic Rule.
ITERATIVENESS: In metrical theory, a parameter that controls the repetition of
MORA: Traditionally, a basic unit of classic versification, also used in the phono-
logical analysis of Japanese. Now also an alternative to skeletal slots, convention-
ally represented by the Greek letter “uw” (“mu” [mju] in English).
MORPHEME: A minimal unit of grammatical function.
ONSET MAXIMIZATION: The principle that onsets must be fully formed, in accord-
ance with the principles of the language, before coda formation is carried out with
the remnant.
OPAQUE VOWEL: In vowel harmony, a vowel prespecified for the harmonizing fea-
ture, which starts off a new harmony domain. Cf. Transparency.
OPEN: A binary distinctive feature expressing degree of tongue height in vowels in
an approach to feature geometry that aims for a uniform place specification of con-
sonants and vowels. The feature [+open] is assumed to be recursive, to reflect the
open-ended nature of vowel height.
OPEN SYLLABLE: A syllable with no coda. Cf. Closed Syllable.
OPTIMALITY THEORY (OT): A development in generative phonology that restricts
phonological grammars to a set of (violable) ranked constraints. The constraints
evaluate a potentially infinite range of candidates generated by a universal func-
tion named GEN, to find the most harmonic one.
ORAL CAVITY: The cavity inside the mouth, where most language sounds are pro-
duced. Cf. Nasal Cavity.
ORAL SOUND: A sound produced with no air coming out through the nose, as a
result of the raising of the soft palate. Cf. Nasal Sound.
ORDERING HYPOTHESIS: See Affix Ordering Hypothesis.
ORDERING PARADOXES: In Lexical Phonology, combinations of affixes which are
predicted to be illegitimate but which do occur.
ORTHOGRAPHY: The spelling system.
OT: See Optimality Theory.
PHARYNX: The backmost part of the mouth, immediately above the larynx.
PHONEME: A unit of explicit sound contrast.
PHONETIC LEVEL: The last level of a derivation, corresponding to the phonol-
ogical surface representation.
PHONETIC REPRESENTATION: The level of representation that corresponds to the
way an utterance is heard or said.
PHONETIC TRANSCRIPTION: A representation of phonetic sound by means of phon-
etic symbols, such as those of the IPA.
PHONETICS: The discipline concerned with the analysis of actual language sound:
its articulation by a speaker, its acoustic patterns in the air, and the perception of
these patterns by a hearer.
PHONOLOGICAL CONSTITUENT: A constituent in the phonology.
PHONOLOGICAL DOMAIN: The spatial bounds within which certain phonological
rules apply.
PHONOLOGICAL PHRASE (PP): A phonological domain essentially made up of a
lexical head and its specifier.
PHONOLOGICAL UTTERANCE (PU): The largest phonological domain, roughly
corresponding to a speaker’s utterance.
PHONOLOGICAL WORD (PW): A phonological domain and a phonological con-
stituent that usually corresponds to a morphosyntactic word.
PHONOLOGY: The discipline concerned with the study of linguistically significant
sound patterns, that is, with the organization of the sounds of speech.
PHONOTACTIC CONSTRAINTS: Restrictions on the patterning of sounds in the
words of any given language.
PHRASAL STRESS: The patterns of stress assigned to phrases.
PHRASE: Astring of words obeying syntactic requirements.
PHRASE ACCENT: See Phrase Tone.
PHRASE TONE: In an intonational melody, the tone that closely follows the last word
tone, just before the right boundary tone. Cf. Boundary Tone, Word Tone.
PITCH ACCENT: See Word Tone.
PITCH ACCENT LANGUAGE: A language where a fixed tonal melody is associ-
ated with each word.
PLACE OF ARTICULATION: The spot in the vocal tract where the sound is articulated.
PLURAL: A morphosemantic category denoting more than one referent.
POSTLEXICAL LEVEL: In Lexical Phonology, a level or stratum which is not word-
bound, as opposed to a lexical level, which is. Cf. Lexical Level.
POSTLEXICAL RULES: In lexical phonology, the rules which apply at a postlexical
level. Cf. Lexical Rules.
PP: See Phonological Phrase.
PREFIX: An anteposed affix. Cf. Infix, Suffix.
PRESPECIFICATION: Specified in the lexicon, contrary to expectation. Cf. Under-
PRIMARY ARTICULATION: The main articulation in segments with a complex articu-
lation. It is located along the median plane of the vocal tract. Cf. Secondary
PRIMARY ARTICULATOR: The articulator responsible for the sound’s primary
698 Glossary
PRIMARY CARDINAL VOWELS: The eight basic cardinal vowels, unrounded at the
front and rounded at the back, except for [a]. Cf. Secondary Cardinal Vowels.
PRIMARY STRESS: The strongest stress in a particular domain, usually the word.
tulate that rules are assigned to the latest possible block in the absence of contrary
PRINCIPLE OF STRICT CYCLICITY: The principle which restricts the application
of structure-changing cyclic rules to environments derived in that cycle, where
“derived” = resulting from a morphological process or, in some cases, from a phono-
logical change.
PRIVATIVE FEATURE: A monovalent feature, with only the positive value.
PROCLITIC: A clitic that precedes its host. Cf. Enclitic.
PRODUCTIVE: Said of a process which can be applied freely to form new material.
PROGRESSIVE ASSIMILATION: Assimilation to the preceding segment, which
thus “progresses”. Cf. Regressive Assimilation.
PROJECTION: The operation by which an element replicates itself at a higher level
of structure. Cf. Mapping.
PROPOSITION: A word used to refer to the logical content of utterances.
PROSODIC DOMAIN: An expression commonly used for “phonological domain’.
PROSODIC HIERARCHY: The hierarchy made up of the ranked prosodic domains.
PROSODIC PHONOLOGY: An ambiguous expression, used to refer both to the the-
ory of phonological domains and to the theory of phonological constituents.
PROSODIC STRUCTURE: Abstract structure over and above the structure that cor-
responds to the linear arrangement of segments and to the relations between the
features inside the segments.
PU: See Phonological Utterance.
PULL CHAIN: See Drag Chain.
PW: See Phonological Word.
SCHWA [fwal: A central mid vowel, represented as an inverted “e” ([a]) in the IPA
SECONDARY ARTICULATION: In segments with a complex articulation, the sub-
sidiary articulation. Cf. Primary Articulation.
SECONDARY CARDINAL VOWELS: The set of eight cardinal vowels produced by
deliberately reversing the normal action of the lips. Cf. Primary Cardinal Vowels.
SECONDARY STRESS: A peak of prominence lower than the one corresponding to
the primary stress.
SEGMENT: A cluster of distinctive feature values associated with one root in the
feature geometry.
SELF-CONJUNCTION: In OT, a special type of constraint consisting of a constraint
conjoined to itself.
SEMANTIC OPACITY: The opposite of semantic transparency.
SEMANTIC TRANSPARENCY: The situation where the meaning of a word or
expression is equal to the sum of the meanings of each of its parts. Cf. Semantic
SEMANTICS: The branch of linguistics that studies the meaning of words and lin-
guistic expressions.
SIBILANT: An informal label for a segment which is [coronal, +strident].
SIBLING NODES: Nodes which are immediately dominated by the same parent node.
Also known as “sister nodes”.
SIGNIFIED: In Saussurian linguistics, the characteristic meaning of each linguistic
SIGNIFIER: In Saussurian linguistics, the characteristic sound of each linguistic sign.
SKELETAL SLOTS: Each of the elements that make up the skeleton, also referred to
as timing units.
SKELETON: The central tier in the autosegmental model of phonology, from which
all autosegmental planes fan out, with the exception of those that house depend-
ent features.
SLACK VOCAL FOLDS: One of the four features concerning the state of the vocal
folds, specifically referring to their lax condition. The value [+SlackVF] is respons-
ible for both voice and high pitch. Cf. Glottal Stop, Spread Glottis, Stiff Vocal Folds.
SOFT PALATE: The soft area at the back of the palate. Cf. Hard Palate.
SOFT UNIVERSALS: Universals which are violable, best formalized as parameters.
Cf. Hard Universals.
SONORANTS: Sounds where the pressure of the air behind the constriction is the
same as the pressure of the ambient air. Sonorancy is formalized by means of the
binary distinctive feature [+sonorant]. Cf. Obstruent.
SONORITY: The amount of sound present in each segment.
SONORITY SCALE: A universal ranking of segments according to the amount of
sonority. each carries.
SONORITY SEQUENCING: The property of the sonority profile of the syllable, involv-
ing rising until the sonority peaks, and then falling.
SPECIFIER: In syntax, the material that precedes the head in languages like English,
and which makes up a phrase with the head and the complement. Cf. Complement.
Glossary 701
SPELLING: The way words are conventionally written down in any one language,
in principle totally irrelevant to phonology.
SPREAD GLOTTIS: One of the four distinctive features concerning the state of the
vocal folds. The positive value [+SG] is responsible for aspiration. Cf. Glottal Stop,
Slack Vocal Folds, Stiff Vocal Folds.
STANDARD ACCENT: Said of an accent with high social prestige, favoured by the
organs of social power, such as the media.
STEM: The basic part of a word, essentially equivalent to the root.
STIFF VOCAL FOLDS: One of the four features concerning the state of the vocal folds,
specifically referring to their tense condition. The value [+StiffVF] is responsible for
both voicelessness and low pitch. Cf. Glottal Stop, Slack Vocal Folds, Spread Glottis.
STOP: A consonantal sound produced by blocking the airflow for a fraction of a sec-
ond, and then abruptly releasing the closure to allow the air to rush out.
STRATAL PHONOLOGY: See Lexical Phonology.
STRATUM: See Level.
STRATUM CONTIGUITY HYPOTHESIS: The principle by which the strata a rule is
assigned to must be contiguous.
STRATUM CONTINUITY HYPOTHESIS: Another name for the Stratum Contiguity
Hypothesis, common in the literature.
STRAY ERASURE: The rule or convention that deletes material which is not prosod-
ically licensed.
STRESS: The prominence with which certain syllables are pronounced, usually
materialized as greater loudness, greater length, greater precision, or association
with the word tone.
STRESS-AND-INTONATION LANGUAGES: Languages in which certain tone com-
binations, or tunes, provide the functional or attitudinal meaning of utterances.
STRESS CLASH: The situation that obtains between two asterisks in any grid line
when they are adjacent and there is no asterisk in between the corresponding pair
of asterisks in the line immediately below.
STRICT CYCLICITY: See Principle of Strict Cyclicity.
STRIDENT: A binary distinctive feature whose positive value is characterized
acoustically as involving high energy at the higher frequencies.
STRONG VERB: A verb which is conjugated by means of vowel alternations in the
stem, rather than through the more common affixation.
STRUCTURAL CONSTRAINTS: In OT, the family of constraints expressing the uni-
versally favoured structures for syllables, feet, and so on.
STRUCTURE-BUILDING RULES: Rules which add structure to the input. Cf.
Structure-Changing Rules.
STRUCTURE-CHANGING RULES: Rules which change some of the structure of the
input. Cf. Structure-Building Rules.
STRUCTURE PRESERVATION: The property of some phonological rules of being
strictly respectful of the basic structural properties of the language, such as the
identity of lexical segments or the core syllable structure.
SUFFIX: A morpheme concatenated to the right of some base. Cf. Prefix, Infix.
SUPRASEGMENTAL: Literally ‘above the segment’ (cf. Latin supra ‘above’), it is
referred to phenomena such as stress, tone and length, not unambiguously.
702 Glossary
X: Each of the elements that make up the “timing tier”, meant to be units of
(abstract) phonological timing.
X-TIER: Another word for the skeleton, connotative of the X elements that make it
up. Historically, the X-tier is the successor to the CV-tier.
British (RP) 75, 119, 137, Welsh 186 Japanese [Isolate; Japan]
ZONA 745 75 07 6, Yorkshire 123, 128, 171, 237-8, 239, 363, 395-7
177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180, (Tokyo; pitch accent), 398,
183, 185, 186, 188, 198, 182, 190 515, 541 (ex.), 637, 642,
192, 196, 197, 199, 200, 643 (Tokyo), 663
633 Finnish [Uralic, Finno-Ugric;
Canadian 173, 196, 197, Finland] 168 (ex.), 247, Klamath [Penutian; Oregon
634 373, 441 (ex.), 582 (ex.) (USA)] 247
Caribbean 173 French [IE, Romance; France
Central US 175, 182 and former colonies, Lardil [Australian; Mornington
E New England (Boston) Wallonia (Belgium), West Is. (Australia)] 583 (ex.)
123) 128 2A 734175, Switzerland, Quebec Latin [IE; Romance; formerly
177, 182, 196, 200 (Canada)] 25, 67, 68, 80, in the Roman Empire]
Estuary 171 81, 124, 125, 126, 127, 130, 68, 379 (ex.), 628 (ex.)
Irish 73, 78, 198 PSS? 8183 41350205; Lithuanian [IE, Baltic;
Northern 138, 171, 247, 284, 292 (ex.), 313-14 Lithuania] 398, 411, 412,
727,193 (rhythm), 328 (stress), 497 643
Southern 171, 175, 178, (ex.), 638
182 Macedonian [IE, S Slavic; F.Y.
Liverpool 188 Gaelic (Scottish) [IE, Celtic; Republic of Macedonia]
London (Cockney) 74, Scotland, particularly W 338-9 (stress), 342, 343,
170, 172, 174, 176, 178, Islands] 13 376 (loan phonology), 640
179, 180, 192, 193, 194, German [IE, W Germanic; Malay 67; see also Bahasa
196, 231 (ex.) Germany, Austria, Melayu/Indonesia
Middle Atlantic 192 Switzerland] 13, 80, 124, Malayalam [S Dravidian;
New York City 172, 176, 125, 1315, 132) 13631357 Kerala (India)] 76
177, 178, 180, 182, 188, 143, 160-03 (umlaut), 164, Mandarin Chinese [Sino-
196, 198, 200, 614, 619 16572077210, 21ieee Tibetan; China and
New Zealand 138, 173, (stress retraction), 636, outposts] 394 (tones),
175, 177, 183, 188, 230 638, 640, 646 395, 398, 642, 643
(ex.), 634 Gooniyandi [Australian; Maori [Polynesian; New
Northern England 135, Australia] 516-17, 521 Zealand] 247
170, 171, 177, 186, 192 Greek [IE, Hellenic; Greece] Maranungku [Australian; Dali
Philadelphia 619 17, 77, 486, 497 (ex.) Is (Australia)] 340
Scottish 73, 74, 76, 78, Guajiro [Arawakan; (stress), 342, 343, 344, 640
IDA 25) 128) 138) 170) Venezuela, Colombia] Margi [AA, Chadic; NE
WA A274 77, 178; 380 (ex.) Nigeria] 406 (ex.)
179, 180, 181, 185, 186, Mende [Niger-Congo; N
188, 190, 192, 193, 197 Hua [Papuan] 247 Sudanic; SC Sierra Leone]
South African 173, 177, Hungarian [Uralic, Finno- 399 (tones), 400, 643
184, 192, 197, 634 Ugric; Hungary] 141 Mid-Waghi [Indo-Pacific,
South Carolina 196, 197 (ex.), 347 (ex.), 636 Trans-New Guinea;
South West England 170, Papua-New Guinea] 73
182 Icelandic [IE, N Germanic; Mohawk [Troquian; E USA]
Southern British 171, 192, Iceland] 629 (ex.) 520
193, 194, 196, 197, 198 Italian [[E, Romance; Italy] Mongolian (Khalkha) [Altaic,
Southern Hemisphere 67, 68, 72, 141 (ex.), 496 E Mongolian; Mongolia]
176, 192 (ex.) 369-71 (stress), 372-3,
Virginia 196, 197 Itonama [Paezan; NE Bolivia] 534-7 (rounding
W Pennsylvania 192, 614 141 (ex.) harmony), 641, 650
708 Index of Languages
Note: starred pages contain Northern England 170, 171 allophony, English 281-3
definitions (vowels) (stop), 315-16 (¢-
Northern Ireland 171, 172 weakening), 215-16 (stop
accent, foreign 126-7 Received Pronunciation) (see aspiration), 638, 639, 640
accent, metrical 352-7 (and alsoRP) *119 (consonants)
syllable weight), *354, RP (Received Pronunciation) alternant *53
373-8, 427 (violations), "LTO, 170, 1717-633 alternation *53
641 Scotland 170, 171, 193 (no alveolar *10
accent, pitch see pitch accent intrinsic vowel length) alveolus 10
accent, tonal 643 South Africa 173, 634 An Outline of English Phonetics
accenting 430 & 644 (non- South West England 170, ooo
cyclic), 432 172 apical *106
accents of English (see also Southern Hemisphere 173 approximants 269
variation in English) Southern Ireland 171, 172 articulation *6, 315 (schwa),
169-73, 169 (“standard”) Yorkshire 171 (vowels) 633 (vowel)
American 634 (vowels) acoustics 54, 64 (resonating and phonetic symbols 30
Australia 173, 634, chamber), 631
(ex.), 84 (ex.)
BBC (see also RP) 119 act of speaking 3-5 coarticulation . *54
Canada 173 affix *92, 457 (productive vs
lip rounding *122, 125
Caribbean islands 173 non-productive), 458-9
manner ‘*7 (fricative), 69
Cockney (see also London) (exceptionality), 470 (non-
(continuant), *71
70), Ve occurrence of legitimate
Eastern New England 172, strings), 645 (division into
173 two sets), 647
multiple 633
Estuary 171 (combinations), 648 (as physiology 632
GA (see also General phonological words) place *7 (labiodental), 62 &
American, North America) cyclic and non-cyclic 71 & 72 (primary), 71
S149¥,170 *449-51, 457, 468, (order (alveolar), 76
General American (GA) (see of concatenation), 648 (retroflection)
also GA, North America) (interspersing) r-colouring *187
AOR 72 ordering 465-6, 470-1 sound source coupling 69
Ireland 172 (problematic), 645 articulator *6, *13 (active and
London (see also Cockney) Affix Ordering Hypothesis see Passive), 97 (active,
172 Lexical Phonology, Affix relevance for distinctive
Network English (see also Ordering Hypothesis features), 109 (passive,
General American) 119 allomorph *206 relevance for distinctive
New York City 172, 196 allomorphy 206 (plural and features), 632 (anatomy)
New Zealand 173, 634 past tense in English), 621 articulators 632
North America (see also GA) (plural (regular) in alveolar ridge 10
172, 172 & 173 (US South), English) palate *11, 60-1 (soft)
633 (American) allophone *53 pharynx *11
Index of Subjects 713
tongue *9 (blade), 10, 11, [u:]_ English diphthongal 522 (see also Contrast-
*12 (body), *9 (tip) realizations 194 restricted
uvula *80 [u] 123, 178 (English Underspecification)
“ash” [ze] 128, 176 correspondents) cooing 236
aspiration 281-*2, 316-17 secondary 130-3 (front), corner vowels 122-3
(voiceless stop), 528 *131ff., 134-7 (back) correspondence 616
autosegmental phonology see [@] 132 Correspondence Theory see
phonology, autosegmental [ce}se133 OT, Correspondence
[], »133 Theory
babbling 236 [Al 1385 crying 236
base 616 [pb] 134, 182 (English CV-tier (see also skeleton,
bilabial *20 correspondents) timing tier) 637
bracketing paradoxes *471 {#135 cycle (see also Strict Cyclicity)
(unhappier), 489 (prefixes), [w] 136 412ff., 415-17 (tone
490-2, 647, 648 ly] 131 association), *415, 432-6,
(rebracketing) case *150 617-18 (OT), 644
breaking (see also child phonology, early 236-7, (criticism), 657 (and level
diphthongization) 194, 588 (naturalness), 637, 654 ordering)
215 (simplifications) cyclic 415
classification 90 cyclic and non-cyclic affixes
Canadian raising 195, 634 clitics *393 468 (order of
cardinal vowels 115-26, coarticulation *54 concatenation)
130-7, 169, 633 compensatory lengthening cyclic construction 643
ah (see also primary [a]), 229, 637 (Turkish: ex.) cyclic prefixes 468
116 competence 208 cyclic rules 570-6
corner vowels 119-23, complement 474
173-8 (English complementary distribution dental 7
correspondents) 259 (in Spanish: ex.) derivation 52-*4, 543 634,
ee (see also [i], primary) 117 complex segments 205, 637 651, 653
numbering 125 compounds 301, 321-2 derivative 616
primary 121ff. (stress), 485-6 (Modern diacritic(s) *28, 207
perceptually intermediate Greek), 639 diphthongization (see also
123-5, 178-80 (English consonant + vowel sequence breaking) *171, 189
correspondents) 237 (English tendency), 215
[a] 116, *118, 121, 178 consonants 115 (articulatory diphthong(s) *190, 195-6
(English correspondents) difference with vowels), (raising), 252
[e] 123, 179 (English 275 (tautosyllabic), 530 Canadian raising 195, 634
correspondents) (unified features with centring 199-200 (historical
[9] 124-5, 180 (English vowels), 602 (word-final evolution), 200 (in non-RP
correspondents) licensing) non-rhotic accents), 200
[2] 128, 175-8 (English constituent *414 (monophthongization)
correspondents) constraints (see also OT heterogeneous 195-9
[a] see [z] constraints) 209 homogeneous 190-5
[e] 123, 178 (English (phonotactic), 509, 655 [a1] 195 (historical source),
correspondents) (universal) 196 (English
[iz] English diphthongal Contrast-restricted correspondents)
realizations 193 Underspecification 521 [au] 197 (historical source),
fi], 117, *118, 121, 174 (contrastive lexical 197 (English
(English correspondents) features)-*522, 534, 536-7, correspondents)
[o] 124, 180 (English 649, 650 [er] 191, 192 (English
correspondents) Contrastive Underspecification correspondents)
714 Index of Subjects
*215, 218 & 223 Japanese pronunciation 237 (unhappier), 489 (prefixes),
(naturalness), 218-23 490-2, 647, 648
(synchronic), 220 labial 7 (rebracketing)
(undecomposable basic laminal *106 levels *469, 495 (lexical in
vowels analysis), 221 (SPE language 41-4 (organization), Maltese Arabic: ex.), 614
analysis), 223ff. (in English 49 (acquisition device), (suffixes, levels 1 and 2),
plurals), 636, 645 301-2, (infiniteness), 533 617 (level 2 processes), 657
(alternations) (universals) (level ordering and the
laryngeal 526 cycle)
harmony (see also vowel larynx *3-4, 14,15 loop 491, 648
harmony) *149, 636 learnability 49 (language morphological constituency
acquisition device), 325, and phonological domain
head *249 341, 352, 658 491-3, 647
high tone (H) *386 length 207 (diacritic; principles
segmental), 249 Bracket Erasure
homophones 202 (ex.)
(contrastive in vowels),
host (to clitic) *396 Convention *459, 646
260 (alternation in Late Block Rule
hyper-rhoticity *171
Yawelmani vowels: ex.), Assignment 576, 654
hypothesis *33, 36, 154
564-9 (alternations in Stratum Contiguity
Hypothesis 578, 654
iamb 368 in vowels *171
rule blocks 578 (multiple
idiolect *119 (distinctive), 175
membership), 578
infix(es) *454, 454-5 (-bloody-) (variation), 193 (intrinsic),
interpolation 391 210 (length-based
(intonational), 649 alternation), 260
lexical vs postlexical 483
(phonetic) (alternation in Yawelmani:
(properties), 654
intonation 383-4 (basic data), ex.), 564-9 (alternations),
postlexical 482-3, 579
384-5 (mechanics), *385, 566 (lengthening), 641
(properties), 647
385-6 (primitives), 391 (word-final lengthening)
strata see levels
(interpolation), 392-3 lengthening, vowel 229
lexical selection *457
(sentence), 398 (in tone (compensatory in Turkish:
languages), 398 (Japanese), ex.), 442 (Slovak: ex.), 566
lexical word, dual identity of
476 & 493 (association 487
(English), 637
domain), 641, 642 (English (compensatory), 641 lexicon *45
and Japanese), 642 (pitch), licensing 364, 387, 438, 445
(English word-final)
642 (typology) lexical entry *45, 212-14 (word-final consonant
sequence), 456 (by
and stress 389-90, 642 (selection), 504 (full
autosegmental 387-93, 642 specification), 649 extraprosodicity), 601 &
intonational tones 391 (simplification) 648 (by PW node), 602 (by
boundary (T”) 391, 392 lexical item see lexical entry word edge)
nuclear *393 Lexical Phonology *469-70, by syllable 243, 250-1, 602,
phrase accent (see also word 470 (non-occurrence of 646
tone) 391 legitimate affix strings, lingua 10
phrase tone (T~) 391, 392 645-6, 646 (English linguistic sign *42, 43
pitch accent (see also word phonology; evaluation), (arbitrariness), 44 (official)
tone) 391 648 (integration with linguistics *42, 634
pre-nuclear 393 prosodic phonology) (Saussurian)
word tone (T*) 391, 392 Affix Ordering Hypothesis linguo- 10
intrusiver *171 492-3, 645, 648 linking r *171
intuitions 281 (abandoned) loans, English: adaptation to
IPA alphabet 8, 632 bracketing paradoxes *471 Japanese 637
Index of Subjects
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