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Iot-Based Pico-Hydro Power Generation System Using Pelton Turbine

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IoT-based Pico-Hydro Power Generation System using Pelton Turbine

Article  in  Journal of Telecommunication · January 2018


20 6,938

3 authors:

Benedicto N Fortaleza Ronnie Serfa Juan

Technological University of the Philippines Kyungpook National University


Lean Karlo Tolentino

Technological University of the Philippines


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IoT-based Pico-Hydro Power Generation System
using Pelton Turbine
Benedicto N. Fortaleza1, Ronnie O. Serfa Juan1,2 and Lean Karlo S. Tolentino1
College of Engineering, Technological University of the Philippines - Manila 1000, Philippines.
Department of Electronic Engineering, Cheongju University, Cheongju City 28503, South Korea.

Abstract—The local rural electric power generation is small rivers, and springs. Additionally, in most of these
necessary to promote progress of the localities especially on villages, the difficulties due to high elevation can lead to a
those hard to reach communities. The Philippine archipelago is small water sources. However, these drawbacks are ideal for
rich in water resources, harnessing this ample amount of water pico-hydro power generation system. Moreover, the Internet
is enough for irrigation and electrical generation especially on
those far located areas that are hard to reach by electrical grid
of Things (IoT) connectivity offers a host of development
connection system. This paper presents an alternative source of opportunities in control, monitoring, and maintaining remote
electrical energy. The designed pico-hydro power generation systems.
system is well suited in remote areas where the transmission of The rest of this paper is ordered as follows. In Section II, a
power seems to impossible. To maximize the designed concept, relatively comprehensive review of hydropower technology
the Pelton turbine is utilized because it is suited especially in the and review of some related works is presented. Section III
Philippines for high and low flow rate of water. Moreover, an presents our proposed system and its description.
IoT-based system that can easily monitor any unwanted Experimental results and implementation are shown in
problems. This pico-hydropower system is much economical Section IV. Finally, in Section V, we conclude this paper.
compared with other sources of electricity.

Index Terms— Alternative Energy; IoT-Based System; Pelton II. REVIEW OF RELATED WORKS
Turbine; Pico-Hydro.
A. Hydro Power Generation
I. INTRODUCTION Hydro Power is extracted from the energy in the free
flowing water resources and transformed to mechanical
Nowadays, a sustainable source of electricity is necessary not energy. And this energy can be used directly or can be
only to supply the needed economic development but also to converted to electrical using a generator [6]. Also, the
maintaining the environmental management in our society. differential velocity of falling water or its pressure or both on
Renewable power generations can help countries to meet the turbine blade surfaces produces a force thereby causing
these requirements. The importance of renewable energy for rotary motion [7]. The water cycles such as nature and
sustaining power generation in relation to its capacity to hydraulic power plant help to generate the electricity. The
contribute towards alleviating needs in rural areas for water used in a hydropower system can still be consumed for
electricity supply is highly applicable. other purposes. The concept of hydroelectric power
Solar systems, Biomass and Hydro power are found as high generation system is shown in Figure 1 [8]. In order to
potential energy sources. However, Pico and micro hydro generate electricity, the turbine output shaft is connected to
power systems are most reliable one among potential the generator. The generator produces electricity using
renewable energy resources. The dynamic force of natural electromagnetic induction. The generated electricity is
water can be found available in springs, streams, creeks, transmitted to application loads. Table 1 shows the several
water-falls, tributaries and rivers. Pico hydro power types of hydropower generation and its power capacity.
generation systems [1, 2] are capable of producing an output
power up to 5 KW, enough to supply a rural community Table 1
Types of Hydropower Generation
village which has small electricity consumption.
Furthermore, this system does not use fuel and it is free from
Hydro Power Capacity
any pollution [3]. In future, a pico-hydro system will become
minimize the investment cost, especially in maintenance. A Large-Hydro More than 100MW
system like a portable pico-hydro is applicable and beneficial Medium-Hydro 15 – 100 MW
on those homeowners who does not have a convenient a
convenient source of river or dam [4]. The typical set-ups are Small-Hydro 1 – 15 MW
rerun water from the rivers and needs little or no reservoir for Mini-Hydro 100 kW – 1 MW
the engine to be operated [5]. The main parts are intake from
the stream or river, pipe (known as penstock), water turbine, Micro-Hydro Up to 100 kW
electrical generator, controller and electrical power Pico-Hydro Under 5kW
Numerous areas in the Philippines are far located to reach
electrical grid connection system. Also, some communities
are situated on terrains with a small water resources such as

e-ISSN: 2289-8131 Vol. 10 No. 1-4 189

Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering

to be less than maximum stream flow. This proposed project

will be implemented in the provinces of Ifugao and Aurora in
the Philippines because a continuous flow of water as a source
is determined to power-up the Pelton turbine. The basic
design concept is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Design concept of pico-hydro power generation

C. Turbine
The task of a turbine converts water power into rotational
force to drive the generator. Choosing a right turbine is very
important because the over-all efficient of the system depends
on this part. The required relation of the generator speed to
turbine should not be above 3:1 [11]. The main components
of a hydro-electric system are classified into two groups: the
Figure 1: Hydroelectric power generation system hydraulic system parts that consist of a turbine, the associated
conduits like penstocks, tunnel and surge tank including its
B. Pico-Hydro Power Generation System control system. On the other hand, the electric system
Hydro power plants can be classified according to its components made by the synchronous system generator and
capacity, head, purpose, facility types, hydrological radiation, its control system. The Hydraulic turbines are generally
and transmission system. Under the classification on classified as impulse and reaction turbine. In this proposed
capacity, the pico-hydro power generation system is paper, we used a Pelton turbine under the impulse
appropriate and useful in local rural areas that needs only a classification.
little amount of electricity. Normally, pico-hydro power The Pelton turbine was introduced by the American
generation system can generate of under 5 kW. This system engineer L.A. Pelton, he describes that the energy obtained
set-up is typically run-of-the-river, which uses pipes to divert from the inlet of the Pelton turbine is a kinetic energy. And
the flow of water and can be found in rural areas [9, 10]. the pressure at the inlet and outlet of the turbine is
The head and the flow are two important components atmospheric pressure. The flow of energy in impulse turbines
needed in this particular system [2]. The head component is fully transformed to kinetic energy before the conversion
refers to the water pressure that determines the vertical fall of in the runner. The impulse forces are being transmitted by the
water. Also, this component develops an altitude for the water direction changes of the flow velocity. The flow enters the
opening and turbine. The flow plays a vital part in harnessing runner from the jet spaced around the rim of the runners.
the water power. It specifies the water quantity or the water Figure 3 shows the various parts of the Pelton turbine.
flow rate. In a normal case, the maximum flow is calculated

Figure 3: The various parts of the Pelton turbine

190 e-ISSN: 2289-8131 Vol. 10 No. 1-4

IoT-based Pico-Hydro Power Generation System using Pelton Turbine

D. IoT System
The proposed system design has an attached low cost
embedded system device for real time monitoring of water
level, flow rate, and even pH sensor in Internet of things
(IOT) platform. IOT is a new technology paradigm to link a
real time communication in able to monitor, control or even
analyze the shared information from certain applications over
a public or private internet protocol (IP) networks [12].


The major concern for the implementation pico-hydro

power generation systems is the environmental and even
social impacts associated with such projects. Before the Figure 4: Pelton turbine enclosed in a chamber
actual implementation of this proposed system in Ifugao and
Aurora, we identified some appropriate parameters to fit into B. Generator
our design, such as the continuous flow of water sources The generator converts the rotational energy from water
(water rate, quantity and some sections of the river experience energy converted into mechanical to electrical energy, the AC
varied hydrologically), the load recipient’s location (copper induction generator was used. We developed our induction
loss), even the water pH content (that might corrode our generator having a 1,400 turns using the SWG26 magnetic
system). Moreover, the proposed system is consist of a coil. It generates an AC output and to be feed in a boost
programmable controller, sensors, and a GSM module. A converter to achieve an appropriate needed power for
real-time monitoring and controlling is possible using this transmission to remote communities.
C. IoT System
A. Pelton Turbine This system consists of a sensors, an ASIC-
In this project, the Pelton turbine was utilized due to its microcontroller, and a GSM module. The three sensors: the
appropriateness especially for high head [13] and low flow level sensor detects the appropriate water level due to
rate of water. Figure 4 shows the Pelton turbine that we used seasonal fluctuating water levels because the unit will not
during the experimental testing and has a diameter of 0.16m generate power when there is too little water and cannot
with 20 buckets of 18 degrees for each blade mounted and a power-up the Pelton turbine; the water flow sensor measures
shaft to give a smooth rotation. how much water has moved through; the pH sensor measures
the hydrogen-ion activity in water to maintain the durability
of the system over-time. The ASIC microcontroller is a
Raspberry Pi microcontroller that reads the inputs from the
three sensors and send the information via IoT for monitoring
purposes. The GSM module or any telemetry system to
feedback the community for monitoring.
The proposed system is shown in Figure 5. The three
sensors, Raspberry Pi microcontroller and the transmitter are
powered by an independent power source.

Figure 5: Proposed system

e-ISSN: 2289-8131 Vol. 10 No. 1-4 191

Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering

IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT Also, for the desire implementation and development of a
pico-hydro power generator system, the design of the turbines
During the testing, we already set up certain parameter on and power generator must be considered. Choosing the
the Pelton turbine chamber to achieve our aim on the output appropriate turbine is necessary. Moreover, the IoT module
power. Initially, the Pelton turbine chamber was set on the allow us in real-time to control to maintain service reduction
water flow rate of 0.2 per second with 600 rpm and resulted and to optimize the process.
to an output power of 12.56 W. As we increase twice the
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