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Diploma in Information and Communication Technology NVQ Level 05 - Semester I

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Diploma in Information and Communication Technology

NVQ Level 05 –Semester I

Manage Workplace
EMPM-02 Three Hours

Answer any five (05) questions only


Answer the following questions using the given communication express styles used by person
A and person B.

Person A – The communication is identified as forceful and unsympathetic with irritating

messages such as “you-statements”, blaming and accusing other persons of being wrong or at
fault. In addition, the person’s tone of voice and facial expressions are unfriendly.

Person B – The communication involves putting his needs last. He doesn’t express his
thoughts or feelings, or ask for what he wants. When he uses this communication
it feels like others are walking all over him, because he doesn’t state his own needs. So, he
hides the things and might feel displeasure.

(i) Write down the two (02) communication express styles used by person A and B and
explain how they affect the effective communication in a workplace. (6 Marks)
(ii) Differentiate the characteristics of the above two (02) communication express styles
used by person A and B. (6 Marks)
(iii) Write down the most appropriate communication express style that overcomes the
issues caused by the above two communication express styles used by person A and B
and appraise your answer with an example. (8 Marks).
(20 Marks)


(i) Write down the different communication channels used in a workplace and state the
purpose of each? (2 Marks)

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(ii) Analyse the reasons for the occurrence of failures in general workplace
communication at a workplace and briefly explain the solutions for those
communication failures. (4 Marks)
(iii) Complete the following table. Fill in the blank sections with the given situations that
could occur in your own workplace
Situation 1. To whom do you 2. To whom do you communicate
communicate with with, if your first option (1) does
about this query not result with a satisfactory
My wages do not seem to be right. --------------- ---------------
I do not seem to be working the
hours agreed at my interview. --------------- ---------------
A workmate always leaves
equipments lying around. --------------- ---------------
I feel that, I need further training to
enable me to install new software --------------- ---------------
(4 Marks)

(iv) Explain about the communication flow given in the above table. (4 Marks)
(v) Compare and contrast other two (02) communication flows occurred in the
workplace with the examples. (6 Marks)
(20 Marks)
(i) “Computer software applications are more effective than the manual accounting
practices in a business”. Briefly explain this statement with relevant examples.
(3 Marks)
(ii) Briefly explain the following statements in your own words and suggest your views
on how to overcome them.
a. Linguistic misinterpretation can be a serious issue particularly in organizations that
are expanding overseas companies.
b. Communicating through email can be challenging, if you are working on multiple
projects and it may lead to information overload. (4 Marks)
(iii) Statement - A: According to the study made by the American Psychological
Association in 2014, “one - quarter of employees do not trust their employers.

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Increasing transparency helps to improve employee trust as well as internal
Statement - B: In another survey, “employees stated that transparency is a key factor
in determining their happiness and satisfaction in the workplace”.
Defend each statement A and B in your own words. (4 Marks)

(iv) Differentiate positive and negative impacts of using body language for
communicating with customers. (4 Marks)
(v) “A lot of people have telephone personality that either win friends or lose friends in
business and social situations”. Justify this statement and state three (03) ways to
overcome poor telephoning personality. (5 Marks)
(20 Marks)

(i) “Communications with clients are to obtain and provide appropriate information”.
Briefly explain this statement. (3 Marks)
(ii) “Customers’ communication styles are different from each other” briefly explain this
statement. (4 Marks)
(iii) State any two (02) types of communication models and which model is more suitable
for effective communication in a workplace and justify your answer. (4 Marks)
(iv) Differentiate the concepts of formal and informal communications made in a
workplace with suitable examples. (4 Marks)

(v) “In managing your IT Company successfully, you have to get the work done through
other people. Most managers spend up to 90% of their time in contacting with others.
The success of this interaction is dependent on good Communication”, appraise this
statement. (5 Marks)

(20 Marks)

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(i) “Social Medias can be beneficial in view of the effectiveness of workplace

communication”. Justify this statement. (4 Marks)
(ii) Describe about two (02) social media ethics. (4 Marks)
(iii) An internship applicant posted negative remarks on Face book about the internship
for which she had applied. The negative comments were focused on the policy on
professional dress coat of the internship. After viewing the comments by the Director
of the relevant academy, the particular student has not been selected for the
internship programme.

Note: Students of the academy must adhere to the Code of Ethics. Students, who were
enrolled for the academic programme have been taught about the code of ethics prior
to undergo internships.

a) Briefly explain the ethical issue that was examined in the above case of posting
negative remarks in public domain. (6 Marks)
b) “Posting on Face book may have long term negative implication”. Do you agree?
Support your answer. (6 Marks)

(20 Marks)

(i) Briefly explain the rules of successful spoken communication of workplace.

(3 Marks)
(ii) What do you mean by protocol of a workplace and describe about the administrative
protocols? (4 Marks)
(iii) “Communication values of Japanese and Korean culture are deeply embedded in their
life and highly reflect their eastern communication behaviors”. Explain this statement
using eastern communication behaviors. (4 Marks)
(iv) “Email does not clearly convey facial signals and therefore intention of the messages
may often be read as the opposite. Emails are also retained much longer than paper
documents, so any negative impression given can be lasting and irreparable. There are
a few major do’s and don’ts that will help to decide the status of a successful email
communicator” appraise this statement. (4 Marks)
(v) “Personal values are not universal”, justify this statement. (5 Marks)
(20 Marks)

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