HMSIW Linearly Polarized Antenna
HMSIW Linearly Polarized Antenna
HMSIW Linearly Polarized Antenna
Abstract—In this paper, a linearly polarized half-mode second approach, the maximum of antenna radiation is in the
substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW) U-slot antenna antenna plane which can be cumbersome for some
is proposed. It is based on a combination of U-shaped slot applications, such as off-body communication, where
etched in the HMSIW top wall and two shorts placed in maximum radiation in the normal direction is usually
this slot. Thanks to this configuration, a linearly polarized desirable.
antenna with maximum radiation in the normal direction In this paper, a half-mode substrate integrated waveguide
is obtained. The antenna is designed for the operating U-slot antenna with linear polarization is proposed. It only has
frequency band of 10 GHz with help of CST Microwave a single layer configuration and the maximum radiation is
Studio. Experimental results prove that the antenna with a perpendicular to the antenna plane. The antenna can be easily
HMSIW-to-GCPW (grounded coplanar waveguide) fabricated by a printed circuit board process.
transition radiates linearly polarized electromagnetic wave
and achieves the impedance bandwidth of 3.2 % for II. PROPOSED ANTENNA CONFIGURATION
reflection coefficient less than -10 dB and gain of 6.01 dBi. The proposed antenna is shown in Fig. 1. The dielectric
substrate of the length L, the width W, and the height h with
Keywords—Half-mode substrate integrated waveguide, slot
the relative permittivity εr, and the loss tangent tan(δ) is on its
antenna, grounded coplanar waveguide. both sides covered by metal sheets. In order to reduce
computing time for design of the antenna, vias of HMSIW are
substitute by a solid wall made of perfect electrical conductor
(in Fig. 1 depicted by a dashed line). The slot is etched at the
In past years, a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) end of the waveguide at the distance LeffX from its short end in
technology has been applied to the design of microwave and the x-direction, and from the solid wall of HMSIW at the
millimeter wave systems. SIW has many advantages such as a distance WeffY in the y-direction. The antenna radiates linearly
low manufacturing cost, a low profile, and easy integration polarized wave with maximum radiation in the normal
with planar circuits. However, for many applications this direction. The antenna is equipped by a HMSIW to GCPW
technology can be too wide. Thus, the reduction of the SIW (grounded coplanar waveguide) transition.
size is very desirable task.
To reduce the width of SIW, the ridge SIW (RSIW) [1], C-
type folded SIW (CFSIW) [2] or T-type folded SIW (TFSIW)
[3] technologies can be used. Unfortunately, all these
technologies are based on a multilayer concept which
increases demands of the design and fabrication process. Other
option is to exploit a half-mode SIW (HMSIW) technology [4]
since it preserves all advantages of the SIW technology and its
size is reduces nearly by half with lower design and
fabrication complexity than RSIW, CFSIW and TFSIW.
A narrow rectangular slot etched in a top metal wall of a
HMSIW is a simple and useable radiator for linear polarized
HMSIW slot based antennas [5]. However, antennas based on
this conception have usually narrow impedance bandwidth (in
[5], the impedance bandwidth of 1.1 % is reached for the
reflection coefficient less than – 10 dB). To increase it, the slot
can be loaded by a piece of a dielectric [6], or the dielectric
aperture principle can be exploited [7]. In case of the first
Fig. 1. Top (a) and side (b) view of the proposed antenna with solid wall
approach, the antenna is not a single layer, and in case of the instead of HMSIW.
The presented research was supported by the Czech Grant Agency project
no. P102/12/1274, by the Czech Ministry of Education in frame of National
Sustainability Program under grant LO1401, and by the Internal Grant
Agency of Brno University of Technology project no. FEKT-S-14-2483. The
research is the part of the COST Action IC1301 which is financially supported
by the grant of the Czech Ministry of Education no. LD14057. For research,
infrastructure of the SIX Center was used.
In this paper, a linearly polarized half-mode substrate
integrated waveguide U-slot antenna has been introduced. For
the operating frequency band of 10 GHz, the fabricated
sample of the proposed antenna achieves the impedance
Fig. 5. Top (a) and side (b) view of the proposed antenna with row of vias, bandwidth of 3.2 % for the reflection coefficient less than – 10
where WHMSIW = 9.0 mm, d = 1.4 mm, p = 2.5 mm, LviaX =1.3 mm, LviaY = 1.9 dB and the gain of 6.01 dBi.
mm, WGCW-via = 1.5 mm and WμSTRIP-via = 1.9 (other parameters are defined in
Table I). Due to a small dimensions of the radiator, its exploitation
seems promising e.g. for body area network, energy harvesting
0 or wireless power transmission applications (after its redesign
Reflection Coefficient [dB]
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-20 Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics,
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-30 simulation Co-polar
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[6] Q. Lai, Ch. Fumeaux, W. Hong, and R. Vahldieck, ―60 GHz Aperture-
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-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Integrated Waveguide―, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and
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[7] S. A. Razavi, and M. H. Neshati, ―Development of a Linearly Polarized
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and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2012, vol. 11, p. 1307 – 1310.