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Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216

Free time (For English 2 first partial)

I. Answer the following questions.

1- What do you do in your free time? Write 2 or 3 wide paragraphs

In my free time I usually take a nap at 4:00 pm, I take that nap every Wednesday
because it’s one of my days off, I also usually watch series or movies with my
brothers at night, on Thursdays I usually do all my homework, on Sundays which is
another day off I take the whole day doing the laundry and then I clean the whole

In the afternoon I have a coffee time with my mother and I watch one of my favorite
series which is Rosario scissors, and after that I go to sleep, some Saturdays if I
don't have to work then I go out with some friends to have a beer and eat pizza.

2- Mention at least 20 daily activities; in order of importance, you do them.

1. I wake up at 5 am
2. I take a shower at 5:20 am
3. I go to work at 6:00 am
4. I usually drink coffee at 6:30 am
5. I have breakfast at 7:50 am
6. I have lunch at 1:00 pm
7. I go to college on Monday, Tuesday and Friday at 6:15 pm
8. I have dinner at 10:00 pm
9. I wash the dishes at 10:30 pm
10. I go to be at 11:00 pm
11. Sometimes I watch a Netflix series
12. On Sunday morning I usually wash the clothes
13. On Wednesday I usually use my cell phone to do my homework
14. On Wednesday at 4:00 pm I usually take a nap
15. I often go to work on Saturday morning
16. On Thursday I usually clean my home at 4:00 pm
17. Sometimes I watch a movie with my brothers
18. I usually listen music of Adele
19. Sometimes on Sunday nights I have a beer with my sister in law
20. Every Saturday I eat pizza

3- What is the simple present tense?

The simple present tense is when you use a verb to tell about things that happen
continually in the present, like every day, every week or every month. We use the
simple present tense for anything that happens often or is factual.
1. I go to school every day.
Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216
Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216
2. We play outside after school each day.
3. Every Monday they eat spaghetti for dinner.
In these sentence, go, play and eat are in the simple present tense. They tell about
things that happen repeatedly in the present. The simple present tense is also used
with basic facts and with feelings.
For example:
 The sky is blue.
4- What elements do we need to form a sentence in simple present tense? Give 5
Subject + Main verb
Present simple
1. I like coffee
2. He loves potatoes
3. My cook for dinner
4. She loves Adele’s music
5. You play tennis
5- What tense do we use to talk about daily routines or daily activities?

We can use the Simple Present Tense to talk about repeated actions. This is why
this tense is often used when talking about our habits and daily routines.
 I wake up and get up from bed as soon as the alarm goes off at 5:30 o’clock
 Next, I head to the bathroom where I brush my teeth.
 Then, I take a shower and get dressed.

6- What is the present continuous tense?

The present continuous verb tense indicates that an action or condition is happening
now, frequently, and may continue into the future.

The Present Continuous Formula: to be [am, is, are] + verb [present participle]


Aunt Christine is warming up the car while Scott looks for his new leather coat. They
are eating at Scott’s favorite restaurant today, Polly’s Pancake Diner.

7- What elements do we need to form a sentence in present continuous tense? Give 5

To form the present continuous, use:
 The verb 'be' in the present simple tense plus the -ing form of the main verb.
 The verb 'be' in any tense plus the -ing form of the main verb.
Give 5 examples.
Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216
Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216
1. I am writing articles on different topics.
2. He is reading various kinds of books.
3. They are playing football now.
4. She is drinking coffee.
5. He is going to the library.

8- What is the difference between simple present and present continuous tense? Give
5 examples.
We use the present simple tense when we want to talk about fixed habits or routines
– things that don’t change. We use the present continuous to talk about actions
which are happening at the present moment, but will soon finish.
With the present simple we say:

1. I play tennis
2. You play tennis
3. We play tennis
4. They play tennis
5. He/she/ it plays tennis

With the present continuous we say:

1. I am playing tennis
2. You are playing tennis
3. We are playing tennis
4. They are play tennis
5. He/she/it is playing tennis

9- Write 15 examples sentences using present continuous tense. Use different subject

1. I am writing articles on different topics.

2. He is reading various kinds of books.
3. They are playing football now.
4. She is drinking coffee.
5. He is going to the library.
6. We are coming for shopping in this market.
7. We are watching a movie in this Cineplex.
8. You are shopping in that market.
9. I am singing different kinds of songs, especially modern.
10. I am listening to melodious songs.
11. He is traveling around the world.
12. They are playing cricket in that field.
13. The poet is writing romantic poems.
14. The lyricist is writing realistic songs.
15. My mom is cooking beef with cabbage.

Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216

Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216
10- Write 15 examples sentences using simple present tense. Use different subject

1. My son lives in London.

2. She plays basketball.
3. He catches the train every morning.
4. Michael doesn’t work.
5. My father doesn’t speak good English.
6. He goes to football every day.
7. He loves to play basketball.
8. He goes to school.
9. Does he go to school?
10. She writes an e-mail to her best friend.
11. He thinks he is very handsome.
12. It usually rains every day here.
13. It smells very delicious in the kitchen.
14. We generally sing songs all together.
15. We go to a gallery every Sunday.

11- What are leisure activities? Mention at least 5

Leisure activities are activities people participate in when free, maybe in the
evenings or weekends. Activities are taken during free time outside the mandatory
time. These are activities taken for pleasure, relaxation, or other satisfactions,
typically after work and completion of other responsibilities. Mostly, it is what people
choose to do in their free time after their daily chores and duties.
Mention at least 5
1. Playing board games.
2. Movie nights.
3. Going out for drinks like coffee and shakes.
4. Hiking.
5. Video games.

12- Make a list of festivals and celebrations in your region or country, including birthdays.
Choose one celebration that you enjoy and one you don't and write about what you
do in it (celebration), why you enjoy it, then say what and why you don't enjoy about
the other celebration.

Public holidays in the Dominican Republic

1. 1 of January (New Year)

2. January 6 (Three Kings Day)
3. January 21 (Virgin of Altagracia)
4. January 26 (Juan Pablo Duarte Father of the Country Day)
5. February 27 (National Independence)
Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216
Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216
6. April 1 to 8 (Holy Week, (variable date))
7. May 1 (Labor Day)
8. 1st Thursday in May (Corpus Christi)
9. August 16 (Restoration Day)
10. September 24 (Virgin of the Mercedes)
11. November 6 (Constitution Day)
12. December 24 (Working until noon)
13. December 25 (Christmas Day)
14. December 31 (end of year)

I really like holy week, because they give me a week's vacation to go to the beach,
and I don't like to celebrate the day of Las Mercedes because I'm not Catholic and I
don't follow those traditions.

13- Choose one celebration from your list and compare it to other country's celebration.
One of the celebrations in the Dominican Republic that resembles one in the United
States is Christmas Eve, December 24, which is very similar to Thanksgiving, which
is November 24.

14- Look for the adverbs of frequency, describe them

An adverb of frequency describes how often an action happens. There are six main
adverbs of frequency that we use in English: always, usually (or normally), often,
sometimes, rarely, and never.
1- Sara always goes out on Saturday evenings.
2- Jane’s boyfriend usually picks her up and they drive into the city centre.
3- Ben and Emma often go for lunch together.
4- In the winter Sara sometimes goes Skiing in France.
5- James and Stephen rarely go to the cinema in the summer because they prefer
to stay outside.
6- As Marta is so busy she never gets home from work before 7.

15- Write 2 sentences using each adverbs of frequency.

1. They usually complete the work on time.
2. I often watch movies online.

16- Record or prepare a video not more than 1:30 minutes about what you do in your
free time. Try to be real.


I. After you watch the video, The Monkey Festival

Write true or false

Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216

Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216

1- The monkey festival is on the last Sunday in November. T

2- The monkeys dance.                                                        T
3- The people give the monkeys lots of food.                     T
4- The monkeys cut the electric and telephones cables.      F

II. Now answer the following questions 

1. In which country is set Lopburi?

In Thailand.
2. what do the people do for the monkey festival?
At the festival people wear monkey costumes and dance
3. What is the first goal of the festival?
His goal was to enable local people to thank the monkeys for attracting a lot of tourists to
Lopburi by offering them a fruit buffet.
4. what is the second goal of the festival?
And of course, more tourist come for the event. There are generally 3 to 5 rounds of food for
the monkeys. If you go there for the festival, your accommodation will be able to tell you the
exact schedule.
5. Do you think this festival is interesting? If yes, why/ if no why not
I think this festival is not interesting because there is no reason to waste so much food on
6. What is the meaning of tame? In English
(of an animal) not dangerous or frightened of people; domesticated.
7. would you like to visit this country some day? Why?
I would like to visit that city because I find it interesting because it has some very nice
8. what do you think about this celebration?
I think this monkey festival celebration is a waste of time.
9. Can you mention a similar activity that you know and like? Why?
III. Answer these questions about Beagle Patrols video
1-    Do you have working dogs in your country?
In the Dominican Republic there is no working dog center, in fact I have never heard of it.
2-    How do these dogs help people?
Dogs help to find this food.
3-    Do you have a pet dog? Why?
Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216
Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216
no, i don't have one.
4-    How much do you know about dogs?
I don't know anything about dogs.
5-    Where are dogs descended from?
The origin of the beagle is not known. In the 11th century, William the Conqueror brought
the St. Hubert Hound and the Talbot hound to Britain. In Britain, both of these strains were
then crossed with Greyhounds to give them speed and stamina for deer hunting. Beagles
are similar to the Harrier and the extinct Southern Hound, though they are smaller and
6-    Write a beagle’s description
The beagle breed is a small scent hound, similar in appearance to the much larger
foxhound. The beagle was developed primarily for hunting hare known as beagling.
Possessing a great sense of smell and superior tracking instincts, the beagle is the primary
breed used as a detection dog for prohibited agricultural imports and foodstuffs in
quarantine around the world. The beagle is intelligent and is a popular pet due to its size,
good temper, and a lack of inherited health problems.
7-    Would you like to have one? Why?
I would like to have a beagle dog because they are very cute and I really like dogs.
8-    There is a famous Beagle dog, can you find out his name?
Probably the world's most famous beagle, Snoopy was a character created by Charles
Schulz in his comic strip Peanuts.
IV. Watch the video and circle the names of things you see.
Uniform   apples   suitcase   passport   mango   beef jerky
V. Write T for true and F for false
1-    Brent and Stockton play before they start work. T
2-    Stockton is learning slowly. F
3-    Stockton does not find the meat. F
4-    Detector dogs look for meat. T
5-    Stockton eats the meat he finds. T
6-    All beagles patrol personality is the same. F
7-    Beagle patrol only look for food. T
8-    As whatever work, everything or every moment they have to be in a serious
environment. T
 9- Now that you have watched the video, would you like to have a Beagle as a pet? Why?

Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216

Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216
I would like to have a Beagles because are excellent dogs for hunting rabbits and hares.
They have a phenomenal sense of smell and seemingly endless stamina. When fox hunting
became popular, breeders created the Foxhound by crossing a Beagle with a Buckhound.

Rocío Mercedes González 2-18-4216

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