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ISTP Journal of Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISTP-JREEE)

1st International Conference on Research in Science, Engineering & Management (IOCRSEM 2014)


Bhupesh Singh1, Ashish kumar1,Amit Verma2
bhanu140389@gmail.com , 1ashish.ee.mtech@gmail.com , 2amit.v.ashu@gmail.com1
Department of Electrical Engineering , Women’s Institute of Technology ,U.T.U. ,Dehradun
Department of Electrical Engineering , Faculty of Technology, U.T.U , Dehradun

Abstract- the output has to pass on to that same event. The time
lag from input to output should be sufficiently small
Under this study we have basically stressed on the fault for acceptable timeliness.
occurring in the interconnected system and its effect on In designing such a distribution model, care has been
different load centre’s which are at different location taken in setting up the parameters along with their
from the fault. The active and reactive power have been values which matches practically. This system is
calculated of the distribution network having a designed exactly like our distribution network with
distributed generation source (wind power) connected distribution lines , different loads connected to it at
to it. Under the study we have assumed a three phase different points having different power factor and
fault which is which is automatically cleared after some power requirement.
cycles by the fast switching circuit breaker. And seeing The design of model and its simulation is done in
the variations in power during fault we can locate the MATLAB 2012a . A main source is taken as swing bus
point of fault occurrence. and is generating 11KV (10.27 KV exact) and this
Keywords-DG-Distributed Generation, DER- source is connected to a wind turbine generation source
Distributed Energy Resources, PCC - Point of common in parallel. Nine different loads are connected
coupling throughout the distribution system . The distribution
lines are numbered accordingly. After or near every
I. INTRODUCTION load the active and reactive power are measured and
the transients seen during the fault are plotted. A three
With the increase of penetration level of distributed phase circuit breaker is used in the main electric power
generation it has become very important and critical to system. The fault is located at a point near the point of
study the impacts of its connection with main power common coupling (PCC). The circuit breaker is set to
system. The main objective is to explore the impact of clear the fault after 3rd and 9th cycle from the point of
fault at different loads when a distributed generation occurrence of fault. The wind energy source is taken as
source is connected to the main distribution network. PV bus.
The impact focused in this are concerned with the
occurrence of fault in a integrated system. Mainly the
transients occurring in the power (voltage or current) at
different load ends are observed and based on the
analysis we can estimate the location of fault. The study
of impact of interconnecting DG during fault can be
done for different types of faults occurring in power
system. Although the reliability of the system increases
with the interconnection but its protection becomes
somewhat difficult and complex.


A real-time system is that which resembles the practical Real time distribution model
system basically in terms of parameters and response to For all the cases we have studied the average power
different conditionsand produces the response or output factor of the feeder is taken 0.82. The load factor and
within a specified time. In a real time system after a loss load factor are taken as 0.8307 and 0.7322 . The
particular point of time there will be no such outputs generated voltage from the first node is 10.27 KV.
which were desired. This is because mainly the input
corresponds to some event in the material world and

© ISTP (IOCRSEM- 2014) 16

ISTP Journal of Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISTP-JREEE)
1st International Conference on Research in Science, Engineering & Management (IOCRSEM 2014)

Some assumptions are made during the designing of the
distribution system model. Those assumptions are
mentioned below:
(1) The phase to phase rms voltage for the main source
and wind generation are taken same as 10.27 KV ,
both the sources are working at frequency 50 hz.
(2) During the fault the wind generation source is not
cut off. It is connected in parallel to main source
and keeps supplying the loads.
(3) The fault is taken as three phase fault for analysis.
Faults of other types can also be considered and its
behavior for different fault conditions can also be
(4) After the instant the fault occurs it is cleared by (d) Active and Reactive power near load 9
circuit breaker after 3rd and 9th cycle.
(5) Fault and breaker resistance taken as 0.001 ohm .


Three phase fault have been taken and various graph
have been plotted of power (active and reactive) against
time. For the period of fault occurrence the transients in
power(active and reactive) are seen and conclusions are
(a)Active and Reactive power near load 1

(e) Multimeter measurement

(b)Active and Reactive power near load 4

We are familiar with the power flow in any power
system network. The power flows in the line according
to the load connected to it. The active and reactive
power requirement of the loads are different therefore
(c) Active and Reactive power near interconnection power flowing through the distribution lines for
point (PCC)

© ISTP (IOCRSEM- 2014) 17

ISTP Journal of Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISTP-JREEE)
1st International Conference on Research in Science, Engineering & Management (IOCRSEM 2014)

different load is different. During the period of fault we [4] Fabrice Demailly , Andre Even , Oliver Ninet ,
can see the transients in active as well as reactive Jean Boukaert “ Optimal design of the
power. Those variations are also load dependent. If the distribution infrastructure and the impact of
reactive (inductive and capacitive) power requirement distributed generation” 18th International
of the load is more then during the fault we will see Conference on Electricity Distribution.
more transients in the line feeding that load. At the [5] Math H.J Bollen , Mats Hager “ Impact of
PCC the transients are seen maximum as it is the point increasing penetration of distributed generation
nearest to the fault and through that point the power on the no. of voltage dips experienced by end
flows even for the period of fault from the DG. We can customers” 18th International Conference on
see in our designed model that the main supply system Electricity Distribution.
is cut off by the three phase circuit breaker during fault [6] A.Bertani , C.Bossi , F. Forinari , A.Morini ,
but the DG keeps supplying the power to the F.Silvestro “ Combined use of simulation and
distribution network. test site electrical networks for assessing and
The effect of distance from the fault can also be seen by evaluating distributed generation possibilities
our graphs. Those measurements which are made near and performance” 18th International conference
the load far from the fault point have shown less on electricity distribution.
transients during the fault.The load with very high [7] Raymond O’ Gorman , Miles Redfern “ The
reactive power consumption have shown effects on the impact of distribution generation on voltage
nearby load connected. We can see this in case of load control in distribution systems” 18th
number 4. The measurement made near load number 4 International Conference on Electricity
have shown very high intensity transients shown .The Distribution.
load number 9 which is far from the point of occurrence [8] Alireza Soroudi “ Possibilistic scenario model
of fault is least affected.The graph from multi meter for DG Impact assessment on distribution
have shown the three phase fault and its clearance after networks in an uncertain environment” IEEE
3rd cycle. Trans. Power System , vol. 27 , no. 3 , AUG
[9] E.Tom Jauch “Smart Grid Volt/Var
VI. CONCLUSION management: challenges of integrating
In this research detailed analysis on faults occurring in distributed generation”.
an integrated system is conducted . Different sets of [10] Galina Antonova , Massimo Nardi , Alan Scott ,
case studies were performed to analyze the data. The Micheal Pesin “ Distributed generation and its
real time distribution network with a DG connected to it impact on power grids and micro grids”.
have shown various results regarding the fault analysis
including distribution system power , voltage and
currents at different locations. The work also
investigates the power flow during the fault in a
distribution network. For the better analysis and
understanding a real time network is designed and by
using the real time parameters the results have been
Our goal was to see the transients during the fault
period and on that basis estimate the location of fault .
From this work we can conclude that the fault is located
near the load which shows maximum transients during
fault period. The disturbance reduces gradually as we
move away from the location of fault.

[1] Ragab A. El-Sehiemy, Eman S. Ahmed “
Integration of distributed generating units into
distribution networks” 14th International Middle
East Power System Conference, Cairo
University , Egypt.
[2] S.Chaitusney , A. Yokoyama “ Impact on
protection co-ordination on sizes of several
distributed generation sources” .
[3] G.Selli , E.ghiani , M.Loddo , F.Pilo “ Voltage
profile optimization with distributed generation”.

© ISTP (IOCRSEM- 2014) 18

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