Paper 2 Grupo 2
Paper 2 Grupo 2
Paper 2 Grupo 2
Cite this article as: Purusottama, Ambara and Ari Ardianto. 2019. The Dimension of Em-
ployer Branding: Attracting Talented Employees to Leverage Organizational Competi-
tiveness. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, Volume 17, Number 1, Pages 118–126. Malang: Univer-
sitas Brawijaya.
Companies in Indonesia are though the education fund has been raised by the
starting to address the issue government and has been ratified in the constitu-
of fulfilling the quantity and tion. In the future, 55% of jobs in Indonesia will be
Journal of Applied
Management (JAM) quality of talented local em- administrative or managerial, compared to the cur-
Volume 17 Number 1, ployees at every level in the rent 36%. Indonesia has not been able to produce
March 2019
Indexed in Google Scholar
organization. The Asian De- university graduates of excellent quality to fulfil the
velopment Bank (2016), pre- available position.
dicts the condition of Indone- Employer branding conceptually provides com-
sian human resources in less panies with a strategic thinking framework where
Corresponding Author: than a decade into the fu- there is a collaboration between marketing and hu-
Ambara Purusottama, School
of Business and Economics,
ture will still not be able to man resource management (Maxwell & Knox,
Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, meet the needs of entry-level 2009). Thus, the organization can attract, maintain,
Indonesia, E-mail:, positions especially in large and also be able to contribute as a motivator for its
DOI: companies, due to scarcity of employees. Brands also play a major role inselection,
10.21776/ub.jam. 2019.017.
01.13 good quality candidates even and strong employer branding will contribute to the
The main objective of the employer branding strategy. Employer branding places an image that
concept is to positively influence employees and shows the organization/company as “a good place
talentedlocal employees to attract high-quality em- to work”.
ployees (Saini, et al., 2013). The use of the prin- Many scholars stated that employer branding
ciples of branding in human resource management influences the success of the company to improve
is currently called “employer branding”. the quality and quantity of applicants. Many com-
Theincreasing use of employer branding concept by panies have developed formal employer branding
companies is to attract attention and ensure that all or interest in developing the program (Botha, et al.,
employees participate in the company’s culture and 2011). Since the company operates its operations in
a strong global competition, strong employer brand- Individuals will feel proud if they work and have
ing has become a crucial solution to improve excel- benefits which are in linewith their expectations.
lence in “the war of talent”. Strictly speaking,Gilani and Cunningham (2017) ex-
plain that individuals will feel more valued and have
Employer Branding in Indonesia a better attachment with the organization if they get
Employer branding in Indonesia has been initi- a better salary and other appropriate compensation.
ated by several large companies to obtain the re- Widyaningsih (2016),stated that other compensation
quired organizational assets. In the future, the role obtained includes health insurance, pensions, and
of employer branding will be increasingly crucial incentives in the form of bonuses. Therefore, the
given the increasingly scarce quality workforce and hypothesis that can be built is:
the limitations of the talented pool. Employer brand- H2: There is a positive and significant relationship
ing strategies are becoming important with the in- between the perception of talented employees
creasingly fierce industrial competition in Indone- of compensation and benefits towards the in-
sia, particularly in several industries that require tention to apply for a job.
specific quality workforce such as in the banking
and mining sector. Corporatereputation has a significant influence
A study fromKusuma and Prasetya (2017), on the company’s talented employees (Biswas &
found that PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) real- Suar, 2016). Biswar and Suar also argue employee
ized the importance of employer branding and will feel proud to be able to join a company with a
formed an employee value proposition to create high- good image or reputation. Jain and Bhatt (2015),in
quality employee engagement. In other sectors such their study found that for career choices in compa-
as mining,Amelia and Nasution(2016), emphasize nies, individuals will consider several interests that
the importance of employer branding in the face of have a positive impact on themselves, among oth-
competition for prospective employees. Both of them ers, the reputation and stability of the company, work
agree that employer branding has an important role balance, and job security.
in increasing organizational competition through H3: There is a positive and significant relationship
employer branding. between the perceptions of talented employ-
ees of corporate reputation towards the inten-
RESEARCH FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTH- tion to apply for a job.
According toWallace, et al. (2013), leadership
The dimensions of the working environment are
in an organization will determine the commitment
relevant in the discussion of employer branding, see
of its workers. In other words, a leader is key to
Table 1. Swider, et al., (2015),revealed the impor-
running an organization effectively(Biswas & Suar,
tance of working environment factors as a major
2016). In the midst of competitive organizations to-
factor in accepting job offers. Boamahand
day. It will be easier to lose employees because of-
Laschinger(2016), also emphasized the importance
fers are better from elsewhere. Thus, it is not just
of the working environment as an instrument to re-
about job security and compensation that is impor-
tain employees and also encourage employee in-
tant but also career potential and self-development.
volvement in the organization. Thus,the hypothesis
H4: There is a positive and significant relationship
between the perception of talented employees
H1: There is a positive and significant relationship
of corporate vision and leadership towards the
between the perceptions of talentedlocal em-
intention to apply for a job.
ployees regardingthe working environment to-
wards the intention to apply for a job.
Perceptions of Work H1
Perceptions of Compensation H2
and Benefits (CCB)
Jones, et al. (2017),shows that there is a link ees, who are students in Jakarta and Tangerang,
between CSR companies’CSR programs and strong Indonesia. This research is aimed more t at stu-
employer branding. CSR in practice can change the dents majoring in management and accounting be-
company’s image and become a measure of for cause these students are more likely to have a ca-
employees and talented employees in their career reer in managerial positions. The surveysucceededin
choices. The better the CSR owned by the compa- collecting 277 respondents based onpredetermined
nies, the better it will further increase the desire of goals. The statements given by the respondents
talented employees towards the company as their weremeasured using a Likert scale from 1 “Strongly
career choice in the future. Disagree” to 5 “Strongly Agree” because the Lickert
H5:There is a positive and significant relationship scale has better quality results than other scales
between the perception of talented employees (Revilla, et al., 2013).The data analysis used Struc-
of corporate social and environmental respon- tural Equation Model (SEM) to show the relation-
sibility towards the intention to apply for a job. ship between variables with AMOS software ver-
sion 24.
Direct surveys are conducted using a purpo-
sive sampling approach for talentedlocal employ-
CCB_3 Compensation in the form of health and life insurance is my priority (Hur, 2012)
CCB_4 Retirement benefits are a factor to be considered
CCB_5 Further study is a consideration I choose if offered in the workplace
CSR_1 Environment friendly products are my consideration in starting my career Alnýaçýk, et al.,
CSR_2 Companies that focus on the environment isthe reason I want to submit my job 2014) and
application (Hur, 2012)
CSR_3 Companies that are active in the community will give more value
ITA_1 I want to work for the company that I desire immediately Alnýaçýk, et al.,
ITA_3 I am willing to accept whatever benefits offered from the company that I desire 2014)
ITA_4 I will be serious and willing to work for the company that I desire
Corporate visionand leadership have the big- interests of local talent employees, theseelements
gest influence due to the largest coefficient value may still be a concern for the company.
as compared to other dimensions of employer brand-
ing with a coefficient value of 0.363. The next posi- DISCUSSION
tion was followed by corporate reputation with This research proves that employer branding
0.319and working environment with 0.153. These has positive implications for the intention oftalented
results indicatethat in maintaining the competitive- local employees to applytothe organization. Other
ness of companies in recruiting talented employees findings show that ofthe five dimensions of employer
through employee branding, companies can priori- branding, only three affects significantly, corporate
tize corporatevision followed by other dimensions vision and leadership, corporate reputation and
of employer branding. While the elements of com- working environment. The research findings corrobo-
pensation and benefit and corporate social respon- rate several previous studies (Wallace, et al., 2013,
sibility, do not have a significant influence on the Biswas and Suar, 2016, andSwider, et al., 2015).
Corporate vision and leadership can attract considered by talentedemployees. The priorities of
every member of the organization to move forward the organizationwhich are corporate vision and lead-
and provide information in running the organization ership, corporate reputation, and the working envi-
and also in maintaining the sustainability of the com- ronment respectively must be considered in the cre-
pany. For talented employees, corporate vision and ation of employer branding. On the other hand, com-
leadership are considered important because they pensation benefit and CSR are the dimensions of
can attract them to work better, not only in terms of employer branding that do not attractthe interest of
position but also self-development. Corporate repu- talentedemployeesto jointheir desired organization.
tation is the behaviour of the company in carrying
out its activities. Companies with the best corpo- Recommendations
rate reputation will be more attractive for talented This research has limitations, and the results
employees to want to join the organization. The should not accept fully at face value. In the sam-
working environment also hasan important role be- pling, there should have been a more equitable dis-
cause itmaintains organization continuity and em- tribution sample in several major cities in Indonesia,
ployee retention. Low employee turnover is a form cities that have the potential to absorb qualified, tal-
of organization success (Boamah & Laschinger, ented employees. Furthermore, as the scope of the
2016). From the perspective of talented local em- study is very limited, the findings of this study need
ployees, Boamah and Laschinger argue that the low to be examined further.
turnover rate is evidence that the organization can From this study, one employer’s branding di-
maintain their assets properly. mension related to compensation and benefits was
Compensation benefits are no longer themain found to be no longer the main consideration with
consideration of talented employees to join the or- regards to the intention of talented employees to
ganization. This finding wascontrary to the study join a company or organisation. This contradicts
conducted by Gilaniand Cunningham (2017). This previous research that encourages improvement of
point of viewemphasizes that talented employees the compensation and benefits dimensionto attract
need more long-term relationships in an organiza- talented local employees.
tion. For them, compensation benefits obtained are
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