37903-Article Text-274459-3-10-20230619
37903-Article Text-274459-3-10-20230619
37903-Article Text-274459-3-10-20230619
The Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in
Trnava, Nám. J. Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava, Slovakia
The study focuses on the area of corporate identity and its correlation to reputation and
employer’s brand. As competition in the labor market grows, more companies, in particular, are
investing their efforts and resources in employer brand development that would be attractive to both
current and potential employees. If the organization wants to be perceived as a desirable place for
work and the employer as ideal, consistent corporate communication and harmonization of internal,
employee-to-employee and external-employee-to-employee communications are required. The
purpose of the paper is investigate the impact of corporate identity on good reputation and an
attractive employer branding and thus gain a competitive advantage on the labor market. The
intention is to find out the individual components of corporate identity that contribute to the solid
reputation that could become a source of competitive advantage and a suitable foundation for
achieving an attractive employer brand.
DOI: 10.5937/sjm18-37903
60 J.C. Janechová / SJM 18 (1) (2023) 59 - 69
with their activities supporting an attractive corporate brand and gains a reputation over
employer brand, try to differentiate time, strong brands and reputations are rare
themselves from the competition and and cannot be imitated. (Abratt & Kleyn,
improve their reputation and image. With a 2012). From this statement, we conclude that
targeted personnel strategy, they create the reputation is not static; it changes over time
image of an employer for whom it is great to and is influenced by several factors entering
work. These activities also occur in the into its formation. Current and potential
context of the involvement of the corporate employees are also one of the target groups
identity because the identity enters the value (stakeholders) playing a crucial role in the
offer for the potential employee and affects reputation assessment. In this context, it is
the current ones. The aim of the paper is to necessary to point out the importance of
investigate the impact of corporate identity identifying current employees with the
on the reputation and employer brand. Our company’s corporate identity. It is essential
intention is to find out which specific to know and adequately manage all the
prerequisites and attributes of the corporate dimensions of reputation that contribute to
identity must be fulfilled if the goal of the the desired status. Pointing out the
company is an attractive employer branding importance of firm identification of
with a good reputation. employees with the company, we find the
same opinion of Balmer, claiming that the
deficit of insufficient identification with the
2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND company can not be replaced by anything
(Balmer, 2008). This statement identifies the
In the last decade, corporate identity has need for systematic work with employees,
been the subject of many studies, with particularly through corporate
research focusing on various concepts, communication, which should be
research methodology and analytical tools, coordinated across the company’s
or responding to the practical application of organizational units to deliver brand
knowledge in this area by public and private experience and build the company’s good
sector managers. We consider Balmer as one reputation as an employer. Melewar et al.
of the pioneers in corporate identity (2006) – with their knowledge –
connected with the organization’s reputation. implemented this issue by pointing out that
He defines it as the central platform on employees feel motivated if they identify
which the rules of corporate communication with the company they work for and if that
are based and form the pillars for corporate company has a strong image and reputation.
reputation and corporate image. He According to the authors, a highly
considers this to be the basis for identifying motivating work environment is valuable
target groups with society (Balmer, 2008). and increases productivity and profitability
The importance of researching this area is (Melewar et al., 2006). In this context we
stressed out by the fact that very few need to underline the role of a team spirit, as
organizations have a strong brand and, at the an important corporate identity component,
same time, a good reputation and a quality that makes a team stronger than a simple set
employer brand. According to Abratt and of individuals. Good guidance of the team
Kleyn, even though every company has a towards the objective with constant
J.C. Janechová / SJM 18 (1) (2023) 59 - 69 61
adjustment through retrospectives resulted in the core of the company’s mission and
high productivity (Stojković et al., 2021). vision, values and suitable corporate culture.
We should add that the identification of Considering all these aspects, it is possible to
employees with a company while promoting create and define the visual identity, the
a strong image and reputation is only one promise of the brand, brand personality, as
factor affecting employees’ overall well as the way and rules of communication
motivation. Research done by Ganta across all target groups. In other words, we
confirms the relationship state it is necessary to define how we express
betweensmotivation in work and employee and deliver the company’s corporate identity
performance; based on his study, he states to all target groups.
that each employee has his path to Based on the schematic illustration, which
motivation and it is the manager’s job to mainly expresses the complexity of the issue,
understand why the employee works and to we agree with the authors Abratt and Kleyn,
provide the reward that the employee would stating that building a strong reputation
find as satisfying (Ganta, 2014). requires strategic decisions of the
A graphical representation of the organization in aligning strategy, culture and
corporate identity integration, corporate corporate communication (Abratt & Kleyn,
brand and company reputation is 2012). If the organization succeeds, a strong
summarized in Figure 1. The process begins reputation becomes a source of competitive
by creating a corporate identity, deciding and advantage and is essential for managing an
defining who we are, what our company is attractive employer brand. The study’s
like and what it would like to become in the authors discussed reputation on a theoretical
future. The definition of these issues forms level and did not support their findings using
Source: own processing as per the authors of Abratt and Kleyn (2012)
Figure 1. Strategic integration of corporate identity, corporate brand and company reputation
62 J.C. Janechová / SJM 18 (1) (2023) 59 - 69
empirical research that otherwise could be create the image of an attractive employer. At
helpful in the practical application of present, social networks are very beneficial
knowledge. in this process. We consider social networks
In the labor market, we often observe a as an important channel for brand
situation where companies compete by job communication and for attracting talented
offers designed for the same jobs to reach candidates. We anticipate that their
and attract potential employees. One of the importance will grow in both the private and
ways to differentiate an organization from its professional spheres. Employers should
competition for potential employees is therefore take the opportunity to deepen their
through the employer’s brand (Verčič & relationship with potential candidates and
Sinčić Ćorić, 2018). However, the communicate brand values to create an
employer’s brand and reputation and image of a great place to work (Bednárik &
corporate identity are transformed into the Charvát Janechová, 2021). Contact with the
employer’s value. An internal brand involves target group via social networks enables two-
recruiting employees, with people being way communication in real-time as well as
most conveniently recruited if their values the clear and simple expression of the
are similar to the company’s (Kaplan, 2017). employer’s attitude. However, social
The employer’s brand represents the part of networks should not be the only channel for
the offer that makes the company unique and employer brand communication. Employer
distinguishable. According to Armstrong, branding should be seen in a broader context
creating an employer’s brand requires to: as a strategic issue with a long-term
• analyze what the best job seekers perspective and should not be seen as a
want and need, tactical issue or a communication exercise
• find out to what extent the basic (Bellou et al., 2015). The research focused
values of the organization’s brand support on the employer’s attractive brand concludes
the attractive brand and ensure that they are that the employer’s attractiveness depends
part of its presentation, mainly on the company’s holistic approach
• define the features of the employer’s to its corporate image. Potential candidates
brand, based on which people perceive the combine information with their own
organization as a great place to work, impression and knowledge of the corporate
whether it is a fair approach, development brand. They create a specific impression of
opportunities, work-life balance, leadership the company as an employer, which directly
style and quality, level of cooperation or impacts its attractiveness (Kissel & Büttgen,
success of the organization, 2015).
• compare their approach with An important target group that affects the
competing organizations, such as those with employer’s attractiveness is the employees
the best employers, and seek inspiration themselves because the brand’s performance
(Armstrong, 2015). depends on each employee’s behavior and
approach. Research into brand performance
Based on the above, we can conclude that through employee involvement has shown
the employer’s brand is a set of tangible and that employees are linked to the employer’s
intangible values designed for current and brand and create “pro-brand” behavior that
potential employees, while the goal is to affects brand performance, especially
J.C. Janechová / SJM 18 (1) (2023) 59 - 69 63
through employee openness (Bieńkowska et and coherence of internal and external
al., 2020). As mentioned above, to connect communication. Many authors agree that a
employees with the employer’s brand, it is strong corporate identity can be a source of
necessary to select employees whose values competitive advantage. It is often also the
are close to the company’s values. While motive for rebranding companies. A
aligned, the risk of insufficient identification company that can create an inimitable image
of employees with a corporate identity is and stands out from the competition allows
reduced and it is possible to achieve a closer itself to differentiate itself in a competitive
connection with the employer’s brand. environment (Melewar et al., 2006).
The figure illustrates the organization’s However, to create a strong reputation and an
efforts to adapt the corporate brand towards attractive employer brand through corporate
the inside and relies on employees who identity, a strategic approach of the
contact customers to deliver the brand’s organization in a harmonized corporate
promise to potential and current customers. culture and corporate communication is
For this process to be successful, the right needed to achieve, among other things, the
people need to be hired. While the internal identification of employees with corporate
brand is concentrated inwards, the identity. Employees who feel needed, heard,
employer’s brand focuses on external and involved in the organization's
audiences, specifically potential employees functioning can bring future profits and
who may also be customers (Foster et al., contribute to the company's prosperity,
2010). Employees identified with a corporate helping to build a better image of the
identity also encourage certain confidence in company. This also increases the interest of
the customers they are in contact with. The potential employees in the possible job
prerequisite for success is the consistency position (Augustinova, 2020).
Figure 2. Relationship between internal brand, corporate brand and employer brand
64 J.C. Janechová / SJM 18 (1) (2023) 59 - 69
Table 1. Please assess and decide the following statements concerning the company you
a good reputation, employees feel motivated instances, brand performance depends on the
and identify themselves more easily with the behavior and attitude of each employee. This
company (Melewar et al., 2006). In this may be because employee behavior affects
context, it should be added that in some how the corporate brand is perceived from
J.C. Janechová / SJM 18 (1) (2023) 59 - 69 67
the external environment. If a company principles that guide the actions of
strives for a highly motivating work employees, appears to be a managerial
environment, it is an appropriate strategy to priority, in order to create an attractive
increase growth, productivity and employer brand and good reputation.
profitability. We believe that a strong
corporate brand is a navigator for all target 5.3. Limitations and future research
groups, but especially customers, current and agenda
potential employees, and it is essential that
each employee understands the values of the The research lacks include that we
brand through an intellectual and emotional researched only a selected market segment in
connection with the brand itself. This is a the local market and the individually
prerequisite for accepting brand values and researched attributes may differ depending
identifying employees with a corporate on the industry in which the employer
identity. operates. Several target groups are also
involved in creating the employer’s brand,
5.2. Practical implication and further research could be aimed at
confronting the employer’s efforts to create
Complementing the theoretical an employer’s brand with potential and
implication, the present findings also provide current employees.
insights for human resource managers, brand The strong integration of corporate
managers as well as managers responsible identity into the company’s strategy brings
for corporate identity and employer undeniable benefits, especially in terms of
branding. However, the research findings human resource management, so we think
highlight the importance of employees' why there are so few companies with a solid
conviction about their positive influence on corporate identity and positive reputation.
the organization's operation. Information The question remains when we can consider
flow should be shared in such a way that a corporate strategy appropriately chosen
everyone can access it in case of need. and when it brings the desired results such as
Managers should organize the work in such a a positive reputation and an attractive
way that each employee is aware of the employer brand. These issues could also be
connection between their work and the further researched.
company’s goals and powers are delegated
so that employees can make their own
decisions. Moreover, the skills and 6. CONCLUSION
knowledge of employees should be
constantly improving and should be We are currently experiencing a lack of
perceived as a source of competitive certain professions in the labor market and
advantage. By doing so, fixed values of the are increasingly encountering employers’
company should be set to determine the way efforts to reach potential employees with a
of doing business and acting. In addition, a unique and competitive offer. Potential
strong corporate culture, a clearly defined employees, especially senior and middle
mission that provides work with meaning management, can orient themselves very
and direction, together with ethical well in employers' offers and evaluate them
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