Biodiversity: (Prices Are Subject To Change Without Notice)
Biodiversity: (Prices Are Subject To Change Without Notice)
Biodiversity: (Prices Are Subject To Change Without Notice)
Agriculture and Forestry ..........................................................................................................................1 Biotechnology ......................................................................................................................................... 2 Earth Sciences ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Life Sciences ......................................................................................................................................... 9 Management ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Natural History .................................................................................................................................... 11 Social Ecology ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Textbooks and Dictionaries ................................................................................................................. 24 Index ..................................................................................................................................................... 27 Our Distributors ................................................................................................................................... 31
The two volumes cover 545 species, 222 genera, 51 families and 13 orders. Detailed scientific information is provided for about 60 well-studied species. Each of the 76 contributors is a leading expert on the species/groups he/she has written about. In-depth studies conducted on most of the species, over several decades, have made the information presented in these chapters as complete as possible. The two-volume The Mammals of South Asia is prepared to become the definitive guide on the mammals of this region, to all serious naturalists. The contributors include renowned conservation biologists from India and abroad: including A.J.T. Johnsingh, Ajith Kumar, Anwaruddin Chowdhury, Aparajita Datta, Clifford Rice, Eric Dinerstein, John Eisenberg, Ullas Karanth, Raghu Chundawat, Rudy Rudran, Y.V. Jhala. The Foreword has been penned by George B. Schaller.
KM Chinnappa is a retired forest officer who spent most of his working life in and around Nagarahole national park. An upright and hard-working forest officer, he has been considered the nemesis of poachers and wood-cutters in the areas in which he served. Dr K Ullas Karanth once called Mr Chinnappa his guru in the forest. About 50 short incidents / escapades have been put together chronologically to depict this remarkable life. Not only is it a first of its kind to find an autobiography of a forest guard is extremely rare it is also a very charmingly written account of a hard life, cheerfully and honestly lived.
A collection of scientific writings on the tiger in India by renowned conservation biologist Dr K Ullas Karanth. This collection of papers covers subjects like predator-prey relationship, camera-trapping methods, a critique of the tiger task force, and the conservation needs of large carnivores.
In an era of natural hazards, Disaster Management is an important topic for allfrom high school students to researchers. Human beings and their environment are increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters. Disaster data in recent years show increasing trends in physical, social and economic impacts. While the mega disasters get media attraction, and thereby attract help from major donors and development agencies, there are many small disasters, which affect lives and livelihoods on a daily basis. This book will target some of the key issues of disaster management, and will focus on innovative research and application in this broad arena. Disaster management is increasingly being recognized as a multi-disciplinary field encompassing science, art, social studies, economics, engineering, architecture and other areas. The book will provide a development perspective of disaster management, for the benefit of development agencies and non-government organizations, working in this field.
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Institute of Horticultural Research, the Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops, the National Botanical Research Institute, the Regional Research Laboratories, ICAR, and others.
2004 344 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-504-4 Rs. 695.00
The book is beautifully illustrated with line drawings of each plant to facilitate easy identification.
2004 58 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-482-5 Rs. 85.00
This book describes some commonly used medicinal plants of uncertain botanical identity. With the increased public interest in the use of herbs to treat ailments, many spurious plants are being used in the manufacture of Ayurvedic medicines. This is sometimes owing to ignorance and in other cases, an attempt by unscrupulous manufacturers taking advantage of this demand. The book differentiates between adulterants, substitutes and genuine drugs. This book will be helpful to those manufacturers who wish to use genuine drug plants in their preparations and to educate lay people who are using Ayurvedic remedies. It will also be useful to pharmacists.
2003 120 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-469-6 Rs. 195.00
Indian Medicinal Plants: A Compendium of 500 Species Warrier, P.K., Nambiar, V.P.K. & Ramankutty, C.
This compendium is based on a treatise prepared by S. Raghunatha Iyer, a scholar of both Sanskrit and Ayurveda, aims to make an authoritative contribution to the field. The original work which drew upon classical texts and current research, as well as the oral medical knowledge of tribal groups has been updated by scholars associated with the Arya Vaidya Sala in Kottakal, India. This unique compendium offers profiles of 500 key species with detailed taxonomic information. One of the leading features of this compilation is the special technique used in the illustrations, both colour and line, which aims to achieve authenticity of texture, colour and form. The compendium also lists the distribution and popular nomenclature in English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Malayalam and Tamil. The main texts present properties and uses in a format which cites ancient verse texts and ethnobotanical sources. This rare work, in five volumes, should be of special interest to practitioners of alternative medicine, students of Ayurveda, the research and industry associated with medical botany, pharmacologists, sociologists and medical herbalists.
Volume 1 1993 430 pp. Hardback 978-81-250-0301-4 Rs. 850.00
Spices constitute an important group of agricultural commodities which, since antiquity, have been used for flavouring foods. Some species are used in the pharmaceutical, perfumery, cosmetics and related industries, and others possess colourant, preservative, antioxidant, antiseptic and antibiotic properties. This book reflects the intensive research carried out on this group of 42 spice crops since 1971, the improvement in agro-techniques and the release of many high-yielding varieties. It provides exhaustive information on all aspects of cultivation, harvesting and processing of each crop and will be an invaluable aid to students, teachers and growers of spice crops, both individual and corporate.
2005 468 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-521-1 Rs. 525.00
In recent years, there has been a tremendous growth of interest in plant-based drugs, pharmaceuticals, perfumery products, cosmetics and aromatic compounds used in food flavours, fragrances, and natural colours. An attempt has been made in this book to provide all possible pooled information including the research findings that have been generated by the Division of Horticultural Sciences, the University of Agricultural Sciences, the Indian
This book contains information about the use of common plants to cure common ailments. It is popular knowledge gained from the experience of generations. The suggested treatments are simple, inexpensive and easy to follow. They are recommended only as primary health care measures.
BIODIVERSITY Volume 2 1994 436 pp. Hardback 978-81-250-0246-8 Rs. 850.00 Volume 3 1994 423 pp. Hardback 978-81-250-0302-1 Rs. 850.00 Volume 4 1995 444 pp. Hardback 978-81-250-0303-8 Rs. 850.00 Volume 5 1996 592 pp. Hardback 978-81-250-0763-0 Rs. 850.00
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Bioinformatics and Bioprogramming in C
Chavali, L.N.
This book assesses the performance and impact of the Joint Forest Management (JFM programme) from the communitys perspective, based on the studies conducted by the Ecological and Economics Research Network in six statesAndhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Tripura and West Bengal. The approach adopted by the network involved the development of a common methodology, based on which studies were undertaken during 20012002. This book presents the evolution of the JFM policy in India, information about the status of JFM with respect to its spread, performance and impact in the six states, case studies of successful JFM Committees and ecological and silvicultural aspects of JFM, besides suggesting a strategy for monitoring and evaluation of JFM, and advancing policy, institutional and silvicultural strategies and options to sustain JFM.
2004 342 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-486-3 Rs. 395.00
This nursery manual provides propagation techniques for one hundred tree species. The appropriate reproductive and/or vegetative propagation techniques are presented for each tree species. The manual further provides a brief description of each tree species, its distribution, economic importance, phenology, seed characteristics, methods of seed collection, specific treatments to enhance seed germination and fieldplanting methods. Information about the application of modern techniques such as micropropagation, the use of synthetic chemicals to induce roots, seed treatments, testing of germination, setting up of traditional and greenhouse nurseries and various practices to produce good quality seedlings is also provided. This manual has been prepared to meet the requirements of individuals interested in setting up nurseries, forest department staff and nursery managers, plantation managers, college teachers, farmers, commercial entrepreneurs and silviculture enthusiasts.
2003 328 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-455-9 Rs. 395.00
Bioinformatics and Bioprogramming in C is designed to introduce C language to the biology, biochemistry, microbiology and biotechnology community as a tool for solving biological problems. To help in understanding the concepts, most of the terminology used is biocentric and the programs help in real-life problems like gene sequence analysis and prediction. The book moves gradually from simple ideas to more complex programming concepts, thus equipping the reader to comprehend the case studies on dynamic programming and PAM matrices included at the end.
Contents: Foreword / Preface / Acknowledgements / Introduction / Basic Terminology / Operators / Statements and Control Flow / Functions / Character Input and Output / Arrays / Pointers / Structures / Files / Data Structures / Case Studies / Appendix / Index
This book covers the technologies most appropriate for India and other neighbouring countries. It could be a
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companion to the textbooks on biology, agriculture, environmental science, environmental engineering and biotechnology.
1999 176 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-098-8 Rs. 275.00
Biotechnology Unzipped:
Promises and Realities Grace, E.S.
Biotechnology Unzipped explains biotechnology simply and clearly, creating sufficient scientific and historical context so the reader understands its continuity with earlier scientific developments going back to the discovery of the cell.
1998 264 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-144-2 Rs. 275.00
Scientists today are able to manipulate the genetic information contained in the DNA molecule, creating new variations in the forms life takes. But this new capability has posed new questions: What changes are truly desirable for humankind? Should new life forms be patented? What regulations are needed to prevent the release of harmful variants into the environment? This book provides the background for understanding this new science and deals with the controversial questions surrounding it.
2000 128 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-340-8 Rs. 175.00
minimum of legal jargon) not available in other texts on the subject. The first section begins with an introductory chapter and goes on to consider issues and principles including protection, transference and capacity building, both at the national and institutional level. The second consists of eleven country and regional case studies from six continents, which track the international variation in intellectual property law and its application to agricultural biotechnology.
2000 240 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-255-5 Rs. 400.00
Molecular Biotechnology:
Principles and Practices Channarayappa
Concepts in Biotechnology
(Revised Edition) Balasubramanian, D., et al.
The book covers the fundamental principles and concepts in biotechnology which form the basis for the subject and illustrates their applications in selected areas such as health care, agriculture, animal systems, food and beverage, production, environment maintenance and bioprocess technologies. This textbook is the outcome of a COSTED-IBN project on curriculum development in biotechnology for undergraduate study. It is designed to provide a strong base in this emerging, interdisciplinary area which holds great promise for economic development. This revised edition incorporates two new chapters on biotechnology in food and beverage production and environmental biotechnology.
2004 502 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-483-2 Rs. 450.00
This book explores the great discoveries in geneticsthe study of genes and the inherited information they contain. Beginning with geneticists at the start of the century, who worked out certain rules by which characteristics are inherited, and progressing to the development of genetic engineering, or the process of moving and altering genes, it shows men and women patiently and creatively unravelling one of the central mysteries of life.
1999 160 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-180-0 Rs. 175.00
This book presents definitive information on intellectual property law in a simplified form (with a
Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Practices is intended as a textbook aimed at providing undergraduate and postgraduate students with a strong base in this emerging and highly promising interdisciplinary science. It strikes a balance between two important aspects of the science the theory of molecular biology and the experimental approach to the study of biological processes. The main feature of this book is that it covers a wide range of molecular techniques in biotechnology and is designed to be a student- and teacher-friendly textbook. Each technique is described conceptually, followed by a detailed experimental account of the steps involved. The book can also serve as a reference to the interested reader who is venturing into the field of biotechnology for the first time. Special Features: Provides comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of key concepts in biotechnology; Logical format used to provide easy access to the information; Clear and well-labelled figures;
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Plant Biotechnology: Methods in Tissue Culture and Gene Transfer Keshavachandran, R. & Peter, K.V. (Eds.) N
There is growing demand for more food crops. The book has 21 chapters contributed by eminent scientists from all over the country. It discusses the various techniques and aspects of biotechnology that can bring about crop improvement. The book serves as a textbook for postgraduate students and researchers working in the fields of plant biotechnology and horticulture and a reference book for undergraduates.
2008 312 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-616-4 Rs. 300.00
plants; somatic embryogenesis in crop species like Cicer arietinum, Helianthus annus, etc., besides plantation crops like coffee and pepper; micropropagation of divergent plant species, including medicinal and ornamental plants; haploid and somaclonal variation in pigeonpea, peanut, etc.; production of secondary metabolites in plant species like Catharanthus roseus, Artemesia maritima and Azadirachta indica; stress biology in crop plants; use of molecular markers in coffee, PCRbased DNA fingerprinting, seed protein profiles of fodder grains, and nodule initiation in pigeonpea. This book serves not only as a handbook for students, scholars, teachers, researchers and industries alike in plant tissue culture and biotechnology, but also for general reference.
1999 328 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-148-0 Rs. 550.00
in detail in this book. Similarly, application aspects of micropropagation, haploid cell culture, protoplast culture, embryo culture, somatic embryogenesis and artificial seeds are also discussed.
2005 232 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-488-7 Rs. 265.00
Practical Biotechnology:
Methods and Protocols Janarthanan, S. & Vincent, S.
Major advances made during the last one decade in the field of plant tissue culture and molecular biology have been presented in this book. It comprises about fifty research articles on a wide range of topical subjects from overall review of plant tissue culture to superoxide dismutases in
Plant tissue culture in one form or another has become one of the most promising branches of plant science. Arising from the totipotency of plant cells, it now occupies a key position in plant breeding, plant propagation and plant biotechnology. Plant Tissue Culture: Basic and Applied brings to the student accessible, up-todate information on this subject. Basic knowledge of tissue culture methods such as isolation of suitable tissues from the mother plant, maintenance of the tissues under in vitro condition in an undifferentiated or dedifferentiated stage, methods of genetic engineering and gene transfer, chromosomal studies and the handling of in vitro micro plants are described
The book helps undergraduate, postgraduate and research students to perform basic experiments in biotechnology. The laboratory protocols are simple to understand by students from different scientific backgrounds. Each laboratory exercise contains an introductory unit, protocol and easy-to-follow instructions for reagent preparation. The methods and protocols given here aim to make students ready for independent research in biotechnology laboratories.
Contents: DNA ISOLATION - Isolation of Plasmid DNA / Isolation of Bacterial Genomic DNA / Isolation of Yeast Genomic DNA / Isolation of Fungal Genomic DNA / Isolation of Genomic DNA from Blood / Isolation of DNA from Animal Cells / Isolation of Genomic DNA from Eukaryotic Tissues / Isolation of Plant DNA using CTAB Extraction Method / Isolation of Chloroplast DNA / Mitochondrial DNA Isolation / Phenol Chloroform Extraction of DNA / Ethanol Precipitation of DNA / RNA ISOLATION Isolation of Total RNA from Bacterial Cells / Isolation of Total RNA from Plant Tissues / Hot Phenol Isolation of RNA from Plant Tissues / Acid Phenol
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Extraction of RNA / Messenger RNA Isolation or Poly (A) RNA Isolation / WORKING WITH DNA - Storage / Purification / Concentration / Spectrophotometric Determination of Nucleic Acid Purity and Concentration / Fluorescent Quantification of DNA / Quantification of DNA using Diphenylamine (DPA) Assay / MOLECULAR BIOLOGY METHODS Restriction Enzyme Digestion of DNA / DNA Ligation / Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA / Elution of DNA Fragments from Agarose / Phenol Purification of DNA from Low Melting Agarose / Southern Blotting / Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of RNA / Northern Blotting / Cloning / Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)(In Vitro Amplification of DNA) / SDSPolyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis / Western Blotting (Immunoblotting) / Iso-electric Focusing (IEF) of Proteins / 2D Gel Electrophoresis (2D PAGE) / Trypsin Digestion of Protein Gel / Protein Dialysis / Enzyme (Esterase) Gel Electrophoresis / SOME USEFUL INFORMATION FOR METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - Antibiotic Concentration in Media / E. coli Growth Curve / Storage of Bacterial Strains in Stab Agar / Storage of Bacterial Strains in Glycerol Solution / Decontamination of Ethidium Bromide (EtBr) Solutions / Preparation of Solutions / Glassware and Plasticware / Disposal of Buffers and Chemicals / Autoclave Operating Procedures / Safety Procedures / PREPARATION OF SOLUTIONS / References
Laser Confocal Microscopy and its Application in Cell Biology / Troubleshooting / Answers to Excercises / References / Appendices / Index
The technology of cell, tissue and organ culture is of primary importance in the development of the biotechnology industry. Major advances in the biological sciences have been possible, at least partially, due to this technology. Principles and Practice of Animal Tissue Culture provides basic information the technology of animal tissue culture and discusses several specialized techniques. The book is well supported by relevant graphs and photographs of equipment and cultured tissues. The book is a comprehensive practical guide that emphasizes good laboratory practices. Protocols, aseptic techniques, media preparation and data have been systematically presented to be of help primarily to students of biotechnology.
Contents: Introduction / Designing the Tissue Culture Laboratory / Equipping the Tissue Culture Laboratory / Glassware and Plasticware Used for Tissue Culture / Aseptic Techniques / Sterlisation of Materials to be Used for Tissue Culture / Tissue Culture Media / Types of Tissue Culture / Organ and Organotypic Cultures / Primary Cultures / Transformation, Differentiation and Dedifferentiation / Culture of Cell Lines / Protocols for Routine Characterisation of Cell Lines / Specialised Techniques in Tissue Culture / Stem Cells Cultures / Autoradiography of Cultured Cells / Cytogenetic Analysis of Cultured Cells / Flow Cytometric Analysis of Lymphocytes and Cultured Cells / Hybridoma Cultures to Generate Monoclonal Antibodies /
An eyewitness to this centurys relentless biological advance and the originator of some of its most important concepts, Ernst Mayr is uniquely qualified to offer a vision of science that places biology firmly at the centre, and a vision of biology that restores the primacy of holistic, evolutionary thinking. Both as an overview of the life sciences and as the culmination of a remarkable life in science, This is Biology will richly reward professionals and general readers alike.
1999 344 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-225-8 Rs. 425.00
Archaeological Geography of the Ganga Plain: The Lower and
the Middle Ganga Chakrabarti, Dilip K.
This book discusses the ancient historical geography of the lower and middle sections of the Ganga plain. Its basis is a field study of the distribution of archaeological sites in the region. The geographical issues which have been considered here are the location of sites, the historical linkages of different areas, the problems of political geography and, finally, the routes.
2001 350 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-016-9 Rs. 1095.00
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This book documents the effort made under the aegis of Indias Initial National Communication to reduce uncertainty in GHG inventory estimates from India. Measurements were conducted to derive GHG emission factors for some key source categories that contribute significantly to the total national GHG inventory. These included determination of Net Calorific Values of different types of coal in India, CO2 emission coefficients for the cement manufacturing process, GHG emission from transport sector, CH4 from fugitive emissions in coal mining, N2O emission from nitric acid production, CH4 emissions from agricultural activities such as rice cultivation and enteric fermentation, and CH4 from solid waste management. The activity data, which have been closely scrutinized for reducing uncertainty, include allocation of fuel in the road transport sector and activities related to the land use and land cover change and forestry sector. This book synthesizes the sectoral papers contributed by participating experts and also suggests future activities that will strengthen the estimates further.
2004 400 pp. Hardback 978-81-7371-517-4 Rs. 700.00
evidence that human activities contribute to the warming, which will continue to change atmospheric composition throughout the twenty-first century. This book provides assessments of the impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation needs for the key economic and ecological sectors of India. The sectors assessed include water, agriculture, forestry, eco-systems, health, coastal zones, energy and infrastructure. The book will be of interest to policymakers; researchers and modellers engaged in impact assessment global environmental assessment programs and development experts.
2004 462 pp. Hardback 978-81-7371-471-9 Rs. 660.00
Climate Policy Assessment for India: Application of AsiaPacific Integrated Model (AIM) Shukla, P.R., et al.
Global scientific assessments of climate change present a picture of a warming world and other changes in the climate system. There is increasing
The Asia-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM) brings together models belonging to diverse disciplines for analysing policies on climate change, pollution management and ecosystems preservation. The focus of AIM is on national and regional policy assessments in the Asia-Pacific region and their interface with global economic and environmental regimes. In this book, climate change policy assessment studies for India using topdown (macroeconomic) and bottomup (techno-economic) models belonging to the AIM family are presented. The book will be of particular interest to policymakers, modelers, researchers and research networks interested in the areas of development, energy, environment and climate change.
2004 232 pp. Hardback 978-81-7371-484-9 Rs. 475.00
This book is a collection of twenty one papers presented during the symposium on Coping with Natural Hazards at the University of Pune. This very successful symposium, organised by the National Academy of Sciences, outlined the strategies our country should adopt to be prepared to face hazards like earthquakes, floods, landslides, avalanches, cyclones, droughts and desertification. It contains papers by pre-eminent scientists and leading lights like Professors M G K Menon, P K Das, D R Sikka and R K Bhandari and many others. An added attraction is a series of recommendations by the participants on hazard preparedness plans, laws relating to strengthening of buildings and infrastructure, and developing early warning systems.
2004 284 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2735-5 Rs. 425.00
Disaster Management
Gupta, Harsh K. (Ed.)
This book contains seven chapters, each dealing with one major natural disaster encountered in our country. Each of the authors is an expert in that particular field. The outstanding contribution of this book is that it not only deals with the forecasting and description of the various natural disasters, but also stresses the management aspect, exhaustively detailing the necessary steps that need to be taken to deal with the fallout in the wake of these disasters. The book also describes the advances in remote sensing and the state-of-the-art technology available in India for the monitoring and prediction of these
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phenomena. It also draws up a comprehensive warning system to be implemented, in order to minimize the extensive losses to life and property that occur year after year.
2003 188 pp. Hardback 978-81-7371-456-6 Rs. 470.00
Dynamic Himalaya
Valdiya, K.S.
This monograph aims to apprise readers of the natural events that occurred and the processes that were in operation before the emergence of the giant edifice of the Himalaya. Helping to achieve clearer understanding of the structural architecture or makeup, the book purports to highlight the mechanisms and the stages of development of the worlds youngest mountain province. The text is supplemented with exhaustive data, maps, figures and colour photographs.
1998 196 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-094-0 Rs. 350.00
This book gives a basic training in the principles of geology along with some bare facts on many topics. Although the method adopted is quite elementary, any student completing the exercises would benefit by getting many facts and ideas permanently imbedded in his mind. This book shows how with simple arithmetic and easily drawn graphs, a student can find the age of a local rock, trace the drift of India, estimate the rise in the height of the Himalayas and even locate the epicenter of a recent earthquake, thus opening his eyes to the fascination of geology.
Contents: Preface / Acknowledgements / Symbols and Abbreviations / PROBLEMS - Measuring the Earth; The Universe and the Solar System; Structure of the earth; Geochronology; Stratigraphy; Petrology; Plate Tectonics; Economics Geology / SOLUTIONS - Measuring the Earth; The Universe and the Solar System; Structure of the Earth; Geochronology; Stratigraphy; Petrology; Plate Tectonics; Economic Geology / Glossary / Source / Index
which we measure social development. The tract discusses the urbanisation of India within a global context. The rapid growth of urban population, and the expansion of urban space at the cost of agricultural land leads to environmental problems and deterioration of the quality of human life. Through a searching critique of existing systems of urban planning in India, the author argues for an alternative planning approach which would be more functionally viable, environmentally compatible, and aesthetically pleasing.
1993 88 pp. Paperback 978-0-86311-376-5 Rs. 75.00
Earth Shaking Science: What we Know (and Dont Know) about Earthquakes Elizabeth,Susan
This is the first book to really make sense of the dizzying array of information that has emerged in recent decades about earthquakes. Susan Hough separates fact from fiction. She fills in many of the blanks that remained after plate tectonics theory, in the 1960s, first gave us a rough idea of just what earthquakes are about. Because earthquake science is so new, it has rarely been presented outside of technical journals that are all but opaque to non-specialists. Earthshaking Science changes all this. It tackles the issues at the forefront of modern
Explanation of Natural Events and Human Actions is an attempt to understand natural events and human actions. It presents an analysis of the logic of causal discourse and enquires about a theory of explanation that is common to causal as well as noncausal areas. Exhaustive Introduction by Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya.
2005 172 pp. Hardback 978-81-8028-024-5 Rs. 550.00
Sivaramamurti, C.
This book makes the reader aware of the human and environmental implications of development strategies; it questions the standards through
This book presents a rare, beautiful study of the many moods of Ganga, the celestial river that came down to earth, as captured by artists, sculptors and poets over the centuries. Forty-two art plates form the basis of this book. These are accompanied by a lucid commentary which introduces, describes, as well as interprets the
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adapt. The latest findings of 1000 top scientists are gathered herealong with the politicswhat little has ben done and the struggle for survival that lies ahead.
1998 240 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-131-2 Rs. 300.00
Introduction to Geomorphology
Kale, V.S. & Gupta, Avijit
This book on the applied aspects of environmental geology encapsulates a geologists concern that people are selling their future to finance their present. It explores subjects of ecosystem structure; soil and mineral resources and their conservation; hydrogeology and water resources management; terrain evaluation and land-use planning; engineering geology and the application of technology; understanding earth processes and natural hazards, climate change and drought; careful waste disposal methods; and medical geology. The book addresses the problems of environmental security within the context of geological settings and the geodynamic sensitivity of terrains. It suggests measures to mitigate the adverse consequences of tampering with natures fine balance. Over 150 detailed and clearly labelled diagrams, photographs, maps and satellite images illustrate these aspects, and are critical to the understanding of these problems.
2004 240 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-505-1 Rs. 310.00
Written for those who are not familiar with geological jargon, but still want to know about the amazing and spectacular mountain that towers over our nation. It provides a broad but brief and updated coverage of the history of the birth and the development of the Himalayas. It is a simplified synthesis of geomorphological, geological and geophysical data, leading to the emergence and rise of the worlds highest but youngest mountain. Presented in the context of the wider panorama of the evolution of the Indian subcontinent, the book highlights the crucial developments that overtook the northward-moving landmass of India.
2001 140 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-397-2 Rs. 350.00
It introduces modern principles and methods in geomorphology and illustrates these with a large number of examples from India and other countries of the tropics and subtropics. The book will be useful to geographers, geologists, ecologists and environmental scientists. Its special features are: introduces current theories and techniques; well illustrated with case studies, diagrams and photographs; includes applied use of the subject especially in areas of hazard mitigation and environmental management.
2000 280 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-1877-3 Rs. 275.00
Gupta, Harsh K.
Global warming is a fact. There is no longer any doubt that we are causing the earths climate to change. This will happen at a faster pace than nature can
This book is located within the contemporary discourse of human geography, ecology, and the cultural landscape. These essays amend earlier anthropocentric perspectives on the conquest of nature, by placing people in symbiosis with their environment. And, in doing so, they seek to ensure a secure common future for both.
2001 248 pp. Hardback 978-81-250-2045-5 Rs. 500.00
The Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal together account for about 3% of the world oceanic area, but receive close to 9% of global river run off. This relatively large fresh water input modulates some important features of the Northern Indian Ocean. This book covers the physical, biological and chemical conditions that are unique to our seas. Each paper is written by an expert in the field and deals with issues like drugs from the ocean, harnessing thermal resources, predicting cyclones, pollution, mineral and gas hydrate resources.
2005 232 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-529-7 Rs. 320.00
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This book provides a modern analysis of the natural elements of physical phenomena operating in India. The book analyses all the essential topics covered under physical geography such as geological systems of Indian subcontinent, weather, drainage, vegetation and soil systems.
1998 205 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-1346-4 Rs. 175.00
tested. The topics dealt with closely follow the IAS syllabus in important topics like cytology and genetics and additionally includes current topics like AIDS, cancer, ozone depletion, etc. The book also contains objective questions and simple, clear figures. The style is easy and informative.
2001 376 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2063-9 Rs. 415.00
change how you view your immediate surroundings. It will not only fascinate the general reader but will also serve as an introductory survey of biomechanics. Lifes Devices includes examples from every major group of animals and plants, with references to recent work, illustrative problems, and suggestions of experiments that need only common household materials.
2000 384 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-356-9 Rs. 400.00
Copepods are a group of crustaceans dominant among marine plankton. Their role in the production process is crucial for many ecosystems. Being suspension-feeding or predatory, they provide food for larger planktivorous animals. Problems of ecosystem production and prediction cannot be solved without knowledge of the main biological and ecological characteristics of this group. This monograph is the result of a long period of experiments and field research on the reproduction and growth of Copepods in the Black and Mediterranean seas and the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. Principally based on a new methodological approach, field values of clutch size, development time, and intervals between clutches were determined in 85 dominant species.
2006 160 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-438-2 Rs. 415.00
Mesoscale Structure of the Epipelagic Ecosystem of the Open Northern Arabian Sea, The
Banse, Karl & Piontkovski, S.A.
Advanced Topics in Zoology
Kashyap, H.V.
This book treats principally the thirtieth cruise of R/V Professor Vodyanitsky of the Institute of Biology of Southern Seas (IBSS) in FebruaryApril 1990, the last comprehensive Ukrainian expedition to the Arabian Sea. Since the conclusion of the International Indian Ocean Expedition in 1965, nine expeditions to the Arabian Sea and adjacent equatorial waters had been launched by IBSS (19781990) and ten by the Marine Hydro physical Institute (MHI, 1966, 19711991). While the book emphasizes the 1990 results, several authors also review in detail, or newly present, data from earlier expeditions. Some of the papers expand on presentations during the United StatesCommonwealth of Independent States Arabian Sea Workshop held in Sevastopol in September 1993.
2006 248 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-496-2 Rs. 550.00
This is not a textbook in the regular sense of the term. This is an information sourcebooks for advanced students and has been class-
This entertaining and informative book describes how living things bump up against nonbiological reality; it aims to
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Laureates. It is intended to be a window to modern structural biology and a showcase of the Indian effort in this area.
1999 760 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-254-8 Rs. 850.00
The monograph generalizes multi-year investigations on the energy metabolism and motility of marine planktonic organisms, from flagellated algae to salps, from different regions of the World Ocean. The effect of various factors changing activity and metabolism during experiments has been considered. Common features and differences in the character and speed of movement of organisms with different ecology have been demonstrated. Data on basal, standard, and total metabolism have been compared; current approaches have been taken into account, and new approaches and methods for the estimation of metabolism when approaching ecological problems are suggested.
2006 216 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-495-5 Rs. 510.00
environment, and in many instances, safety thresholds have been crossed. Industry has been responsible for a major portion of this environmental degradation and they are now expected to lead the march down a new path of economic growth known as sustainable development. This book provides a primer suitable for companies who wish to make a start on this new path.
1999 296 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-101-5 Rs. 325.00
This book presents a comprehensive and critical review of recent developments in Invertebrate Zoology. It summarises the results of diverse worldwide research and investigation into all classes of Invertebrates from Protozoa to Echiodermata except insects, and brings together information from scattered and even inaccessible journals and periodicals. Among the Arthropoda, only Crustacea are dealt with. The central concept in this book is that regardless of structural diversity, life is the same everywhere on the earth. While not a textbook in the strict sense of the term, this book should prove indispensable to teachers, students and researchers in colleges and universities.
2004 388 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-0841-5 Rs. 385.00
Prof. G.N. Ramachandran has been among the foremost biophysicists and structural biologists of our times, and the most outstanding scientist to have worked in independent India. His contributions pertaining to collagen, methods of structural analysis, computer modelling and conformational analysis, and threedimensional image reconstruction have had a high global impact. This volume in honour of GNR consists of articles at the cutting edge of structural biology contributed by leading scientists, including two Nobel
Best Practices: Environment
Economist Intelligence Unit, The
There are three specific ways in which economic activity relies on the environment as a source of raw materials and energy; as a sink for waste; and as a provider of services essential for human survival. These functions are now threatened as a result of the degradation of the
This book presents a comprehensive analysis of the role of business in safeguarding the environment. It gives a detailed, critical examination of all the key tools of corporate environmental management, including environmental management systems and standards; environmental policies, guidelines and charters; environmental auditing; life-cycle assessment; the measurement of environmental performance; and environmental reporting. The book emphasizes systems-based environmental management, and also considers how such an approach might be integrated within local authorities and small- and medium-sized companies. It then extends the systems approach to cover continuous environmental improvement, building a corporate environmental profile and moving towards sustainability.
1999 280 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-157-2 Rs. 325.00
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enable the readers to communicate their needs and requirements effectively to IPR professionals and thereby exploit what the system has to offer.
1998 304 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-105-3 Rs. 300.00
Environmental and ecological economics is a transdisciplinary branch of knowledge. It covers the study of the processes of simultaneity involved in the functioning of the economy and environmental/ecological systems, with a view to promote human well being sustainably. It is an applied branch, but its theoretical dimension has been very powerful, as the issues it analyses constantly demand new concepts and insights. Besides the paradigmatic bases of environmental, ecological and natural resource economics such as neoclassical, institutional and biophysical foundations, the scope of this book covers economic dimensions of and approaches to pollution, environmental and ecosystem management, biodiversity, global warming, energy and resource use, environmental evaluation and sustainable development. The book is planned to serve teachers and students at graduate and postgraduate levels, and also stimulate researchers.
2005 612 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-463-4 Rs. 775.00
Tourism Management, a compilation of articles by leading experts in the field, is an organized presentation of perspectives on tourism management in India. The chapters are written keeping in view the sensitivity needed for planning the growth of the tourism industry in India, given the complexity of the issues involved. This book - with its well-researched and documented chapters and its coverage of contemporary environmental issues - will be useful to tourism students, the hotel industry, the Ministry of Tourism, State Governments and planners.
2003 200 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-464-1 Rs. 125.00
Birds and Plant Regeneration
Gandhi, Tara
Todays aggressive marketing environment has necessitated the protection of new technologies and products through Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs). Any intellectual creation can be protected by a judicious combination of available IPR tools. This book attempts to familiarise professionals with no legal background with the basic concepts of IPR. It will
This book draws attention to the role that birds play in the process of natural regeneration, and the contribution they make to the sustained productivity of our diverse ecosystems. In dwelling on the bird-plant inter-relationship, the book also sheds much light on birds themselves. The text is enriched by linedrawings and an 8-page colour section
Slim Ali, without question Indias greatest ornithologist, was a prolific writer. Apart from his many books (the best known being The Book of Indian Birds), he wrote a large number of scientific papers, essays, and popular articles for a variety of journals, and magazines. He also broadcast radio talks and gave public lectures as well as interviews. This body of Slim Alis work has never before been gathered together into a book.This first-time collection of all these shorter writings, painstakingly ferreted out and put together by Slim Alis former student Tara Gandhi (with the permission of the Bombay Natural History Society, Slim Alis intellectual and spiritual home for many years), presents a fascinating array of topics as diverse as the Indian landscapes and birdlife that were his passion. Whether it is the colours of a birds feathers or the ecology of the Himalaya mountains or an insightful conservation message, Salim Alis evocative writing style makes reading this volume enormously pleasurable.
2006 905 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-170-8 Rs. 1495.00
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Birds in Our Lives provides glimpses of the incredible diversity of Indias birds, the ecosystems where different kinds of birds are found, and the various ways ? cultural and economic ? in which birds have touched our lives. It gives a brief account of the history of ornithology in India. It stresses on the serious threats that bird habitats and populations face, and gives a sense of both the continued erosion of Indian birdlife, as well as the rapidly growing efforts to save it. Finally, it provides key pointers for what needs to be done if we want to save this precious natural heritage. An extremely readable and technically accurate account of bird conservation in India Written by one of Indias most well-known and outspoken conservationists Printed on art paper, with over 100 colour photographs
2007 308 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-586-0 Rs. 595.00
monitoring, bringing about greater awareness for environmental converns and action. In this regard, amateur birdwatchers are an important target group as they have a role to play not only in the dissemination of information but also in assisting professional conservationists in gathering data on bird distributions and abundance. Clearly, there is also a need for a book which takes amateur birdwatchers beyond simply watching birds and treating them merely as objects of identification, much in the same way as a stamp collector does with his or her stamp collection. This book should acquaint birdwatchers, nature lovers, students of biodiversity (especially those from a non-zoology background but also those from a zoology background) with ecology, conservation issues, bird study principles, and above all the methods of observing and recording. This book is a departure from these conventional books as it is written in a light, easy to read style, peppered with anectodes.
2004 240 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-485-6 Rs. 300.00
Field Days: A Naturalists Journey through South and Southeast Asia Johnsingh, A.J.T.
Each of the thirty-seven articles in this book is a journey into a protected forest, some well-known and others rarely accessed. Nearly always a long walk is involved, a walk that picks up details that an untrained eye would easily miss. Close encounters with temperamental tuskers, protective elephant mothers, reclusive tigers, poachers, villagers, tribal communities and forest guards pepper these walks. Dr Johnsinghs analyses include his deep concern for the tremendous challenge ahead if these places and their inhabitants are to be conserved in the face of an alarming onrush of humanity. Each journey, finally, involves a thoroughly enjoyable understanding of the protected area, its history, people, plants and wildlife.
2005 256 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-552-5 Rs. 350.00
Birdwatching is reckoned to be an important tool for initiating the process of inquiry into the natural world. Birds are colorful, full of movement and diurnal. They capture the popular imagination well and are also important symbols of the conservation movement. In todays context, with natural habitats coming under increasing threat there is a greater need for biodiversity
Away from over-used tourist trails and trekking routes, Bill Aitken wanders through the Himalaya. His inclination is to enter disused colonial dak bungalows and ruined temples, meander in wild glades above the treeline carpeted with wild flowers, filling his water bottle from mountain springs and waterfalls. Having left his native Scotland in his twenties to circumnavigate the world, Aitken reached the Himalaya and stopped, enraptured.
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He began wandering through these mountains then, and has only stopped on and off in the last forty years to do more mundane thingslike travelling the Deccan on his motorbike or chasing the last steam locomotive in India. His journeys in the mountains have ranged from Arunachal to Kashmir, from the icy heights of Zanskar and the Nanda Devi to the small towns of Mussoorie and Ranikhet.
2003 274 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-052-7 Rs. 450.00
This book aims to spread the message that wildlife, particularly the tiger and other large predators, must be protected far more effectively than at present. This is essential not only because animals are wonderful in themselves, but because their presence in the wild is the surest way of stemming environmental degradation and the best indication of the environmental health of our planet.
1993 188 pp. Hardback 978-0-86311-450-2 Rs. 180.00
The focus of this book is on landmarks in the history of Indian wildlifeboth its conservation and decline. Chapters on the Ancient and Medieval periods sketch out Indias early wildlife history. Natures retreat against human onslaught over the past two centuries, and efforts to reverse that trend, are then addressed in greater detail. This book ends by looking ahead and identifies workable ways to conserve Indias vanishing wildlife. An easy and lucid style makes this an illuminating book for the general reader. Specialists and scholars will find a mine of information within it.
2001 160 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-011-4 Rs. 250.00
In preparing this second edition of Jim Corbett in Kumaon the author revised the text extensively and added new material. The book vividly evokes Jim Corbetts life and world with a
M. Krishnan (19121996) was endowed with a wide range of interests and amazing prowess as a writer in both his native Tamil and English. He wrote on anything that caught his attention, from dog-shows to cricket, local breeds of cattle to temple carvings, squirrels in his backyard to elephants, gaur and mouse deer of the forests. He did not just write occasionally, but wrote steadily and inspiringly for well over 35 years. A pioneer in the field of black & white photography, Krishnans contribution to wildlife photography and writing on natural history in India has no parallel. In this special compilation, an effort has been made to select lively and anecdotal text for which Krishnan has been recognized,
The intelligent dolphins, the giant whales and the inoffensive Dugong or sea-cow are among the most fascinating creatures in the wild. Every aspect of their way of life is astonishingsome of them use sound to see in the water, some of them dive to incredible depths in search of food, and some of them sing complex songs. Marine mammals are so intriguing that worldwide there is a multi-million dollar industry in just watching these animals. Yet, in India, few are even aware that there are many of these creatures in the seas around the countrya full fourth of the worlds 120 or so species, in fact. This is due to the lack of information about them. Most existing records are scattered in various scientific journals. No book published so far covers this group of Indian wildlife adequately. This book is meant for a wide range of readers including children, wildlife enthusiasts and serious students. A significant part of the book is devoted to the more than 30 species accounts, which make the book a useful reference. Glimpses of their lifestyles are given through several essays dealing, for example, with the phenomenon of mass strandings of whales or the reputed ferocity of the Killer Whale. Further, color illustrations and character matrices meant for easy identification make this book a useful field guide. The extensive bibliography makes the book a valuable research aid. The accounts of whaling and other threats faced by marine
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Marine turtles become accessible to humans for brief episodes in their life history, when they leave the open oceans and lumber onshore to nest. These giant air-breathing turtles belong to the most ancient line of living reptiles; however, poaching and egg depredation, development along ocean and coastal zones, and the rapid expansion and mechanisation of the fishing sector in the last few decades have severely endangered these tenacious survivors. Five of the worlds seven species of marine turtles occur on the Indian subcontinent. Many of these form part of regionally or globally important populations. Unfortunately, information for most sites and populations is unavailable or outdated, deriving from the initial path-breaking surveys that were conducted between the early 70s and 90s. A GOIUNDP-sponsored project was carried out between 200002 to update information on the status of Indias marine turtles and to provide an impetus to participatory conservation. This book documents the results ofsurveys carried out under that Sea Turtle Project.
Distributed worldwide (except India) by CRC Press LLC, USA part of the Taylor and Francis Group
This entertaining and instructive volume contains Ranjit Lals observations on nature around his home in Delhi, at the Old Delhi Ridge, along the Yamuna, in the zoo and at some other sites such as Humayuns Tomb, JNU and Okhla. There are also descriptions of the bird life once visible in nearby Sultanpur which, together with those on the Ridge, cover each month of the year over a span of time. Mostly Birds . . . wittily brings an attractive aspect of Delhi alive and, at the same times, provides the lay reader a useful and wonderfully readable ornithological tour of the region.
2001 188 pp. Hardback 978-81-7530-032-3 Rs. 175.00
researcher. The story of Wilsons life provides fascinating insights into the making of a scientist, and a valuable look at some of the most thoughtprovoking ideas of our time. This new edition includes an Afterword written by the author twelve years after the phenomenal autobiography was first printed.
2008 404 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-593-8 Rs. 495.00
The essays in this book convey the beauty and thrill of Indian forests and their wildlife to the non-specialist. Dr Johnsingh takes us for walks in the jungle with him, and we see through his trained eyes what we would never otherwise look for. In each essay he tracks a different animal and tells us not only of his experiences, but also of the habits, biology and current condition of the species he is discussing.
2004 156 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-081-7 Rs. 295.00
Amateur gardeners, armchair gardeners, and those who like gardens but cannot tell phlox from petunia: Sydney Percy-Lancasters delightful guide is for everyone. Because it explains not only the What and the How but also the all-important Why, this is one of the most comprehensive and educative books on gardening in India. Percy-Lancaster takes us through garden work month by month: open
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the book to the pages for the month you are in, follow his advice, and whatever open space you have terrace or balcony, kitchen window or rambling lawnwill be full of leaf and flower.
2004 240 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-100-5 Rs. 350.00
species. The book also contains, importantly, a decisive and updated checklist of the 1,520 spiders which have been described from India. It is richly illustrated with line drawings and diagrams, and more than 150 colour photographs, many documented for the first time.
2009 736 pp. Hardback 978-81-7371-641-6 Rs. 1395.00
Survival Strategies:
Cooperation and Conflict in Animal Societies Gadagkar, R.
This book charts key moments in the fight to save the tiger, from early beginnings until now. It comprises the finest examples of tiger conservation by the greatest defenders of wild tigers. The present book is also a wonderfully readable anthology on the perils faced by tigers, and the travails of those trying to ensure it retains its regal, untamed magnificence.
2005 426 pp. Paperback 978-81-7824-150-0 Rs. 295.00
Spiders of India
Sebastian, P.A. & Peter, K.V. (Eds.)
Spiders of India is the only modern book available on the subject, and will prove an invaluable resource for professionals, students, naturalists, and researchers in zoology, entomology, ecology and physiology. The first part of the book looks at the morphology and anatomy of spiders, as well as systematics and evolution. The second part provides detailed descriptions of selected
In The State of the Earth, noted historian Paul K. Conkin provides a comprehensive analysis of the many environmental hazards that humans must face in this still-young century. Our activities have threatened the survival of many plants and animals, created scarcities in cultivatable soils and water needed for irrigation, used up a large share of fossil fuels, polluted air and water, and most likely created the conditions that will lead to major climate changes. Conkin not only evaluates the challenges but recognizes the successes of concerned individuals and organizations in creating awareness and in supporting policies that will best preserve a healthy earth. The book is an invaluable resource for those who desire a broad yet thorough and scientifically informed introduction to present environmental challenges.
2008 320 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-592-1 Rs. 400.00
Did you know that Tasmanian hens have two husbands? That vampire bats will share food with hungry fellow bats and that Hanuman langurs commit infanticide? Why creatures great and small behave in such fascinating and seemingly perplexing ways is explained in this delightful account of the evolutionary foundations of animal social behaviour. Illustrated with both photographs and explanatory diagrams, this expert and inviting tour of the social world of animals will inform and charm anyone curious about the motivations behind the amazing range of activity in the animal kingdom.
1998 192 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-114-5 Rs. 175.00
Tigerland and Other Unintended Destinations takes readers on the authors unlikely journey to conservations frontiers: from research on snow leopards in Kashmir to the Galapagos Islands, to recent expeditions as Chief Scientist at the World Wildlife Fund. His witty voice brings home the importance of saving these unique landscapes, as he transforms each of these places from
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said that to conceal Corbetts weakness would only undermine his strengths.
2001 259 pp. Hardback 978-81-250-2020-2 Rs. 525.00
lucidity disentangles complex scientific ideas for general readers. This is a book for anyone interested in wild India.
2005 165 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-137-1 Rs. 350.00
For over seventy years, the author has travelled the forests of Lower Assam, Barak Valley, West Bengal, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh and Orissa, as well as Uttaranchal, Mudumalai, Bandipur, and Periyar in quest of the elephant. His journey and experience with elephants make this book is unique: a wildlife memoir peppered with anecdotes, shot through with humour and irony, and always marked with a deep knowledge of elephants. For those who have wondered where Jim Corbetts descendants are, here is the answer. This book is in the best tradition of writing about animals, combining storytelling and biological detail.
2006 270 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-166-1 Rs. 495.00
This tract is an impassioned plea to development planners to overhaul wildlife, agricultural and environmental strategies to achieve greater biodiversity and sustain the planet. It looks at the conservation of wildlife habitats in the context of the commercial-industrial forces.
1997 160 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-0976-4 Rs. 145.00
Although Corbetts six books offer several biographical details of his life, the portrait is often uneven and misses many links, for Corbett never believed that his personal life would interest anybody. Jaleels writing is smooth and gentle as it recalls and analyses the life and legend of Jim Corbett. What emerges is an affectionate portrait from an admiring biographer who has
Is natural history a science? Are there scientific ways in which we can give wild animals a better chance of survival? How does conservation actually work? The author has been evolving practical, science-based conservation solutions for over a quarter of a century. His book provides a unique insight into wildlife conservation from the perspective of an internationally renowned tiger biologist evoking both the drudgery and the thrill of being a scientist in the wild. His writing is marked by a passionate, yet rational, commitment to saving the animals he works amongst. This provocative collection, a tour de force of sciencedriven conservation advocacy, goes beyond the usual platitudes and political correctness that permeate official and academic conservation today. The authors vivid style communicates the excitement of the forest, while his
This book tells you everything you want to know about tigers. It is an outstanding primer on tigers and very simply and well-written. The author talks about the human fascination for tigers, and then examines social and predatory behaviour in wild tigers; evolution and genetics; research and census methods; threats, past and present, to the existence of this endangered mega-carnivore; and various conservation policies necessary to reverse the decline of tigers. What sets it apart is the positive conservation message that underlines the text; the author disagrees with doomsday prophecies and convincingly argues that wild tigers can be saved with timely action guided by reliable knowledge.
2006 144 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-556-3 Rs. 195.00
Aitkens enchanting writings on natural history capture the drama in the lives of frogs in our ponds, crows on our windowsills, lizards behind our cupboards and many others. His prose, at once comic and poetic, captivated readers at the turn of the century in India. This new edition makes readily accessible two of EHAs most popular books, The Tribes on My Frontier and The Common Birds of Bombay, in their original form, with the original pictures. This book contains an
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introduction to EHA and his writings by the noted literary critic and elephant specialist Dhriti K. Lahiri Choudhury.
2004 280 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-121-0 Rs. 395.00
Monika and her two cousins, Pravir and Roomy, form a small group devoted to the protection of the environment. They discover the world of through adventure, mystery and romance. From Nainital to Delhi and back they make friends, explore places of interest together and even solve the mystery of a Green Ghost in a haunted house.
2005 196 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2688-4 Rs. 135.00
The book describes a series of exciting ideas and activities that will help children discover urban reality. Based on actual projects done in Mehrauli, it challenges the way we look at our environment. It suggests a range of possible ways to explore and involve students in their surrounding urban environment.
2002 70 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2050-9 Rs. 100.00
This book represents the first fascicle in this series. This important new work of reference is also a joy to look at and a pleasure to read, combining comprehensiveness, consistency of style and beauty to this degree. Ancillary information on distribution, ecology and behaviour will help design field exercises and projects focussing on first-hand observations of living organisms. This essential source of visual and factual reference is an indispensable book for everyone who cares about nature, and will stimulate popular interest in the broader spectrum of Indias biological wealth.
2000 272 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-354-5 Rs. 550.00
Slim Ali, the Birdman of India, is one of the worlds most famous naturalists. He made many discoveries about Indian birds and wrote the Book of Indian Birds, which has become a classic. He fought for the preservation of many important forests, including the Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary and Silent Valley. He had amazing adventures and met wonderful people. This is the story of his life, told by his grandniece. It all began with a little yellow sparrow in his backyard which young Salim found, once upon a time
2003 110 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-058-9 Rs. 195.00
This work introduces laypersons, naturalists and students of biology to the field study of amphibians. It discusses the biology and ecology of amphibians in general and provides an updated checklist of Indian amphibians. It illustrates over 75 species of Indian amphibians including caecilians, frogs, toads and tree frogs providing details of their taxonomy, appearance, call and natural history. For the first time an illustrated key has been developed in a simple style for Indian amphibian families and genera. It provides suggestions for students to undertake projects and methodology for the same. It could be recommended for reading at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. All universities offering courses in zoology, wildlife biology, ecology and taxonomy will find the book useful.
2004 284 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-514-3 Rs. 350.00
This is a lucidly written field guide describing 75 taxa of fishes that commonly inhabit the fresh waters of Peninsular India. This can serve as a good addition to the existing biology textbooks as many of the species have not been studied until now. The book is lavishly illustrated with black and white illustrations, line drawings, as well as colour photographs. Common English and local names are given in addition to scientific nomenclature for the fishes.
2001 224 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-409-2 Rs. 400.00
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Battles over Nature:
Science and the Politics of Conservation Saberwal, Vasant & Rangarajan, Mahesh
In this book, biologists, sociologists, historians and activists come together to find solutions to the key problems of contemporary conservation practices. Much of the worlds wildlife and biological diversity is located in Third World countries where there is intense competition for resources between people and wildlife. Common questions face all such countries. Should the state or should local communities manage natural resources? Should western science or local knowledge form the basis of national park management? Sharply opposed dualities of this kind have begun preventing people from perceiving a viable middle ground that will enable effective conservation practices. Focusing on India, but also exploring comparable situations in Africa, this book makes the case for a better exploration of this middle ground, and argues for the need to involve not just urban enthusiasts, scientists and foresters but also the villager.
2003 430 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-048-0 Rs. 695.00
43 tonnes of methylisocyanate and other substances leaked from the Union Carbide factory located in the city. By next morning the place was a graveyard of dead humans and animals. Of the 520,000 people who were exposed to the gases 8,000 died during the first week and 8,000 later. The impact on the survivors is visible even today.
2004 304 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-515-0 Rs. 275.00
communities in the U.S.A. and in India, one of more than fifty countries around the globe where this movement is at work. This book is a significant contribution to the study of religion, social movements and globalization.
2002 315 pp. Hardback 978-81-250-2181-0 Rs. 475.00
In this sequel to the best-selling EcoEconomy: Building an Economy for the Earth, Brown and his colleagues examine the economic costs of growing ecological deficits. In scores of countries, converging ecological deficits are undermining local economies on a scale that has no precedent. However, the book also tracks progress in the development of the eco-economy.
2003 320 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2363-0 Rs. 425.00
Eco-Economy: Building an
Economy for the Earth Brown, Lester R.
Bhopal Saga, The: Causes and Consequences of the Worlds Largest Industrial Disaster Eckerman, Ingrid
The Bhopal Saga is an incisive analysis using the Logical Framework Approach of the one of the worst industrial accidents that has taken place in the recent past. On the night of December 2 1984, while Bhopal slept,
This unusual study which combines anthropology and theories of global transformations in novel and creative ways, the author describes the global work of Habitat for Humanity, a U.S.based transnational socio-religious movement. It describes how Habitat builds in the margins of shacks in
Eco-Economy discusses the need for a dramatic shift in our worldview by asking the urgent question: Is the environment part of the economy or the economy part of the environment? Lester Brown argues the latter, pointing out that treating the environment as part of the economy has produced an economy that is destroying its natural support system. In this book, Brown describes how to restructure the global economy to make it compatible with the earths eco-system so that economic progress can continue.
2002 352 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2203-9 Rs. 400.00
(Prices are subject to change without notice)
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Ecological Journeys:
The Science and Politics of Conservation in India Gadgil, Madhav
This book brings together Gadgils best essays. They deal with many facets of the natural and human worlds, and how the two impinge on each other. These essays stimulate and provoke us to think for ourselves about the natural world and our relationship with it, urging us to take a hand in shaping it.
2001 279 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-015-2 Rs. 575.00
This major work explores some of the most important questions facing humanity. The author looks to a fundamentally different futureone in which the very notion of progress is differently conceived. This urgently needed vision of a sustainable good society he remarks must have some historical continuity with the great socialist traditions of justice and popular participation.
2000 296 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-1795-0 Rs. 475.00
Ecological Nationalisms:
Nature, Livelihoods, and Identities in South Asia Cederlf, Gunnel & Sivaramakrishnan, K.
How do we recognize and understand the interactions between nature, nationness, and nationalism? How is nature appropriated by politics when asserting identity, interests, and rights? Drawing from South Asias varying regions, the essays in this path-breaking volume answer such questions. They range in time from early colonial history to the end of the twentieth century, and their research locations extend from north-west Pakistan to eastern Bangladesh, and from Meghalaya in north-east India to the Kerala coast in the south-west. This book offers important new insights into the motivations of colonial and national governments when controlling or managing nature. It will interest historians and political scientists, sociologists and anthropologists, ecologists and environmentalists, and scholars of religion and South Asia.
2005 400 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-124-1 Rs. 750.00
This book will change the way we understand the future of our planet. It is both alarming and hopeful. James Gustave Speth, renowned as a visionary environmentalist leader, warns that in spite of all the international negotiations and agreements of the past two decades, efforts to protect Earths environment are not succeeding. Setting forth eight specific steps to a sustainable future, Speth convincingly argues that dramatically different and far-reaching actions by citizens and governments are now urgent. If ever a book could be described as essential, this is it.
2004 316 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2740-9 Rs. 395.00
This book presents a provocative comparative history of environmentalism through a study of two large, ecologically and culturally diverse democraciesIndia and the United States. Based on research done over two decades, and written with the authors characteristic verve and flair, this book ranges widely over a vast intellectual terrain. It brims with ideas and information on environmental histories, environmental philosophies, environmental scholars, and environmental activists. Guha offers trenchant critiques of privileged and isolationist proponents of conservation, persuasively arguing the case for biospheres that care as much for humans as for other species with which humans must share the earth.
2006 276 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-158-6 Rs. 595.00
Contextualises the Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal allocating the waters of the river Krishna between the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh Provides a new framework of analysis that may be extended to other developmental questions Is the first critical analysis of interstate water conflicts within federal constitution in a developing country such as India Integrates law and science into social theory and into development questions Brings back the discourse of law and development
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with new theoretical insights that had receded after the late 1960s Introduces the legal and institutional dimensions into the debate on large dams Includes an insert map and foldout maps of the Krishna basin and sub-basins
2006 596 pp. Hardback 978-81-250-2910-6 Rs. 1150.00
Lewis book carries amply relevant and analytical data besides a fairly detailed chapter on an Indo-U.S. initiative that has borne excellent results. Ethnographic field work and oral history, as well as traditional archival research, combine to give it an edge both general readers and specialists will appreciate.
2003 384 pp. Hardback 978-81-250-2377-7 Rs. 695.00
Inter-State River Water Disputes in India have become an inflammatory issue in the last few years. They have become tools for political one-upmanship and have engendered numerous senseless acts of violence. It examines the legal approaches through which river water disputes have been tackled and suggests concrete steps to deal with such disputes in future. A notable feature of the book is an up-to-date analysis of the Cauvery waters dispute.
1992 100 pp. Hardback 978-0-86311-343-7 Rs. 150.00 1992 100 pp. Paperback 978-0-86311-318-5 Rs. 95.00
particular the way in which science and botany was fed by information culled from exploration of the world. Science was useful to imperialism as it guided the exploitation of exotic environments and provided legitimacy to conquest. It is in this respect that botanic gardens as providers of knowledge, aesthetic perfection and agricultural plenty became instruments of government, by the late eighteenth century in Britain and the British Empire.
2005 346 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2277-0 Rs. 450.00
A nuanced look at how nature has been culturally constructed in South and South-east Asia, it is a major contribution to the understandings of the politics and ideologies of environment and development in a post-colonial epoch. The essays in this volume examine how the tropics, the jungle, tribes, and peasants are understood and transformed; how shifts in colonial ideas about the landscape led to the extremely deleterious changes in rural well being; and how uneasy environmental compromises are forged in the present among the rural, urban, and global allies.
2003 440 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2652-5 Rs. 500.00
This book is many things in one: the story of an American researchers experiences in India and his country; a fascinating survey of biodiversity conservation; a thoroughly researched and documented study of the policies, prospects, and pragmatics of ecological and ethical decisions that ought to determine our future. It casts the U.S. in roles seldom seenas partner and proprietor of global environmental projects.
Natures Government:
Science, Imperial Britain and the Improvement of the World Drayton, Richard
Peter Singer, one of the Worlds most influential philosophers, here considers the ethical issues surrounding globalization, showing how a global ethic rather than a nationalistic approach can provider illuminating answers to important problems. In a new preface, he discusses how the recent Iraq war and its aftermath have changed the prospects for the ethical approach he advocates. One World encompasses four main global issues: climate change, the role of the World Trade Organization, human rights and humanitarian intervention, and foreign aid. Singer addresses each vital issue from an ethical perspective and offers alternatives to the state-centric approach that characterizes international theory and relations today.
2004 264 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2658-7 Rs. 325.00
Natures Government is a daring attempt to juxtapose the histories of Britain, western science and imperialism. It shows how colonial expansion led to complex kinds of knowledge and in
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Indias 500 odd national parks and wildlife sanctuaries face an uncertain future. Market pressures threaten to pierce through the protective ring around their wildlife, while depending conflicts between park managers and local peoples demand urgent remedy. This tract brings together the skills of a historian, a social ecologist and an activist and policy analyst.
2001 156 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-1980-0 Rs. 175.00
The book studies the relationship between large dams and water scarcity in Kutch. It argues that water scarcity is not merely natural, but is embedded in the social and power relations shaping water access, use and practices. Scarcity is portrayed as natural rather than human induced and this naturalisation of scarcity is beneficial to those who are powerful. This is a significant book in the light of the growing water crisis in India, and the world.
2005 400 pp. Hardback 978-81-250-2869-7 Rs. 695.00
Over the past few years Lester R. Brown has written several bestselling works that have made us aware of the need for sustainable development. This latest work shows that we have created a bubble economy, one whose output is artificially inflated by overconsuming the earths natural capital. The present course, Plan A, will lead to continuing environmental deterioration and eventual economic decline.The alternative is Plan B, a worldwide mobilization to stabilize population and climate before these issues spiral out of control. The goal is to stabilize population close to the United Nations low projection of 7.4 billion, to reduce carbon emissions by half by 2015, and to raise water productivity by half. Lester Brown puts forward a workable blueprint that can be enacted now.
2004 304 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2691-4 Rs. 330.00
Politics of Nature: How to Bring the Sciences into Democracy Latour, Bruno N
This book constitutes a continuation of Bruno Latours concerns and themes and builds on his earlier theories. He suggests in this book that science and technology need not be an enterprise that is unrelated to general society. He feels that such as idea, assumed to be common sensical is not actually so and using his earlier theories, he proves that there is a need to look beyond such common sensical assumptions of the gap between society and science. In the process of this, he presents a conceptual context for political ecology and building on the experiences of sciences as they are actually practiced, he suggests that
Often dismissed as rumblings of the street, popular politics is where political modernity is being formed today, argues Partha Chatterjee. The rise of mass politics across the world has led to the development of new techniques of governing population groups. On the one hand, the idea of popular sovereignty has gained wide acceptance. On the other, the proliferation of security and welfare technologies has created modern governmental bodies that administer populations but do not provide citizens with an arena for democratic deliberation. This major book by one of the modern worlds most eminent political theorists provides a new perspective on the limits and possibilities of democracy in contemporary times.
2005 188 pp. Paperback 978-81-7824-148-7 Rs. 250.00
A well-researched and shocking expos of the controversial Enron private power project in Maharashtra, the book documents the sequence of events that led to the initial signing of the contract in 1993 between Enron and the Government of Maharashtra for the supply of electricity; the subsequent cancellation of the contract in the face of ideological, political,
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economic and environmental opposition; the surprise decision of the Maharashtra Government to reexamine and renegotiate the contract and the finalization in August 1996 of what is now the single largest contract in Indian history.
2000 242 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-1745-5 Rs. 325.00
Silent Invaders:
Pesticides, Livelhoods and Womens Health Jacobs, Miriam & Dinham, Barbara
This book provides concerned citizens and national leaders with a comprehensive analysis of Indias environmental problems, and suggestions for practical and innovative solutions by a team of experts drawn from LEAD Indias (an NGO) network.The analysis is clear and uncompromising. Agrarian women have become poorer in the ten years since the Rio Summit, while environmental degradation has increased. Globalisation has clearly benefited the middle classes, but what of its impact on the poor? Can science and technology help foster sustainability and meet the needs of the poorest? Are intellectual property rights able to protect the kind of traditional and indigenous knowledge that underpins India? The challenge lies in how to implement the lessons from the countrys micro-successes and macro failures. The writers argue that hope should not be lost and that the way forward is to build a coalition for responsible frugality.
2002 340 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2293-0 Rs. 350.00
Silent Invaders deals with the ubiquitous overuse of pesticides, which has led to unsustainable farming practices, imperiling the health of workers, consumers and the environment. The effects of these legal toxic products are studied from the perspective of women, as in some countries, particularly in the South, women make up 85 per cent or more of pesticide applicators. The volume covers a broad range of issues, from health to the need for regulation, to action that has been taken so far. It contains thirty-two essays written by authors from many nations, including India, and covers topics such as the Union Carbide gas leak at Bhopal twenty years ago (essay 29). The issue of pesticides is of particular interest at the moment due to the Centre for Science and Environments reports on the presence of pesticide in mineral water and soft drinks.
2004 368 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2599-3 Rs. 375.00
This is the story of a Himalayan community and their struggle for a certain quality of life, both for themselves and for the environment that shelters them. In the context of human geography, ecology and development, the intensely human stories of these hill people are told against a backdrop that gave the world the defining experiences of the Chipko movement, the Tehri Dam controversy, and the Save the Doon campaign.
2002 250 pp. Hardback 978-81-250-2191-9 Rs. 500.00
The Three Greens, as they call themselves, are just as curious as they are environmentally conscious. They learn from their peers, elders and from nature. Engagingly told these stories conduct us through small experiences and seek solutions to serious environmental issues.
2005 320 pp. Hardback 978-81-7824-129-6 Rs. 695.00
The book documents and critiques micro-hydel technology and hydropower policy in Nepal through the study of the field reality of four hydel systems. The author explores the issue of how micro-hydel technology can be designed and democratised to provide services wanted by the rural community. This analysis also encompasses the struggles encountered in the pursuit of micro-hydel development. This book will be of interest to policy makers, engineers, external agencies and researchers.
2004 332 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2677-8 Rs. 400.00
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Engineering Participation:
The Process and Outcomes of Irrigation Management Transfer in the Terai of Nepal Khanal, Puspa Raj
important topic in water resources management, and will be of interest to academics, policy makers and donor agencies concerned with irrigation development and reform.
2006 252 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2992-2 Rs. 250.00
This book is a multidisciplinary study of local participation in irrigation management. It investigates the technological, environmental and administrative aspects of an intervention programme in the Terai region of Nepal which sought to place greater management functions in the hands of the users. The study shows that in order to build up legitimacy and power, local organizations need to consider action beyond the local level. Externally, project support requires understanding of the systems environment, and must encourage technological change that takes into consideration the future requirements of the users.
2003 352 pp. Hardback 978-81-250-2493-4 Rs. 700.00 2003 352 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2497-2 Rs. 350.00
Incorporating Ground Water Irrigation Technology Dynamics and Conjunctive Water Management in the Nepal Terai
Gautam, Suman Rimal
Few studies of resource management have paid as much attention or intelligently surveyed the operational aspects of Water Users Associations (WUAs) as Institution, Technology andWater Control Relying on ethnographic research methods, Narain takes an interdisciplinary approach to examine how institutions are shaped by technology. Calling attention to the internal organisational dynamics of the WUAs, the author argues that the emergence of institutions for collective action is shaped by technology and social relationships.
2003 264 pp. Hardback 978-81-250-2494-1 Rs. 650.00 2003 264 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2498-9 Rs. 275.00
of accommodation of different categories of farmers, irrigation department officials and local politicians, involving water, votes, money, employment, credit and harassment, is documented. The book shows that the physical infrastructure, notably the division structures, are signposts of struggle, expressing the balance of power between farmers and the irrigation department, and that between head- and tail-end farmers. It concludes with a discussion of irrigation reform efforts in India: reasons for the very slow transformation of the sector, and how a more integrated perspective on irrigation could provide directions for the way forward.
2003 460 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2506-1 Rs. 525.00
Groundwater development for irrigation using deep and shallow tubewells has been a key focus in rural development strategies in the terai of Nepal for nearly three decades. Yet there has been little study how groundwater is used alone or in conjunction with other sources of water for irrigation and what transformations in governance and production these technology choices relate with. This book focuses on this
This book analyses the struggle over water in a large-scale irrigation system in Raichur District, Karnataka, South India. It looks at water control as a simultaneously technical, managerial and socio-political process. The triangle
It is based on a central argument that tank irrigation technology is shaped as a result of power relations in a particular historical, agrarian and social context. This technology as a matter of fact institutionalises a particular pattern of resource utilisation that favours only some users, and discriminates against others. This book proposes that technological designs are socially shaped, and that through the means of technological designs society orders itself. By means of shaping and reproducing technology, a certain form of social organisation or social arrangement is also reproduced.
2003 308 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2508-5 Rs. 325.00
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This book investigates one of the four sub-systems of the largest irrigation project in the Philippines. Based on extensive field research, its aim is to examine the everyday realities of irrigation management reform. The author covers the effects of reform policies on all levels, from the farmers, the fieldworkers and engineers, to the local politicians. While most studies of irrigation reform simply cover the policies adopted and their outcomes, this book looks in more detail at the manner in which those policies are put into effect. It places irrigation reform in a sociopolitical context, and shows that results are highly unequal due to factors such as political patronage and connections of family and friendship.
2003 372 pp. Paperback 978-81-250-2510-8 Rs. 400.00
years, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology have become essential to the understanding of these problems. Using the molecular biology approach, one can now transfer and evaluate genetic characteristics from many insects. This book emphasises the need for and relevance of studying the molecular aspects of entomology in traditional universities, agricultural universities and other centres of molecular research. The contributors are drawn from across renowned agricultural institutions in India.
2007 172 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-576-1 Rs. 295.00
This compact, lively book uses everyday, nontechnical language to explain 60 basic ecological concepts. It includes up-to-date findings about the microscopic beings that first made plant and animal life possible and now regulate global temperature and oxygen levels. This book equips you to take informed, effective personal and political action with the ecological wisdom needed for the twenty-first century.
1999 168 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-178-7 Rs. 165.00
Environmental Science and Engineering has been specially designed to explain what the environment is, how it is polluted and destroyed, the effects of pollution, and how effectively the damage to the environment can be controlled. The book discusses the acts and laws that govern pollution provides a number of relevant case studies to highlight the environmental problems provides extensive exercises based on the undergraduate syllabus prescribed by the UGC can be used by engineering students.
2008 220 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-608-9 Rs. 150.00
Order Online @ Entomology is the study of insects. This book is about the need to find solutions to the problems that insects cause to plants and crops. In recent
The sustainable future of humany lies in understanding the earth and its environment. For this reason, environmental science has a purview that overlaps several other disciplines; from biology to economics, geology to sociology, every subject has a significant relationship with some area of environmental science. However, it is often difficult, time-consuming and exhaustive to keep pace with new trends in such a broad-based field.
2005 396 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-547-1 Rs. 210.00
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The importance of Environmental Studies cannot be disputed since the need for sustainable development is a key to the future of mankind. Recognizing this, and the deteriorating status of the environment, the Honorable Supreme Court of India directed the University Grants Commission (UGC) to introduce a basic course on environmental education for undergraduate courses of all branches of higher education, to be implemented by every university and college in the country. Accordingly, the UGC constituted an Expert Committee to frame a 6-month Core Module Syllabus for environmental studies. This textbook is the outcome of the UGCs efforts. It has been prepared as per the Core Module Syllabus and is designed to bring about an awareness of a variety of environmental concerns.
Contents: Foreword / Preface / Acknowledgements / Vision / Members of Syllabus for Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses of all branches of Higher Eduction / UNIT 1: THE MULTIDISCIPLINARY NATURE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Definition, scope and importance; Need for Public Awareness / UNIT 2: NATURAL RESOURCES - Introduction; Renewable and non-renewable resources; Role of an individual in conversion of natural resources; Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles / UNIT 3: ECOSYSTEMS - Concepts of an ecosystem; Structure and function of an ecosystem; Producers, consumers and decompress; Energy flow in the ecosystem; Ecological succession; Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids; Introduction, types, characteristics features, structure and functions / UNIT 4: BIODIVERSITY - Introduction;
Biogeographic Classification of India; Value of biodiversity; Biodiversity at global, national and local levels; India as a mega-diversity nation; Hotspots of biodiversity; Threats to biodiversity: Habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, manwildlife conflicts; Endangered and endemic species of India; Conversion of biodiversity: Insitu and Exsitu / UNIT 5: POLLUTION - Definition; Causes, effects and control measures of pollution; Solid Waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial waste; Role of an individual in the preventation of pollution; Pollution Case Studies; Disaster management: Floods, Earthquakes, cyclones, landslides / UNIT 6: SOCIAL ISSUES THE ENVIRONMENT Form unsustainable to sustainable development; Urban problems related to energy; Water Conservation, rainwater harvesting, watershed management; Resettlement and rehabilitation of people: Its problems and concerns; Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solution; Climate change, global warning, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust; Wasteland reclamation; Consumerism and waste products; The Environment (Protection) Act; The Air (Prevention and control of pollution) Act; The water (Prevention and control of pollution) Act; The Wildlife Protection Act; Forests Conversation Act; Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation; Public awareness / UNIT 7: HUMAN POLLUTION AND THE ENVIRONMENT Population growth, variation among nations; Population explosion: Family Welfare Program; Environment and human health; Human rights; Value education; HIV/AIDS; Woman and child welfare; Role of information technology in environment and human health / Unit 8: FIELD WORK - Visit to a local area to document environmental assets: River/ Forest/Grasslands/Hill/Mountain; Visit to a local polluted site; Study of common plants, insects, birds; Study of simple ecosystem / Future Reading / Appendix / Index / Related Titles
Extensively revised and expanded, the Universities Press Dictionary of Biology contains approximately 3,000 entries that explain, clearly and concisely, the most frequently used terms in the biological sciences. More than 200 new terms reflect the many advances in genetics, cell biology, and biochemistry. An extensive Appendix contains information about the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, and amino acid structures. Almost 50 line drawings illustrate complex biological concepts, and extensive cross-references guarantee that no user will waste time searching for the right definition.
2000 368 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-299-9 Rs. 225.00
Revised and expanded by more than 300 new terms, the Universities Press Dictionary of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, new edition is an essential reference tool on modern biotechnology and genetic engineering that lucidly articulates the flood of advances and discoveries in these areas. In addition to 100 black-and-white line drawings, the dictionary includes four helpful appendixes. The Universities Press Dictionary of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, new edition will benefit students, teachers, physicians, science and technical writers, or others looking for a concise source of current information on these interdisciplinary fields.
2003 240 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-447-4 Rs. 225.00
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student, teacher, or Earth science professional will waste time searching for the right definition.
2003 362 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-446-7 Rs. 225.00
Universities Press Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology contains more than 2,000 entries that explain, clearly and concisely, the most relevant and frequently used terms in one of the most fascinating areas of contemporary biosciences. The dictionary is an ideal tool, articulating modern cell and molecular biology, including cell structure, molecular genetics, cell metabolism, cell physiology, and laboratory techniques. Among the many topics covered are: AIDS HIV parthenogenesis chromosome map lymphatic tissue spore endorphin molecular weight transplantation fission nitrification vascular tissue More than 60 line drawings and a set of appendices (including a bibliography) help to simplify many complex concepts, and crossreferences guarantee that the reader will waste no time in finding the right definition.
2006 256 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-537-2 Rs. 205.00
The Universities Press Dictionary of Earth Science contains more than 3,000 entries that explain, clearly and concisely, the most frequently used terms in Earth science. Given the constant and often unexpected changes in our global environment, the dictionary is an ideal resource for understanding how these events impact our planet and our lives. More than 100 line drawings illustrate many complex concepts, and extensive cross-references guarantee that no
This dictionary contains more than 2000 entries that explain, clearly and concisely, the most relevant and frequently used terms associated with the subjects. An ideal resource, the dictionary articulates the scope of modern research and discoveries in the Earths natural and artificial components, the atmosphere, the biosphere, and human population dynamics. Among the many topics covered are: acid rain nuclear energy biodiversity pollutant deforestation resource management global warming smog halon waste disposal life cycle wildlife management More than 30 line drawings and a set of appendixes (including a bibliography of print and Web resources) help to simplify many complex concepts, and crossreferences guarantee that the reader will waste no time in finding the right definition.
2006 256 pp. Paperback 978-81-7371-538-9 Rs. 205.00
Choudhury, B.C. 14 Clark, John O.E. 26
Advanced Topics in Zoology 9 Agriculture and Forestry Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops 1
Aitken, Bill 12 Aitken, Edward Hamilton 16 Alkazi, Feisal 17 Alter, Robert C. 22
Climate Change and India 6 Climate Policy Assessment for India 6 Concepts in Biotechnology 3
Conkin, Paul K. 15
Democratising Micro-Hydel Technology 22 Dimensions in Environmental and Ecological Economics 11 Dimensions of Molecular Entomology 24
Dinerstein, Eric 15 Dinham, Barbara 22
Best Practices 10
Bharucha, Erach 25 Bhat, D.M. 2
Disaster Management 6
Drayton, Richard 20 DSouza, Radha 19
Bhopal Saga, The 18 Bioinformatics and Bioprogramming in C 2 Biopolitics 18 Biotechnological Methods of Pollution Control 2 Biotechnology Unzipped 3 Birds 12 Birds and Plant Regeneration 11 Birds Eye View, A 11 Birds in Our Lives 12 Breeding, Growth Rates, and Production of Marine Copepods 9
Brown, Lester R. 18, 21 Brown, P. 8 Buch, M.N. 7
Dynamic Himalaya 7
Engineering Participation 23 Environmental Consciousness and Urban Planning 7 Environmental Science and Engineering 24
Erbisch, F.H. 3
Field Days 12
visit us @ J Jacobs, Miriam 22 Jaleel, A. Jerry 16 Janarthanan, S. 4 Jha, Timir Baran 4
Ganga 7
Gangal, Sudha 5 Ganguli, P. 11 Gautam, Suman Rimal 23
Gearing up for Patents 11 Genetic Engineering 3 Genetics and Genetic Engineering 3 Geology, Environment and Society 8
Ghosh, Biswajit 4 Giri, Ananta Kumar 18
Lifes Devices 9
Lowenhaupt Tsing, Anna 20 M
Incorporating Ground Water Irrigation Technology Dynamics and Conjunctive Water Management in the Nepal Terai 23 Indian Medicinal Plants 1 Indias Wildlife History 13 Institutions, Technology and Water Control 23 Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology 3 Inter-State River Water Disputes in India 20 Interstate Disputes over Krishna Waters 19 Introduction to Geomorphology 8 Inventing Global Ecology 20
Mesoscale Structure of the Epipelagic Ecosystem of the Open Northern Arabian Sea, The 9
Mishra, Sitikantha 11 Mitra, A.P. 6
Molecular Biotechnology 3
Mollinga, Peter P. 23
Mostly Birds, Some Monkeys and A Pest 14 Movement and Energy Metabolism of Marine Planktonic Organisms 10
visit us @ N Nair, Vasudevan 1 Nambiar, V.P.K. 1 Narain, Vishal 23 Ravindranath, N.H. 2 Regmi, Amreeta 22
Naturalist 14 Nature in the Global South 20 Natures Government 20 Nursery Manual for Forest Tree Species 2
Silent Invaders 22
Singer, Peter 20 Singh, A. 13 Sivaramakrishnan, K. 19 Sivaramamurti, C. 7
Social Designs 23
Speth, James Gustave 19
Spiders of India 15
Sreeramu, B.S. 1 Srinivasappa, K.N. 1
Plan B 21 Plant Biotechnology 4 Plant Tissue Culture 4 Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology 4 Politics and Poetics of Water, The 21 Politics of Nature 21 Politics of the Governed, The 21 Power Play 21 Practical Biotechnology 4
Prasad, C.V.R.K. 7
Survival Strategies 15
Swamy, Vidya S. 2 T Talwar, Rajesh 17
Tigerland and Other Unintended Destinations 15 Tourism Management 11 Tropics and the Traveling Gaze, The 22 Trunk Full of Tales, A 16
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Under the Shadow of Man-Eaters 16 Understanding Biodiversity 16 Universities Press Dictionary of Biology 25 Universities Press Dictionary of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 25 Universities Press Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology 26 Universities Press Dictionary of Earth Science 26 Universities Press Dictionary of Ecology and the Environment 26
Urfi, Abdul Jamil 12 V Valdiya, K.S. 6, 7, 8, 9
W Warrier, P.K. 1
Water for Pabolee 22 Water, Works and Wages 24 Way of the Tiger, The 16
Welford, R. 10 Whitaker, R. 12 Whitaker, Zai 17 Wilson, Edward O. 14 Y Yathindra, N. 10 Yount, L. 3 Z
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BARNA PARICHAYA Santiniketan Road, Bolpur Birbhum Tel.: 9434307116 BOOK CENTRE 76 B.B. Ganguly Street Kolkata 700012 Tel.: 22120237 BOOKS & BEYOND South City, 375, Prince Anwar Shah Road Lower Basement Kolkata 700068 Tel.: 9831671221, 24225454/55 CHAKRABORTY & CHATTERJEE 15 College Street Kolkata 700073 Tel.: 22416425 CITY BOOK CORPORATION 1 Fordyce Lane Kolkata 700014 Tel.: 9830747256, 22274234 CITY BOOK HOUSE 220/1B, Gopaldal Tagore Road Kolkata 700036 Tel.: 9339733244 CLASSIC BOOK 10, Middleton Street Kolkata 700 071 Tel.: 22296551 CROSSWORD BOOKSTORE LTD 8 Elgin Road Kolkata 700 020 Tel.: 22836503, 9830046641 DAS GUPTA & CO 54-3 College Street Kolkata 700073 Tel.: 22416531/6479 EMAMI LANDMARK STORE PVT LTD 3 Lord Sinha Road Kolkata 700 071 Tel.: 40063307, 22822617, 9830170296 EMAMI LANDMARK STORE PVT LTD South City 375, Prince Anwar Shah Road, 2nd floor Kolkata 700 068 FOREIGN PUBLISHERS AGENCY 15/3 J L Nehru Road Grand Hotel Arcade Kolkata 700 013 Tel.: 9831094714, 32908456, 22492255 I.A.B BOOKS 90/6, M G Road Kolkata 700 007 Tel.: 9831981922, 22416751/52 INTERNATIONAL BOOK TRUST 54 College Street Kolkata 700 073 Tel.: 22414947 INDIAN BOOK DISTRIBUTING CO 65/2, Mahatma Gandhi Road Kolkata 700 009 Tel.: 22410763/0243 JYOTI, THE BOOK PEOPLE F-11, CIT Market, Jadavpur Kolkata 700 032 Tel.: 98300 23574
--------------CHAKRABORTY BOOKSELLERS R K Pally, PO Chanchal, Dist-Malda & Atharkhai Khelar Math, P.O. Kadamtala Darjeeling 734011 Tel.: 9434355573 METRO 16, B.M Chatterjee Road Darjeeling 734101 OXFORD BOOK & STATIONERY CO Chowrasta Darjeeling 734101 Tel.: 254325, 254639
--------------BOOKS & EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTOR G.M. Rajashree Apartment 46/1, College Road Howrah 711103 Tel.: 9836267727 INTERNATIONAL STATIONARY AND BOOK AGENCY 10 Brindabon Mullick Lane, Kadamtala Howrah 711101 Tel.: 9830089112
--------------ACADEMIA FE/6, T M C Building, 1st Floor, IIT Market Kharagpur 721 302 Tel.: 9830282376, 279254 PROGRESSIVE BOOK CENTRE Technology Market, IIT Kharagpur 779956 Tel.: 9434192998, 279956
--------------ARYAN PUBLISHING CO 76 Bepin Behari Ganguly Street Kolkata 700012 Tel.: 9830077648, 22121690/0278 BENGAL BOOK AGENCY 1 Shyama Ch. Dey Street Kolkata 700073 Tel.: 22419564 BHARAT BOOK DISTRIBUTOR GD-15, Sector - III,Salt Lake City Kolkata 700106 Tel.: 9830197183, 64547183, 32937183 BISWAS BOOK STALL 88 Mahatma Gandhi Road Kolkata 700009 Tel.: 9831447121, 9903547423
visit us @
YAK BOOK CHANNEL Post Box.130, Pacca Danga, Wadha Vehra Jammu 180001 Tel.: 2549919
INTERNATIONAL BOOK CENTRE Shop No. 5, Shopping Complex, GJU Hissar Tel.: 9896012405 VERMA NEWS AGENCY Railway Road, Shop No 5 Old Shopping Centre Hissar 125001
--------------BOOK VISION Shop-1, B Block, First Floor Auqaf Complex, Hazratbal Srinagar 190006 Tel.: 2424282 COMPUTER MART Books and Journals Division Kashmir University Road, Hazratbal Srinagar 190006
--------------LANDMARK DLF Grand Mall, Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road Gurgaon 122002 Tel.: 4201000
A P JAIN & CO Stall No. 4,Shankar Market Cannaught Place New Delhi 110001 Tel.: 23411036 AAKAR BOOKS 28-E, Pocket IV, Mayur Vihar, Phase 1 New Delhi 110091 Tel.: 22795505 AHUJA BOOK COMPANY PVT LTD 4596/1, Prem Bhawan, Daryaganj New Delhi 110002 Tel.: 23276564 ALLIED PUBLISHERS LIMITED 13/14, Asaf Ali Road New Delhi 110002 Tel.: 23239001 ASIAN BOOK CENTRE 24, DDA. Shopping Complex Ber Sarai, Opp. JNU New Delhi 110016 Tel.: 26518359 BAHRI SONS Khan Market New Delhi 110 003 Tel.: 24694610 BHARATIYA SAHITYA BHAVANA 4382/4B, Ansari Road, Daryaganj New Delhi 110002 Tel.: 23280585 BOOK LAND 13, U B Bungalow Road New Delhi 110007 Tel.: 41530938 BOOK MARK, THE A-2 Mahatma Gandhi Road South Extension Part 1 New Delhi 110149 Tel.: 24693216 BOOKWELL PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS 24/4800 Harbans Street Ansari Road, Daryaganj New Delhi 110002
--------------NIRMAL BOOK AGENCY University-III Gate, Market Near Naaz Boutique Kurukshetra 136119 Tel.: 9416660197 PRISM BOOKS AND STATIONERS University Campus Opposite Punjab Kitab Ghar Kurukshetra 132119
--------------HAPPY BOOK DEPOT Model Town, Delhi Road Rohtak 124001 Tel.: 211615/210614 e-mail: JAIN BOOK DEPOT Opposite Medical College Gate Rohtak 124001
J M D BOOK HOUSE H P University Campus, Summer Hill Shimla Tel.: 2830091 MINERVA BOOK HOUSE 46 The Mall Shimla 171 001
--------------G S ENTERPRISES INDIA Inda, Kharagpur, Near India Tyre House Midnapore 721305 Tel.: 2725282 RITA PUSTAKALAYA Baisakhi Palli, P.O: Vidyasagar University Midnapore 721102 Tel.: 9232394337
--------------THE BOOK SUPPLIERS Kanthalpuli, P.O: Chakdah Nadia - 741 222 Tel.: 98366 51755
visit us @
BOOK WORLD INDIA 111 & 115, Munish Plaza 20 Ansari Road, Daryaganj New Delhi 110002 Tel.: 23258766 BOOK WORM B-29, Connaught Place New Delhi 110001 Tel.: 23322260 CADPLAN PUBLISHER & DISTRIBUTO Jamia Sports Complex, Bhopal Grounds Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi 110025 Tel.: 26985103 COLLEGE BOOK STORE 1701-2, Nai Sarak New Delhi 110006 Tel.: 55173312 CROSSWORD BOOKSTORES LTD G4, New Delhi South Extension New Delhi 110 049 D K AGENCIES PVT LTD 4788-90/23, Ansari Road, Daryaganj New Delhi 110002 Tel.: 25357104 D K PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS 1 Ansari Road, Daryaganj New Delhi 110002 Tel.: 41562573 DAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE 4780-61/23, Ansari Road, Daryaganj New Delhi 110002 Tel.: 23245578/23244987 DELHI BOOK STORE (MEDICAL) 1696 Nai Sarak New Delhi 110006 Tel.: 23283333 DHANWANTRA MEDICAL AND LAW BOOK 592, Lajpat Rai Market New Delhi 110006 DOABA HOUSE 1688, Nai Sarak Delhi 110006 Tel.: 23274669 ELITE PUBLISHERS AND DISTRIBUTORS Shop No-13, DDA Shopping Complex Ber Sarai New Delhi 110016 Tel.: 26511961 FACT & FICTION BOOK SHOP 39 Basant Lok, Vasant Vihar New Delhi 110057 Tel.: 26146843 FAQIR CHAND & SONS Shop No-15-A, Khan Market New Delhi 110003 Tel.: 24618810 GEETHA BOOK CENTRE Shopping Complex, JNU Campus New Delhi 110067 Tel.: 26178081 GOVINDA BOOK HOUSE 59, Gautam Apartment, Gulmohar Park New Delhi Tel.: 26851413 INTERNATIONAL BOOK DISTRIBUTOR 2/7 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj New Delhi 110002 Tel.: 23271052 JAIN BROTHERS 16/873, Joshi Lane, Karol Bagh New Delhi 110005 Tel.: 23618426 JANTA BOOK DEPOT 23 Shaheed Bhagatsingh Marg New Delhi 110001 JBC PUBLISHER AND DISTRIBUTORS 2/39. Ansari Road, Daryaganj New Delhi 110002 Tel.: 65235268, 41564445 KNOWLEDGE STORES, THE I K International Pvt Ltd S 7 & 8, Main Market, Green Park New Delhi 110016 KUMAR BOOK DEPOT PD 11-B, Near N.D Market, Pitampura New Delhi 110034 Tel.: 32411029 MANOHAR BOOK SERVICE 4753/23, Ansari Road, Daryaganj New Delhi 110002 Tel.: 23289100 MIDLAND BOOK SHOP G-8, Basement, South Extn. Part I, NDSE New Delhi 110049 MITTAL BOOK STORE 1507, 1st floor, Nai Sarak Delhi Tel.: 23257587 MOTILAL BANARSIDASS PUBLISHERS PVT LTD A-44, Naraina Phase 1 New Delhi 110028 Tel.: 23851985 M S BHALLA & CO PVT LTD Flat No.104, 1st Floor 4262/3 Ansari Road New Delhi 110002 Tel.: 23257725 MUNSHIRAM MANOHARLAL PUBLISHER Post Box 5715, 54 Rani Jhanshi Road New Delhi 110055 Tel.: 23671668 N B D DISTRIBUTORS 18-B, Connaught Place New Delhi 110001 Tel.: 23320020 OBH USTADOH DI HATTI PUBLISHERS 4076, Nai Sarak New Delhi 110006 Tel.: 45499659
--------------JAIN BROTHERS The Mall Patiala SOHAN LAL MADAN 21, Municipal Market, Chowk Purai Kotwali Patiala 147 001 Tel.: 2224235
JAIN BROTHERS Purana Mandi Ajmer Tel.: 2420847
--------------BROWSER, THE SCO.14-15, Madhya Marg, Sec 8-C Chandigarh Tel.: 2547340 CAPITAL BOOK DEPOT SCO 3, Sec. 17 E Chandigarh 160017 Tel.: 2702260 CITY BOOK SHOP Shop No-2, Anand Complex, Sec. -17 A Opp. TDI Mall Chadigarh 160017 Tel.: 2708612 CLASSIC BOOK CENTER SCO, 10,11,12, Basement, Sec-17 B Chadigarh 160017 Tel.: 5003484 ENGLISH BOOK SHOP,THE SCO. 31, Sec. 17-E Chandigarh 160017 Tel.: 2715776 LYALL BOOK DEPOT University Market, Sec-14 Chandigarh Tel.: 2541150 SUPER BOOK HOUSE SCO. 50-51, 1st floor, Sec-17-A Chandigarh Tel.: 2708091 UNIVERSAL BOOK STORE SCO 68, Sec-17-D Chandigarh Tel.: 2702558 VARIETY BOOK STORE SCO. 69, Sec-17-D Chandigarh Tel.: 2702241
--------------ADITI BOOKS DISTRIBUTORS 43-44, Parnami Mandir,Govind Marg Adarsh Nagar Jaipur 302004 Tel.: 2622141 ALLIED INFORMATICS A-14 Central Shoping Market, Janta Store Bapu Nagar, University Marg Jaipur 302015 Tel.: 2719034 BOOK WORLD Rajasthan University Campus Jaipur 316004 Tel.: 2705773 BOOKS CORNER Shop No. 129 M I Road Jaipur 302001 Tel.: 2366332 MEDICO BOOKS Near SMS Hospital, Tonk Road Jaipur 302001 PARAS BOOK DEPOT{Book Palace } Shop No. 90, Chaura Rasta Jaipur 302003 Tel.: 2321889 RAJ BOOKS AND SUBSCRIBTION AGENCY 340 Chaura Rasta Jaipur 302003 Tel.: 2575826 RAJ PUSTAK MANDIR 340 Chaura Rasta Jaipur 302003 Tel.: 2578098
visit us @
RAJAT BOOK CORNER Shop No 8 Naryan Singh Road Near Trimurti Circle Jaipur Tel.: 2568833 RAWAT BOOKSELLERS & PUBLISHERS Satya Apartments, Sector 3, Jawahar Nagar Jaipur Tel.: 2651748 SWASTIK BOOK SHOPPE CG/S/21, Nehru Place, Tonk Road Jaipur Tel.: 9314503809 SWASTIK PRAKASHAN Radha Damodar Ki Gali, Chaura Rasta Jaipur 302003 Tel.: 2314983 PRAYAG PUSTAK BHAWAN 11 University Road Allahabad 211002 Tel.: 2461505/2460028 STUDENTS FRIENDS 11 University Road Allahabad 211002 Tel.: 2367765 TRIPATHI BOOK DISTRIBUTORS N.P.A. Arcade Shop/Flat No. 212 23, M G Road, Civil Lines Allahabad 211001 Tel.: 2561162 Email: WHEELER BOOK SHOP Civil Lines Allahabad 211001 Tel.: 2427255 Email:
--------------ARORA BOOK AGENCIES 172/179, Bazar Jhaulal Gwynne Road Lucknow Tel.: 2274366 Email: ADITYA MEDICAL BOOKS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 2/4, Avadh Complex Cantonment Road Lucknow 226001 Tel.: 26117241/2272798 Email: BOOKS AND BOOKS 30, Hazratganj Lucknow 226001 Tel.: 2611417/4005415 Email: BOOKS INTERNATIONAL Shop11, Aliganj Shopping Complex Sector B, Kapoorthala Road Lucknow 226024 Tel.: 2376960/2335846 Email: DAFFODILS TECHNOLOGIES Dalibagh, Butler Road Lucknow Tel.: 2207113 Email: INTERNATIONAL BOOK AGENCY No 2, Nirala Nagar Lucknow 226001 Tel.: 9415101534/2789506 Email: INTERNATIONAL BOOK DISTRIBUTING CO Kushnuma Complex Basement 7, Meera Bai Marg Behind Jawahar Bhawan Lucknow 226004 Tel.: 2209542/43/44/45/9415011817 Email: LANDMARK LIMITED East End Mall (Wave Cinema) TC 54, Vibhuti Khand Gomti Nagar Lucknow 226010 Tel.: 4049098/4049099 Email: NEW ROYAL BOOK COMPANY 1st Floor, Shah Trade Centre 32/16 Valmiki Marg, Lalbagh Lucknow 226001 Tel.: 2615607/6570731 Email:
--------------RAJASTHANI GRANTHAGAR Sojati Gate Jodhpur 342001 Tel.: 2623933 SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHER (INDIA) 5-A,New Pali Road, Bhagat Ki Kothi Jodhpur
--------------CHILDREN BOOK STALL 19 Subhash Market Bareilly 243001 Tel.: 2574092/2554478 Email: SYNDICATE BOOK HOUSE 44 Civil Lines Ayub Khan Crossing Bareilly 243001 Tel.: 2476401/2576785
--------------KUMAR BOOK STORE Opp. Anand Crockery, Gumarpura Kota NEWS & LITERATURE HOUSE 44-45 1st Floor, Kalawati Paliwal Market Gumanpura Kota 324007 Tel.: 5121961
--------------ARVIND PRAKASHAN 15 Durga Nursery Road, Ashok Nagar Udaipur 313 001 2412753 ARYAS BOOK CENTRE Bapna Bhawan, Hospital Road Udaipur 313 001 Tel.: 2526160
--------------BHARATI PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS Lekheshwar Complex (Near Avadh University) Faizabad 224001 Tel.: 9415048021
--------------CURRENT BOOK DEPOT Opp Phool Bagh Kanpur Tel.: 3256489 Email: NOBLE BOOK STALL 3, Shopping Complex Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 208010 Tel.: 9336113938 Email: TARUN BOOK STALL IIT Campus Kanpur Tel.: 9336776565 Email:
FRIENDS BOOK DEPOT 17/13-A, University Road Allahabad 211002 Tel.: 2461221/9451743891 GYAN BHARTI 847/995, University Road Allahabad Tel.: 2461347
visit us @
POORAN AND SONS Kaladhungi Road Chauraha Haldwani 263139 Tel.: 284845/9837092823
--------------CONSUL BOOK DEPOT Bara Bajar, Mallital Nainital Tel.: 235164/236164 Email: MODERN BOOKS AND GENERAL STORE The Mall Nainital 263001 Tel.: 235059 R NARAIN AND COMPANY Mall Road Nainital Tel.: 235510 Email:
--------------BHATT BROTHERS D-4,1st floor, Johar Complex Tilak Road Rishikesh 249201 Tel.: 2436877
ALMORA BOOK DEPOT Mall Road Almora 263601 Tel.: 230148/222148 ALMORA KITAB GHAR Near University Campus The Mall Road Almora 263601 Tel.: 230342
--------------COLLEGE BOOK STORE Verdhman Puram, Kaliyar More Haridwar Road Roorkee INDIRA BOOK EMPORIUM Dr Agarwal Market, Civil Lines Roorkee Tel.: 276105
--------------LOYAL BOOK DEPOT, THE Near Govt. College, Chippi Tank Meerut Tel.: 2663378
--------------BOOK WORLD 10-A Ashtley Hall Dehradun 248001 Tel.: 2655845 ENGLISH BOOK DEPOT 15 Rajpur Road Dehradun 248001 Tel.: 2655192 NATRAJ PUBLISHER 17 Rajpur Road Dehradun 248001 Tel.: 2653382 UNITED BOOK SHOP 6 Nashvilla Road Dehradun 248001 Tel.: 2656100
--------------MEHROTRA BOOK CORNER Ratan Cinema Road Kashipur Udham Singh Nagar Tel.: 9431311853/274485
--------------BANARAS BOOK CORPORATION University Road, Lanka Varanasi 221005 Tel.: 2367485 Email: CHAUKHAMBA SANSKRIT BHAWAN P B No 1160, Chowk The Banaras State Bank Building Varanasi Tel.: 2420414/9839915098 CURRENT BOOK AGENCY Lanka Varanasi 221005 Tel.: 2366708 Email: GANGA SARAN AND GRAND SONS Neetishalaya, D-58/51-A (KA) Opp. Kuber Complex, Rathyatra Varanasi Tel.: 2361089/9935523813 Email:
NEW STUDENT BOOK CENTRE Brodipet Guntur Tel.: 2233332
--------------A A HUSSAIN Abids Hyderabad Tel.: 23203724 ADARSH BOOK DEPOT Nallakunta Hyderabad 500044 Tel.: 27671054
--------------BHARAT BOOK DEPOT Near Degree College Gate Civil Lines, Bhotia Paroa Haldwani Tel.: 9997015255/9358672396
visit us @
AKSHARA 8-2-273, Pavani Estates Road No. 2, Banjara Hills Hyderabad 500034 Tel.: 23547276 ALLIED PUBILSHERS Badruka College, Kachiguda Hyderabad 500027 Tel.: 24719071 BOOK LINKS CORPORATION 3-4-423/5 Narayanaguda Hyderabad 500029 Tel.: 27567068 BOOK SELECTION CENTRE Near Shalimar Theatre, Ram Koti Hyderabad Tel.: 23446843 BOOKPOINT INDIA PVT LTD, THE 3-6-752, Himayatnagar Hyderabad 500029 Tel.: 27665094 DURGA BOOK DISTRIBUTORS 5-3-655, Old Topkhana Hyderabad 500012 Tel.: 24612801 HIMALAYA BOOK WORLD Opp Ajanta Gate Hyderabad 500001 Tel.: 24732097 JAICO PUBLISHING HOUSE 3-4-512/75, Opp. Lane to Raghavendra Swamy Mutt, Barkatpura Hyderabad 500027 Tel.: 27551992 KNOWLEDGE BOOK DISTRIBUTORS 3-5-121/4-8, 1st Floor, Sainath Complex Shalimar Theatre Road, Ramkote Hyderabad 500001 Tel.: 24750872 MEDICAL BOOK COMPANY M C H Complex, Shop No. 10, Gr Floor, Putlibowli, Koti Hyderabad 500095 Tel.: 24651038 NEW BOOK TRADERS 5-1-800, Osmania Medical College, Koti Hyderabad 500095 Tel.: 24755596 ODYSSEY BOOK CENTRE Emerald House, Amrutha Hills, 6-3-713 Panjagutta Hyderabad 500082 Tel.: 23414801 PARAS MEDICAL BOOKS Opp. Ashok Talkies Hyderabad 500095 Tel.: 24600869 PRAJASHAKTHI BOOK HOUSE 1-1-298/4, Street No. 1, Ashok Nagar Hyderabad 500095 Tel.: 27635136 RAJ KAMAL BOOK AGENCY Sultan Bazar Hyderabad Tel.: 24754671 SHAH BOOK HOUSE PVT LTD Opp Central Bank of India, Bank Street, Devaka Mahal Hyderabad 500095 Tel.: 23445622 UBS PUBLISHERS AND DISTRIBUTORS PVT LTD 3-6-272/B, N V K Towers, 2nd Floor, Himayatnagar Hyderabad 500029 Tel.: 23262571 VISALANDHRA PUBLISHING HOUSE Vigyan Bhavan, 4-1-435, Bank Street Hyderabad 500001 Tel.: 24744580 WALDEN BOOK LINKS PVT LTD Snehalatha Building, Opp Hotel Blue Moon, Begumpet Hyderabad 500016 Tel.: 23413434
--------------SUNIL BOOK SERVICES Fatima Nagar, Kazipet Warangal 506004 Tel.: 2459617
--------------P N R BOOK POINT Main Bazar, Eluru West Godavari Dist. 534001 Tel.: 238958
ALLIED PUBLISHERS 5th Main Road, Gandhinagar Bangalore 560009 B.I. PUBLICATIONS 147, Infantary Road Bangalore 560001 BOOK PARADISE Jayanagar IV Block Bangalore 560011 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIERS 400/1, 4th Cross, 7th Block, Jayanagar Bangalore 560082 ELL ENN BOOKS 304/1, Sagar Deep, 2nd Cross 1st Phase, Girinagar Bangalore 560085 GANGARAMS BOOKS M. G. Road Bangalore 560001 INTEL BOOK DISTRIBUTORS 240, Ground Floor, 13th Main BSK 1st Stage Bangalore 560050 LAND MARK 150/1 & 2 Hosur Road Koramangala P.O. Bangalore 560095 MAHALAKSHMI 66, 6th Main, 4th Blk, Rajajinagar Bangalore 560010 MEGHA BOOKS No.485, 8th Main, Hanumanthnagar Bangalore 560019 NAGASHREE Jayanagar Shopping Complex Jayanagar, 4th Block Bangalore 560011
--------------ASHOK BOOK CENTRE Opp. Maris Stella College Vijaywada Tel.: 2472096 SRI VENKATESWARA BOOK DEPOT 11-16-32, Singarajuvari Street, Kothapet Vijayawada 520001 Tel.: 666 3733
--------------BOOK CENTRE Dwaraka Nagar Visakhapatnam 530016 Tel.: 2562684 GUPTA BROTHERS BOOKS Dwarakanagar Visakhapatnam 530016 Tel.: 2754454
visit us @ --------------HERITAGE BOOK SHOP Kasturba Medical Campus Manipal DEECEE BOOKS Opp YMCA, Chittoor Road Cochin 682035 IDIOM BOOK SELLERS 11/348, Bastion Street Behind St Francis Church Cochin 682001 VINAYAKA BOOK HOUSE 39/3205 Sreepadam Illam Road, Ravipuram Cochin 682016 PAI & CO Broadway Cochin 682037 UBS PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS Kollemparambil Chambers Convent Road Cochin 682035 HAMLET Kurian Towers Banarji Road Cochin 682011
--------------SRI BOOK HOUSE 1323, B.N. Street, 4th Cross Opp. Mysore Medical College Mysore 570021
COSMO BOOKS Kiliparambu Lane Railway Station Link Road Calicut 673002 CALICUT BOOK DISTRIBUTORS F-15, Stadium Complex Rajaji Road Calicut 673004 D C BOOKS ENGLISH BOOK SHOP ASMA Tower, Mavoor Road Calicut 673004 RAMDAS STORES & BOOKS Opp. Womens Hostel Block II Medical College Post Calicut 673008 TBS PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS TBS Building, G H Road Calicut 673001
--------------ATHULYA BOOKS Fort Road Kannur 670001 D C BOOKS City Centre, Fort Road Kannur 670001
--------------COSMO BOOKS Press Club Road Cochin 682011 TBH PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS 41/1212 Krishnaswamy Road Pullepady Ernakulam 682035 CURRENT BOOKS Convent Junction, Market Road Cochin 682011 D C BOOKS Kurian Towers, Banerji Road Cochin 682018 EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS Behind Shenoys Theatre, YMCA Jn. Cochin 682035 H & C STORES D.H. Road, Ernakulam South Cochin 682016 VYASA BOOKS Press Club Road Cochin 682011 SHYAMCO BOOK DISTRIBUTORS Vithayathil Buildings Veekshanam Road Cochin 682018
--------------D C BOOKS - ACADEMIC SALES Polachirackal Mansion, College Road Kottayam 686001 D C BOOKS - HERITAGE BOOK SHOP DC Kizhakemuri Edam, Good Shepherd Street Kottayam 686001 LEARNERS BOOK HOUSE CMS College Road Kottayam 686001 SGP MEDICAL BOOKS Panampalam Jn., Arpookara East Kottayam 686008 V PUBLISHERS BOOK STALL CMS College Road Kottayam 686001
--------------SCHOOL BOOK COMPANY Car Street Mangalore 575001 WEST COAST PAPERS & STATIONERS Hampankatta Square Mangalore 575003
visit us @
COSMO BOOKS Round West Trichur 680001 D C BOOK SHOP Puma Complex, Round West Trichur 680001 GIGGLES Hotel Taj Connemara Chennai 600002 Tel.: 66000000 HIGGINBOTHAMS PVT LTD 814, Annasalai Chennai 600002 Tel.: 28513520 LAND MARK City Centre, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai Chennai 600004 Tel.: 28477777 LAND MARK B/1, No. 3, Apex Plaza Nungambakkam High Road Chennai 600034 Tel.: 28221000 LAND MARK Spencer Plaza, Anna Salai Chennai 600002 Tel.: 28495995 NATIONAL BOOK TRADERS 12, Natesan Street, T. Nagar Chennai 600017 Tel.: 24349062 NEW BOOK LANDS 526, North Usman Road, T. Nagar Chennai 600017 Tel.: 28158171 OASIS BOOKS 29, Kutchery Road, Mylapore Chennai 600004 Tel.: 24613445 ODYSSEY First Main Road Gandhi Nagar, Adyar Chennai 600020 Tel.: 24402265 ODYSSEY Anna Nagar Chennai 600040 Tel.: 26204114 ODYSSEY Thiruvanmiyur Chennai 600041 Tel.: 24455577 OXFORD BOOK STORE Appejay House, 39/12, Haddows Road Chennai 600006 Tel.: 28227711 PARAS MEDICAL BOOKS PVT LTD 2, Shanmuga bhavan, Dr. Vasudevan Road, Kilpauk Chennai 600010 Tel.: 30958351 PCM BOOK SHOP Ist Floor, Sundaram Complex 91, Usman Road, T. Nagar Chennai 600017 Tel.: 24337329
--------------ACADEMIC BOOK HOUSE Press Road, Pulimoodu Junction Trivandrum 695001 D C BOOKS Karimpanal, Statue Avenue, Statue Junction Trivandrum 695001 DC BOOKS-ACADEMIC SALES DIVISION Kolappa Building Statue Junction Trivandrum 695 001 H & C STORES Bhadra Centre Opp Dhanya Remya Theatre Near Ayurveda College Trivandrum 695001 MODERN BOOK CENTRE Gandhari Amman Kovil Road Trivandrum 695001 PAICO Press Road Trivandrum 695001 PRABHUS BOOKS Ayurveda College Junction Trivandrum 695001 PROFESSIONAL BOOK HOUSE Rubicon Shopping Complex Medical College Post Trivandrum 695011 TBS PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS Karimpanal, Statue Avenue, Statue Junction Trivandrum 695001 V PUBLISHERS BOOK STALL Gandhari Ammankovil Road Tivandrum 695001
--------------CONNEXIONS No.1069, Avinashi Road Coimbatore 641008 Tel: 4351709 CHERAN BOOK HOUSE 137, Big Bazaar Street Coimbatore 641001 Tel.: 2396623 HIGGINBOTHAMS PVT LTD 192,Big Bazaar Street Coimbatore 641001 Tel.: 2390431 ODYSSEY 507, Arvind Towers, First Floor, D.B. Road, R.S. Puram Coimbatore 641002 Tel.: 4365494 OXFORD BOOK STORE 1437, Trichy Road, Coimbatore 641018 Tel: 4204804 PAI & SONS No. 187, Big Bazaar Street Coimbatore 641001 Tel.: 2393024
B I PUBLICATIONS PVT LTD 9/10 Agurchand Mansion 150, Mount Road Chennai 600002 Tel.: 28461287 BOOK POINT INDIA PVT LTD 160, Annasalai Chennai 600002 Tel.: 28523019 CONNEXIONS W-122, Third Avenue, Annanagar Chennai 600040 Tel.: 23764093 FOUNTAIN HEAD Laxmi Towers, Dr. Radhakrishna Salai Chennai 600004 Tel.: 28114087
visit us @
TRICHY BOOK HOUSE 75 K/1, Shifana Complex Jayanthi Hotel Bus Stop Trichy 620018 Tel.: 2764198
--------------HIGGINBOTHAMS PRIVATE LIMITED 21, Good Shed Street Madurai 625001 Tel.: 2340528 MALLIGAI BOOK CENTRE 11, West Veli Street, Opp. Railway Station Madurai 625001 Tel.: 2341739 MEDICAL BOOKS INTERNATIONAL 13, Vaidyanatha Iyer Street, Shenoy Nagar Madurai 625020 Tel.: 4395063 NATIONAL BOOK AGENCY # 19, First Floor, Good Shed Street Madurai 625001 Tel.: 2341304 SARVODAYA ILAKIYA PANNAI 32/1, West Veli Street Madurai 625001 Tel.: 2341746 SELVI BOOK SHOP 92, Nethaji Road Madurai 625001 Tel.: 2343510 SHANMUGA BOOK TRADERS Lala Compound, 47- A/1 Jeeva Nagar, Ist Street Madurai 625011 Tel.: 2671925 SWAMY BOOK AGENCY 1, New Cinema Bazaar Nethaji Road Madurai 625001 Tel. 2341383 TBH LIBRARY BOOK SUPPLIERS 25/9A, Karpaga Complex, Good Shed Street Madurai 625001 Tel.: 4371552 TURNING POINT Sri Venkatesh Towers 3rd Floor 75, Town Hall Road Madurai 625001 Tel.: 2347398
--------------BALAJI BOOK HOUSE No. 32 Dr. Ida Scuddar Road Vellore 632001 Tel.: 2220706 SRI BALAJI STORES (VIT Campus) B/S 94, Long Bazaar Vellore 632004 Tel.: 2221288
--------------AJANTHA BOOK CENTRE 127, Cherry Road, Salem 636007 Tel.: 2417755 SKB BOOK SHOP 137, 137A, Cherry Road Salem 636007 Tel.: 2452479 SALEM BOOK HOUSE Cherry Road Salem 636007 Tel.: 2451315
--------------SRI MARIAMMAN STORES 439, Main Bazaar Virudhunagar 626001 Tel.: 245417
--------------HIGGINBOTHAMS PRIVATE LIMITED 59-A,Trivandrum Road, Palayamkottai Tirunelveli 627002 Tel.: 2574801 PADMA BOOK STALL 56, T.M. Building Tirunelveli 627001 Tel.: 2337650 TAMILNADU BOOK HOUSE Big Cart Street, Tirunelveli Junction Tirunelveli 627001 Tel.: 2330248 VELAVAN BOOK CENTRE Sugantham Complex, 104-A Trivandrum Road, Palayamkottai Tirunelveli 627001 Tel.: 2574457
CENTRAL BOOK HOUSE Sardar Bazaar Raipur 492001 SHIVAM PUBLICATION Malviya Road Gole Bazar Raipur 492001 Tel.: 2233862 SHRISTI BOOK DEPOT Opp. Dabke School Tatyapara Chowk Raipur 492001 Tel.: 4049203 S K MEDICAL BOOK HOUSE Dr Manurkar Hospital Gali Katchery Chowk Raipur Tel.: 24042187/9826136674
--------------GOLDEN BOOK HOUSE No.5, I Floor, Vignesh Aparna Vagalur Road, Puthur Trichy 620017 Tel.: 2771298 HIGGINBOTHAMS PRIVATE LIMITED 25, Nandhi Koil Street Trichy 620002 Tel.: 2704418 INTERNATIONAL BOOKS 23, Nandhikoil Street, Teppakulam Trichy 620002 Tel.: 2703743 ODYSSEY Centre Point, No.95, I Floor Bharathidasan Salai, Cantonment Trichy 620001 Tel.: 2411128
--------------KOMALA STORES Abraham Castle, 67-A, College Road Nagercoil 629001 Tel.: 227018 SUDHARSHAN BOOK CENTRE 74, East Tower Nagercoil 629001 Tel.: 278525
--------------M P PUBLISHERS & SUPPLIERS 47, Kamla Nehru Marg Freeganj Ujjain 456001 Tel.: 515680/514262
BOOKS EMPORIUM M G Road, Nagarpalikachowk NR Shivshakti Press Akola 444001 Tel.: 2436460
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LATHIYA BROTHERS BOOKSELLERS Opp. Head Post Office College Road Akola Tel.: 9422193371/2440062 SHARMA BOOKS DISTRIBUTORS Prem Villa, Prem Nagar Jalgaon Tel.: 2237141
--------------BAJAJ BOOK CENTRE Rathi Building Rathi Nagar Amravati 444603 Tel.: 2665348 SHRI GAJANAN BOOK DEPOT Ghandhi Chowk Amravati 444601 Tel.: 2672771
--------------AJAB PUSTAKALAYA Bhausingji Road Kolhapur 416002 JAI BOOK COMPANY Opp. Vichare Vidyalay Railway Crossing, 521 E Kolhapur 416002 Tel.: 2651008 MEHTA BOOK SELLERS 322 Bhausinghji Road Kolhapur 416012 Tel.: 2541881 PHADKE BOOK HOUSE Phadke Bhavan, Near Hari Mandir Dudhali Kolhapur 416012 Tel.: 2540211 PHADKE BOOKSELLERS 106, B Ward Mahadwar Road, Mahalaxmi Chowk Kolhapur 416012 Tel.: 2540875
--------------AARTI BOOK CENTRE Nath Super Market Shop No.6, Aurangpura Aurangabad Tel.: 2333366 ANUPAM BOOK CENTER A-2, Opp. S B College S B Colony (West) Aurangabad 431001 Tel.: 9421111249/9370707050 ARIHANT EXCEL MEDICAL BOOKS HOUSE Opp. M.G.M. College Gate Rajheights Shop No.30 Aurangabad 431003 Tel.: 2240371/9822259681 CHHAYA BOOK CENTRE Behind Aurangapoura Police Chowky, S B Road Aurangabad 431001 Tel.: 2348245/2333545/9822205745 SHRI SAMARTHA BOOK DEPOT Tilak Road Aurangabad 431001 Tel.: 2335535 VIDYA BOOKS Aurangapura Aurangabad 431001
--------------ACADEMIC BOOK HOUSE 11 Nirmal Niwas 209 C Dr Ambedkar Road Matunga Mumbai 400019 Tel.: 24103325/9322220752 BHALANI BOOK CORPORATION 1, Bandukwala Bldg-A Opp. J J Hospital Gate No.7 Ramchandrabhatt Marg Mumbai 400009 Tel.: 24607470/23730374 BHALANI BOOK DEPOT 21 Hind Rajasthan Building Dadasaheb Phalke Road Mumbai 400014 Tel.: 24148941/24150803 BHALANI MEDICAL BOOK HOUSE 11, Mavawala Building K.E.M. Hospital, Parel Mumbai 400012 Tel.: 22068538
--------------PRASHANT BOOK HOUSE 17, Stadium Shopping Centre Opp. State Bank of India Jalgoan 425001 Tel.: 2227231/2252374 PRITAM BOOK AGENCIES 5, Vardhaman Chambers Near Gujral Petrol Pump Jalgaon
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SALIM HAMZA SABOOWALLA SELLERS Progressive Literature New Taheri Apartments, Flat.303 Andheri (E) Mumbai 400059 Tel.: 9324441884 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS 4-Kaveri, Tata Employees CHS Ltd., Plot -15 Sector 14, Vashi Mumbai. Tel.: 27652730 SHREE BOOK CENTRE 8, Kakad Industrial Estate S Keer Road, Off: L. J. Road Matunga (W) Mumbai 400016 Tel.: 24377516/24309183 SIDDHARTH BOOK DISTRIBUTORS IInd Floor, Prasad Shopping Centre Opp. Goregaon Railway Station Mumbai 400090 Tel.: 986921163/28791744 STERLING BOOK HOUSE 181, D N Road, Fort NR Central Camera Co. Mumbai 400001 Tel.: 22612521/22659599 STRAND BOOK STALL Dhanur Sir P.M. Road Mumbai 400001 Tel.: 22661719/1994/22614613 STUDENTS AGENCIES (I) PVT.LTD 102, Konarkshram, Behind Everest Building 156, Tardeo Road Mumbai 400 034 Tel.: 23513334/23513335/617 SWAMI BOOK HOUSE 2-45, Dreamland Bldg 4th Floor, Opp. VailankaniSchool Borivali (W) Mumbai 400031 UBS PUBLISHERS DISTRIBUTORS 2nd Floor, Apeejay Chambers Wallace Street, Fort Mumbai Tel.: 66376922/3 UNION BOOK STALL Ranade Road Dadar Mumbai 400028 Tel.: 24223069 UNIVERSAL BOOK CORPORATION 546 Kalbadevi Road Dhobi Talao Corner Mumbai 400002 Tel.: 22072096/22050629/22061159 VARSHA BOOK CENTRE Shop No.A/5 Vashi Plaza,Sector 17, Vashi Mumbai Tel.: 9323585161/27894475
PRAKASH BOOKS INDIA PVT LTD Gala No 9, Ground Floor, Jaferbho Industrial Prem Coop. Society Ltd Makwana Road Mumbai 400059 Tel.: 28517995 PROFESSIONAL BOOK HOUSE 8, Partijat, 5th Lane Pandurangwadi Goregaon (E) Mumbai 400063 Tel.: 28728072 RAJESH BOOK CENTRE 180/192, Dr D N Road Kitab Mahal, Reveline Street Mumbai 400001 Tel.: 22078799/22071706 RASIK PRAKASHAN KENDRA Near Ruparel College Senapati Bapat Marg Matunga Mumbai 400016 Tel.: 24303369 SAI BOOK CENTER 11 Rabhaji, T P Road, Near Shiv Darshan Behind Dr Ramteke Dispensary Bhandup West Mumbai SAVLA BOOK DISTRIBUTORS F/5 Ambewadi, J S Seth Road Opp. Majestic Shopping Centre Girgaon Mumbai 400004 Tel.: 23882165/23892383
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VARSHA MEDICAL BOOK CENTRE 8 Sajan Buildingnaigam X Road Opp. Vaiking Hotel, Dadar Mumbai 400014 Tel.: 24121974 VIKAS MEDICAL BOOK HOUSE Opp. Mumbai Central Station R-2 Dalal Estate Belasis Road Mumbai 400008 Tel.: 23088709 VINAYAGA BOOK HOUSE B-16, Laxmi Sagar Co-Op Hsg Society, Nandivli Road, Dombivli East Mumbai Tel.: 09322297756 VORA BOOK AGENCY 34/38 Master Building Mohammad Shakoor Marg, Fort Mumbai 400001 Tel.: 22615512 VORA MEDICAL PUBLICATIONS 6 Princess Building, E.R. Road Near J J Hospital Traffic Signal Mumbai 400003 Tel.: 23754161/23778079 WINNER BOOK CENTRE Opp. Bharatiya Vidyabhavan Chowpatty Mumbai 400007 Tel.: 23641306 NAGPUR POPULAR BOOKSHOP Opp. Patwardhan High School Sitabuldi Nagpur 440012 Tel.: 2524278 P S B ENTERPRISES 213 Dharam Peth Zenda Chowk Nagpur 440010 Tel.: 2557040 SHRI SAMARTH BOOK DEPOT Binjani Bhawan Mahal Nagpur 440002 Tel.: 2725726 UJJWAL ENTERPRISES 104/1, Gharkul, Baji Prabho O Nagara, University Campus (Post) Nagpur 440033 Tel.: 2222124/2221438 VENUS BOOK CENTRE Opp Rajaram Library Road Gokulpeth Nagpur Tel.: 2520781/253614 WESTERN BOOK DEPOT Residency Road, Sadar Nagpur 440001 Tel.: 2524659
--------------ABHANG PUSTAKALAYA Dr Shukla Complex Neat IIT College Road Nanded 431602 ABHAY PUSTAK BHANDAR Bhor Complex Mahavir Chowk Nanded 431601 Tel.: 240265
--------------ANIL BOOK AGENCY Tanksale Complex Sitabuldy Nagpur 440012 Tel.: 2355967 CENTRAL BOOK STALL Rani Jhansi Square Sitabuldi Nagpur 440012 Tel.: 2526191/2555213 CROSSWORD BOOKSTORES LTD C/O Jaika Building Commercial Road Civil Lines Nagpur 440001 DHANWANTARI BOOKS & STATIONERS Jagnade Chowk Nandnvan Nagpur 440009 Tel.: 2741035/2767302 INTERNATIONAL BOOK HOUSE P LTD 2 Yashogandha East High Court Road Ramdaspeth Nagpur 440010 Tel.: 22044859/22021634/1795
--------------ANMOL PUSTAKALAYA 683, Budhawar Peth Pune Tel.: 9822306289 ASIAN BOOKS PVT LTD Shop No.5-8 631/632, Budhwar Peth Pune 411002 Tel.: 2623137/2623572 BALAJI BOOKS 365 Somwar Peth Above Yash Motors Pune Tel.: 2519289/9822843689 CLASSIC BOOK DISTRIBUTOR 821, Shukrawar Peth 2nd Floor, Raskar Building, Behind BOI Gadikhana Pune 411002 CROSSWORD Sohrab Hall, 1st Floor Near Jehangir Nursing Home Behind Pune Railway Station Pune 411001 DIAMOND BOOK CENTRE Star Book Service, Orchid Complex Ist Floor, Shop 109/110 1367 Sadashiv Peth Pune 411030 Tel.: 24480677
--------------ANMOL PUSTAKALAYA Opp. Bytco Takies Nasik Road Nashik 422101 Tel.: 9822306289 A V PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS Krishnai Sankul, Opp. Haji Mithai Vakilwadi, M G Road Nashik 422001 Tel.: 9822091072 DEEP BOOK CENTRE Naroshankar Building Below Samarth Bank Near Rajebahadur Hospital Nashik 422001 Tel.: 2594498/9422274808 JYOTHI STORES M.G.Road 42 Main Road Nashik 422001 Tel.: 274026
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UBS PUBLISHERS DISTRIBUTORS PVT LTD 2nd Floor, 630 Budhwar Peth Near Appa Balwant Chowk Pune 411002 Tel.: 66028926 UJWAL GRANTH BHANDAR Appa Balwant Chowk Pune 411030 UNIVERSAL BOOK SERVICE 27 Budhwar Peth Pune 411002 Tel.: 24455188/24450976 UTKARSH BOOK SERVICE & LIBRARY 701, Deccan Gymkhana Pune 411004 Tel.: 25532479/25467836/25537958 VAIBHAV BOOK CENTRE 688 Narayan Peth Appabalwant Chowk Pune 411030 Tel.: 24456915 VARDHAMAN BOOK DEPOT 685 Budhwar Peth Prabhat Chambers Near Prahat Talkies Pune 411002 Tel.: 24454588 VARMA BOOK CENTRE Appa Balwant Chowk Pune 411030 Tel.: 24456525
PROFOUND READERS CHOICE TRD LTD Sohrab Hall 1st Floor, Jn. of RBM-Connaught Road Pune 411001 RADIANT BOOK SERVICE Siddhivinayak Keshar Office No.322 431 Somwar Peth Pune 411001 RASIK SAHITYA Appa Balwant Chowk 683, Budhwar Peth Pune 411 002 Tel.: 24451129 S K KOTHARI MEDICAL BOOKSELLER E-25, Indraprasta Complex 589, Rastapeth Next Apollo Cinema Pune 411002 Tel.: 26124565/9822033311 SUNIL ENTERPRISES Shop No.2, Mangesh Apartments 38/1B B Karanjkar Road Pune 411038 Tel.: 25437938/25442387 SUYOG STATIONERS & BOOK SELLER Shop 7, Behind P V Polytechnic Akurdi Pune 411044 SYSTEMS SALES 882, Bottee Street Poona Ice Factory Compound, Camp Pune 411001 Tel.: 9822021968 TECHNICAL BOOK SERVICE 844 Dastur Mehar Road Pune 411001 Tel.: 2623628/3764 WISDOM STORE, THE Shop No.2, Saraswati Sadan Bank of Baroda Building Paud Road Pune 411038 WORD BOOK SHOP, THE 899, Boottee Street Near Parmar Hospital, Camp Pune 411001
--------------MIRJI BOOK HOUSE Shop No.8, Silver Oak Park Near Walchand College Vishram Baug Sangal 416415
--------------MAHAVIR GENERAL STORES 46 Yogeshwari Comm. Market Navi Peth Solapur 413007 NAVNEET TRADERS Opp. Anand Bhavan Hotel Manikchowk Solapur SHUBHAM STORES At-Khed Bhalvani Pandharpur Solapur
--------------LAXMI BOOK DEPOT Solanki Sadan Shivaji Path Thane 400601 Tel.: 23160
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MAJESTIC BOOK DEPOT Bhavani, Ram Maruti Road Opp. New English School Thane 400602 Tel.: 25376865 PAPERBACK BOOK SHOP G-11, Siddhachal Shopping Complex Behind Vasant Vihar School Thane 400601 Tel.: 25450541/R25318268 VINAYAGA BOOK HOUSE B-16 Laxmi Sagar Coop. Housing Society Nandivli Road Dombivalli (E) Thane 421201 Tel.: 2882875/2885370 GRANTHAGAR Post Box 4161 Gujarati SahityaParishad Ashram Road Ahmedabad 380009 Tel.: 27913513/226587949 HIMANSHU BOOK COMPANY 7,Shri Jayendra Bhavan Sanyas Ashram Ellisbridge Ahmedabad 380006 Tel.: 9327691728/26579685 INTERNATIONAL BOOK HOUSE P LTD C.P Estate Above Handloom House Super Market Premises Ahmedabad 380009 Tel.: 23879421/9508/66242222 JAICO BOOK HOUSE PVT LTD ELGI House, 2 Mill Officers Colony Behind La-Gajjar Chamber Ashram Road Ahmedabad 380009 Tel.: 26575262 KITAB KENDRA Sahitya Seva Sadan Near Gujarat College Ahmedabad 380006 Tel.: 26422136 POCKET BOOK CENTRE Opp. Jyotisingh Relief Road Ahmedabad 380001 Tel.: 25508732/25508328 CROSSWORD B/6 Krishna CEN-Mithkali 6 Road Ahmedabad 380009 MAHAJAN BOOK DEPOT Gandhi Road Near Central Bank Ahmedabad 380001 Tel.: 23722081 M K BOOK DISTRIBUTORS 1 Tulsi, 2, Azad Society Ambawadi Ahmedabad 380015 Tel.: 26743012 NEW PRAKASH BOOK DEPOT PVT LTD 1, Gokul Complex Opp. Nagri Hospital Ellisbridge Ahmedabad 380006 Tel.: 24636926 NEW ZAVERI BOOK CENTRE Under Fernandez Bridge Gandhi Road Ahmedabad 380001 Tel.: 25357232/9825782902
--------------BAISUDH BOOKS Bk.No.1060, Roomno.3 Near Swastik Medical College Ulhasnagar 421003 Tel.: 9422687212
--------------COLLEGE STORES 4 Garda College Shopping Centre Golwad Navsari 396445 Tel.: 9825099121/258642
--------------UNIQUE TRADERS M G Road Near Saibaba Mandir Wardha 442001 Tel.: 957152243617/9422144752
--------------PARIMAL BOOK AGENCY Dr Yagnik Road Rajkot 360001 THE BOOK SHOP 1 Mahavir Complex Near ICICI Bank Kalawad Road Rajkot Tel.: 2588130/9825148130
AGRASEN BOOKS & STATIONERY MART 105, Sagar Complex Gurukul Road, Memnagar Ahmedabad 380052 Tel.: 65228800/27486239 ATUL BOOK STALL Gandhi Road Under Fernandes Bridge Ahmedabad 380001 Tel.: 9825967533 BHARAT BOOK AGENCY Opp. Ashok Book Depot Gandhi Road Ahmedabad 380001 BOOKS INDIA P K House, Ellis Bridge Behind M J Library, Ahmedabad 380001 Tel.: 26575542/9824016112 BOOK PLAZA Opp. Telephone Exchange C G Road, Navrangpura Ahmedabad 380006 Tel.: 9819618991/079-26430386 BOOKSHELF 16 City Centre, C G Road Navrangpura Ahmedabad 380009 Tel.: 26563707/26441826/26563767
--------------BOOK WORLD E-42, Kanaknidhi Opp. Gandhi Smruti Nanpura Surat 395001 Tel.: 2333641/2341612/2338675 BULSAR BOOK STORES 1-2, Santok Apartment Beside Athwa Arcade, Athwa Gate Surat 396001 CLASSIC ENTERPRISE 401, Akash Deep Apartments Opp. Sheetal Shopping Square Bhatar Road Surat 395001 LUCKY BOOK STORES Shop No.1, Ornet House Ring Road, Near Bus Stop Athva Gate Surat 395001 SHOPPING POINT (BOOK SELLER) 2010/11, Vaibhav Apartment Bhattar Road, Near Rupali Naher Surat 395001 SHREE GAJANAN BOOK DEPOT Tower Road, Opp. Mohan Talkies Surat 395003
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AJAY PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS Behind Moti Masjid Near Suleman School H.No-6, Ist Floor Bhopal 462001 BOOKWORLD 33, Bhad Bhada Road T.T. Nagar Bhopal CHANDNA BOOK HOUSE Gf-19, Masarover Complex, Near Habbibganj Railway Station Hoshangabad Road Bhopal 462016 Tel.: 2573061/9303130992 J K JAIN BROTHERS BOOK SELLER Motia Park Sultania Road Bhopal 462001 Tel.: 2542577/ 2549730 LAND MARK E-5/21, Vivek Towers Opp. Habibgany Police Station Arera Colony Bhopal 462016 Tel.: 2465238/ 4277445 LYALL BOOK DEPOT Motia Park Sultania Road Bhopal 462001 Tel.: 2543624/2545952 POPULAR TECHMEDIA (I) PVT LTD 49, Jawahar Bhavan New Market Bhopal 462003 Tel.: 2557132/2555022 PRIYANK BOOK & STATIONERY CENTRE 2 Marwari Road Near Central Studio Bhopal 462001 RAJESH STATIONERY & GEN. STORE Shop No.69 Bus Stop No.10 Arera Colony Bhopal 462016 Tel.: 2565022 RAVI BOOKS & STATIONERY MART 64, Sultaina Road Budhwara Bhopal Tel.: 2531768 SNEH BOOKS CENTRE 31-B, Kamla Nagar Kotra Sultanabad Bhopal UBS PUBLISHERS DISRIBUTORS M P Nagarzone 1 Bhopal
--------------ACHARYA BOOK DEPOT Opp. Jubilee Park Opp. Gandhinagar Gruh Vadodara 390001 Tel.: 2420622/2338761/2420622 BARODA BOOK CORPORATION 20 Stop N Shop Plaza Opp. CIR House Alkapur Vadodara 390005 Tel.: 2358736 BINDOO BOOKSTALL Opp. Jubilee Garden Vadodara 390001 Tel.: 2438602 BOOK WORLD SB/2, Patel Ashwamegh Near S. Patel Statue Sayajigunj Vadodara 390005 Tel.: 9322253946 CHIRAG BOOK DISTRIBUTORS 102, Kama Chambers Opp. Shiyapura Police Chowki Raopura Vadodara 390001 Tel.: 2410771 JOSHI BROTHERS BOOKSELLERS Mira Dattar Takro Navabazar Vadodara 390001 Tel.: 2410567/2411287 CROSSWORD 2/1, Arunoday Society Alkapuri Vadodara 390007 MANEESH BOOK SHOP 7, Payal Complex, Near Manubhai Tower Opp. University (Art College) Sayajigunj Vadodara 390005 LANDMARK Monalisa Centre, Near Inox Race Course Vadodara 390007 Tel.: 2465238 SHREEJI BOOK DEPOT 4-A, Sevasharam Society Near Atma Jyoti Ashram Ellora Park Vadodara 390023
--------------SHAH BHOGILAL NANDLAL Bookseller & Stationer Opp. Town Hall Valsad 396001
THE OTHER INDIA BOOK STORE Above Mapusa Clinic Mapusas 403537
--------------GOLDEN HEART EMPORIUM Confidant House, Abade Faria Road, Margao 403601
--------------BROADWAY BOOK CENTRE Navjevan Society of Freedom Fighter Opp. Muncipal Garden Panaji 403001 Tel.: 26647077/26647038 GOMANTAK BOOK SERVICE Near Kadamba Bus Stand Panaji Tel.: 224143/262977/2299288
ANIL ENTERPRISES Sector 6 A, Market Bhilai 490006 NU-LITE BOOKSELLERS Sector 10, Shop No. 71 A Market Bhilai 490006 TIWARI PUBLISHER & DISTRIBUTOR Sector-6, E Market Shop No.210-211-212, Bhilai Tel.: 23858255/2346032
--------------AHUJA BOOKS & DISTRIBUTORS Z-16, Opp. Chittod Complex Zone-1, M.P Nagar Bhopal
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SANGHVI STORES Old Bus-Stand, Dewas RUPAYANA BOOKSELLERS Rampurawala Building 27, M G Road Indore 452007 Tel.: 2531720 SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE COMPANY 44 Jaora Compound Opp. M Y Hospital Indore 452001 Tel.: 2701041/2701879 SHRI INDORE BOOK DEPOT 504 M G Road Indore 452001 Tel.: 234171 SOGANI BOOK HOUSE 569 Rajni Bhavan Shop No.03, M G Road Indore Tel.: 2545130 VAMS BOOK WORLD UG-1, Royal Diamond 3, Y N Road Indore 452001 Tel.: 4006895/4043064
--------------AKSHAR SANSAR (P& D) 21, Kunwar Mandli Khajuri Bazar Indore Tel.: 5053161/ 5532161 BHAIYA STORES 166, Khajuri Bazaar, Indore 452002 JAINSON BOOK SHOP & STATIONERS 33 Bakshi Gali Jaswant Bhawan, Rajwada Indore 452004 Tel.: 2538787/ 4068787 N R BROTHERS BOOKSELLERS N R House, 46 Jaora Compound M Y Hospital Road Indore 452001 Tel.: 2701337/ 2701640 NEW JAIN BOOK STALL 627, Khajuri Bazar Indore READERS PARADISE 45 LG Apollo Square 7/2 Race Course Road Janjirwala Chauraha Indore 452003 Tel.: 4075789/2530790
--------------BOOK HEAVEN 10 G D Complex, Opp. Nehru Park Nagar Nigam Road, Marhatal Jabalpur 482002 Tel.: 2406919
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