Velocity of Ground Water Percolation at Indaram, Godavari Sub-Basin, India
Velocity of Ground Water Percolation at Indaram, Godavari Sub-Basin, India
Velocity of Ground Water Percolation at Indaram, Godavari Sub-Basin, India
Abstract:We present values of velocity of ground water percolation (Vg) over large depth intervals, varying from
shallow to deeper depths in Indaram area of Godavari sub-basin.The velocities have been estimated using available
measured geothermal data. Sub-surface temperatures were measured in seven boreholes. Terrestrial heat flow values are
calculated using temperature data and measured values of thermal conductivity of core samples. The results show that
Vg is ~3.4 x10–7 cm /sec in the top layers (70-150 m) and decreases to ~0.04x 10–7 cm/sec in the deeper levels around
350 m depth and becomes negligibly small thereafter, thereby, indicating that the overall permeability of the sub-surface
layers, due to the occurrence of successions of permeable, semi-permeable layers gets reduced to more or less zero at
depths around 350 m. The value of Thermal Peclet Number, which is the ratio of the heat transfer through convection to
that through conduction, naturally becomes negligible around this depth in the area. The observed consistency of the
magnitude of heat flow through various deep sections is a clear indicator that water percolation is practically reduced to
zero at depths around 320-400 m and that conduction is the dominant mechanism of heat transfer below the inferred
depth section, while the upper layers are dominated by recharge at various depths by near surface water from streams at
Keywords: Godavari Basin, Temperature data in boreholes, geothermal gradient, Thermal conductivity, Heat flow,
Groundwater percolation velocity.
INTRODUCTION for various studies, such as: (a) to delineate flows in the
Appreciable quantity of water percolates in areas where hypothermic zones, (b) estimation of ground water discharge,
surface water stream channels traverse through areas of (c) depth to the salt water interface, (d) assess geological
coarse surface and sub-surface deposits. Ground water repositories for high level nuclear waste (Birkholzer et al.
percolation velocity; therefore, provide a good insight into 2004), (e) understand the geological process such as faulting
the study of the subsurface water reservoir. It is well and hydrothermal flow (Weick et al. 1995) etc. Anderson
known fact that due to heat flow from the earth’s interior, (2005) has reviewed in detail most of the relevant
temperature, after certain depth shows increasing trend. investigations. Hydrological effect on heat flow has been
Ground water movement either downward by infiltration in discussed by various workers (Mansure et al. 1979; Beck
a recharge area or upward in a discharge area perturbs the et al. 1989; Sundar et al. 1993; Gupta et al. 2009 etc).
sub-surface temperature profiles and consequently its
thermal regime. An attempt has been made in this paper to
calculate the velocity of ground water percolation (Vg) over
various depth intervals up to deeper layers by using our Indaram has rocks of lower Gondwana System which
geothermal data viz. sub-surface temperatures (to the are underlain by the Sullavai series. The lower Gondwana
accuracy of 0.01°C) measured at discrete depths in System comprises of rocks of (i) Talchir, moderately
seven boreholes of depths ranging from 170 to 580 meters, hard calcareous clay stones, silt stones and sand stones
in the vicinity of Indaram (18°49' N, 79°32'E) located with basal boulder beds, (ii) Barakar, medium to coarse
in the Godavari sub-basin (Fig.1) and thermal conductivity grained sandstones, siltstones, carbonaceous shale and coal,
of core samples of various rocks determined in the (iii) Barren measures, medium to coarse grained occasionally
laboratory. pebbly sandstones and (iv) Kamthi sandstones, fine to coarse
Sub-surface temperature data have been used since long grain alternations of claystones and sandstones, minor coal
where q (Z1) and q (Z2) are the magnitude of heat flow above
and below a specified zone of vertical flow; R (Z) = Thermal
resistance of the zone of vertical flow; C = Specific heat
capacity per unit mass of the moving water; r = Density of
water; Vg = Velocity of ground water percolation.
Normally, temperature profiles of boreholes, below a All the temperature profiles (Figs.2 and 3) show concave
top small layer which is influenced by seasonal variations, (upward) shape, which is generally caused by infiltration of
show increasing temperature with depth, unless there are cool water in recharge area (Anderson, 2005). However,
certain disturbances, as is the case of areas where water changes in thermal conductivity also curves the temperature
percolation occurs. profile.
Deep conductive heat flow is a more or less constant The heat flow values have been determined by stripping
parameter for a geological province/ region. However, it permeable layers separated by thick semi-impermeable
gets perturbed, in certain areas, due to water movement in zones, or layers of different thermal conductivity, which
permeable layers. Variations in its magnitude in large show more or less uniform temperature gradients also.
crystalline provinces do occur due to varying concentration Velocities of ground water percolation (Vg) have been
of radioactive elements, Uranium (U), Thorium (Th) and calculated in all such layers. The results are given in
Potassium (K) in the sub-surface crystalline rock formations. Table 1. Plots of Vg against depths and heat flow values are
However, in the area of present study, water percolation is shown in Figs. 4 and 5 respectively.
the main dominant cause. The velocity of the downward An examination of data of boreholes (Table 1) and Fig.4
moving ground water in different permeable layers can be clearly reveals that the magnitude of Vg decreases with
Table 1. Particulars of boreholes, Temperature Gradients, Heat Flow data and values of Velocity of ground water percolation
(modified after Gupta et al. 2009)
Borehole Number Depth to which Depth range Temperature Rock Heat Flow Vg 10-7
&Coordinates logged and (m) grad. mkm-1 Formation mWm-2 cm/Sec
Lat. (N), Long (E) undisturbed
SP-33 585 m 71.0- 127.0 6.2 Sandstone 17.30 3.30
180 48’ 05’’ N 28 days 128.0-193.0 11.8 Sandstone 33.40 0.70
790 33’ 27’’ E 198.0-225.0 13.9 Sandstone 78% 39.60 0.60
227.0-285.0 14.9 Sandstone 42.20 0.40
285.0-395.0 17.9 Sandstone 45.50 0.20
Shale 11%
Clay 11%
395.0-450.0 17.5 Sandstone 49.40 0.02
450.0-488.0 22.1 Sandstone 49.60 –
Shale 3%
Coal 7%
Shale clay 7%
488.0-520.0 49.1 Sandstone 65% 50.40 –
Shale 5%
Coal 30%
520.0-580.0 20.1 Sandstone 85% 50.60 –
Coal 15%
SP-32 512 m 70.0-112.6 3.8 Sandstone 10.7 4.10
180 48’ 25’’N 30 days 112.6-154.6 8.4 Sandstone 99% 20.9 2.30
790 33’ 26’’E 154.6-190.7 11.3 Sandstone 30.8 2.00
230.0-270.0 14.3 Sandstone 40.5 0.80
Shale 1%
273.0-293.0 15.6 Sandstone 44.8 0.50
295.0-313.0 19.5 Sandstone 46.3 0.40
Shale 11%
Coal 1%
314.5-430.0 17.1 Sandstone 49.5 0.04
434.5-450.0 21.8 Sandstone 83% 50.4 –
450.0-488.0 23.0 Sandstone 50.6 –
Shale 10%
Coal 7%
SP-31 450 m 88.5-130.0 8.9 Sandstone 25.4 2.7
180 48’51’’N 4 days 133.0-212.0 15.2 Sandstone 36.5 0.6
790 33’32’’E 215.0-279.5 15.8 Sandstone 87% 44.8 0.5
281.0-300.0 21.8 Sandstone* 50.6 0.09
320.0-390.0 17.6 Sandstone* 50.0 –
390.0-430.0 19.7 Sandstone 50.5 –
Clay 13%
430.0-450.0 20.4 Sandstone 85% 50.5 –
Clay 15%
SP-37 300 m 131.5-160.0 8.5 Sandstone 24.1 3.1
180 48’48’’N 2days 173.5-195.0 11.6 Sandstone 63% 32.9 0.80
790 32’51’’E 195.0-230.0 15.8 Sandstone 34.9 0.60
Clay 13.5%
Coal 0.5%
Shale 23%
230.0-260.0 15.2 Sandstone 38.0 0.40
260.0-300.0 21.3 Sandstone 83% 40.0 –
Clay 9%
Coal 8%
SP-43 280 m 96.0-127.0 9.0 Sandstone 25.5 2.70
180 48’28’’N 3 days 127.0-250.0 12.2 Sandstone 32.3 0.50
790 33’49’’E 250.0-280.0 14.9 Sandstone 39.5 –
SP-40 170 m 120.0-150.0 11.4 Sandstone 30.2 6.29
180 49’14’’N 8 days 150.0-170.0 14.8 Sandstone 39.9 9.90
790 32’43’’E Clay 11%
Shale 1%
Coal 0. 1%
SP-35 150 m 7.0-107.0 Sandstone 17.8 3.40
180 47’ 48’’N, 10 days 110.0-146.0 Sandstone 28.0 –
790 33’51’’E
*-There are streaks of clay between layers
Fig.2. Temperature – depth profiles, temperature gradient and litho logs of the boreholes (SP – 31, 32 and 33) at Indaram, Godavari Sub-
Fig.3. Temperature–depth profiles, temperature gradient and litho logs of the boreholes (SP – 35, 37, 40 and 43) at Indaram, Godavari
depth. Litho-logs of the boreholes show that the sub-surface concluded that (1) the upper layers of the earth of Indaram
rock strata consist of top thick permeable layers (sandstones) area are dominated by recharge at various depths from near
and thereafter succession of such layers bounded by surface water from streams and (2) the overall permeability
comparatively thin semi-permeable and/or impermeable (?) of sub-surface layers due to the occurrence of a succession
layers mostly of claystones, shale beds and coal seams. It of permeable and impermeable or semi-impermeable
is, therefore, obvious that the rate of ground water formations has reduced to more or less zero at depths around
percolation gets successively impended after encountering 350 m.
semi-impermeable layers; and its velocity gets appreciably An examination of Fig.5 and heat flow data (Table 1)
reduced. However, the Vg versus depth plots of the boreholes also demonstrate these aspects very clearly. Consistency of
(Fig.4) show noticeable differences in the magnitude of Vg the magnitude of heat flow values of various deep depth
for specific depth intervals, which are normally expected in sections is a clear indicator that water infiltration practically
a sedimentary basin such as the one in present study due to is reduced to zero and heat conduction becomes the main
change in hydro-geological conditions. The magnitude of mechanism of heat transfer below a depth of around 350 m.
Vg varies from 4.1x10–7 cm sec-1 to 2.7 x10–7 cm sec–1 with This inference gets further support from values of Thermal
an average value of 3.4x10–7 cm sec-1 in the upper layer Peclet Number (Pe) which is given below (Anderson, 2005):
(»70 to 150 m) of Indaram area. It is reduced to a value
Pe = rw CwVgL/ Ke (2)
~ 0.04x10–7 cm/sec in the deeper levels around 320-400m
depth. Its magnitude becomes more or less negligible for Where rw and Cw are the density and specific heat of
the deeper zones. Considering these facts it can be safely the water, Vg is the percolation velocity of ground water,
Fig.4. Ground water percolation velocity (Vg) v/s depth in boreholes (SP-31, 32, 33, 37 and 43) at Indaram, Godavari Sub-basin.
Fig.5. Ground water percolation velocity (Vg) v/s heat flow in boreholes (SP – 31,32,33,37 and 43) at Indaram, Godavari Sub-basin.
L is the characteristic length and Ke is the effective thermal Acknowledgements: We are thankful to MEC Ltd., for
conductivity of rock-water matrix. Characteristic length, L, providing the bore holes, other relevant data and their field
is to be taken in the main direction of the heat flux; for party for the help during the field work. We wish to express
basins, the appropriate length being the vertical dimension our thanks to Shri Ramana for providing the CGWB
of the depth. Considering the range of the estimated technical report on Hydrological studies in the area. We are
percolation velocity, a characteristic length of around 350 grateful to Dr N.C. Mondal, Scientist, NGRI, Hyderabad
m, as inferred above, and measured thermal conductivity of and Dr. M.K.Sharma, Scientist, NIH, Roorkee for their
the sediments of Indaram area, the value of Pe becomes critical comments to improve the quality of MS. Thanks are
negligibly small .It shows that the heat transfers through the also to Shri G. Ramacharyulu for help in the field work.
deeper sub-surface layers are dominantly through Support and encouragement during this work by the Director,
conduction. NGRI, Hyderabad is gratefully acknowledged.
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