Low-Cost I C Battery Monitor
16-Bit Bidirectional Current Measurement
1.56V LSB, ±51.2mV Dynamic Range
104A LSB, ±3.4A Dynamic Range (RSNS =
15m) SDA 2 7 VIN
Current Accumulation Register Resolution PIO 3 6 CTG
6.25Vhr LSB, ±204.8mVh Range SNS 4 5 VSS
0.417mAhr LSB, ±13.65Ah Range MAX
(RSNS = 15m)
11-Bit Voltage Measurement
See Table 1 for Ordering Information.
4.88mV LSB, 0V to 4.5V Input Range
11-Bit Temperature Measurement
0.125ºC Resolution, -20ºC to +70ºC
Industry Standard I2C Interface The DS2745 provides current-flow, voltage, and
Low Power Consumption: temperature measurement data to support battery-
Active Current: capacity monitoring in cost-sensitive applications. The
70A typical, 100A max DS2745 can be mounted on either the host side or
Sleep Current: pack side of the application. Current measurement
1A typical, 3A max and coulomb counting is accomplished by monitoring
the voltage drop across an external sense resistor,
voltage measurement is accomplished through a
BLOCK DIAGRAM separate voltage-sense input, and temperature
measurement takes place on-chip. A standard I2C
interface with software programmable address gives
the controlling microprocessor access to all data and
status registers inside the DS2745. A low-power sleep
mode state conserves energy when the cell pack is in
Handheld Products
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DS2745 Low-Cost I2C Battery Monitor
(2.5V VDD 4.5V; TA = 0C to +70C, unless otherwise noted.)
70 100
Active Current IACTIVE A
VDD = 4.5V 105
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DS2745 Low-Cost I2C Battery Monitor
-20°C ≤ TA ≤ +70°C,
2.5V ≤ VDD ≤ 4.5V
Input Resistance, VIN RIN 15 M
Input Logic High:
VIH (Note 1) 1.5 V
Input Logic Low:
VIL (Note 1) 0.6 V
Output Logic Low:
VOL IOL = 4mA (Note 1) 0.4 V
Pulldown Current: SCL,
IPD 0.25 A
Input Capacitance: SCL,
CBUS 50 pF
SLEEP Timeout tSLEEP (Note 3) 2.2 S
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DS2745 Low-Cost I2C Battery Monitor
Note 1: All voltages are referenced to VSS.
Note 2: Offset specified after auto-calibration cycle and Current Offset Bias register (COBR) set to 00h.
Note 3: To properly enter sleep mode, SMOD=1, and the application should hold SDA and SCL low for longer
than the maximum tSLEEP.
Note 4: NBEN = 0, Current Offset Bias Register (COBR) set to 00h, and Accumulation Bias Register (ABR)
set to 00h.
Note 5: Parameters guaranteed by design.
Note 6: Timing must be fast enough to prevent the DS2745 from entering sleep mode due to SDA,SCL low
for period >
Note 7: fSCL must meet the minimum clock low time plus the rise/fall times.
Note 8: The maximum tHD:DAT has only to be met if the device does not stretch the LOW period (tLOW) of the
Note 9: This device internally provides a hold time of at least 100 ns for the SDA signal (referred to the
VIHmin of
the SCL signal) to bridge the undefined region of the falling edge of SCL.
Note 10: Filters on SDA and SCL suppress noise spikes at the input buffers and delay the sampling instant.
Note 11: CBtotal capacitance of one bus line in pF.
Note 12: The first voltage measurement after writing the ACR or after device POR is not valid.
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DS2745 Low-Cost I2C Battery Monitor
Serial Clock Input. 2-Wire clock line. Input only. Connect this pin to the CLOCK
1 SCL terminal of the battery pack. Pin has an internal pulldown (IPD) for sensing
Serial Data Input/Output. 2-Wire data line. Open-drain output driver. Connect this pin
2 SDA to the DATA terminal of the battery pack. Pin has an internal pulldown (IPD) for sensing
General Purpose Input/Output. Open-drain output driver with input sense. Connect
to a pull up resistor for bidirectional operation.
Sense Resistor Connection. Connect to the negative terminal of the battery pack.
Connect the sense resistor between VSS and SNS.
Device Ground. Connect to the negative terminal of the Li+ cell outside the cell
5 VSS protection FETs. Connect the sense resistor between VSS and SNS.
Connect to Ground. Connect to the negative terminal of the Li+ cell outside the cell
protection FETs.
7 VIN Voltage Sense Input. The voltage of the Li+ cell is monitored through this input pin.
Power-Supply Input. Connect to the positive terminal of the Li+ cell through a
8 VDD decoupling network.
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DS2745 Low-Cost I2C Battery Monitor
Current is measured bidirectionally over a dynamic range of ±51.2mV with a resolution of 1.56V. Assuming a
15m sense resistor, the current sense range is ±3.4A, with a 1 LSB resolution of 104A. Current measurements
are performed at regular intervals and accumulated with each measurement to support accurate “coulomb
counting”. Each current measurement is reported with sign and magnitude in the two-byte Current register. The
Accumulated Current register (ACR) reports the coulomb count and supports a wide range of battery sizes. Battery
voltage measurements are reported in the two-byte Voltage register with 11-bit (4.88mV) resolution, and
Temperature is reported in the two-byte Temperature register with 0.125C resolution.
The DS2745 measurements can be used directly to provide accurate fuel gauging in typical use conditions, or
along with FuelPack™ algorithms to form a complete and accurate solution for estimating remaining capacity over
wide temperature and operating conditions.
Through its two wire I C interface, the DS2745 allows a host system read/write access to the Status, Configuration
and Measurement registers. Additionally, the I2C slave address can be changed from the default after power up.
500 1k
2.5V (1)
102 102 (1) Optional for 8kV/15kV ESD
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DS2745 Low-Cost I2C Battery Monitor
The DS2745 operates in one of two power modes: active and sleep. While in active mode, the DS2745 operates as
a high-precision battery monitor with voltage, temperature, current and accumulated current measurements
acquired continuously and the resulting values updated in the measurement registers. Read and write access is
allowed to all registers.
In sleep mode, the DS2745 operates in a low-power mode with no measurement activity. Serial access to current,
accumulated current, and status/control registers is allowed in sleep mode if VDD > 2V.
CAUTION: If SMOD = 1, pull-up resistors are required on SCL and/or SDA in order to ensure that the DS2745
transitions from SLEEP to ACTIVE mode when the battery is charged. If the bus is not pulled up, the DS2745
remains in SLEEP and cannot accumulate the charge current. This caution statement applies particularly to on a
battery that is charged on a standalone charger.
Battery voltage is measured at the VIN input with respect to VSS over a range of 0 to 4.992V (VIN pin is limited to
VDD voltage) and with a resolution of 4.88mV. The result is updated every 440ms and placed in the VOLTAGE
register in two’s compliment form. Voltages above the maximum register value are reported as 7FFFh.
MSB—Address 0C LSB—Address 0D
S 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 X X X X X
The input impedance of VIN is sufficiently large (>15M) to be connected to a high impedance voltage divider in
order to support multiple cell applications. The pack voltage should be divided by the number of series cells to
present a single cell average voltage to the VIN input. Note that the first voltage measurement made after the
DS2745 is powered or after the ACR register is written will not be valid. The host should wait one measurement
cycle after either of these two conditions occur before reading voltage.
The DS2745 uses an integrated temperature sensor to measure battery temperature with a resolution of 0.125°C.
Temperature measurements are updated every 440ms and placed in the Temperature Register in two’s
complement form.
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DS2745 Low-Cost I2C Battery Monitor
MSB—Address 0A LSB—Address 0B
S 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 X X X X X
In the active mode of operation, the DS2745 continually measures the current flow into and out of the battery by
measuring the voltage drop across a low-value current-sense resistor, RSNS, connected between the SNS and VSS
pins. The voltage sense range between SNS and VSS is ±51.2mV. Note that positive current values occur when
VSNS is less than VSS, and negative current values occur when VSNS is greater than VSS. Peak signal amplitudes up
to 102mV are allowed at the input as long as the continuous or average signal level does not exceed ±51.2mV over
the conversion cycle period. The ADC samples the input differentially at with an 18.6kHz sample clock and updates
the current register at the completion of each conversion cycle. Figure 6 describes the current measurement
register format and resolution. Charge currents above the maximum register value are reported at the maximum
value (7FFFh = +51.2mV). Discharge currents below the minimum register value are reported at the minimum
value (8000h = -51.2mV).
Every 1024th conversion, the ADC measures its input offset to facilitate offset correction. Offset correction occurs
approximately once per hour. The resulting correction factor is applied to the subsequent 1023 measurements.
During the offset correction conversion, the ADC does not measure the SNS to VSS signal. A maximum error of
1/1024 in the accumulated current register (ACR) is possible, however, to reduce the error, the current
measurement just prior to the offset conversion is displayed in the current register and is substituted for the
dropped current measurement in the current accumulation process. The error due to offset correction is typically
much less than 1/1024.
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DS2745 Low-Cost I2C Battery Monitor
The Accumulated Current register (ACR) serves as an up/down counter holding a running count of charge stored in
the battery. Current measurement results, plus a programmable bias value are internally summed, or accumulated,
at the completion of each current measurement conversion period with the results displayed in the ACR. The ACR
has a range of 0mVh to +409.6mVh with an LSb of 6.25μVhAdditional registers hold fractional results of each
accumulation, however, these bits are not user accessible. The ACR count clamps at FFFFh when accumulating
charge values and at 0000h when accumulating discharge values.
Read and write access is allowed to the ACR. Whenever the ACR is written, fractional accumulation results are
cleared. A write to the ACR also forces the ADC to measure its offset and update the offset correction factor.
Current measurement and accumulation resume (using the new offset correction) with the second conversion
following the write to the ACR. Figure 7 describes the ACR address, format, and resolution.
Read and write access is allowed to COBR. Whenever the COBR is written, the new value is applied to all
subsequent current measurements. COBR can be programmed in 1.56V steps to any value between +198.1V
and -199.7V. The COBR value is stored as a two’s complement value in volatile memory, and must be initialized
via the interface on power-up. Figure 8 describes the COBR address, format, and resolution.
S 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
“S”: sign bit Units: 1.56V/Rsns
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DS2745 Low-Cost I2C Battery Monitor
The Current Blanking feature modifies current measurement result prior to being accumulated in the ACR. Current
Blanking occurs conditionally when a current measurement (raw current + COBR) falls in one of two defined
ranges. The first range prevents charge currents less than 100V from being accumulated. The second range
prevents discharge currents less than 25V in magnitude from being accumulated. Charge current blanking is
always performed, however, discharge current blanking must be enabled by setting the NBEN bit in the
Status/Config register. See the register description for additional information.
The Accumulation Bias register (ABR) allows a programmable offset value to be added to the current accumulation
process. The new ACR value results from the addition of the Current register value plus ABR plus the previous
ACR value. ABR can be used to intentionally skew the current accumulation to estimate system stand-by currents
that are too small to measure. ABR value is not subject to the Current Blanking thresholds.
Read and write access is allowed to the ABR. Whenever the ABR is written, the new value is applied to all
subsequent current measurements. ABR can be set to any value between +198.1V and -199.7V in 1.56V
steps. The ABR value is stored as a two’s complement value in volatile memory, and must be initialized via the
interface on power-up. Figure 9 describes the ABR address, format, and resolution.
S 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
“S”: sign bit Units: 1.56V/Rsns
The DS2745 has memory space with registers for instrumentation, status, and control. When the MSB of a two-
byte register is read, both the MSB and LSB are latched and held for the duration of the read data command to
prevent updates during the read and ensure synchronization between the two register bytes. For consistent results,
always read the MSB and the LSB of a two-byte register during the same read data command sequence.
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DS2745 Low-Cost I2C Battery Monitor
00 Reserved —
01 Status/Config Register R/W 11000000b
02 to 08 Reserved —
09 to 0D Reserved —
0A Temperature Register MSB R
0B Temperature Register LSB R
0C Voltage Register MSB R
0D Voltage Register LSB R
0E Current Register MSB R
0F Current Register LSB R
10 Accumulated Current Register MSB R/W No Change
11 Accumulated Current Register LSB R/W No Change
12 to 61 Reserved —
61 Offset Bias Register R/W 00h
62 Accumulation Bias Register R/W 00h
63 to FF Reserved —
The Status/Config register is read/write with individual bits designated as read only. Bit values indicate status as
well as program or select device functionality.
X — Reserved.
PORF — The Power-On-Reset Flag is set to indicate initial power-up. PORF is not cleared internally. The user
must write this flag value to a 0 in order to use it to indicate subsequent power-up events. If PORF indicates a
power-on-reset, the ACR could be misaligned with the actual battery state of charge. The system can request a
charge to full in order to synchronize the ACR with the battery charge state. PORF is read/write-to-zero.
SMOD — SLEEP Mode Enable. A value of 1 allows the DS2745 to enter sleep mode when both SDA and SCL
pins is low for 2s. A value of 0 disables the transition to sleep mode. The power-up default of SMOD = 0.
NBEN — Negative Blanking Enable. A value of 1 enables blanking of negative current values up to 25V. A value
of 0 disables blanking of negative currents. The power-up default of NBEN = 0.
PIO — Programmable Input/Output. PIO provides both control of the PIO open-drain output driver and readback of
the PIO pin logic level. Writing a 0 to PIO drives PIO pin low. Writing a 1 deactivates the PIO output and allows
readback of an external signal. Reading PIO returns the logic state on the pin. PIO is RESET on POR.
2 2
A2:A0 — I C Slave Address bits. A2:A0 set the lower 3 bits of the I C slave address. When modified from the
power-up default slave address of 1001000b, accessing the DS2745 requires the modified slave address following
a start or repeated start.
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DS2745 Low-Cost I2C Battery Monitor
The 2-Wire bus system supports operation as a slave only device in a single or multi-slave, and single or multi-
master system. Up to 128 slave devices may share the bus by uniquely setting the 7-bit slave address. The 2-wire
interface consists of a serial data line (SDA) and serial clock line (SCL). SDA and SCL provide bidirectional
communication between the DS2745 slave device and a master device at speeds up to 400kHz. The DS2745’s
SDA pin operates bidirectionally, that is, when the DS2745 receives data, SDA operates as an input, and when the
DS2745 returns data, SDA operates as an open-drain output, with the host system providing a resistive pull-up.
The DS2745 always operates as a slave device, receiving and transmitting data under the control of a master
device. The master initiates all transactions on the bus and generates the SCL signal as well as the START and
STOP bits which begin and end each transaction.
Bit Transfer
One data bit is transferred during each SCL clock cycle, with the cycle defined by SCL transitioning low-to-high and
then high-to-low. The SDA logic level must remain stable during the high period of the SCL clock pulse. Any
change in SDA when SCL is high is interpreted as a START or STOP control signal.
Bus Idle
The bus is defined to be idle, or not busy, when no master device has control. Both SDA and SCL remain high
when the bus is idle. The STOP condition is the proper method to return the bus to the idle state.
Acknowledge Bits
Each byte of a data transfer is acknowledged with an Acknowledge bit (A) or a No Acknowledge bit (N). Both the
master and the DS2745 slave generate acknowledge bits. To generate an Acknowledge, the receiving device must
pull SDA low before the rising edge of the acknowledge-related clock pulse (ninth pulse) and keep it low until SCL
returns low. To generate a No Acknowledge (also called NAK), the receiver releases SDA before the rising edge of
the acknowledge-related clock pulse and leaves SDA high until SCL returns low. Monitoring the acknowledge bits
allows for detection of unsuccessful data transfers. An unsuccessful data transfer can occur if a receiving device is
busy or if a system fault has occurred. In the event of an unsuccessful data transfer, the bus master should re-
attempt communication.
Data Order
A byte of data consists of 8 bits ordered most significant bit (msb) first. The least significant bit (lsb) of each byte is
followed by the Acknowledge bit. DS2745 registers composed of multi-byte values are ordered most significant
byte (MSB) first. The MSB of multi-byte registers is stored on even data memory addresses.
Slave Address
A bus master initiates communication with a slave device by issuing a START condition followed by a Slave
Address (SAddr) and the read/write (R/W) bit. When the bus is idle, the DS2745 continuously monitors for a
START condition followed by its slave address. When the DS2745 receives a slave address that matches the value
in its Status/Config register, it responds with an Acknowledge bit during the clock period following the R/W bit. The
default Slave Address at power-up is 1001000. The lower three bits of the slave address can be re-programmed,
refer to the Status/Config register description for details.
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DS2745 Low-Cost I2C Battery Monitor
Read/Write Bit
The R/W bit following the slave address determines the data direction of subsequent bytes in the transfer. R/W = 0
selects a write transaction, with the following bytes being written by the master to the slave. R/W = 1 selects a read
transaction, with the following bytes being read from the stave by the master.
Bus Timing
The DS2745 is compatible with any bus timing up to 400kHz. No special configuration is required to operate at any
A write transaction transfers one or more data bytes to the DS2745. The data transfer begins at the memory
address supplied in the MAddr byte. Control of the SDA signal is retained by the master throughout the transaction,
except for the Acknowledge cycles.
A read transaction transfers one or more bytes from the DS2745. Read transactions are composed of two parts, a
write portion followed by a read portion, and is therefore inherently longer than a write transaction. The write portion
communicates the starting point for the read operation. The read portion follows immediately, beginning with a
Repeated START, Slave Address with R/W set to a 1. Control of SDA is assumed by the DS2745 beginning with
the Slave Address Acknowledge cycle. Control of the SDA signal is retained by the DS2745 throughout the
transaction, except for the Acknowledge cycles. The master indicates the end of a read transaction by responding
to the last byte it requires with a No Acknowledge. This signals the DS2745 that control of SDA is to remain with
the master following the Acknowledge clock.
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DS2745 Low-Cost I2C Battery Monitor
Write Data Protocol
The write data protocol is used to write to register and shadow RAM data to the DS2745 starting at memory
address MAddr. Data0 represents the data written to MAddr, Data1 represents the data written to MAddr + 1 and
DataN represents the last data byte, written to MAddr + N. The master indicates the end of a write transaction by
sending a STOP or Repeated START after receiving the last acknowledge bit.
The msb of the data to be stored at address MAddr can be written immediately after the MAddr byte is
acknowledged. Because the address is automatically incremented after the least significant bit (lsb) of each byte is
received by the DS2745, the msb of the data at address MAddr + 1 is can be written immediately after the
acknowledgement of the data at address MAddr. If the bus master continues an auto-incremented write transaction
beyond address FFh, the DS2745 ignores the data. Data is also ignored on writes to read-only addresses and
reserved addresses. Incomplete bytes and bytes that are Not Acknowledged by the DS2745 are not written to
Data is returned beginning with the most significant bit (msb) of the data in MAddr. Because the address is
automatically incremented after the least significant bit (lsb) of each byte is returned, the msb of the data at
address MAddr + 1 is available to the host immediately after the acknowledgement of the data at address MAddr. If
the bus master continues to read beyond address FFh, the DS2745 outputs data values of FFh. Addresses labeled
“Reserved” in the memory map return undefined data. The bus master terminates the read transaction at any byte
boundary by issuing a No Acknowledge followed by a STOP or Repeated START.
For the latest package outline information and land patterns, go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages.
8 MAX U8+1 21-0036
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DS2745 Low-Cost I2C Battery Monitor
Changed the VDD maximum operating range in the Electrical Characteristics
2, 3
table to 4.5V.
Added “VIN pin is limited to VDD voltage” text in the Voltage Measurement
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Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim
reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.
Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600
© 2009 Maxim Integrated Products
Maxim is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. The Dallas logo is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
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