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Project 4 White Paper English 317-1 1

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Usability Test between

University Websites
Boise State University and the University of Idaho

Ryan Curley 3/28/23 English 317

Curley 2

Table of Contents

Introduction……………………………...…………………………...……...… [3]

Methodology...…………………….………..…….…...………………..... [3]




Evaluating Criteria…………...……………..….……….…………[3]

Results ……………..…………………………………..….……………..…………[4]

Task 1 …...………………………………..……………..[4]

Task 2 …………..……………………………….………[5]

Task 3 …………..……………………….………………[7]

Task 4 ………..…………………………..………………[8]

Task 5 ..…..………………………………………………[9]

Task 6 …..……..……………………..…………………[11]

Task 7 ...………..………………..………………………[12]

Task 8 ...…………..……..………………………………[13]

Task 9 ...……..…………..………………………………[15]

Task 10 …..……………………………..………………[16]

Finalized Results: ……...……………..……………………………………[18]

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… [18]


Appendix: Raw Data…….…………….…………………………………………[19]

Curley 3

Both the University of Idaho and Boise State University’s websites are very popular websites as they hold
a lot of function for both active students at those universities as well as a lot of information for potential
new students and their parents when looking for schools to attend. This white paper documents the
results of a usability analysis of both university websites after preforming 10 specific tasks. The tasks
required are very basic functions that both websites can perform.

Test environment
This test was conducted on March 28th, 2023 in my apartment using my laptop and browsing both of the
websites on google chrome. This was done with no distractions and using a safe connection to the

1) Open websites
2) Check home pages
3) Find admissions tab
4) Find tuition prices
5) Find majors offered
6) Find contact information
- Phone number
- Email
7) Discover what types of degrees are offered
8) Find locations that classes are offered (Campus Sites)
9) Discover what type of extracurricular activities are offered
10) Is Greek life a part of this university

Metrics and Evaluation

Each task completed on the University of Idaho and Boise State University websites. I will use five
metrics to rate them according to whether I strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, or strongly agree
on how well the following metrics describe each task accomplished.

Effective: goal for the task was fully completed

Efficient: goal for the task was completed in a reasonable manner

Engaging: style of the environment helped accomplish the task

Error tolerant: errors we easy to avoid or correct if made

Easy to complete: the task was intuitive to complete

Curley 4

Results -

Task 1: Open Websites

University of Idaho
To open the University of Idaho’s website you will need to be in a search browser. Whether that
be safari, google chrome, or any other browser. If you were to search university of Idaho, the
first tabs that would appear are admissions and academics. These are two things we will explore
later. To get easy access to their home page you will search uidaho.edu.

Boise State University

Boise State University’s website is a little easier to find the home page. If you were to open a
browser like described previously. All you would need to do is search Boise State University and
their homepage is located on the first link down. Although for easier access, you could again just
search boisestate.edu to take you start to the website.
Curley 5

University of Idaho Score: 22

Boise State University Score: 25

Task 2: Check Home Pages

University of Idaho
As you open the university of Idaho’s website it brings you to their home page. This page is
densely packed with many different tabs that allow you to easily find what you are looking for. It
also displays the current promotions and activities that the university is currently undertaking.
Curley 6

Boise State University

As you open the website for Boise State. I would say that there home page isn’t as easy to
explore off first looks. There are not as many tabs that allow you to easily find where and what
you are looking for. But as you scroll down through their home page you discover a few more
very useful tabs for many that would be looking at their website for.
Curley 7

University of Idaho Score: 25

Boise State University Score: 22

Task 3: Find admissions tab

University of Idaho
The admissions tab on the university of Idaho’s website is located right on the main home page.
This is seen in figure 4. After clicking on the link, it will bring you to another page that allows
you explore other similar tabs of why people choose U of I. Look into planning a visit to the
campus and the requirements for admission. This is also a great way to apply to the university.
This tab also gives the reader access to admissions for undergraduate, graduate, international
and other paths.

Boise State University

The admissions tab for Boise State’s website takes one more step from the home page to locate.
You will need to click on the menu tab located on the top left of the home page. This will then
let you open the admissions page. As far as the material that is provided on the page, it is very
similar to U of I but formatted a little differently. The one big change is that on Boise States
admissions page, they also provide important dates for both fall and spring semester deadlines
for applying and also for scholarship deadlines.
Curley 8

University of Idaho Score: 25

Boise State University Score: 22

Task 4: Find tuition prices

University of Idaho
There are multiple ways to find the tuition prices for the university of Idaho. The easiest and
most simple way I could find would just use the search bar at the home page. You can also go to
the admissions tab from the previous step. Scroll down to student financial aid services and
then from there about half way down the page is a tab for cost of attendance. Either way will
provide you with the right information. This information includes undergraduate and graduate
prices for students looking for in state and out of state tuition.
Curley 9

Boise State University

The way to locate the prices of tuition for Boise State was not as strait forward. If you use the
search bar located in the top right of the home page and search tuition prices, you will find the
answers a couple of links down. Which is very easy, however I was also hoping to find a way to
locate them without using the search bar. I was unable to find the tuition prices without the use
of it unfortunately. I’m sure there is a way but was unable to find it myself at the time.

University of Idaho Score: 21

Boise State University Score: 19

Task 5: Find majors offered

University of Idaho
From the home page you will click on the academics’ tab located on the top left of the screen.
Then at the top of that page there is a big browse tab. Clicking on that, it will bring you to an
amazing page that allows you to filter your search by degree level, topic, and campus location.
As well as explore the more then 220 degrees offered at the University of Idaho.
Curley 10

Boise State University

To locate the majors/degrees offered for Boise State, it is a very simple process that starts from
the home page. Clicking on the menu tab in the top right of the page, you will choose the
academics dropdown. From there you can scroll down until you see the discover your major
link. From there, the page attached will come up. However, if you are looking to filter your
search. That will need to be done on the academics’ page before you enter the discover your
major tab.

University of Idaho Score: 25

Boise State University Score: 23
Curley 11

Task 6: Find contact information (Phone number, Email)

University of Idaho
From the home page on the university of Idaho’s website you will scroll all the way down to the
bottom of the page. From hear you will locate a tab labeled outreach. Once you click on this link
it will bring you to a new page. That page having the address and phone number for all of their
regional locations the left side of the screen. If you are looking for more detailed contact
information for a certain degree, that information can be found easiest by using the search bar
located at the home page and just typing in what you are looking for.

Boise State University

For finding contact information for Boise State, you will again want to start off at the homepage.
From there you will just scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and then locate the
contact Boise State tab. This tab will take you to a very well organized page with their address,
phone number, and email addresses for every single different subsections throughout the
university. Examples include admissions, financial aid and many others.
Curley 12

University of Idaho Score: 18

Boise State University Score: 24

Task 7: Discover what types of degrees are offered

University of Idaho
Like before when looking for what type of majors are offered, the degrees that are offered at
the university of Idaho should be of a similar process. From the home page you will want to find
the apply tab. Then from there you will select the find a degree tab. This tab will open up a new
page that has a browse box. This box has a link which shows what type of degrees are offered.
These include a bachelor’s degree, a masters, and a PHD. Then each have their own link which
you can select and then view classes offered for each of these degrees.

Boise State University

For locating the different degrees offered at Boise State
University it is as well a similar process to when looking for
the majors offered. If you click the apply tab from the home
page this will bring you to a page that allows you to easily
see what degrees are offered and the different choices, you
have to apply to these degrees. I think this page gives a way better visual example of the
different paths that are offered to the students at this university.
Curley 13

University of Idaho Score: 19

Boise State University Score: 23

Task 8: Find locations that classes are offered (Campus Sites)

University of Idaho
The university of Idaho has multiple different campus locations. All of which have the same
offerings as their main campus of Moscow Idaho. They do however offer and have many things
tailored towards their main campus. This is what we will be focusing on. After selecting the visit
tab from the home page, this will bring up a page that allows you to explore their multiple
campus visit opportunities. These include campus tours that show off everything the campus
has to offer. This page also has links to tell and show you what Moscow has to offer and maps of
the campus.
Curley 14

Boise State University

Boise state offers a similar path to see locations of the campus. Boise State as far as I could find
only has one campus where classes are offered compared to the University of Idaho. From the
home page you will click on the visit tab. This will bring you to a new page where you will be
able to view different types of tours offered on campus, including a virtual tour option. This
same page has a great map that allows you to look through the entirety of the campus and
locate any and every building that is part of the university.

University of Idaho Score: 21

Boise State University Score: 24
Curley 15

Task 9: Discover what type of extracurricular activities are offered

University of Idaho
Extracurricular activities offered at the University of Idaho can be easily located by locating the
student life tab from the home page. This tab will bring you to a new page where many different
options are displayed. You can tour the student union building and see what is offered there for
students, as well a tour the rec center where many different sports and clubs take place.
Scrolling down the page more there are many other tabs that allow you to see many different
opportunities ranging from research and leadership opportunities to the native American
student center.

Boise State University

Extracurricular activities at Boise State University can be found from locating the student life tab
from the home page. This tab will bring you to a new page where all the teams, groups, and
clubs are displayed. Student life essentials is a tab displayed on this screen that can offer many
different suggestions on things to participate in while there. They also cover student programs
such as the transportation and parking services that are offered at the university.
Curley 16

University of Idaho Score: 22

Boise State University Score: 23

Task 10: Is Greek life a part of this university

University of Idaho
From the student life tab located on the home page. Then you can scroll down to the box
labeled fraternity and sorority life. This will take you to a new page that offers a few different
options. From here you can investigate what they have to offer in more detail, as well as view a
video that gives a great overview of everything provided in the information tab. This is also a
great place to sign up for the recruitment events that start at the beginning of the year. Like in
step 8, this is also another place where you can view a map of the campus and explore where all
of the sorority and fraternity houses are located.
Curley 17

Boise State University

From the student life tab located from the home page by clicking on the admissions tab. This
will take you to a page where you can explore many things offered to students. About halfway
down the page there is a tab labeled explore Greek life. After clicking on this tab, it will bring
you to a new page where you can explore what they are about, the programs and services they
support and includes a link to sign up and join as well. This page also includes a life award tab to
see what fraternities and sororities are thriving at the time of you joining.

University of Idaho Score: 23

Boise State University Score: 25


After running a usability test for both the University of Idaho’s website and Boise State
University’s website, I found that both websites are designed very effectually and made to be
efficient for anyone looking for any information revolving around the universities. They are both
very similar in how they operate and can be translated between each other when trying to
locate some sort of information. If I had to choose one that showed a little bit more user
friendly systems it would have to lean more towards Boise State. There website is designed in a
way that can tailor towards many different types of people that are looking to get a better grasp
of what the university is all about. The layout of the website is in a way that you don’t feel like
you will get lost clicking on multiple tabs just trying to find a small piece of information. They
Curley 18

are a larger institution then the University of Idaho so I’m sure that a lot more money and time
has gone into developing their website.

Totals –
University of Idaho – 221
Boise State University - 230

University of Idaho - Offering top-ranked programs in the Northwest. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6,
2023, from https://www.uidaho.edu/
Boise State University. (2023, April 6). Boise State University. Retrieved April 6, 2023, from
Curley 19


Task 1:

Task 2:
Curley 20

Task 3:

Task 4:
Curley 21

Task 5:

Task 6:
Curley 22

Task 7:

Task 8:
Curley 23

Task 9:

Task 10:

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