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Unit-9 Employee Retention and Engagement

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Employee Retention



9.0 Objectives
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Concepts and Management of Employee Turnover and Employee
9.2.1 Employee Turnover

9.2.2 Employee Retention Parameters to Assess Pros and Cons of Employee Retention Factors Affecting Employee Retention Role of Motivation in Employee Retention

9.2.3 Misconceptions related to Employee Turnover and Retention

9.3 Strategies to Reduce Employee Turnover and Enhance Employee
9.4 Concept of Employee Engagement
9.4.1 Categories of Employee Engagement

9.4.2 Models of Employee Engagement

9.5 Ways to promote Employee Engagement
9.6 Lets Us Sum Up
9.7 References
9.8 Key Words
9.9 Answers to check your progress
9.10 Unit End Questions
9.11 Activity

After reading this unit you should be able to
 discuss the management of employee turnover and retention;
 explain strategies ti reduce employee turnover and enhance employee
 describe the concept of employee engagement; and
 explain ways to promote employee engagement.

Dr. Tapati Roy Yadav
Human Resource
Management 9.1 INTRODUCTION
Yamini (the intern from IGNOU placed ay A2Z company was looking for Ms.
Sheela (HR manager of A2Z company). When she was Ms. Sheela, she
seemed seemed to be in a hurry. Yamini needed some signatures from Ms.
Sheela so she approached her.

Yamini: Maam, Good morning, I needed some signatures from you on some
of my forma.

Ms. Sheela: Oh sure Yamini but I am a bit busy today as Mr. Batra will be
here any time.

Yamini: Ok maam. But why is Mr. Batra coming here today. He left the
organisation right.

Ms. Sheela: Yes Yamini, he is coming for his Exit Interview.

Yamini (confused): But maam interview is taken when before the job. Is Mr.
Batra joining again.

Ms. Sheela (with a smile): No dear, exit interviews are carried out to
understand why an employee has left the job. It is crucial to understand these
aspects so that measures can be taken to retain the employees.

Yamini: Oh ok. Thanks maam. I will wait till you finish with the exit

Understanding why employees leave an organisation is crucial as if the

reasons are related to the organisational dimension then suitable measures
need to be taken as otherwise there could be high turnover which can have an
impact on the organisation, its functioning and its production and

An organization invests heavily on time and finances to train its employees to

make the best of available resources and attain success. In long term
employee grows with growth of organization and consistency in performance
of employees lead the organization towards success. On the contrary when
employee quits everything goes for toss. Organisations invest a lot of money,
time and productive hours of senior executive on employee’s training.
Employees quit because of misperception of role and structure,
misinterpretation of messages and instruction, non acceptance of norm or
somebody’s misbehaviour, or cultural difference. When an employee unduly
leaves organization it is termed as employee turnover. By clearly defining the
role and investing in employee, giving them ample space to grow,
minimising rude behavior or conflict and creating a positive ambience
organization can retain their precious human resources.

In past two decades employable individuals enjoyed variety of job options

and organisations faced high frequency of employee turnover because of
136 expansion in industries and entrepreneurial initiative. It is very important for
Employee Retention
an organization to ensure longer tenure of productive employees with high and Engagement
performance rate to maintain stability and enhance growth rate in competitive
scenario. Employee engagement has evolved as key to such barrier.
Employee engagement provides margin and scope to such employees. It is
the psychological contract an employee commits to the organization. An
engaged employee understands the purpose and fitment with organization.
Engaged workforce leads to success with experience and beat the competitors
with passion. Employee engagement is instrumental to make successful
retention plan. Both employee engagement and retention are significant
aspect of employee management.

In this unit, there are three significant terms that we are focusing on,
employee turnover, employee retention and employee engagement. All these
three terms are related to each other. In the subsections that will follow, we
will discuss these three concepts and also look at the ways in which
employee engagement can be promoted so as to reduce employee turnover
and increase employee retention.


Two significant terms in that we need to discuss in the context of managing
human resources are turnover and retention. In the present section of this
unit, we will focus on the meaning of these terms and how these can be
managed. The focus of this subsection as you will notice is on employee
retention as when measures are taken to retain employees, the turnover in
terms of voluntary turnover (employee leaving the organisation for personal
reasons) will decrease.

9.2.1 Employee Turnover

Employee turnover is defined as ratio of employees who leaves the
organization, either by choice or as norms, within a time frame.It is irrelevant
if the employee has resigned or retired; in either case a vacuum is created in
the organization and it slows down productivity. To be able to frame a
strategy to retain such employees it is necessary to understand reasons and
proportion of turnover.

Employee turnover can be segmented in four categories voluntary,

involuntary, desirable and undesirable.

 Voluntary turnover: Employee resigns from the post on various

grounds of illness, relocation, or taking up new job elsewhere.
 Involuntary turnover: Employee gets retired on completion of term or
is terminated on different grounds of indiscipline or very high
 Desirable turnover: Replacing underproductive employees with new
talent and skill.
Human Resource  Undesirable turnover: Losing skilled and productive employees.
Before taking steps to employee retention, organization should ascertain the
rate, cause, and effect of employee turnover on productivity, and cost to
sustaining employee. In such case it becomes important to calculate
employee turnover rate. It can be calculated implying the formula
Employee who left
1) Employee turnover rate = ————————————— × 100
Average number of employee

number of employees + number of employees

in the beginning in the end of period
of period
2) Average number of employee = ——————————————————

Employee turnover can be attributed to several causes, both personal and

professional. At personal level low remuneration, less scope to growth, work
life imbalance, and work overload contributes majorly. At organizational
level ambiguity of role, bullying, mismatch of goals, feeling of undervalued,
and frequent restructuring are major contributor to employee turnover.
According to

Some of the reasons why employees leave can be lack of satisfaction at work,
better prospects or alternatives, negative experiences at workplace,
inadequate relationship with immediate supervisor and colleagues, lack of
role clarity, inadequate job design, lack of teak cohesiveness and so on.

Philips (1990), employee turnover has more hidden effects than visible one.
Invisible effects count for attachment or detachment of existing employees
with employees who left or the one who joined as replacement. Time and
energy invested in the process of acquisition and training accounts for
intangible loss. Evident effect employee turnover is seen on productivity, lost
sales and profitability. Although employee turnover accounts more for loss
and very less for anything positive, it is not bad always.

Keeping in mind the negative effect of employee turnover on the

organisation, it is important to understand why the employees are leaving the
organisation. This is also the reason why an exit interview is often conducted
by human resource managers with the employees who are leaving the
organisation. Such interviews mainly look at the reasons why the employee
has left the organisation. Whether it is for better prospects, or due to
organisational aspects like inadequate communication, structure, high work
pressure and so on. Employee turnover in an organisation can be understood
by carrying out an analysis of human resource administration data related to
resignations, requests for references as well as the date related to retirements
and superannuations, dismissals, redundancies and so on. Measuring job
satisfaction and work motivation of the employees can also help in predicting
employee turnover and measures can be taken to enhance these. Once the
Employee Retention
reasons for employee turnover are identified, then suitable measures to retain and Engagement
employees can be taken.

9.2.2 Employee Retention

Employee retention is typically the number of employees any organization
keeps within the same specified time frame. Employee retention is to
strategically ensure that employees do not leave. The first step in the process
is to figure out why the employee would leave. Some reason could be:

 Remuneration: When employee perceives the remuneration as unfair,

and lower than expectation, or lower in comparison to competitors, they
 Recruitment errors: When employer fails to attract the right candidate
and positions are filled in hurry, employee quit to find a better fitting
 Personal attributes: Employee quit for personal reasons, they get bored,
they relocate, they do not fit in the culture, and sometimes they quit
because they distrust the leadership and lack confidence in management.
 Mismatched expectations: Employees quit when they differ in goals
and orientation with organization. Sometimes conflict is with the job
assigned and not organizational goal, other times it is just a mismatch of
expectation related to compensation and benefits.
 Scope to grow: Employees in small organization majorly quit because of
narrower scope to grow. Such employees are ambitious and high on
achievement orientation. Depending on type of organization 80% – 90 %
of employee retention rate is considered good, implying that employee
turnover can be good too. Parameters to Assess Pros and Cons of Employee

Following are the parameters to assess pros and cons of employee retention.

 Cost and benefits: it is true that retention scheme is beneficial to avoid

costs involved in recruitment of new employee. It would prove to be
more expensive if vested in retaining underperformers.
 Longevity: Retention scheme is preferred tool to have experienced
employees for longer time, but it would cause lot of harm if longer
association results in groupism or social loafing.
 Culture: Retention is good to transpire organizational values through
generations. It would be dangerous to retain bad employee because
unethical practice is propagated through same means of communication.
 Loyalty: Retention is good when employee is constructive, positive and
loyal. They work in favour of organizational growth. Retaining a
destructive employee would result in losing business, data, harmony and
positivity in organization. 139
Human Resource  Productivity and performance: Retention of interested employee
Functions would make them perform better where as disinterested employee would
promote gossiping and underperformance affecting organizational goals.
 Workflow and quality: Employees holding key positions should be
tried to retain for longest possible tenure to ensure swift workflow of
good quality. Peripheral employees can be relieved if the cost of
retaining is more than return to organization. Such employees create
hurdle in workflow.
 Boundaries: When an employee reaches the optimum performance in
organization and deserves more in turn, it is preferable to allow him
leave and not burdening the organizational in financial terms. It is
advisable to verify all the options and counter verify the performance to
avoid losing an efficient employee or retaining someone at higher price
who deserved less. Factors Affecting Employee Retention
Employee retention is of paramount importance to the organization in terms
of intellectual property. According to Zineldin (2000) retention is an
obligation to continue to do business or exchange with a particular company
on ongoing basis. Human resource is storage of all possible ideas and data to
individual capacity which contributes in growth of the organisations;
Leakage of information and absquatulation would cause constant threat to
organizational secrets. Quoting Logan (2000) six factors primarily
responsible for success or failure of employee retention scheme are:

1) Organizational culture: It is found that some organisations put high

value on team work and security, individual respect, and loyalty. Such
organisations retain their employees for long term. On the other hand
some organisations put more emphasize on personal initiative and job
performance. Such organisations witness high rate of employee

2) Communication: Practicing open communications in organization keep

the employees informed on policy matters. Two way communications
serves better in employee retention by assuring them that their opinion is
valued. Autocratic organization with closed communication channel stir
up distrust and fails in employee retention.

3) Strategy: Those organisations which strategically place itself high in

the market succeeds in retaining employees better than organization with
no strategic plan and growth. Success of organization, employee, and
employee retention program are interdependent. A well planned strategy
ensures growth of organization and longevity of employees.

4) Pay and benefits: Fair pay and competitive benefits strongly influences
employee retention in any organization. Subsidized meal, paid company
holidays and covered health plan are some of the preferred benefit
package that promises greater success of employee retention plan.
Employee Retention
5) Flexible work schedule: It is all about how much control an employee and Engagement
exercises over his time. It reduces the time and role conflict and undue
stress of work. It has positive impact on employee retention as it reduces
employee withdrawal syndrome and urge to look for other job openings.
Flexible work schedules allows employee to adjust their work schedule
and thus motivate them to stay longer by improving their happiness

6) Career development system: Existing workforce looks forward to

career progression irrespective of their current role and status.
Organizational structure with well defined career path is a definite
promise to retain its workforce for long time ahead. Learning
organisations keep adding to organizational goals and train their
employees accordingly to fit in new role. Career progression is must for
employees to remain associated with the organization in long run. Role of Motivation in Employee Retention

Regardless of size and type, in past three decades all organisations are
struggling to keep their employees for longer duration. Although each of
them design a retention plan suiting to their requirement and available
resource, nevertheless a plan based on identifying, analyzing and
implementing scientific principles of a sound theory would bear more fruitful
results. Five major aspects of motivation to be considered in any employee
retention program are compensation, growth, support, relationship and
environment. Motivational theorists agree unanimously on fact that
motivation is desire and ability to act towards attainment of certain goal. It is
most often based upon need theory, expectancy theory, and equity theory of
motivation. A brief description of each theory follows:

 The need theories of motivation propose that human needs differ in

kind and strength depending on time and situation. Maslow’s hierarchy
need theory believed in five levels of need, namely physiological,
physical, and social, esteem and self actualization. It states that retention
and motivation schemes should be designed with purpose to meet
unsatisfied desire of employee. McClelland’s need theory believes that
human are driven by sense of achievement than any other rewards. It
advocates designing retention plan based on three needs achievement,
power and affiliation.

 Expectancy theory of motivation argues that human behaves in certain

manner, with expectancy of certain event/reward to follow. Incorporation
of positive outcomes in lieu of association and loyalty in retention plan
would result in longer tenure.

 Equity theory of motivation holds it important that return on

contribution should be proportionate to input and, comparable and fair
with others. While designing retention plan it should reflect fair and
equitable means of reward. 141
Human Resource
9.2.3 Misconceptions related to Employee Turnover and
Functions Retention
While it is believed that voluntary turnover of employees is bad or negative
occurrences; it is not true for all the organization in every situation. On
several occasions organization need not panic over resignations rather
retention of certain employees beyond an extent proves to be harmful than
any benefit to the organization. David G Allen (2010) argues that some level
of employee turnover is probably necessary to keep the organization vibrant
and gives an opportunity to restructure the workplace. Five most pervasive
misconception regarding employee turnover and retention are:

1) All retentions are good and all turnovers are bad: human resource has
its own strength and flaws; everyone can not fit the same size. At some
places retention is bad where an underperformer occupies a post and
some youth with more talent remains unemployed. Employee turnover is
good when the vacant space is filled by someone more qualified.

2) Increase in pay can buy loyalty: All employees do not leave for
money, similarly those who remains associated with organization in
name of salary hike may not be giving their hundred percent towards
organizational goal. Spending more than what they deserve in effort to
keep the employee will increase financial burden and induce
discontentment in others.

3) Success of retention plan is decided by number: No two organisations

can be compared on their success rate of retention scheme by counting
numbers or ratio of employees who stayed back. In Some organisations
human resources keep shrinking when they move towards automation.

4) Confident performers cannot be retained: This is believed by majority

that is someone who has knowledge and skill to perform better decides to
call quit and join others for better compensation they cannot be stopped.
It is found that most of the employee turnover occurs because of cultural
misfit or poor interpersonal relationship and communication. It is not
impossible to retain such hardworking achiever provided retention plan
suits his requirement and resolves the disagreement.

5) Human resource manager is responsible to retain people: Employee

retention is game of influence and involvement. Human resource
manager can design schemes to keep the employee engaged and involved
in his profile; but it is the immediate superior who exercises maximum
influence on the employee to make him stay longer.

The most unattended myth regarding employee turnover and retention is

the belief that it is not related to recruitment. It can never be the case that
somebody who is total misfit gets selected; similarly whosoever gets
selected cannot be a perfect fit from the beginning. Thus employee
retention is largely about making adjustments, training, and continuous
Employee Retention
assessment of employee’s performance and organisation’s reward and Engagement

Box 9.1 Difference between Employee Turnover and Employee


Employee turnover and employee retention are both related to each other. To
differentiate between employee turnover and employee retention, that we will
discuss in the next sub-section. Employee turnover can be explained as a
leaving of the organisation by an employee on voluntary or involuntary basis
(Holiday, 2021). Employee retention on the other hand can be explained as
the rate at which employees remain with the organisation as well as the
measures and strategies used by the organisation to retain the employees.
Employee turnover mainly focuses on the movement of the employee, where
as the employee retention includes measurement of the stability of the
employees. Employee turnover includes both voluntary and involuntary
turnover. employee retention often excludes involuntary turnover.

The two terms are very much related and the human resource manager need
to focus on both and develop suitable strategies to reduce employee turnover
and increase employee retention.

Check Your Progress I

1) What is employee turnover?






When an organization makes effort to retain employees, they feel valued. A
simple strategy is to recognise the tiniest effort an employee has put in
organizational growth other than routine task, it does not matter if the output
is very small. Most often strategies for developing employee retention plan
are of expanding benefits. Adopt the following “As” to make a generic
retention plan applicable to all employees.

1) Acquire right candidate: The right hire proves beneficial for the
organization at multiple levels. Better fit promises better inclination
towards learning and work load sharing. They are better trained and
prove to be long term investment. Recruitment, selection and
placement are three key functions of human resource management
Human Resource
that can help in ensuring employee retention as adequate pool of
Functions suitable applicants need to be generated with effective recruitment,
right candidates need to be selected based on the selection process
and the selected employees need to be adequately placed in order to
ensure that employees are retained.

2) Accommodate diverse workforce: Employ individual from diverse

background and characteristics as age, gender, nationality, race,
religion, political views, culture etc. Workplace diversity also reaps
tangible benefits as increased creativity and innovation, other than
creating a vibrant culture of its own.

3) Affirm teamwork: Assign work in groups. Allow team to brainstorm

and come up with new methodologies. It is easy and cheaper means to
reward a team, without threatening equality. When a team performs
under supervision, it minimises the occurrence of conflict and results
can be astonishingly effective.

4) Assist in financial stability: Employees who lack financial acumen

are relieved to great extent when aided by expert in organization.
They get more space to be creative and committed in their field of

5) Adequate training and development opportunities: The employees

need to be provided with adequate training and development
opportunities so that they are able to enhance their skills and
knowledge. This will not only help employees feel valued but the
organisation will also benefit from upgradation of skills and
knowledge of its employees.

6) Aided mentorship: Mentoring programs are meant to identify

opportunities and train employees accordingly. Corporate mentoring
promotes cohesiveness amongst employees, encourages knowledge
sharing, and develops leadership quality. It prepares employee for
future role and also induces optimism in them.

7) Appraise change: It is advisable that organization allows space and

autonomy to employees in inevitable process of transformation from
the beginning phase of planning. Inviting feedback and suggestions
from employee boosts their morale and reduces resistance.

8) Appreciate work life balance: It is very important for an individual

employee to maintain balance between professional commitment and
personal affairs. It is equally important to understand that work life
balance does not mean equal time given to both aspects; rather it
signifies the presence of individual at right place at the time of need.

9) Attentive concern: When organization acquire diverse workforce,

essential services provided to them also gets diversified. A child care
Employee Retention
centre and a gymnasium become equally important as subsidised and Engagement
cafeteria when number of females and youth increases in workforce.

10) Appealing wellness programs: Sponsored wellness program

addressing employees’ health hazards and life style management earn
loyal and committed employees.

11) Agreeable assessment: Assess employees across all parameters

without lacking empathy before considering in retention plan. An
individual employee may fail to meet performance standards owing to
many temporary and emotional constraints, which eventually fades
and individual performance rise up to expected level after sometime.

An effective employee retention plan undergoes a process of thorough

reflection. It is observed that opportunities to use skills and ideas,
compensation for effort, transparent communication, interpersonal
relationship, job security and job stress are major contributor and largely
follow the same order in proportion to make contribution in employee’s job
satisfaction. To begin with retention, an organization should first
categorically identify dissatisfied employees and reason behind their
dissatisfaction. Those identified employees and their job profile should be
audited on terms of required skill, productivity and profitability to ascertain if
retaining those employees will prove to be beneficial to the organization. A
smaller chunk of identified employees should be allowed to leave, who
would prove to burden either for their high package or low performance.
Rests of the employees are assigned to specific group based on their specific
need. Implement the best suited segment of generic retention plan on
specified group with specific needs. Satiated needs of employee are
promising factor in retaining them for longer term. Further orient employees
towards retention scheme which is designed and executed for their benefit. It
is important that the employee acknowledge the gap which existed before
retention scheme was proposed and the benefits reaped after completion of
retention process. Retention program intending to prepare employee for
higher risk and responsibility or diversified role ensures they receive training
before being put on actual role. Once the employee gets acceptance in new
role and prolongs commitment to organization for certain period of time,
retention plans are considered successful. It does not stop there instead it
moves on to next phase and efforts are put to retain employee in new role.
The retention cycle, to visualise it as cyclic process.

Since organizational goals and employee’s needs are dynamic in nature,

employee turnover and retention will remain cyclic process. Annual appraisal
will be followed by annual employee turnover and implementation of
retention scheme. Retention like acquisition is an annual process; with an
implication of reducing acquisition expenditure and improving longevity,
where employees remain engaged with their individual role, tasks and
organizational goal.
Human Resource
Check Your Progress II
1) List any two strategies to reduce employee turnover and ensure
employee retention.







The term “employee engagement” was coined and defined by William Kahn
(1990) as “the harnessing of organization members’ selves to their work
roles; in engagement people employ and express themselves physically,
cognitively, and emotionally during role performances. According to him
employee feel psychological meaningfulness when they feel worthwhile,
useful and valuable for the organization. According to Kahn (1990)
Employee engagement is heightened physical, cognitive and emotional
involvement with organization. Relationships and organizational
environment plays key role in determining employee engagement that assists
in holding workforce longer, and develop facilitating leaders.

Bohlander and Snell (2013, page 151), described employee engagement as “

a situation in which workers are enthusiastic and immersed in their work to
the degree that it improves the performance of their companies”.

Employee engagement is all about delighting employees to keep them

involved in their roles and business with positivity. According to Aswathappa
(2015, page 371), “the employee is engaged if he/ she is willing to go above
and beyond what would typically be expected in his/ her role”. The four main
elements of employee engagement include pride, commitment, praise and

The attributes related to an engaged employee (Aswathappa, 2015) are

discussed as follows:

1) Employee attachment: This denotes the bond that the employee

develops with the organisation and the extent to which the employee is
able to relate and identify with the job and the goals.

2) Passion: This denotes the commitment towards the job and organisation
that is displayed by the employee.

3) Personal belief: This denotes the belief that the employee has about how
important the employee is for the organisation.
Employee Retention
4) Strong willingness: Employee will display a strong willingness to and Engagement
recommend and portray the organisation as a positive place to work.

5) Employee Commitment: The amount and degree of time and effort that
the employee spends on the job or work related activities.

6) Work relationship: The positive relationship that exists within the

organisation. An engaged employee will have positive relationship with
other employees in the organisation.

Employee engagement decreases employee turnover and fosters employee

retention by ensuring recognition and rewards. When an employee is assured
of being recognised and rewarded by empowered status, longevity is seldom
compromised. It aids in success of employee retention plan in following

 It reminds employee why they are here. Emotional association with the
organization strengthens solidarity amongst members; hence retention
gives better results in challenging times.

 Employees prefer to stay where they are heard. As association with the
organization grows chronologically mutual understanding and
communication goes better, hence making the bond stronger.

 Engaged employee relates to organization empathetically. Empathy plays

role in both orders. An empathetic organization will have empathetic
employees who tend to consider each others’ challenge and hence
contributes largely in retention.

 Engaged employee builds trust in new joinee that this is a good place to
work and hence contribute in retention of new workforce as well. Senior
employees play influential role in retention of fresher proving themselves
a committed role model.

 High employee engagement leads to high optimism, high satisfaction and

longer tenure with high scope of innovation and commitment. Since
higher degree of involvement presents an opportunity to reinvent the
organization at many levels, it buys time from the employee and ensures
longer stay.

9.4.1 Categories of Employee Engagement

All of us are well aware of the fact that individual employee differ in their
need, understanding and expectation from the organization. Employee
engagement is proven strategy to increase employee retention but it is equally
important to have a fair assessment of employee’s stake on engagement.
There are four categories of employee engagement:

 Engaged employee: They take initiative. They have the talent and skill
to lead, influence and motivate. They stay longer and can retain others.
Human Resource
 Not engaged employee: They perform at average level and remain
Functions inconsistent. They are reluctant to put anything extra beyond their
routine role.
 Actively disengaged employee: They are disruptive, may not be doing
so in open, but create unrest by spreading gossips, delaying tasks, and
social loafing.
 Neither engaged nor disengaged employee: Such employees are often
bitter and exhausted. They withdraw from the results of their behavior or
9.4.2 Models of Employee Engagement
Further various engagement models are mentioned in brief to help you design
a successful employee retention plan and reap better benefit of employee
1) Schmidt’s model: The model was proposed by Harter, Schmidt, and
Hayes, presented in workplace research report published in academic
journal of applied psychology year 2002. It concludes that clear
indication of important issues by employees, managers influence to
provide employees with increased opportunity, and employees
satisfaction, will determine employee engagement.

2) IES model: The model was proposed by Robinson, Perryman, and

Hayday, presented in survey report conducted for Institute of
employment studies in UK, in year 2004. It insists that an individual
employee’s perception of their own involvement and their value to the
organization will determine levels of engagement.

3) Penna’s model: The “Hierarchy of Engagement” model was proposed

by Penna during workplace research, published online in year 2007. The
model draws comparison and similarity with Maslow’s “ Need hierarchy
theory of motivation” It denotes engagement in five levels starting from
pay and benefits leading to learning and development at second stage,
promotion opportunities being at third level, followed by leadership and
trust at fourth level, finally reaching to meaningfulness at final stage of

4) Hewitt’s model: The model was proposed by Aon Hewitt and published
in Global Employee Engagement Report in year 2013. It has three
elements Say, Stay and Strive, where engagement is determined by
positive talk by employees, their desire to stay back and grow in the

5) Zinger’s model: The model was proposed by David Zinger based on his
extensive experience of consultation and published in year 2009. It
highlights twelve key factors to attain employee engagement namely
achieving results, crafting strategies, enliven roles, excel at work, get
Employee Retention
connected, be authentic, live recognition, fully engage, identify with and Engagement
organization, serve customer, develop personally, and attain happiness.

Check Your Progress III

1) What is employee engagement?







As the concept of employee engagement is clear, let us focus on the ways to
promote employee engagement. While discussing the ways to promote
employee engagement, we also need to remember that the strategies that we
discussed reducing employee turnover and enhancing employee engagement
can also be applied in this context. Various ways to promote employee
engagement are discussed as follows:

 Positive and high performance organisational culture: High

performance organizational cultures are positive and supportive. It
promotes proactive instinct and competitiveness in employees. They feel
connected and involved where organizational culture has healthy norms,
defined and documented to be followed. Organizational culture has to be
tested and verified from time to time to ensure involvement of employee
engagement and retention. It is advisable that organization conduct
survey amongst employees from time to time to ensure adherence and
invite feedback. It takes time to cultivate supportive and innovative
organizational culture. To keep pace with the outer world and also
employees’ need organization requires changing policies periodically,
introducing technology and organising training programmes. It is very
important that employees are prepared mentally for the change and
efforts are made to help them become skilled and compete. Culture that
radically changes without prior ultimatum collapses soon. Such
organisations are also hard hit by employee turnover. Positive culture
values employees and their efforts. Where workplace culture shows high
concern for employees’ difficulty, it teaches employees to stand together
with firmness against any challenges. Like all other things organizational
culture is also complex in nature and bad influences will drive away
good employees. Work culture can never go stagnant, but it is to be
drawn in smooth pattern than allowing dynamic shift. An erratic change
in culture makes it difficult for employees to engage in depth and
promotes frequent change in behavior and surroundings. It would send
Human Resource indirect messages of instability to Employee and cause threat to
Functions retention.

 Organisational communication and channel and process: Employee

engagement is mutually affected by organizational communication
channel and process. A low degree of engagement negatively affects
employee satisfaction and creates interpersonal conflicts and hurdles.
Organisations offering developmental opportunities to employees will
have aspiring and achieving employees with high quality involvement.
Such organization propagate positive environment with high happiness
score. Thus ensuring effective organisational communication would be
key in promoting employee engagement.

 Empowering managers and employees: Employee engagement can

also be increased by empowering managers by giving them more
autonomy and empowering workers by training them in new skills. It is
important that senior level management is given scope to participate in
policy making or a sponsored vacation to erase burnout effect, to remain
engaged. Practicing employee engagement strategy is far better than
commitment theories of work which primarily insists upon compulsion
and goals. It is more than offering handsome salary, making them work
or retaining productive employees. It is about keeping the employee
emotionally committed to organization and its goal. Three major factors
defining degree of employee engagement is meaningful association,
safety, and availability of the employee.

 Effective leadership: Leaders, the immediate supervisors and superiors,

can play an important role in engaging employees. They can not only
play a role in mentoring and coaching the employees but they also
provide performance related feedback that can guide the employees and
promote employee engagement.

 Cultivating a sense of meaningfulness amongst the employees:

Meaningfulness is created in terms of their work; how much are they
able to contribute and being asked for the same. Achievers, relationship
oriented, challenged employees feel more connected with team and
absorbed in their work. Positive regard and mutual belongingness,
compassion towards peers and others, restores sense of meaningfulness
in employees.

 Cultivating a sense of psychological safety:Psychological safety

involves group dynamics marked by unconscious alliance and collusion
of members. An employee in organization is expected to remain alert of
their mannerism, public image and relationship to maintain a respectable
cordial environment. However disclosing one’s self should not threaten
the employee to suffer dent in self image, status or career. Affirming
identity and trust allow employees to look at other from their
perspective, and empathetically acknowledge the same creates the sense
of safety and sustain integrity of organizational environment.

 Promoting availability amongst the employees:Availability in terms of Employee Retention
and Engagement
employee engagement means the availability of emotional energy in an
employee to engage personally with organizational goals and
environment. Emotionally overwhelmed employee tends to depersonalise
self and cut off from surroundings to protect self from further exposure
to emotional hurt. Employees holding key positions such group leader or
manager stand prone to burnout in process of constant dealing of
emotional stress of self and others. Such employees are driven by
compassion satisfaction orientation at workplace.

 Opportunities for career development: It is also important to provide

the employees with opportunities for career development. This can also
be done by providing adequate opportunities related to training and
development that can help employees develop and enhance their
knowledge and skills.

 Dealing effectively with employee grievances: Often employees could

be unhappy with certain aspects in an organisation. It could be related to
the facilities available or certain people in the organisation. Whatever be
the issue, it is important that any grievances of the employees are
addressed and dealt with effectively.

 Promoting positive health and mental health amongst the employees:

This again could be an important strategy in promoting employee
engagement as a health employee would be in abetter position to
contribute to the organisation as well as work effectively. Programmes in
order to enhance health and mental health of the employees can be
regular organised. Services like employee counselling can also be
provided to help employees deal with their issues and problems.

 Family involvement programmes: Programmes that promote

involvement of the family members of the employees can also be
organised. There could be get-togethers, picnics and other family
oriented welfare programmes. This will again have a positive impact on
the employees as well as his./ her family members. It is to be
remembered that any employee has personal life and work life that are
equally important and an organisation also needs to focus on these

Thus, as was discussed in the present sub-section, there are various

strategies that can be implemented to ensure enhance employee
engagement. And many of these strategies also focus on making the
employee feel valued, important to the organisation and that the
organisation cares for him/ her. Thus based on this and keeping in mind
that a happy, satisfied and effective employee will contribute multifold to
the organisation, employee engagement strategies can be developed and

Human Resource
Check Your Progress IV
1) State any one strategy for promoting employee engagement.







In the present unit, we mainly focused on three significant terms, employee
turnover, employee retention and employee engagement. Firstly we discussed
about the concept and management of employee turnover and employee
retention. Employee turnover is defined as ratio of employees who leaves the
organization, either by choice or as norms, within a time frame.Employee
retention is typically the number of employees any organization keeps within
the same specified time frame.Parameters to assess pros and cons of
employee retention were also discussed besides factors affecting employee
retention and role of motivation in employee retention. Misconceptions
related to employee turnover and retention were also discussed. The unit
further descried the strategies to reduce employee turnover and enhance
employee retention. The concept of employee engagement was also focused
on in the present unit. Bohlander and Snell (2013, page 151), described
employee engagement as “ a situation in which workers are enthusiastic and
immersed in their work to the degree that it improves the performance of
their companies”. Lastly, the unit covered, ways to promote employee

Armstrong M.(2006); A Handbook of Human Resource Management,
Practices 10th Edition; Kogan Page, London.

Beaumont, P.B., Human Resource Management: Key Concepts and Skills,


Publications, London, 1993.

Birdwell,I. and Holden,L. (1994) Human Resource Management, A

Contemporary Perspective, New Delhi, Macmillan.

Bohlander, G. W. and Snell, S. A. (2013). Principles of Human Resoirce

Management. New Delhi: Cengage.

Cascio, W.F., Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work

152 Life, Profits, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1992.
Employee Retention
DeNise, A. S; Griffin, R. W and Sarkar, A. (2014). HR: A South-Asian and Engagement
Perspective. New Delhi: Cengage.

Fisher, Cynthia. D, Schoenfeldt , Lyle .F and Shaw .J, B., (2004) Human
Resource Management. 5th Edition, Indian Adaptation, New Delhi, Biztantra

Holiday, Marc. (2021). Employee Retention vs. Turober: Key Differences &
Why It Matters retrieved from

Purcell J., Boxall P., Strategy and Human Resource Management, Palgrave,
Macmillan, New York, 2003.

Rao, T.V. and Others, HRD in the New Economic Environment, Tata
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New Delhi, 1994.

Werner, J. M and DeSimone, R. L. (2012). Human Resource Development.

New Delhi: Cengage.


Employee engagement: Bohlander and Snell (2013, page 151), described
employee engagement as “ a situation in which workers are enthusiastic and
immersed in their work to the degree that it improves the performance of
their companies”.

Employee retention: Employee retention is typically the number of

employees any organization keeps within the same specified time frame.

Employee turnover: Employee turnover is defined as ratio of employees

who leaves the organization, either by choice or as norms, within a time


Check Your Progress I
1) What is employee turnover?
Employee turnover is defined as ratio of employees who leaves the
organization, either by choice or as norms, within a time frame.
Check Your Progress II
1) List any two strategies to reduce employee turnover and ensure
employee retention.
Two strategies to reduce employee turnover and ensure employee
retention are:
 Accomodate diverse workforce
 Affirm teamwork
Human Resource
Check Your Progress III
1) What is employee engagement?

According to Aswathappa (2015, page 371), “the employee is engaged if

he/ she is willing to go above and beyond what would typically be
expected in his/ her role”. The four main elements of employee
engagement include pride, commitment, praise and satisfaction.

Check Your Progress IV

1) State any one strategy for promoting employee engagement.

Employee engagement can be promoted by having positive and high

performance organisational culture


1) Describe the concept of employee turnover.
2) Explain employee retention with a focus on parameters to assess pros
and cons of employee retention.
3) Describe factors affecting employee retention.
4) Explain the misconceptions related to employee turnover and retention.
5) Explain the strategies to reduce employee turnover and enhance
employee retention.
6) Explain the concept of employee engagement.
7) Describe ways to promote employee engagement.

Identify an individual who has voluntarily left his/ her job recently and find
out the reasons why he/ she left the job. Some of the questions that could help
you collect the information are as follows:

1) Since when are you working with the organisation that you recently left?

1) What was your job position in this organisation?

2) What is your overall work experience (in years/ months) and what was
your work experience (in years/ months) in this organisation?

3) Why did you initially take up the job in this organisation?

4) What were the reason(s) that you left the job?

You can ask other related questions in this context as well. Do ensure that
you take informed consent of the individual and maintain confidentiality.

To understand more about interview method and thematic analysis of

interview responses, you can refer to unit 3 of course BPCC110: Applied
Social Psychology that will be available on egyankosh.

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