What Have We Learnt About The Corrosion of Stainless Steel Since 1934?
What Have We Learnt About The Corrosion of Stainless Steel Since 1934?
What Have We Learnt About The Corrosion of Stainless Steel Since 1934?
What Have We Learnt About the Corrosion of Stainless Steel Since 1934?
Carolyn M. Hansson
The cost of corrosion has been estimated over the last 30 years to be approximately 3% of the gross domestic product costs
(GDP) of many countries (1-5). Despite the cost, not just in monetary terms, but also in environmental and human terms(6), the
last time a Howe Memorial lecture concentrated on corrosion was in 1934 when Mr. Frank N. Speller presented “The
Corrosion Problem with Respect to Iron and Steel” (7). Mr. Speller first reviewed Dr. Howe’s work starting with his
investigation of corrosion in 1887, when steel was rapidly supplanting cast iron. One of the main concerns at that time was
whether steel was less resistant to corrosion than the iron. He conducted a comparative test of the two materials in fresh
water, sea water and the atmosphere and, in 1900, concluded there was no difference between them.
Speller continued with a discussion of three methods of limiting corrosion: (i) changing the environment, (ii) separating the
steel from the environment (coatings), (iii) alloying the steel. In the intervening 85 years, a huge amount of work has been
accomplished on all three approaches but, obviously, cannot be covered in this one paper. Consequently, this paper will
concentrate on the latter, specifically on development of stainless steels and the fundamental understanding of the corrosion
behaviour of these alloys.
Table I shows how the production of metals and alloys has burgeoned in the 20th century and continues to this day, led
largely by stainless steels and aluminum alloys, indicating the importance of corrosion resistance to modern day life.
It is humbling to realise that, by the time of Mr. Speller’s presentation, there was a considerable body of knowledge about
stainless steels. The first development of stainless steel is attributed to Harry Breardon’s work on Fe-13% Cr alloys in
1913(8, 9). His goal was not specifically corrosion-resistance but, as war loomed in Europe, was to develop an alloy which
could limit the high temperature erosion of gun barrels. Also, during the war stainless steel was used in aircraft engines, as
Figure 2. Production rates of stainless steel and nickel over a 60-year period. (Courtesy the Nickel Institute).
Figure 3. 36 km causeway in Kuwait reinforced with the Duplex stainless 2304, (Photo courtesy of Civilax Civil
Figure 4. Some compositional modifications of 18/8 stainless steel to produce special properties (11)
Figure 5. EDS profile through 304 sheet on the left and the passive film formed after the cold-rolled sheet was annealed and
pickled in nitric-hydrofluoric acid. (20)
Figure 7. The cost per ton in USD of the major components of stainless steels (data courtesy of ASW Welland)
Another driver to limit the nickel is the widespread allergic responses of both humans and animals to nickel. This is
particularly important for biomedical applications, both for implanted devices and surgical tools and instruments. On the
Influence of Molybdenum
As mentioned above, the ability of molybdenum additions to austenitic stainless steels to improve their resistance to pitting
has been known since the early part of the last century and has been a consistent +3.3 factor in all the variations of PREN and
MARC. The influence of molybdenum on the composition of the passive films is illustrated by the Auger depth
concentrations in AISI 304 without Mo, and AISI 316 containing 2% Mo in Figure 8 (19). Molybdenum is not present in
detectable quantities in the profile for the 316 alloy and the major differences appear to be a greater thickness of the
chromium-rich layer and a greater concentration of nickel in the iron-rich layer in the AISI 304 than in those of the AISI 316.
Most of the nickel is again observed to be in metallic phase near the interface with the passive film. However, there did not
appear to be any observable change in overall thickness of the film.
Figure 8. Auger depth profiles of the passive films formed on AISI 304 and AISI 316 at +0.8V SCE in a buffer solution
composed of H3BO3 (0.05 M) + Na2B4O, 10 H20 (0.075 M) and pH 9.2 (19)
Recent observations have found the effectiveness of molybdenum in adding pitting resistance to be highly dependent on the
environment, being less and less effective with increasing pH (29, 30) This effect is illustrated by the anodic polarization curves
of three pairs of alloys tested in 0.025M NaHCO3 + 0.025M Na2CO3.10H2O+ 0.6M NaCl solution adjusted for pH with
HCL. Figure 9 A and B show Mo-free 304 and Mo-containing 316 at pH 6 and 12, respectively. At pH 0.6, the 304 exhibits
significantly higher corrosion current densities than those of 316 whereas, at pH 12, the pitting potential of the 304 was more
anodic than that of the 316. On the other hand, at pH 10, the Mo-free ferritic 430 and duplex 2304 exhibited slightly less
anodic pitting potentials than their Mo-containing counterparts 434 and 2205 (29).
Table II. Partition of chromium and molybdenum between the austenite and ferrite phases of duplex stainless steels
Reference Alloy Phase Element , wt. %
Cr Mo
Mesquita 2304 24.70 0.33
et al.
20.75 0.17
Ref. 29
2205 24.98 3.39
20.63 2.09
Luo et al. 2205 22.45 3.83
Ref. 30 21.08 2.53
The images in Figure 10 show that, in the near absence of Mo in the 2304, the ferrite phase is more susceptible to pitting,
whereas in the relatively Mo-rich 2205, the ferrite phase contains the greater portion of both Cr and Mo, leaving the austenite
more susceptible to pitting(29).
Figure11. XPS cationic fraction in the passive film of AISI 2205 in alkaline solution with 10% NaCl at different pH (22)
Figure 12. Possible passive film components from Reference 34 and the cyclic polarization curves for two replicate 304
rebar specimens tested in synthetic cement pore solution with pH 13.5 (35).
Figure 13. Mott-Shottky curves (a) for Fe-Cr alloys and (B) for Ni- 17%Cr and Fe-17%CR with different Ni contents(19).
Surprisingly, there has been little effort to relate the information obtained from the Mott-Schottky analysis to the corrosion
behaviour of the alloy. One exception to this is the work by Cheng and co-workers (42, 43). They studied the corrosion
behaviour of individual ferrite and austenite phases of 2205 by dissolving one phase and measuring the corrosion behaviour
of the remaining phase using cyclic polarization, cyclic voltammetry, impedance spectroscopy and M-S analysis in neutral
NaCl solution. The cyclic polarization curves are given in Figure 14 and show the individual phases to be less corrosion
resistant than the duplex 2205. On the basis of these combined tests, the authors concluded there is a beneficial interaction
between the ferrite-phase and austenite-phase which enhances the chemical stability of passive film by forming a denser and
more homogeneous film.
Figure 14. Cyclic polarization curves for the individual phases of duplex 2205 and of the duplex alloy in neutral NaCl
N‐type: oxidation of
6% 304L
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Figure 15. The Mott-Schottky curve and cyclic polarization curve for 304L rebar in KOH+NaOH+Ca(OH)2 solution of pH
13.3 with and without 6% Cl- added as NaCl. Note the plots are shifted slightly horizontally due to a shift in the corrosion
potential because of the different scan rates employed for the two tests (30). (Ogunsanya, I.G. and Hansson, C.M. (2019) Fig.
9. licensed CC-BY-ND)
Another corrosion analytical technique becoming increasingly applied to the study of stainless steels is that of scanning
electrochemical microscopy (SECM) (44). In this technique, very small reference and counter electrodes are scanned across
the metal surface as a potential difference (or current) is applied and the corresponding current (or potential difference) is
monitored. As this technique is relatively new, several of the studies have investigated the optimum parameters/protocols for
application of the technique to the stainless steel/chloride solution system (45-47). For example, the scan rate, the hold time at
each location, the applied potential were all found to influence the results (46), as was the time of exposure of 304 to the
solution (47). The technique has been applied to determine the effect of sulphide inclusions(45), the metastability of pits (48), the
fabrication and use of a miniature pH probe for the SECM local variations in pH (49-51) and observation of individual micro-
sized pits (52). An SEM micrograph of latter is illustrated together with the measured corrosion currents in Figure 16.
Figure 16. A: SEM micrograph of two adjacent pits in the surface of 316L with 0.5 and 0.35 µm diameters separated by a 1.0
μm gap. B: SECM image of 316L steel immersed in 1.0 mM FcMeOH+0.1M NaCl solution for 10 hrs. (52)
Figure 17. The Starship test flight rocket just finished assembly at the SpaceX Texas launch site (53)
I am very thankful to those colleagues who nominated me to present the 2019 Howe Memorial Lecture and to the Selection
Committee for giving me this honour. I am also appreciative to the long list of fantastic young men and women whom I’ve
had the privilege to supervise over the years and who have kept me on my toes and prevented me from retiring. Trying to put
85 years of alloy development into a 12 page paper has been a harrowing experience and I have clearly not been able to do
justice to much of the excellent work - but I have learned a lot!
1. Zhu R, editor International approaches to reducing corrosion costs. Corrosion 86; 1986; Houston, TX: National
Association of Corrosion Engineers.
2. Al-Kharafi F, Al-Hashem A, Matrouk F. Economic effects of metallic corroson inthe State of Kuwait. KISR
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3. Tullmin M. Corrosion-Club.com2015 [
4. Koch GH, Brongers MPH, Thompson NG, Virmani YP, Payer JH. Corrosion Cost and Prevention Strategies in the
United States. McLean VA: Federal Highway Administration; 2002. Report No.: FHWA-RD-01-156.
5. Sastri VS, Elboujdaini M, Perumareddi, editors. Ecomonics of corrosion and wear in Canada. International Conference
on Environmental Degradation of Metals; 2003; Vancouver, Canada: Metallurgical Society of the Canadian Institute of
6. Hays GF. World Corrosion Organization. Corrosia. 2010.