Kinnaman2014 PDF
Kinnaman2014 PDF
Kinnaman2014 PDF
PII: S0095-0696(14)00023-0
Reference: YJEEM1845
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The Socially Optimal Recycling Rate: Evidence from Japan
Thomas C. Kinnamana1I, Takayoshi ShinkumabI, Masashi YamamotocI
Department of Economics, Bucknell University
Department of Economics, Kansai University
Department of Economics, University of Toyama
This paper estimates the average social cost of municipal waste management as a
function of the recycling rate. Social costs include all municipal costs and revenues, costs
to recycling households to prepare materials estimated with an original method, external
disposal costs, and external recycling benefits. Results suggest average social costs are
minimized with recycling rates well below observed and mandated levels in Japan. Cost-
minimizing municipalities are estimated to recycle less than the optimal rate. These
results are robust to changes in the components of social costs, indicating that Japan and
perhaps other developed countries may be setting inefficiently high recycling goals.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 25380289.
Tel.: +570 577 3465; fax+570 577 3451.
1. Introduction
Recycling municipal solid waste has become increasingly common over the past 25
years. This trend can be attributable largely to government initiatives. Many individual
states within the United States, for example, either mandate curbside recycling or set
recycling targets. In the European Union, the Packaging Directive of 1994 (amended in
2004 and 2005) has made recycling a national priority in many member countries. The
Law for the Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging
(1997) has had a similar impact in Japan. Such policy measures have directly or
indirectly resulted in recycling rates of 34.1% in the United States (US EPA, 2010),
19.44% in Japan (Table 2), and 34% in the EU27 (EEA, 2013).
Are these recycling rates socially desirable? Is more recycling always preferred to less
recycling? Or might some countries have gone too far in terms of promoting municipal
recycling? Using data from Japan and external cost and benefit estimates available in the
literature, this paper first calculates the social cost of managing municipal waste and then
estimates the average social cost as a function of the recycling rate. Social total costs are
defined as (1) the total municipal budgetary costs to manage both waste and recycling
collection and disposal systems less any revenue earned from the sale of the collected
recyclable materials, plus (2) the total resource costs incurred by households to prepare
material for recycling collection – estimated in this paper using novel methods, plus (3)
the total external costs associated with landfilled waste disposal or incineration, minus (4)
the external benefits associated with manufacturing final goods comprised of recycled
materials rather than virgin materials less the external costs associated with collecting,
transporting, and processing the recycled material. Available data coupled with results
from existing literatures allow each of these four components of social costs to be
estimated and used to calculate average social costs, which are then estimated as a
function of the recycling rate in order to estimate the recycling rate that minimizes
average social costs in Japan.
Results suggest that after considering all of the economic and the environmental
costs and benefits associated with managing waste and recyclable materials, the estimated
optimal recycling rate in Japan is 10%. This estimate is robust to changes in aggregated
assumptions regarding the magnitude of the three estimated components of social costs
listed above. Cost-minimizing municipalities that externalize costs at landfills and
manufacturing centers are estimated to recycle only 7%. Although some of the private
and/or external costs that influence these estimated recycling rates may be constant across
Japan or even the world such as the production of climate changing gasses or other
regional pollutants, other private and external costs may vary substantially across
municipalities such as the distance to recycling or disposal facilities. Thus, optimal
recycling rates are very likely to vary across municipalities. Yet, the results below
suggest that observed and required recycling rates seem to exceed the estimated optimal
rate by a substantial margins and may therefore call to question aggressive public
attempts to increase recycling rates.
The next section of this paper provides a context for understanding the socially
optimal recycling by examining current policy and the economics literature. Section 3
then describes separately the four components of the social cost of waste management
and the data and processes used to estimate each component. The socially optimal
recycling rate under varying assumptions is estimated in Section 4. We vary assumptions
regarding the components of external costs in Section 5 to consider the robustness of the
main results. The average social cost of recycling specific materials is considered in
Section 6. Section 7 discusses similarities and differences between Japan and other
developed countries to consider whether results obtained using data from Japan can be
generalized. Section 8 discusses other policy implications of the results and concludes
the paper.
should society recycle? If the disposal of recyclable materials did no harm to the
environment or generate other external benefits or costs and if markets are sufficiently
competitive, then the answer is zero - free market internalizes all social benefits and costs
of recycling and will find the optimal quantity (Baumol, 1977). But waste disposal
facilities have been estimated to generate external costs. Landfills may threaten local
groundwater quality, neighborhood property values decline, and climate changing gasses
escape from both landfills and incinerators (Davies and Doble, 2004). Although
recycling facilities also generate their own external costs, using recyclable materials in
industrial production rather than their virgin counterparts is often found to reduce energy
demand and the emissions of air and water pollutants (Cleary, 2009). The transportation
of both waste and recyclable materials generates road congestion, air pollution, and
increases the likelihood of vehicle accidents. Given these factors, rather than rely upon
the market recycling rate we must wonder what recycling rate is socially optimal once all
economic and environmental costs and benefits are considered.2
Economists have devoted very little attention to answering this question. Not
because the question is not a good one, but perhaps because, given an assumed nature of
the external costs of waste disposal and uncertainties in recycling costs, there may be a
better one. For the case of solid waste, the better question may not be what rate to
recycle but what price to charge for waste disposal.3 Economic theory suggests that
focusing on pollution prices rather than pollution abatement standards such as required
rates of recycling is appropriate wherever the external marginal cost of any given
pollutant is constant across quantities of pollutants and marginal abatement costs are
unknown to policy makers (Field and Field, 2009). Toxic or hazardous waste associated
with the disposal of computers, televisions, and cell phones (such as the lead oxide,
cadmium, and mercury imbedded in these products) may generate increasing external
marginal costs - a threshold can be reached where incremental increases in hazardous
waste disposal can mix with existing hazardous waste to form new problems for human
health and the natural environment (Kahhat, 2009). But solid waste is comparatively
Only the external costs of energy use are included in the external benefits of recycling category. Changes
in private energy costs will be reflected in market prices for recycled materials and are therefore included
with municipal costs.
Weitzman (1974) provides a nice background into the question of setting prices versus setting quantities.
benign – adding plastic, food waste, and paper to existing piles of these materials
increases environmental costs proportionally, but no new medical or ecological threshold
is crossed that results in the emergence of some new problematic issue.
If external marginal disposal costs are assumed constant, then economic theory
suggests the policymaker acts efficiently by establishing a tax on waste set equal to the
constant external marginal cost of waste disposal with no knowledge of the private
recycling costs to municipalities or households. Individual households, firms, and
municipalities that know their own recycling costs (even as policymakers do not) will
recycle until their own rising marginal cost is equal to the after tax price. By choosing
the optimal tax, recycling quantities can go where they may, and any resulting recycling
rate will be economically efficient. Perhaps for this reason the economics literature has
devoted attention to not only estimating the optimal waste tax, but especially to
understanding where along the solid waste stream to assess the tax. One option is to
implement a per-bag fee for the collection of solid waste at the curb (Porter, 2002).
Concerns have risen over the likelihood of illegal dumping and the high administrative
costs of assessing the curbside tax (Kinnaman, 2006). With sufficient competition in the
waste industry, the tax could instead be implemented at the landfill, thus leaving to the
municipality the decision over how best to manage local solid waste.4 A third option is to
subsidize household recycling or implement a deposit-refund program (Palmer and
Walls, 1997). Advanced disposal fees have also been considered (Shinkuma, 2007).
Public policy at the municipal level has evolved within this framework by
establishing waste taxes. Some municipalities tax waste at the curb by requiring
households to purchase special stickers, tags, or bags prior to collection. Municipalities
may also offer free access to curbside or drop-off municipal recycling services –
essentially subsidizing the household recycling process. The recycling rate that emerges
from these taxes and subsidies may of course vary.
Monopolistic competition probably best describes the structure of the waste disposal industry. From a
waste generators perspective, the services of waste disposal landfills and incinerators are only differentiated
by their distance from the waste generator. Although historically waste disposal services were vertically
integrated with waste collection and supplied primarily by the public sector, today in the United States the
private waste disposal sector disposes of 78% of all waste – up from 65% in 1992. See Waste Business
Journal (2012) for additional details on the status of the private waste disposal industry.
But perhaps recognizing that optimal tax policy may vary across municipalities
due to differences in local cost structures and household waste disposal behavior, policy
at the federal and state level often involves setting specific recycling-rate targets rather
than specific taxes. In the United States, thirty-seven state governments established goals
for the recycling rate. California has set a recycling rate goal of 75% by the year 2020.
Texas has set a goal of 40%, which can include source reduction. New Jersey and
Oregon penalize local governments that do not achieve their recycling goal, while Florida
uses grant money as an incentive for municipalities to reach a recycling target. Only
Arkansas and Virginia have met their state-imposed recycling goals, while Alabama,
Florida, Missouri, Pennsylvania and South Carolina are within 5% of achieving their
targeted recycling rate (Simmons et al., 2006). Although several states have also levied
landfill disposal taxes, these taxes are frequently well below the estimated per-ton
external marginal cost of waste as estimated in the economics literature.
The European Union has followed a similar regulatory approach by managing
waste through recycling-rate targets rather than establishing optimal prices (Price, 2001).
The Packaging Directive, as amended in 2005, requires all member countries of the
European Union to achieve a recycling rate of 80% by 2009. The United Kingdom
serves as an interesting case study for the comparison between setting recycling-rate
targets and the optimal tax policy approaches. Britain first attempted to set efficient
landfill prices via the use of a landfill tax, but soon had to raise the tax to levels well
above the estimated external marginal cost of waste disposal when it became apparent
that the existing prices would not reduce waste and increase recycling by levels necessary
to satisfy the European law. Arbitrary recycling-rate targets set by the European Union
appear to have trumped the use of optimal taxation.
The Japanese government also set recycling targets in 1997. Each municipality in
Japan was expected to reduce waste generation by 5%, increase the recycling rate from
10% to 24%, and reduce final disposal by 50% by 2010. Each municipality in Japan is
required to submit a plan to the Ministry of the Environment outlining plans for obtaining
these three goals.5
For the details, please see
Thus, the repeated theme across much of the developed world is the national
regulatory reliance on recycling-rate targets rather than setting optimal prices as is argued
by economic theory and often employed at the municipal level. If national and state
governments are motivated by recycling-rate targets, then the relevant question is what
recycling rate is socially optimal. The known economics literature is silent on this
The literature has estimated the municipal costs of operating recycling programs
as a function of recycling quantities, but ignores recycling costs to households and all
external costs and benefits associated with recycling, landfills, and incinerators. Using
1992 data from a sample of 57 municipalities in the state of Wisconsin, Carrol (1995)
estimate the municipal cost of curbside recycling as functions of several variables
including the quantity recycled. The municipality’s marginal cost of curbside recycling
is estimated to be constant, implying no economies of scale in municipal recycling
services. Callan and Thomas (2001) expand upon the work of Carrol by considering a
larger data set of 101 municipalities located within the state of Massachusetts and
estimate economies of scale in municipal curbside recycling efforts. Bohm et al. (2010)
use 1996 data from a random sample of municipalities across all of the United States and
estimate a u-shaped marginal cost curve for curbside recycling services. The
municipality’s marginal cost decreases for quantities up to 4,600 tons per year but rises
for quantities above this threshold. The municipal marginal cost of recycling is estimated
to exceed the marginal costs of utilizing the landfill. In a related body of literature Criner
et al. (1995), Steuteville (1996), and Renkow and Rubin (1998) estimate the costs of
municipal composting programs. Criner et al. (1995) estimates composting is worthwhile
for landfill disposal fees between $75 and $115 per ton.
This paper extends this literature by focusing on social costs of waste and
recycling rather than only municipal costs. The emphasis is on estimating the optimal
recycling rate (the quantity of material recycled divided by the total quantity of waste
material managed by the municipality) rather than the recycling quantity for two reasons.
First, virtually every known federal and state policy targets municipal rates of recycling
rather than recycling quantities. Estimating average social costs as a function of
recycling rates may therefore yield results that prove helpful to policy formation.
Second, although recycling quantities vary substantially across the sample and a model
estimating average social costs as a function of recycling quantity could yield an optimal
recycling quantity, that quantity may prove useless to municipalities of varying sizes and
with varying quantities of waste to manage. We believe the more relevant question is;
given any exogenously determined level of waste, what percentage should be recycled.
The weakness of focusing upon recycling rates rather than recycling quantities is
that, by holding constant the total quantity of municipal waste to manage, the paper does
not consider the costs of policies designed to reduce or reuse municipal waste. If
municipalities are devoting costly resources to the reduction and reuse of waste materials,
then the estimated coefficient on the recycling rate will be biased if source reduction is
correlated with the recycling rates. This potential bias disappears if resources devoted to
the reduction and reuse of waste (informational ad campaigns, for example) are very low
or if such costs are uncorrelated with recycling rates.
the United States since 1996. Municipal cost data do not exist in the United Kingdom
and in many other European countries.
Japan stands out among perhaps every other country in the world in terms of
making available for public consumption high quality data on municipal solid waste and
recycling programs. Beginning in 1979, the Ministry of Environment in Japan organized
a centralized data gathering process whereby each of the 1,700 Japanese municipalities
submitted waste management data to its prefecture government (a prefecture government
is similar to a state government in the U.S.). Each prefecture compiles and submits the
municipal data to the Ministry of the Environment, which then makes the data available
for public consumption. This hierarchical data gathering process is used in many areas of
Japanese government including employment, agriculture, manufacturing, and education.
In recent years the data gathering process has been performed over the internet.6
Data are obtained for the 84 largest municipalities in Japan over the six year
period spanning 2005 to 2010.7 The panel nature of this data allow for the use of
econometric methods that eliminate potential biases resulting from unobserved municipal
variables that may affect recycling rates and costs but do not vary over time.
Municipal waste management costs (MUNICOST in Table 1) include the
budgetary costs to operate both a municipal solid waste collection and disposal program
and a municipal recycling program. Both waste and recycling efforts require labor,
trucks, machinery, land, and administrative services. A recycling program could also
involve separate curbside collection, drop-off recycling facilities, or both. The disposal
of waste materials at landfills or incinerators requires the payment of a tipping fee.
Collected recyclable materials need to be stored, processed, and transported to markets
that utilize recycled materials. All of these costs are included in municipal cost variable.
Recycled aluminum, metal, paper, glass, and some plastics have economic value
as inputs to the production of a variety of manufacturing industries. With sufficient
competition among municipalities and private recyclers, the revenue earned from the sale
of recyclable materials to the recyclers approximates the economic benefit of providing
For the latest survey result, please see
Japan has experienced a period of merging among neighboring small municipal governments making data
from small jurisdictions impossible to follow over time. Thus, all municipalities in the sample have
populations in excess of 180,000 persons. These municipalities comprise about 40% of Japan’s entire
recycled materials and offset the municipal government’s cost to operate recycling
programs. Thus, any economic benefit associated with generating recyclable materials
are internalized by municipal governments. But these revenues are not included in the
initial municipal cost data. We therefore calculate these revenues by multiplying the
quantity of each recyclable material by the market price of each material that year.8
Annual data on market prices of each recyclable material were obtained via the Ministry
of the Environment. Any revenue earned was then subtracted from municipal costs. As
seen in Table 2, the municipal cost variable (MUNICOST) averages nearly $70 million
per year in the sample, averaging $265 per ton to collect, transport, process, and dispose
waste and recyclable materials.
Also included in the Japanese data are the tons of waste generated (WASTE) in
each municipality in the years 2005 through to 2010. Municipal waste varies in the
sample between 72,040 and 1,926,718 tons per year. This range is likely explained by
differences in the human population (POP) across municipalities. Also included in the
data are the tons recycled (r), which allows for the calculation of the recycling rate. The
recycling rate (RATE) varies between 3.90% and 48.33% and averages 19.44%. The
wage variable (WAGE) is measured as the total payroll paid to the municipal waste
management work force divided by the number of waste management employees in the
municipality, and averages about $80,350.
Each municipality in Japan faces two options for selling its collected recyclable material. It can
participate in live auctions for the materials or contract directly with individual parties.
recyclable materials in excess of this autonomous level requires the household to devote
its resources (k) according to the production function . This function can
be inverted to solve for , which assume for econometric specification takes
on the functional form,
where δ is a positive constant.
Households allocate all waste in excess of autonomous recycling ( ) between
curbside disposal (g) and curbside or drop-off recycling ( ). Let and denote the
household per-bag cost of curbside waste collection and the per-unit cost of the
household resource, respectively. Assume the household opportunity cost of time (pk)
does not vary across municipalities within any given year. Also assume the household
marginal cost to prepare waste material is constant within the range of waste affected by
changes in recycling quantities attributable to the user fee. Thus, only recycling is
resource costly on the margin.9 Assume households choose g and r to minimize the total
cost of removing all waste,10
subject to
recycling (r/POP = r*) on a constant and the curbside price of waste collection (pg –
where for ease of interpretation we convert price per bag to price per ton in the regression
If the household marginal cost of waste preparation is positive and constant, then the coefficient used to
estimate autonomous recycling is biased in the upward direction.
If households enjoy warm-glow or altruistic benefits from recycling, then recycling up to the autonomous
level would result in household benefits. Including these benefits will not affect the optimal recycling rate
because they are fixed when adding recycling quantities above the autonomous level. If households
continue to gain utility when choosing how much additional recycling to contribute in response to the user
fee, then the household recycling marginal cost curve estimated here is interpreted as the net-costs to
households –costs minus recycling benefits.
below by assuming an average bag weighs 15 pounds). Data useful to this estimation are
once again obtained from Japan. Roughly 20 percent of the municipalities in the data set
have implemented a unit-based pricing program for waste collection. The per-bag price
varies between $0.18 and $0.80 per bag, and the average price charged is $0.45 per bag.
Recall that the fixed-effects model allows for the control of all unobserved variables
within each municipality that remain constant across time. These variables could include
public tastes for the environment and specific attributes of the recycling program such as
frequency of collection. The fixed-effects regression results are summarized in Table 3.
Based upon these estimates, the estimated autonomous recycling level ( ) is 0.076 tons
per person per year, which is equivalent to about 7.40 pounds per week for a household
comprised of 2.5 individuals – thus most current household recycling is conducted at no
costs to households.11 The coefficient on pg suggests a curbside user fee of $0.80 per
bag is estimated to cause a 2.5-person household to increase recycling by 0.74 pounds per
week, about a 10% increase over autonomous recycling levels. This extra recycling must
be costly to households because, in the absence of the user fee, households choose not to
recycle this material. Note that the fixed-effects coefficient on price is statistically
significant at the 5% level. If this estimated coefficient on is not statistically
significant, then the null hypothesis that the coefficient is zero is not rejected, and
therefore the marginal cost to households to recycle above the autonomous level of
recycling may be infinite.
The recycling cost to all municipal households is given by
The small value of R2 in this regression suggests that the curbside price plays only a minute role in
describing the overall variation in recycling quantities across the sample. Fortunately, the objective of this
regression was not to describe variations in recycling quantities but to obtain an unbiased estimate of the
effect of garbage price on recycling quantities. This estimate is biased if unobserved variables are
correlated with both price and recycling quantity. Recall that the fixed-effects estimator eliminates
potential bias from any such variables that are constant across time such as attributes of the recycling
program or public tastes for the environment.
6,963 .076
disposal attributable to climate change emissions and waste transportation externalities
are $4.96 per ton of waste disposed. This estimate varies according to whether the
landfill is local or remote and whether the landfill captures methane for electricity
production. Combining these two sources, as is done by Kinnaman (2006), results in
total external costs of about $9 per ton. Nahnan (2011) examine data gathered in South
Africa to estimate the external costs associated with climate gas emissions and local
disamenities are $16 per ton – but external costs associated with transportation are not
considered. This estimate decreases if regional landfills replace local landfills or if the
landfill captures methane to generate electricity. Porter (2002) summarizes work by
Miranda and Hale (1997) who estimate external costs of waste in the $3 to $15 per ton
range in Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Dijkgraf and
Vollebergh (2004) examine shadow prices associated with landfills complying with
environmental standards (assumed to have been implemented efficiently) to estimate
external costs at about $30 per ton in the Netherlands. External costs associated with
transportation are not included. An OECD working group assumes external marginal
costs of between a lower bound of about $12.50 and an upper bound of about $60
(OECD, 2006), but does not explain how these estimates were obtained.
Based on these prior estimates, this study assumes a baseline external marginal
cost of $15 per ton for landfill disposal.12 This value is then doubled to $30 and then
halved to $7.50 to learn how sensitive the main result is to changes in assumed external
costs of waste. These constant external marginal costs are multiplied by the total quantity
of waste landfilled in each municipality to estimate the external total costs of waste
disposal in each municipality.
Previous research estimating the external costs of incineration is less prominent
than that for landfills. Once again, Porter (2002) summarizes the work of Miranda and
Hale (1997) who estimate the external marginal cost of incineration between $5 and $14
per ton in Germany, $7 to $15 per ton in Sweden, $24 to $33 per ton in the United
Kingdom, and between $11 and $20 per ton in the United States. Dijkgraaf and
Vollebergh (2004) once again examine shadow prices (costs) of complying with
(assumed) efficient regulations to estimate external costs at about $24 per ton in the
The arithmetic average of the five point estimates ($3, $9, $15, $16, and $30) is $14.60.
Netherlands. All of these estimates consider air pollution, the disposal of ashes, and the
generation of climate gasses but ignore transportation costs. OECD (2006) assumes these
costs fall within the range of about $43 and $83 per ton but once again does not explain
the details.
Based on these prior estimates, this study assumes external marginal costs of $30
per ton for incineration, and then considers for sensitivity analysis values of $15 and $60
per ton.13 These amounts are multiplied by the quantity of waste incinerated in each
municipality to estimate external total costs of incineration. Estimated external total
costs of waste disposal (ECWASTE) are calculated by adding the external costs associated
with both landfill disposal and incinerations and are summarized in Table 2. Using the
baseline assumptions, these external costs average $6,168,214 per year that, in relative
terms, amount to about 8.82% of municipal costs.
The arithmetic average of these estimates is just over $25 but includes estimates as high as $83. We use
$30 as a base to help capture this range of estimates.
Life-cycle analyses focus entirely on these primary sources of pollutants. Secondary sources of
pollutants associated with the production of capital goods required for recycling, such as collection trucks
and processing facilities, are often ignored because, when spread over the lifetime of the capital unit, these
secondary emissions are very small in comparison to primary pollutants.
terms of CO2. Acidification is often reported in units of sulfur dioxide (SO2)
equivalents, nitrification in units of nitrogen oxides (NOx) equivalents, and human health
in units of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) or in Disability Adjusted Life-Years (DALY)
equivalents. Each recyclable material will have its own life-cycle signature as
manufacturing processes vary. The overall emissions are then found by weighing each
recyclable material according to its portion of the total recycling stream.
Cleary (2009) provides a nice gateway into this literature by surveying twenty
peer reviewed and published life-cycle analyses associated with municipal waste
management. The vast majority of these papers focus upon the recycling program of a
single municipality or region, and all but three of these studies take place in Europe and
Asia (with two in the United States and one in Brazil). In most cases, emissions,
effluents, and energy use from various sub-processes are imputed using existing emission
data bases. For example, the life-cycle researcher will estimate the distance driven to a
specific recycling center, and then appeal to existing emissions database to learn the
emissions associated with each mile driven. These emission databases are almost always
constructed in locations far removed from the recycling program under analysis – only
occasionally will life-cycle researchers measure actual emissions. Although most
existing studies reviewed by Cleary (2009) compare the life-cycle impacts of landfilling
versus incineration, a few also examine municipal recycling systems. Results vary
widely across these studies due to differences in the list of pollutants considered, the
range of recycling activities considered, and the emissions data sets employed.
Morris (2005) estimates the lifecycle impacts of a municipal recycling program in
San Louis Obispo County, California. The collection, processing, and transportation of
recycled materials and the subsequent manufacture of products with the recycled
materials is estimated to generate emissions of CO2-equivalents, SO2-equivalents, NOx-
equivalents, Toluene-equivalents (a human toxin), and reduces DALY’s. But these added
emissions are offset via reductions in the mining of virgin materials and subsequent
manufacturing with those virgin materials. Per ton of material recycled, the overall
emission reductions are estimates at 4,500 pounds of CO2, 10.94 pounds of SO2, and
0.25 pounds of NOx. This paper is the most comprehensive in the literature in terms of
estimating a broad category of environmental impacts.
A report published by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment (JMOE, 2005)
estimates that the overall effect of recycling one ton of recyclable material reduces CO2-
equivalents by 1,595 pounds, reduces SO2-equivalents by 5.58 pounds, and reduces
NOx-equivalents by 5.19 pounds. Craighill and Powell (1996) estimate the life-cycle
emissions associated with recycling in Milton Keynes in the United Kingdom. Each ton
recycled is estimated to reduce CO2 by about 1,430 pounds, SO2 by 148.5 pounds and
NOx by 46.91 pounds. Erickson et al. (2005) relies on municipal data in Sweden to
examine two recycling systems – one that recycles 70% of household HDPE plastic and
nothing else and another that recycles 70% of household cardboard and nothing else. The
recycling of one ton of plastic is estimated to reduce overall CO2-equivalents by 161
pounds, SO2-equivalents by 0.12 pounds, and NOx-equivalents by 6.34 pounds. Results
for cardboard are similar. Other life-cycle studies of municipal recycling programs limit
the analysis to a single pollutant such as CO2.15
Comparing the three complete sets of results above reveals the extent of variation
across the results of life-cycle analyses. A portion of this variation could be attributable
to real differences across recycling programs with respect to transportation differences,
materials collected, and assumptions made in relation to avoided manufacturing costs.
But differences might also be attributable to heterogeneous research methods, and Clearly
(2009) suggests a greater degree of uniformity in life-cycle practices and assumptions
than has been practiced by the existing life-cycle literature devoted to municipal solid
With the exception of Craighill and Powell (1996), all life-cycle analyses
reviewed above, often conducted by civil engineers and geologists, are not monetized and
are therefore not directly useful to the estimation of the social costs of managing waste.
The monetization process involves dollar amounts placed on each unit of CO2, SO2, and
NOx. These dollar amounts are estimated by an entirely different literature. For CO2,
Finnveden et al. (2005) examines data in Sweden to estimate that CO2 emissions drop by about 2,867
pounds for each ton of newsprint recycled, 4,851 pounds for each ton of PET recycled, and 1,102 pounds
for food waste. The entire recycling system reduces CO2 emissions by about 1,000 pounds per ton
recycled. Acuff and Kaffine (2013) compares optimal waste policy when carbon dioxide emissions are
considered with those same policies that do not consider reductions in carbon dioxide as a benefit of
the United States government established external cost per-ton estimates of $5, $21, and
$35, for discount rates of 5%, 3%, and 2.5% respectively, for use in the cost-benefit
analyses of all federal regulations (Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of
Carbon, 2010). We select the middle estimate ($21) for this study.
To gain estimates for the external costs of SO2 and NOx emissions, we rely upon
three studies. First, Muller and Mendelsohn (2009) estimates the external marginal cost
of various air pollutants including SO2 and NOx. Damages arise from impaired
visibility, depreciation of man-made materials, illness, recreation, and timber and
agriculture yields (although damages to human health are estimated to comprise 95% of
all damages). Using $2 million as the value of a statistical life (after a review of the
hedonic wage literature), the estimated marginal damages are $1,310 and $260 for SO2
and NOx, respectively. These amounts are estimated to vary across municipalities owing
to differences in atmospheric conditions, the composition of the air pollutants, and the
height of emitting smoke stacks in urban areas.
Second, Fann et al. (2009) assumes the value of a statistical life is $6.2 million.
Perhaps owing to this assumed difference, the external marginal damages associated with
pollution emissions are estimated at levels roughly one hundred times higher than in
Muller and Mendelsohn (2009). For example, the external marginal cost of one ton of
SO2 is estimated at $87,000 and one ton of NOx at $14,000. Fann et al. (2009) also
estimates wide differences across municipalities owing to variation in populations, stack
heights, stack temperatures, the velocity of emissions, and the chemical processes that
govern the formation of air pollution.
Third, Holland and Watkiss (2002) develop external marginal cost estimates for
the European Commission. Although the assumed value of a statistical life is only one
million euros, the estimated external marginal costs are also much higher than reported
by Muller and Mendelsohn (2009). For a city of 1,000,000 persons, external marginal
cost estimates are $60,750 per ton of SO2 and $5,670 for NOx.
Applying these three external marginal cost estimates of SO2 and NOx to each of
the three complete life-cycle analyses reviewed above leads to nine separate estimates of
the external marginal benefit of recycling. These nine estimates are summarized in
Table 4. Note that for CO2 we use the estimation result published by the United States
Federal government (Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Carbon, 2010).
Recall that Craighill and Powell (1996) monetizes their own results and estimate a ton of
recyclable material generates $516 in external benefits, which is also included in Table 4
as a tenth estimate.
With no justifiable reason for favoring one source over any of the others, this
study will attempt to capture the range of possible external recycling benefits by first
considering the mean value of these ten estimates (about $200). We then increase the
value to $400, the approximate average of the five largest values in Table 4. We then
consider a value of $25, which represents the approximate mean of the five lowest values.
Multiplying the baseline estimate of $200 by the quantity recycled in each municipality
in each year provides one estimate of the total external benefit of recycling, also
summarized in Table 2 (EBREC). External benefits of recycling average $9,092,434 per
year across municipalities in the sample. On average these benefits amount to about 13%
of municipal costs. The external recycling benefits calculated by assuming $25 per ton
estimate comprise only 1.6% of municipal costs.
Table 5 provides the means of each of these four components of social costs under
each assumption made to test for sensitivity analysis. The external benefits of recycling
exceed the external costs of waste disposal in two of the three scenarios. Making this
observation particularly interesting is that external waste costs are cited by nearly the
entire economics literature as the primary source of the market failure in solid waste
markets. The external benefits of recycling are rarely mentioned even though their
magnitude could be larger than that of external waste costs. Perhaps external disposal
costs at landfills and incinerators are intuitively linked to municipal solid waste whereas
air and water pollution surrounding manufacturing regions are linked to overall
production in the economy – making them easy to overlook when studying optimal local
solid waste policy.
disposal, and then subtracting the external benefits of recycling. The average social cost
(ASC = SC/WASTE) is summarized in Table 2 using the $200/ton assumption for the
external recycling benefit and averages $260.29 per ton. A flexible functional form
econometric model is utilized to estimate how the average social costs of waste
management are affected by changes in the recycling rate (REC_RATE).
ln ln _ _
ln ln
Capital costs in Japan, as captured by the interest rate, did not change over the years in the sample,
Nakada and Adachi (2006) state that "Looking back over previous research, we find that the composition of
regions with high and low loan interest has been fixed over the last 20 years, at least." Thus the municipal-
specific fixed effects constants control for these changes in capital costs.
initially decrease the average social cost of waste management from an estimated $455
per ton with no recycling to a minimum of $233 per ton that corresponds with a socially
optimal recycling rate of 10%. The social savings, $223 per ton, amounts to an average
of $98 per person per year. A family of four individuals would save $392 in social costs
by increasing the recycling rate from just above zero to 10%. The distribution of these
gains in social costs may vary sharply among recycling households, municipal
governments, and individuals that value the quality of the natural environment as
recycling rates change. Any recycling above 10% is estimated to slightly increase the
average social cost of managing waste. The average social cost of recycling 48%, the
highest recycling rate observed in the sample, is estimated at $324/ton, about 39% more
than the average social costs of recycling 10%.
To understand what might be guiding the independent recycling decisions of
municipal governments, it may prove helpful to first know what recycling rate minimizes
the costs that municipal governments internalize. These costs include the budgetary costs
of managing both forms of waste and household recycling costs internalized via local
political pressures from citizens. External costs accruing around remote landfills or
external benefits accruing in manufacturing centers are not likely internalized by
municipal governments and might therefore be ignored. The natural log of the per-ton
value of these costs (MUNICOST + HHRECCOST) was regressed on the same set of
independent variables above. Fixed-effects regression results are reported in Table 7.
The estimated coefficients on the two recycling rate variables ( are both
statistically significant at the 1% level. In combination, these two estimates generate a u-
shaped relationship between the recycling rate and the average municipal costs of
managing municipal waste, where other variables are held constant at their sample mean
levels (also illustrated in Figure 1). The recycling rate that minimizes internalized costs
of managing waste, and therefore that rate municipalities might choose if guided only by
internalized costs, is estimated to be 7%. This recycling rate may be obtainable by
municipal governments simply providing drop-off facilities for households to bring
various materials. Left to their own decisions, cost-minimizing municipal governments
are estimated to recycle less than the optimal recycling rate (10%) and the mandated
recycling rate in Japan (20%) suggesting that national policies may be required to
increase municipal recycling rates.
Results based on any assumed external recycling benefit of less than $25 are very similar.
municipalities and probably accomplished with drop-off recycling programs. Any
recycling above 8% is estimated to sharply increase the social total cost of managing
waste. The average social cost of recycling 48% of waste, the highest recycling rate
observed in the sample, is 66% higher than the average social cost of recycling the
optimal 8% of waste. The estimated optimal recycling rate increases modestly to 17%
when the external marginal benefit of recycling is increased to $400 per ton. Although
changing the magnitude of the external benefits of recycling has a greater effect on the
optimal recycling rate than changing the other components of social costs below, the
optimal recycling rate is still below both the observed and required recycling rates in
recycling rate. As illustrated in Figure 4, the overall shape of the relationship seems
rather robust to changes in external disposal costs. The optimal recycling rate remains
within 10% of the base result. Thus, variations in the external costs associated with waste
disposal and incineration do not appear important to shaping optimal recycling decisions.
These results are rather interesting because historically the external costs of waste
disposal appeared to have been the driving force for implementing municipal recycling
Finally, assume a perfect storm of low recycling costs to households, high
external waste costs, and high external recycling benefits. Regressing the natural log of
the resulting average social costs on the recycling rate yields a slightly decreasing
average social cost curve throughout all recycling rates (Figure 5), but the coefficient on
the natural log of the recycling rate and its squared term are both statistically insignificant
(t-statistics of -0.18 and -0.38, respectively). Thus, the average social cost curve is
essentially flat, indicating all recycling rates within the range of the sample (0 to 48%)
may be equally costly.
Regression results appear in Table 10. The recycling of just metal, just glass and
just plastic is estimated to have no statistical effect on average social costs. The recycling
of just paper is estimated to decrease average social costs – both recycling rate variables
are significant at the 10% level. The recycling of PET plastic is estimated to increase
average social costs with statistical significance at the 1% level. The recycling of other
materials is also estimated to increase average social costs based on the significant
squared term.
Holding constant the quantity of other recycled materials at their mean levels,
Figure 6 illustrates how the average social costs change with the recycling rate of the
three specific materials with significant estimated coefficients (paper, PET, and other
materials). The unit of measurement along the horizontal axis is the ratio of the quantity
of each material recycled and the total waste. The length of each best-fit line reflects the
range of observed recycling rates in the sample. No municipality in Japan, for example,
recycles more than 2% of its overall waste in the form of PET plastic, whereas paper
recycling can comprise as much as 20% of all waste in the sample. The estimated best fit
lines for the three materials with insignificant estimated coefficients (metal, glass, and
plastic) may be flat. Increasing the rate of recycling these three materials may have no
measurable impact on social costs. Results suggest municipalities interested in
decreasing average social costs of waste management should focus policy on increasing
the specific recycling of paper but reducing the recycling of PET plastic and other
How typical is solid waste management in Japan in relation to other developed
countries? A comparison of a few common statistics of a few large cities provides some
indication. In terms of waste generation, residents of Tokyo generate 1.1 kilograms of
waste per day. This amount is similar to London (1.2 kg/day) but less than New York
(2.0 kg/day). Collection costs may be linked to population densities. The population
density in Tokyo, at 4,750 persons per square kilometer, again resembles London (5,100)
more than New York (2,050) or Rome (2,950). Although the average wage rate for a
waste collector in the Japanese sample is about $80,000, the minimum wage rate is
readily observed in many developed countries and may serve as a proxy for the wages
paid to some low-skilled waste collectors and processors. The minimum wage in Japan is
$10.11 per hour, which is similar to London’s “living wage” ($11.21) and to a lesser
extent New York ($7.25), but is much higher than the minimum wage rate in Rome
($2.90). Finally, the price of petrol in Tokyo ($7.19/gallon) is similar to that in London
($8.17) and Rome ($9.19), which are all much higher than the price in New York ($3.11).
Thus, in these respects Tokyo is similar to other large cities in developed countries,
especially London. If the costs incurred to collect, process, and transport waste and
recyclable materials are based on these factors, then municipal costs in Tokyo and these
other cities may be similar. One difference between Tokyo and these three other cities is
that Tokyo relies almost exclusively on incineration for waste disposal. The use of
landfill disposal is more common in New York, London, and Rome. Private costs to
operate incinerators tend to exceed slightly the private costs of operating landfills,
although tipping fees paid by municipal governments are roughly equal.18
Matsuto and Ham (1990) provides another snapshot of the differences and
similarities between Tokyo and the United States. This study compared the content of
waste generated by a sample of households in Madison, Wisconsin in the United States
and the municipality of Sapporo in Japan. Although these two municipalities may not be
representative of their respective national populations, these comparisons provide some
insight into waste management practices across the two countries. For example, the
average individual in Madison generated 1,016.4 grams of waste per day and the average
See (accessed 4/20/13) for a detailed
comparison of tipping fees for both landfills and incinerators in the United States.
individual in Sapporo generated 866 grams – about a 17% difference. The average
individual in Madison recycled 22% of waste, compared to 21% in Sapporo. The average
individual in the Madison generated slightly more paper, metal, and slightly less glass,
textiles, and food waste when compared to the average individual in Sapporo. The
quantity of plastics and bulky waste are estimated to be about equal across the two
municipalities. Although disposal patterns are not identical, these data may suggest the
constitution of the recycling stream may be similar in Japan and the United States.
Of course the optimal recycling rate can be directly estimated in any developed
country with available municipal-level data. Municipal costs should include all costs to
collect, process, transport, and dispose all waste and recyclable materials (less revenue
gained from the sale of such material). Costs to recycling households can be estimated if
some municipalities in the sample have implemented unit-based pricing programs for
waste collection as was done in Section 3b above.19 Then the external cost and benefit
measures estimated above can be applied to the quantities in landfilled, incinerated, and
recycled to estimate average social costs for each municipality. Problems may arise if
municipalities use municipal-owned disposal facilities and therefore do not pay market
tipping fees for disposal. In these cases data on the costs of operating landfills, including
the depreciating value of the land, would need to be obtained.
Developing countries that rely upon open dumping disposal practices or incomplete incineration would
likely have very different external costs and benefits of recycling than estimated by the life-cycle literature.
external disposal costs, and external benefits of recycling. The collective reduction to
household recycling costs with increases in the external costs of both waste and recycling
yields a statistically flat average social cost curve suggesting all recycling rates are
equally costly.
Based upon the main result of this paper, it appears that the 20% recycling rate in
Japan is higher than the socially optimal rate. If results of this paper can be extended to
other parts of the developed world, then current recycling rates in the United States
(35%) and the EU27 (34%) may also be too high. That recent increases in the recycling
rate in many developed countries have slowed relative to historical growth rates might be
suggestive of rising average social costs estimated in this paper. For example, after the
recycling rate in the United States grew from 10.1% in 1985 to 28.6% in 2000, the past
decade has seen the recycling rate grow to only 34.1%. The recycling rate in Japan was
roughly the same in 2007 (20.5%) as it was in 2002 (19.9%).
But recent policy has also promoted large increases in recycling. Caroline
Spelman, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (a cabinet
position within the United Kingdom government) has asked each local council to develop
a strategy to achieve zero residential solid waste. Scotland has approved a national goal
to become the world's first zero-waste country by 2025. If these goals are to be achieved
via additional recycling, then they may not be socially efficient.
One important source of uncertainty in these results is the assumed external
marginal costs of various air pollutants necessary to monetize the life-cycle impacts of
recycling programs. Recall that Fann et al. (2009) and Holland and Watkiss (2002)
estimates the external costs associated with the emissions of SO2 and NOx at levels that
are generally 50 to 100 times larger than those estimated by Muller and Mendelsohn
(2009). The optimal recycling rate may hang in the balance of this debate. Life-cycle
models employed to estimate the impacts of recycling also vary, and optimal recycling
rates may be better understood as the life-cycle literature continues to mature.
How might very large recycling rates be socially optimal? Recall that average
social costs do not increase appreciably with the recycling rate when costs to recycling
households were low (see Figure 3). These costs would fall with the emergence of single
stream waste collection systems. Technologies that allow for automated separation of
recyclable materials from ordinary waste would spare households the costs of separating
recyclable materials and household recycling costs would disappear (although these
technologies would likely increase municipal costs). Very large recycling rates may also
be optimal if external benefits of recycling are estimated in the range of $1,000 per ton.
Another policy approach would be to abandon recycling-rate targets entirely and
instead target waste and recycling prices, as is suggested by economic theory and
discussed in Section 2 above. Setting state or national waste taxes at roughly $15 (for
landfill disposal) and $30 (for incineration) as well as $200 per-ton subsidies for
recyclable materials would result in municipal governments internalizing all benefits and
costs of their waste management decisions. If instead these taxes and subsidies were
applied at the curb, then households paying garbage taxes of $0.15 (for landfill disposal)
or $0.30 (for incineration) for a 20-pound bag of waste and receiving a subsidy of $2.00
for each 20-pound bag of recyclable materials would make efficient disposal decisions.
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Table 1: Variable Definitions
WASTE Annual tons of waste plus recycling managed by the municipality
r Annual tons of municipal recycling
RATE r/WASTE times 100
NUMB Number of items collected for recycling
WAGE Annual salary of municipal waste workers ($/year)
FUEL Cost of fuel ($ per liter)
pg Curbside price per bag of waste collected ($ per bag)
POP Human population residing within the municipality
MUNICOST Annual cost to manage all waste less recycling revenues ($)
HHRECCOST Calculated total costs to households to recycle ($)
ECWASTE Calculated total external costs of waste disposal ($)
EBREC Calculated total external benefits of municipal recycling ($)
Table 2: Summary of Variables
Variable N Mean Standard Dev. Min Max
Table 4: External Marginal Benefits of Recycling
Source of Estimated
Life-Cycle Emissions Source of Estimated External
(Units of CO2, SO2, Marginal Costs ($ per Unit of SO2 $ per Ton
NOx per Ton Recycled) and NOx)* Recycled
Muller and Mendelsohn (2009) $54.77
Morris (2005) Fann et al. (2009) $525.33
Holland and Watkiss (2002) $380.66
Muller and Mendelsohn (2009) $2.43
Erickson et al. (2005) Fann et al. (2009) $40.92
Holland and Watkiss (2002) $16.06
Muller and Mendelsohn (2009) $21.07
JMOE (2005)
Fann et al. (2009) $295.69
ECWASTE (Landfill $15 and $30/ton: $30 and $60/ton: $7.5 and $15/ton:
and Incineration) $6,168,214 $12,336,428 $3,084,107
Table 6: The Average Social Costs of Waste Disposal
Dependent Variable = ln(ASC)
Table 8: Optimal Recycling Rates
Table 9: The Average Social Costs of Waste Disposal (Dependent Variable: lnASC)
*, **, and *** denote statistical significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1%, respectively
Table 10: The Social Cost of Recycling in Japan (Dependent Variable: lnASC)
Figure 1: Municipal and Social Average Costs of Waste Disposal ($ per Ton)
400 Social Costs
300 Municipal Costs
Recycling Rate
$200/ton $400/ton $25/ton
Figure 3: Varying Household Recycling Costs ($ Per Ton)
Recycling Rate
Base Doubled Halved
Recycling Rate
Base Doubled Halved
Figure 5: Low Household Recycling Costs and High External Waste and Rec. Costs
Recycling Rate
Recycling Rate