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UV Disinfection Robots A Review

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Robotics and Autonomous Systems 161 (2023) 104332

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UV Disinfection Robots: A Review

Ishaan Mehta a ,1 , Hao-Ya Hsueh a , ,1 , Sharareh Taghipour a , Wenbin Li b , Sajad Saeedi a
Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
University of Bath, United Kingdom

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has completely changed our lives and how we interact
Available online 9 December 2022 with the world. The pandemic has brought about a pressing need to have effective disinfection
practices that can be incorporated into daily life. They are needed to limit the spread of infections
UV disinfection through surfaces and air, particularly in public settings. Most of the current methods utilize chemical
Autonomous robots disinfectants, which can be laborious and time-consuming. Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is a proven
UVC and powerful means of disinfection. There has been a rising interest in the implementation of UV
COVID-19 disinfection robots by various public institutions, such as hospitals, long-term care homes, airports,
Disinfection robots and shopping malls. The use of UV-based disinfection robots could make the disinfection process faster
and more efficient. The objective of this review is to equip readers with the necessary background on
UV disinfection and provide relevant discussion on various aspects of UV robots.
© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction On the other hand, ultraviolet radiation exposure is used as

a no-contact decontamination method. There is a wealth of evi-
The COVID-19 outbreak has been classified as a global public dence indicating the effectiveness of ultraviolet (UV) germicidal
health emergency. According to a recent report from WHO [1], irradiation as a disinfection and sterilization approach for the
more than 624 million cases and over 6.57 million deaths have prevention of various infectious diseases, including COVID-19,
been reported since the start of the pandemic. COVID-19 is caused influenza, and tuberculosis [9]. Short-wavelength ultraviolet light,
by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, SARS- known as UVC (200–280 nm, Fig. 1), disrupts the DNA/RNA of
CoV-2. Enormous efforts have been devoted by nations world- micro-organisms and terminates their cellular activities and re-
wide to contain this disease. The virus can either be transmitted productions. UVC disinfection can be achieved by mounting UVC
directly through respiratory droplets and aerosol particles in the lights on the ceiling or using portable UVC lamps to disinfect
air or indirectly through infectious droplets that are deposited
various surfaces and the air [10]. However, these modes are not
onto surfaces [2–4]. Studies have shown that the virus can remain
very efficient in practice, as they could require long operating
active and contagious on surfaces from hours to days depending
times and a lot of manual supervision.
on the surface material [5].
There is a rising interest in using autonomous disinfection
Although vaccines are being used to tackle the current pan-
systems like UV robots, due to their potential for more efficient
demic, there is a need to develop more efficient decontamination
procedures for the current pandemic and the post-pandemic disinfection [11] These robots have been deployed to disinfect
world. Cimolai [6] presents a systematic review of environmental hospital rooms against COVID-19 through the use of intense
issues and decontamination strategies for COVID-19. The conven- radiation [12]. Although the routine application of UV robots in
tional method of decontamination is through manual cleaning public places could significantly limit the spread of infections, the
followed by disinfection with chemicals. These procedures are intense UV radiation from these devices is hazardous to human
labor-intensive, error-prone, could increase exposure risk for skin, and thus human presence should be avoided. This may limit
cleaning personnel, and do not provide consistent and effec- the operating time of such devices, and modifications to existing
tive results. Chemical disinfectants, including household bleach UV systems may be required to further improve the safety and
and quaternary ammonium compounds, can also be harmful performance of disinfection.
to humans, leave unwanted residue, and be resisted by certain With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been
pathogens over time [7,8]. an increased focus on UV disinfection technology. Abajo et al.
[13] and Raeiszadeh and Adeli [23] presented critical reviews
∗ Corresponding author. on UV disinfection, and their discussions covered a broad range
E-mail address: hhsueh@torontomu.ca (H.-Y. Hsueh). of UV disinfection methods and the efficacy and safety of UV
1 These authors contributed equally to this work. devices. Chiappa et al. [16] provided a review that demonstrated

0921-8890/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
I. Mehta, H.-Y. Hsueh, S. Taghipour et al. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 161 (2023) 104332

Table 1
List of review papers on ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI).
Author/Year Disinfection UVGI UVGI robots Efficacy Limitations Irradiance Open
fundamentals systems analysis of UVGI modeling problems
García de Abajo et al./2020 [13] ✓ ✓ × ✓ ✓ × ✓
Raeiszadeh et al./2020 [14] ✓ ✓ × ✓ ✓ × ✓
Ramos et al./2020 [15] ✓ ✓ × ✓ ✓ × ×
Chiappa et al./2021 [16] × ✓ × ✓ × × ×
Dancer et al./2021 [17] ✓ ✓ × ✓ × × ✓
Holland et al./2021 [18] ✓ × ✓ ✓ ✓ × ✓
Kwok et al./2021 [19] × × × ✓ × × ×
Kumar et al./2022 [20] ✓ ✓ × ✓ × × ✓
Martins et al./2022 [21] × × × ✓ × × ✓
Scott et al./2022 [22] × ✓ × ✓ ✓ × ✓
This paper ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

2. Background on UV disinfection

Decontamination is the process of removal, inactivation, and

destruction of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, prions,
fungi, and other microorganisms, to prevent the spread of infec-
tions [30]. It consists of three steps: cleaning, disinfection, and
Cleaning involves the physical removal of infectious material
through mopping, vacuuming, and scrubbing. Disinfection is the
process of eliminating pathogens (except for bacterial spores),
while sterilization eliminates all microorganisms. Both chemical
disinfectants, such as hydrogen peroxide and bleach, and UV
Fig. 1. The ultraviolet spectrum and its applications: UVC and UVB light (200–
320 nm) are known to have germicidal capabilities. UVA radiation (320–400 nm) radiation are utilized for disinfection, and sterilization [30]. There
is not germicidal, and vacuum UV (100–200 nm) is absorbed in air rapidly and are stringent sets of guidelines and policies that are typically used
is not used for surface disinfection [28]. to ensure sufficient decontamination [31]. This paper focuses
primarily on methods of disinfection and sterilization through
UV-based strategies.
the efficacy of a variety of UV disinfection systems against dif- Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) is a proven way of
ferent strains of coronavirus, while Martins et al. [21] explored disinfection. In this section, we provide relevant background on
the validity of different disinfection methods for SARS-CoV-2 in UV disinfection and various essential factors associated with de-
various settings. Some works have also covered the response signing and developing the large variety of available UV disinfec-
of the robotics community [18,24–26]. They gave an overview tion devices.
of robots, including disinfection, cleaning, and COVID-19 testing
robots, that are being used to address problems faced during the 2.1. UV disinfection mechanism
pandemic. Kumar et al. [20] gave a brief overview of the basics
of UV disinfection, and Guettari et al. [27] provided a discussion UVGI can induce photochemical effects in cells to have a
on the efficacy of UV robots and devices. However, most of the germicidal impact. Ultraviolet light in the wavelength range of
existing reviews focused solely on classical ultraviolet germicidal 200–320 nm possesses such germicidal properties and is further
irradiation (UVGI) systems, and none of these works provided dis- categorized into germicidal wavelengths of UVC (200–280 nm)
cussion regarding the autonomy systems of UV robots. Recently and UVB (280–320 nm). UVB and UVC lights are absorbed by
published reviews on UV disinfection systems and robots have the DNA, RNA, and proteins of the cells, which prevent them
been compared in Table 1. from replicating and surviving. UVA (320–400 nm), around 95% of
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant growth what sunlight on earth is composed of, does not have germicidal
in UV disinfection and robotics research, their uses are not limited properties [28]. In this paper, ‘‘UVGI’’ and ‘‘UV’’ will be used
to the current pandemic. Other existing and future infectious interchangeably for simplicity, with both terms referring to UV
diseases could also be combated with the derived research. The light with a germicidal wavelength of 200–320 nm.
contagious nature of pathogens poses a problem in various public UVGI systems have been widely used in the disinfection of air,
spaces. For example, Hospital-Acquired Infection (HAI) has been surfaces, water, and food. Some of these systems are enlisted in
a major concern. HAIs may occur in hospitals, clinics, surgical the following:
centers, and long-term care facilities. It is estimated that there
are more than 440,000 HAIs per year in the US [29]. UV robots • Air Purification: For air disinfection, in-duct UV systems
can be used to combat HAIs. are commonly adopted. They consist of arrays of UV bulbs
In this work, we aim to provide a complete guide for UV robots installed in air ventilation ducts to inactivate pathogens in
that covers relevant background on UV disinfection and classical moving air streams [32]. In addition, there are upper room
UVGI systems. We also point out the open problems and potential UV systems that primarily create a zone of germicidal irradi-
directions of research to address the operational issues of UV ation in the upper region of rooms to disinfect bio-aerosols
robots. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents all [33].
the relevant background for UV disinfection. Section 3 presents a • Surface Disinfection: Surface disinfection can be achieved
discussion on commercially available UV robots and autonomous by exposing the target surface to an appropriate UV dose.
UVGI systems under research, while Section 4 explores non-UVGI Typically, it is used for the sterilization of equipment and
disinfection robots. Finally, future directions and the conclusion rooms using portable disinfection UV devices or overhead
are included in Sections 5 and 6, respectively. UV fixtures that encompass certain areas [34].
I. Mehta, H.-Y. Hsueh, S. Taghipour et al. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 161 (2023) 104332

• Water Disinfection: UV chambers in which the water is UV devices must comply with the laws on radiation-emitting
irradiated are integrated into many water purification sys- devices. International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) pro-
tems [35,36]. vides guidelines on minimum requirements of human safety of
• Food Safety: UV irradiation has been approved for inactiva- UV devices as well [51]. Further, they elaborate on the use of pro-
tion of pathogens in various food products [37]. It is typically tective equipment, such as UV shields and reflectors, that should
used for inactivating microbes to enhance the shelf life of be used when operating such devices. Nenova et al. [52] presents
liquid foods, fruits, and vegetables [38]. a systematic approach to improve the safety of UV devices.

2.2. UV Safety consideration 2.3. UV light sources

UV exposure from sunlight and artificial sources, such as UVGI UVGI systems utilize ultraviolet radiation of varying wave-
systems, could be hazardous. It is important to consider the lengths produced from different sources. Each light source poses
probable phototoxic effects of these systems to avoid accidental distinct advantages and disadvantages. It is essential to select a
harm prior to implementation. suitable light source to ensure desired disinfection performance.
UV light sources currently used are classified into four categories,
• UV Exposure: UV wavelengths ranging from 200–320 nm described below:
have the most severe side effects to humans. Although UV
light is undetectable to the human eye, exposure to intense • Mercury Gas Discharge Lamps: These lamps are made of
UV rays could lead to cataracts and vision loss [23]. In ad- electrodes containing plasma sealed within a glass body.
dition, potential effects of UV exposure on the skin include They are filled with inert gas (e.g. argon) and mercury. When
erythema, photoaging, immuno-suppression, and skin can- a high voltage is applied, electrons get excited and emit
cer [39]. In some recent works, it was observed that far-UVC UV light on returning to ground state [53]. These lamps
light (207–222 nm) effectively kills various strains of hu- can be classified depending on the pressure of the gas.
man coronaviruses without any harmful effects on exposed Low-pressure (LPM) and medium-pressure mercury (MPM)
human skin [40,41]. This is primarily due to the limited lamps are most commonly used for germicidal applications.
penetration distance of far-UVC from the outer layer of the MPMs produce a broad spectrum of UV radiation, while
mammalian skin [42]. On the other hand, UVB (280–320 nm) LPMs have a narrow emission spectrum band centered at
rays, which are often also present in UVGI systems, can 254 nm.
penetrate deeper into the skin and eye to potentially cause • UVC light-emitting diodes (LEDs): These are compact semi-
cancer and DNA damage similar to UVC [43]. According conductor devices. Typically the semiconductor material for
to the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation UVC LEDs is Aluminum Gallium Nitride [54]. They pro-
Protection (ICNIRP), the effective UV exposure dose on hu- duce monochromatic light and generally are available in
man eyes and skin should not exceed 30 [J/m2 ] in a period the range of 255–285 nm. Unlike conventional mercury UV
of 8 hours [44]. This recommendation has been adopted as lamps, UV-LEDs can selectively combine multiple UV wave-
a regulation by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lengths for potentially more effective disinfection [55].
and the European Union [23]. • Pulsed Xenon Arc Lamps (PXL): In these lamps, a broad
• Ozone Production: Another risk associated with UV disin- spectrum UV light (with a greater UVC component) is re-
fection is the production of ozone. UV radiation of wave- leased in the form of short duration high intensity pulses
length less than 240 nm can produce ozone and other [56]. Xenon gas flash bulbs used in the lamps can emit a
oxides [28]. As a corrosive gas, ozone could lead to fire haz- UV spectrum of 200 to 280 nm and light in the visible light
ards. Ozone is also a strong oxidant and toxic air pollutant. spectrum [57]. They are a nontoxic alternative to mercury
Health Canada limits ozone exposure to no more than 20 lamps.
ppb (parts per billion) in the span of 8 h [45]. Similarly, the • Excimer Lamps: These lamps produce UV radiation via the
FDA limits the amount of ozone from indoor medical devices decomposition of a complex of excited gases [38]. Recently
to 50 ppb [23]. Manufacturers of UV lamps usually mention proposed far-UVC lamps use krypton–chlorine (Kr–Cl) gas
the amount of ozone the lamp may produce. Depending on mixture and are examples of excimer lamps [40,41]. Excimer
the spectral range and the lamp type of the UVC light source, lamps produce a monochromatic spectrum [38].
it may or may not produce ozone. Many such lamps have
doped glasses to block ozone-generating wavelengths [46]. The emission spectrum of different light sources is depicted
It is worth mentioning that ozone gas also has a germicidal in Fig. 2. Most of these light sources have a monochromatic spec-
effect. For instance, ozone generators, which use UV lamps trum except for the PXL. There are a limited amount of studies
to generate ozone, are used in the ozonization of water for comparing the effectiveness of these different light sources; as a
its disinfection [47]. result, it is hard to present a fair comparison.
• Presence of Mercury: Mercury-based UV lamps are of Gas discharge lamps are the most commonly used. A large
concern due to the heavy metal’s known harm to the en- variety (in terms of wattage, UV output, size, fixtures, etc.) of
vironment and human health. Inhalation of mercury va- these lamps are commercially available. These lamps have greater
por via UV lamp breaks can lead to accumulation within wall plug efficiency than PXLs and LEDs; however, they suffer
the body, and damage to the neurological and renal sys- from some limitations [59,60]. The main concerns are health
tems [48]. In addition, improper disposal of mercury lamps and environmental risks due to mercury contamination, and long
pollutes the environment and adversely affects aquatic life warm-up times of the lamp that lead to excessive power con-
and the soil quality. Other UV light sources mentioned in sumption [59]. Some studies suggest that disinfection by PXLs
Section 2.1, including UVC LEDs, PXL, and excimer lamps, lead to more significant inactivation of microbes in shorter ex-
do not experience safety concerns for mercury presence. posure times [56], making them a popular choice in surface
Various countries have regulations to limit the adverse effects UVC-LEDs are relatively new to the UV market. It is mainly
of UV devices. For example, in the US [49] and Canada [50], used in water disinfection applications [61]. They offer many
I. Mehta, H.-Y. Hsueh, S. Taghipour et al. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 161 (2023) 104332

Table 2
Comparison of UVGI light sources.
Property UVC-LED LPM PXL Excimer lamp
Instant on/off Yes No Yes Yes
Small footprint Yes No No No
Mercury free Yes No Yes Yes
Ozone generation No No Yes Yes
DC operation Yes No No No
Tentative life span (h) 10K 10K 2K 6K
Wattage rangea [W] 0.5 8–335 10–8000 5–500
Price range per unita (USD) 1–10 20–1200 50–750 600–5000
Wall plug efficiency (%) <5 [62] 15–35 [62] 12–17 [59] 40 [64]
Based on data from [62,65].

Table 3
Required D90 UV doses for surface disinfection.
Pathogen Dose [J/m2 ]
Bacteria (Average UV dose) [10] 54
Fig. 2. Plot of Normalized Intensity (arbitrary units) Vs Wavelength (nm) [58].
Viruses (Average UV dose) [10] 73
Spectral Distribution of UV Light sources. LPM and UV-LEDs have narrow
SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19 virus) [66] 27
emission spectrum. MPMs have a wider spectrum which extends in ozone
producing wavelengths as well.

models can be utilized to simulate the dosage distribution by a

advantages, including a smaller footprint, unlimited on–off cy- UV-robot, which in turn can be used for path planning of the
cles, no warm-up time, environmentally friendly, and longer robot [67,68].
lifetimes [62] when compared to the traditionally used mer- The inverse square law (ISL) model is a commonly used
cury lamps. However, UVC-LEDs have low wall plug efficiency method, where irradiance at a point is inversely proportional to
and lower power outputs. More UVC-LED bulbs are required to the distance ρ from a point light source with radiant power φ
achieve similar power outputs as systems that utilize mercury [W]:
UVC lamps, making UVC-LED systems more expensive [60]. UVC- φ
LEDs still hold great potential due to the flexibility in the design I∝ (3)
of these LED-based reactors [62]. ρ2
Far-UVC light generated from excimer lamps has been demon-
ISL can be easily extended to non-point light sources. Jacobm
strated to eliminate methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) bacte-
and Dranoff [69] used ISL for cylindrical lamps by approximating
ria while avoiding skin-related damage, such as erythema, skin
it as a line source, where each line source can be represented as
cancer, and UV-associated premutagenic DNA lesions, unlike reg-
an aggregation of multiple point sources. ISL is a simple model,
ular UVC, UVB and UVA radiation [42,63]. A comparison on some
but it is only valid in cases where the irradiated surface is far from
properties for these light sources is given in Table 2.
the light source [70]. Further, ISL does not accurately account
for the geometry or the type of light source. Many models have
2.4. UV Irradiance dosage and modeling
been proposed for cylindrical gas discharge lamps. Kowalski and
Bahnfleth used thermal view factors to model the near fields for
In order to determine the effectiveness of UVGI systems quan- cylindrical light sources [71]. These view factors account for radi-
titatively, UV irradiance dosage and modeling are required. The ation transmitted from emitting surface to the receiving surface.
inactivation of pathogens depends on the supplied UV dosage and Detailed calculations of view factors for different light sources are
duration of light exposure. The UV dosage, D [J/m2 ], for microbes given in [71]. The irradiance is computed using:
subjected to UV radiation is given by [10]:
D = Et · Ir , (1) I= · Ftotal (4)
2π · r · l
where Et is the exposure time in seconds and Ir is the radiant flux where r is the radius of the cylindrical lamp, l is the length of the
received by a surface per unit area (a.k.a irradiance) with SI units lamp, and Ftotal is the view factor. They demonstrated superior
[W/m2 ]. The effectiveness of a dose is classified in terms of log accuracy compared to ISL for short and far distances. The view
reduction of the microorganism population: factor model can easily replace the ISL for dosage simulation in
a robotics application. In many cases, UV lamps are mounted in
log10 (r) = log10 ( ), (2) reflective housing. This changes the irradiance field and should
N be accounted for while designing a system. Various reflectivity
where N0 and N represent the pathogen population before and models based on the type of reflectivity are presented in [10].
after UV exposure and r represents the reduction factor. Reduc- A UV-LED can be treated as a point light source for far-off
tion factor can take values 1, 2, 3 and 4 which corresponds to distances; hence, ISL model, e.g. Eq. (3), can be used in such
pathogen population reduction rate of 90%, 99%, 99.9% and 99.99% cases. The irradiance field due to a complete LED module can be
respectively. Different pathogens have varied susceptibility to UV generated by aggregating the contribution of irradiance from each
radiation; hence, the required UV dose for an application should LED in the module. As mentioned before, ISL does not hold [72]
be selected based on the targeted microbes. Detailed data on for closer distances. An exact expression for irradiance is deduced
exposure dosages for different reduction rates (e.g., D90 , D99.9 ) for for rectangular LED in [73]. This method can be used to model the
various bacteria and viruses are provided in [10]. A few doses are dosage by UV-LEDs for closer distances accurately.
included for reference in Table 3. There are models that more accurately account for additional
Irradiance Models: The modeling of irradiance fields for UV factors, including target surface geometry, the reflectance of sur-
light sources is essential for determining the UV doses delivered faces and fixtures, and refractivity. These models are typically
by a system to a target surface or airborne microbes. These more complicated than the simple models presented above. For
I. Mehta, H.-Y. Hsueh, S. Taghipour et al. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 161 (2023) 104332

Table 4
Non-exhaustive list of recent efficacy studies on UVGI systems.
Author/Year Study location UV Light type Pathogen type Disinfection method Results
Astrid Outpatient Clean Room Four strains of UVC irradiation was done on Reduction in target pathogen
et al./2021 [77] hospital clinic Solutions’ UVD Candida auris high-touch surfaces after the concentration in irradiated
(Austria) Robot (254 nm) standard cleaning and areas and negative effects in
disinfection procedure. shadowed regions were
Buonanno Laboratory Far-UVC light Aerosolized alpha Target pathogens inactivated in 99.9% inactivation observed for
et al./2020 [78] (Israel) (222 nm) HCoV-229E and an aerosol irradiation chamber. UV doses of 1.2–1.7 [mJ/cm2 ]
beta HCoV-OC43
Gerchman Laboratory UVC-LED HCoV-OC43 virus Irradiance dosages were up to Shorter UV wavelengths were
et al./2020 [79] (USA) system 60 s for 267 and 279 nm and more effective at inactivating
(267–297 nm) up to 90 s for 286 and 297 nm the virus (3-log inactivation at
UV. irradiation 6–7 mJ/cm2 ).
Heilingloh Laboratory UVC (254 nm) SARS-CoV-2 The emitted light was at a The emitted dose required for
et al./2020 [80] (Germany) and/or UVA distance of 3 cm and viral a complete inactivation of
(365 nm) samples were taken at SARS-CoV-2 was 1048 mJ/cm2
3-minute intervals for 30 min. after 9 min of exposure.
Morikane Hospital ICU PX-UV device MRSA Effects of adding PX-UV device Cases of newly acquired MRSA
et al./2020 [81] (Japan) (200–280 nm) to manual terminal cleaning in and Antinobector reduced
the hospital was evaluated for significantly.
2.5 yrs
Yıldırım Acute-care PX-UV device C. difficile, MRSA, Pathogen contamination on PX-UV device lowered the
et al./2015 [57] hospitals (USA) (200–280 nm) and VRE high-touch surfaces was recovery of C. difficile spores,
assessed before and after MRSA, and VRE.
10 min of PX-UV irradiation.

instance, irradiance models for UV-LEDs for water treatment were of newly acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
derived and incorporated in computational fluid dynamics pack- (MRSA) and drug-resistant infections. Nerandzic et al. [57] also
ages to generate irradiance fields [74,75]. However, these models conducted their PX-UV device analysis in a hospital. A reduction
are more applicable to small-scale systems and are likely to of 0.55-log to 1.85-log was demonstrated for C. difficile spores,
be computationally expensive for modeling a 3D environment MRSA, and VRE on high-touch surfaces within the hospital af-
of the world. Ahmed et al. [76] used ray tracing software to ter 10 min of disinfection. Newer efficacy studies, such as [77],
accurately model UV irradiance in a UV photo-reactor. Ray trac- that feature UV robots in real-world settings have also begun
ing software simulates the trajectories of electromagnetic rays to emerge. Detailed reviews of published studies evaluating the
emitted from a light source while accounting for laws of op- efficacy of UVGI systems are presented in [15,21].
tics, refraction, reflection, and shadowing. Ray tracing tools can
accurately model the irradiance, but these models are highly 2.6. Limitation of classical UVGI systems
computationally expensive.
Classical UVGI systems, such as the previously introduced
2.5. Efficacy of UVGI systems fixed UV lamps, upper room UV germicidal systems, and portable
UV lights, are effective in complementing and improving ex-
The effectiveness of UVGI systems has been compared to man- isting decontamination procedures; however, there are certain
ual cleaning and disinfection. Justification for redesigned decon- limitations:
tamination strategies with UV-based systems can be acquired
with such studies. The disinfection performance of UVGI sys- • Shadowing: Pathogens are protected when engulfed by
tems with varying light sources and UV wavelengths has also shadows from objects (e.g. equipment, chairs, beds), since
been validated under research and real-world environments. This the UV radiation cannot reach such pathogens. The issue
sub-section discusses the capability of UVGI systems to disinfect of shadowed regions can be addressed by reflecting UV
various pathogens. radiation for indirect disinfection [82]. Another solution
Table 4 displays some recent studies that have analyzed vari- could be to manually maneuver the UV fixture and lamp
ous UV disinfection setups against commonly encountered around the room to increase the surface exposure to the UV
pathogens. Buonanno et al. [78] observed the efficacy of far- source.
UVC light (222 nm) against aerosolized alpha HCoV-229E and • Pathogen Coating: Pathogens within respiratory droplets
beta HCoV-OC43 in a laboratory setting. They found that there and aerosol particles, such as sputum and blood, have been
was 99.9% inactivation (3-log reduction) for the pathogens at proven to block the effects of UV radiation partially. The
low UV light doses of 1.2 to 1.7 mJ/cm2 . Gerchman et al. [79] shielding of the medium encompassing the infectious mi-
and Heilingloh et al. [80] examined UVC-LED (267–297 nm) and crobe can hinder disinfection capabilities. The shielding
UVC lamp (254 nm) respectively in a laboratory setting instead. effect increases as the particle size increases and can be
The UVC-LED system achieved 3-log inactivation of HCoV-OC43 significantly reduced when targeted particles are illumi-
at irradiation of 6–7 mJ/cm2 after 60 s. In addition, the UVC lamp nated with UV light equally from multiple directions [83].
was able to completely inactivate SARS-CoV-2 at 1047 mJ/cm2 This can be achieved by utilizing multiple UV sources, mo-
after 9 min. bile UV devices, or reflective materials and surfaces for
Unlike the previously discussed laboratory studies, Morikane uniform illumination on coated pathogens.
et al. [81] inspected the performance of a PX-UV device (200– • Logistical Challenges and Cost: Logistical issues that in-
280 nm) in a Japanese hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU) over clude the operation, scheduling, and moving of UV fixtures
2.5 years. They discovered a significant decline in incidences also limit the adoption of these disinfection systems. Unlike
I. Mehta, H.-Y. Hsueh, S. Taghipour et al. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 161 (2023) 104332

Table 5
List of commercially available UVC disinfection devices.
Robot Cost (USD) Light source Autonomy Human safety Efficacy study
Xenex Lightstrike [84] 125,000 [85] PXL × × ✓
Tru D Smart UVC [86] 125,000 [87] LPM × × ✓
Sterilray Far-UV Robot [88] – Excimer lamp ✓ ✓ ✓
UVD Robot by Blue-Ocean robotics [89] 90,000 [90] LPM ✓ × ✓
Surfacide’s Helios UVC Disinfection System [91] 125,000 [92] Amalgam UVC lamps × × ✓
Honeywell’s UV System [93] – LPM ✓ × ✓
Ava Robotics UV Disinfection robot [94] – – ✓ × ×
Blue Shift UV’s R-Zero Arc [95] – – × × ✓
BooCax UV1500 [96] – Quartz lamps ✓ × ✓
Safe Space Technology’s RoverUV [97] 89,000 [98] – ✓ × ×
BlueBotics’s mini UVC [99] – – ✓ × ×
Pudu’s Puductor 2 [100] – LPM ✓ × ×
Prescientx’s Violet [101] – – ✓ ✓ ✓
GlobalDWS’s DSR [102] – – ✓ × ×
TMiRob’s Intelligent Disinfection Robot [103] – – ✓ × ✓
Aitheon’s UVD Robots [104] – LPM ✓ × ✓
Lumnicleanse’s UV-C robot [105] – – ✓ × ✓
The Badger UV Disinfect Robot [106] – LPM ✓ × ✓

when using a traditional chemical disinfectant, UV disin- single position in the room for a complete disinfection cycle or
fection systems cannot be used when humans are nearby. are moved manually by the designated operator to different parts
This requires additional safety measures, such as emptying of the rooms [108].
rooms, displaying safety signs, and active monitoring. Staff UV robots can provide automatic and consistent disinfection.
members dedicated to manually moving and monitoring Such robots extend classical UVGI devices in which UV lamps
the devices are needed. The increased complexity of the are mounted on mobile platforms that offer potential auton-
new disinfection approach creates logistical challenges and omy [109]. The UVGI robots can perform autonomous decision-
added costs. making by using inputs they receive from sensors. They rely on
simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) [110] to build
the map of the environment and use the map to deliver high-
3. UV Disinfection robots powered UV dose [12].
Multiple studies demonstrate the effectiveness of UV devices
Significant progress has been made in the speed of adop- and robots. A randomized cluster trial conducted in the US across
tion for robotic technologies in recent years. Robotics can be nine hospitals for over two years demonstrated that adding UV-
incorporated to improve multiple facets of infectious disease C robots to quaternary ammonium disinfection decreased the
management in the future, including disinfection [26,107]. Classi- risk of subsequent acquisition of infection [111]. Guettari et al.
cal UVGI systems discussed in Section 2.1 integrate fixed devices [27] developed a mobile UVC disinfection robot that is able to
that often require manual supervision and maneuvering. Limita- eliminate bacteria. However, Dancer and King [17] reviewed effi-
tions of such devices, mentioned in Section 2.6, can be addressed cacy studies of automated decontamination devices that utilized
with UV robots that are mobile or autonomous. The autonomy UV light and recommended that more efficacy research of UV
offered by UV robotic disinfection systems can result in less autonomous robots with control groups should be done before
labor-intensive and more efficient decontamination procedures. the overhaul of existing cleaning and disinfection procedures.
They can also be monitored remotely via tablets and apps for
disinfection status and troubleshooting. This section provides an 3.2. Existing UV disinfection robots
overview of UV robots and explores the effectiveness of these
robots. Lastly, limitations of the current generation of robots are With the rising interest in using service robots in the health-
identified. care systems and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the
research on the development of autonomous UVGI robots has
3.1. UV disinfection robot mechanism accelerated. Research institutes and companies around the world
have been creating, implementing, and testing autonomous UV
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in using au- disinfection. Commercially available UV robots and recent re-
tonomous area disinfection UV devices and robots. These devices search contributions on UV robots are discussed and assessed in
are used to supplement manual cleaning and are comprised of a this sub-section.
mobile base, high-power pulsed xenon lamps or an array of LPM
lamps, and motion detectors [108]. These high-powered lamps 3.2.1. Commercially available UVC robots
have a significant irradiance envelope and can disinfect a volume Companies and research labs have been developing disinfec-
of space in all directions. In health care settings, they are used tion robots before the COVID-19 pandemic, aiming to improve the
to disinfect rooms after manual cleaning is completed by staff. efficiency of cleaning and disinfection in areas with a high risk of
Some of these devices have sensors that monitor environmental infections.
conditions, such as humidity and temperature. This data is used Xenex Disinfection Services has shown that their Lightstrike
by the devices to modify the UV dose accordingly. Since UV is robot can significantly reduce SARS-CoV-2 on hard surfaces and
harmful to human skin, the robot is usually operated in empty N95 respirators with PX-UV [112]. Tru D Smart UVC robots
rooms. Measures that include using curtains to cover the win- were examined in a tertiary acute care hospital, and they are
dows are taken to prevent undesired exposure to UV radiation. In able to effectively reduce C. difficle and Acinetobacter in patient
addition, motion detection sensors are used, so that the UV lights rooms [113]. Autonomous Disinfection Vehicle Robot (ADV) from
can be cut off immediately if any human presence is detected. Far-UV Sterilray are being advertised, but their production has
Classical UV disinfection devices are usually either placed in a not begun. They utilize excimer lamps that produce far-UVC [88].
I. Mehta, H.-Y. Hsueh, S. Taghipour et al. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 161 (2023) 104332

Fig. 4. UVGI robotic features in development.

Fig. 3. Area disinfection units (a–b), and disinfection robots (c–d).
Many proposed disinfection systems adopt a mobile manip-
Hospitals in Romania, Croatia, and Italy have begun using Blue ulator design. ADDAMS UV robot [114,115] is a teleoperated
Ocean Robotics’ autonomous disinfection robots. They claim to be semi-autonomous mobile manipulator equipped with an LPM and
able to disinfect rooms with LPM within 10 min [89]. Surfacide’s a UV wand. The LPM is used for generic environment disinfec-
Helios UV-C Disinfection System coordinates multiple robots to tion, and the manipulator uses the UV wand to disinfect target
overcome shadowed regions of rooms and improve disinfection surfaces. A human operator can either drive via teleoperation or
time. They have also been implemented by multiple hospitals specify the desired location to navigate the robot. When the robot
in the USA [91]. Honeywell’s UV Treatment System is designed is at the desired location, the operator uses a GUI to select target
specifically to disinfect aircraft cabins. It is able to sufficiently surfaces for the robot to disinfect. Similarly, Conte et al. [119]
disinfect 30 rows of seating in 8 to 10 min. They have been imple- proposed a teleoperated mobile manipulator where UV lamps are
mented into Qatar Airways’ disinfection practice [93]. Additional mounted on the mobile base and the manipulator’s end effector.
UV disinfection robots are included in Table 5 and shown in Fig. 3, The manipulator disinfects regions that are beyond line of sight
and more are under development. of the lamps on the mobile base. The robot operates in two
As seen in Table 5, robots that are currently available mostly stages. First, a coarse 3D map of the environment is created by
support autonomy. Although some claim to be able to disinfect teleoperating the robot in the environment. Next, the trajectories
within a reasonable time, experiments and set-ups were not stan- for the mobile base are generated before disinfection, based on
dardized; thus, numbers do not offer a fair comparison. They are the waypoints specified by the human operator. During the exe-
also expensive, and a cost–benefit analysis should be conducted cution of these trajectories, a fine 3D dosage map is continuously
by users prior to purchase and adoption. With autonomous UV updated to monitor the disinfection levels. Upon approaching
disinfection being a relatively new mode of disinfection, exper- objects, such as chairs, tables, and cabinets, the mobile base is
imentation and analysis on commercially available robots from stopped, and the arm moves to disinfect the object.
sources without conflict of interest are greatly needed to verify A Fetch mobile manipulator equipped with a UV flashlight
the claimed effectiveness and safety of available devices. Reg- to disinfect target surfaces in the environment is proposed in
ulations and standards for autonomous systems should also be [116,125]. The planner generates the path for the manipulator
introduced as robots inevitably become increasingly intertwined based on waypoints specified by the human operator. Further,
in our daily lives. their planner generates the speed of the manipulator based on
desired disinfection level and an empirical UV dosage model. Ma
3.2.2. UV-robots and algorithms in development et al. [121] proposed a mobile manipulator where the robotic arm
Current research contributions for UV robots focus on hard- is equipped with an array of UVC LEDs. A prior point cloud map
ware development and creating autonomy algorithms to max- of the environment and a graphical interface are used by the op-
imize the performance and efficiency of disinfection. The UV erator to select the targets for disinfection. The planning module
robots proposed in the literature either use a mobile manipulator generates the path for the mobile base and the arm to disinfect
configuration or a typical mobile base with UV lamps mounted the target surface. The quality of disinfection by the robot was
on it. Most of these robots use prior maps and target locations evaluated using UVC fast check strips in testing locations that
specified by a human operator to generate disinfection plans. included bookshelves, card readers, and toolboxes.
Furthermore, some works use customized planning algorithms A limitation of the works mentioned above is the requirement
to ensure all the areas in the environment receive desired UV for an operator to specify disinfection targets. Hence, the operator
dosage. A detailed discussion of various contributions is described should have additional skills to interact with the software to
next. A non-exhaustive list of novel designs proposed in the select the target locations. Furthermore, manually setting targets
literature and their key features are summarized in Table 6 and in large spaces may be time-consuming and error-prone. This is-
shown in Fig. 4 sue was partly addressed through G-Robot [118], an autonomous
I. Mehta, H.-Y. Hsueh, S. Taghipour et al. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 161 (2023) 104332

Table 6
A non-exhaustive list of current UVC robots in research.
Robot Type Light source Human Efficacy Human operator requirements
safety study
ADAMMS UV Robot [114,115] Mobile Manipulator LPM and UV Wand × × Select targets to disinfect
through teleoperation.
Fetch UV Robot [116] Mobile Manipulator UV Flashlight × × Select targets to disinfect
through teleoperation.
Ultrabot [117] Mobile Base LPM ✓ ✓ –
G-Robot [118] Mobile Manipulator Far-UVC ✓ × –
UV-Robot by [119] Mobile Manipulator LPM and UV lamp × × Select targets to disinfect
through teleoperation.
UV-PURGE [120] Mobile Base LPM × ✓ Drive the robot via
UV-Robot by [121] Mobile Manipulator UVC-LED × ✓ Select targets to disinfect
through teleoperation.
UV-Robot by [122] Mobile Base LPM × ✓ Select targets to disinfect
through teleoperation.
UV-Robot by [123] Mobile Base LPM × × Select targets to disinfect
through teleoperation.
UV-Robot by [124] Mobile Base LPM ✓ ✓ Drive the robot via

mobile manipulator equipped with human-safe Far-UVC. It uses a An operator drives the robot in radiology labs via teleportation
plane segmentation algorithm to detect target surfaces like tables, to evaluate disinfection quality. Perminov et al. [117] proposed
chairs, and shelves. The coverage planner uses the map of the Ultrabot, an autonomous mobile UV disinfection robot. The UV
environment and detected planar surfaces to generate waypoints lamps on Ultrabot are shielded from one side, which effectively
for the robot. The disinfection of the surfaces is then done by limits the field of view of lamps to 180◦ . This design choice
executing appropriate joint motions determined by the plan- enables the operation of the robot alongside humans. Further-
ning module. However, currently G-Robot cannot detect complex more, Ultrabot has an ozone-based air purification mechanism in
non-planar surface in the environment. which all the UVC lamps are fully shielded. The ozone generated
Some works have focused on improving the classical UVC by UVC lights is redistributed in the environment using a set
robot configuration of a mobile base mounted with UVC lamps. of fans. Ozone is a toxic gas, so there is a need to ensure that
Conroy et al. [123] proposed using a UVC lamp on a low-cost the ozone produced during disinfection does not exceed safety
mobile base made of off-the-shelf parts. A human operator would limits for humans. In both cases, for the physical shielding to be
drive this robot via teleoperation to create the floor plans of the effective, the robot must plan its pose so that the bystanders are
environment. In the offline planning stage, linear programming not exposed to UV rays. This might be a challenging task in a busy
is used to determine waypoints and disinfection time for the environment like a shopping mall.
robot to ensure that sufficient dosage is received by all the lo- Some contributions have focused purely on algorithmic de-
cations in the given floor plan. Finally, the robot disinfects the velopment for efficient distribution of UV dosage. Tiseni et al.
environment based on waypoints and disinfection time generated [126] proposed a novel motion planner that consists of a genetic
in the offline planning stage. Pierson et al. [122] proposed using algorithm for UV disinfection robots and showed in simulation
a mobile base mounted with UVC lamps. Their robot uses a map that it improved disinfection performance, time, and energy re-
with target locations specified by an operator. They proposed quirement. Similarly, an optimized coverage planning algorithm
two path planning modules. First, an augmented A∗ algorithm is for UV surface disinfection is proposed in [67]. Tazrin et al.
used for planning paths in non-changing environments. Second, [127] proposed schedulers for efficient disinfection by a team of
Voronoi-based coverage control is used to plan paths in cases drones equipped with UVC band panels. They developed sched-
where the environment may have new static obstacles that are ulers based on heuristics, such as the randomized approach,
not present on the map. In both cases, the planner uses a dosage a greedy approach, and genetic algorithm-based scheduling for
map based on irradiance models to ensure that all the locations energy-efficient path scheduling for disinfection drones.
in the environment receive sufficient UVC dosage. They tested Many proposed autonomous disinfection robots use alterna-
their robot at a food bank facility and were able to deliver desired tive disinfection mediums like chemical sprays. The autonomy
disinfection dosage. In [120], a cost-efficient mobile robot for components of such robots can potentially benefit the develop-
UVC disinfection is proposed. The robot was made of off-the- ment of autonomous UV disinfection robots. Some of these robots
shelf components. It is teleoperated using a mobile app and has are discussed in Section 4.
no autonomy features. Further, it was tested in an office facility
and reported a reduction in bacteria count after using the robot. 3.3. Limitations of UV disinfection robots
The downside of using a mobile base mounted with UVC lamps
is the lack of human safety due to exposure to UV radiation. Similarly to classical UVGI systems, UV disinfection robots also
Consequently, these robots can only be used when there is no possess limitations and drawbacks that require further improve-
human presence. ments and research.
Some works have focused on improving safety of classical
UVC robots through augmented physical design. McGinn et al. • UV Safety: One of the biggest issues with current disinfec-
[124] proposed a novel design of the UV robot that controls its tion robots is that they cannot be used in dynamic environ-
UV irradiation through a physical barrier to shield bystanders ments with human presence due to UV’s harmful effect on
and equipment from UV rays. Their robotic base uses an open- human skin and eyes. As a result, these devices cannot be
source robotic mobile base that supports autonomous navigation. used in shared patient rooms and public spaces while there
I. Mehta, H.-Y. Hsueh, S. Taghipour et al. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 161 (2023) 104332

is human traffic. Some existing works [117,118,124] have is equipped with UVC, an overhead spray nozzle for H2 O2 , and
addressed this issue. However, stronger safety guarantees a HEPA filter [103]. Similarly to UV disinfection systems, H2 O2
should be established to avoid any undesirable exposure. devices and robots also require further research to validate their
• Navigation Difficulties: Spaces with a heavy human pres- applicability. Several problems, such as the inability to use H2 O2
ence or areas occupied with cluttered, dynamic, and large disinfection in human presence, long disinfection time, and the
objects, such as hospital receptions, hallways, MRI rooms, requirement for more safety training, make efficient implemen-
and the ICU, could be difficult for autonomous robots to nav- tations of H2 O2 systems difficult. Both UVGI and H2 O2 robots will
igate and disinfect efficiently while avoiding any collisions. lead to a need to overhaul existing cleaning and disinfection pro-
Furniture and machinery arrangement in the disinfection cedures. Further research that addresses the logistical and safety
space could lead to areas that are inaccessible for the mobile issues of UVGI and H2 O2 robots should be explored to aid the
robot, causing the issues mentioned in Section 2.6. Areas large-scale implementations of future disinfection approaches.
that cannot be reached by the most commonly used ground
mobile robots could also include surfaces that are too high 5. Future directions and open problems for UV robots
and far away or blocked by objects such as tables, chairs, and
beds. Reachability issues might be partly resolved by using While current issues limit the widespread use of UV robots,
a mobile manipulator configuration. there is much ongoing work and scope for improvement in the
• Logistical Issues and Cost: Studies have demonstrated that future. The areas open for improvement include (i) efficient re-
the use of UV technology could be limited in hospitals cur- source management, (ii) accurate dosage modeling, (iii) human
rently due to required logistics and operational times [128]. safety, and (iv) benchmarking, described next.
These UV robotic systems are more expensive than classical
5.1. Resource management
UVGI devices. Additional training and education of staff
members and the general public for the safe deployment of
UV disinfection is an energy-intensive process; therefore, a
UV robots are also time-consuming and resource-intensive.
more informed usage of these resources can lead to better re-
These potential issues for the integration of UV robots must be source management. For instance, the use of semantic segmenta-
considered and examined further for the development of future tion of the environment to identify high-touch surfaces can be a
autonomous UV disinfection robots. significant source of the spread of infection [135,136]. Different
surface material can have varied disinfection requirements, and
4. Other types of disinfection robots can be identified using deep learning models [137]. Additionally,
learning the interaction of humans with various objects in the en-
vironment through object affordance [138] can enable a robot to
Disinfection robots that are currently available and in devel-
identify critical points to disinfect on a target object. Besides this,
opment are not limited to using UVGI as the disinfection medium.
planning algorithms should be designed for the optimized utiliza-
Another novel mode for no-touch environmental cleaning and
tion of resources while maximizing the coverage of disinfection.
disinfection is to use hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ).
Different environmental regions can be prioritized based on the
Aerosolized hydrogen peroxide (AHP) and vapor hydrogen
concentration of high-touch surfaces. For example, high-traffic
peroxide (H2 O2 ) are two forms of hydrogen peroxide used for
and high-risk areas within a shopping mall, including food courts
disinfection. AHP devices have been proven to achieve 4-log
and washrooms, would hold higher priority for disinfection. The
reduction of MRSA; however, vapor H2 O2 systems have been
planning algorithms can incorporate these priorities and factors
shown to be safer, faster, and better at inactivating pathogens
like battery charge and environmental traffic to generate robot
than AHP [129]. Falagas et al. [130] presented a review of mul-
paths for maximized disinfection coverage. Further, deploying a
tiple studies on the efficacy of vaporized H2 O2 . They conclude
team of disinfection robots can ensure efficient disinfection op-
that vaporized H2 O2 can be used as an effective supplement to
eration. Such multi-robot systems can sufficiently disinfect large
manual cleaning. Some of the robots, such as XDbot [131], is spaces while being energy efficient. Autonomous UAVs emitting
comprised of a robotic arm equipped with a spray nozzle that UV for disinfection can also be utilized to make both navigation
is used to spray vaporized H2 O2 . A semi-autonomous quadruped around cluttered rooms, and disinfecting more difficult-to-reach
robot for performing disinfection is proposed in [132]. The robot areas easier. UAVs could possibly attach themselves to ceilings or
is equipped with a spray-based disinfection system on the robot’s other surfaces during fixed point disinfection to conserve energy
back. The system includes an image processing capability to verify use.
disinfected regions. The authors argue that quadruped’s control of
body orientation results in better accessibility in more complex 5.2. Dosage modeling
environments. Additionally, this work uses CNN to verify the
disinfection quality. If the disinfection quality is not sufficient, Many recently proposed UV robots (see Section 3.2.2) have
then the robot can spray that particular area again. Thakar et al. adopted dosage maps in their planning modules. These maps help
[133] used mobile manipulators mounted with a spray nozzle generate optimal coverage routes, and track the dosage received
to disinfect surfaces. A branch and bound-based area coverage by different environmental regions. For computational efficiency,
algorithm is presented to determine spray paths on a point cloud most of the existing dosage maps are 2D, i.e., the dosage footprint
of the surface being disinfected. A spline-based representation of on the floor is used as a cue to measure the disinfection quality
the robot’s degrees of freedom and successive refinement-based of a 3D environment. Besides this, approximate irradiance models
optimization is used for generating robot motion. Another inter- for different UV lamps are used. These approximations in dosage
esting robot that utilizes spray-based disinfection, from Peanut representation may lead to insufficient or excessive disinfection
Robotics, incorporates the ability for both cleaning and disinfec- by a robot. A more accurate 3D representation of the dosage map
tion [134]. It houses the required disinfectant and mops on a and accurate irradiation simulation models would be a valuable
mobile platform where a 7 DoF gripper can swap and apply each contributions. An accurate dosage map could be used for auditing
tool for autonomous cleaning. the quality of disinfection. Such audits can be used as feedback by
Robots that use a combination of UV and vaporized H2 O2 are a robot for covering any missed or insufficiently disinfected spots
also in development. For instance, TMI’s air disinfection robot in subsequent operations.
I. Mehta, H.-Y. Hsueh, S. Taghipour et al. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 161 (2023) 104332

5.3. Human safety (v) coordinating a team of robots to perform disinfection faster
and more reliably, (vi) using manipulators and drones to disinfect
There is also an opportunity to use UVGI in human presence. surfaces that are difficult for UV light to reach, (vii) designing
Some UV robots [118] have adopted human-safe far-UVC. How- disinfection robots that can be used in the presence of humans,
ever, commercial far-UVC lights are still limited and have not and (viii) designing robots that can perform both manual cleaning
been tested thoroughly to ensure safety. They are also a more and UV disinfection.
expensive light source. On the other hand, Yildirim et al. [139]
tried shielding UVC-LEDs in a busy CT scan room with human Declaration of competing interest
presence and found that the proposed robot could eliminate mi-
crobial air contamination. However, the effect of UV shielding on The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
the skin and eye protection was not thoroughly analyzed. Another cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
way could be to use mobile manipulators equipped with UV mod- to influence the work reported in this paper.
ules (mounted on the end-effector) to disinfect various objects
and surfaces as presented by Hu et al. [135]. Their system uses Data availability
a CNN-based detector to identify objects that humans interact
with frequently. Human safety in UVGI systems can be ensured Data will be made available on request.
by incorporating the consideration of the UV light’s irradiance
envelope in the planning module, such that configurations that Funding
lead to direct exposure to humans can be avoided. Such a planner
can be inspired by the existing literature on the next best view This work was funded by Department of National Defence, In-
problem [140]. The position of humans in the environment can novation for Defence Excellence and Security (‘‘IDEaS’’) program,
be gathered using LIDAR data [141]. Grant CPCA-0126. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out
to us at the following email: mailto:rcvl@ryerson.ca.
5.4. Benchmarking
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lessly integrate with the existing infrastructure of healthcare and 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in hospital rooms of infected patients, Nature Commun.
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Sajad Saeedi is an Assistant Professor at Toronto

Ishaan Mehta is a PhD candidate at RCVL lab, Toronto Metropolitan University. He received his PhD in Elec-
Metropolitan University. He received his master’s from trical and Computer Engineering from the University of
department of aerospace studies at University of New Brunswick, Fredericton Canada. His research in-
Toronto. His research interests include perception and terests include simultaneous localization and mapping
planning for robots. (SLAM), focal-plane sensor-processor arrays (FPSP),
computer vision and robotic systems.


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