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I would like to thank first of all, The Father of “The white Revolution, Dr.
Varghese Kurien” for envisioning this dairy and helping it becomes the seat of
learning for dairy technocrats that it is today.

I wish to express my sincere thanks to Mr. A. H. PUROHIT (Managing

Director), at Sumul Dairy for giving me this opportunity to work and learn at
the same time.

I highly thanks to Mr. R. R. Vaghasia (AGM Production) for continuous

guidance during my training period and encourage me for them gratefully
support to me in each and every matter.

I am very thankful for Mr. Hiral Parikh (Production Manager) and Ms.
Janvi Desai (QC department) for giving me valuable chance for training at
Sumul Dairy, Surat. Who share their knowledge and guided as an every point of
plant training.

I am highly Grateful to Dr. I.N.Patel dean of College of Food Technology and

Er.Bhavesh Jani (Training & Placement Incharge) For Assigning me In-
Plant Training Programme, at “SUMUL DAIRY” Surat, Gujarat.

I would like to thank the Sumul Dairy, for granting me permission period of two
month from 16/04/2022 to 17/06/2022 which was an unforgettable experience.
Once again i express my heartly thanks to all of them for their kind co-operation
and support.







The Surat District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Limited (SUMUL) is a

co-operative endeavor is one among the 17 district unions which acts as
manufacturing units of dairy products for Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing
Federation Limited (GCMMF),the marketers of AMUL and SUMUL brand of
products committed to help marginal farmers and down trodden tribal people to
lead to a healthy life and better standard of living through scientific animal
husbandry practices.

Today SUMUL enjoys the pride to serve milk and milk products to popular in
Surat city and surrounding towns of it. Sumul holds strong brand equity in Surat
district and command more than 50% of the liquid milk in Surat city.

SUMUL Dairy is an important Co-operative democratic institution in Surat.

Sumul through its policies & appropriate technology has helped farmers in
increasing milk production and thereby milk procurement.

SUMUL Dairy Is Located Near Railway Station in Surat. Surat is situated in the
southern part of Gujarat. Sumul Dairy was started in 1979 with the capacity of
50,000 liters per day initially, Before SUMUL stepped in, traditional Private
Milk Traders were dominant in the area. The private trade was monopolizing
the Milk market and exploiting both the Milk Producers and Consumers alike.
The milk procurement price, which used to be fixed by the traders (traditional
Bhatias) was very low and was fluctuating from time to time at their sole
discretion. it had to face opposition from the vested interest but with help of
member’s faithfulness and commitment, it is a strong one with 23,040 members
in 2013-14.

Surat District Co-operative milk producer’s union ltd. It is an organization

created and managed by 3 lakh farmers has been manufacturing and marketing
milk under the brand name of Amul and milk product like Sumul Ghee, Paneer,
Dahi, Shrikhand, Jome flavor Milk, Sweets, Butter milk, Masala butter milk
under the brand name SUMUL. There are 1,503 (2012-13) and 1,523(2013-14)
automated milk collection centers. In 2012-13, there are 279 BMCU and in
2020-21, there are 755 BMCU in Sumul Dairy. it has some quality &
environment policies like, quality policy, food safety policy, quality policy for
Sumul Dan factory, quality policy for village district Co-operative societies. To
get step matched with the international level rules of food safety, Sumul dairy
had grabbed the certificate of ISO 9002:1994 and codex HACCP-9000 from the
year of 2000. In the year 2003, it had been upgraded ISO standard to 9001:2000
and Sumul made its quality management system advanced as peer that standard.

During the year 1948, Late Shri. Jagjivan Das R. Patel (Popularly known as Das Kaka)
brought Farmer of Olpad Taluka under the ambit of co-ordinate society. The society which
was registered on 1-4-1949 as Takrma group co-operative milk (TGCM) & vegetable market
ltd. came in to existence to face challenges of famine is at the bade of the solid foundation of
the super structure of the Surat District Co-Operative Milk Producer’s Union Ltd.

Surat District has been a pioneer in India channeling trade in Cotton Milk through co-
operatives. Before SUMUL stepped in traditional private milk traders were dominant in the

SUMUL is trade name and literally meaning sound process, came in to existence on
22,August 1951 under the Bombay Co-operative Societies Act, 1925 with the joint untiring
and dedicated efforts of Veteran Leaders of Co-operative Movement Shri Ashabhai S. Patel
became the first Chairman.

The formal commissioning of the pasteurization plant on March 17, 1968 was a turning point
from Sumul.

Tanker entry

Seal verification at main gate

Weighing (Weigh bridge)

Sampling station (plunging, measure the temperature & take the sample)

Sample goes to RMRD – Lab (for analysis of fat, SNF, acidity and some
common adulteration tests)

OK As per QA norms

Tanker comes at Bay

Connection of Hose pipe

Select the silo according to fat & SNF

Deaeration of balance tank

Disk Filter (in line)

Pump (10 HP, 30KL/hr)


15 second pasteurized water spray in the tanker for rinse and recovery of

Tanker goes to washing

Empty tanker goes to weighing


 Fat
 O.T. (Organoleptic Test)
 Acidity
 Alcohol test
 COB (Clot On Boiling)
 pH


 Tanker is unloaded to RMS (Raw Milk Silo) via pump.

No. of Silo Make Capacity

RMS – 01 IDMC 150 KL

RMS – 02 IDMC 150 KL

RMS – 03 IDMC 150KL

RMS – 04 IDMC 150 KL

*IDMC (Indian Dairy Machinery Company)



According to Food Safety and Standards Regulation 2011, India, ice cream, kulfi, chocolate
ice cream or softy ice cream means the product obtained by freezing a pasteurized mix
prepared from milk and/or other products derived from milk with or without the addition of
nutritive sweetening agents, fruit and fruit products, eggs and egg products, coffee, cocoa,
chocolate, condiments, spices, ginger and nuts and it may also contain bakery products such
as cake or cookies as a separate layer and/or coating. It may be frozen hard or frozen to a soft
consistency; it shall have pleasant taste and smell free from off flavor and rancidity. It may
contain food additives permitted in this regulation and it should also conform to the
microbiological standards laid by the regulation.


Requirements Ice-cream Medium fat ice-cream Low fat ice-cream

Total solids NLT - 36% NLT - 30% NLT - 26%

Wt./vol. (g/lit.) NLT - 525 NLT – 475 NLT - 475

Fat NLT - 10% > 2.5% - <10% NMT – 2.5%

Milk protein NLT - 3.5% NLT – 3.5% NLT - 3%

NLT: not less than & NMT: not more than


 Fat:10 - 16%
 SNF: 9 - 12%
 Sweeteners: 12 - 16%
 Stabilizers & Emulsifier: 0.2 - 0.5%
 Water: 55 - 65%
 Density of mixes: 1.0554 - 1.1232 g/ml
 Acidity of mixes: 0.187% LA
 pH of mixes Approx: 6.3
 Fat globule size: 0.5 - 1.0µ
 Freezing point of mix: 2.5°C



Equipment Each capacity (lit.) Make

Milk silos 3 60,000 Chengalva Eng.

Pvt. Ltd.
1 1,00,000
Ageing tank 1 to 4 3,000 abc
5 to 6 5,000 (Insulated &
Past. Cream tank 2 5,000 abc
(Insulated &
Past. Skim milk storage tank 2 10,000 abc

Mix preparation tank 3 3,000 abc

Flavor mixing tank 13 600 abc
(Insulated &
Raw cream storage tank 1 2,000 abc
Freezer 2 1,500 L/hr. TETRAPAC
5 700 L/hr.
1 300 L/hr.
Basundi tank 2 5,000 abc
Liquid glucose preparation 1 500 abc
Cream separator 2 10,000L/hr. FRAUTECH
Homogenizer 1 5,000 L/hr. GEA
1 3,000 L/hr.
Milk pasteurizer 1 10,000 L/hr. GEA
Cream pasteurizer 1 3,000 L/hr. Alfa Laval
Milk chiller 1 3,000 L/hr. GEA
Ice-cream mix Pasteurizer 1 5,000 L/hr. abc
1 3,000 L/hr. abc
Ripple ingredients dosing tank 1 500 abc

Ripple preparation tank 1 300 abc

Chocolate enrobe tank 1 300 abc
Chocolate slurry preparation 1 500 abc

MILK CHILLER: Total 03 (At Milk Receiving Section)

 1&2 Made by: GEA NiroSoavi

 1&2 Plates: 97
 3 No. Made by: Alfa Laval & Plates: 110


1. Pasteurization
 Destroy all the pathogenic bacteria
 3 types of pasteurization:
i. Batch pasteurization (68.5°C/30 min.)

ii. HTST (80°C/25 seconds)

iii. UHT (98.8°C-128.3°C/ 0-4 seconds)

 Improve flavor

2. Homogenizing The Mix

 Fat size NMT 2µm
 Usually done at 63-77°C
 2-Stage homogenizer pressure: 1st stage (2000-2500 psi)
2nd stage (500 psi)
 Reduce ageing time
 Less stabilizer required
 Less opportunity for churning in freezer

3. Cooling & Ageing The Mix

 Continuous agitation at 2-5°C for 4-24 hours.
 Stabilizer draws water takes full effect
 Fat solidies& crystalize
 Protein act(impart) stabilization by drawing water and
 Very little air in the mix – Results a soggy & heavy Ice-cream.

4. Freezing The Mix

 Converts mix into ice-cream by simultaneously aerating,
freezing & beating.
 Approximately temperature: -5.6°C
 To generate ice-crystals
 The air bubbles & Matrix
 Freezing a portion of water in the mix

Overrun Calculation

%overrun = vol. of ice-cream – volume of mix used × 100

Vol. of mix used
%overrun = wt. of mix – wt. of same volume ice-cream
Wt. of same volume ice-cream

5. Hardening
 At -35°C or below for 50 min.
 To prevent ice melting & recrystallization
6. Storage
 The ice cream should be stored in a deep freezer at -18 to -23°C. It should not be allowed
to melt for two reasons: first this would allow any bacteria in the ice cream to grow and
spoil the product, and secondly the air in the ice cream escapes and it loses its texture to
become solid ice when re-frozen. When the molten ice cream re-freezes, ice crystals
formed are much larger than the crystals formed in freezers and the ice cream taste more


Parameter Temperature / time

SMP blending temp. 35-40°C

Sugar and stamulcol (stabilizer) blending 55 -65°C


Mix pasteurization 83°C/26 second

Chilling temp. 10±2°C (for mix)

18±2°C (for chocolate and kulfi mix)

Nut processing ≥75°C/30 min.

Hardening Below -25°C

Dry fruit cold store temp. 5-10°C

Aging time temp. ≤10°C/4hr.

Pasteurization plain syrup 76±3°C

After blending circulation 15 min.


A -Raw Material Storage

B -Dissolving Of Ingredients And Mixing
C -Pasteurization, Homogenization and Fat Standardization of The Mix
D -Ice Cream Production Plant
1. Mixing Unit
2. Plate Heat Exchanger
3. Mixing Tanks (At Least Two For Continuous Processing)
4. Plate Heat Exchanger
5. Homogenizer
6. Tank For AMF Or Vegetable Fat
7. Ageing Tanks
8. Continuous Freezers
9. Bar Freezer
10. Wrapping And Stacking Unit
11. Cartooning Unit
12. Cup/Cone Filler
13. Hardening Tunnel
14. Cartooning Line
15. Return Conveyor For Empty Trays
16. Tray Tunnel Extruder
17. Chocolate Enrobing Unit
18. Cooling Tunnel
19. Wrapping Unit
20. Cartooning Unit
21. Cold Storage

Variety Milk Milk Milk Sugar Stabilizer- Total Overrun Acidity

fat SNF protein (%) Emulsifier solid (%) (%LA)
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

Regular 13-14 10.70- 3.75- 15-16 0.33-.37 39-41 90-100 0.18

11.30 3.95

Sundae 13-14 12.20- 4.25- 15-16 0.33-0.37 40.50- 90-100 0.18

13.60 4.75 44

Basundi 14.50- 12.50- 4.35- 15-16 0.35 42.35- 90-100 0.18

15.50 13.50 4.75 45.35

Chocolate 11.20- 9.2- 3.2-3.4 16.9- 0.28-0.32 43.40- 90-100 0.2

12.00 9.7 17.70 45.60

Condensed 14.50- 12.30- 4.30- 14.90- 0.35-0.39 42- 90-100 0.18

15.50 13.15 4.60 15.70 44.70

Kulfi 15.40- 12.30- 4.30- 14.90- 0.33-0.37 43-45 90-100 -

16.20 13.10 4.60 15.70

Plain - - 50 - 57 - -

Plain kulfi 17 4.38 10 - 39.85 - 0.18


Sugar - - 23. - 27.3 - 0.30-

solution 0.35


Variety - Butter Choco Vanilla Vanilla Butter

scotch crunch tricone tricone scotch
tricone tricone tricone

Ingredient Unit (100 ml) (100 ml) (90 ml) (40 ml) (50 ml)

Ice cream gm 42 42 35.5 16 19

Chocolate slurry (1st spray) gm 7 7 6 4 4

Chocolate slurry (2nd spray) gm 3 3 - 2 2

Topping: milk Choco chips gm - - 2 - -

Cone biscuit gm 11 11 11 8 8

Foil + lid gm 2.75 2.75 3 2 2

Total gm 68.25 68.25 57.5 32 36.5


Sr.No. Variety Nuts (%)/100 ml

1 Butter scotch 10

2 Kajudraksh 12

3 Kesar pista 5

4 American nuts 15
5 Afghan dry fruit 12

6 Fruit & nut fantasy 12

7 Cookies N cream 8

8 Kajuanjir 12

9 Choco chips 8

10 Morroccun dry fruit 8

11 Butter scotch tricone 2.5

12 Mawamalaikulfi 1

13 Frostik 3


From Mix Tank Pipe In Pipe Filter  Balance Tank  Pump  Reg.1 Pump 
Homogenizer Heating  FDV For Mix Send In Basundi Tank (No Holding) Holding
Tube  Hot FDV  Reg.1 Well Water  Pump  Chilling  Chill FDV  Ice Cream
Aging Tank


After heating in PHEBasundi Tank  90°C/1-2 hr. heatin vat & agitate at 25 rpm Color
& Flavor development THE (tubular heat exchanger). in these 3 sections Ageing Tank
 treat as Ice-cream mix & Flow.

 THE Section
a. 60°C (well water)
b. 40°C (well water)
c. 10-15°C (Chilled water)

SOP for Draksh / Raisins 1. Manually clean and sort Draksh

2. Pass through metal detector SOP for Cashew & Pistachio
3. Wash it for 2-3 times with warm
1. Manually clean & sieve
water for dirt clean
2. Cut the dry fruits with help of nut
4. Dip for 20 min. In hot water having
cutting machine
temp. 80-85°C
3. Heat in oven at 80-85°C for 30
5. Drain water completely
6. Cool at room temperature
4. Cool at room temperature
7. Pack in food grain bag
5. Pack in bag (5kg / 10kg)
8. Store in cool place
6. Pass through metal detector
7. Stores in cool & Dry place

Ex: UBG 2645

UB - Union Grade

G - Fed code / given by fed (Changes every year)

264 - Day of year

5 - Ageing Tank No.



1. Syrup Dosing
2. Stick Station
3. Pickup Station
4. Depositor (Candy Drop)
5. Pocket Conveyer
6. Wrapping 1 & 2
7. Packing Conveyer
8. Raping Machine
9. Metal Detector
10. Hardening Tunnel
11. Cold Store and Dispatch

 Suction station after storage tank-1 & form 10-12 mm layer

 And Choco dipping vat after pickup station (Choco + Nut)

 CaCl2 Brine solution -32°C chill with PHE by Ammonia

Station (cone)
1-Cone release station, 2-Cone sensing station, 3-Choco spray station, 4-Filling
station ,5-Choco topping station,6- Dry nut station, 7-Cone lid placing unit ,8 -
Cone closing station (crimpling), 9-Conveyor, 10-Metal detector, 11-Hardening
tunnel, 12-Bulk packaging, 13- Cold store,14-Dispatch
O-PRP-1. receipt and storage of Pasteurized O-PRP-2. Receipt and storage
milk/High fat milk in storage tank @ 6±2 °C of Cream in storage tank @ ≤
AS per recipe heating High fat milk to 35-40 °C for dissolving SMP& Cocoa powder and 55-60
°C for dissolving Sugar, Dark Chocó chips(buttons), Stabilizer & emulsifier. AND for Candy
heating water to 65±2°C

As per recipe mixing SMP, Sugar,

Cocoa powder, Dark Chocó Mixing in Tank Filled in cans for addition in FMT
chips(buttons)stabilizer & emulsifier
with Past. High fat Milk AND for
Candy mixing Sugar, Dextrose, Citric
Homogenization of Mix at CCP-2. Rejected ice-cream
acid and stabilizer & emulsifier
Heated to 65-70 °C for 30-35 min.
through blender at 55-60°C having 1st2000-2200/ 2nd500 psi
& cooled to 10±2°C in Rework
inline filter bag and Metallic filter
tank OR in Cans

CCP-1. Pasteurization of Mix

&Plain syrup @83 & 76±3°C/25 sec. Measuring and addition of
emulsions SCM/Fruit Jelly
Storage of Mix/Plain syrup in tank as per recipe
Cutting/Slicing of Nuts
@<12°C for Ageing for Min. 4 O-PRP-7. Supply of Air
0PRP-5. Roasting of Dry
fruits /Nuts /Saffron @80- O-PRP-3. Mix/ Plain syrup at Flavor Crushed with sufficient.
85°C/20-25min. mixing tank maintained @ 6±2 °C
water in a clean mixer

OPRP-7. Air incorporation stored in previously

Dry fruits/Nuts Packed cleaned closed container
5/10kg in poly bag
Freezing -5°C
OPRP-6. Saffron heated in
CCP-2A. Raisins &Dry fruits/Nuts
Microwave at 80°C for 1 min.
Passed through Metal Detector
Addition through Fruit/Nut
feeder as per recipe

Raisins Packed 5/10kg in poly bag

Filled in cup, cover with lid OR filled
in cartons having batch/date/price
O-PRP-4. Raisins dipped in print on it
potable water at 80-85 °C for Printing
20-25 min. and water is CCP-2. Cups arranged in CBX and batch/date/price on
drained off Cartons (PP) are passed through metal detector Lid & Cartons &
Formation ofCartons
Washing of Raisins 3-4
times with potable water
CBX passed through hardening tunnel at -35 to -40 °C for 40-280
min. OR put in clean crate and stored in cold room at < -18°C
Weighing and sorting of
Dry fruit/Raisins/Nuts
OPRP-8. Storage at below -18°C
Cleaning of dirty crates
Receipt and storage of Dry fruit/
Raisins/Nuts/Butter scotch Dispatch through cold chain
Chikki/ Chocolate chips/ Dark
Chocó chips(buttons) < 15 °C
Sprayed in Candy/Kulfi Mold maintained at - 30 to -40°C by brine through
ammonia chiller to at Product temp. < -15°c

Centre Filling of Chocolate Flavored Syrup/Flavored mix/Chocolate mix in

Syrup balance tank of Candy M/C

O-PRP-7A. Air incorporation

Formed Candy/Kulfi
automatically lifted from
Mold/Dye & malformed candy
blown out by air gun Freezing -5°C

Sprayed in Cone
Kulfi dipped in
processed Chocolate in
Candy M/C tank
Filled in cone
having processed sliced
dry fruits received from
step 20 as per recipe
Topping in cone with Cashew filled in packing M/C

Wrapped in printed. wrapper

having online batch/date print Cone cover with lid having
batch/ date/ price
filled in Spray & Topping
Topping tanks in packing M/C
Cone/Candy & Kulfi arranged
in cone crate /CBX/ crate and
either passed through hardening
tunnel at -35 to - 40°C for 40- Heating Chocolate with
280 min. OR stored in cold Coconut Oil or Chocolate
room at <-18°C slurry in tank at 50-60 °C for
15-20 min.

Cone/Candy & Kulfi arranged in


CCP-2C. Candy & Kulfi passed

through Metal detector and put in

OPRP-8B. Storage of
Candy/Kulfi & Cone at below -

Dispatch through cold chain


1. 40-50 ml rotary cone filling machine: - 2. 1 L Rotary tub filling machine

 Make: - PWS Eng. Pvt. Ltd  Make: - PWS Eng. Pvt. Ltd
 Speed max. 6696/hr.  Speed max. 1350/hr.
 Two cones fill at a time.  One tub fills at a time.

3. 65-100 ml rotary cup filling machine 4. 100-120 ml linear cone filling machine
 Make: - PWS Eng. Pvt. Ltd  Make: - PWS Eng. Pvt. Ltd
 Speed max. 6572/hr.  Speed max. 12,600/hr.
 Two cups fill at a time.  Six cones fill at a time.

5. 30 ml rotary cup filling machine 6. Rotary type candy machine (stick)

 Make: - PWS Eng. Pvt. Ltd  Make: - Puyuan
 Speed max. 13,000/hr.  Speed max. 12,000/hr.
 Four cups fill at a time.  Eleven candies fill at a time.

7. 120 ml rotary cone filling machine 8. Punjabi kulfi (round shape- stick)
 Make: - PWS Eng. Pvt. Ltd  Type: linear parallel
 Speed max. 3000/hr.  Make: puyuan
 One cone fills at a time.  Speed. Max: 6000/hr.
 Sven kulfi fill at a time

Frostik 70 ml

Ice cream gm 38 Deutz 60 ml

Cho. Inside pencil 14 Mix in gm 27.76

Cho. Coating 10 Mango syrup 25.68

Nut gm 3 Stick 1.5

Stick 1.5 Wrapper 1.5

Wrapper 1.5 Total wt. in gm 56.44

Total wt. in gm 68

Mavamalai Kulfi 60 ml

Kulfi mix gm 38.5

Choco Bar 60 ml
Cho. Coating slurry 10.5
Mix in gm 32
Nut 1
Cho. coating 12
Stick 1.5
Stick 1.5
Wrapper 1.5
Wrapper 1.5
Total wt. in gm 53
Total wt. in gm 47

Candy 50 ml

syrup 54 Rabrikulfi 50 ml

Stick 1.5 Kulfi mix in gm 36

Wrapper 1.5 Stick 1.5

Total wt. in gm 57 Wrapper 1.5

Total wt. in gm 39

Name of Flavors Mix + Ingredients Pack Size MRP(Rs.)

Vanilla Regular mix (100%), flavor 30 ml 5
65 ml 10
100 ml 15
750+750 ml 190
Tub 1 L 160
2L 245
2 L syrup 200
5L 560
Malaimasti Condensed milk mix (100%), 30 ml 5
flavor (kulfi), color (carmeline
Badammasti Regular mix (100%), flavor 65 ml 10
Strawberry Regular mix (100%), flavor 30 ml 5
(strawberry), color (Erythrosine
65 ml 10
supra (1%))
750+750 ml 200
5L 560
Butterscotch Regular (100%) 100 ml 20
750+750 ml 230
Tub 1 L 190
5L 650
Kajudraksh Regular mi (88%), cashew (8%), 100 ml 25
draksh (4%), flavor (vanilla)
750+750 ml 270
Tub 1 L 150
5L 800
Kesar pista Regular mix (95%), pista (5%), 100 ml 30
color (sunset yellow (6%)), flavor
750+750 ml 330
(pure saffron)
5L 1000
American nuts Regular (90%), almond (2%), 100 ml 25
cashew (2%), Choco chips (2%),
750+750 ml 135
orange jelly (2%), raisins (2%), 5L 800
Rajbhog Regular mix (83%), basundi mix 100 ml 30
(4%), honey (2.5%), roasted
125 ml 35
cashew (7%), almond (3.5%)
750+750 ml 330
Tub 1 L 250
5L 1000
Afgan dry fruit Regular mix (88%), cashew 100 ml 25
(2.5%), Choco chips (3%), draksh
750+750 ml 260
(2.5%), orange jelly (4%), flavor
kesar elaichi, color (sunset yellow) 5L 730

Fruit N Nut Fantasy Regular mix (88%), cashew 125 ml 30

(2.5%), Choco chips (3%), draksh
Tub 1 L 200
(2.5%), orange jelly (4%), flavor
kesar elaichi, color (sunset yellow) 2L 300

Alphanso mango Regular mix (90%), alphanso pulp 100 ml 15

(8%), chasni (2%), color (T. supra,
750+750 ml 220
S.yellow), flavor (mango)
1L 99
5L 610
Cookies N cream Regular mix (92%), cookies (8%), 750+750 ml 230
flavor (milk caramel eclairs)
5L 620
Chocolate Regular mix (92%), Choco 750+750 ml 230
brownine (8%)
5L 650
KajuAnjir Regular mix (86%), anjir (8%), 750+750 ml 300
kaju (4%), chasni (2%), chocolate
brown (6%)
SSCB Regular mix (83%), cream ball 750+750 ml 320
(10%), SCM (7%), flavor (pure
5L 1000
saffron, rose white)
ShahiAnjir Regular mix (86%), anjir (12%), 750+750 ml 270
chasni (2%), flavor (American I/C
soda, vanilla), color (chocolate
brown (6%))
Choco chips Chocolate mix (92%), Choco chips 100 ml 25
750+750 ml 240
Tub 1 L 200
5L 740
Butter scotch Regular mix (100%), flavor (butter 50 ml 15
tricone scotch), color (chocolate brown)
100 ml 20
120 ml 25
Chocolate tricone - 100 ml 25
120 ml 30
Cho. vanilla tricone Regular mix (100%), milk Choco 40 ml 10
chips (2%), cone
90 ml 15
120 ml 20
Prolife choc-bar Regular mix (100%), flavor 60 ml 15
(vanilla), culture (LA5, BB12)
Orange candy Plain juicy water (100%), flavor, 50 ml 5
Mango candy Plain juicy water (100%), flavor 50 ml 5
(Mango emulsion), color (sunset
yellow, T. supra)
Pineapple whey Paneer Whey 76.9%), sugar 50 ml 5
candy (19.5%), glucose powder dextranil
(3%), stabilizer (03%), C. A (03%),
flavor (pineapple), color (T.supra
Cola candy - 50 ml 5
Rabrii kulfi Plain kulfi mix (85%), mithai mate 45 ml 10
(15%), flavor (rabri), color (Choco
Rajbhog kulfi basundi mix (67.8%), cashew 60 ml 20
(1.5%), W. Choco coating (29.2),
flavor (saffron, cardamom special,
honey flavor, saffron special), color
(T. supra)
Badshahi kulfi Basundi mix (69.3), white Choco 60 ml 20
coating (29.2), almond (1%) pista
(0.5%), color (apple green), flavor
(pista, creamy almond)
Pistamalai kulfi Basundi mix (67.8%), pista (2.2%), 60 ml 20
white Choco (30%)
Mawamalai kulfi Condensed mix (77%), white 60 ml 20
Choco coating slurry (21%),
cashew (2%), flavor (cardamom),
color (chocolate brown (6%))
Mango duets PJW (92%), mango pulp (8%), 60 ml 15
flavor (mango emulsion), color
(sunset yellow (6%))
Raspberry Deutz Regular mix (60%), plain syrup 60 ml 15
(40%), flavor (raspberry no 1),
color (carmosine supra (5%))
Frostik Chocolate mix (58.47%), Choco 70 ml 30
slurry (36.91%), roasted cashew
Sundae swirl - 125 ml 25
Sundae chocolate Sundae mix (79.5%), Choco ripple 125 ml 30
(12%), Choco slurry (8.5%)
Rajasthani kulfi Basundi mix (100%), color, flavor 60 ml 20
Punjabi kulfi Basundi mix (99.9%), cardamom 60 ml 20
powder (0.1%), flavor (cardamom
Kashmiri kulfi Basundi mix (100%), color (sunset 60 ml 20
yellow, T. supra), flavor (pure
Rosogolla kulfi Condensed mix (85%), crushed 60 l 20
rasogolla (15%)

T. Supra = Tartrazine Supra

For De-Frosting:72 hrs. after done by water for hardening tunnel & for cold store -5°C compressors
hot gas takes in circulation.

Dairy Ingredients

Source of Milk Fat Source of Milk SNF Combined Source Of Fat


Butter Skim milk powder Cream

Anhydrous milk fat / Whey protein concentration Sweetened condensed milk


Whey powder Whole milk

Lactose powder

Non - Dairy Ingredients

Natural Sucrose, Fructose, Glucose, Galactose, Maltose,

Rhamnose, Lactose
Artificial Aspartame, Neotame, Sucralose, Acesulfame-K

Gelatin, Guar Gum, Sodium alginate, Carboxy methyl

cellulose, Pectin, etc.

Monoglycerides and diglycerides, polysorbate,

polyglycerol esters

Color, Flavor, Fruits, Nuts, Chocolate and Cocoa etc.



 Icequell in Basundi & Condensed mix: Approx. 0.33 - 0.35%

 Cocoa Powder: Alkali treated
 Citrus Pectin: Ripple production
 Stamulcol (ICGC):

Guar Gum (E-412), Mono& di-glycerides of fatty acids (E-471), Carrangeenan (E-407), Sodium
carboxy methyl cellulose (E-466), Xanthan Gum (E-415), Sucrose (sugar).

 Icequell:

Stabilizers (INS- 412, INS- 466, INS-415, INS-407),

Sugar, Maltodextrin may contain traces of gluten, milk & soya

Use: - 0.30-0.50%

Information About CIP.

(All tanks are 10 KL but fresh water tank is 3 KL & all abc make)
Steps /Recipe

i.Fresh water

ii.Full CIP (CAC: Caustic-Acid Caustic)

iii.Full CIP + sterilization


v.Lye + sterilization


vii.Full CIP (CA: Caustic-Acid)

1.Fresh Water

Fresh water cycle -30°C

Conductivity return cycle set point -3ms.

2.Full CIP (CAC)

Steps Temperature Minute

Fresh water 30°C 5

Hot lye 70°C 10

Conductivity recovery cycle - 2


Acid cycle 65°C 15

CRC - 2

Hot lye 70°C 10

CRC - 2

Fresh water 30°C 5

Set Point of Conductivity = 15ms (if, >15 ms to return tank)

3.Full CIP + Sterilization

Steps Minute

Fresh water 5

Hot lye 10


Acid 15


Hot lye 10


Sterilization 15 ≥80°C hot water


Steps Minute
Fresh water circulation 5minute

Hot lye 10 minutes

Conductivity return cycle 2ms

i. Lye +sterilization:
ii. Sterilization: - 15 minute at ≥ 80°C.
iii. Sterilization: - 15 minute at ≥ 80°C.
iv. Full CIP (CA)

Steps Minute

Fresh water circulation 5

Hot lye 10 @ 70°C


Acid cycle 15 @ 65°C


Sterilization 15 @ 80°C

Local CIP: -Time as per set

 For freezer & pasteurizer of mix (optional)

 Fresh water
 Hot lye
 Lye flush
 Hot water @ 80°C


 Drying is a method of preservation

by which products are changed to a
form which is light and capable of
being stored at room temperature.
Dried milk products play a
significant role in storage since their
biological value can be retained for
a long period of time under
relatively simple storage conditions.
Long storage stability is however,
obtained only if the product is packed in a water vapor, air and light impermeable material. Dried
milk accounts for a substantial portion of the milk products made, the major one being skimmed
milk powder.
 Thus, manufacturing the condensed and dried milk has become increase important segment of
dairy industry. There are definite indications of great feature for the production of dried milk and
milk product due to their better keeping quality lesser storage and lower transportation cost.
Hence only dried milk is called the balance wheel of dairy industry.
 There is powder plant having capacity 30 Ton/day. In this dairy only skim milk powder is
prepared under the brand name AMUL.

The Objectives of Drying Milk Summarized Below

 To remove the moisture so as to reduce bulk, thereby effecting a saving in storage space and
packaging costs
 To reduce the cost of transportation
 To improve the storage life of the product
 To provide a product with versatile uses in many foods manufacturing operations
 To conserve the natural properties of the original raw material to the maximum possible extent
 In Sumul (Surat) powder plant is manual

Sr.No. Particulars Skim Milk

1 Fat 0.07 %

2 SNF 9.50 %

3 Acidity 0.130

4 C.O.B. - ve

5 MBRT > 5 hr.

6 Phosphates Test -ve

7 Temperature 5-7 0C

8 Baume Reading 19-22

9 T.S. of Concentrated Milk 42-44 %

10 Feeding Temperature 58-60 0C


Sr. No. Characteristics Requirements

1 Description White or Light Cream in color, Free from Lumps,


2 Flavor& Taste Flavor shall be pleasant and clean and free from off

3 Moisture 3.5 %, By mass, max

4 T.S. 96.0 %,By mass, min

5 Fat 1.5 %,By mass, max

6 Insolubility Index 2.0 ml max

7 Total Ash 8.2 (DMB), % By mass, max

8 Titratable Acidity 1.5 (as L.A)% by mass, max

9 Coliform Count 10/ gram (m) & 50/gram (M)

10 Total Count 40000Per gram, max


Sr.No. Equipment Number of Equipment

1 Number of Effect 5

2 Calandria 5

3 Vapor Separator 5

4 Vacuum Pump 2

5 Barometric Condenser 1

6 Normal Temperature Pasteurizer 1

7 Holding coil 1

8 Reheater 1

9 Thermal vapor compressor 1

10 Balance Tank 1

11 Centrifugal Pump 12

12 Concentrate Tank 3 (600L, 650L, &650L)

13 Cooling Water Supply Pump 1

14 Cooling Water Return Pump 1

15 Condensate Supply Pump (HPP) 2


1. Calandria
 This unit is used to heat the milk above boiling temperature of respective pressure. The source of
heat is steam or recompressed vapor from vapor separator. With the help of thermo compressor.
Milk film profile is falling film type. Milk is thorn over distributor plate. In distributor plate
number of calandria tubes. milk from distributor tube fall over the vacant space among the
two/three calandria tubes and milk entering the calandria by making the film inside of tubes, this
homogeneous flow of milk occurs in the tube steam vapor inside the jacketed of the calendries
pipe line given for removal of non-condensable gases and condensate.

2. Falling Film Evaporators

 The heat exchange surface in a falling film evaporator consists of a bundle of tubes down which
the product flows. Depending on the design, the tubes are 4-10 m long and have a diameter of 25-
80 mm. The falling film evaporator has become of great importance to the dairy industry. The
relatively short contact times and the possibility of accurate temperature control ensure mild
evaporating conditions.

3. Vapor Separator

 First function is to separate vapor from the liquid, due to increase in surface area in vapor
separator. Vapor is separated from liquid.

4. Condenser

 Condenser is called heat of condensing unit. It used to remove latent heat of vapor of liquid it so
that vacuum of condensing unit is maintained. In all unit barometric leg condenser is used. Height
of barometric condenser is 10.33 meter.

5. Vacuum Pump

A Pump that takes suction at a presser below atmospheric and discharges against the atmosphere
pressure is called vacuum pump. It is used to remove non condensable gases.

6. Normal Temperature Pasteurizer (NTP)

 It used to pasteurize the milk temperature is maintained between 72-780C

7. Holding Coil

 It used to hold the pasteurized milk for the desired time for proper pasteurization.

8. Thermal vapor re-compressor (TVR)

 It used to compress the vapor from 3rd vapor separator and used to heat the milk in 1 stcalandria
with the help of high presser steam.

9. Reheater

 It used to heat the milk which come from the 5th effect for decrease the viscosity of the

10. Pre–Heaters

 There is the external shell & tube pre-heaters connected to the Calandria1 shell. It’s fitted before

11. Pumps

 To feed the milk to plant, to remove the condensate from the system, to circulate and reticulate
the milk in calandria.

Discription of Equipment -Evaporation Section

Falling Film Evaporator

 The liquid to be evaporated is evenly distributed on the inner surface of a tube. The liquid will
flow downwards forming a thin film, from which the boiling/evaporation will take place because
of the heat applied by the steam. The steam will condense and flow downwards on the outer
surface of the tube. A number of tubes are built together side by side. At each end the tubes are
fixed to tube plates, and finally the tube bundle is enclosed by a jacket. The steam is introduced
through the jacket. The space between the tubes is thus forming the heating section. The inner
side of the tubes is called the boiling section. Together they form the so-called calandria. The
concentrated liquid and the vapor leave the calandria at the bottom part, from where the main
proportion of the concentrated liquid is discharged. The remaining part enters the subsequent
separator tangentially together with the vapor. The separated concentrate is discharged (usually
by means of the same pump as for the major part of the concentrate from the calandria), and the
vapor leaves the separator from the top. The heating steam, which condenses on the outer surface
of the tubes, is collected as condensate at the bottom part of the heating section, from where it is
discharged by means of a pump.
 Since milk, due to the protein content, is a heat-
sensitive product, evaporation (i.e., boiling) at
100ºC will result in denaturation of these proteins
to such an extent that the final product is
considered unfit for consumption. The boiling
section is therefore operated under vacuum, which
means that the boiling/evaporation takes place at a
lower temperature than that corresponding to the
normal atmospheric pressure. The vacuum is created by a vacuum pump prior to start-up of the
evaporator and is maintained by condensing the vapor by means of cooling water. A vacuum
pump or similar is used to evacuate incondensable gases from the milk.

Vacuum Equipment
 The vacuum in the last effect of the evaporator is a function of the amount of cooling water and
the temperature. The vacuum in the first and intermediate effects is created by the subsequent
calandria acting as a condenser for the vapors from the previous effect. Any change in the
evaporation rate in one effect, due to fouling for example (decrease of K factor), therefore means
that less vapor is condensed. This results in increased boiling temperature in the previous effect,
the ∆t decreases and so does the overall evaporation capacity. Each effect is connected to the
condenser to ensure the deaeration of incondensable air and gas.
 To create and maintain (due to the incondensable gases and leaks) the vacuum in the evaporator,
Vacuum pump is used.


 As the vapors generated from the evaporation are used as heating media in the "next" calandria,
any product must be separated, since it would otherwise contaminate the condensate and further
represent a loss.
 The majority of the concentrate is discharged from the bottom of the calandria below the tube
bundle. Due to the high vapor velocity some of the concentrate will be carried along with the
vapor as small droplets. The separation is done in a separator with tangential vapor inlet,
connected to the calandria below the tube.
 Special care is taken to design the separator to avoid product carry-over at lowest possible
pressure drop, as a drop in the pressure is equal to drop in heating enthalpy in the following
calandria with an all-over drop in the efficiency as a result.


 In thermo compressor, the kinetic energy of a jet of steam is used to compress the vapor.
 It consists of a steam nozzle, suction chamber with inlet for sucking in the vapor, mixing chamber
and recompression chamber.
 Steam pressure usually employed in the condensing plant is about 8-12 bar and suction pressure
about 0.2-0.3 bar depending on the effect from which the vapor is drawn. The expanded steam
emerges from the nozzle as a jet of steam. The velocity of the steam is about 1000 m/sec.
 In the mixing chamber the sucked-in vapor is entrained and carried away by the expanded steam.
 The vapor is accelerated as the steam transfers its kinetic energy to it.
 The mixing occurs at constant pressure, the enthalpy is increased. The kinetic energy of mixture
is converted into potential energy.
 In this way the low-pressure steam taken from a lower effect is compressed to a higher pressure
corresponding to the inlet pressure of previous stage operating at higher pressure and temperature.
 The vapor drawn from the first effect is recompressed
and used for the same effect again.
 This is due to the fact that the evaporating capacity of
earlier effects is increased. With thermo compressor
drawing vapor from the second effect, one must
choose the right thermo compressor to achieve a
temperature which lies at least 5oC above the boiling
temperature of the first effect.
 The performance of thermo compressor is influenced
by the heat transfer rate in calandria, suction pressure,
discharge pressure and the motive steam pressure.

 It is placed high enough so that water and

condensate from the condenser escapes from it
by a barometric leg. In order to remove water
and condensate from the plant without losing
vacuum it is necessary that a leg of liquid be
maintained with a hydrostatic head Hρg, equal
to the difference between vacuum and
atmospheric pressure; where H is the height and
ρ is the density. In this manner the upper surface
of the liquid in the tail pipe is at a pressure
corresponding to the vacuum and the liquid at
the bottom of the tail pipe is at atmospheric pressure due to the weight of the hydrostatic head.
Thus, liquid under vacuum continuously enters the tail pipe and liquid at atmospheric pressure
continuously leaves from the bottom of the tail pipe by way of the hot well at the bottom.
Atmospheric pressure corresponds to a hydrostatic head of 10.35 meters of water and complete
vacuum corresponds to zero hydrostatic head. To maintain a process at substantially complete
vacuum requires a leg of 10.35 meter of water be maintained between the barometric condenser
and the hot well.
 If a pump is used to remove the tail pipe liquid instead of a total barometric height, whatever head
is supplied by the pump can be deducted from the total barometric height and the assembly is
known as a low-level condenser.
 P=Hρg, where P=1.013x105 Pa =1.013 bar i.e., Atmospheric pressure


Sr.No. Particulars Standard Parameter

1 Milk Flow lit/hr. 7000-8000

2 Baume reading 20-22.5

3 Over all vacuum in mm of Hg. > 670 (710 observed)

4 NTP Temperature 72-78°C

5 VS-I 62-65°C

6 VS-II 57-61°C

7 VS-III 50-54°C

8 VS-IV 46-50°C

9 VS-V 41-44°C

9 Temp.of cold water 20-35°C

10 Temp of Hot water 35-42°C

11 TVR Steam Pressure 7-12.5 bar


Sr. No. Parameter unit Value

1 Input feed Skim milk

2 Feed temp. 5-80C

3 Feed rate kg/hr 7596

4 Solid in feed 9%

5 Water evaporation kg/hr 6330

6 Solid in concentration 45%

7 Concentrate output kg/hr 1266

8 Pasteurization temp. 76°C

9 Cooling water temp. 290C in & 410C out

10 Cooling water flowrate 40m3/hr


Pasteurized skim milk from storage silo,

1&2 ,60KL capacity (each) Cal-5 (B) Cal-5 (A),43.3°C(out)

Receipt in balance tank@5-8°C(300ltr.) RH (Reheater)

Feed pump (8000 lit./hr) Cal-4(B) Cal-4 (A),47.1°C(out)

BC (-710mm hg)(regeneration) FS (Finisher)

Calandria-5regeneration coil Centrifugal pump no-10

Calandria-4 regeneration coil


Calandria-3 regeneration coil

Concentrate return if
not OK (TS)
Calandria-2 regeneration coil

To concentration tank
PH (Pre heater)

NTP 76°C(out) Vacuum pump (for non-condensed gas)

HC (Holding coil)
TT (41°C- In) Cooling tower @ 29°C-
Cal-1 (A) Cal-1 (B),62.7°C(out), shell
temperature 64.5°C (7cm insulation)
Purple-Vapor line(use)
Red-Steam line
Cal-2, 57.2°C(out)(7cm insulation app.)
Blue- Water line
TVR (5 bar). steam ejector.
Cal-3 (A) Cal-3 (B),53°C(out) NTP is insulated: 7 cm app.
TT: water collection tank.
High pressure NTP: Normal Temperature Pasteurizer
To 5th number
steam BC: Barometric condenser

 Microorganisms have an absolute demand for water, without water no growth can occur. The
preservation of milk by drying is a direct consequence of removal of moisture. Drying extended
the shelf life of milk simultaneously reduce the volume and weight and lower the cost of
transportation and storage the product. During first stage of drying the excess moisture present in
the free from between the particle of dry solids is evaporated. During final stage of drying the
water content in the pores and capillaries of solid particle are also evaporated.


Sr. Particulars Specification

1 Hot air Inlet Temperature 188-195 0C
2 Hot air Outlet Temperature 88-93 0C
3 Concentrate Feed Pressure 250-300 bar
4 Concentrate Pre-heater Temperature 60-70 0C
5 Neck Cooling 72-780C
6 Ceiling Cooling Temperature 40-500C
7 EFBD Outlet Temperature 65-75 0C
8 EFBD I 90-100 0C
9 EFBD II 25-35 0C
10 IFBD Powder Temperature 80-85 0C
11 IFBD Inlet Air Temperature 100-105 0C
12 Vacuum of Drying Chamber -8 to-10 mm of WC

System Description For Three-Stage Spray Drying Plant

The three-stage spray drying plant consist of the following systems

1. Feed system: Consist of three numbers of concentrate tank ,1 No. Booster feed pump, and 2 No.
high pressure feed pump with feed pipes and fitting.

2. Concentrate Preheating System: Consisting of a concentrate preheated with vacuum pump and
pipes system.

3. Feed Atomization system: Consisting of high-pressure nozzle atomizer with fines recirculation

4. Air Distribution System: Consisting of an efficient air distribution placed on chamber Top.

5. Main hot air supply system: Consisting of main air filters, centrifuge fan for delivery air,
indirect steam air heater and SS ducting duly insulated and cladded.

6. First stage drying system: Consisting of drying chamber, which is duly insulated, cladded and
fitted with elective hammers 2 Nos. wall sweep heads, a set of a fine extinguishing nozzle and 3
Nos. pressure relief panels.

7. Fines Separation and air exhaust system:The moist air leaving the drier carries with it some
dried product which needs to be separated for better yield and preventing air pollution. This may
be achieved either inside the drier or outside it. The relatively large particles, which may
constitute approximately 80 per cent or more of the yield respond to the force of gravity and get
deposited on the sides or drop to the floor of the chamber. The milk fines become entrained in the
air currents and are recovered by mechanical means.

8. Second Stage of Drying is Static Bed: In this system the bed is static and the hot air is only
supplying the powder bed and there is also moisture remain in the product is removed by hot air.

9. Third stage of drying, cooling and conveying system: Consist of an exhaust fluid bed dryer
placed under the chamber and connected by flexible connection. The VFBD consist of two parts
one for hot air (Third stage of drying) and other for powder cooling and conveying.
10. Fluid Bed Air Supply System: Consist of air Filters, indirect steam air heaters/ dehumidifiers
and centrifugal air supply fans connected to the VFBD by a set of stainless-steel ducting. The
exhaust of VFBD is also connected to the powder duct. The air supply to the FBD is also exhaust
through the main exhaust fan.

11. Fines Recirculation system: Consist of high-pressure turbine blower blow through rotary valves
assembled below the cyclone. SS piping is connecting the fines recirculation nozzle of atomizer
and VFBD.

12. Auxiliary air supply system: Consist of air filters, heater and fan system for-

a. Wall sweep air supply chamber. (67°C)

b. Chamber ceiling cooling. (41.7°C)

c. Atomizer Neck cooling.(77.20°C)

13. Fire Extinguishing System: Consist of water tank. Water feed pump and fire extinguishing
nozzle all connected by a system of piping.

14. Shifter: The milk powder is passed through shifter to have uniform quality powder at packing

Sr. No. Parameter Value

1 Feed temp 60 0C

2 Feed rate 1266 kg/hr

3 Water evaporation 636 kg/hr

4 Powder output 630 kg/hr

5 Feed TS 45%

6 moisture in product 3.50 % (max.)

7 Inlet air temp. 190 0C

8 barometric pressure 750 mm of Hg



Condensed milk receipt in balance tank



HIPEX Heater 60±5 0C

Inline straining (pipe in pipe)

High pressure pump(250-300bar) (1000-1500 lit./hr.)

Pressure nozzle spraying

Drying in chamber (insulated app.12cm glass wool)

(Hot air inlet temp.180ºC min.& outlet temp. 85ºC min.)
Cyclone separator

Internal fluid-bed drier

(Filter hot air 90-120ºc)
Rotary valve

External fluid bed dryer

Hot air 80ºC min& cool air temp.35ºC min Fines return for
agglomeration with help of

Vibro shifting
(Powder waste /extraneous matter)

Bag filling
(Insertion of LDPE bag in kraft paper bag)

Weighing & stitching of 20kg bag

Storage at room temperature


1. Atomization
 The purpose of atomization is to obtain many small particles with a largesurface area, preferably
uniform in size generally ranging from 50-180 µm in diameter. Uniform particles provide: (a)
superior instantizing product (b) reduced product losses (c) less over and under drying and (d)
more efficient drying. The large surface area provides easy transfer of heat to the droplet and
transfer of moisture away from the droplet.

2. Drying Chamber
 The Drying Chamber is intended to achieve complete mixing of milk droplets with the hot air,
followed by rapid drying in a space of reasonable dimension with heat degradation and unwanted
wall deposits.

3. Air heater
 For heating the air, it is necessary, the combustion of gases, for this purpose, spark is produced
through electric circuit and initially small amount of gas are sent in the chamber then due to spark
these gases are burnt and there is photocell which sense and disconnect the electric circuit and
then valves of gas and natural gas are opened.

4. Electromagnetic Hammer
Several hammers are mounted on drying chamber. These help in avoiding the buildup of power
on the inner surface of the conical bottom.

5. Neck Cooling Fan

 It is used to provide to supply cool air to the chamber for cooling purpose.

6. Air Broom
 Air broom is used to remove the powder from conical wall of chamber. Air broom pipe is moving
in in circular motion near the wall surface and spray the compressed air on the wall surface.

7. Integrated Fluid bed Dryer (IFBD)

 The second stage of drying is placed at the bottom of drying chamber at outlet of conical part of
the drying chamber. This fluid bed is static (non-vibrating) and semi-dry powder dropped over
the adjustable weir into an external fluid bed for final drying and cooling.

8. External Fluid Bed Dryer (EFBD)

 External Fluid bed dryer is connected to the bottom of IFBD. Consist of casing with a perforated
bottom. The casing is spring mounted and can be vibrated by means of a motor. When layer of
powder is distributed on the perforated bottom the vibration will convey the powder at a uniform
speed along the length of the casing. The powder from the drying chamber is admitted into the
first section, where it is humidified. The vibratory convey the powder through the drying section.
Where air at a gradually decreasing temperature is admitted through the powder.

9. Rotary Valve
 Rotary valve is provided at the bottom of cyclone separator And Bottom of EFBD which are
working on negative pressure and need air pressure and need air sealing. These valves are used to
remove the powder from cyclone and EFBD. The rotary valves required low rotation and these
rotaries are connected with direct couple gear motor of self-drive.

12. Dehumidifier
 This reduced the humidity of the air, which present clumping and sticking of powder in the
conveying duct wall and cyclone separator. This also avoid the incorporation of moisture in the
powder, at first atmosphere air enter through the filter and passes over chilled water coil and
cooled below 10 0C. The air achieves dew point, the water vapor is condensed and air becomes
dry. After that air is passed over heating coil where it is heated up to 20 0C. This dry air at 10-20
C. is used to cool and convey the powder.

13. Cyclone
 Cyclone is centrifugal particle separator. It employs centrifugal rather than gravitational force to
remove the particle. Cyclone separator remove about 98-99 % of all partials above 20 um size. A
powder recovers more than 99.5 % is achieved.
14. Fire Extinguisher
 Spray water pipes with nozzle are guided at the top of spray drying chamber. In case there is fire
problem then spray valve is opened which can spray the water inside the chamber.



CCP -1 Use of tanks for Mesophilic and thermophilic microbes

maximum of 3 are grown along with pathogens in the
Condensed milk
hours and condensed milk at a temp 40 to 55°C In
holding for max 3
cleaning order to overcome the problem of
microbial contamination during storage
dual tanks are provided and switched
over during the drying run

Drying in chamber OPRP-1 Outlet air Pasteurized milk is used for drying so it
temperature: > inactivates all pathogen including
85°C salmonella. In spray drying there are no
inherent microbiological hazards within
the system till outlet. Skim milk is
usually requiring inlet air temperature
176.7 to 232.2°C, exit air temperature
drop below 93.3°C, substantially
reduced the bacterial population in
product. Inlet air temp 190 to 250°C
does not allow any microbial growth in
the drying chamber

Vitamin dosing tank Milk silo (1&2), 150KL Sugar dosing tank (1&2),
5L 2KL
Milk balance tank, 17030 kg/hr, 4°C, TS-8.5-9.5%

Dead vapor preheater(21m2) 4°C to 48.4°C, 17030 kg/hr, TS-8.5%

Steam 6 – 7 bar, 253 Direct contact pasteurizer (LTP) 48.4°C to 72°C, TS- 8.18%
Flash vessel 72°C to 80°C / regeneration, TS- 8.06%

Steam 3.5 bar Direct steam injector (DSI) 80°C to 90°C, 18243 kg/hr, TS- 7.94%

Holding tube 90-120 sec. TS- 7.94%

Regeneration of flash vessel 90°C to 81.83°C, 17984 kg/ hr, TS-

Conc. recovery tank
(5KL) Hydro cyclone, 17984 Kg/hr.

Calandria -1, single pass,13778 kg/hr, 81.83°C to 67°C, TS- 10.51%

PMST (for re-

Calandria-2, double pass, 64.1°C, TS- 15.1%, 9586 kg/hr

Calandria-3, double pass,61.14°C, TS-24.84%, 5828 kg/hr

Calandria-4, double pass, 58.1°C, TS- 32.59%,4441 kg/hr

From top of dryer Calandria -5, triple pass, 53.79°C, TS- 48.01%, 3015 kg/hr

Cyclone separator-1 Concentrated milk tank (1&2), 2KL each

Cyclone separator-2 HIPEX preheater 53°C to 70°C

Fines return for High pressure pump (HPP), 250-300 bar, 3015 kg/hr
agglomeration (to
top of spray dryer) Spray dryer (hot air in: 185°C 7 out at:
& 0.5% in air 83°C/ 54°C/20°C /
102°C) 20°C
Filling-> sealing-> BED DRYER, 2100 kg/hr, & 4.5 % moisture, 68°C DRYER, 1500 kg/hr, 26°C, 3.5%
stitching -> moisture
storage in
Manual filling

1. Flush with water

2. Circulation of ≥ 1.5% concentration lye (caustic soda) for 25 Min.
3. Flush the caustic by water
4. Circulation of 1% of HNO3 (Nitric acid) with water for 25 min.
5. Flush nitric acid by water
6. Circulation of 1% caustic for 25 min.
7. Flush the caustic by water
8. Check rinse test until negative
9. Sterilize the plant till ≥ 80°C water temperature gain in vapor separator: 5.


CIP after every 3 hrs. of running the plant

1. Rinse the tank with water

2. 0.1-0.5% lye circulation & scrub with hand
3. Rinse with water
4. Sanitize the tank with 50-100ppm iodophor. Or start live steam for 10 min & sterilized the tank


1. Dismantle of IFBD, EFBD, & Shift’s cloth

2. Dismantle of IFBD Blower, EFBD Blower, Fines return & Rotary valve: 14
3. Spray the mild caustic in dryer with the help of atomizer at 65°C temperature.
4. Spray the caustic in EFBD, Cyclone & shifter.
5. Clean the EFBD, Cyclone & shifter with help of high press Jet.
6. Scrap the dryer chambers wall.
7. Clean the dryer chambers wall by high pressure jet
8. After completely cleaning, fit the dismantle part of drying section
9. Heat the plant.


1. Clean the air filter or every 15 days

2. Wash the filter with pressure jet water
3. Dry the filter with sun light
4. After completely dry of air filter, then it fitted in Blower.
5. After every 10 hrs. of running the plant clean the spray nozzle


Bakery is an establishment that produces and sells flour based food baked in an oven bread, rusk,
buns, biscuits, cookies, cakes, pastries and pies, muffins and pizza.

Bakery products are become a common item of consumption among all classes of people. Despite of
the fully automatic and large capacity of bakery plant, large section of people, especially in semi-
urban and rural areas, still prefer fresh bakery products from local bakery as they are low in cost and
offer many varieties. Thus, bakery industry has potential in terms of jobs, household oriented
business opportunities, as well as providing a wide range of cake, bread and biscuit at relatively low
price with high nutritional value.


Baking is cooking of food by the action of dry heat in an oven. The degree of dryness of heat
may be modified by the amount of steam produced from the items baked. Bread rolls, cakes,
pastries, puddings etc. are baked. A bakery (Baker's shop) is an establishment that produces and
sells flour-based food baked in an oven such as bread, cakes, pastries, and pies.

The Bakery segment in India can be classified into the three broad segments of Bread, Biscuits and
Cakes. Today, bakery is no longer restricted to bread, biscuits, cakes and pastries as it was
traditionally known and now classified in terms of state and art technology.
Principles of Baking

1). Use the exact ingredients called for.

2). Measure accurately
3). Follow the mixing directions in the recipe
4). Use the correct type and size of pan
5). Use the correct oven temperature
6). Pans must be properly prepared for baking, so the baked product isn’t difficult to remove.

7). When greasing pans, it is best to use unsalted shortening or a cooking spray
8). Preheat the oven so that the oven will be at the correct temperature when the product goes in.

9). Before placing pans in the oven, wipe off the pan sides and bottom. Food particles on the pan
will burn

10). Be sure pans don’t touch each other or the sides, top, bottom, or door of the oven. That would
create a hot spot.

11). The recipe should tell you when to remove the baked product from the pan. Some are taken
out right away; others need to cool in the pan for a few minutes. Usually, they are then placed on
a wire cooling rack to cool completely.

12). Try and bake evenly sized portions, arranged symmetrically on a tray to assist even cooking.

13). Fragile items such as custards may need to be placed a food item in a water bath to moderate the

Ingredients Use For Baking

Genus: Triticum
Botanical Classification: Triticum Aestivum
Triticum Durum
Triticum Compactum
Role of Refined Wheat Flour As a Bakery Ingredient

 Wheat flour is unique among all the cereal flours. When mixed with water in correct
proportion, the protein will form as elastic dough which is capable of holding gas and which
will set to a spongy texture when heated in oven.
 Wheat is the basic structural component of most of the batter and dough products Able to
perform this textural function because of gluten content which allows expansion of air cells
and provide rigidity after baking.

Composition of Refined Wheat Flour

1) Protein (11 to 12%)

 Glutenin and gliadin are important proteins mixture of these two proteins is called gluten.
 Gluten is responsible for rheological properties of the dough gives strength to dough glutenin gives
elasticity and gliadin gives extensibility.

2) Carbohydrates (72-75%)

Present in the form of starch average % 66 to 68% of flour

Also, Sugars (glucose, maltose, sucrose) 1.4 to 1.6%
Hemicellulose: 2.3 -2.5%
Cellulose: 0.2 to 0.3%

3) Fat: Approx.1%

4) Ash- 0.4 to 0.5%

5) Moisture 12 to 14%

6) Enzymes
Amylases: present in small amounts. They act on broken starch granules in dough producing maltose
(fermentable sugar) which further utilized by yeast during fermentation to produce CO2 gas.

Protease: present in dormant state, if its activity is high, it affects adversely the quality of dough by acting on
gluten. Its activity can be inhibited by potassium bromate.

Lipase: acts fat in the dough and produces free fatty acids when flour is store for long periods. Freshly milled
flour not yield satisfactory product due to lack of some enzymes
 Leavening Agents
Leavening process: Any process by which dough or batter is filled with holes, which are retained upon baking
achieved mechanically or chemically Leavening agents helps to increase the volume of product and makes it
Types of leavening agents:
1. Biological leavening agents
Ex. Yeast
2. Chemical Leavening agents
Ex. Baking soda, baking powder, ammonium carbonate

In Sumul they use compress yeast

 Shortenings
 Edible fat used in bakery industry called shortenings quantity to be added varies from product to product
importance of addition also varies with product to product.

 Functions
 Lubricating effect: forms a film on gluten strands. It prevents the starch and protein components
from forming a continuous three-dimensional gluten network. Makes the dough tender and apliable

 Incorporation of Air: Fat has ability to absorb air during mixing is called its creaming quality. Fat
entraps air in the form of minute cells and bubbles that increases the volume. Good quality of fat will
incorporate as much as 270% air when creamed with sugar. This ability can be increased to 300-

375% when eggs is added provides sufficient strength to cake batter and thus prevents their collapse

during baking contribute to flavour and enhances the taste of the product provides sufficient strength
to cake batter and thus prevents their collapse during baking contribute to flavour and enhances the
taste of the product Enhances the nutritional value being a good source of energy
 Properties of Fat

It should have
1. Bland flavour
2. White appearance
3. Good plasticity
4. Flavour and oxidative stability
5. Examples: Lard, Butter, Hydrogenated fat (Vanaspati ghee), Margarine

 Sweeteners
Principal use: as a sweetening agent
Generally, 3 types of sugars utilized in bakery industry
1.Common sugar
2.Simple sugar
3.Liquid sugar

 Salt
Quantitatively minor but qualitatively important requirements of salt as bakery ingredient completely soluble
in water should give a clear solution free from lumps free from bitter or biting taste.
1. Imparts taste to bakery products
2. Brings out the taste and flavour of other bakery products
3. Tone down the excessive sweetness of product
4. Helps to increase the texture of bread: Protease enzyme in flour liquefies the flour protein. Salt
reduces this process by 60% and thus keeps the gluten strong which helps to increase texture
5. Salt helps to control yeast activity which keeps the fermentation process under check and prevents
excessive fermentation
6. Helps to prevent the growth of undesirable microorganisms
7. Being hygroscopic in nature, holds water for a longer time and improves keeping quality
8. Contributes to crust and crumb formation in bread

Effect on Fermentation:
 Low quantity of salt----Osmotic pressure decreases---yeast activity increased----thus more sugar
utilized-----quantity of residual sugar for caramelization decreases-----hence crust with poor colour
 More quantity of salt----yeast activity decreased----thus less sugar utilized-----more quantity of residual
sugar for caramelization -----hence crust with dark colour formed.

 Emulsifiers
 Surface active agents, dough conditioners, crumb softeners
 Natural or synthetic substances that promotes the formation and improve the stability of emulsions.

1. Produces dough with better machinability
2. Give more tender crumb and crust
3. More desirable grain and texture
4. Brighter crumb colour
5. Examples: Lecithin Glycerol Monostearate (GMS) Sodium stearoyl 2-lactylate
 Antioxidants
 Antioxidants are the materials that can retard the development of oxidative rancidity during storage of
foods that containing fats. Bakery products containing fat are subject to rancidity with resultant
objectionable odour and flavour.

Synthetic Antioxidants
1. BHA (Butylated Hydroxy Anisole)

 colourless, flavourless and odourless when used in permitted quantities solid at room

temperature and usually offered in the form of white tablets or flakes.

 It is particularly valuable for its high degree of resistence even at temperatures used for baking or frying

2. BHT (Butylated Hydroxy Toluene)

 Considered tube slightly more effective than BHA in retarding rancidity of vegetable oils but used in
blends with BHA Available in white crystals
3. Tertiary-butyl-hydroquinone (TBHQ)

 Insoluble in water, used in lard, cotton seed oil, potato chips Propyl gallate (PG) common name for

n-propyl 3,4,5 trihydrobenzoate. Formulation contain PG are not recommended if there is will be

substantial contact of the treated material iron equipment’s, since PG reacts with ferric irons.

Natural Antioxidants
 Some natural antioxidants are present in food e.g., mixed tocopherol (alpha, beta, gamma and delta

 Flour Improvers
Maturing Agents
 Freshly milled flour has poor water absorption power, poor strength and poor baking quality. It is
improved by oxidation process and is known as maturing.
 If the flour stored in sacks the oxygen present in air makes the flour matured. This process in known as
natural maturation. But it takes nearly 15 days. Millers cannot afford such a long time; hence chemical
substances are tube added for maturation called maturing agents.
 Maturing agents matured the flour by adding active oxygen to flour thereby improve the WAP, baking
quality of flour e.g., potassium iodate, potassium bromate, pot persulphate, ascorbic acid
Bleaching Agents
 Freshly milled flour known as green flour contain relatively high moisture and slightly yellowish colour
due to presence of xanthophyll and other carotenoid pigment. If the flour is exposed to atmosphere the
natural bleaching is carried out by oxidation process. But it requires the longer time. Hence bleaching
agents are to be added to bleaches the natural colour of pigments in green flour
e.g., Chlorine, chlorine dioxide, SO2, benzoyl peroxide, oxides of nitrogen, Ae
 Milk And Milk Derivatives
Nutritional/ enriching ingredient Composition of Milk
• Water: 87.75%

• Total Solids: 12.25%

The total solids portion may consist of the following:

1. Fat (butter fat): 3.50%
2. Proteins: 3.25%
3. Minerals (or ash) 0.75%
4. Lactose (milk sugar) 4.75%
5. The 3.25% protein consists of 80% casein and 20% albumin. The specific gravity of milk is between
1.025 and 1.035.

Types of Milk
• There are several types of milk and milk products that are available and could be produced.

These can be classified into three general groups namely:

1) Fresh products

2) Concentrated products

3) Dry products.

• Milk solids:

Fat: contributes to softening of crumb

Protein and sugar: contribute to crust browning milk solids have a binding effect on the flour protein, creating
a toughening effect

If liquid forms of milk are used, the water content should be taken into consideration for adjusting the formula.

 Helps bakers to add uniqueness to his product
 Natural or synthetic flavours may be used
 Ex. Vanilla, Honey, molasses, malt syrups, cocoa, chocolate, lemon oil

1. Both natural or artificial colourings agents are used in the bakery industry to enhance the visual appeal of
the products.
2. Two categories of acceptable colour
3. Certified colours (artificial colours)
4. Includes chemically synthesized dyes and their lakes
5. Uncertified colours (natural colours)
6. Includes pigments extracted from fruits, vegetables and other common edibles, inorganic substances
7. Carotenoids
8. Caramel colours
9. Fruits and vegetable extracts


Sumul Dry Product

Name of product Pack Size MRP. Rs.

Pineapple cookies 40 g 10
Butter cookies 200 g 55
Butter cookies 40 g 10
Chocolate cookies 200 g 45
Chocolate cookies 40 g 10
Jeera cookies 200 g 45
Jeera cookies 40 g 10
Coconut cookies 200 g 45
Coconut cookies 40 g 10
Elaichi milk rusk 75 g 10
Elaichi milk rusk 200 g 30
Jeera rusk 75 g 10
Jeera rusk 150 g 20
Sp. Nankhatai 50 g 10
Sp. Nankhatai 200 g 50
Sp. Nankhatai 400 g 100
Khari-plain 200 g 50
Khari-plain 400 g 90
Khari-jeera 200 g 50
Khari-jeera 400 g 90
Makhaniya-jeera 40 g 10
Makhaniya-jeera 100 g 25
Makhaniya-jeera 200 g 45
Makhaniya-jeera 400 g 80
Chocolate muffin 150 g 10
Chocolate muffin 40 g 40
Mix fruit muffin 40 g 10
Chocolate chips 200 g 80
Chai chaska 200 g 70
Cashew butter bits 200 g 80
Almond pista 200 g 80
Pure ghee nankhatai 200 g 100

Amul dry product

Name of product Pack size MRP. Rs.

Amul elaichi rusk 75 g 12
Amul elaichi rusk 200 g 35
Amul milk rusk 200 g 35
Amul jeera rusk 200 g 35
Nankhatai cashew 200 g 90
Nankhatai almond 200 g 90
Nankhatai elaichi 200 g 80
Nankhatai cashew 50 g 25
Nankhatai almond 50 g 25
Nankhatai elaichi 50 g 25
Amul jeera cookie 50 g 15
Cashew cookie 50 g 20
Butter cookie 50 g 15
Chocolate cookie 50 g 18
Butter cookie 200 g 75
Chocolate cookie 200 g 80
Nuts & raisin cookie 50 g 21
Oat & honey cookie 50 g 20
Coconut cookies 50 g 18
Sugar free cookie 50 g 20
Sumul Bread

Name Of Product Pack Size MRP. Rs.

Sandwich Bread 150 g 20
Sandwich Bread 200 g 23
Sandwich Bread 400 g 40
Sandwich Bread 600 g 52
Sandwich Bread 800 g 65
Fruity Bread 150 g 20
Atta Bread 400 g 45
Core Cutting Bread 600 g 65
Grill Sandwich Bread 1200 g 75
Pizza Bread 7 Inch 100 g 15
Pizza Bread 7 Inch 200 g 30
Pizza Bread 8 Inch 200 g 35
Pizza Bread 9 Inch 200 g 35
Bhaji Pav 200 g 22
Bhaji Pav 300 g 35
Dabeli Pav 300 g 35
Dabeli Pav 150 g 15
Burger Bun 100 g 15
Sweet Bun 200 g 15
Multigrain Bread 400 g 55
Mini Pizza 200 g 35
Hot Dog 250 g 30
AFD Pizza 200 g 30
Amul Bread

Name Of Product Pack Size MRP. Rs.

Sandwich Bread 200 g 15
Sandwich Bread 400 g 28
Sandwich Bread 800 g 55
Atta Bread 400g 38
Dabeli Pav 300 g 27
Pizza Bread 7 Inch 200 g 26

Baking Time and Temperature for Bread and Bun in Bakery

Name of Product Baking Temperature Baking Time Oven Type

min max min max
Sandwich Bread 285 °C 295 °C 32 min 34 min Tunnel Oven
150 g 220 °C 230 °C 24 min 26 min Rack Oven
Sandwich Bread 280 °C 290 °C 30 min 34 min Tunnel Oven
400 g 230 °C 240 °C 28 min 30 min Rack Oven
Sandwich Bread 230 °C 240 °C 34 min 36 min Rack Oven
600 g
Sandwich Bread 295 °C 305 °C 36 min 38 min Tunnel Oven
800 g 235 °C 245 °C 40 min 45 min Rack Oven
Grill Sandwich 210 °C 220 °C 38 min 40 min Rack Oven
1200 g
Sandwich Crust 295 °C 305 °C 36 min 38 min Tunnel Oven
Less 600 g 230 °C 240 °C 38 min 40 min Rack Oven
Whole Wheat 285 °C 295 °C 32 min 34 min Tunnel Oven
Bread 400 g 230 °C 240 °C 28 min 30 min Rack Oven
100 % Atta Bread 280 °C 290 °C 32 min 34 min Tunnel Oven
& Multigrain bread 230 °C 240 °C 28 min 30 min Rack Oven
400 g
Bread For Rusk 265 °C 275 °C 30 min 32 min Tunnel Oven
230 °C 240 °C 30 min 32 min Rack Oven
150 °C 160 °C 24 min 30 min Rack Oven
Bhai Pav 200 g 225 °C 235 °C 10 min 14 min Rack Oven
Bhai Pav 300 g 225 °C 235 °C 10 min 14 min Rack Oven
Premium/Dubeli 225 °C 235 °C 10 min 14 min Rack Oven
Pav 300 g
Burger BUN 100 g 220 °C 230 °C 10 min 14 min Rack Oven
Sweet Bun 100 g 195 °C 205 °C 8 min 12 min Rack Oven
Hot Dog 250 g 220 °C 230 °C 10 min 12 min Rack Oven
Pizza Base 7 “100 165 °C 175 °C 6 min 8 min Rack Oven

Pizza Base 6 “200 165 °C 175 °C 6 min 8 min Rack Oven


Pizza Base 8 “200 g 165 °C 175 °C 6 min 8 min Rack Oven

Pizza Base 9” 200 165 °C 175 °C 6 min 8 min Rack Oven


Fruit Bread 150 g 195 °C 205 °C 18 min 22 min Rack Oven

Name Of Baking temperature Baking time Type of backing

Product Min max min max
Khari / 275 °C 280 °C 12 min 15 min First baking
Cream Roll
140 °C 150 °C 50 min 55 min Second baking
Jeera 205 °C 210 °C 10 min 14 min First baking
Makhaniya 140 °C 150 °C 30 min 35 min Second baking
Amul/Sumul 155 °C 160 °C 25 min 30 min Single baking
Cookie (40-
50 g)
Amul/Sumul 150 °C 160 °C 30 min 35 min Single baking
Cookie (200
Sumul 160 °C 165 °C 25 min 30 min Single baking

Besan Khatai 150 °C 160 °C 24 min 28 min Single baking

Balbhog 155 °C 165 °C 30 min 35 min Single baking
Rusk Second 175 °C 180 °C 20 min 22 min Single baking
Amul Butter 160 °C 165 °C 40 min 45 min Single baking


Preparation of Baking
Dough mixing Cooling

fermentation Slicing and packaging

Dividing (scaling)





Equipment Capacity
Dough mixer 10-25 kg

Spiral mixer 10-25 kg

Reel oven 200-250°C /7 nos

Conveyerized tunnel oven 200-260°C

Cooling tunnel 25-30°C


 This usually refers to the phase after the dough is formed allowing protein structure to be stretched and
further hydrate to develop into gluten by means of mechanical force or chemical agents or extended
fermentation. The dough is developed to the optimum level Sufficient for good gas retention.

 Distribute all ingredients evenly
 Hydrate the ingredients
 Form and develop protein (gluten)
 Incorporate air into the dough
 Forms homogeneous dough of correct consistency

Dough Mixer

Dough Mixing Methods


Single and double arm mixers are most common examples. By gentle kneading, stretching & folding the
dough develops. Dough produced by such mixers requires some bulk fermentation or floor-time to mature
the dough.


Dough is developed by mechanical force and generates more friction resulting high dough temperature.
Common examples of such mixers are Spiral Mixers, Planetary Mixers and Horizontal Mixers.


Dough development is achieved in a very short time and chemical agents are used for the purpose. Mixing
time is normally 2-3 minutes. Tweedy Mixers and Indian High-Speed mixers are typical examples.

In sumul they do first 2 min slow mixing then after 15 min of fast mixing

 Biological changes in dough mass and action of fermentation over extended period.
 Form and develop protein (gluten)
 Improves dough stability
 Enhance natural flavour/aroma

 Dividing the dough into desired weights or as per government regulation. Excess gas formed is expelled.

 Seals the dough pieces to a smooth and overall volume and also ensures consistent shape for moulding.
Dough Rounder

 Sheet the dough piece flat

 Desired, Convenient and consistent shape
 Means for surface during final proofing and baking
 Means for movement
 Prevents damage
 Enhance oven performance and heat transfer
 Allows the dough piece to relax after dividing and rounding. Stimulates yeast activity to enhance
conditioning of dough piece. Conditions the dough surface allowing good moulding and preventing wear
and tear of the surface.
 Allow dough piece to relax after moulding
 Stimulate yeast activity
 Ensures the dough piece surface to be conditioned and moist to aid oven spring
 Raise temperature of the dough piece to enhance oven performance

 Formation and expansion of gas
 Trapping of gas in the gluten network
 Change the properties of starch
 Change the properties of protein
 Formation of crust and browning (caramelisation)
 Achieve and set desired volume
 Develop flavour and crust characters
 Gelatinise starch and set crumb structure
 Alter properties of protein
 Stops action of yeast and enzymes
 Controls moisture content of crust and crumb
 Makes the food microbiologically stable food
Tunnel Oven

Rack Oven

 Remove baked products from oven and pan

 Cool baked products sufficiently to enable slicing and or wrapping or packaging without
damaging the product

 Reduce contamination or possible microbiological spoilage

 In sumul colling temperature is 24 Celsius for 2.5 hours

 Slicing
 For bread 12 mm slices
 For rusk 14 mm slice

Bread Slicer

 Packaging

 Protect baked product from external contamination and damage

 Provide suitable medium containing, handling, transport and use of product

 Retains moisture and aroma

 Provide suitable method for labelling, identification, promotion and information

Pizza Making
Selection of ingredients (Maida, water, yeast, sugar)



Making sheet (0.3,0.7,1.6,2.4 mm)

Making hols
Cutting (7,8,9 inch)


 Proofing
 Temperature: - 40 °C
 Time: - 60 minutes


Different Types Of Rusk

Milk Rusk

Jeera Rusk
Elaichi Rusk

 A hard, dry biscuit, twice-baked bread is called a Rusk. It is mostly used as a baby teething food.
It is a good wheat-based food additive


1. Pre- mixing of ingredients as per formulation to form dough of proper consistency.

2. The dough is then divided and pieces are put into molds for proofing, followed by first baking,
then cooling, second baking and again cooling.

3. Then the final product is packed tight for supply.



 Sieving
 Weighing
 Filtration
 Solutions
 Bulk Handling

Unit Operations in Mixing

 Spiral Mixer
 Dough temperature
 Mixing time
 fermentation

Unit Operations in dividing

 Dough divider
 Dough weight
 Dough weight consistency

Unit Operations in Moulding


Pressure board

Dough stick

Uniform shape

Unit Operations in Proofing

 Swing tray/Rotary final prover

 Humidity
 Temperature
 Proofing time

▪ Unit Operations in First Baking

▪ Swing tray/rotary oven

▪ Baking time
▪ Baking temperature

Unit Operations in Cooling

Natural cooling

Forced cooling

Spiral conveyer



Unit Operations in slicing

▪ Slicer

▪ Slice dimensions

▪ Number of slices

Unit Operations in Second baking

▪ Swing tray/rotary oven

▪ Baking time

▪ Baking temperature

▪ Baking speed

Unit Operations in Final Cooling

 Natural cooling/Forced cooling

 Final cooling time and temperature
 Spiral conveyer
 Racks
 Trollys

Unit Operations Final Packing

 Polypacks
 Paper bags
 Perfect finish
 Superior strength
 Water resistance


 To define a good loaf, one must have some knowledge of the desirable qualities of a particular
type of rusk and how these qualities are produced.
 The desirable features of a good loaf can be listed under two headings, external and internal.

Different Type of Cookies

Butter cookies cheese cookies

Butter cookies Chocolate cookies

Oats & honey cookies Coconut cookies

Chai chaska cookies Butter nankhatai(with cashew)

Weight all ingredients


Dough dividing(22 to

Add toppings(2 to 4g)





Packaging & storage

Baking temperature:- 150 °C

Baking time:- 40 min.

Cooling time:- 40-45 min.

Lab Test
Determination Of Moisture

Weigh accurately about 5 gm of sample in a previously dried and tared dish and place the dish
with its lid underneath in the oven maintained at 130 - 133°C for 2 hours. The time should be
reckoned from the moment the oven attains 130°C after the dishes have been placed. Remove the
dish after 2 hours, cool in the desiccators and weigh.
Moisture (%) = (W1- W2) x100

W1- W

W1 = Weight in gm of the dish with the material before drying
W2 = Weight in gm of the dish with the material after drying
W= Weight in gm of the empty dish
➢ Determination Of Total Ash
Take fresh sample for the determination, rather than left over after determination of moisture.
Ignite the dried material in the dish left after the determination of moisture with the flame of a
burner till charred. Transfer to a muffle furnace maintained at 550 - 600°Cand continue ignition
till grey ash is obtained. Cool in a desiccator and weigh. Repeat the process of heating, cooling
and weighing at half hour intervals till the difference in weighting two consecutive weighing is
less than 1 mg. Note the lowest weight. If ash still contains black particles add 2-3 drops of pre-
heated water at 60°C. Break the ash and evaporate to dryness at 100-110°C. Re-Ash at 550°C.
Until ash is white or slightly grey. Performance characteristics to be defined in the current method
as proposed below: Limit of detection: 0.055 Repeatability: 0.06gm/100gm Reproducibility:
0.20 gm/100 gm for homogeneous products like milk powders0.60 gm/100 gm for heterogeneous
products like pet foods, meat products etc

Total ash on dry basis (% by weight) = (W2 - W) X100

W2= Weight in gm of the dish with the ash
W= Weight in gm of empty dish
W1 = Weight in gm of the dish with the dried material taken for test


A) Dilute HCI - Approx. 5.5 N
Preparation of HCI: Into a 1000 mL volumetric flask, transfer with care abound 170 concentrated
Hydrochloric acid (37%). Allow to cool to doormaker up the mark with water. Mix well. To the
ash contained in the dish, add 25 mL of dilute HI, cover and water bath for 10 minutes. Allow to
cool and filter the contents of filter paper No 42 or its equivalent. Wash the filter paper with
washings are free from acid and return it to the dish. Keep it in the electric dry. Ignite in a muffle
furnace at 550 - 600°C till white or grey ash infiltrate can be dried for 30 min in an oven at
103‡2°C. Coolin a desiccator filtrate obtained should be free for chloride/acid. To check this, add
few drops acid and 0.1 M Silver nitrate solution. No precipitate or milky turbidity Repeat the
process of igniting, cooling and weighing till the difference in weighs is less than 1 mg. Note the
lowest weight. Performance characteristics to be defined in the current method as proposes
detection: 0.05 %Repeatability: not greater than 20% Calculation
insoluble in dilute HCl on dry wt. basis = (W2 -W) x 100

W2 = weight in gm of dish with the acid insoluble ash
V=Weight in gm of empty dish
V1 =Weight in gm of the dish with the dried material.

Weigh 25 gm sample into a dish and add about 15 mL of water to it dough taking care that all the
material is taken into the dough. Keep the beaker filled with water and let it stand for 1 hour.
Remove the dough piece of bolting silk cloth with an aperture of 0.16 mm (No, 10 XXX) gentle
stream of water till water passing through the silk does not give drop of iodine solution. Spread
the silk tight on a porcelain plate to Collect the residue to form a ball, squeeze in the palms to
remove extra watch glass or petri dish and keep it in the oven at 105+1°C for drying When
partially dried, remove and cut into several pieces with a scissor the oven to dry. Cool in a
desiccators and weigh. Return it to the oven cool and weigh to ensure constant weight.


Principle east is a biological material, and thus its activity is affected by many factors’
temperature, relative humidity and moisture content, etc. Such conditions affect Viable cells per
unit mass and hence the dough raising capacity. In order to fermented product it is important to
add the optimum quantity of yeast. Therefchecessary to check the dough raising capacity of each
batch and also periodicallyas production during fermentation of the product. Method. Yeast
(2.5g) is dissolved in water (45ml) having 40°C temperature. Wheat flour (: a beaker, 1g sugar is
added to it and then mixed with the yeast suspension. This into smooth batter and transferred to a
250 ml graduated cylinder and base volumes noted down. The rise in the level of dough is noted
at 15 minutes interval digraph between time and the rise in dough volume is plotted to estimate
the capacity of yeast.
Dough raising capacity: (B-A) × 100

A = volume of the dough before fermentation.
B= volume of dough after one hour fermentation.

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