First90DaysNewPeopleLeaders PDF
First90DaysNewPeopleLeaders PDF
First90DaysNewPeopleLeaders PDF
May 2012
First 90 Days Guide
Congratulations and welcome to your new people leader role!
At American Express, we believe it is a privilege to lead others. We also recognize that
leading people requires a special skill set and it‟s important to provide you the right level of
support and guidance during your transition. This guide provides tips, tools, and
resources for the first 90 days in your role as a new people leader.
In this guide, you will find key learning resources and actions that address 5 core
Additionally, the following templates and tools are included to support you throughout
these activities:
•Learning Plan: template • Mentor Meeting: discussion topics
•Peer Buddy Meeting: discussion topics • Quick Links to resources & tools
Your leader will be a key partner in creating a development plan that is tailored just for
you. At American Express, we believe 70% of your learning comes from relevant on-
the-job learning in your day to day, so your leader will work closely with you on how to
apply the right on the job activities for the greatest learning and most immediate impact.
We encourage you to take every opportunity to learn, stretch yourself, ask the right
questions and listen hard, regularly seek feedback from your team, leader and others and
remember that people leadership is a privilege. Enjoy your journey!
First 90 Days Guide
Have previous leadership experience? Whether you have led people in other organizations,
or in another capacity such as a project or consultant team lead, leading at American
Express will likely be a different experience. Take the time to review these materials, and
while some may serve as “refreshers” the majority will give you insight to the unique
responsibilities and privileges of leading at AXP.
Activity To Do’s
Create your Work with your Leader to create your F90 Day Learning Plan
F90 Days using the My First Learning Plan template in the Tools &
Learning Plan Templates section of this guide. Select the relevant activities in
each of the 5 Focus Areas in this guide and add to your plan.
Register for Enroll in the AXP First Things First: Learn to Lead Program
Learn to Lead Complete the first 5 components of the program to help you
Program understand your role as a leader and the required mindset shift :
1. Program Launch Module
2. Leader Mindset Self Study
3. Ken Chenault & Sameer Sharma Leadership Insights
Weeks 1-4
4. EQi Assessment
5. Sign up for the Leader Mindset Debrief Session
If new to AXP: Discuss with your leader the timelines to complete required
complete mandatory enterprise training such as, compliance, information &
Mandated security, anti money laundering, etc
If new to Discuss and plan for any Leadership Training requirements for
Business Unit: your business or department.
complete Identify any specific business unit training available to learn
Business Unit/ about your functional role and responsibilities
First 90 Days Guide
Activity To Dos
Understand Meet with your leader to develop your understanding of your role
Leader expectations and start building your business knowledge . Use the
Expectations recommended discussion topics outlined in the My First Leader
and Goals Meeting template attached in the Tools & Templates section of this
Ask your leader to walk you through the American Express
Leadership Model, Leadership Competencies, Employee
Engagement & Leadership Philosophies.
Discuss with your leader if there are some early wins in order to build
credibility and create momentum with your team.
Get Systems Get Access to the systems you will need to use. Your leader or
Weeks 1- 3
Access department assistant may have already started this process with
technologies. ie. Equipment, IDs, systems, etc
Become familiar with the Outlook, Office Communicator, Live
Meeting, etc.
Identify your Have your leader assign you a mentor and peer buddy. This should
Buddy/Mentor be someone who is an experienced People Leader that you can
learn from.
Meet with him/her at least once a week to discuss key business
topics & questions, challenges, ask for advice and share how you
are feeling about your new role. You can also arrange opportunities
to observe this person conducting meetings or 1-2-1s. Use the My
First Peer Buddy Discussion Template & Mentoring Discussion
Topics to support your discussions
Also set up weekly meetings with your leader to discuss what you‟re
learning and reflect on your progress. Use the Reflection Template
in the Tools & Templates Section.
First 90 Days Guide
Activity To Do’s
Get to know Hold 1-2-1s and focus on getting to know each member of
your team your team. Get to know their strengths, opportunities, working
members. style, interests, etc. Also share with them key points about
you and your leadership style and preferences.
Weeks 1- 3
Establish how Conduct your first team meeting and discuss important areas
you and the of team dynamics, getting to know each other and how you
team will work will operate as a team, establish expectations. Use My First
together. Team Meeting Template in the Tools and Templates section
to help you.
Understand how Identify how each member of your team likes to be rewarded
individual and and recognized and find out what is important to them.
teams are Learn how your leader and peers provide rewards and
rewarded and recognition to team members.
Complete AXP RewardBlue recognition program training
tutorial on the Square.
First 90 Days Guide
In addition to building relationships with your leader and direct team, you should also
reach out to peers, leaders, colleagues and key business partners to establish and
strengthen those working relationships.
Activity To Do’s
Establish Identify your support team members and learn the business,
relationship culture and how to gets thing done in your dept. Who are your
with your “Go To” resources? Ie, administrative items, technology &
support team technical support, training, human resources, etc
Weeks 1-4
Identify Peer Set up some time with your peers. Learn about their leadership
Network experiences as a people leader, how do they approach their role,
responsibilities, how they prioritize their day to day work, what
challenges have they faced, ask for tips on how to be successful
Build key Ask your leader for guidance in identifying the right contacts to
business begin building key business partnerships and the best way to
Weeks 4-8
First 90 Days Guide
Get to Know American Express; Who We Are, What We Do, and How we have
American become one of the world‟s most respected Service Brands.
Learn about the People Management processes and systems. You will
Understand HR need to ensure you understand how to manage employees or perform
People other PL functions. Review related sites on The Square for an
Management overviews & tutorials. The Square > My Life & Career > People
Processes Management
PMP Modules
Recruitment- Hire for My Team
Onboarding New Employees Tools & Resources
Review Policy Center for your market
Review People Management functions
Compensation & Benefits, Rewards & Recognition, etc
Complete HR Complete WBT on CareerTrack System. CareerTrack Performance &
Systems Talent provides a new, one-stop, paperless system to link goals,
Weeks 4 - 12
Overview of Review the video and resources available on the Recruitment Site. Its
Recruitment everything related to recruitment at American Express. How to fill a
Functions role, apply for one or refer a candidate all in the same place.
Understand the Explore American Express Global Diversity & Inclusion strategy, tools,
AXP Business and training resources to understand AXP D&I priorities and Your Role.
Imperatives of BlueWork is the new brand for flexibility at American Express. It‟s how
Diversity and work gets done at American Express by focusing on the winning
Inclusion combination of workstyles, work arrangements, workspace, and
workplace technologies which drives great flexibility for our employees
while effectively utilizing our workspace Square>My Life & Career>My
Career & Development>BlueWork
First 90 Days Guide
Wk 1
First 90 Days Guide
First 90 Days Guide
First 90 Days Guide
Discussion Topics
What is a typical day like?
What regularly scheduled team meetings are there?
What types of communications does the team typically use?
What information resources will be helpful to me to acclimate to my new position?
What is the culture like? What do I need to know to help me better understand the culture?
Who are the key players in our business unit? Who are my colleagues and what are they
responsible for?
How do I get resources and information I may need ?
First 90 Days Guide
“Risky Business”
How do you foster new ideas and make them happen?
How do you assess and evaluate how much professional risk to take?
How do you increase your effectiveness in identifying and managing risks?
Career Development
How do you navigate a complex organization?
How do you help team members reach their career goals? How do you develop your best talent?
Virtual Leadership
How do you effectively lead workers who aren„t in the office (telecommuters, remote offices, etc.)?
How do you lead teams/members across different geographies, cultures and time-zones?
What economic, technological, or business trends do you see in your industry/profession, and what impact do these
trends have on business strategies as well as individual career choices?
Change Leadership
How do you keep up with the rate and acceleration of change in the company?
How do you keep people aligned, engaged, and resilient in the midst of rapid change?
Tell me about your skills in change management. What techniques do you draw upon to help both yourself and others
through the change process?
How do you help your team win through change?
First 90 Days Guide
Discussion Topics
What is your overall area of responsibility?
What are the major challenges?
How do you see us working together?
Who are some of the more influential people in the department?
What do you think will help me to be successful here?
Are there any watch-outs I should be aware of?
What Else?
Meet & Greet Objective/Topic Priority Interview Additional partners to connect
Date/Time with on this objective
Contact Info:
Contact Info:
Contact Info:
Contact Info:
Contact Info:
Contact Info:
Contact Info:
Contact Info:
First 90 Days Guide
Discussion Topics
First 90 Days Guide
American •American Express credit Cards, Rewards, Travel and Business Services
***Code of Conduct Training •The Square > My Tools > Mandatory Enterprise Training > Programs > Code of Conduct
** All New Employees must complete Code of Conduct Training within first 30 days of employment
American Express Business •Amex Customer Journeys' Training – An interactive, web based, business training curriculum. Provides an overview of
Knowledge products and service through the eyes of our customers.
-Economics of Card •The Square>>Staff Groups>>Finance>>Finance Virtual University>>News and communications>>What is New on
Fundamentals FVU>>2009 What is New>>Basics of Card Economics Training – Updated
Performance Management •The Square>>My Life & Career>>My Career & Development>>Performance Management
Process (PMP)
CareerTrack System •The Square > My Life & Career > HR Tools & Applications > CareerTrack Performance & Talent
Leadership Development •Square>>My Life & Career>>My Career & Development>>Leadership Development
Leadership Model & •The Square > My Life & Career > My Career & Development > Performance Management > Leadership Competencies
Leadership Insights •The Square > My Life & Career > My Career & Development > Leadership Development > Leadership Insights
Business Fundamental Skillsoft •The Square > My Life & Career > My Career & Development > Learning > Business Fundamentals-Web Based Training
Web based Training
American Express Coaching & •The Square>>My Life & Career>>My Career & Development >>Leadership Development>>Recognize & Influence
Feedback Performance>>Feedback and Coaching
PARAS •The Square > My Life & Career > My Career & Development > Performance Management > Coaching and Feedback
Leader As Teacher •The Square > My Life & Career > My Career & Development > Leadership Development > Help My Employee Develop >
Be a great Leader As Teacher
Diversity & Inclusion •The Square>>Staff Groups>>Human Resources>>Global Diversity & Inclusion
U.S. Payroll •The Square>>My Life & Career>>My Money>>Salary & Payroll
International Payroll •The Square>>My Life & Career>>HR Tools & Applications>>International Epayroll
Global Employee Policies & Forms •The Square > My Tools > Global Policies
•The Square>>My Life & Career>>Form Center
HR Self Service •The Square > My Life & Career > HR and Employee Online Services (EOS)
Employee Online Services – HR The Square > My Life & Career > HR and Employee Online Services (EOS) > Contact EOS
Global Recruitment Site •The Square > My Life & Career > Recruitment
First 90 Days Guide
Employee Reward & Recognition •The Square > My Life & Career > RewardBlue
•Intro to The Square - AXP Intranet •The Square >> About The Square