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Fundamental Computer 123 PDF

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Fundamental Computer

COMPUTER (common operating machine particular use for Trade and technical Education research). CPU is called system unit.

IPOS (Input processing output storage), History of Computer : 1. Abacus 2. Pascal calculator (1642), 3. Charles babbage (1822) < Difference Engine and Analytical
Engine. 4. Mark I computer 1937-44) first automatic digital computer. 5. ABC (Atanasoff Barr Computer ) 1939-46 (first automatic electronic digital computer). 6. ENIAC
(electronic numerical integrator and computer) invented by Mauchly and Eckert. 7. UNIVAC(universal automatic computer ) mauchly and Eckert. 8. EDSAC (electronic
delay storage automatic computer) First generation Computer. # EDVAC (electronic discrete variable automatic computer.) Ist generation.
#. India: bought HEC-2M, calcutta’s Indian satistial Institute. 1956. # PARAM 8000 vijay pandurang (1991) super computer.
Computer three types; 1. Analog 2. Digital 4. Hybrid
Digital: super computer, Mainframe computer, Mini computer, Micro computer, Personal computer.
Analog: continuous working ex. Watch, Spedometer
Digital: 1o1o on/off process :: Hybrid: Analog+Digital (Heart beat of patient)
#Super computer speed measured in FLPOS
#World super computer is Cray 1. # Mainframe computer handles hundred customers at one time ex. Airlines, insurance company ex.. IBM 36o , IBM 37O # Mini
computer = HP 3000, IBM -17 IBM(international business machine) Desktop, Laptop etc..
DVD; Digital versatile disc. # Compact Disc Max.
#Generation of Computer. 1st generation(vacuum tube) ex. ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC, IBM-701 # 2nd storage is 700 MB. # Flash Memory :- storage devise ex.
generation computer(transistor) ex. IBM-1401, IBM-305: ( assembly language). ## 3rd generation: Pendrive, MMC (multi media card.)
#BRD ; Blue Ray disc = 25gb to 50gb # Drive letter A
(integrated circuit) ex. IBM 36o, IBM 370 (high level language such as FORTRAN, COBOL BASIC, PASCAL) . #4th
and B is reserved for flopy disc.
generation:(microprocessor) VLSI (very large scale integrated circuit) intel (Tedhoff). ## 5th generation
(quantum computer) ULSI , Robot, AI (ultra large scale integrated).
#Alan Turing father of modern computer. # ED Robert father of personal computer. # Lady ada augusta first programmer. # FORTRAN introduced by John
Bacus. # Keyboard invented by Christopher Latham sholes. # Mouse invented by Douglas engebart. # Vent cerf father of Internet. # Google 1998 larry page,
sergey brin) whats app by Brian Acton, Jan Koum. # Apple by Steven paul.
#Word length of PC is 64 bits. #Brain of computer CPU. # First Commercial Computer UNIVAC. ### PDA ( personal digital Assistants).
#First computer introduced in Nepal IBM 14o1 # Ist generation speed measure by milli second. FORTRAN ( formula translation)
#Transistor by John Bardeen. #WWW Tim burners Lee.
Hardware: system unit( tower or chassis) . # Internal Hardware: CPU, RAM, ROM, Graphics card, Motherboard, Sound card, Network interface card, Internal fan.
#External : periphery (printer, Moniter)
Hardware types: Input processing output storage . INPUT: Keyboard, Mouse, Moniter, Printer # Process: motherboard, SMPS, RAM. # Output: Moniter, printer. Storage:
Hard-disk, floppy, BRD, pendrive, DVD.
#Most common standard of Keyboard QWERTY (104-108).
Alphanumeric Keys = 26+10
Function keys= F1 to F12 MODIFIER KEYS: ex. ALT, Ctrl, Shift, Win-key.
F1= help or office assistance #Ctrl+A = control all, Alt+F4 =close the doc., Shift+F3= change the case
F2= rename /reboot #TOGGLE KEYS: On/off ex.. Caps-lock , Num, Scroll ….#Navigation Keys : UP , Down, insert,
F3=find and research. # Ctrl + TAB = google to email etc. # Alt+TAB = browser to excel or word
F4= repeat last action # Scanner:- hard copy to soft copy # OCR scanner (optical character recognition) makes by
F5=refresh / slide show in PPT/reload webpage default file .JPG) #OMR (optical mark recognition). #BCR (Barcode reader) or scanner also
F6=move cursor address bar. Known as POS (point of sale), #MICR(magnetic ink character recognition) used in Bank
F7=check spelling and grammar error. Originality of the paper, checks. #Biometric = finger,facial.
F8=safe mode QR code ( quick response) # Joystick (game) # Track ball (as a mouse) # Light pen (CRT
F9=increase volume moniter) , cathode ray tube..#Digitizer(sign, designer) #Webcam # MSR (magnetic strip
F10=active the menu of an application. Reader) read ATM card.. # SRS (speech recognition system, voice into text)…NIC (network
F11=full screen /create chart in excel interface card) enables your computer to others. # Magnetic Disk = Hard disc and floppy disc
F12=Save as #Television like traditional Computer Cathode ray tube (CRT). #Plotter( making poster prints)
Shift+del = Delete file completely # Output quality of printer is measured by DPI, dot per inch,

#Common printer used for desktop publishing is Laser Printer.

#Modem = both input and output. #VDU: visual display unit. #SVGA: super video graphics array. #PCI: peripheral component interconnect. #Multimedia projectors is a
output devise of the use for training presentations.
Non- Volatile : Impact printers Non Impact printers
Moniter types: CRT, TFT, LED, DVD; Digital versatile Volatile: #Temporary Daisy wheel, Dot Inkjet, Thermal, Laser,
LCD disc. # Compact Disc #Permanent Cache Matrix, Line printer, Photo printer,
Process Action: Fetch Max. storage is 700 Memory memory, Drum printer Electromagnetic printer,
Decdede Decode Execute Store MB. # Flash Memory :- Hard-disk, RAM, Electro-static printer.
IEEE : Institute of Electrical storage devise ex. pendrive, calculator ,
and elect electronics engineers. Pendrive, MMC (multi Floppy
media card.) disc,ROM,
Microprocessor speed is #BRD ; Blue Ray disc = BRD, CD
measured in All Herts khz , 25gb to 50gb # Drive
Mhz, Ghz letter A and B is
SPMS : switch mode power reserved for flopy disc.
#Primary Memory use for processing # Secondary Memory for Data storage (Non-volatile)

CPU Memory types:- Cache memory and Register Memory .# RAM types:- DRAM (dynamic random access memory) made of capacitor, need to refresh
ex; DDR1 to DDR4. DDR(double data rate) . #SRAM(static random access memory);- made of transistors So, no need to refresh it is also called Filp-flop .

ROM(read only memory) It is used to store BIOS (basic input output system)
. ex. PROM, EPROM, EEPROM ………….. PROM; programmable read only Computer
memory (cannot be erased) # EPROM:- erasable programmable read only
memory( can be erased by UV rays). # EEPROM ;- electrically erasable
programmable read only memory. (It can be erased electrically many times)
...CATCHE MEMORY;- Cache memory is placed between Main-memory and Primary Memory Memory/
/Main Memory Auxillary
CPU.. ex..L1, L2, L3 Types of cache memory. memory

Register memory (fast and small) located inside microprocessor ..Types:-
Data resister, Address registers, Status register. RAM
HDD,SSD,Compact disc,
Floppy, Magnet-tap


All secondary memory are non-volatile.
Low level format:- creates the tracks and sectors on a hard-disc
High level format:-
Access time:-
Seek time;- is the time it takes for the read-write head to move over the appropriate track. #. Latency time is the time it takes for the platter to rotate the correct sector
under the read-write head.
FLOPPY DISC:- data storage capacity 1.44mb, size 3.5 inches. #. CD:-data storage capacity 700mb .# DVD(data video disc) 4.7gb # BRD :- single layer 25gb
MEMORY UNIT :- BIT = data storage unit. BIT = can have only binary value out of o and 1 . # 1 Nibble = 4 bit # Byte = it is fundamental unit to measure data
1 BYTE = 8 BIT ### Number of values in 1 bytes is 256 or 2*8
# Instruction and memory address are represented by Binary codes. #. After copy the content can be pasted unlimited. # Magnetic tape is used data sequential. # BIOS (
gives hardware information ) # BIOS+ROM = Fireware # Post = power on self test. Post are use to check hard-ware parts whether they are properly working or not..

LRU = least recently used. # The transfer between CPU and Cache is Block transfer. # Length
of a register is word size. # Virtual memory is illusion of large main memory. # Address
generated by CPU is logical address. # MAGNETIC DISKS ; Hard disk and floppy disk is a
magnetic disk $ magnetic disk is most popular medium for direct access.
Bit Single Binary Digit (1 or 0)

Byte 8 bits Magnetic Disks

Kilobyte (KB) 1,024 Bytes

Megabyte Track
1,024 Kilobytes

Gigabyte (GB) 1,024 Megabytes

Sector Size of sector is 512 byte.
Terabyte (TB) 1,024 Gigabytes Number of sector called Cluster .
Petabyte (PB) 1,024 Terabytes
Exabyte (EB) 1,024 Petabytes
# 1 million = 106 Byte = 1 MB
# 1 Billion = 109 Byte = 1 GB
# 1 Trillion = 102 Byte = 1 TB

Program – set of instruction . # Software – set of program …
O.S = M.S Docs, Linex, Window, Unix,
Utility Software increases performance . Ex. Antivirus, Diagnostic software , Disk management utilities, Data recovery software , Compression and decompression
software , Sort and merge utility , Back up utility , Text editor.
System Software :- It is used to design the computer hardware and provide a platform for running application software . It includes :- Operating system, Language
Translator, Utility program etc.
OSS :- open source software . # Software package – package software is a type of application software that is developed for sale to the general public.
Also known as off the shelf software, enable the people to perform daily activities. Ex. MS Word, MS Excel.
Oracle :

GOI (graphical user Interface) Window XP Window vista , Window 8

Software that allows a user to test it for an initial trial period at no charge is shareware.
Operating system + Processor (CPU) = CMOS (battery) update date and time. Railway reservation uses OS is Time sharing , Multitasking , Real-time OS , Multi-user OS.
Boot process involves:- load OS into RAM , The power on self test. , Activate the basic input /output system (BIOS) . BIOS firmware was stored in a ROM chip on the PC
motherboard. In later computer system, the BIOS contents are stored on (CMOS chip) flash memory (EPROM) so it can be rewritten without removing the chip from the
BIOS is responsible for loading the OS from its permanent
location on het hard drive into RAM. Checks Input/ output
devices are connected properly ( test called POST) .
MULTITASKING:- two or more than two task at one time.

MUlTIPROCESSING:- two or more CPU in single computer

System Application (multiple user).
Software Software

Operating Utility General Specific
Software Software Purpose Purpose
Debugging:- removing the error in program.
Compilier:- It reads program in one go and find error. Convert
high level lang. into machine lang.
Ex. word , excel App made for Testing:- finding the error in program.
Assembler Complier Interpretator , Google, crome business Interpreter:- It reads program line by line and find error,
etc. purposes
convert high level lang. to machine lang.
Device Driver: Lan card, Printer, Sound. Assembler(mnemonic) ADD , SUB :- convert assembly lang. into
machine language.
# Source code means HIGH LEVEL language. Ex. (ADD, SUB)
# Object code means o1o1o1
Application Software :- It is used to perform the specific task for user

Linker / takes
Source Loader
Object code additional Memory

Hardware OS Application User

Task of OS :- 1. Manage computer resources, like starting, managing memory, process management , file system management, Job scheduling , coordinate the task
between input and output.

Types of operating system ( on the basis of user interface) .The user interface(UI) is the point at which human users interact with a computer, website or application. The
goal of effective UI is to make the user’s experience easy , minimum effort and maximum outcome.

Types of UI :- Character user interface(CUI) and Graphical user interface (GUI). CUI:- It works on Command only, is fast, secured . GUI:- easy to use it , we can use mouse
but slow, less secured. ex. Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers.

Booting is done by help of BIOS. Boot strap program store in BIOS. Types of booting. Cold booting and warm booting.

Client O.S Server O.S (NOS= network operating system.)
M.S Dos , Window 95, Window 98, Window 2000, Window XP, Window vista, Window NT, Window server 2000, Window server 2003, Window server 2008,
Window 7,8,10. Window server 2012, UNIX, LINUX.

MS DOS is the example of single user single task O.S. Server user are the example of multiuser and multitask O.S.
Client O.S is the example of single user and multitask O.S UNIX is a example of multitasking , multiuser computer.
LINUX is a multiuser, open source can be modified, introduced by Linux torvalds
1991, written in C language. LINUX example is modem, routers car , super
computer, smart phone, etc.

M.S office (Microsoft)

M.S office is introduced by 1990 for windows. M.S office is also called application suit or package because it is the combination of multiple application.
Ex. MS word, MS excel, M.S power point, M.S access, M.S outlook. Versions:- 1.0, 3.0, MS office 95, MS office 97, MS office 2000, M.S office XP,
M.S office 2003, M.S office 2007, M.S office 2010, M.S office 2016, M.S office 2019.

Office live:- can be used from anywhere, one drive, office live small business, office 365.

M.S word:- allow user to create edit format the text. File extension is .DOC and .DOCX . word star is the earliest version of M.S word. # Word pad file-
ext is RTF.
M.S word start:- Winword command. # M.S word :- double click on Microsoft . Click on start > program > MS office > M.S word.


New Undo Normal Break
Open cut Web layout Page no.
Save Copy Print layout (can be edited) Date and Time
Save as Office clipboard ( It hold 24 Reading layout Picture (clip art, word art, chart )
Print Replace copy data) Tool bar Diagrams.
Print preview Paste special (change format Ruler Symbol
Page setup Paste before paste) Full screen Comment
Exit Thumbnails Text book
Default page orientation is portrait Header and Footer Book mark
Page margin : TOP and BOTTOM is 1 Zoom default = 100% Hyperlink (one page to another)
Left and Right is 1.25 Min=10% and Max= 500%
Macro( recording tool)

Footnote :- Additional information found at the bottom of a page. # Endnote:- are located at the end of the document. (summary).

Format Menu:- Font, Paragraph, Bullets and Numbering, Borders and Shading, Change case, Drop Cap (default 3 lines, Max- 10 lines), Watermark.

Font type default = Times New Roman. # Font style = Regular # Font size default – 12, Min-8, Max-72.

Paragraph:- 4 Alignment:- Left, Right, Center, Justify.

Tool Menu:- Spelling and Grammar (F7), Research, Language, Word count, Thesaurus:- find synonymes , letter and Mail-Merge.

Window 7 :- There is 7 Tab and each tab has multiple group.




Ctrl + A -- Select all contents of the page.

• Ctrl + B -- Bold highlighted selection. MS office is also called Application Package.
• Ctrl + C -- Copy selected text. Help menu is a part of M.S office.
• Ctrl + X -- Cut selected text. M.S access is especially used for Database.
Outlook is a E-mail client software.
• Ctrl + N -- Open new/blank document. M.S word file by default Name is Document 1.
• Ctrl + O -- Open options.
• Ctrl + P -- Open the print window.
• Ctrl + F -- Open find box.
• Ctrl + I -- Italicise highlighted selection.
• Ctrl + K -- Insert link.
• Ctrl + U -- Underline highlighted selection. STANDARD TOOL BAR SEQUENCE OF
• Ctrl + Y -- Redo the last action performed.
• Ctrl + Z -- Undo last action.
• Ctrl + G -- Find and replace options. STATUS BAR
• Ctrl + H -- Find and replace options.
• Ctrl + J -- Justify paragraph alignment.
• Ctrl + L -- Align selected text or line to the left.
• Ctrl + Q -- Align selected paragraph to the left. A feature of MS Word that saves the document automatically after certain interval
is available on Save tab on options dialog box.
• Ctrl + E -- Align selected text or line to the center.
• Ctrl + R -- Align selected text or line to the right. Background color or effects applied on a document is not visible in Print Preview.
• Ctrl + M -- Indent the paragraph.
• Ctrl + T -- Hanging indent. The word wrap re-nature automatically move text to the next line when necessary.
• Ctrl + D -- Font options.
• Ctrl + Shift + F -- Change the font. Data source mail merge terms combines a document with a list of names and
addresses to produce individualized documents.
• Ctrl + Shift + > -- Increase selected font +1.
• Ctrl + ] -- Increase selected font +1. “Mail merge” mail merge terms lists the specific information to be inserted in a
• Ctrl + [ -- Decrease selected font -1. mail merge document.
• Ctrl + Shift + * -- View or hide non printing “ Open the visual basic editor’’ is used
• Ctrl + (Left arrow) -- Move one word to the left.
• Ctrl + (Right arrow) -- Move one word to the right.
• Ctrl + (Up arrow) -- Move to the beginning of the line or paragraph.
• Ctrl + (Down arrow) -- Move to the end of the paragraph.
• Ctrl + Del -- Delete word to the right of the cursor.
• Ctrl + Backspace -- Delete word to the left of the cursor.
• Ctrl + End -- Move cursor to end of the document.
• Ctrl + Home -- Move cursor to the beginning of the document.
• Ctrl + Space -- Reset highlighted text to default font.

Ctrl + 1 -- Single-space lines.
Ctrl + 2 -- Double-space lines.
• Ctrl + 5 -- 1.5-line spacing.
• Ctrl + Alt + 1 Change text to heading 1.
• Ctrl + Alt + 2 Change text to heading 2. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for
• Ctrl + Alt + 3 Change text to heading 3. Windows, macOS, Android and iOS. It features calculation, graphing tools,
pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for
• F1 -- Open help.
• Shift + F3 -- Change case of selected text.
• Shift + Insert -- Paste.
• F4 -- Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+). 2003 version default file extension:- .xls
• F7 -- Spell check selected text and/or document. 2007 to 2019 file extension is :- .xlsx
• Shift + F7 -- Activate the thesaurus.
File Name default :- Book 1.
• F12 -- Save as.
Default font type is :- Arial
• Ctrl + S -- Save.
Default font size :- 10.
• Shift + F12 -- Save. Default font sytle:- Regular.
• Alt + Shift + D -- Insert the current date. Name box show current cell address..
• Alt + Shift + T -- Insert the current time.
• Ctrl + W -- Close document. By default there are three worksheet in Excel.
Workbook is a combination of multiple worksheet is called workbook.
Cell is a intersection of row and column is called Cell.

In 2003 version, there are 256 columns and 65536 Rows.

In 2007 version, there are 16384 columns and 1048576 Rows.
There are three types of cell address:- namely:- Absolute address, Relative address (Default) , Mixed address.
Absolute address:- It is used when we have to fix any cell value ex. $A$1
Relative address:- ex. E5, E6,…..
No. of Menu Bar. Is 9 that is :- File , Edit , View , Insert Format , Tools, Data, Window , Help. Each menu has sub-menu.
Default Margin :- Top and Bottom margins are set at 1 inch and Left and Right margins are set at .75 inch.

VIEW MENU :- Normal, Page break, Task pane, Tool Bar, formula Bar, Status Bar, Header and footer, comments, full screen , zoom (default
100min= 10% max= 500%.
Types of Chart in Excel. Pie, Column, Line, Bar, Area, Scatter.
FUNCTION:- are predefined formulas, that perform calculations by using specific values, called arguments, in particular structure.
TOOLS. Spelling, Research, Error checking, Track change ( blue triangle in left, upper corner of the cell to keep track of who makes what changes
to the workbook, you can use Excel’s Track changes features.), protection.
DATA MENU:- Sort (ascending and descending), Filter (data filtering is the process by which we can find specific data and duplicacy.), Data
validation( data validation is the smart tool that is used to control the information to enter the worksheet, control the information to enter the
worksheet, by using data validation we can restrict the entry to the specific type or size.) Pivot table( A pivot table is a data summarization tool
that is used in the context of data processing. It is used to summarize, reorganize, count, average data stored in the database.
How to use the formula:- =SUM(Argument) ,, IF TAB, GROUP = 2007 ,, MENU = 2003,,,
FREEZE PANES:- Lock any row and column.

➢ In the absence of parentheses, the order of operation is :- Exponentiation, multiplication or division, addition or subtraction.
➢ The cell reference for a range of cells that starts in cell B1 and goes over to column G and down to row 10 is B1:G10
➢ We can view a cell comment by position the mouse pointer over the cell. (Red triangle on right corner).
➢ To open an existing workbook, click the Open button on the Standard toolbar.
➢ We can convert existing Excel worksheet data and charts to HTML document by using the Internet Assistant wizard.
➢ We cannot set Page Border in Excel.
➢ Vlookup function used to Finds related records.
➢ We can change column width to fit the contents by Double click the boundary to the right of the column heading.
➢ We can activate a cell by Pressing the Tab key, clicking the cell, Pressing an arrow key.
➢ A function inside another function is known as Nested function.
➢ In a worksheet we can select The entire worksheet, rows, columns.
➢ Two common wildcard characters that Excel recognizes are * and ?.
➢ Which of the following displays the contents of the active cell Formula bar.
➢ Three way to insert a row.. is 1. Right-click the row heading where you want to insert the new row and select inser from the shortcut menu. 2.
Select the row heading where you want to insert the new row and select Edit>Row from the menu. 3. Select the row heading where you want
to insert the new row and click the inset Row button on the standard toolbar.
➢ Oldest spreadsheet package is Lotus 1-2-3
➢ Three ways to copy data and formulas:- 1 With the copy,paste and cut commands on the edit menu. 2. With commands on the shortcut
menu. 3. With buttons on the standard toolbars.
➢ When you insert an excel file into a work document. The data are Embedded.

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