Name of School Head: DR. CHODELYN P. DE GUZMAN Schools Division Office: PANGASINAN I
Date of SIP Submission: APRIL 24, 2023 Date of SIP appraisal: APRIL 26 – 28, 2023
The SIP Quality Assessment Tool is a tool that you will use to assess the quality of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) based on the rubrics per characteristic. The rubrics below will guide you in
assessing whether the SIP meets quality standards. It does not intend to compare achievement of schools, but the degree of meeting the criteria of a good SIP; and it creates a common
framework for assessing SIPs.
Instructions: Put a check mark (✓) on the box before the rubric that fits the SIP you are assesing. You may refer to the documents specified per characteristic to ensure the quality of the SIP you
are assessing. Lastly, in the remarks column, specify actions that the school head and the SPT must take to improve the SIP (section or chapter), if any; and words of appreciation if they did a
good job.
Below Expectation Meets Expectation Exceeds Expectation
Chapter 1: Clarity and Minutes of the meeting The chapter simply states the The chapter clearly articulates the The chapter clearly stipulates the SPT's
completeness of DepEd VMV. SPT’s understanding of the VMV and understanding of the VMV and their
discussion on DepEd NOTE: This document should their aspirations for the school and aspirations for the school and
VMV contain names of attendees, learners; and states their roles and learners; and commits to perform
records of dicussion on vision /
responsibilities that will contribute to their roles and responsibilities for the Exceed Expectation
sharing activity, and roles and
the attainment of the school goals attainment of the school goals where
where all members collaborate. all members collaborate.
Chapter 2: Clarity and SCDT Templates (Annexes 1A - The chapter presents accurate The chapter presents accurate and The chapter presents accurate and
completeness of 2C) and updated school and updated school and community data updated school and community data
discussion on School’s community data but the with clear discussion on its connection with clear discussion on its connection
CURRENT SITUATION School Report Card discussion on its connection to to the school’s current situation. to the school’s current situation,
the school's current situation is / highlighting alarming data that need Exceed Expectation
Gap Analysis Template (Annex 3)
not clear. to be prioritized for improvement.
Previous SIP (if applicable)
Chapter 2: Alignment and Prioritization Template/ Rubrics The chapter presents PIAs based The chapter presents PIAs that are The chapter presents PIAs that are
Relevance of PRIORITY (Annex 4) on the situational analysis, but aligned to IOs based on situational aligned to IOs based on situational
IMPROVEMENT AREAS are not aligned to IOs. analysis; and uses the prescribed / analysis; and uses the prescribed Exceed Expectation
(PIAs) to Intermediate Planning Worksheet (Annex 5) rubric. rubric; with concise discussion on why
Outcomes (IOs) such PIAs were selected.
Chapter 2: Planning Worksheet (Annex 5) The chapter presents objectives The chapter presents “SMART” The chapter presents “SMART”
Responsiveness of the that are not responsive to PIAs. objectives that are responsive to PIAs. objectives that are responsive to PIAs;
GENERAL OBJECTIVES to / and those applicable are aligned with Exceed Expectation
PIAs the Division targets.
Below Expectation Meets Expectation Exceeds Expectation
Chapter 2: Feasibility of Planning Worksheet (Annex 5) The chapter presents general The chapter presents general The chapter presents general
the TARGETS objectives but does not have objectives that are broken down into objectives that are broken down into
annual targets. annual targets and aligned with the / realistic annual targets and aligned Exceed Expectation
proposed solutions. with the proposed solutions.
Chapter 2: Clarity and Planning Worksheet (Annex 5) The chapter presents the root The chapter presents the root causes The chapter presents the root causes
completeness of the causes but there is no evidence of with evidence of the RCA process. with evidence of the RCA process,
ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS Documentation of Listening to the RCA process. which were thoroughly deliberated by
(RCA) process the Voice of Learners and other the SPT; and with concise discussion
/ on why such root causes were Exceed Expectation
Root Cause Analysis Diagram
(Annex 8)
Chapter 3: Project Workplan and Budget The chapter presents the major The chapter presents major activities The chapter presents major activities
Appropriateness of the Matrix (Annex 9) activities for each project but do for each project that address the root for each project that address several
major activities in the not address the root cause/s. cause/s; which are within the school's root causes; which are within the
identified SOLUTION(s) control, economical, sustainable, and school's control, economical,
with support and commitment from / sustainable, and with support and Exceed Expectation
the process owners. commitment from the process
Chapter 3: Project Workplan and Budget The AIP has incomplete data and The AIP has complete data and The AIP has complete data and
Comprehensiveness of Matrix (Annex 9) information. information with activities supporting information with activities supporting
the ANNUAL the attainment of the school / the attainment of the school Exceed Expectation
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Annual Implementation Plan objectives objectives and is aligned with the
(Annex 10)
Chapter 4: Completeness Project Monitoring Report The chapter presents incomplete The chapters presents a monitoring The chapters presents a monitoring
of the MONITORING Form (PMRF) monitoring plan. plan using the PMRF with the plan using the PMRF with the
PLAN following information: project name, following information; project name,
objectives and targets, and schedule objectives and targets, and schedule
of monitoring for the year of / of monitoring for the year of Exceed Expectation
implementation. implementation, with reporting and
feedback mechanism to stakeholders.