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UPVC Technical Data Sheet

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PVC has high hardness, good mechanical properties, high tensile strength and excellent chemical resistance. It is self
extinguishing and has class 1 fire rating. This is vital for construction applications and making flat sheet PVC ideal for
wall cladding applications and hygienic-cladding. It has good electrical properties in the low voltage and frequency
range. This tough plastic can be easily fabricated, welded and bonded together with solvent cements making it one of
the most versatile plastics available.

Physical Properties (indicative values)

GENERAL PROPERTIES Test Method Units Value Legend
Density ISO 1183 g/cm 1.36

Water absorbtion - Figures relate to specimen conditioned at 23°C and 50 RH.

- at saturation in air of 23°C / 50% R.H. ISO 62 % 0.1 Figures between brackets relate to dry specimen. Figures
- at saturation in water 23°C ISO 62 % 0.02 for materials marked with * can change according to their
Tensile stress at yield and break ISO 527 N/mm 55
Elongation at break ISO 527 % 10 - Figures refer to un-coloured samples either injection
Tensile modulus of elasticity ISO 527 N/mm 3000 moulded or machined in the easiest way. Tests made on
Compression test samples of different sizes give slightly different results.
- 1% strain after 1,000 hrs ISO 899 N/mm2 7
2 (12)
Chappy impact strength - Notched ISO 179-1/1eU J/cm 3 Test on ground steel dry specimen load
Chappy impact strength - Unnotched ISO 179-1/1eA KJ/mm
no break 0.05 N/mm2 speed =0.6 m/s
Ball indentation hardness ISO 2039 N/mm 120
Rochwell Hardness ISO 2039 M 97
Deformation at temperature . HDT at 1.8 N/mm2
Coefficient of frition to steel (12) ISO 8295 - 0.6
THERMAL PROPERTIES Operating temperature continuously 5000h. From 23°C
Melting temperature ISO 3156 °C 80 upwards, the materials' features change in a non-uniform
Thermal conductivity at 23°C ISO 22007.2 W/9km) 0.14 and disproportional way. The quoted limits are indicative
Deformation temperature(15) ISO 75 °C 60 and based on a tensile stress of 50% of the value at 23°C.
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion
- average value between 23 and 60°C ISO 11359 m(m.K) 80 Operating temperature short period (no load).
Max. allowable service temperature in air
- Continuously(17) - °C 60
The mechanical features decrease with a reduction in
- Short periods - °C 65 temperature and are also influenced by other factors
Minimum service temperature - °C -15 (moisture, etc). The quoted values do not take into
Flamability consideration impact conditions or heavy loads.
- Oxygen index ISO 4589 % -
- according to UL 94 (3/6 thickness) UL94 - VO This table, is mainly to be used for comparison purposes.
ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES It's a valuable tool to help in the choice of material. The
Dilectrical constant ISO 250 - 3 data listed here falls within the normal range of product
w w w . p l a s ti m . c o . u k

Dielectric strength ISO 243 KV/mm 30 properties. However, they aren't guaranteed and shouldn't
Volume resistivity ISO 93 Ωcm 10 be used to establish material specification limits nor used
Dissipation factor tan ∆ at 1 MHz ISO 250 - 0.01 alone as the basis of design.
2 0 1 5

This product data sheet and any data or specifications presented on our website shall provide promotional and
general information about Plastim Limited Products and shall serve as a preliminary guide. All data and descriptions
relating to our products are of an indicative nature only. Neither this data sheet nor any data and specifications
presented on our website shall create or be implied to create any legal or contractual obligation.
J a n u a r y

It solely remains the customers responsibility to test and assess the suitability and compatibility of Plastim's
Products for it's intended applications, prosesses and uses. The customer undertakes all liability in respect of the
applictaion, processing or use of the aforementioned information or product .

Plastim Ltd. Unit 100, Ashville Business Park, Commerce Road, Staverton, Gloucestershire, GL2 9QJ
Tel: 01452 857733 Fax: 01452 857744 Email: sales@plastim.co.uk

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