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DLL Aug. 22 26 2022

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DAILY DIEL 1st Floor – TIANO BROTHERS (MWThF) 8:15 – 9:15

LESSON TEACHER WENDELY R. CAPISEN August 22 – 26, 2022 DIEL 1st Floor – PATERNO (MTThF) 9:30 – 10:30
MONDAY / TUE August 22-23, 2022 TUE / WED August 23-24, 2022 THU August 25, 2022 FRI August 26, 2022
A. Content Standard Demonstrate understanding of the key concepts of sets and the real number system
B. Performance Standard Is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives Describes well defined Describes well defined sets,
Write the LC code for each.
sets, subsets, universal subsets, universal sets, and
sets, and the null set and the null set and cardinality of
cardinality of sets. sets.
M7NS-Ia-1 M7NS-Ia-1
II. CONTENT SETS: An Introduction
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Mathematics Learners Materials
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Mathematics LM p.1-3 Mathematics LM p.1-3
2. Learner’s Materials pages Mathematics LM p.1-3 Mathematics LM p.1-3
3. Textbook pages Mathematics LM p.1-3 Mathematics LM p.1-3
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal
B. Other Learning Resource Notes taken during the Notes taken during the
Activity sheet Activity sheet
teacher’s orientation teacher’s orientation
Introductory Activity Preliminary Activities/ Daily Preliminary Activities/ Daily
(3 minutes). This part Routine Routine
introduces the lesson Prayer Prayer
content. Greetings Greetings
Reminders Reminders
Remind the students on Remind the students on the
the classroom rules classroom rules
(Be ready and on time, (Be ready and on time,
dress properly dress properly
Checking of Checking of attendance
Activity/ Strategy Ask the students to do the  Presenting Ask the students to do the  Presenting different
(17 minutes). This is an Activity different types of Activity types of objects.
interactive strategy to elicit How I Feel Today? objects. How I Feel Today?  Identifying the
learner’s prior learning (Let the express trough  Identifying the (Let the express trough common
experience. It serves as a drawing, paper tearing, common drawing, paper tearing, characteristics of the
springboard for new learning. writing, or making a story characteristics of writing, or making a story given objects.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
etc.) the given objects. etc.)  Definition of sets and
presenting the new lesson  Definition of sets other important terms.
and other
important terms.
B. Establishing a purpose for the List down the importance List down the importance of
of sets sets
C. Presenting examples/Instances of Identify the importance of Identify the importance of
the new lesson
sets in daily life sets in daily life
Analysis Let each student show and Describing well defined Let each student show and Describing well defined sets,
(15 minutes) Essential questions are tell the class about what sets, subsets, universal tell the class about what subsets, universal sets, and
included to serve as a guide for
the teacher in clarifying key
they have done and at the sets, and the null set and they have done and at the the null set and cardinality of
understandings about the topic same time get to know cardinality of sets. same time get to know each sets.
at hand. Critical points are each other other
organized to

D. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills # 1
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills # 2
Abstraction Question and answer Oral participation of Question and answer Oral participation of students
(10 minutes) This outlines regarding the topic of the students given a teacher regarding the topic of the given a teacher made
the key concepts, important orientation and finding made materials on sets orientation and finding materials on sets
skills that should be commonality in what each commonality in what each of
enhanced, and the proper of them has done. them has done.
attitude that should be

F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative Assessment 3)
Application Emphasize the importance What example can you Emphasize the importance What example can you give
(3 minutes) This part is of the topic discussed to give that deals with sets? of the topic discussed to that deals with sets?
structured to ensure the keep everyone safe and keep everyone safe and
commitment of the learners healthy. healthy.
to do something to apply
their new learning in their
own environment

G. Finding practical application of

concepts and skills in daily living
PROCEDURE Show an illustration that Show an illustration that will
will lead students to lead students to describe
describe well-defined well-defined sets, subsets,
sets, subsets, universal universal sets, and the null
sets, and the null set and set and cardinality of sets.
cardinality of sets.
H. Making generalizations and A set is a well-defined A diagram representing A set is a well-defined A diagram representing
abstractions about the lesson
collection of distinct, mathematical or logical collection of distinct, mathematical or logical sets
considered as an object in sets pictorially as circles considered as an object in pictorially as circles or closed
its own right. or closed curves within its own right. curves within an enclosing
an enclosing rectangle rectangle (the universal set),
(the universal set), common elements of the sets
common elements of the being represented by the
sets being represented areas of overlap among the
by the areas of overlap circles.
among the circles.
Assessment Lesson 1: Answer Activity Lesson 1: Answer Activity 1 “
(10 minutes) For the teacher to: 1 “ Identify Me” page 6, Identify Me” page 6, Activity 2
a)Assess whether learning Activity 2 “Find Me” page “Find Me” page 7
objectives have been met for a 7
specified duration,
b) Remediate and/or enrich with
appropriate strategies as needed,
c)Evaluate whether learning
intentions and success
criteria have been met.

I. Evaluating learning
Assignment/Agreement Answer Activity 3 “ Answer Activity 3 “ Describe
(2 minutes). Fill in below any of Describe Me” page 9 Me” page 9
the four purposes
 Reinforcing/ strengthening
the day’s lesson
Preparing for the new lesson
J. Additional activities for application
or remediation
Indicate special cases including
but not limited to continuation of
lesson plan to the following day in
case of reteaching or lack of time,
transfer of lesson to the following
day, in cases of class
suspension, etc.

Reflect on your teaching and assess
yourself as a teacher. Think about
your student’s progress. What
works? What else need to be done to
help the students learn? Identify what
help your instructional supervisors
can provide for you so when you
meet them, you can ask them
relevant questions, indicate
whichever is appropriate.

Prepared by: Checked by: Reviewed by: Noted by:

Teacher I Master Teacher I HT-III Mathematics Department School Principal IV

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