2nd Semester PDF
2nd Semester PDF
2nd Semester PDF
1.1.4 Nature, scope and extent of executive powers of the Union and the
States-Articles 73 & 162.
1.2 The Union Parliament and State Legislatures
1.2.1 Compositions ofthe Parliament and State Legislatures.
1.2.2 Qualification/Disqualification of Members of Parliament and State
Legislatures -Anti Defection Law.
1.2.3 Prime Minister-Cabinet System -Collective
1.2.4 Legislative Process -Legislative Privileges -Immunities of members of
the Parliament and state legislature.
(Article 105, 195)
Unit 2: Union and State Judiciary 16
Internal Assessment 20
Reffered Cases:
IKesavanandaBharati Vs. State of Kerala, AIR 1973 SC 1461
2 Maneka Gandhi Vs. Union of lndia, AIR 1978 SC 597
3 In Reference No. of 1998 (Judges Appointment Casc), AIR 1999 SCT
4 SR Bomai Vs. Union of India, AIR 1994 SC 1918
5 KuldeepNayar Vs. Union of India, AIR 2006 SC 312
6 A.D.M. Jabalpur Vs. SrikanthShukla, AIR 1976 SC 1207
7 Rameswar Prasad Vs. Union of Inda, AIR 2006 SC 980
8 Powers, Privileges and Immunties of State Legislatures, Re, AIR 1965 SC 745
9 Union ofIndia Vs. Tulshi Ram, AIR 1985 SC 1416
10 Atiabari Tea State Co. Vs. State of Assam, AIR 1961 SC 232
Recommended Bookks
1 Dr. J. N. Pandey -Constitutional Law of India.
2. D. D. Basu -Shorter Constitution of India.
3. V. N. Shukla -Constitutional Law of India.
4. M.P. Jain -Constitutional Law of India.
5. H. M. Sreevai -Const itutional Law of India.
Semester 11
Family Law -
End Semester -80
Intermal Assessment -20
Total Marks: 100
Unit 4- Special Mohammedan law
4.1. Law of Wills.
42. Law of Gifts.
4.3. Law of Pre-emption.
4.4. Law of Wakfs
Internal Assessment
Referred Cases:
1. Abdul Khadar Vs. Taib Begum AIR 1957
2. Abdul Latif Mandal Vs. Anawar Khatoon (2002)1, CLJ 186
3. Hamida Bibi Vs. Zubaida Bibi, (1916), 43 IA294
4. Maina Bibi Vs. Choudhury Vakil Ahmed (1924) 52 IA 145
Recommended Books:
1. A. A.AFyzee: Outlines of Mohammadan Law, Oxlord
University Press. ath Edition, 2008
Semester Il
Specific Contract
nd Semester -80
iemal ASsessment -20
otalMarks: 100 Marks
and guarantee. 16
UNIT 1: Contract of indemnity
ExchangeandCheque, Bill of exchange and Promissory
3.1.1. Parties to a Negotiable Instrument in Due Course
3.1.2 Holder and Holder in Due
Course Privileges of a Holder
Lunatic, Insolvent.
3.1.3 Negotiable Instrument- (Minor,
Competence of Parties to
Legal Representative, Joint Hindu
Joint Stock Company, Agent, Partnership Firm,
3.1.4 Liabilities of Parties to Negotiable instrument.
3.1.5 Presentment for Acceptance and Payment -
3.1.6 Negotiation Assignment and bearer -
Kinds Once a bearer always a
3.1.7, Endorsement and its
3.3 Dishonour
When a Banker can Reluse to pay Customer's Cheque.
3.3.1 As Paying Banker
on Crossed Cheques.
Pavment of Customer's Cheque
The Precaution to
be taken
UNIT 4: The Indian Partnership Act: 1932
1.1 Defimtion, nature kinds
1.2 Rights, duties, liabilities and interrelations between the
1.3 Registration of partnersh1p.
1.4 Limited liab1lity partnership,
1.5 Dissolution of partnership
Internal Assessment 20
Referred Cases:
1Gajanan Moreshwar Vs. Moreshwar Madan, AIR 1942, Bombay, 302
2 Kaliapernmal Pillai Vs. Visalaxmi, AIR 1938 Madrash, 32
3. Union of India Vs. Anawar Singh
4 Delhi Electric Supply undertaking Vs. Basanti Devi and other, AIR 2005 SC
5. Sarswati Devi Vs. Motilal, AIR 1928,Raj. 108
Books Recommended:
Beatsen (ed), Anson 's law of Contract, OUP, 1998
P.S. Atiya, -Introduction to the law of contract Clarendon Press, 1990
Avtar Singh Text book on Law of Contract and Specific Reliet, Eastem Book
Company, 2006.
M. Krishnam Nair -
Unit-1: Introduction 16
1.1 Origin of Land Rights in Assam, Proprietor, Land-holder and Settlement holder, «
than land holder.
1.2 ASsam Land and Revenue Regulation, 1881, Definitions; rights over land-
acquisition of rights over land, rights of proprietors, land holders, settlement holders,
1.3 Allotment of grazing land, disposal of
government waste land, rightsin fishery.
Unit-2: land revenue 16
2.1Settlement &resumption under the Assam Land & Revenue Regulation, 1886-
Operation, procedure for settlement survey & demarcation of land-
preparation of record of rights- assessment of land revenue; resumption, Hoe
2.2 Mutation - classes of persons entitled to pray mutation -obligation to pray for mutation
procedure for mutation; field mutation;
2.3Arrears & Mode of recovering it - defaulter - defaulting estate; models of recovering
Arrears- Attachment & sale of movables - attachment of defaulting estate -
sale of defaulting estate, sale of immovable property her than the defaultinng
Unit -3: Partition 16
3.1 Partition - meaning - need- who can sue for partition procedure restriction for
3.2 Powers of officers - revenue officers-procedure and Appeals matters exempted four
cognizance of civil court.
3.3 Protections of backward classes - tribal belts & blocks.
Unit-4: State legislations on tenancy
4.1 The Assam non-Agricultural urban Areas tenancy Act, 1955
4.2 The Assam (temporarily settled areas tenancy) Act, 1971.
Unit-5: State Legislations on-
5.1 Rent control:- the Assam urban Areas rent Control act, 1972
5.2 Ceiling on land: The Assam fixation of land holding act, 1956.
5.3Land requisition & Acquisition: - the Assam land (Requisition & Acquisition)
Act, 1964.
5.4 Central land acquisition act
Internal Assessment 20
Refered cases:
1. Swasna Brahma v. Assam Board of Revenue, AlR,1972,GAU 121
2. Refiqunnessa v. Lal Bahadur Chetri, AIR 1964 SC 1511
3. Kali Kumar Sen v. Mohanlal Biswas AlR 1969 ASM 66(FB)
4 Satyaranjan v. Assam Board of Revenue AlR 1999 GAU-83(FB)
Recommended Boolks:
O.D. ladia, "Land laws in Assam &
Meghal aya", Assam Law House. Guwahati, 2005
2 KC. Mazumdar, "Commentaries on
Land Laws of Assam", Assam Law house,
Guwahati. 2010 Edition
3 J.N. Das, "Land laws of Assam, Book
land, Guwahati, 2012 Edition.
KN. Saikia, Land Laws of Assam, Assam Law House, 2007 Edition.