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Manual Instalation English

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School: Polytechnic University of Zacatecas

Career: Computer Systems Engineering

Names Students:
Jesús Adrián Gómez Carrillo – 1200126
Cesar Said Cisneros Sánchez – 1200144

Pedro Irving Rodríguez CHairez – 1200155

Alejandro Manuel Tovar Márquez – 120059

Leonardo Daniel Márquez Flores – 1200130

Luis Daniel Guadalupe García Herrera - 1200146

Teacher: L.E.S Blanca Estefany López Placencia

Work: “installation manual Windows 10 "
Date: 23/01/2023 Group: 7.1
Subject: English VIII Unit 1
Schedule: Monday to Friday 7:00 am a 8:00am
How to Install Windows 10

Step 1: Download ISO image

1. to download this image, go to any browser and search “Download ISO image
Windows 10”.
2. Download the Rufus program or any to boot a USB stick. To download this program
search for “Rufus Download” on the internet.
Step 2: Boot memory in Rufus
1. Open the Rufus program as administrator.
2. When open the window of Rufus choose the USB in the label
3. In the label “Boot selection” choose the ISO image.
4. We look where it says “Partition Scheme” and choose “MBR”.
5. In “volume label” we enter the name of the memory; in our
case it is “Windows 10”.
6. In the end choose “Start” and wait.
Step 3: Start whit the installation

1. First, we insert the USB stick into the PC and turn it on. Configure to boot first from
removable devices such as USB sticks, we must press the F8 key repeatedly during
boot to appear the Boot menu and select our USB with Windows 10 to install.
2. When the system tries to boot from the USB memory,
the first thing we will see is a message that will ask us to
press any key to start with the installation.
3. Press any key, and a loading window will start which will
load into the memory everything necessary to start the
installation wizard.
4. A window will open in which we must configure the
language, the time format and the type of keyboard that
we are going to use.
5. Click on "Next" and in the new window that appears we
will click on "Install now". It will start the installation which will last a few minutes.
6. The following will ask us for the activation key, this will give us two options Activate
with key or "I do not have a product key" we choose the option I do not have a key.
7. Click again on Next and the license terms will appear, which we will accept to
8. The following window is one of the most important. In it we will choose the type of
installation we want:
 If we want to update Windows and not lose data or applications, we will choose
 For a clean installation, we will choose "Custom".
9. In our case we select the second option, custom, and then choose the hard drive
partition where we will install Windows.
10. After formatting to install Windows 10, click on "Next" and the installation process
will begin.
11. We must wait for the installation process to finish. During which, the computer will
restart several times and, in addition, we will see different phases, both the
installation wizard and the initial configuration of our Windows 10.
12. After the restarts, Windows 10 will already be installed.

Step 4: Install Basic Drivers and Browser on Windows

First, we must have our computer with Windows 10 connected to a network, for this
we must do the next steps:
1. select the Network or Wi-Fi icon in the notification area.
2. From the list of networks, choose the network you want to connect to, and
then select Connect.
3. Type the security key (commonly called a password).
1. In “Start” look for “Device Manager”. Then open the window.
2. Now you will see a window with a large menu in which you must choose the
driver that is not working for you or that you are looking to update. When
you identify the device, proceed to right-click on it. Then, in the options
select “Update driver”.
3. A new tab will immediately be displayed, in which you will be shown some
options asking you where to look for updates. At the moment you must click
on "Search for updated driver software automatically" or “Search Driver
Software on PC”.
1. Download the setup file from the official site.
2. If necessary, click Run or Save.
3. If you are asked "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your
device?", click Yes.
4. A Chrome window will open when the process is complete. You can set
Chrome as the default browser.

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