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I2M L7 Student

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Advanced 1 Med Lesson 7

Emergency care, injuries and CPR

Skills: how to use the ABCD checklist Student’s copy

1 VOCABULARY – Accidents
A. Write three types of accidents in each category
household work-related childhood

B. What are these?

2 LISTENING – The ABCDE approach

A. Use the website to find out about the ABCDE approach.
Write down what the letters stand for and take notes for each step.

B. Check your findings in pairs.

C. Complete your notes on the ABCDE approach as we watch the video.


D. In what situations is the method used? Pair discussion

A. Try and answer the following questions in pairs:
 What do the letters in “CPR” stand for?
 Is it OK to do CPR on a child who is breathing but weakly?
 Is it OK to do CPR on an adult, who responds to verbal of physical calls?
 Can CPR be helpful when the heart stops because of poisoning?
Advanced 1 Med Lesson 7
Emergency care, injuries and CPR
Skills: how to use the ABCD checklist Student’s copy

B. Read the text and check your answers.

When to use CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and when not to

CPR is a life-saving first aid procedure. It can significantly improve someone's chances of surviving if
they suffer a heart attack or stop breathing following an accident or trauma.
Performing CPR when a person is not breathing can help prevent brain damage.
Use CPR when an adult is not breathing at all. For a child or infant, use CPR when they are not breathing
normally. Always use CPR if the adult or child is not responding when you talk to them or tap them.
If someone is not breathing, giving CPR can ensure that oxygen-rich blood reaches the brain. This is
important, as without oxygen, someone can sustain permanent brain damage or die in under 8 minutes.
A person might need CPR if they stop breathing in any of the following circumstances:
a cardiac arrest or heart attack
a road traffic accident
a drug or alcohol overdose
smoke inhalation
suspected sudden infant death syndrome
Only perform CPR if the adult is not breathing, or in children and infants, when they are not breathing
normally, and their blood is not circulating. This is why it is important to ensure that the person does not
respond to verbal or physical calls to attention before starting the CPR process.

A. Find out the meaning of the phrases in bold in the text. Work together and use your
4 Have some fun doing a QUIZ on emergency and first aid.
https://www.firstaidforfree.com/first-aid-quizzes/ the GREEN button

Is there something you did not know before?

5 ROLE PLAY – Exam skills

Ön háziorvos Ön idős beteg

Feladat: Feladat:
 Köszöntse a beteget, mutatkozzon be.  köszön
 Kérdezze meg, hogy mi a panasza, mióta tart.  fáj a könyöke tegnap délután
 Érdeklődjön, hogy elesett-e, beütötte-e magát az elmúlt óta, amikor ráesett
időben.  múlthéten sportolás közben
 Kérdezze meg, hogy korábban műtötték-e ezen a területen. ugyanígy megütötte
 Beutalja az ortopédiára, ahol majd szakorvos megvizsgálja  Nem volt itt korábbi műtét
és készítenek róla röntgent.  köszönje meg a beutalót,
 Javasolja, hogy kérjen időpontot az adott telefonszámon, kérdezze meg, visszajöjjön-e
majd a leletekkel jöjjön vissza. a leletekkel

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