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BLS Flashcards Quizlet

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BLS Study


Science Medicine Emergency Medicine

83 studiers today 5.0 (3 reviews)

lying motionless on the floor. You verify that the

scene is safe for you and the victim. The man
doesn't respond when you tap his shoulders, "are

Start high-quality
you OK?" You shout for nearby help. Several
rescuers respond, and you ask them to activate
the emergency response system and retrieve the
CPR, beginning with
AED. As you check for a pulse and breathing, you
notice that the man is gasping for air and making
chest compressions
snorting sounds. You do not feel a pulse. What is
your best next action?

3 / 43





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Terms in this set (43) Your stats

Still learning (2) Select these 2

Your roommate uses opioids. You find

him unresponsive with no breathing,
but he has a strong pulse. You suspect
an opioid overdose. A friend is
phoning 9-1-1 and looking for the
naloxone autoinjector. What action
should you take?

Provide rescue breathing: 1 breath

every 6 seconds

After performing high-quality CPR for

5 minutes, the Team Leader frequently
interrupts chest compressions to
check for a pulse. Which action
demonstrates constructive

Suggest resuming chest compressions

without delay

Not studied (41) Select these 41

A 75-year-old man collapses and

becomes unresponsive. You witness
his collapse and are the first rescuer
at the scene, where the man is lying
motionless on the floor. You verify
that the scene is safe for you and the
victim. The man doesn't respond when
you tap his shoulders, "are you OK?"
You shout for nearby help. Several
rescuers respond, and you ask them
to activate the emergency response
system and retrieve the AED. As you
check for a pulse and breathing, you
notice that the man is gasping for air
and making snorting sounds. You do
not feel a pulse. What is your best
next action?

Start high-quality CPR, beginning with

chest compressions

What does the stroke acronym F.A.S.T.

Stand for?

Face, arms, speech, time

The Team Leader asks you to perform

bag-mask ventilation during a
resuscitation attempt, but you have
not perfected that skill. What would
be an appropriate action to
acknowledge your limitations?

Tell the team leader that you are not

comfortable performing that task

What should you do when using an

AED on an infant or a child younger
than 8 years of age?

Use adult AED pads if the AED does

not have child pads

What is the most appropriate first step

to take as soon as the AED arrives at
the victim's side?

Power on the AED

You encounter an unresponsive 56-

year-old woman who has been taking
hydromorphone for post surgical
pain. She is not breathing and has no
pulse. You notice that her medication
bottle is empty and suspect an
opioid-associated life-threatening
emergency. A colleague activates the
emergency response system and is
retrieving the AED and Naloxone.
What is the most appropriate action
for you to take next?

Begin CPR, starting with chest


Which of these is not an opioid?

Heroin, hydromorphone, morphine,


A 25-year-old female collapses and

becomes unresponsive. You witness
her collapse and are the first rescuer
at the scene, where the woman is
lying motionless on the floor. You
verify that the scene is safe for you
and the victim. The woman doesn't
respond when you tap her shoulders
and shout, "Are you ok?" What is you
best next action?

Shout for nearby help

Where on the body should you

administer an epinephrine injection?

On the person's thigh, about halfway

between the hip and knee

A 53-year-old man collapses and

becomes unresponsive. You witness
his collapse and are the first rescuer
at the scene, where the man is lying
motionless on the floor. Which is the
first action you should take in this

Verify that the scene is safe for you

and the victim

If you suspect that an unresponsive

victim has head or neck trauma, what
is the preferred method for opening
the airway?

Jaw thurst

If a manual defibrillator is not

available for an infant victim, which
action should you take?

Use an AED equipped with a pediatric

dose attenuator

What action should you take when

more rescuers arrive?

Assign tasks to other rescuers and

rotate compressors every 2 minutes or
more frequently if needed to avoid

Which victim would need only rescue


No breathing and a pulse

Which is an example of mild foreign-

body airway obstruction?

Wheezing between coughs

What action should you take while the

AED is analyzing the heart rhythm?

Stand clear of the victim

Which is the preferred technique for

giving rescue breaths to an infant?


Which of the following populations is

most likely to show atypical signs of a
heart attack, like shortness of breath
and dizziness?
1. Individuals with diabetes
2. Younger-aged individuals
3. People who are overweight
4. White, middle-aged men

Individuals with diabetes

If a victim of cardiac arrest has an

implanted pacemaker or defibrillator,
what special steps should you take?

Avoid placing the AED pad directly

over the implanted device

What is the correct chest compression

depth for an infant?

At least one third, or approximately 4

cm (1.5 inches)

What is CCF?

Proportion of time that rescuers

perform chest compressions during

Which step is one of the universal

steps for operating an AED?

Placing the pads on the victim's bare


What is the appropriate action to

demonstrate closed-loop
communication when the Team
Leader assigns you a task?

Repeat back to the Team Leader the

task assigned to you

You notice someone showing all the

signs of a severe allergic reaction.
What is the first and most important
action you should take?

Use the epinephrine device

Which of the following is a sign that

someone is experiencing

Life-threatening breathing or
circulation problems

Which victim of a severe airway

obstruction should receive abdominal

An average-size 27-year-old man

If you think someone might be having

a stroke, what should be the first thing
you do?

Quickly check for signs of a stroke

What is the correct compression-to-

ventilation ratio for a 7-year-old child
when 2 or more rescuers are present?

15 compressions to 2 breaths

What is the correct chest compression

depth for a child?

At least one third the depth of the

chest, or approximately 5 cm (2

How are rescue actions for cardiac

arrest due to drowning different from
the rescue actions for sudden cardiac

Unlike sudden cardiac arrest, the

priority in a drowning is to give the
person oxygen

For what age victim is the 2 thumb-

encircling hands technique

An infant younger than 1

How often should rescue breaths be

given in infants and children when a
pulse is felt?

1 breath every 2 to 3 seconds

Which is the most common cause of

cardiac arrest in children?

Respiratory failure or shock

In which locations do most out-of-

hospital cardiac arrests occur?


What is the correct compression-to-

ventilation ratio for a single rescuer of
a 3-year-old child?

30 compressions to breaths

You are attempting to rescue a

person who has experienced
drowning. What do you do if there are
no signs of breathing?

Open the airway and administer

rescue breaths

What is third link in the adult out-of-

hospital Chain of Survival?


What is the ratio of chest

compressions to breaths when
providing CPR to an adult?q

30 compressions to 2 breaths

What is important to remember=muer

about AED pad placement on infants?

You may need to place 1 pad on chest

and 1 on the back, according to the
diagrams on the pads

What are the rate and depth for chest

compressions on an adult?

A rate of 100 to 120 compressions per

minute and depth of at least 5 cm (2

Which action can rescuers perform to

potentially reduce the risk of gastric

Delivering each breath over 1 second

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