PoP (Organic) 2021
PoP (Organic) 2021
PoP (Organic) 2021
Published jointly by
Rice (Oryza sativa) 1
Rice based cropping system for organic production in Assam 7
Winter rice-potato-lady’s finger sequence 7
Winter rice-toria-black gram system 12
Okra 17
Cabbage 18
Cauliflower 21
Carrot 23
Tomato 24
Bhut Jolokia 30
Chilli 33
Ginger 36
Turmeric 38
Fruit crops
Banana 39
Pineapple 44
Assam lemon 47
Annexure- I 49
Annexure-II 51
Annexure -III 52
Organic Package of Practices for Selected Crops of Assam, 2021
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Organic Package of Practices for Selected Crops of Assam, 2021
removed after four days. The sprinkling of water may need to be continued up to one
week. After about one week seedling would attain some height and water may be
applied by flooding. The depth of water should be half of the seedling height.
i. Uprooting of seedlings:
Seedlings become ready for transplanting when its height becomes 15 cm with 3 to 4
leaves. The seedling mats are then cut into pieces to be used for transplanter.
Field preparation:
Field should be prepared thoroughly by ploughing 4 to 5 times followed by harrowing
and laddering. Ploughing should be started at least 21 days ahead of transplanting so that
weeds are dried up/decayed.
Land preparation by bullock drawn modified helical blade puddler:
Modified helical blade puddler is an improved bullock drawn implement of puddling
operation. The weight of the implement is about 26 kg and it covers about 50 cm in one pass.
It can be operated by all types of bullocks available in Assam. One or two passes of puddler
operation followed by one pass of mould board plough are sufficient for obtaining good
quality puddle soil. The puddler can cover 2 to 2.5 bigha of land per day.
Considerations for efficient use of the modified helical blade puddler:
The well ploughed field should be covered with water at the time of puddler
operation. To protect the sharpness of the blade the implement should never be operated over
stones or hard ground. At the end of its operation the puddler should be properly cleaned and
stored dry. Painting is advisable to avoid rusting.
Organic Nutrient package for Rice
a) Manures and Fertilizers:
Several options of organic nutrients are available depending on the availability at
different locations.
i) Enriched Compost (@ 5 t/ha) + Biofertilizer (Azospirillum, PSB and KSB mix @ 4.0
kg/ha as seedling root dip).
ii) Fresh Azolla @ 400-450 kg/ha as dual crop + Biofertilizers (Azospirillum, PSB and
KSB mix @ 4.0 kg/ha as seedling root dip)
Application of biofertizers Seedling root dip treatment:
A bed of size (2.5 m x 2.5 m x 0.15 m) is prepared in the field filled with up to 2
inches of water to which 4.0 kg of Azospirillum, PSB and KSB mix (rice seedlings for 1
ha) is suspended and a slurry is prepared. The roots of the rice seedlings are dipped for 8
to12 hours (overnight) and then transplanted to the main field.
Application of Azolla in rice:
Azolla is a free-floating water fern which lives in symbiotic association with a N-
fixing blue green algae (Anabaena azollae) and has potential of providing 30-60 kg N/ha
under normal field conditions.
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Organic Package of Practices for Selected Crops of Assam, 2021
b) Apply neem oil 1500 ppm @ 3-5 ml /lit as an alternative to chemical insecticides
c) To control rice pests, erect 50 ‘T’-perches per ha 2 ft (60 cm) above crop canopy as
roosting site for insectivorous birds, which are to be removed before flowering in
order to prevent activity of granivorous bird.
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Organic Package of Practices for Selected Crops of Assam, 2021
Following cropping systems are suggested for Organic Production in Assam under
medium land situation:
1. Winter rice-potato-lady’s finger sequence
2. Winter rice-toria-black gram sequence
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Organic Package of Practices for Selected Crops of Assam, 2021
Cultural practices:
Seed rate (kg/ha) 45
Pre-sowing/ Material used Recommended rate Method of
planting treatment application
of seeds/ seedlings
Biofertilizers i.e. 3.5 kg each /ha Root-dip treatment
Azospirillum, PSB
Spacing 20 × 20
(Row × plant) in cm
Basal application of Sources Quantity / ha
organic sources of
Compost 4.44 ton (fresh wt. 2.96 ton (dry wt.
basis) basis)
Seed rate (kg/ha) 25 kg/ha (black gram); 21 q/ha (lady’s
Pre-sowing/ Material used
planting treatment
Major weeds Biofertilizers i.e. Rhizobium &PSB (for
of seeds/ seedlings
Weed management Critical stages of Recommended practice for organic
weeding production
20-30 days after Mechanical weeding by Japanese Paddy
transplanting Weeder
Organic plant Name of the pests/ Organic materials Quantity required
protection measures diseases recommended for (kg/ha or lit/ha)
Insects like Mixture of cow 1 litre/ 250 litre of
caseworm, stem urine and neem leaf water/ha
borer, leaf folder, extract
plant hopper
Pumello fruit (after 30 kg/ha
making pieces)
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Organic Package of Practices for Selected Crops of Assam, 2021
Average yield under organic 6190 (potato yield) &4000 (French bean yield)
production (kg/ha)
Sources of availability Certified seeds of the recommended varieties are
available in Govt. agencies or other recognized
Suitable regions/ Zones/ UBVZ, CBVZ, NBPZ, BVZ
Districts in the state
Specific resistance/ tolerance French bean cv. Contender is resistant to most of the
to pests major insect-pests.
Specific resistance/ tolerance Kufri Megha is late blight resistant cultivar.
to disease
Field preparation: One deep ploughing followed by two harrowing and planking.
Cultural practice
Seed rate 22.5 q/ha (potato); 50 kg/ha (french bean)
Pre-sowing/ Material used Recommended rate Method of
planting application
treatment of
Biofor PF 500g/ q Seed treatment
seedlings (for potato)
Biofertilizers i.e. 5 kg/ha Seed treatment
Azotobacter &PSB (for
Biofertilizers i.e. 500 g each / 10 kg seed Seed treatment
Rhizobium & PSB (for
french bean)
Spacing For potato:50 × 15
(Row × For French bean: 45 × 30
plant) in cm
Basal Sources Quantity / ha
Compost 3.33 ton for potato + 2.22 ton for potato +
of organic
1.67 ton for French bean 1.11 ton for French
sources of
(fresh wt. basis) bean (dry wt. basis)
Vermicompost 1.63 ton for potato + 1.36 ton for potato +
0.82 ton for French bean 0.68 ton for French
(fresh wt. basis) bean (dry wt. basis)
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Mustard oilcake 0.49 ton for potato + 0.44 ton for potato +
0.24 ton for French bean 0.22 ton for French
(fresh wt. basis) bean (dry wt. basis)
Major weeds Chenopodium album, Amaranthus, Cyperus rotundas etc.
Weed Critical stages of Recommended practice for organic
management weeding production
20-25& 50-55 DAS Manual weeding by hand & using hoe
Organic Name of the pests/ Organic materials Quantity required
plant diseases recommended for (kg/ha or lit/ha)
protection control
Bio-fungicides Late blight of Potato 0.5 ml/litre of water
Field preparation: One deep ploughing followed by two harrowing and planking.
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Cultural practices:
Seed rate 21 q/ha (lady’s finger); 18 kg/ha (green gram)
Pre-sowing/ Material used Recommended rate Method of application
Biofertilizers i.e. 500 g each / 10 kg Seed treatment
treatment of
Azotobacter &PSB seed
(for lady’s finger)
Biofertilizers i.e. 500 g each / 10 kg Seed treatment
Rhizobium & PSB (for seed
green gram)
Spacing For lady’s finger: 30 × 15
(Row × For green gram: 30 × 10
plant) in cm
Basal Sources Quantity / ha
Compost 2.78 ton for lady’s 1.85 ton for lady’s finger
of organic
finger + 0.83 ton for + 0.56 ton for green gram
sources of
green gram (fresh (dry wt. basis)
wt. basis)
Vermicompost 1.36 ton for lady’s 1.13 ton for lady’s finger
finger + 0.27 ton for + 0.23 ton for green gram
green gram (fresh (dry wt. basis)
wt. basis)
Mustard oilcake 0.41 ton for lady’s 0.37 ton for lady’s finger
finger + 0.08 ton for + 0.07 ton for green gram
green gram (fresh (dry wt. basis)
wt. basis)
Major weeds Amaranthus, Pleibiumsp., Hydroliasp., Azaratumsp.,
Weed Critical stages of Recommended practice for organic production
management weeding
20-25 & 50-55 DAS Manual weeding by hand & using hoe
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organic sources of Compost 4.44 ton (fresh wt. 2.96 ton (dry wt.
nutrients basis) basis)
Vermicompost 2.18 ton (fresh wt. 1.81 ton (dry wt.
basis) basis)
Mustard oilcake 0.65 ton (fresh wt. 0.59 ton (dry wt.
basis) basis)
Major weeds Echinocloa crassgali, Echinocloa colona, Cyperrus spp., Eleusine
indica, Digiteria spp., Limnophyla munnularia, Luduigia spp.,
Fisindocarpa linifolia
Weed management Critical stages of Recommended practice for organic
weeding production
20-30 days after Mechanical weeding by Japanese Paddy
transplanting Weeder
Organic plant Name of the pests/ Organic materials Quantity
protection measures diseases recommended for required (kg/ha
control or lit/ha)
Insects like 20 kg neem leaf 10 litre/ 250 litre
caseworm, stem extract to be mixed of water/ha
borer, leaf folder, with10 lit of cow urine
plant hopper with 5 kg cowdung.
Keep the mixture for
48 hours for
incubation, squeeze it
and filter it.
Pumello fruit (after 30 kg/ha
making pieces)
Disease management Soil Treatment with Biogreen (T. viride based
Biopesticide - Plant Growth Promoting Microbe
(PGPM) and entomopathogens viz. Bacillus
thuringiensis, M. anisopliae, B. bassiana, V.
lecanii) @ 2.5 kg/ha (incubation 1:50)+ Seed
Treatment with Biogreen @ 5% + Foliar Spray
with Biogreen @ 5% at 45 DAS
Field preparation: One deep ploughing followed by two harrowing and planking.
Cultural practices:
Seed rate 8 kg/ha (toria); 100 q/ha (wheat)
Pre-sowing/ Material used Recommended rate Method of
planting application
treatment of Biofertilizers i.e. 500 g each / 10 kg Seed treatment
seeds/ seedlings Azotobacter &PSB (for seed
Spacing For toria: 30 × 10
(Row × plant) in For wheat: 30 × 10
Basal Sources Quantity / ha
application of Compost 3.33 ton for toria + 2.22 ton for toria +
organic sources 4.43 ton for 2.96 ton for
of nutrients wheat(fresh wt. wheat(dry wt. basis)
Vermicompost 1.63 ton for toria + 1.36 ton for toria +
2.18 ton for 1.81 ton for
wheat(fresh wt. wheat(dry wt. basis)
Mustard oilcake 0.49 ton for potato + 0.44 ton for potato +
0.65 ton for 0.59 ton for
wheat(fresh wt. wheat(dry wt. basis)
Major weeds Chenopodium album, Amaranthus, Cyperus rotundas etc.
Weed Critical stages of Recommended practice for organic
management weeding production
20-25& 50-55 DAS Manual weeding by hand & using hoe
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Organic Package of Practices for Selected Crops of Assam, 2021
1.1.1. Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)
a) Variety: Arka Anamika, Pusa Sawani, Parbhdani Kranti
b) Sowing time: May-July ( for rainy season crop)
c) Spacing: 50 cm X 45 cm
d) Seed rate: 8 kg/ha
Soil selection and land Preparation:
Well drained sandy loam to clay loam soil is suitable for okra cultivation. Before
liming @ 10-12 q/ha should be done to raise soil pH depending upon the soil test result
and mixed with the soil at least one month before sowing of seeds.
Application of manures and biofertilizers:
Rock phosphate @ 313 kg/ha and FYM @ 5 t/ha + Vermicompost @ 1 t/ha
should be applied before sowing of seeds.
Seed treatment:
Pre soaking of seeds in water for 24 hrs enhances germination. Floater seeds
should be removed and seeds are treated with a mixture of Azotobacter and PSB @ 7.5 g
each with 100 g of seeds.
Plant protection techniques:
i) Use of resistant varieties against yellow vein mosaic virus. Destruction of crop
residues after harvest and phyto-sanitation measures is to be adopted.
ii) Use of pheromone traps: Pheromone traps with lures are commercially available for
pests like Helicoverpa armigera(Heli lure), Spodoptera litura (Spodo lure) and E.
earias(Earias lure). Install 5 traps/ha with lures for each pest, keep the distance of
1200 square meters between the traps. Trap should be installed in the field in such a
way that the position of lure is always 6" above the crop canopy. Replace the lures
once in 25-30 days depending upon the weather conditions. The trapped moths should
be collected and destroyed regularly. ETL for H. armigera is 8 to 10 moths per day
per trap.
iii) Use of yellow sticky traps: Yellow sticky traps should be set up for monitoring
whitefly, thrips etc. @ 10 traps/ha. Locally available empty tins can be painted with
yellow colour and coated with castor oil/ grease on outer surface may also be used as
yellow sticky traps. However, yellow cart paper can be cut into the A4 size paper and
smeared it with 5 ml mustard oil also a good alternative of costly YST.
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Organic Package of Practices for Selected Crops of Assam, 2021
Before seed sowing, seed bed should be mixed thoroughly with 250 g neem cake
powder, 50 g Trichoderma viride and 25 g Pseudomonas fluorescens. Seeds treated with
Pseudomonas fluorescens powder @ 5 g with 100 g of seed along with little amount of
water followed by shade drying. After seed sowing, the seedbed should be watered
lightly and then seeds should be covered with a mixture of dried sieved cow dung and
Trichoderma viridi (Mixture 10 g of Trichoderma powder with 1 kg of cow dung
powder). This will reduce the soil borne plant pathogen.
Before sowing of seeds the seed bed should be mixed thoroughly with 250 g
neem cake powder, 50 g Trichoderma viride and 25 g Pseudomonas fluorescens.
Neem based insecticides such as pestoneem (2ml/ lit water) is to be sprayed to
the young seedlings whenever necessary.
Seedlings are to be transplanted to the main field after 25-30 days of sowing.
Before transplanting seedling roots are dipped in a slurry of Azotobacter (AZB) and
Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) mixture for 30 minutes (Slurry is prepared by
mixing 75 g AZB and 75 g PSB for 1000 Nos. of seedlings.
Soil selection and land Preparation:
Deep summer ploughing is advisable. Well drained sandy loam to clay loam soil
is suitable for cabbage cultivation. Before transplanting of seedlings the land has to be
ploughed and seeds of green manuring crops like Dhaincha or Sunhemp are sown in the
month of May. After one and half month or two months of sowing young green manure
plants are cut and incorporated with the soil by ploughing. Liming @ 10-12 q/ha should
be done to raise soil pH depending upon the soil test result and mixed with the soil at
least one month before transplanting of seedlings.
Application of manure and biofertilizers:
Rock phosphate @ 375 kg/ha and Vermicompost @ 5 t/ha should be applied
before transplanting of seedlings.
Plant protection techniques:
a) Follow crop rotation with non-cruciferous crops.
b) Deep summer ploughing helps in exposing resting stages of pests to predators and
c) Use of resistant varieties against black rot. Destruction of crop residues after harvest
and phytosanitation measures is to be adopted.
d) Use of pheromone traps: Pheromone traps with lures are commercially available for
pests like DBM, Plutella xylostella; Cabbage butterfly, Pieris spp.; Helicoverpa
armigera (Heli lure); Spodoptera litura (Spodo lure)etc. Install 8 traps/ha with lures
for each pest, keep the distance of 1200 square meters between the traps. Trap should
be installed in the field in such a way that the position of lure is always 6" above the
crop canopy. Replace the lures once in 25-30 days depending upon the weather
conditions. The trapped moths should be collected and destroyed regularly. ETL for
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Organic Package of Practices for Selected Crops of Assam, 2021
1.1.3. Cauliflower
Seedbed preparation, seedling raising and transplanting:
a. Selected land for seedbed preparation should be solarized with a thin transparent
polythene sheet (100 gauge) for one month before sowing of seed. Before
covering the bed with polythene sheet dried well rotted cow dung and sand (in
case of clay soil) @ 40 kg each per 5m2 should be mixed. Bed should be
moistened before covering and sides of the polythene sheet should be properly
covered with soil to restrict the entry of air.
b. Before sowing of seeds the seed bed should be mixed thoroughly with 250 g
neem cake powder, 50 g Trichoderma viride and 25 g Pseudomonas fluorescens.
c. Seeds are treated with Pseudomonas fluorescens powder @ 5 g with 100 g of
seed along with little amount of water. Seeds should be dried in shade before
sowing. After sowing, the seedbed should be watered lightly and then seeds are
covered with a mixture of dried sieved cowdung and Trichoderma viride
(Mixture 10 g of Trichoderma powder with 1 kg of cow dung powder).
d. Neem based insecticides such as pesto-neem (2 ml/ lit water) is to be sprayed to
the young seedlings whenever necessary.
e. Seedlings are to be transplanted to the main field after 25-30 days of sowing.
Before transplanting seedling roots are dipped in a slurry of Azotobacter (AZB)
and Phosphorus Solubilising Bacteria (PSB) mixture for 30 minutes (Slurry is
prepared by mixing 75 g AZB and 75 g PSB for 1000 Nos. of seedlings.
Soil selection and land Preparation:
Deep summer ploughing is advisable. Well drained sandy loam to clay loam soil
is suitable for cabbage cultivation. Before transplanting of seedlings the land has to be
ploughed and seeds of green manuring crops like Dhaincha or Sunhemp are sown in the
month of May. After one and half month or two months of sowing young green manure
plants are cut and incorporated with the soil by ploughing. Liming @ 10-12 q/ha should
be done to raise soil pH depending upon the soil test result and mixed with the soil at
least one month before transplanting of seedlings.
Application of manure and biofertilizers:
Rock phosphate @ 375 kg/ha and Vermicompost @ 5 t/ha should be applied
before transplanting of seedlings.
Before planting of seedlings in the main field, microbial consortium
(Azotobacter, PSB and KSB) is to be mixed with 2.5 t compost at a ratio of 1 : 100
(1.0% consortia in 100kg compost) and mixed properly and water is to be sprinkled and
heaped. The heaps are to be covered with a gunny bag. After 8-10 days the mixture
should be added to the pits meant for planting the seedlings. Wood ash and banana
pseudo-stem ash are to be applied along with the organic manure
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the seedlings are established and subsequent irrigations should be given whenever required.
Availability of water in soil should be as far as practicable uniform, otherwise splitting may
Use of black mulch (50 micron) between the rows control weeds and also conserves
soil moisture. Or weeding should be done at 20 and at 40 days after transplanting. Earthing
up can be done in about 30 days after planting.
Depending on variety, spacing and management practices the yield may vary from
250-280 q/ha.
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Organic Package of Practices for Selected Crops of Assam, 2021
Planting material:
Tomato is propagated by seeds. Seed selection is an important aspect in organic
tomato production. For raising nurseries, seeds of high yielding varieties with tolerance to
pests and diseases may be used. They should be carefully selected from certified organic
farms or from own seed plot which is raised organically. To start with, chemically untreated
seeds from local high yielding varieties could also be used, in the absence of organically
produced seeds.
Seed treatment:
Seeds should not be treated with any chemical fungicides or pesticides. Prior to
sowing, the seeds should be treated with Trichoderma at the rate of 1 g per 150 g of seeds.
Nursery development:
In order to grow saplings in the nursery, beds of 1 m x 3 m are prepared with a height
of 20 cm. Twelve to 15 beds are required for raising a nursery for planting 1 acre of land of
tomato. Soils are exposed to high temperatures, to prevent possible pest and diseases from
attacking the plants. After the beds are prepared 20 to 25 kg of farm yard manure along with
1.2 kg Neem cake is applied per bed. After necessary application of water the beds are
covered with thin white plastic sheets for raising the temperature without loss of moisture.
Such practice will further eradicate harmful bacteria and pests.
For cultivation of tomato during Rabi season, seeds should be sown in the nursery
during the month of August/September. The requirement of seed /acre is approximately 150 g.
Sowing of the seeds should be done in straight lines drawn at an interval of 5 cm with 2 cm
spacing between successive seeds implanted. Seeds are to be planted at a depth of 0.5 cm to 1
cm. After sowing the seed, a thin layer of soil should be used as covering. Then beds should
be covered by thin nylon nets keeping a gap of one foot from the bed and fully secured from
all sides by placing adequate soil on the borders of the net. This practice will prevent pest
infestation in the saplings.
20 to 25 days old seedlings are used for transplantation. They are transplanted in the
main field in rows with a spacing of 60 cm between rows and 50 cm distance between two
successive plants. Transplantation is done on one side of the channel keeping a distance of 30
cm. In the initial period, irrigation from the field channel is found to be adequate.
Irrigation should be provided once in 7-10 days depending on the soil and weather
Cultural practices:
The first irrigation is to be given immediately after transplanting and subsequent
irrigation at 10-15 days intervals depending on soil condition. Effective, non-chemical weed
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management begins with well planned, diverse crop rotations, especially those including
competitive cover (smother) crops. Attention is to be given to careful site selection to avoid
introduction of weed seeds and other propagules. Weeds are a big nuisance as they take up the
nutrients in the soil and can also harbor insects and diseases that cause harm to tomatoes.
These weeds start growing four to five weeks after transplanting the tomato seedlings. Hence
focus has to be on extensive weed control during this period. Weeds should not be allowed to
grow in numbers. Organic weed control can be achieved by using organic matter as mulches
as these restrict weed growth. Crop rotation, mulching, sanitation, and shallow tilling also
help in controlling the weeds. Use of black mulch (50 micron) between the rows control
weeds and also conserves soil moisture. One weeding after 20 days of transplanting. After
transplantation, regular weeding is required to be done to remove harmful weeds from the
field. The plants can be provided support with the help of small bamboo sticks to increase the
In order to maintain a fertile soil, organic matter should be added to it regularly.
If organic farming is being performed on own land since many years, the soil will have a
good nutrient content. Compost / Farmyard manures can also be added to further enrich
the soil. Application of organic manure is very important for tomato cultivation. Farm
yard manure of 10 t or 1-1.5 t of vermicompost per acre is generally applied. To prevent
the attack of soil borne plant pathogens, compost can be enriched with Trichoderma
harzianum based bio-formulation and FYM can be treated with T. harzianum based at
the rate of 500 g per a tractor load of manure. After mixing the required amount of
Trichoderma the manure should be allowed to remain in a heap covered with wet gunny
bag for proper culturing. Research result obtained in AAU revealed that Rock phosphate
@ 375 kg/ha and well decomposed FYM @10 t/ha or vermicompost @ 5 t/ha should be
applied before transplanting of seedlings for high yield.
Plant protection
a) Crop rotation with French bean reduces the bacterial wilt disease incidence. Crop
rotation with cereals, sesame, mustard and marigold to reduce nematode infestation.
b) Deep summer ploughing helps in exposing resting stages of pests.
c) Use of resistant varieties towards nematodes and bacterial wilt. Destruction of crop
residues after harvest and phyto-sanitation measures is to be adopted.
d) Use of pheromone traps: Pheromone traps with commercially available lures for
different pests like Helicoverpa armigera (Helilure), Spodoptera litura (Spodolure)
and DBM can be install @ 8 traps/ha, keeping a distance of at least 1200 square
meters between the traps. Trap should be installed in the field in such a way that the
position of lure is always 6" above the crop canopy. Replace the lures once in 25-30
days depending upon the weather conditions. The trapped moths should be collected
and destroyed regularly. ETL for H. armigera is 8 to 10 moths per day per trap.
a) Use of yellow sticky traps: Yellow sticky traps should be set up for monitoring
whitefly, thrips etc. @ 10 traps/ha. Locally available empty tins can be painted with
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yellow colour and coated with castor oil/ grease on outer surface may also be used as
yellow sticky traps. However, yellow chart paper can be cut into the A4 size sheets
and smeared it with 5 ml of mustard oil also a good alternative of costly yellow sticky
e) Intercropping a tall variety of marigold as a trap crop after every 16 rows of tomato
can be practiced to control fruit borer. Raising of marigold nursery should be 15 days
prior to tomato nursery, so that 25 and 40 days old tomato and marigold seedlings are
replanted. Maximum eggs laying is observed on marigold flowers are the movement
of larvae from marigold to tomato is not significant. Eggs and larvae are removed
from fields along with the flowers. This trap cropping system also helps in reducing
the root knot nematode infestation.
f) 6 releases of T. chilonis, T. priteosum @ 1,00,000/ha with weekly intervals starting
from fruit formation stage helps in controlling Lepidopteran pests .
g) Need based application of neem oil 500 ppm @ 5 ml /lit as an alternative to chemical
insecticides at an interval of 15 days.
h) Grow cowpea or pulses on the border area of the main crop to build up natural enemy
Table 3. Major Insect Pests of Tomatoes
Name Damage Control
Aphid Sucks sap; Vectors disease; Creates Insecticidal soap; Beneficial insects
honeydew which attracts sooty (ladybugs, lacewings,
mold; Misshapen foliage, flowers, etc.);Beauvaria bassiana;
and fruit Pyrethrum; Rotenone
Cutworm Cuts plant stem Apply parasitic nematodes to soil;
Wood ashes around stem; Moist
bran mixed with Bt scattered on soil
Fruitworm Feeds on foliage, flower, fruit Destroy infested fruit; Bt; Row
covers; Neem; Ryania
Whitefly Distorted, yellow leaves; Honeydew Insecticidal soap; Yellow sticky
which attracts sooty mold traps; Beneficial insects; Garlic oil;
Pyrethrum; Rotenone; Beauveria
Table 4. Tomato Diseases
Name Damage Control
Early blight Leaves have brown spots with Resistant cultivars; Sanitation at
(Alternaria concentric rings and yellow "halos"; season end; Mulching; Air
blight) Incidence increases in warm, humid circulation; Avoid water on leaves;
weather Rotation; Copper.
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Bacterial spot; Small, dark spots on leaves; Brown, Copper; Remove and destroy
Bacterial speck rough spots on fruit infested plants if severe
Bacterial Leaves have brown edges; Wilted Remove and destroy infested plants
canker leaves; Fruit has very small, dark
brown spot with white edges
Table 5. Other Problems of Tomatoes
Name Cause Effect Control
Blossom end Lack of calcium Sunken spot on Resistant cultivars;
rot; Blackheart blossom end of fruit; Add Ca to soil; Spray
Blackheart is internal with seaweed extract;
condition Mulch to keep moisture
level constant
Cracking Warm, rainy weather Fruits split open Resistant cultivars;
after dry spell Mulch to keep moisture
level constant
Catfacing Cool weather Malformed fruit with Row covers
scars near blossom end
Blossom drop Sudden temp. changes; Blossoms fall off Resistant varieties
Nights below 55°F; Hot before pollination
weather; Too little occurs
light; Too much/Too
little water; Too much
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1.2.1. Bhut Jolokia
1. Botanical name: Capsicum chinense
2. Variety: Local types are cultivated by farmers. Bhut jolokia has several
types based on size, shape and colour. Dark green types
have comparatively lesser incidence of diseases as
compared to Light green types.
3. Season of Cropping: Plains – Oct-Dec with irrigation and Jan-March without
Hills – Jan-April
4. Soil: The crop grows in a wide range of soils. Well drained sandy
loam rich in organic matter having good water holding
capacity with pH 6.0-6.5.
5. Sowing time: Sowing in Oct/Nov in the plains and Jan/Feb in the hills
6. Land preparation: The field should be prepared well with ploughing and
harrowing. Cross ploughing is advocated to avoid the
possibility of remaining un-ploughed strip.
7. Seed requirement: About 10g seeds are required in a bigha of land. One ha land
requires about 75g seeds
8. Seed Bed Preparation Seed collection:
and Seedling Raising Collect mature red ripe fruits from authentic source. The
mother plants should be free of diseases and in bearing of
healthy and true to type fruits
Extract the seeds manually using blades and forceps.
Always use hand gloves and spectacles for such work.
Wash the freshly extracted seeds in clean water and dry
under shade.
Seed sowing:
Prepare the nursery bed in well drained sunny area
measuring 5 1.00 m (w) x 15 cm (h) with length as per
Apply 20 kg sand or silt and 20 kg well decomposed sieved
cattle manure or compost per 10 m2 area and mix
Sow the germinated seeds thinly with great care in furrows
spaced at 2.5 cm.
Cover the seeds with a thin layer of treated mixture of sand
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14. Intercultural Mulching with organic material can also be practised for
Operations suppression of weeds. Mulching should be done with
shredded organic materials for conservation of soil
moisture, suppression of weeds and increase in soil organic
Staking may be required to provide mechanical support to
the plants.
15. Disease management Damping-off/Collar rot
Adopt proper nursery raising technique.
Apply Biozium (T. harzianum) @ 20 ml/kg against P.
Seed treatment with Trichoderma harzianum based
bioformulation like org-Trichojal @5 ml/kg of seed against
Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium spp.
Fruit rot
Collect the rotten fruits and destroy them.
Bacterial wilt
Soil application of Trichoderma viride based
bioformulation like Bioveer @ 2kg/m2 or Pseudomonas
fluorescence based bioformulation like Biofor-Pf-2 @
Follow 3-year crop rotation in infested soil by including
non-host crops like crucifers, maize etc.
Apply bio-control agent formulation like Biofor pf etc.
Infected plants MUST be discarded as soon as possible.
Leaf curl and Little leaf
Remove all the infected plants and weeds.
Grow seedlings in netted nursery.
Use 2-3 rows of trap crops like cotton, marigold along the
border. Sow the border crop at least 60 days before
transplanting of Bhut jolokia seedlings.
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1.2.2. Chilli
NP-46 A, Pusa Jwala and selected local varieties like Suryamukhi, Krishna, Khorika
jolokia and Balijuli
Well drained sandy loam rich in organic matter with pH6.0-6.5
Seed bed preparation and seedling raising:
a) Seeds are to be sown in the nursery and one month old seedlings are transplanted
to the main field. An area of 0.01 ha is required for raising seedlings for one
b) For sowing the seeds, raised seed beds of 90 to 100 cm width and convenient
length are prepared in open space with fertile topsoil to which well decomposed
organic matter has been incorporated.
c) Seed rate: 600-700 g/ha. 3-4 g of seeds should be sown per 10 sq. mtr
d) Seeds should be sown thinly in lines spaced at 40-45 cm and seedlings are thinned
out to proper spacing later on
e) Care should be taken to prevent incidence of damping off in the nursery. For this
add one kilogram of Trichoderma to 100 kg of dried farmyard manure and 10 kg
of neem cake spread under shade to which water is sprinkled for maintaining
moisture. Keep the mixture for fifteen days with intermittent turning.
f) To the nursery soil, add 1 kg of PGPR mix 1 at the time of bed preparation.
g) After sowing the seeds, mulch with green leaves and irrigate with a rose can daily
in the morning. At the time of irrigation, add Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 20 g/lit
at frequent intervals.
h) Remove the mulch immediately after germination of the seeds. Addition of diluted
(25 g/lit) cow dung slurry or cow urine (diluted 8 times) increases the vigour of
the seedlings.
i) Restrict irrigation one week before transplanting and irrigate heavily on the
previous day of transplanting.
Time of panting: December/January
Spacing: 45 cm x 45cm
Land preparation and transplanting
Land is prepared to a fine tilth by thorough ploughing or digging. Well rotten organic
manure is incorporated in the soil and seedlings are transplanted in shallow trenches or on
ridges / leveled lands according to season. Transplanted seedlings may be given temporary
shade for 3-4 days during hot days.
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a) Apply lime @ 500 kg/ha based on the acidity of soil 15 days before transplanting.
b) Apply FYM or compost @ 25t/ha as basal dose to which Trichoderma and PGPR
mix 1 each @ 2.5 kg /ha are mixed and kept for 15 days in shade.
c) Apply Pseudomonas and AMF at the time of transplanting. Instead of FYM, poultry
or powdered goat manure @ 1 t/ha can be applied.
d) Dip the roots in 2% Pseudomonas or PGPR mix 1 before transplanting to the field.
Top dressing of biofertilizers
Top dressing can be done at 7-10 days interval with any one of the following
a) Soil application of fresh cow dung slurry @ 1 kg/10 lit (50 kg/ha)
b) Soil application of biogas slurry @ 1 kg/10 lit (50 kg/ha)
c) Soil application of cow’s urine 500 lit/ha (8 times dilution)
d) Soil application of vermiwash-500 lit/ha (8 times dilution)
e) Soil application of vermicompost / poultry / powdered goat manure-1 t /ha
f) Soil application of groundnut cake1 kg/10 lit (50 kg/ha)
g) Foliar spray can be given with cow dung slurry/ vermiwash / cow’s urine.
After cultivation
a) Give pre-transplanting irrigation, if the soil is not moist enough. Irrigate at two or
three days' intervals during summer.
b) Stake the plants if necessary.
c) Weeding followed by organic manure application and earthing up may be done at
one and two months after transplanting.
d) Provide mulch in the field throughout the crop growth period with materials like
green leaves, plant residues, decomposed coir pith, coconut husk, straw, etc.
e) Use bio-degradable plastic film (20-25 Micron) as mulch Or apply rice straw
mulch @ 4-6 t/ha (5-6 cm thick) followed by one hand weeding at 75 days after
planting for effective weed management
Plant Protection
I. Insect pests:
a) Chilli Aphids: Spray neem oil -garlic emulsion (2%). Spray Verticillium lecanae
like Org-Vertijal @5 ml/litre or Metarhizium anisopliae based bioformulation like
Org-Metajal @ 5ml/litre. Release green lacewing bugs @ 50,000 eggs/ha.
b) Jassids: Spray neem oil-garlic emulsion (2%) or lemon grass/ginger extracts
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Plant Protection
I. Nematodes:
Neem cake @ 1 t/ha should be applied at planting. The same dose should be applied
again at 45 DAP.
II. Diseases:
a). Rhizome rot and bacterial wilt:
a. Sites having proper drainage should be selected for ginger cultivation. The seed
rhizomes are soaked in 5% talc formulated (50 g/lit) suspension of Pseudomonas
fluorescens P1 for 15 minutes before planting. To avoid the infection of disease
organic manure enriched with Trichoderma should be at the time of planting.
b) Spraying and drenching the plant with Pseudomonas fluorescens P1 / PGPR mix II at
45 days after planting (onset of monsoon) should be done and spraying and drenching
is repeated at monthly intervals based on disease incidence and intensity
Harvesting and processing:
For vegetable ginger, the crop can be harvested from sixth month onwards. For dry
ginger, the crop is harvested in between 245-260 days. After harvest, the fibrous roots
attached to the rhizomes are trimmed off and soil is removed by washing. Rhizomes are
soaked in water overnight and then cleaned. The skin is removed by scraping with sharp
bamboo splits or such other materials. Never use metallic substances since they will discolour
the rhizomes. After scraping, the rhizomes are sun-dried for a week with frequent turns. They
are again well rubbed by hand to remove any outer skin. This is the unbleached ginger of
1.2.4. Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Climate and soil:
Turmeric is a tropical herb and can be grown on different types of soil under irrigated
and rainfed conditions. Rich loamy soils having good drainage are ideal for the crop. It is a
shade tolerant crop with shallow roots suitable for intercropping and also as a component
crop in the homesteads where low to medium shade is available.
Seed material
Whole or split mother rhizomes are used for planting. Well developed, healthy and
disease free rhizomes are selected. Mother or finger rhizome @ 25 q t is required for one
Varieties: Tall Clone, Megha, Lacadan
Season and method of planting
Planting is done during April with the receipt of pre-monsoon showers. Rhizomes are
placed in furrows at 10 cm depth at a spacing of 45cm x 25 cm. and covered with soil or dry
powdered cattle manure.
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Treatment of rhizome with microbial consortia (Azospirillum + PSB + KSB) as slurry
@ 40 g consortia/ kg of dry cowdungl at planting for Turmeric along with application of
FYM 10 t/ha at the time of final land preparation. Such preparation will be sufficient to treat
5 kg of rhizome. As such for one hectare area 500 kg of cowdung and 20 kg microbial
consortia will be required.
After cultivation:
Weeding is done thrice at 60, 120 and 150 days after planting, depending upon weed
intensity. Removed weeds should be recycled by way of mulching. Earthing up the crop is
done after 60 days of planting.
Plant protection
I. Insect pests:
a). Rhizome rot, wilt and leaf spot diseases: The seed rhizomes are dipped in 5%
suspension of Pseudomonas fluorescens for 15 minutes before planting. Organic
manure enriched with Trichoderma is applied at the time of planting. Spraying
and drenching of the plants is done with Pseudomonas fluorescens P1 / PGPR mix
II at 45 days after planting (onset of monsoon). Spraying and drenching is
repeated at monthly intervals based on disease incidence and intensity.
Harvesting and curing:
Time of harvest depends on the variety and it usually extends from January to March.
Harvest early varieties at 7-8 months, medium varieties at 8-9 months and long duration
varieties at 9-10 months after planting.
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1.3.1. Banana (Musa spp.):
Banana prefers tropical humid low lands and is grown from the sea level to 1000 m
above MSL. It can also be grown at elevations up to 1200 m, but at higher elevations growth
is poor. Optimum temperature is 27°C. Soils with good fertility and assured supply of
moisture are best suited.
Rain fed crop: April - May
Irrigated crop: August - September
The time of plantings are to be adjusted so as to avoid high temperature and drought
at the time of emergence of bunches (7-8 months after planting).
Variety: Giant Cavendish/Malbhog
Preparation of land:
Field is prepared by 1 ploughing and 2 harrowing followed by leveling.
Pit making:
Pits are dug at a spacing of 1.8x1.8m. Pit size 50cmx50cmx50cm. In low lying areas
mounds can be prepared for planting.
Selection of suckers:
a) Sword suckers of 3-4 months old disease free healthy clumps should be selected.
Suckers should be removed one week after the harvest of the bunch.
b) Pseudo stem should be cut back to a length of 15-20 cm from corm and old roots
are to be removed. Rhizome weevil (black tunnels) and nematode (darkened
lesions) infected portions of corm and roots should also be removed.
c) The rhizome should be dipped in hot water (50°C) for 20 minutes to prevent
nematode infestation.
d) The rhizomes are to be smeared with cow dung solution and ash and dried in the
sun for about 3-4 days and stored in shade up to 15 days before planting.
e) Soaking the suckers in Pseudomonas fluorescens solution (2%) for 30 minutes
before planting is beneficial.
Spacing: 1.8 m × 1.8 m
System of planting: Square system of planting.
Total number of plants: 3086 Nos. per hectare
Suckers should be planted upright in the centre of pits with 5 cm pseudo stem
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remaining above soil level. Organic manures and Trichoderma harzianum (100 : 1) should be
applied in the pit before planting. Soil should be pressed around the sucker to avoid hollow
air spaces.
a. FYM or compost or green leaves @ 10 kg/plant at the time of planting.
b. 500 g of lime in the pit and allow to weather.
c. Vermicompost @ 2 kg / pit at the time of planting.
d. Groundnut cake/ neem cake @ 1 kg /pit at the time of planting.
e. N, P and K biofertilizer- PGPR mix I/microbial consortium @ 50-100 g/pit should
be applied at the time of planting. The biofertilizer should be mixed with 5 kg
FYM. It should be ensured that there is enough moisture in the soil at the time of
f. Panchagavya 3% as foliar spray three times at 3rd, 6th, and 9th months after
g. After planting bananas, sunhemp / dhaincha/ cowpea should be sown, adopting a
seed rate of 50 kg/ha (20 g/plant). Incorporate the crop into the soil 40 days after
sowing. Repeat sowing of green manure crop and incorporate into soil 40 days
after sowing. Compost made from banana leaves and bunch stalks is rich in
potassium content.
Additional nutrient requirement:
Apply FYM @ 15 kg, Rock phosphate @ 300 g and Ash @ 1.5 kg/plant
It is preferable to apply organic manures in two equal split doses at 2nd and 4th month
after planting.
a. Irrigation is needed once in three days during summer months.
b. Good drainage should be ensured; water logging should be prevented.
c. About 6-10 irrigation per crop may be given depending upon soil conditions and
frequency of rainfall
Weed control:
By growing cowpea in the inter spaces during early stages, completely control weeds.
Hand weeding by giving 4-5 surface diggings (depending upon weed growth) gives good
weed control. Deep digging should be avoided. Do not disturb soil should not be disturbed
after plants start producing bunches. If green manure crop is grown, weeding operations can
be reduced to 1-2 diggings. Mulching is an effective practice for controlling weeds.
Side suckers produced till the emergence of bunch should be removed. One or two
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a) Only healthy, pest free planting material should be selected.
b) The land should be ploughed deep so as to remove old rhizomes and expose inner
soil layer to sun.
c) Outer layer of rhizome (Paring) are to be cut and removed so as to remove eggs
and young ones of weevils. Suckers are to be dipped in slurry made of cow dung
and ash and dried in shade.
d) Split pseudo stem pieces of 2 ft long can be placed in the ground when plants are
5 month old. Weevils in the trap are to be collected and destroyed daily.
e) Pheromone trap should be used with Cosmolure / Cosmolure + (an aggregation
pheromone) to attract both sexes of weevil. The trap is to be kept throughout the
year; changing the site when the number of weevils collected is reduced.
Pheromone sachet is to be changed every45 days.
f) Soil around plants should be drenched or the plants are to be sprayed with
entomopathogens like Beauveria bassiana (dosage same as for pseudo stem
weevil). The quantity needed will depend on stage of the crop.
g) Crushed neem seed should be applied to the pit @ 1kg/plant
iii) Aphid (Pentalonia nigronervosa)
Aphid acts as a vector for the transmission of viral diseases of banana. Spraying of L.
lecanii @ 1 x 107 spores/ml should be sprayed, whenever aphid population is noticed.
iv) Banana fruit and leaf scarring beetles, Nodostoma subcostatum
a. Bunch covering with perforated plastic bags was the most promising in
reducing the beetle.
b. Four time filling of leaf axil with Beauveria bassiana
b) Four spray of Neem product (Azadiractin, 1500 ppm) @ 5ml/lit
II. Nematodes
Major species attacking banana are burrowing nematode (Radopholu ssp), root knot
nematode (Meloidogyne incognita), root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus coffeae) and cyst
nematode (Heterodera oryzicola). Reduction in the number of leaves, bunch weight and
number of fingers are the symptoms.
a) Paring the rhizomes and dipping in hot water at 45 -50°C for 20 minutes will
control nematodes.
b) Neem cake @ 1 kg/plant is to be applied at the time of planting.
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iv). Banana Bract Mosaic Disease (Kokkan disease): Virus disease transmitted by aphids
a) Use of disease free healthy suckers for planting.
b) Eradication of disease affected plants as and when noticed.
c) Spraying of neem based insecticide to control the vector.
v). Infectious Chlorosis (Cucumber Mosaic Disease)
a) Use disease free suckers for planting
b) Eradication infected plants.
c) Use neem based insecticide to control the insect vector.
d) Growing of cucurbitaceous vegetables as intercrop should be avoided in banana
The yield of banana depends on variety, plant diversity, management practices etc.
The tall varieties yield 12-15 t/ha while the dwarf varieties yield 25-30 t/ha.
Pineapple grows well in humid tropical conditions. The optimum altitude for
pineapple cultivation is 1100 m above mean sea level. The acidity of the flesh increases at
very high elevation. Pineapple is a drought resistant crop and optimum rainfall requirement is
1000-1500 mm per year. It has been reported that shade intensity up to 50 per cent is
optimum for satisfactory crop growth and yield; and it can be grown successfully as an
intercrop in areca nut, coconut gardens.
The best soil for pineapple cultivation is well drained, sandy loam with high organic
matter content. The pH should be within the range of 4.5 to 6.0. The plant cannot tolerate
water logging conditions and there should be a proper drainage facility if there is an
impervious sub soil. Heavy soil should always be avoided.
The important pineapple varieties for Assam are Kew, Giant Kew and Queen.
The varieties differ in growth habit and fruit size.
Selection of planting materials:
Suckers and slips are preferred for planting as they come to bearing earlier than the
crown and produce larger fruits. The suckers of 501-750 g and slips of 301-400 g are
considered as ideal planting materials.
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Planting time:
Planting of pineapple suckers can be done from April to October. However, April-
May planting is considered as the best time for better growth of the plants in Assam.
Planting system:
Pineapple is planted in a double row bed system for convenient intercultural
operations. The spacing is 30 cm x 60 cm x 90 cm i.e. the spacing between plant to plant is
30 cm in rows, row to row is 60 cm and 90 cm between two double rows. In this spacing,
44,000 numbers of plants can be accommodated.
Manures requirement and their application:
Pineapple removes large amounts of soil nutrients. Repeated cultivation of this crop
in the same land leads to drastic reduction in yield after a few years due to exhaustion of
nutrients in soil. For organic cultivation of pineapple, 10-15 t of FYM, 8 q of rock phosphate,
2 t neem cake, 45 kg Azospirillum, are required for one crop in one hectare.
Cultural operations:
Earthing up:
It is an essential operation in pineapple cultivation to provide better anchorage to the
plants. After application of biofertilizers, earthing up should be carried out. The roots of
pineapple are very shallow; the plants eventually lodge under high rainfall areas. Lodging of
plants at the time of fruit development results in lopsided growth, uneven development and
premature ripening of fruits. High density planting minimizes the risk of lodging as the plants
prop each other.
Weed management:
Weeds are a serious menace in pineapple gardens. Periodical weeding is must to
ensure better performance of crop. Weeding done by manually increases the cost of
production. Mulching with any organic materials like paddy straw, pineapple trash, saw dust
etc. or black polythene sheets is essential particularly under rain-fed conditions to reduce the
growth of weeds and conserve soil moisture.
Removal of suckers slips and crowns:
Suckers start growing with the emergence of inflorescence while slips grow with the
developing fruits. With the increased number of suckers fruit size increases but the fruit
maturity is delayed with the increase in number of slips. If slips are not required for further
planting, slips should be removed as early as possible. Crowns are not removed as this will
affect the appearance of fruit.
The first crop harvested after planting is termed as ‘the plant crop’. If suckers are
retained in the same place to develop the next crop, it leads to the ‘first ratoon’. The practice
of allowing the plant to produce consecutive crops without replanting is called ‘ratooning’. In
Assam, continuous rationing is practiced for more than 25-30 years. If rationing is continued
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for several years, yield gradually decreases. It is therefore advisable to practice the cropping
to 3 crops (plant crop followed by 2 ratoon crops) which is possible in 5 years of planting.
Flowering and fruit set:
One of the major problems in pineapple cultivation is the highly erratic flowering
behaviour of plants. Even under ideal management conditions, only about 20-50 per cent of
the plants flower after 15-18 months of growth. It affects continuous and regular supply to
the canning factories and markets. Generally, flowering in pineapples occurs during Feb-
March and only few plants flower during June-July. Regulation of flowering in pineapple is
very much essential. Pineapple plants highly respond to the applied chemicals used for
artificial induction. Pineapple can be artificially induced by application of Ethrel @ 100 ppm.
Flower inducing chemicals should be applied when the plants produce more than 35 numbers
of leaves to harvest marketable size fruits. The flower inducing chemicals are applied in the
early morning when there is no rain. Plants start flowering in 40 days and about 98 percent of
plants come to flower within 70 days after application of flower inducing chemicals.
Fruit growth and development:
After flowering, fruits mature in about 130-150 days depending upon variety and
climatic condition. The following treatments can be adopted to improve size and quality of
pineapple fruits.
Slips should be removed immediately after emergence, if number of slips increases
then fruit size and quality will decrease.
Removal or pinching of the innermost whorl of leaflets along with the growing tips of
the crowns after 40 days of flowering is found to increase the fruit weight by 15-20
per cent as compared to non-pinched plants.
The growth of suckers should be encouraged as it has positive impact on size and
quality of pineapple fruits.
Harvesting of fruits:
Yellow colour development at the basal half to two-third portion of fruit is taken as
the optimum stage of harvest for local markets. To prevent losses during transportation to the
distant markets, fruits are harvested when 1/3rd to 1/4th basal portion of fruits become yellow.
Harvesting should be done with a sharp knife by severing the fruit stalk retaining 5-7 cm of
the stalk. Slips and a part of the crowns are removed carefully. Great care should be taken in
handling the fruits as any mechanical injury on fruit skin may cause the fruit to rot quickly.
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Bio-formulation of Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat with target pests and diseases
b. Liquid formulation
Org-Metajal Metarhizium anisopliae Termite, aphid , scale insect Also
act as endophyte and give
induced resistance
Org-Trichojal Trichoderma harzianum Soil borne plant pathogen like
Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotium
rolfsii, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum,
Fusarium, etc.Also act as plant
growth enhancer
Org-Vertijal Verticillium leccanii Red spider mite, Scale insect
Org-Beauverijal Beauveria bassiana Rice hispa, Halopeltis, Tea
Mosquito bug, Fusarium etc.
Org-Cilliumjal Purpurocillium lilacinus Root knot nematode
Org-Pochojal Pochonia chlamydosporia Root Knot nematode
Org-Metahim Metarhizium anisopliae Termite, aphid, scale insect
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Organic product as soil enricher
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Rock Phosphate (10% P)
Azolla compost (5 %)
Compost wash (10%)
Azolla wash (10%)
Beneficial microbes @ 1%
Azospirillum, PSB & Azotobacter (Biofertilizer agent)
Pseudomonas fluorescens (PGPR)
Trichoderma viride (Biocontrol agent)
n) The compost is then ready for use.
2. Method of Azolla caroliniana Cultivation
A low cost rapid multiplication method of Azolla caroliniana developed in the Soil
Microbiology & Biofertilizer Laboratory, AAU, Jorhat as follows:
Dig out a pit in the ground of size 2 m x 1 m x 0.20 m and level
Place good quality polythene to cover the pit
Raise the bund through mud plastering all around the pit
Maintain water level at 10-20 cm
Add 10 g each of SSP, MOP & Zn Sulphate plus 200 g of dried powdered
Apply 300-400 g of fresh A. caroliniana in the pit
Multiply Azolla for 15 – 20 days until a thick Azolla mat is formed and by this
time there will be increase in fresh biomass to the tune of 8 -10 times.
For continuous harvest of fresh Azolla, 10-15 numbers of the above sized pits
are required
The maximum cost of each pit is approximately Rs. 80-90 and can be used for
two years.
3. Preparation of Bordeaux mixture and Bordeaux paste
Bordeaux mixture and Bordeaux paste are broadly used fungicides discovered by
Professor Millardet of Bordeaux University, France discovered Bordeaux mixture in 1882.
Required Ingredients for preparation of Bordeaux mixture: (For 1 % solution)
Copper sulphate (CuSO4 5H2 O): 10 g
Quick lime (CaCO3): 10 g
Water: 1 litre
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The solution is now filtered and the clean solution is to be mixed again with 10 lit of
The extract is effective against aphids, whiteflies, diamondback moth ants etc.
G. Garlic extract
500 g of garlic is grinded and put it into 8 lit of water.
The solution is now kept for 2 to 3 days before spraying.
After that, the solution is filtered to get clean liquid and it is very effective against
sucking pests( aphids, jassids, whiteflies etc.)
For most of the natural sprays, it is necessary to spray every 3 to 5 days until the
problem has finished.
H. Garlic clove extract
Chop clean garlic bulbs, make them into paste and soak with equal volume of
kerosene and allow the mixture to stand still for overnight. Mix it and filter with fine
Muslin cloth. Add 150 g of soap powder to the mixture and store in a clean glass
bottle for further use.
I. Cow dung extract
Collect fresh cow dung, dissolve it at the rate of 100 g keep in 100 ml of water, keep
overnight. Filter it through muslin cloth. Dilute by adding 10 lit of water and spray in
the evening hours. It will cure the bacterial leaf blight disease of rice.
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