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Madras Agric. J.

, 99 (4-6): 244-247, June 2012

Influence of Drip Fertigation on Growth and

Yield of Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L.)

R. Govindan* and T. Myrtle Grace

Department of Agronomy,
Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai - 625 104.

Field experiment was conducted at Central farm, Agricultural College and Research Institute,
Madurai, during rabi 2009 - 2010 to study the Influence of drip fertigation on the growth and
yield of rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.). Drip irrigation was scheduled once in three days and
fertigation was given once in six days as per the treatment schedule. Observations on growth,
yield attributes and yield of rice were recorded. Drip irrigation at 150 per cent PE+ drip
fertigation of 100 per cent (RDF)+ azophosmet + humic acid recorded 19 per cent increased
yield as compared to drip irrigation at 125 per cent PE+100 per cent RDF through drip. The
increase in rice grain yield with drip irrigation at 150 per cent PE+ drip fertigation of 100 per
cent RDF + azophosmet + humic acid was mainly attributed by greater and consistent availability
of soil moisture and nutrients which resulted in better crop growth, yield components and
ultimately reflected on the grain yield.

Key words: Drip fertigation, Azophosmet, Humic acid, Rice

Rice is the dominant cereal crop in many “We may have to change the way rice is produced in
developing countries and is the staple food for more the future” and a new theme “Grow more rice with
than half of the world’s population. More than 75 per less water” is gaining attention in all the rice growing
cent of the annual rice supply comes from 79 million regions. Rice production system will have to sustain
ha of irrigated paddy land. The present and future itself with lesser water supply. To safeguard food
food security of Asia depends upon the irrigated rice security and preserve precious water resources,
production system. In Asia, more than 50 per cent of ways must be explored to grow rice using less water
water available for irrigation is used for irrigated rice (Belder et al., 2002). Fertigation is a relatively new
(Barker et al., 1999). Water use in irrigated rice is but revolutionary concept in applying fertilizer through
high because the crop is grown under low land irrigation. It helps to achieve both fertilizer-use
condition, the soil is puddled and the field is kept efficiency and water-use efficiency. When fertilizer
flooded with 3 to 5 cm depth of water after is applied through drip, it is observed that 30 per
transplanting until 10 days before harvest. Because cent of the fertilizer could be saved (Sivanappan and
of continuous presence of ponded water, there is a Ranghaswami, 2005). Fertigation provides the
huge loss of water by evaporation, seepage and essential nutrients directly to the active root zone,
percolation out of the root zone (Castaneda et al., thus minimizing the loss of expensive nutrients which
2002). Thus, Indian farmers are using as much as ultimately helps in improving the productivity and
15,000 liters of water to produce one kg of rice when quality of farm produce. Hence, the present study
the maximum requirement is only 4,000 liters (Cyril was undertaken to study the influence of drip
Kanmony, 2001). Water requirement to produce one fertigation on the growth and yield of rice varieties
kg of rice is about two to three times more than the (Oryza sativa L.) under drip fertigation system on
water required for producing one kg of other cereals the growth, yield parameters and yield of rice.
such as maize or wheat. Until recently, this amount
Material and Methods
of water has been taken for granted. Now, however,
the water crisis threatens the sustainability of The present study on the Influence of drip
irrigated rice ecosystems. The need to produce more fertigation on the growth and yield of rice varieties
rice with less water is crucial for food security for (Oryza sativa L.) was carried out during rabi 2009 –
many Asian countries where water scarcity for 2010 at Central farm, Agricultural College and
agricultural use is increasing. Research Institute, Madurai, Tamil Nadu Agricultural
Worldwide, new rice cultivation practices are University, Tamil Nadu, India, located in the southern
being evaluated due to the need for saving water in agro climatic zone of Tamil Nadu, at 9o54’ N latitude
the face of increasing shortage. In the words of Dr. 78o54’ E longitude and at an elevation of 147 m
Bouman, rice irrigation scientist at IRRI, Philippines, above mean sea level. The daily mean maximum
and minimum temperatures during rabi season
Corresponding author email: govindan.agr@gmail.com were 31.6 and 21.8 oC, respectively. The daily mean

pan evaporation per day was 3.2 mm with relative Volume of water required (l)
humidity of 79.6 per cent during the season. During Time of application =
Emitter discharge
the cropping season, the crop received a total of 332.2 (lit ha-1) x No. of emitters / plot
mm of rainfall. The soil of the study area was clayey
Design and layout of the experiment
with a pH of 7.4, available N, P, K status of 180, 10
and 312 N P K kg ha-1 respectively. The organic The experiment was laid out in Factorial
carbon content was 0.48% and EC 0.42 dSm-1. Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with three
replications with a plot size of 24 m × 4 m.
Preparation of field
The treatmental structure comprised of two
The experimental field was made to good tilth
factors viz. two varieties and four drip fertigation
condition by ploughing with tractor drawn disc
plough followed by ploughing with cultivator thrice.
The clods were broken with rotavator and the field Varieties: V1 - PMK (R) 3, V2 - ARIZE 6444
was leveled. T1 - Drip irrigation at 125 % PE +100% RDF through
Raised bed formation drip
T2 - Drip irrigation at 150 % PE +100% RDF through
Raised beds were formed manually with a top
bed width of 70 cm and furrows were formed to a
width of 30 cm and good tilth condition was made in T3- Drip irrigation at 125 % PE +100 % RDF through
the bed for easy sowing of seeds for early drip + Azophosmet + Humic acid
germination. T4- Drip irrigation at 150 % PE +100 % RDF through
Method of sowing
drip + Azophosmet + Humic acid
Control- Surface irrigation + soil application of
Seeds were soaked in water for 12 hrs and shade
recommended dose of fertilizers (Maintained
dried for 12 hrs. The seeds were sown direct spot
outside the experiment for comparison).
seeding and covered in line over the raised bed at
the spacing of 20 x 15 cm. Fertigation - Once in 6 days as per crop demand
from 15 DAS to 98 DAS.
Lay out of drip system

The water source is an open well. Water was Azophosmet seed treatment: 0.2 kg per 5 kg
pumped through 7.5 HP motor and it was conveyed seeds, soil application: 2.0 kg ha-1 (basal).
to the main field using 90 mm of PVC pipes after Liquid biofertilizers: 500ml ha -1 at panicle
filtering through sand and screen filter. From the initiation and flag leaf stages-two days after
mainline water was taken to the field through sub fertigation. Humic acid was applied through drip
mains of 63 mm diameter PVC pipes. From the sub fertigation @ 500 ml ha-1 at panicle initiation and
main, 12 mm laterals were fixed at a spacing of 100 flag leaf stages-two days after azophosmet
cm at the rate of one lateral in the centre of every application.
raised bed. The emitters in the inline laterals are
fixed at 20 cm. A 16 mm tap was fixed at the head of Results and Discussion
each lateral in order to regulate the irrigation regimes Plant growth parameters
and fertigation levels and laterals were closed with
end plug. The drip irrigation system was well Generally, increased levels of irrigation regime
maintained by flushing and cleaning the filters. After through drip system with fertigation favoured plant
installation, trial run was conducted to assess mean height positively (Table 1). Drip irrigation at 150 per
dripper discharge and uniformity coefficient of the cent PE + drip fertigation of 100 per cent RDF +
system. azophosmet + humic acid registered higher plant
height as compared to drip irrigation at 125 per cent
Drip irrigation schedule PE+ drip fertigation of 100 per cent RDF. The
First irrigation was given immediately after increased plant height to the tune of 5.5 per cent
sowing and subsequent irrigations were scheduled under this treatment might be due to the continuous
once in three days based on the daily pan availability of the required quantity of water along
evaporation. The irrigation was given at 125 % PE with the required nutrients. Drip irrigation of 150 per
and 150 % PE as per treatments. The quantity of cent PE+ 100 per cent RDF as drip fertigation+
water was calculated as follows. Azophosmet + Humic acid (T4) recorded higher plant
height at active tillering (56.5 cm), panicle initiation
Volume (lit ha-1) = PE × Kp × Area (m2) (82.6 cm) and maturity stages (103.6 cm). The lower
PE = pan evaporation plant height was recorded in drip irrigation of 125
per cent PE+ drip fertigation of 100 per cent RDF.
K p= Pan Factor (0.80) Growth reduction under the irrigation regime at 125
Time of operation of drip system to deliver the per cent PE + drip fertigation of 100 per cent RDF
required volume of water per plot was computed was In proportion to the reduction in soil moisture
based on the formula status in tune with irrigation water input (Table1).

Table 1. Influence of drip fertigation on plant height (cm) of rice varieties cv. PMK(R) 3 and ARIZE 6444
Stages Active tillering stage Panicle initiation stage Maturity stage
Treatment PMK(R)3 ARIZE6444 Mean PMK (R)3 ARIZE6444 Mean PMK(R)3 ARIZE6444 Mean
T1 52.2 50.6 51.4 84.2 66.4 75.3 112 84.4 98.2
T2 53.7 51.5 52.6 85.9 67.7 76.8 114 85.4 99.7
T3 58.3 52.7 55.5 87.4 68.8 78.1 115.4 86.5 100.9
T4 59.7 53.3 56.5 89.4 75.8 82.6 119 88.1 103.6
Mean 56 52 86.7 69.7 115.1 86.1
SEd 0.39 0.56 0.79 1.18 1.67 2.36 0.95 1.35 1.91
CD(0.05) 0.85 1.2 1.7 2.54 3.59 5.08 2.05 2.89 4.1
Bouman and Tuong (2001) stated that when rice is recorded significantly higher root length at all stages
subjected to moisture stress lead to inhibition of of crop growth, which produced 23.9 cm (active
leaf production, decline in leaf area, reduction in tillering), 29.8 cm (panicle initiation) and 32.8 cm
plant height, reduced tillering and enhanced leaf (maturity stage). The variety ARIZE 6444 (V2) with
senescence. drip irrigation at 150 per cent PE+ drip fertigation of
100 per cent RDF + Azophosmet + Humic acid (V2T4)
Root length (cm)
recorded the highest root length at all the stages of
Root length of rice was significantly influenced crop growth (27 cm, 33.7 cm and 37.1 cm at active
by varieties and available soil moisture under drip tillering, panicle initiation and maturity stages
fertigation system(Table 2). Variety ARIZE 6444 (V2) respectively.
Table 2. Influence of drip fertigation on root length (cm) of rice varieties cv. PMK(R) 3 and ARIZE 6444
Stages Active tillering stage Panicle initiation stage Maturity stage
Treatment V1 V2 Mean V1 V2 Mean V1 V2 Mean
T1 19.2 21.4 20.3 24.1 26.7 25.4 26.5 29.4 28.0
T2 20.1 22.7 21.4 25.1 28.4 26.7 27.6 31.2 29.4
T3 20.9 24.4 22.6 26.1 30.5 28.3 28.7 33.5 31.1
T4 22.0 27.0 24.5 27.5 33.7 30.6 30.3 37.1 33.7
Mean 20.6 23.9 25.7 29.8 28.3 32.8
SEd 15 0.22 0.31 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.27 0.39 0.55
CD(0.05) 0.33 0.47 0.67 0.54 0.76 1.08 0.60 0.84 1.19

Number of tillers per hill The variety ARIZE 6444 (V2) recorded 43 per cent
The variety ARIZE 6444 (V2) under drip irrigation increased grain yield than PMK(R) 3 (V1). This might
at 150 per cent PE+ drip fertigation of 100 per cent be due to enhancement in growth and yield
RDF+ azophosmet + humic acid (V2T4) registered parameters as well as uptake of nutrients by this
significantly highest number of tillers per hill at active variety. Obviously, the cumulative effects of these
tillering (28.5), panicle initiation (45.7) and maturity parameters contributed to increased yield. The
stages (32.0)(Table 3).This was followed by Variety variety ARIZE 6444 (V2) recorded higher grain yield
ARIZE6444 (V2) with drip irrigation at 125 per cent (5426 kg ha-1), when compared with the variety
PE + drip fertigation of 100 per cent RDF + PMK(R) 3 (3795 kg ha-1). Drip irrigation at 150 per
Azophosmet + Humic acid (V2T3) which produced cent PE+ drip fertigation of 100 per cent RDF +
26.6 (active tillering), 42.6 (panicle initiation) and Azophosmet + Humic acid recorded 19 per cent
29.8 (maturity stages) tillers per hill (Table 2). Similar increased yield compared to drip irrigation at 125
results were expressed by (Bharambe et al., 1997) per cent PE+100 per cent RDF through drip. The
and Vijayakumar (2009). increase in rice grain yield with drip irrigation at 150

Table 3. Influence of drip fertigation on number of tillers per hill of rice varieties cv. PMK(R) 3 and ARIZE
Stages Active tillering stage Panicle initiation stage Maturity stage
Treatments PMK (R) 3 ARIZE6444 Mean PMK (R) 3 ARIZE6444 Mean PMK (R) 3 ARIZE6444 Mean
T1 20.4 24.2 22.3 30.5 38.7 34.6 24.4 27.1 25.8
T2 21.4 25.4 23.4 32.1 40.6 36.3 25.7 28.4 27.0
T3 23.1 26.6 24.9 34.7 42.6 38.6 27.8 29.8 28.8
T4 24.4 28.5 26.5 36.1 45.7 40.9 29.3 32.0 30.4
Mean 23.0 26.8 34.0 42.8 27.3 30.0
SEd 0.21 0.30 0.42 0.22 0.31 0.44 0.19 0.28 0.39
CD(0.05) 0.45 0.64 0.91 0.47 0.66 0.94 0.42 0.60 0.85
Grain and Straw yield (kg ha-1)

per cent PE+ drip fertigation of 100 per cent RDF + Vijayakumar (2009). Higher straw yield of 7038 kg
azophosmet + humic acid was mainly attributed to ha-1 was recorded under the variety ARIZE 6444 (V2).
greater and consistent availability of soil moisture Drip irrigation at 150 per cent PE+ drip fertigation of
and nutrients which resulted in better crop growth, 100 per cent RDF+ azophosmet+ humic acid (T4)
yield components and ultimately reflected on the registered significantly higher straw yield (6552 kg
grain yield. Similar results were expressed by ha-1). Straw yield was found to be lesser under drip
Table 4. Influence of drip fertigation on straw yield (kg ha-1) and grain yield (kg ha-1) of rice varieties cv.
PMK(R) 3 and ARIZE 6444
Treatment Straw yield (kg ha-1) Grain yield (kg ha-1)
PMK (R) 3 ARIZE 6444 Mean PMK(R)3 ARIZE 6444 Mean
T1 4818 6287 5553 3588 4789 4188
T2 4935 6839 5888 3793 5256 4525
T3 5180 7326 6253 3803 5686 4745
T4 5402 7701 6552 3997 5975 4986
Mean 5084 7038 3795 5426
SEd 92 131 185 96 136 192
CD(0.05) 198 280 397 206 292 412
irrigation at 125 per cent PE+ drip fertigation of 100 Total water used (mm)
per cent RDF (T1).Variety ARIZE 6444 (V2) with drip Drip irrigation is an efficient method to deliver
irrigation at 150 per cent PE+ drip fertigation of 100 water and nutrients to the plants because water is
per cent RDF+ Azophosmet+ Humic acid (V2T4) was directly applied to the effective root zone of crop
found to be better as it recorded the straw yield of plants. The loss of water is minimum and that
7701 kg ha-1 (Table 4).
Table 5. Influence of drip fertigation on straw yield total water used (mm) of rice varieties cv. PMK(R) 3
and ARIZE 6444
Planting Systems Irrigation water (mm) Effective rainfall (mm) Total water (mm)
PMK (R) 3 ARIZE 6444 PMK (R) 3 ARIZE 6444 PMK (R) 3 ARIZE 6444
DI at 125 % PE 426.3 478.4 108.9 108.9 535.2 587.3
DI at 150 % PE 504.8 569.3 114.8 114.8 619.6 684.1

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cent higher than the drip irrigation at 125 per cent 51-61p.
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2002. IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines, pp. 165-176.
Azophosmet + Humic acid (HA) (V 2 T 4 ) and
maximized the yield, in addition to better crop growth, Cyril Kanmony, 2001. Conservation of water. Kissan World.
Aug. 2001 pp. 27-28.
higher yield attributes, yield and substantial quantity
of water saving. Thus, it clearly indicated the Sivanappan R.K. and Ranghaswami, M.V. 2005. Technology
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higher water productivity; higher fertilizer use
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Received: July 18, 2011; Revised: March 3, 2012; Accepted: March 6, 2012

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